
Post on 30-Mar-2016






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Thoughts, emotions and sensations are things. They are not who we are, but something we do. They are our activities. Feelings are how we experience our thoughts, emotions and sensations. Consider these examples: We can think about our father and feel angry or joyful. We can cry and feel sad or happy. We can have an upset stomach and feel frustrated or accepting. "The secret of self-actualization is to permanently swim against the tide of your own nature." Lao Tzu



"The secret of self-actualization is to permanently

swim against the tide of your own nature." Lao Tzu

Thoughts, emotions and sensations are things. They are not who we are, but

something we do. They are our activities. Feelings are how we experience our

thoughts, emotions and sensations. Consider these examples: We can think

about our father and feel angry or joyful. We can cry and feel sad or happy. We

can have an upset stomach and feel frustrated or accepting.

Where we place our focus is our alignment. It’s what we are moving towards. If

we repeatedly tell ourselves, "I’m a idiot. I can’t do anything right. I’m hopeless.",

we are asking the universe and our subconscious mind to help us create a reality

where we can experience being an incompetent, hopeless idiot. Let’s feel into

what we have been creating for ourselves and where we have been placing our

attention. What can we change to create more harmony and unity in our lives?

Let’s pay attention to what we say and think. We can choose to be alert and aware

and deny our negative thoughts. When negative thoughts arise, let’s affirm: "No,

that’s not me! That’s not my truth! I embrace love as a State of Being.

Mother/Father God, please show me my limiting beliefs so that I may more fully


Other people's opinions about us are none of our

business. Unless their critique helps us make love

a priority, it’s not important. Let’s ignore the

streams of projections seeking to knock us off

track. We can place a golden bubble of protection

around us and affirm that we are only open to the

energies of unconditional love and above. We can

feel and visualize all fear-based energies being

lovingly mirrored back to their source. We can

choose to feel worthy of giving and receiving love.

What we focus on is what we get. If we want love,

health and enlightenment, we need to focus on that. We don’t learn about love by

studying fear. We learn about love by studying people who take life in and turn it

into love in every area of influence in their lives. We don’t learn about health by

studying dis-ease. We learn about health by studying people who function

correctly. We don’t learn about enlightenment by studying people who live in

ignorance and darkness. We learn about enlightenment by studying beings who

embody love, wisdom, knowing and joy.

Let’s acknowledge the 5 or 6 most significant influences in our lives. We can

allow ourselves to be uplifted or denigrated by anyone or anything, including

parents, siblings, relatives, children, grandchildren, friends, partners, spouses,

radio or TV shows or personalities, groups or organizations, authors or spiritual

teachers, celebrities or politicians, athletes, events or sports teams, activists or

musicians, movies, theatrical productions or concerts, Masters or inner plane

beings, Archangels or spirit guides. The possibilities are unlimited.

These influences are shaping our destiny and our lives. Are they helping us to BE

love, BE healthy and BE-come enlightened beings? Or, are we placing our eternal

well-being at risk? If someone is a poor driver who cuts corners into ongoing

traffic, speeds, tailgates or otherwise disregards the rules of the road, would we

choose to be a passenger in their car? Of course not! That would be an

unacceptable risk.

How do we know how teachers, healers and groups will impact our lives? It’s very

simple. Feel into them and ask, "Can I feel the love?" Trust the feeling of the God

Within. When we can’t feel the love, darkness and fear are present. We place

ourselves in harm’s way when we connect with fear-based individuals and

organizations. Only choose to learn from or work with ones who operate from a

space of unconditional love, compassion, gratitude and mercy.

Risk management is the way of wisdom. Let’s choose to set appropriate spiritual

boundaries, be alert and aware, choose to BE love and stop giving risk a priority

over love. We set appropriate boundaries by maintaining a strong alignment and

keeping our golden bubble of protection strong in all moments. We affirm that we

are only open to the energies of unconditional love and above, and reflect

everything else back to its source. We are alert and aware as we choose to be

fully present in our physical bodies enjoying earth life. We choose to give love

priority by taking all of life in and transmuting any fear that is felt into love. In so

doing, we leave a trail of love.

The level of happiness we experience is directly proportional to acceptance and

inversely proportional to expectation. Let’s accept that we are responsible for our

lives as they have unfolded. Our current circumstances are our own creation.

Let’s accept that there we are not victims, and that everything in our life is there

to help us awaken to our true spiritual nature and embrace love as a state of


Our expectations are attachments. We want someone or something to be, act or

manifest in a certain way. When we are attached or feel like we own something,

we can experience a deep sense of loss and feel disconnected from Source. We

can feel isolated from the God Within and go unconscious.

We must relinquish our attachment to form and identity. Beneath belief is identify,

the illusion we create of who we are and how we present to the world. We are not

our physical body. We are not our identity. We are not the expectations of our

friends, family, churches, temples, communities, nations, states or countries. Let

us affirm Djwhal’s Daily Affirmation:

I take a body, that body is alive, I know it’s life.

I therefore know my Mother and know that she is Love.

I use a body, that body is not me. I serve the group and in the serving

Live within the body, detached, a child of GOD and so I know my Self.

I infuse a body. I am its life and in that life I shall see life. That life is also known

as love.

I am the love of GOD. I know the Father, and I know his life is love.

I am the body and its loving life. I am the Self whose quality is Love.

I am the life of God as love. The Mother-Father-Child I AM

Behind these three there stands the unknowable GOD. That God I am and choose

to be,

unconditionally. In, of and for Love, I choose to Love and Love I will. I AM.

May Love Restore the Balance!

We are Spirit in form and can choose to live a life of love, wonder &

knowing. These are the three keys to universal consciousness. With love,

wonder and knowing comes the experience of pure joy as a state of being. I wish

you love, wonder and joy in all you be and do!

Many Blessings,

Arlene Cohen Miller


Arlene Cohen Miller (Publisher and Founder) received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia (1978), and her Juris Doctor from the University of Kentucky College of Law (1981). She is a partner in the law firm of Miller & Cohen, P.C. in Longmont, Colorado, and practices commercial law with her husband and best friend, John.

Arlene is active in the Commercial Law League of America, and has served on a national level as Chair of the Creditors Rights Section and Board Representative. On the regional level, she has served as Chair of the Western Region. She speaks nationally and locally to business owners and service groups on “Manifesting Prosperity in Your Business and Your Life”.

Arlene is a Reiki Master & Healer, and the mother of Jesse, Age 21, an Indigo and one of her greatest teachers. She loves practicing Bikram (Hot) Yoga, hiking and skiing in the mountains of Colorado, playing her American Indian flute, and being a positive force for Planetary Healing and anchoring the Golden Age on Earth, here and now.

You can contact Arlene at

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