the world as 100 people

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Looking at percentages of human populations.


The World as 100 People

A brief look at the Earth’s population


• If we could shrink the world’s population into a village of only 100 people, this is what the village would look like.

• As we go through this, think of it in terms of percentages as well.

57 people would be Asian

• The largest population concentrations on Earth are found in Asian countries

27 people would be Europeans

• The second largest concentration of people on Earth are found in the smallest land area

14 people would be from North and South America

COMBINED!• The largest land area is populated by only

14% of the Earth’s people.

• There is little chance of our country EVER becoming overpopulated!

8 people would be from Africa

• Though much of Africa offers inhospitable living conditions, it still hosts a very small population given its massive land area.

70 people would be non-white, 30 would be white

• Our Earth’s population is made up of 100s of different cultures and races.

• Together we make a colourful mosiac, one that’s hard to imagine in rural Canada.

70 people would be non-Christian, 30 would be Christian

• As with race, our religious beliefs are also varied

• Though Christianity is widespread, it is not the most popular religion on Earth!

50% of the Earth’s wealth would be in the hands of 6 people

• Some major corporations hold more wealth than the holdings of entire nations

• Can you think of some?

Those 6 people would all be from the U.S.A

• Those major corporations who hold 50% of the world’s wealth are all located in the United States.

70 people would not know how to read

• Reading, and the opportunity to learn to read is something that, as Canadians, we consider a right, not a privilege.

• Most of the planet does not enjoy this right

80 people would live in sub-standard housing

• We take for granted our plumbing and electricity, our dry homes with built in heating systems.

• 80% of the planet does not enjoy these comforts

50 people would be malnourished

• Children in our nation are suffering from obesity while a huge population in other nations is starving.

• Something to think about….

11 people would be homosexual, 89 people would be heterosexual

• Roughly 10% of our Earth’s population is homosexual

• A good reason to erase homophobic language from our lexicon!

1 person would have a college/university degree

• Only 1% of the Earth’s population has access to a post-secondary education

1 person would own a computer

• Surprising, isn’t it? Most of us have at least one computer in our home, many of us have more!

Consider this….

• When we examine our GLOBAL COMMUNITY in this way, it becomes clear that geography does not separate us from our human condition

• The need to adopt a peaceful and accepting attitude toward others is evident

• Remember the Golden Rule…

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