thermal physics hw help

Post on 09-Oct-2015






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Solutions to certain problems from Schroeder's thermal physics. Problems selected mostly from chapter 1, some from chapter 2.


  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 1

    1.9: What is the volume of one mole of air, at room temperature and 1 atm pressure.From the ideal gas law, we have PV = nRT . Therefore:

    V =nRT


    (1 mol)(8.31 J/mol/K)(300 K)

    (105 N/m2)

    V 0.025 m3 25 L

    1.10: Estimate the number of air molecules in an average-sized room.Consider that an average room is about 4 metres squared and 3 metres high. The numberof air molecules (at the standard room temperature and pressure) is

    N =PV


    (105 N/m2)(4 4 3 m3)(1.38 1023 J/K)(300 K)

    N = 1.2 1027 1027

    which is about 2000 moles.

    1.11: Rooms A and B are the same size, and are connected by an open door. Room A,however, is warmer (perhaps because its windows face the sun). Which room contains thegreater mass of air? Explain carefully.

    Pressure is the same in both because they are connected by an open doorway; if the pressurewere different then a wind would blow from one room to the other. The volume of both roomsis also the same. Therefore PAVA = PBVB and, given the ideal gas law, NAkTA = NBkTBas well. Thus the cooler temperature room has the higher number of molecules, and thusthe greater mass.

    1.12: Calculate the average volume per molecule for an ideal gas at room temperature andatmospheric pressure. Then take the cube root to get an estimate of the average distancebetween molecules. How does this distance compare to the size of a small molecule like N2or H2O?

    The volume per molecule for an ideal gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure is:





    (1.38 1023 J/K)(300 K)105 N/m2


    N= 4.1 1026 m3 41 nm3

    The average distance between molecules can be estimated as



    )1/3 3.5 nm3

    The diameter of a molecule like N2 or O2 is only a few Angstroms, approximately 10smaller than this average distance.

    1.13: A mole is approximately the number of protons in a gram of protons. The mass of aneutron is about the same as the mass of a proton, while the mass of an electron is usuallynegligible in comparison, so if you know the total number of protons and neutrons in in amolecule (i.e. its atomic mass), you know the approximate mass (in grams) of a mole

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 2

    of these molecules. Referring to the periodic table, find the mass of each of the following:water, molecular nitrogen, lead, and quartz (SiO2)

    H2O = 2(1) + 1(16) = 18 grams/molN2 = 2(14) = 28 grams/molLead = Pb = 207 grams/molSiO2 = 1(28.08) + 2(16) = 60 grams/mol

    1.14: Calculate the mass of a mole of dry air, which is a mixture of N2 (78% by volume),O2 (21%) and Ar (1%).

    Use weighted average to calculate the mass of air:

    f =


    (wi = weights)

    m =0.78mN2 + 0.21mO2 + 0.01mAr

    0.78 + 0, 21 + 0, 01

    From the periodic table, mN2 = 28.014 g/mol,mO2 = 32.00 g/mol, and mAr = 39.95 g/molTherefore, the mass of a mole of dry air:

    m = 0.78(28.014) + 0.21(32) + 0.01(39)

    m = 28.92 g/mol

    1.15: Estimate the average temperature of the air in a hot air balloon (see Fig. 1.1 in book).Assume that the total mass of the unfilled balloon and payload is 500 kg. What is the massof the air inside the balloon?

    The upward buoyant force on the balloon is equal to the weight of the air displaced. As-suming that this force is approximately in balance with gravity, we can write:

    0V g = (M + V )g or 0 = M/V

    where 0 is the density of the surrounding air, V is the volume of the balloon, M is themass of the unfilled balloon and payload, and is the density of the air inside the balloon.According to the ideal gas law, the density of air is:





    where m is the mass of one mole of air (29 g). This formula applies either inside or outsidethe balloon, with the same pressure in both places but different temperatures. Therefore,teh balance of forces implies:


    RT0 mP




    where T and T0 are the temperature inside and outside the balloon, respectively. Rearrangingyields:


    T= 1

    T0 M




  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 3

    Assume an outside air temperature of 290 K and atmospheric pressure. The volume of theballoon can be estimated from the figure. Comparing the heights of the people standingbeneath, a reasonable estimate for the diameter of the balloon in the foreground is 15metres. This gives a volume, assuming a spherical balloon (3

    3pir3), of about 1770 m3. The

    mass of the unfilled balloon and payload is assumed to be 500 kg, so the previous expressionevaluates to:


    T= 1

    (290 K) (500 kg)

    (0.029 kg)

    (8.31 J/K)

    (105 N/m2)(1770 m3)1

    T= 1

    (290 K) 1

    (1235 K)=


    (379 K)

    Thus, the temperature inside the balloon must be about 379 K or just over 100 C. Assumingthis temperature, the mass of the air inside the balloon should be roughly:

    Mair = mn =mPV


    Mair =(0.029 kg)(105 N/m2)(1770 m3)

    (8.31 J/K)(379 K)= 1600 kg

    which s more than three times the mass of the unfilled ballon and payload.

    1.16: The Exponential atmosphere.a) Consider a horizontal slab of air whose thickness (height) is dz. If this slab is at rest,the pressure holding it up from below must balance both the pressure from above and theweight of the slab. Use this fact to find an expression for dP/dz, the variation of pressurewith altitude, in terms of the density of air.

    This diagram shows the forces on the slab of air. P (z) is the atmospheric pressure as afunction of height z, and M is the total mass of the slab.

    Because the slab of air is at rest, the net force on the slab must be zero. Thus

    P (z + dz)A +Mg P (z)A = 0 [P (z + dz) P (z)]A = Mg P (z + dz) P (z) = MgA

    Now the volume of the slab is Adz, so if the density of air is (z), then M = (z)Adz, andso

    P (z + dz) P (z) = (z)AgdzA

    = (z)gdz

    P (z + dz) P (z)dz

    = (z)g

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 4

    If dz is very small, then the left hand side is the definition of the derivative dP/dz. Thus,


    dz= (z)g

    b. Use the ideal gas law to write the density of air in terms of pressure, temperature, andthe average mass m of the air molecules. Show, then, that the pressure obeys the differentialequation:


    dz= mg


    called the barometric equation.

    We can derive this from part a by finding an expression for (z). The density of the slab isequal to the mass of the slab, M divided by its volume, V . The mass, in turn, is equal tothe mass per molecule, m, times the number of molecules, N . Thus:



    The ideal gas law says that PV = NkT , so that N/V = P/kT . Thus = mP/kT , and


    dz= mP

    kTg = mg

    kTP (z)

    c. Assuming that the temperature of the atmosphere is independent of height, solve thebarometric equation to obtain the pressure as a function of height: P (z) = P (0)emgz/kT .Show also that the density obeys a similar equation.

    For convenience, lets write = mg/kT , so that


    dz= P (z)

    This is one of the most basic differential equations, but if youve never seen it before, wecan solve it by separation of variables: put the pressure on one side, and the altitude z onthe other:


    dz= P (z)


    P= d(z)

    P (z)P (0)




    lnP (z) lnP (0) = zln

    (P (z)

    P (0)

    )= z

    P (z)

    P (0)= ez

    P (z) = P (0)ez

    Substituting in the definition for gives us P (z) = P (0)emgz/kT as expected.

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 5

    We showed in part b that = mP/kT , so

    (z) =m

    kTP (0)ez,

    we could also write mP (0)/kT as (0), the density at z = 0. Note that the constant hasunits of m1; the constant z0 = 1/ is the length scale over which the pressure and densityvary.

    d. Estimate the pressure, in atmospheres, at Mt. Everest. (Assume that the pressure at sealevel is 1 atm.)

    We can write:

    P (z) = P (0)ez/z0

    where z0 = kT/mg and it is convenient to calculate this quantity first. Assume that T =280K. Air is 80% N2, which has an atomic mass of 28, and 20% O2 which has an atomicmass of 32. An atomic mass unit is 1.67 1027 kg (roughly the mass of a proton), so theaverage mass per molecule is:

    m = 80%(28)(1.67 1027 kg) + 20%(32)(1.67 1027 kg) = 4.8 1026 kgand so

    z0 =(1.38 1023 J/K)(280K)(4.8 1026 kg)(9.8 m/s2) = 8200 m = 8.2 km

    (Because this is so large, pressure and density does not vary appreciably inside a room).Now P (0) is the pressure at sea level, thus 1 atm, and so P (z) = (1atm)ez/8200m, and thusMt. Everest = 8850m, pressure = 0.34 atm

    1.18: Calculate the rms speed of a nitrogen molecule at room temperature.We know:

    vrms =



    One nitrogen atom has mass 14.00 u.1.661027 kg

    1 u= 2.3 1026 kg, so a nitrogen molecule

    has (approximately) twice that mass, or m = 4.6 1026 kg. Thus

    vrms =

    3(1.38 1023 J/K)(300K)

    4.6 1026 kg = 5200 m/s

    1.19: Suppose you have a gas containing hydrogen and oxygen molecules, in thermal equi-librium. Which molecules are moving faster, on average? By what factor?

    The rms speed of the molecules in an ideal gas is vrms =

    3kTm. The ratio of the speeds of

    hydrogen and oxygen at the same temperature is:




    Now oxygen molecules are sixteen times more massive than hydrogen molecules, so vH/vO =16 = 4. So hydrogen molecules will be moving four times faster than oxygen molecules.

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 6

    1.21: During a hailstorm, hailstones with an average mass of 2 g and a speed of 15 m/sstrike a windowpane at a 45 angle. The area of the window is 0.5 m2 and the hailstones hitit at a rate of 30 /s. What average pressure do they exert on the window? How does thiscompare to the pressure of the atmosphere?

    The hailstones strike the window at intervals of 1/30 s on average. During this time period,the average force exerted by the window on the hailstone must be:

    F x= mvxt

    where vx is the change in the component of the hailstones velocity perpendicular to thewindow. Assuming elastic collisions and a velocity of 15m/s at 45, this change in velocityis 2vcos(45) = 21m/s. The average pressure is then





    =(0.002 kg)(21 m/s)

    (0.5 m2)(0.033 s)= 2.5 N/m2 = 2.5 Pa

    This is smaller than atmospheric pressure by a factor of 40,000. (However, the instantaneouspressure during a collision is much higher, as the force is localized in time and space; this iswhat might cause the window to break.)

    1.22: If you poke a hole in a container full of gas, the gas will start leaking out. In thisproblem you will make a rough estimate of the rate at which gas escapes through a hole.

    a. Consider a small portion (area A) of the inside wall of a container full of gas. Show that

    the number of molecules colliding with this surface in a time interval t is PAt/(2mv x),

    where P is the pressure, m the average molecular mass, andv x is the average x velocity of

    those molecules that collide with the wall.

    As in Eq. 1.9, Newtons Laws imply that each molecule colliding with the surface exerts anaverage pressure of:

    P= mvxAt

    For an elastic collision, vx = 2vx. If there are N molecules, the total pressure is the sumof N terms of this form, one for each molecule; the sum over vx values can be written as Ntimes the average, or N

    v x. Therefore

    P =m(2N

    v x)

    At N = PAt

    2mv x

    b. Its not easy to calculatev x, but a good enough approximation if (v2x)

    0.5, where the bar

    now represents an average over all molecules in the gas. Show that (v2x)0.5 =


    This result follows directly from Eq. 1.15: kT = mv2x v2x =kT/m

    c. If we now take away this small part of the wall, the molecules that would have collidedwith it will instead escape through the hole. Assuming that nothing enters through the hole,show that the number N of molecules inside the container as a function of time is governedby the differential equation:


    dt= A




  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 7

    Solve this equation (assuming constant T ) to obtain a formula of the form N(t) = N(0)et/

    where is the characteristic time for N (and P ) to drop by a factor of e.

    What we called N above is now N , the change in the number of molecules in thecontainer. Substituting this into part (a), and bringing in part (b), gives us:

    N = PAt2m



    Now use the ideal gas law to eliminate P , and divide through by t, taking the limit t 0to get the derivative:

    N = (NkT/V )At2m




    t= N kTA





    dt= A



    mN = 1


    where = (2V/A)m/kT . Thus N(t) is a function whose derivative is equal to 1/ times

    itself, which makes it an exponential:

    N(t) = N0et/

    d. Calculate the characteristic time for air at room temperature to escape from a 1-litrecontainer punctured by a 1mm2 hole.

    To calculate we start with the quantitykT/m =

    RT/M , where M is the molar mass

    of the gas (that is, the mass of a mole of air). Assuming the gas is near room temperature:



    (8.3 J/mol/K)(300 K)0.029 kg/mol

    = 293 m/s 300 m/s

    A one liter bottle has volume 103m3, and 1 mm2 = 106 m2, so



    =2(0.001 m3)

    (106 m2)(300 m/s)= 7 s

    e. The tire going flat I assume to mean that et/ 0 in the shortest time. For example,e3 .05, which is close to 0. That means:

    t 3 t = 3t = 3 = 32V





    A(3.42 103)

    Again, I assume V = 1 L and 1 hour = 3600 s.

    3600s =6(103 m3)

    A(3.42 103 s/m

    Calculate the area A;

    A = 5.7 109 m2 = 5.7 103 mm2

    f. Assuming that in time t, all particles within the half sphere of radius vxt surroundingthe hole escape, since vx is on the order of several hundreds of meters per second on averageit seems unlikely that the travelers could toss the corpse out the window in a short enoughtime for an insignificant number of particles to escape. Of course, this hinges on the thedefinition of significant- if the space ship was very large, the percentage of air compared tothe total volume of the ship would be very small and perhaps termed insignificant.

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 8

    1.26: A battery is connected in series to a resistor, which is immersed in water (to prepare anice hot cup of tea). Would you classify the flow of energy from the battery to the resistoras heat or work? What about the flow of energy from the resistor to the wire?

    Energy flowing from the battery to the resistor should be classified as work, since it is aprocess that would not happen spontaneously. The flow of energy from the resistor to thewater is heat, since it is a spontaneous process.

    1.27: Give an example of a process in which no heat is added to a system but its temperatureincreases. Then give an example of the opposite: a process in which heat is added to a systembut its temperature does not change.

    An example of a process in which no heat is added to a system but the temperature increasesis pumping a tire full of air. A process in which heat is added to a system but its temperatureremains constant is a phase change, melting a piece of ice for example.

    1.28: Estimate how long it would take to bring a cup of water to boiling temperature ina typical 600-watt microwave oven, assuming that all the energy ends up in the water.(Assume any reasonable initial temperature for the water). Explain why no heat is involvedin this process.

    There are a few ways to approach this problem. U = Q + W where, for this problem,Q = 0 so U = W . Looking at the change in thermal energy (eqn 1.23) for a system of Nmolecules with f degrees of freedom:

    U = Nf1


    Assuming that the water is at 20 C at the start and it boils at 100 C, then T = (100 -20) =80 C. H2O = 2H + O 2 g/mol + 16 g/mol 18 g/mol. A typical cup of water isabout 200g, and so:

    N =(200 g)

    (18 g/mol)

    (6.02 1023 molecules)(1 mol)

    N = 6.7 1024 molecules

    The number of degrees of freedom, f , is not so clearly defined in the problem. There arecertainly 3 translational degrees of freedom and there are 3 rotational. We do not know ifthe vibrational degrees of freedom are frozen out, but if we assume that they are then f = 6.

    U 6.7 1024 621.38 1023 73 JU 2.02 104 J

    For a 600 W oven, the heating rate is 600 J/s, so:

    t U600 J/s

    34 s

    Alternatively, we can look at the definition of a calorie. 1 calorie = 4.186 J is the amountof energy required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 C. So, for 200 g of waterwe need:

    U = (4.186 J/g/C)(200 g)(80 C)

    U = 6.11 104 J

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 9


    t 6.11 104

    600 102 s

    Clearly, f = 6 is not correct for liquid water and there must be a larger number of degreesof freedom.

    Remember that flow of heat is a spontaneous process from higher T to lower T . Themicrowave overn is an example of electro-magnetic work.

    1.31: Imagine some helium in a cylinder with an initial volume of 1 litre and an initialpressure of 1 atm. Somehow the helium is made to expand to a final volume of 3 litres, insuch a way that the pressure rises in direct proportion to its volume. (a) Sketch a graph ofpressure vs volume for this process.

    (b) Calculate the work done on the gas during this process, assuming that there are noother types of work being done.

    The work done is just minus the area under the graph shown in (a). The easiest way tocompute the area is to note that the average pressure during this process is 2 atm and:

    W = PV = (2 atm)(2 l)W = (2 105 Pa)(2 103 m3)W = 400 J

    The minus sign indicates that 400 J of work is done by the gas on its surroundings.

    (c) Calculate the change in the heliums energy content during this process

    Each helium atom has three degrees of freedom, so at any point the thermal energy of thehelium is U = 3

    2NkT = P

    V. The change in energy during this process is:

    U =3

    2[PfVf PiVi]

    U =3

    2[(3 atm)(3 l) (1 atm)(1 l)]

    U = 12 atm l = 1200J

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 10

    (d) Calculate the amount of heat added to or removed from the helium during this process.

    By the first law,

    Q = U WQ = 1200 (400) = 1600 J

    This amount of heat enters the gas.

    (e) Describe what you might do to cause the pressure to rise as the helium expands?

    To cause such an increase in pressure (and temperature) as the gas expands, you mustprovide heat, for example, by holding a flame under the cylinder and letting the piston outslowly enough to allow the pressure to rise as desired.

    1.33: An ideal gas is made to undergo the cyclic process shown in the figure. For each of thesteps A, B, and C, determine whether each of the following is positive, negative, or zero: (a)the work done on the gas, (b) the change in the energy content of the gas, and (c) the heatadded to the gas. Then determine the sign of each of these three quantities for the wholecycle. What does this process accomplish (in real-world terms)?

    The work done on the gas depends entirely on the change in volume; decreasing volumemeans that work is positive, while increasing volume means that work is negative. Thethermal energy of the gas is directly proportional to the temperature, which is in turnproportional to PV . The heat must then be accounted for via the equation U = W +Q.

    For branch A, the volume increases, so W < 0. PV increases as well, so the thermal energyis increasing. Since the energy increases but work flows out, there must be a flow of heatinward to compensate, and Q > 0.

    For branch B, there is no change in volume so W = 0. PV increases, so U > 0. Becausethe energy is increasing, there must be a flow of heat inward.

    For branch C, volume and pressure are both decreasing, so W > 0 and U < 0. Becausework flows in and the energy still decreases, there must be a net flow of heat outward, soQ < 0. To summarize:

    Branch energy W QA increases negative positiveB increases zero positiveC decreases positive negative

    During one complete cycle, PV comes back to its original value, so the thermal energy doesnot change. The work done on this system is positive (because branch C has a greater area

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 11

    under it than branch A, and thus has more work flowing). Because the systems energydoesnt change, Q must be negative: heat flows out of the system.

    In short, this cycle transforms work into heat; it could, for instance, be some sort of spaceheater. If we note, however, that this system both absorbs heat (in steps A and B) and emitsheat, we can think of a more sophisticated use: in particular, we can absorb heat from oneroom and emit it into the other. Similar cycles can act as refrigerators, but this particularcycle would not make a practical refrigerator because the heat absorption stages are not ata lower temperature than the emission stages.

    1.34: An ideal diatomic gas, in a cylinder with a movable piston, undergoes the rectangularcyclic process shown in the figure below. Assume that the temperature is always such thatthe rotational degrees of freedom are active but that the vibrational modes are frozenout. Also assume that the only type of work done on the gas is quasidiabatic compression-expansion work.

    (a) For each of the four steps A through D, compute the work done om the gas, the heatadded to the gas, and the change in the energy content of the gas. Express all answers interms of P1, P2, V1 and V2 )Hint: compute U before Q using the ideal gas law and theequipartition theorem.)

    For an ideal diatomic gas at room temperature, U = 52NkBT =

    52PV (since PV = NkBT )

    Step A:

    UA =5

    2VP =


    2V1(P2 P1)

    WA = 0

    QA = UA WA = 52V1(P2 P1)

    Step B:

    UB =5

    2PV =


    2P2(V2 V1)

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 12

    WB = V2V1

    PdV = P2(V2 V1) = P2(V1 V2)

    QB = UB WB = 52P2(V2 V1) + P2(V1 V2) = 7

    2P2(V2 V1)

    Step C:

    UC =5

    2VP =


    2V2(P1 P2) = 5

    2V2(P2 P1)

    WC = 0

    QC = UC WC = 52V2(P2 P1)

    Step D:

    UD =5

    2PV = 5

    2P1(V2 V1)

    WD = V1V2

    PdV = P1(V1 V2) = P1(V2 V1)

    QD = UD WD = 52P1(V2 V1) P2(V2 V1) = 7

    2P1(V2 V1)

    (b) Describe in words what is physically being done during each of the four steps; for example,during Step A, heat is added to the gas (from an external flame or something) while thepiston is held fixed.

    In step A, the volume is held constant at V1, and heat is added to the gas in the cylinder,thus raising its temperature and pressure. In step B, the piston is moved out to increasethe volume from V1 to V2, and, at the same time, heat is added so as to maintain constantpressure at P2. In step C, the volume is held constant at V2, and heat is removed from thecylinder to lower the pressure from P2 to P1. Finally, in step D, the gas is compressed fromV2 to V1, while continuing to remove heat, so that the pressure is maintained at P1.

    (c) Compute the net work done on the gas, the net heat added to the gas, and the net changein the energy of the gas during the entire cycle. Are the results as you expected? Explainbriefly.

    For the cyclical process, we have:

    Ucycle = UA +UB +UC +UD

    UD =5

    2V1(P2 P1) + 7

    2P2(V2 V1) +5

    2V2(P2 P1) +7

    2P1(V2 V1)

    Ucycle = 0


    Wcycle = P2(V2 V1) + P1(V2 V1)Wcycle = (P2 P1)(V2 V1)


    Qcycle =5

    2V1(P2 P1) + 7

    2P2(V2 V1) 5

    2V2(P2 P1) 7

    2P1(V2 V1)

    Qcycle =5

    2(P2 P1)(V1 V2) + 7

    2(P2 P1)(V2 V1)

    Qcycle = (P2 P1)(V2 V1)

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 13

    Yes, the results are as expected. For a complete cycle, the net change in the internal energyU should be zero, since U is a function of state. Furthermore, from the first law, we haveU = Q+W Q = W if U = 0.

    1.38: Two identical bubbles of gas form at the bottom of a lake, then rise to the surface.Because the pressure is much lower at the surface than at the bottom, both bubbles expandas they rise. However, bubble A rises very quickly so that no heat is exchanged between itand the water. Meanwhile, bubble B rises slowly (impeded by a tangle of seaweed), so thatit always remains in thermal equilibrium with the water (which has the same temperatureeverywhere). Which of the two bubbles is larger by the time they reach the surface? Explainyour reasoning fully.

    Both bubbles are identical to begin with, so both have the same number of air molecules Ninside. The pressure inside each bubble must be more-or-less equal to the pressure of thewater (we ignore the effects of surface tension here), so both bubbles end up at the samepressure as well. Therefore the volume of each bubble, V = NkT/P , depends entirely ontemperature: the warmer bubble will be bigger. That also means that the larger bubble willhave the larger thermal energy. Now both bubbles do work on the surrounding water as theyexpand (W < 0) Because bubble A does not exchange heat with its environment, it losesenergy and so cools down. Bubble B, on the other hand, remains at a constant temperature.Therefore, by our reasoning above, bubble B, the one that absorbs heat, will be larger.

    1.40: In problem 1.16 you calculated the pressure of the earths atmosphere as a functionof altitude, assuming constant temperature. Ordinarily, however, the temperature of thebottommost 10-15 km of the atmosphere (called the troposphere) decreases with increasingaltitude, due to heating from the ground (which is warmed by sunlight). If the temperaturegradient |dT/dz| exceeds a certain critical value, convection will occur: Warm, low-densityair will rise while cool, high-density air sinks. The decrease of pressure with altitude causesa rising air mass to expand adiabatically and thus to cool. The condition for convection tooccur is that the rising air mass must remain warmer than the surrounding air despite thisadiabatic cooling. (a) Show that when an ideal gas expands adiabatically, the temperatureand pressure are related by the differential equation:




    f + 2



    From the book:

    PV = const.

    V T f/2 = const.

    Using these and solving for V gives:

    V =1

    PT (f+2)/2 = const.

    This can be written in terms of natural logarithms as follows:

    lnT (f+2)/2 lnP = const.f + 2

    2lnT lnP = const.

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 14

    Now if we take a derivative: (f + 2



    T dP

    P= 0

    Simplifying this gives the desired differential equation




    f + 2



    (b)Assume that dT/dz is just at the critical value fro convection to begin, so that thevertical forces on a convecting air mass are always approximately in balance. Use the resultof problem 1.16(b) to find a formula for dT/dz in this case. This result should be a constant,independent of temperature and pressure, which evaluates to approximately -10/km. Thisfundamental meteorological constant is known as the dry adiabatic lapse rate.

    From Problem 1.16 (b):


    dz= mg


    From the answer in part (a), dT/dP can be decomposed into the product







    and therefore






    f + 2



    Substituting in the expression for dP/dz:







    f + 2



    The T s and P s cancel, and we are left with (after solving for dT/dz)






    f + 2


    Using the mass of air, mair = 4.84 1026 kg/molecule. Substituting in all the numbers:dT


    (4.84 1026 kg/molecule)(9.8 m/s2)1.38 1023 J/K


    5 + 2


    dz= .0098


    m .01 K


    To change to K/km we just have to mutliply by 1000 m/km, and we get


    dz= 10



    Which was to be shown.

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 15

    2.1: Suppose you flip four fair coins.(a) Make a list of all the possible outcomes, as in Table 2.1.

    The number of outcomes is 24 = 16.


    (b) Make a list of all the different macrostates and their probabilities.

    0 Heads = 1 P = 1/161 Heads = 4 P = 4/162 Heads = 6 P = 5/163 Heads = 4 P = 4/164 Heads = 1 P = 1/16

    (c) Compute the multiplicity of each macrostate using the combinatorial formula (2.6), andcheck that these results agree with what you got by brute force counting.

    (0, 4) = 4!0! 4!

    Note : 0! = 1 So, = 1, P=1/16.(1, 4) = 4!

    1! 3!So, = 24

    6, P=4/16.

    (2, 4) = 4!2! 2!

    So, = 244, P=6/16.

    (3, 4) = 4!3! 1!

    So, = 246, P=4/16.

    (4, 4) = 4!4! 0!

    So, = 1, P=1/16.

    2.2: Suppose you flip 20 coins. (a) How many possible outcomes macrostates are there?For only 2 possible states 220 microstates. 220 = 1,048,576. Note that this is (all) or(total)

    (b) What is the probability of getting the sequence HTHHTTTHTHHHTHHHHTHT (inexactly that order)?

    Simply, this is only one macrostate out of 220. Since each state is equally probable, thepossibility of getting this particular one is 1/220 less than one in a million.(c) What is the probability of getting 12 heads and 8 tails (in any order)=

    This is another macrostate:

    P =(20, 12)



    12! (2012)!1048576


    1048576= 0.12

    So, the probability is about 12%

    2.3: Suppose you flip 50 coins.(a) How many possible outcomes (microstates) are there?

    There are two outcomes for each coin, so total number of macrostates: (all) = 250 =1.13 1015(b) How many ways are there of getting exactly 25 heads and 25 tails?

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 16

    To get exactly 25 heads:

    (q,N) =N !

    (N q)! q!(25, 50) =


    (50 25)! 25! = 1.26 1014

    (c) What is the probability of getting exactly 25 heads and 25 tails?

    P (25) =(25, 50)


    P (25) =1.26 1014

    250= 0.112

    So, not so large.

    (d) What is the probability of getting exactly 30 heads and 20 tails?

    P (30) =(30, 50)


    P (30) =1


    30! 20!= 0.042

    (e) What is the probability of getting exactly 40 heads and 10 tails?

    P (40) =(40, 50)


    P (40) =1


    40! 10!= 0.0000091 = 9.1 106

    (f) What is the probability of getting exactly 50 heads and 0 tails?

    P (50) =1

    (all)= 8.9 1016

    (g) Plot a graph of the probability of getting n heads as a function of n

    2.4: Calculate the number of possible five-card poker hands, dealt from a deck of 52 cards.(The order of cards in a hand does not matter.) A royal flush consists of the five highest-ranking cards (ace, king, queen, jack, 10) of any one of the four suits. What is the probabilityof being dealt a royal flush (on the first deal)?

    The number of hands:

    N =52!

    5! 47!= 2598960

    The probability of getting a royal flush:

    P =4!

    5! 47!= 2598960

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 17

    2.5: For an Einstein solid with each of the following values of N and q, list all of the possiblemicrostates, count them, and verify formula 2.9

    (a) N = 3, q = 4 : (N, q) = (q+N1)!q! (N1)!

    = 15

    Oscillator Oscillator1 2 3 1 2 34 0 0 0 1 30 4 0 2 2 00 0 4 2 0 23 1 0 2 1 13 0 1 0 2 21 3 0 1 2 10 3 1 1 1 21 0 3

    15 states.

    (b) N = 3, q = 5 : (N, q) = (q+N1)!q! (N1)!

    = 21

    Oscillator Oscillator1 2 3 1 2 35 0 0 3 1 10 5 0 2 3 00 0 5 0 3 24 1 0 1 3 14 0 1 2 0 31 4 0 0 2 30 4 1 1 1 31 0 4 2 2 10 1 4 2 1 23 2 0 1 2 23 0 2

    21 states.

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 18

    (c) N = 3, q = 6 : (N, q) = (q+N1)!q! (N1)!

    = 28

    Oscillator Oscillator1 2 3 1 2 36 0 0 1 4 10 6 0 2 0 40 0 6 0 2 45 1 0 1 1 45 0 1 3 3 01 5 0 3 0 30 5 1 3 2 11 0 5 3 1 20 3 5 3 3 04 2 0 0 3 34 0 2 2 3 14 1 1 1 3 22 4 0 2 1 30 4 2 1 2 3

    28 states.

    (d) N = 4, q = 2 : (N, q) = (q+N1)!q! (N1)!

    = 10

    Oscillator1 2 3 42 0 0 00 2 0 00 0 2 00 0 0 21 1 0 01 0 1 01 0 0 10 1 1 00 1 0 10 0 1 1

    10 states.

    (e) N = 4, q = 3 : (N, q) = (q+N1)!q! (N1)!

    = 20

    Oscillator Oscillator1 2 3 4 1 2 3 43 0 0 0 1 0 2 00 3 0 0 0 1 2 00 0 3 0 0 0 2 10 0 0 3 1 0 0 22 1 0 0 0 1 0 22 0 1 0 0 0 1 22 0 0 1 1 1 1 01 2 0 0 1 1 0 10 2 1 0 1 0 1 10 2 0 1 0 1 1 1

    20 states.

    (f) N = 1, q = anything

    (N, q) = (q+N1)!q! (N1)!

    = q Oscillator 1: q

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 19

    (g) N = anything, q = 1

    (N, q) = (q+N1)!q! (N1)!

    = N

    2.6: Calculate the multiplicity of an Einstein solid with 30 oscillators and 30 units of energy.(Do not attempt to list all the microstates)

    (30, 30) = (q+N1)!q! (N1)!

    = 59!30! 29!

    = 5.91 1016

    2.7: For an Einstein solid with four oscillators and two units of energy, represent each possiblemicrostate as a series of dots and lines, as used in the text to prove equation 2.9

    N = 4, q = 2, (N, q) = (q+N1)!q! (N1)!

    = 10

    Oscillator Dots and lines1 2 3 4 1 2 3 42 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1

    10 states.

    2.8: Consider a system of two Einstein solids, A and B, each containing 10 oscillators, sharinga total of 20 units of energy. Assume that the solids are weakly coupled, and that the totalenergy is fixed.

    (a) How many different macrostates are available to this system?

    Solid A can have anywhere between 0 and 20 units of energy. Therefore, 21 differentmacrostates are available to the system of weakly coupled A and B solids sharing 20 unitsof energy.

    (b) How many different microstates are available to this system?

    The combined system has 20 oscillators and 20 units of energy. Therefore,

    (N, q) =(q +N 1)!q!(N 1)! =


    20! 19!= 6.89 1010

    (c) Assuming that this system is in thermal equilibrium, what is the probability of findingall of the energy in solid A?

    For the macrostate with all energy in solid A:

    = AB = A(10, 20)B(10, 0) =29!

    20! 9!= 1 107

    The probability of this macrostate is:

    P =1 107

    6.89 1010 = 1.45 104

    (d) What is the probability of finding exactly half the energy in solid A?

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 20

    For the macrostate with exactly half the energy in solid A:

    = AB = A(10, 10)B(10, 10) =19!

    10! 9!= 8.53 109

    P =8.53 1096.89 1010 = 0.124

    (e) Under what circumstances would this system exhibit irreversible behaviour?

    If the energy was initially all in A, the system would evolve toward half energy in A andhalf energy in B, and this distribution of energy would be irreversible. In other words, oncethe energy is evenly distributed, it is highly unlikely that the system would find itself withall the energy back in A.

    2.16: Suppose you flip 1000 coins. (a) What is the probability of getting exactly 500 headsand 500 tails? (Hint: First write down a formula for the total number of possible outcomes.Then, to determine the multiplicity of the 500-500 macrostate, use Sterlings approx-imation. If you have a fancy calculator that makes Stirlings approximation unnecessary,multiply all the numbers in this problem by a sufficient factor that you have to manuallymake this approximation.

    First, note that the number of possible outcomes (microstates) is 21000. The probability ofgetting 500 heads and 500 tails is (from Sterlings approximation):

    (500) =





    (500) 10001000e1000

    2pi 1000(

    500500e5002pi 500

    )2 = 21000


    The probability is (500)/(all) :

    (500) =21000



    = 0.025

    So the chance of getting exactly 500 heads is about 2.5%, or 1 in 40.

    (b)What is the probability of getting exactly 600 heads and 400 tails?

    From Sterlings approximation:

    (600) =




    600! 400!

    (600) 10001000e1000

    2pi 1000

    600600e6002pi 600 400400e400

    2pi 400


    600600 400400480pi

    The probability is (600)/(all) :

    (600) =10001000

    21000 600600 400400480pi


    600600 400400480pi

    =500600 500400

    600600 400400480pi

    (600) =(5


    )600 (54

    )400 1480pi

    So the chance of getting exactly 600 heads is 4.6 1011, much smaller than P (500)

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 21

    2.21: Use a computer to plot formula 2.22 directly, as follows. Define z = qa/q such that(1 z) = qb/q. Then, aside from a few constants that can be ignored, the multiplicityfunction is [4z(1 z]N , where z ranges from 0 to 1 and the factor 4 ensures that the heightof the peak is equal to 1 for any N. Plot this function for N=1, 10, 100, 1000, and 10,000.Observe how the width of the peak decreases as N increases.

    2.23: Consider a two-state paramagnet with 1023 elementary dipoles, with half the totalenergy fixed at zero so that exactly half the dipole point up and half point down.

    (a) How many microstates are accessible to this system?

    With N dipoles of which exactly N/2 point up, the multiplicity of the paramagnet is:



    ) N !(




    So, taking the Sterling approximation:






    ]2 = 2N



    For N = 1023, then, the multiplicity is roughly: 21023

    /4 1011 Since the denominator ismerely large, we could just as well neglect it and say that = 210


    , which is the numberof microstates if we allow any number of dipoles to be pointing up.

    (b)Suppose that the microstate of this system changes a billion times per second. How manymicrostates will it explore in ten billion years (the age of the universe)?

    A year is about 3 107 s, so 10 billion years is about 3 1017 s, or 3 1026 ns. If themicrostate of the system changes once every nanosecond, this is how many microstates thesystem will explore in the age of the universe. But this is a tiny fraction of the total numberof microstates. In fact, the fraction is so small that the ratio of states not explored to statesexplored is 210



  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 22

    (c) Is it correct to say that, if you wait long enough, a system will eventually be found inev ery accessible microstate? Explain your answer, and discuss the meaning of the wordaccessible.

    Even if we wait for the age of the universe, the fraction of all accessible microstates thatare actually explored by this system is so tiny that it might be more accurate to say that thesystem explores none of its accessible microstates. When we call a microstate accessible,therefore, we should not think that the system will ever actually be in that microstate. Sowhat do we mean? One of the best interpretations is in terms of our ignorance of whichmicrostates the system will actually explore in the future. Forallweknow, the system mightsoon be found in any of its accessible microstates, even though the probability of its beingfound in any of them is vanishingly small.

    2.24: For a single large two-state paramagnet, the multiplicty function is very sharply peakedabout N = N/2 (a) Use Sterlings approximation to estimate the height of the peak in themultiplicity function.

    If N = N, then N = N =N2and the multiplicity is:

    max =N !

    N! N!=

    N !(N2!)2

    max NNeN






    ]2 = 2N


    pi N

    Using Sterlings approximation:

    =N !

    N! N! N


    NN e

    N2piN N

    N e



    NN N




    (b) Use the methods discussed in the lectures to derive a formula for the multiplicity functionin the vicinity of the peak, in terms of x N (N/2). Check that your formula agreeswith your answer to part (a) when x = 0

    Using x N (N/2), we can rearrange for N:

    N =N

    2+ x

    and solve for N:

    N = N N N = N N2 x N = N

    2 x

    Using the equation obtained from Sterlings approximation:


    NN N




    setting N = (N/2) + x and N = (N/2) x:


    N2+ x

    )N/2+x (N2 x

    )N/2x N2pi(N2+ x

    ) (N2 x


  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 23

    Rearranging . . .



    )2 x2]N/2 (N2+ x

    )x (N2 x

    )x N2pi[(


    )2 x2]

    Apply the logarithmic approximation to this equation:

    ln N lnN N2ln



    )2 x2

    ] x ln


    2+ x

    )+ x ln


    2 x


    + ln


    2pi 1




    )2 x2


    Nothing yet has been assumed about the size of x relative to N but if x N , the logarithmscontaining two terms can be expanded:




    )2 x2

    ]= ln



    )2+ ln




    )2] 2 ln







    2 x

    )= ln



    )+ ln

    [1 2x


    ] ln



    ) 2x


    Using these expressions, we get:

    ln = N lnN N ln N2+2x2

    N x ln N

    2 2x


    N+ x ln


    2 2x



    + ln


    2pi ln N



    ln = N ln 2 2x2

    N+ ln


    piN 2x



    The last term is clearly negligible and can be neglected. Taking the exponential:

    eln eN ln 2 2x2




    = 2N



    2/N for x N

    This is a Gaussian function, peaked at x = 0. Clearly, when x = 0:

    = 2N



    which is the same result obtained in part (a).

    (c) How wide is the peak in the multiplicity function?

    The Gaussian function falls off to 1/e of its peak value when:


    N= 1 x =



    But the width of the peak will be 2x so: width =2N

  • Richard Thomas - FK4005 Thermodynamik - Solutions to Raknovningar 24

    (d) If you flip one million coins. Would you be surprised to obtain 501,000 heads and 499,999tails? Would you be surprised to obtain 510,000 heads and 490,000 tails? Explain.

    Here, N = 106 x = N2+ 103. The half-width of the peak in the multiplicity function would

    be500000 700. So an excess of 1000 heads is only a little beyond the point where the

    Gaussian has fallen off to 1/e of its maximum value. It would nit be too surprising to obtainapproximately this many heads, though it would be surprising to obtain an excess of exactly1000. Conversely, an excess of 10,000 heads lies fay outside the peak in the multiplicityfunction. At this point the Gaussian has fallen off to e200 1087 of its maximum value. Ifa result close to this was achieved, its likely that there is a problem with the coins!

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