the wrongway legacy: 4.5

Post on 18-Nov-2014



Self Improvement



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Welcome to generation four, part five of the Wrongway Legacy!

Last time, we saw Hex and Henry struggle over the subject of the Wrongway Guardian. Henry turned down the position. Hercules decided he didn't want to be a monster, and was found in the house of Ralph by his twin, Aphrodite. Lavender gave birth to baby girl, Madeline. Rose, looking for inspiration, went to a theatre, where she met Sullivan Phelps. Hercules, keen for a fresh start, shortened his name to Lee, and went in search of Hex. Rose found happiness and love in Sullivan, which influenced her writing. Lavender stumbled across an abandoned desert village which she adored, on her way to the city. Upon arriving in the city, Hex and Lavender discovered Mark's apartment was just a studio apartment, and moved into a large family home in the desert town of Mirage. Lee went to Hex and asked for forgiveness. Maddie's birthday rolled around, but her father didn't show up. Instead, he was partying with a music star from the city. Maddie remained hopeful about her Dad coming to visit her.

Lee Wrongway was nervous. He had accepted the offer of becoming a guardian to the Wrongways, of being a member of the Supernatural Court. Now that meant meeting up with Lavender again.

“She doesn't like me!” Lee exclaimed, “I haven't seen her since we were in uni, and she threw up in your car that night!”

Hex raised an eyebrow, “That was your fault?”

Lee looked a little embarrassed, “I hurt her, Hex. She's not going to forgive me, or let me be the one who guards her babies.”

“You keep telling me it was ages ago, Hercules-”


“Right. I keep forgetting. Sorry,” Hex smiled, “she's human. She'll forgive you. It may take a little time, but it's the best we can hope for.”

The doorbell rang.

“Did you want to get that or should I?” Lee asked, dazed.

“I'll get it, if you want?” Lee didn't respond, so Hex rose from his seat.

“Hex!” Lavender cried when she entered, grinning. She pulled him into a hug, while her daughter watched them, smiling.

I can't do this. For llama's sake, she even brought her daughter here! Lee thought to himself, as he waited awkwardly behind Hex. He couldn't talk himself into staying there, and took a few steps back.

Madeline Wrongway, however, noticed the man trying to leave, “Mister, where are you going?”

“Just to look out of the window...the view's really nice.” He finished, lamely. Madeline smiled.

“It's better when the sun's going down,” Madeline replied, honestly, “why are you hiding?”

“Let's just say I'm not your mother's favourite person. She doesn't like me much.”

“Why doesn't she like you?” Madeline asked, innocently, “I like you.”

Lee stared at the little girl for a moment, taking in her sweet smile. How could she possibly like him? She had only just met him!

Still, she smiled encouragingly, waiting patiently for an answer.

“Maybe she'll have changed her mind,” Lee told her, with a smile, “I'm Lee, by the way.”

“My name's Maddie. Are you related to me? Like a cousin or an uncle or something?”

“Not really.” Lee shrugged a little, wondering how he could explain it.

“Then a brother? I really want a brother.”

Lee frowned a little, “Why?”

“Because it's really boring when you don't have one...” Maddie admitted, thinking about how she had to play by herself.

Lee decided he liked the idea of being a role model to Maddie. She didn't know anything about his past, and was too young to worry about it. Finally, someone had given him a chance.

“Look at that, Maddie!” Lee laughed, pointing. Maddie immediately joined in with his laughter.

“Hex, are they laughing at us dancing?” Lavender questioned, smiling.

“Yes, but I'm having way too much fun to stop,” Hex replied, with a grin, “I have a feeling that this new town is going to be great for us all.”


After spending a significant amount of her afternoon convincing Lee she was okay with him being the guardian, Lavender had headed home. She was having a brilliant day, and it was only about to get better.

“Mark! You're home!” Lavender cried. Madeline's birthday had been a few days ago, and even though Mark had missed it, Lavender was pleased to see her husband.

“I can only stay for the weekend,” Mark told her, “I have a lot of work to do next week – we're recording an album.”

Hours passed, and the couple quickly picked up from where they left off.

“Mark, I've missed you so much.”

“I've missed you, too, Lavender, but it's only been a week.”

“It felt like forever.”

By the next morning, things were falling apart again.

“It's not my fault if I have commitments!”

“You have commitments to me, and to Madeline, Mark! Even if you no longer want to see me, at least make the effort to see Maddie!”

“I cannot believe you! You know I am trying my hardest to earn money so Maddie can have the best in life!”

“Yeah, make your absence sound like it's a positive thing!”

Madeline Wrongway's bedroom was directly above her parent's, and their screaming and shouting carried through the floorboards.

“Don't worry, horsey, I'm sure the yelling will stop sooner or later.”

Distraction techniques weren't working, and Madeline spent most of her Sunday hiding out in her room while her parents screamed at each other.

Maybe Daddy's not here to see me at all... Maddie considered as she poked at the horse. Trying to smile, she carried on with her game.

Mark left, three hours earlier than he had originally intended, still fuming and angry at Lavender.

He didn't bother saying goodbye to Madeline, who stood from one of the balconies, watching him go with a worried look on her face.

* * *

Grace and Orlando, disturbed by the shouting, decided to check on Madeline, who was back in her room with the horse.

“Is Daddy coming back?” Madeline asked, though she had already guessed the answer.

“Not today, sweetheart.” Grace replied, softly.

“Where's Mummy?”

“She's lying down for a bit, she's tired.”

“Madeline,” Orlando said, carefully, “you know you're not the reason why your parents are arguing, right?”

Madeline didn't stop moving the horse through the air, “Don't call me Madeline, Grandpa, it makes me feel like I'm in trouble.”

Grace smiled, “Alright, Maddie. But you know you're not to blame?”

“Why are they fighting, if it's not my fault?” Madeline asked. Grace and Orlando glanced at each other.

“Daddy had to go away, and he didn't come home often enough,” Orlando replied, gently, “which isn't fair on anyone.”

“Maybe he doesn't like us.” Madeline answered, quietly, trying not to let her smile drop.

“Of course he likes us, Maddie,” Grace said, before muttering, “but I certainly don't like him.”

* * *

As night fell, Grace entered Lavender's room, “I put Maddie to bed and read her a story. Are you okay?”

“I'm pregnant.” Lavender replied, in a small voice.

“So I'm going to be a grandmother again,” Grace smiled, “that's good news. I got a call from Forrest earlier, this mysterious partner of his is also expecting.”

“But...Mark's not here for Maddie. How will he be there for the new baby?”

Grace sat down on the bed next to Lavender, “I'm not going to lie to you, Lavender. I'll be surprised if he's here at all. But you don't need him to raise your children.”

“But I can't raise them on my own.”

“You won't have to, Lavender. You have a family to help you out, you'll have the full support of every Wrongway in Mirage.”

Lavender smiled, “That's comforting, actually.”

Grace and Lavender rose to their feet, smiling at each other.

“I love you, Mum.” Lavender replied, hugging Grace.

“I love you, too, and remember, I'm proud of you.”

As Lavender pulled out of the hug, “I will give Mark the news tomorrow. See what he thinks.”

“We're going over to Forrest's tomorrow to meet his new partner, would you like to come?”

“I don't want to miss it.” Lavender grinned.* * *

Forrest's family were due to arrive in fifteen minutes time, and Betria was worried. Forrest didn't really understand what she had to be worried about.

“Look, they're not going to hate you. They're going to love you, because I love you!”

“And if you're wrong?” Betria asked, coolly.

“I will sleep on the roof tonight if I'm wrong.” Forrest laughed, knowing he wouldn't be wrong.

Sure enough, when the family arrived, they seemed to accept Betria with ease.

“So how are you liking Mirage?” Lavender questioned, with a smile.

“It's too hot most of the time,” Betria replied, truthfully, “but it's alright as a neighbourhood.”

“Great place to raise kids.” Lavender commented, gesturing to her baby bump and then to Betria's.

Betria considered their baby bumps for a moment, “Do you think our kids will be best friends?”

“Absolutely! They'll be so close in age it will be impossible for them not to be.”

“Have you decided on names yet?” Betria asked, smiling. Just like that, Betria and Lavender became friends.

“Forrest, I have no idea how you met this woman, but I'm glad you did,” Grace grinned.

“We met on a beach.” Forrest said, not untruthfully.

“And you're going to be a father, too! You like making me feel my age, don't you?”

“I thought you said my teen years alone aged you dreadfully?”

Grace laughed, “It's good to have you both home.”

After the introductions and the small talk, Forrest pulled Betria to one side and smiled.

“So, what do you think?” He questioned.

“They're all really nice,” Betria nodded, “though I've been asked three times when we're getting married.”

“How did they take it when you told them we weren't planning to get married?”

“Just fine,” Betria replied, grinning, “they respected our decision.”

Forrest took her hand, “I told you you'd fit right in.”

* * *

Michelle Tse had been looking for Mark for about half an hour. Of course she would find him in Faith Goodie's office. Michelle's entry to the room caused the conversation to turn to silence.

“Gee, Faith, it doesn't look like you have enough chairs in your office.” Michelle remarked, sarcastically.

“I'm comfortable sitting on the desk.” Faith replied, looking away.

“Well, I need to have a private word with Mark for a second, could you leave?”

Faith grumbled and got up off her desk, “Never mind the fact it's my office.”

Faith had barely left the room when Michelle started yelling, “Mark, if you were my husband, I would have kicked your ass by now.”

“Hello to you to.” Mark raised his eyebrows.

“I'm serious! There's a message on the answering machine from your wife, which is quite important, but instead, you're hanging around in the office of Sim City's biggest home wrecker!”

“Excuse me! How dare you call Faith that!”

“Sure, it's fine, my opinion doesn't matter,” Michelle snarled, “I'm only the lead guitarist in your band. It doesn't matter if I walk.”

“You wouldn't do that.”

“Believe me, I would,” Michelle threatened, “your wife revealed she's pregnant again on the phone. I feel sorry for her and that kid – tell me again, do you even remember the name of your eldest?!”

“My daughter's name is Madeline.” Mark replied, thinking about Lavender at home, pregnant.

“Even I know that she prefers to be called Maddie, Mark,” Michelle frowned, “either you sort out the mess you're making with your family or I walk. I can't be in a band with a guy who thinks this is a good idea.”

Michelle said no more as she turned to walk out of the office, while Mark watched her go.

Quietly, he said to himself, “I've got quite a few things to put right, it seems.”

Hearing this, Michelle smiled. Job done.

* * *

Music was fast becoming one of Madeline's favourite things. Instead of coming straight home after school, Madeline had signed up for a number of extra activities.

Such as piano lessons.

Madeline took full advantage of her school's music programme, which also gave her the opportunity to learn violin.

She was willing to try anything at least once – it kept her away from home, where things never seemed to be normal, at least, not lately.

Madeline's busy schedule turned out to be for the best – she found herself friends. Tina, Sharla and Gabriella were also heavily involved in after school activities, and naturally, the four had become a tight-knit group.

The four of them had vastly different interests, but all were willing to give things a go – Gabriella was considered to be a girly-girl, and insisted the four of them joined dancing.

Sharla hadn't appreciated that much, she wasn't keen on the dance lessons.

One activity all four girls agreed on was martial arts – it was where they had originally met. They called themselves the Fighting Four, as a reference to their first day at martial arts.

“Ten more jabs, then a break!” The instructor announced.

“Phew, about time, right?” Sharla grinned, punching the air in front of her.

“I don't know, I bet I could do more.” Madeline laughed.

“You're nuts, Maddie,” Gabriella laughed from behind her, “you want to skip your break?”

“No, I was just saying I could do more. I don't want to skip break.”

“Tina said she has something to tell us, anyway,” Gabriella said, “it's probably not a good idea to miss the break.”

Sharla chuckled, “If Tina has a secret to tell, break is going to be an interesting one.”

“Shh,” Tina grinned, “it's nothing like a secret, I promise.”

“So, come on,” Gabriella urged, “tell us!”

Tina laughed, “You're so eager! It's only about my birthday.”

“I still want to hear it!”

Madeline smiled at her friends as they laughed.

“Mum and Dad were going to take me to Twikkii Island, but instead, they've given me permission to throw a party. I want all of you guys there, of course.”

“That sounds like a cool idea!” Madeline remarked, “will there be any boys going?”

“What's up with you, Maddie?” Sharla grumbled, “Why do you want boys there? They're icky and not very nice.”

Madeline offered a shrug, while Tina thought about it, “I think so. I want to invite some other people, anyway.”

“Wait a second, Tina, you don't know anything about parties. How will you throw one?” Gabriella asked.

“I've seen movies,” Tina said, firmly, “I know how to throw a party!”

“If you're certain,” Gabriella snorted, “how about we ask my brother? Gavin? He's always partying.”

“That's a great idea!” Tina grinned.

“It's going to be great!” Madeline added, enthusiastically. Sharla rolled her eyes, not overly keen on the idea.

“Aren't we going to get into trouble over it, or something? That always happens in the movies, too.”

“Don't be a spoilsport,” Gabriella pouted, “it's going to be amazing.”


Robin Wrongway was upset. After weeks of trying, she still wasn't pregnant – while Lavender was pregnant for a second time. It didn't make sense, and it didn't seem fair.

“What if it's my fault?” Robin asked, “Or maybe it is this curse thing Hex warned us about.”

“Robin, you can't think like that. You'll drive yourself crazy.” Austin told her. He didn't mention that he had been wondering if it was his fault.

Sighing, he moved to sit next to her, on the dining table where she was sat.

“Smile! It's not the end of the world,” he murmured.

“I'm an heiress, Austin. It might as well be the end of the world.”

“Even if it is, you'll always have me,” Austin said, smiling, “no one is going to have a perfect life. Both lines have struggles, regardless of this stupid curse. I'll be here for you. I always will.”

“Maybe that's the problem. You're from the other line.”

“Robin...” he jumped down from the table, and pulled her with him, “we'll sort this out, somehow. We'll work out something.”

“I hope you're right, Austin,” Robin sighed, pulling him close, “I don't want to lose you.”

“You'll always have me.”

Maybe that's the problem.


Mark acted on Michelle's words, as quick as he could. His plan was to sweep Lavender off her feet, and Lavender couldn't believe she was seeing him again.

Even the paper boy, who had been lazily sauntering through his round, stopped and stared. Neither Lavender nor Mark looked like they would let the other go.

Madeline saw her Dad through one of the house's front windows, and decided she didn't want to know why he was back this time.

“If I can't hear him,” she said, turning up her radio, “he's not home.”

With that, she began dancing, ignoring her Dad's calls from downstairs. Madeline was too busy spending time with her favourite thing – music.

Madeline's radio was rarely off that day, as Mark tried again and again to attract her attention. Instead of giving in and seeking out her father, Madeline found other things to do.

Like daydreaming while trying to do her homework.

I wonder what it would be like to be on the radio, Maddie thought to herself.

Later that evening, after Madeline had gone to bed, Lavender went into labour.

“Show time,” Grace smiled, “just breathe, sweetheart.”

“I don't think it's one baby,” Lavender gasped, “where's Mark?”

“Right here!” He called, entering the room.

Within minutes, the first of the babies had been delivered.

“He's got your eyes, sweetheart,” Mark smiled, as Lavender handed him their son, “what's his name?”

“I decided on Lance as a name I like last week.”

“Lance Wrongway.” Mark repeated, with pride.

“And his twin sister,” Lavender said, after the second baby was delivered.

“What shall we call her?” Mark questioned.

“I like the name Leda.”

“Leda Wrongway it is, then.”

Once the babies were in their cribs, Mark and Lavender sat down to talk in the kitchen.

“I get the feeling I'm unwelcome here, now.” Mark murmured, as Lavender took her seat.

“Is it the fact Maddie won't talk to you, or the glares you're getting from my mother?” Lavender asked, with a grin. While she was happy to have him back, she was enjoying watching him trying to work his way back into family.

“The first one more than the second one.” Mark admitted.

“You're surprised she won't talk to you?” Lavender asked, in disbelief.

“I know I haven't been around for her much, but-”

“Much? She's seen you once, Mark, when she was a toddler. And at glance, a few days ago. You missed her birthday. You missed her getting good grades, making friends, singing to the radio, and going to martial arts. You've missed most of her life.”

“It wasn't intentional. I can't apologise enough for-”

“It's not me you should be apologising to.”

“I know you have to go back to the city every now and then, Mark, but please. Don't abandon her again.”

“I won't. I'm going to make up for what I've missed.”

“If she'll let you in,” Lavender pointed out, glumly.

Mark sighed, looking at the table, “I'm not going to let this happen again.”

The day following the birth of the Wrongway twins – and Forrest's daughter, Ophelia Hollinter – was Rose's wedding.

“I wonder how Rosie-Posie's wedding would be. And if Archa would ever consider getting married.” Rose mused as she walked towards the top of the aisle.

The wedding was a small, sweet affair – only close family and Hex were invited. Even Will and Owen hadn't made the final guest list, because both of them hadn't made it to Mirage yet.

“She's so pretty!” Maddie smiled, watching Rose.

Sullivan Phelps was waiting for her at the end of the aisle, as promised.

“Are you ready for the greatest adventure since Rosie-Posie stormed the Shadow Castle?” Sullivan asked, with a smile.

“This adventure is different,” Rose told him, “this time it's real.”

Rose couldn't hide her smile as Sullivan held up the ring, the sun catching the smooth shape of that little golden 'O'. Why should she hide how happy she was? She wanted to dance and yell, and let everyone know just how much she loved Sullivan...

“I do.” Rose told him, and offered her hand to him. He slid the ring onto her finger, delicately, and the ceremony was complete.

“I'm so happy for her,” Lavender grinned, applauding. She was not the only one who was pleased to see Rose so happy.

“What a beautiful wedding,” Forrest murmured to Betria, “kind of makes you wish you were meeting me at the end of an aisle, right?”

Betria's grin remained in place, “If you feel like sleeping on the couch tonight, please continue talking about getting married.”

Forrest chuckled, “I love you, Betria.”


And that's it for this time!

I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading!

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