the word on worship order of worship - · pdf filedarkness vs light john 3:20 for every ......

Post on 11-Feb-2018






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Exodus 34:14

For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous,

is a jealous God.

Darkness vs Light

John 3:20

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light,

neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

Scripture Memorisation



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3 Call to Worship Eld Alan Choy Hymn 24: Praise to the Lord, The Almighty*Invocation & Gloria Patri*Responsive Scripture Reading* Psalm 132:1–18Song Presentation Gethsemane Children’s Choir Hymn 195: O Love Divine! Collection of Offerings Doxology & Prayer* Hymn 237: Revive Us AgainChildren’s Sermon & Scripture Memorisation Pastoral Prayer Sermon Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy

“The Word of God & The Neglect of Religious Duty” Haggai 1:1–4

Holy Communion Hymn 178: At the CrossHymn 188: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Benediction & Threefold Amen*

* Congregation Standing

Order of WorshipThe Word on Worship


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Today, 3 November Next Lord’s Day, 10 November9.00 – 10.00 am CHURCH CHOIR & CHILDREN’S CHOIR CHURCH CHOIR & CHILDREN’S CHOIR


10.30 amCH





Worship Leader: Gan Chin HwiPreacher: Pr Daniel LimMusician: Sarah YapFlowers: Ivy SeahUshers: Sam Cheah, Leow Beng Wee

Worship Leader: Pr Kelvin LimPreacher: Pr Kelvin LimMusician: Eunice ChoyFlowers: Roscelle LimRefreshments: Katherine PehUshers: Robert Ooi, Johnny Lim






Worship Leader: Eld Alan ChoyPreacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas KoshyMusicians: Chloe Pawa, Eunice ChoyUshers: Jeremiah Sim, Jimmy Tan, Marcus Lim, Chan Tuck Whye, John Peh, Benny SkariahGreeter: Mong Jee PawaAV Ministry: Crew No. 1Flowers: Angela AngRefreshments: Cecilia Siah, Davina Lim, Joanna LimJunior Worship: Diana Chan (Mabel Lim), Winnie Yap (Esther Quek), Samuel Yong

Worship Leader: Dn Lok Kwok WahPreacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas KoshyMusicians: Jasmine Low, Sarah LeeUshers: Low Chip Hung, Edwin Quek, Ho Kee How, Andy Lee, David Tan, Jason LowGreeter: Sally LumAV Ministry: Crew No. 2Flowers: Zuo Bai YeRefreshments: Ruth Low, Corliss Tan, Chong Shu MunJunior Worship: Sarah Yong (Jenice Choy), Melissa Mah (Sarah Yap), Mah Lean Choo

1.30 pm





ICE Worship Leader: Pr Dennis Kabingue

Preacher: Pr Dennis KabingueMusician: Dorcas KoshyUsher: Anthony EvangelistaRefreshments: Rhodora Resuma

Worship Leader: Pr Dennis KabinguePreacher: Pr Dennis KabingueMusician: Carmen WongUsher: Randy LaurencioRefreshments: Juvy Baybayanon


Song Leader: Melissa MahNursery-P2: Carolyn KoshyP3-P6: Pr Kelvin Lim

Song Leader: Carolyn KoshyNursery-P2: Pastor KoshyP3-P6: Pastor Koshy

3.30 pm




ME Venue: 487 Bedok South Ave 2

English Speaker: Eld Alan ChoyDialect Speaker: Pr Jeremiah Sim

Venue: 41 Toa Payoh RiseEnglish Speaker: Dn Arvind PawaDialect Speaker: Pr Jeremiah Sim


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Psalm 122:1I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.

It is the special delight of everyone who loves God to go into the house of the LORD to worship Him. When the day of worship comes, they love to be where God’s people are gathered together. Their hearts rejoice when others tell them it is time to go to the house of the LORD.

The psalmist tells us that when he was invited by others to go to the house of the LORD, he was glad. Obviously, he was eagerly waiting to go to the place where they worshipped God. So he accepted the invitation joyfully.

A child of God is unlike those who rejoice in going to the house of wickedness. He does not rejoice in worldly pleasures. He is not charmed by the sound of worldly music. He detests their unwholesome speech. He dreads the sounds and sights of the houses of sin.

He would rather be in the presence of the LORD and His people. His heart yearns to join the people of God in singing hymns of praise, in praying, in hearing the Word of God, and in serving the LORD.

May our hearts find joy in the house of the LORD! May our excitement to be in the house of the LORD inspire others! Let us cheerfully encourage one another

to gather together to worship the LORD in His house.

Hebrews 10:25Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Church gatherings should not be neglected. They are very important to every Christian’s spiritual growth.

On the Lord’s Day, we must make every effort to participate in the worship service, Sunday school, evangelism, etc. Worshipping the Lord is our greatest duty. We must be determined to avoid all other

3 November 2013

Rejoice in Christian Gatherings Prabhudas Koshy



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programmes and activities on that day so that we will be found in the Lord’s house to serve Him. We must be in the church on the Lord’s Day, unless we are sick or prevented by emergencies.

Church prayer meetings, fellowship gatherings, Bible studies, retreats, camps, etc. are meant to provide spiritual edification to us. We must give these high priority in our lives.

So we must not be like those who come to church infrequently. Neither should we follow the bad examples of those who neglect church activities. We must resist their influence.

Church programmes will provide us with opportunities both to be blessed and to bless others. Through mutual exhortations and services, we will be prepared for Christ’s return. Those who worship God and engage in mutual spiritual edification will be made ready for the day of His return.


This is a testimony written by the wife of a resident of The

Gethsemane Care Ministry, Cebu.

The 7.2-magnitude earthquake on October 15, 2013 was indeed a traumatic experience for most of us, yet I have never thought that the said tragedy would give us the chance to be together as a family. The 2 days of home leave granted to Levi may be short but they are certainly no match to the quality of time spent. Days were numbered yet very remarkable for us.

Levi simply took the chance to take good care of the kids by helping them with their bath, cutting their nails, etc… unlike before where he only finds fulfilment and joy watching over his roosters (fighting cocks). But what really caught my attention was the transformation of the once “Mr. Bossy Guy” into a responsible family man who now does the general cleaning at home and the household

chores as well as cooks mouth-watering dishes for us. Previously, Levi used to wake us up with his loud annoying voice, shouting as if he owns the world and that he is the only one living in the world, but now he speaks so calmly and is always in control of his mood and temper.

Change did not happen overnight but I am grateful as to how everyone in the Care Ministry under the leadership of Pastor Reggor Galarpe has inculcated in him the values of discipline and sense of responsibility. To everyone in the Care Ministry, thank you for moulding Levi to become a better person. And to the entire Gethsemane B-P Church, you have unknowingly taught me the significance of learning how to forgive. Above all, thank our Almighty God who has made things possible. I continually pray that God will sustain Levi throughout his life as he faces the real world.

“Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18).


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Dear Rev Koshy

Thank you for publishing this issue of Bible Witness, that we can share in the grief of the passing of Preacher Dominino dela Cruz Jr.

I have never met Pr Dominino but spoke briefly to Sharon some years back before they were married. I had wanted to find out if Media Studies was suitable for my son, Tim. I spoke to Sharon over the phone at the Bible Witness office because she was the artist for the cartoons in Bible Witness at that time. She was helpful and gave me an idea of what to expect. Later, I read that she was going to be married and would leave Singapore to follow her husband to the mission field in the Philippines. I remember thinking, what a brave girl!

Thank God for her testimony of faith! May she continue to be brave in the Lord by His grace and mercy. May God bless her and little Nehemiah with peace, joy and His special protection.

In Christ,Tse’fong

To the Editor,

Praise God for the Bible Witness Media Ministry. I have been utilising your resources like the Web Radio – On Demand (Women of Virtue and Youth Bible Hour) sermons and have been greatly enriched and blessed by them!

I’m currently finishing my studies in Perth, Australia, and am a member of Faith Presbyterian Church of which Rev Errol Stone is Pastor. I was just wondering if the sermons of the latest Bible Witness Retreat on Jonah are available on the Internet? I’ve done a little searching but have not found them. Could you kindly point me in the right direction if possible?

With great appreciation and praise to God for your labours,


1 Chronicles 29:12–14

12 Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all.

13 Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name.

14 But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort? for all things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee.

Luke 17:10

So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.

Appreciation for Bible Witness Bible Quotes from Cheerful GiversFrom the offering bags (20 Oct 13).








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“A nd his brethren also went and fell down before his face;

and they said, Behold, we be thy servants.” — Genesis 50:18

The actions of Joseph’s brothers in this verse are worthy of our

attention. Let us take a closer look at what they had done and how they corrected their wrongdoing.

The brothers of Joseph were afraid of him after the death of their father, Jacob. They presumed that Joseph had a great hatred towards them because of what they did to him many years ago (cf. Genesis 50:15) – they sold him to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver!

This wrong that they did to Joseph caused them to fear him then. The

reason is simple: he had the power to hurt them and their families because of his status as the Prime Minister of Egypt. Thus, they made the decision to send a messenger to Joseph to plead on their behalf for his forgiveness (Genesis 50:16-17). But later, somehow this seemed inappropriate to them. Finally, all of them went to see Joseph and personally seek his forgiveness (Genesis 50:18)!

There are two things that I would like you to take note of: the knowledge of their wrongdoing, and humility in admitting their wrongdoing. Joseph’s brothers knew that they had done wrong to him, and only he could forgive them! At the same time, going to Joseph to seek his forgiveness would require much humility and courage. So they went to Joseph and fell down before him in humility, and sought his forgiveness for the wrong they had done to him.

Dear children, as you grow up, there would be many wrongdoings on your part with or without you realizing. To illustrate my point, older children would sometimes gang up against the younger ones, for example, two older boys snatching the ball from a younger boy and refusing to let him play with them though the ball belongs to him. Is such behaviour right? No, it is not!

The lesson for us in this devotion is: how do we correct a wrongdoing? In order to correct any wrongdoing, there must first be the knowledge of it followed by the humility to confess and seek forgiveness. If you know that you have done wrong to someone, then you must humble yourself and have the courage to admit your mistake. You must go to that person and seek forgiveness just like what the brothers of Joseph had done! They corrected their wrongdoing.

Correct a WrongKelvin Lim

Sunday fellowShip lunch

Those who would like to order packet lunch for the month of November, kindly make your

payment to Sis Aileen Tan.

gethSemane MEN’S fEllowShipSpeaker: Pastor Koshy

Chairman: Bro Kenneth WongDate & Time: Sat, 9 Nov @ 4 pm

Venue: TGCM premises 202B, Ponggol Seventeenth Avenue

Transport from Punggol MRT station @ 3.45 pm.

gethSemane ladiES’ fEllowShip

Topic: “A Heart For Others”Speaker: Pastor Koshy

Chairperson: Sis Mah Lean Choo Date & Time: Sat, 16 Nov @ 3 pm

Venue: Home of Sis Jenny Lok Blk 315, Bukit Batok St 32, #09-93, Singapore 650315







LORD’S DAY on 27 OCT 2013Tithes 2,501.00Offerings 7,370.75Building Fund (2015) 1,000.00,

1,000.00, 200.00, 150.00, 50.00, 25.00, 9.00

Designated Gifts Bible Witness 10.00Van Fund (Ethiopia) 1,000.00Building Fund (Ethiopia) 30.00Pastor Koshy 200.00John Peh 50.00Eric Delina 150.00

ETHIOPIA VAN FUNDTotal as of 27 Oct 2013 44,122.90

BUILDING FUND (2015)Since July 2013

Total as of 27 Oct 2013 71,484.05; US$75.00


Special fundS

plan for year 2014All committees of ministries and fellowship groups are advised to

submit their plans for major events/activities for the year 2014 to the

church office by 17 Nov 2013.

chriStmaS carollingLord’s Day, 22 Dec 2013

Organised by the Gethsemane Encouragers’ Ministry

If you would like to participate or open your home for this event,

please sign up at the reception table.

BiBle witneSS magazineThe latest issue of Bible Witness

(Volume 13, Issue 5): Hope Beyond the Grave

has just been published.

Avail yourself to as many copies as you need. Do give towards

the cost of printing this magazine as the Lord leads. Please make your

cheque payable to “Bible Witness”.

Time & Place of Worship10.30 am

Level 5 Auditorium Singapore Post Centre

10 Eunos Road 8 Singapore 408600

(next to Paya Lebar MRT station)

Prayer Hotline8138 8139

SMS or Whatsapp your prayer item

Our Office510 Geylang Road, #02-06

Singapore 389466 Tel: 6741 1910 Fax: 6741 1016


Our PastorRev Dr Prabhudas Koshy

Mobile: 9001 1119 Email:

Our SessionRev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Elder Mah Chin Kwang

Elder Alan Choy Elder Ng Poh Kok

Deacon Arvind Pawa Deacon Daniel Lim

Deacon Lok Kwok Wah Deacon Kelvin Lim Deacon Francis Lee

Sermon cd/dVd For those who have placed their orders,

the CDs/DVDs are now ready for collection at the reception desk.

Please pay $2 more for each DVD set ordered.







Tuesday Prayer Gathering8.00 pm @ L5 Auditorium, SingPost Centre

Wednesday Lunch Hour Bible Study1.15 pm @ Bible Witness Bookroom

Thursday Seniors’ Ministry11.00 am (Please contact Pr Jeremiah Sim)

Friday Morning Prayer6.45 am – 7.30 am @ Church Resource Centre

For more information, please call the church office at 6741 1910.

Please stay back after worship to join us for:

Refreshment & Fellowship12.30 pm – 1.30 pm

Adults’ & Youths’ Bible Study1.30 pm – 3.00 pm

Children’s Bible Study 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm

Post-Worship Activities

Weekday Activities

Bible Witness Magazine

Bible Witness Web Radio

Church Weekly

Scripture in Song (Vol. 1)Bible Witness is happy to make it free for

those who need it. Nonetheless, for those who are able to support the production of the DVDs,

a gift of $10 is suggested to cover the cost of each set.

SyStematic theology By J. oliVer BuSwell

This book of theology was used as a textbook in FEBC by

the late Rev Timothy Tow. It is now republished in two volumes and made available by Tabernacle

Books at a very affordable price of $18.

Give all that you can, willingly and cheerfully, to our Church Building Fund.

S$5 million by the end of 2015!

LIMITEDSTOCK!Visit the Book Table today!

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