the world of arkon

Post on 06-Dec-2015






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a guide to my world of Arkon


The world of Arkon is a strange one. A world filled with mysteries, dangerous expeditions, and where one’s own life hangs by a thread. Named Men, feared for their combative might and harsh cruelty, roam the wilds; killing and feeding on the souls of all they meet.

There was once a grand empire that spanned whole continents, ruled by a great and benevolent king, now rotted to the core, filled with dust and ash from ages past. The Elven forests have been burned to cinders or cut for lumber, the Dwarven halls lay empty, their vaults and mansions plundered long ago, and the rolling hills of the Halflings now turned to a great desert and the once peaceful residents turned feral and cannibalistic. Bands of orcs and goblins terrorize the last bastions of peace almost daily, destroying all in their path.

However, hope still exists. The walled port city of Cromwell has turned into a haven for those wishing to find peace and protection. The leader, Javoth Cromwell, welcomes all into his loving arms, each man that flies his banner willing to lay down their lives at a word.

The Jewel of the Desert, Kilandra, is protected by a great halo of light, the king-priest of the city deep in holy prayer to keep this spectacle of the gods up. Paladins and knights of all sorts traverse the surrounding areas, destroying all threats that they come across. Kilandra also holds the last house of academia, the towers of the University still standing proud and tall, even if covered in a sheet of dust.

The Northmen tribes now exist under one banner, the banner of the Hawk-eyed, a Named Man famed for his accuracy with a bow over great distances, they have taken the last vestiges of the Elven people under their protection, their druids and shamans working together to restore balance to nature, planting forests and orchards as the mighty horde of Northmen march through barren wasteland, their final destination no one else knows.

This is the world you were born into. Great ruins mar the countryside, the mysteries of the past and the present hidden in their shadows. Bastions of light cut into the darkness but for how long? How long until another great shadow arises?

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