the winning team - eternally blessed...footnote no.1, line 5: ii corin-thians should be ii...

Post on 04-Sep-2021






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At the Rock of Ages the apprenticeCorps will meet with The Way CorpsDirector to begin their first year in theCorps.

will be sent a pre-application packetconsisting of a Way Corps policies andprocedures sheet, an instruction sheetand an application card. Read thepolicies and procedures sheet carefullyand then if you are interested in applyingfor The Way Corps, we request that adonation of $25 be submitted with eachapplication card to help defray adminis-trative expenses. At that time, anapplication packet will be sent to you.

By June 15, the application, com-puter card, both letters of recommenda-tion, and all school transcripts (highschool, college, GED scores) MUST bein. The medical form should becompleted and returned to The WayCorps Director by July 1. Applicantswill be notified sometime before theRock of Ages by The Way CorpsDirector whether or not they hive beenaccepted.

CORRECTIONS: The Way Maga-zine would like to make the follow-ing corrections to the March/April issue: Page 5,. column 1,footnote No.1, line 5: II Corin-thians should be II Chronicles.Page 5, column 2, par. 5, line 5:Numbers 9: 33 should be Numbers9:3. Page 6, column 2, footnoteNo. 3 and page 7, column 1,footnote No.4: Appendices tothe book are not yet published.Page 7, chart: "Beginning of Feastof Weeks" under the 15th of Nisanshould be deleted. Page 24, column1, par. 1, line 2: clean should beclear.


Pentecost this year marks the begin-ning of summer Power for AbundantLiving classes. What more appropriategift to give today than PFAL?

The. time is also fast approachingwhen new students and grads jointogether at one of two locations for thetwo Advanced Classes running concur-rently this year: July 19-31 at The WayCollege of Biblical Research, IndianaCampus, Rome City, Indiana; and July21-August 1 at The Way College ofEmporia, Emporia, Kansas. Lookingforward to seeing you there. (.J


Earlier this year I wrote for The WayCorps and our believers a short declara-tion of "What It Takes to Be God'sBest," adapted from an address by thelate Vince Lombardi, coach of theGreen Bay Packers. I would now like toset for you a related truth which isillustrated in the athletic arena.

My friend, Glenn Clark, a greatteacher and football coach, would besure before his football team played agame that they had settled all differencesamong themselves. He knew that thehalfback could not be jealous of thequarterback or the guard hold a grudgeagainst the tackle if the team expectedto win. Those athletes had to love oneanother without carrying any bitter-ness among themselves. That's whatmakes a winning team.

If athletes can learn to work togetherin love in order to excel at a pastimesport, surely God's people should havethe joy of constant success. But so-called "Christianity" has become alosing team because it has failed to givethe love of God regnancy in its members.True Christianity esteems the love ofGod higher than denominationaldifferences. The household team ofbelievers bears no animosity in itsranks so that it can move forth withCod's'Word in a powerful, united way.

God's household team contests inlife's highest game without one memberever having to lose, unless it is throughhis own lack of commitment or failureto renew his mind to love's supremacyin the Body of Christ.

If God's household team is going totravel light by walking without bitter-ness or anger, we must also walk inforgiveness. There will always be somedifferences among believers, for noone can walk perfectly, but with forgive-ness in operation the sharpness ofdifference softens with God's tender-ness and mercy. What is required of thebeliever is whatever it takes to standand walk together on God's Word.Without forgiveness, Satan will get anadvantage of us and we will not maintainour triumphant place on God's winningteam.

God's Word issues a clear commandto God's household team, defining love'sway for us.Romans 12:21:Be not overcome of evil, but overcomeevil with good.The believer should not allow evil toprevail in his life, not even to thesmallest degree. He is to overcome theinfluence and persecutions of theAdversary by doing good. That meansthat the believer is on the offensive

with God's Word, reaching out withits goodness and delivering power. Evilwill not overcome the believer who isallowing love to govern his thoughtsand actions.

God's household is a first-place-onlyteam. When God gave the gift of holyspirit to believers on the day of Pente-cost, He formed a team in which everyindividual has spiritual winning poten-tial, which is God in Christ in you. Godnever intended His household to lose byallowing the Adversary to divide andconquer. Without the love of God in therenewed mind in manifestation bindingus together, we are nothing. When God'sbest, the believers, set aside differences,jealousies or whatever hinders themfrom standing together on God's Word,they guarantee victory to God's winninghousehold team. We should experiencethe fantastic reality of being more thanconquerors, victorious together day byday. We of The Way Ministry can showthe divided, unloving world of "losers"the greatest love and unity they haveever seen. Give your head, your heart,your all to the success of the outreachof God's Word. I would be thrilled tohave the privilege of commissioningyou as a WOW Ambassador at the Rockof Ages this year.

J~~~·uJ~The Way Magazine/May-June 1980 29

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