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    Opening your Chakras and allowing ahealthy flow of energy is a powerful toolfor staying balanced, maintaining goodhealth and advancing spiritually. Thereare lots of things we can actively do andtools we can use to heal our chakras andmake our lives better.

    If you dont know what Chakras or energycenters are check out this article here tolearn more!

    This video is a fun and awesome tool for learning more about chakras andhow to open them. Who knew that a kids show would teach us the secrets

    Top 10 Ways to BuildRelationships with your Crystals


    What Will Happen OnceAll The Healers Ar10 Real Incidents thatSuggest Time TravHow To Know If You'reAn Indigo, CrystalHow to RemoveAttachments to Past


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    to opening up our 7 chakras and work towards enlightenment! Youve gottacheck this out!

    1. Root Chakra

    The Root Chakra deals with fear andsurvival and is located at the base ofthe spine. Actively doing things in


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    your life to face your fears is thequickest way to overcome thestruggles in this chakra. The color redis linked to the root chakra and canactually give you a boost in that area. If you are feeling nervous or scaredtry wearing more red.

    Another trick is to surround yourself with crystals that resonate with thevibration of the root Chakra. Some of these crystals are Hematite(grounding and stabilizing), Red Jasper (activating), Rhodochrosite(clearing), Black Tourmaline (protective and healing), Garnet (balancing), RedCarnelian (balancing) & Smokey Quartz (protective and healing). Want tolearn more about crystals? Check out this article here!

    Meditating on your fear and recognizing that they are mostly in your ownmind is another way that you can better prepare yourself to face them.

    2. Sacral Chakra

    The Sacral chakra is strongly linkedwith relationships, guilt and blame. Ifwe want to actively fix our blocks withthis chakra we need to be real, openand honest in our relationships.

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    The color Orange is linked with thischakra and surrounding yourself inthat color can powerfully charge it. TheSacral Chakra is located below yournavel.

    Also using the following crystals canalso help you be more open to healingthis Chakra. Orange Calcite (cleansing and activating), Coral Calcite(amplifier), Moonstone (balancing), Orange Carnelian (healing), SnowflakeObsidian (calming), Citrine (cleansing and energizing), Orange Aventurine(opening) & Leopardskin Jasper (protecting) are the crystals linked with thisenergy.

    When you meditate on the Sacral Chakra try to dig deep into what bothersyou in your relationships. Figure out what you need to to to be morerespectful of others and what you can do to be more true to yourself. If youget gut feelings that something is wrong it is typically linked to this chakra.

    Need help with your relationships? Check out this article here!

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    3. Solar Plexus Chakra

    The Solar Plexus Chakra is linked

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    with pride, confidence and theego. We need to be aware of ourdeep motivations for why we dothe things we do. Are we orpeople around us seekingapproval?

    Have you ever met someone whowas shy or seems to have low selfconfidence? What aboutsomeone who came across as

    arrogant? These are low and high extremes of the Solar Plexus Chakraenergy. With balance we will be able to be confident in what we are doingand seek to empower others to be their best.

    This chakra is Yellow and it is located above your navel. Check out thesecrystals to help you charge the Solar Plexus Chakra. Citrine(cleansing), Sunstone (activating), Topaz (healing), Tigers Eye (balance andhealing) & Amber (protective and energizing).

    4. Heart Chakra

    The heart chakra is linked to love,compassion and grief. Love andunderstanding for others, thecaring of a pet, and the healing of

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    the earth are all linked to thischakra. Learning to truly serve andbe selfless is the key to activelyopening up this chakra.

    This chakra is green and is locatedin the center of the chest. Thecrystals that can help you open and energize this chakra are GreenAventurine (healing), Emerald (opening), Jade (balancing), Rose Quartz(healing and opening), Lithium Quartz (balancing, activating andhealing), Chrome Diopside (healing and opening), Ruby (opening andactivating), Peridot (awakening), Green Kyanite (connects third-eye toheart), & Green Tourmaline (opening and activating).

    When you meditate on love recognise that all living things are connectedand deserve our respect. The secrets we are looking for to heal the peoplearound us are sometimes are contained in their opposites. For example ifsomeone you know is mean and everything they do seems to push you awayperhaps what they need the most is love.

    5. Throat Chakra

    The Throat Chakra is linked tocommunication and expression. Artand other forms of expression alsocome from this energy. To actively

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    heal this chakra we need to practicebeing honest with ourselves andthose around us. We also can engagein hobbies that inspire us such aswriting, painting or making somethingnew.

    This chakra is blue and is located in the throat. The crystals that areassociated with it are Apatite (opening and activating), Aqua Aura(activating and balancing), Blue Lace Agate (balancing), Blue Tiger Eye(soothing), Turquoise (stimulating and balancing), Blue Kyanite(opening), Blue Calcite (clearing), Aquamarine (clearing andactivating), Angelite (healing and clearing), Lapis Lazuli (opening, activating,and balancing), & Sodalite (stimulating).

    When meditating on this chakra ask yourself if you have said things thatcould hurt others. Also ask yourself if you arent saying things that you needto express. Sometimes throat chakra imbalances can be linked to things suchas sore throats and it is important to have health expression.

    6. Third Eye Chakra

    The third eye chakra is locatedin the center of our heads, islinked to the pineal gland andis about seeing truth. When

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    this chakra is blocked we areunable to hear our ownintuition as well as see thepatterns all around us. We areall connected to everyone andeverything.

    Indigo is the color linked to this chakra. The following crystals can aid you inbalancing and opening your third eye:

    Amethyst (opening, balancing, and stimulating), Moldavite (clearing,opening, and activating), Herkimer Diamond (activating), Howlite (openingand activating), Iolite (clearing and opening), Indigo Aura(stimulating), Pietersite (activating), Labradorite (regulates), Ruby Zoisite(opening), Stilbite (stimulating), Unakite (grounding, aligning, and balancing)& Azurite (opening).

    When you are meditating on this chakra focus on oneness. Recognise thatwe all come from the same source. We must wake up and remember who wereally are. Is it possible that this is all just a dream? We must open our mindsand listen to truth even if it is hard to understand at first.

    7. Crown Chakra

    The crown chakra is your link to the divineoneness that we all stem from. This is where

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    our inspiration and guidance comes from. Itis located on the top of the head and once itis in balance we will be able to control ourthoughts and be aware of our life purpose.

    The crown chakra is often represented witheither purple or white. The crystalsassociated with it is: Celestite (opening,aligning, and balancing), Clear Topaz(activating), Amethyst (clearing and

    balancing), Danburite (clearing, opening, and stimulating), Phenacite(opening and activating), Optical Calcite (stimulating), Clear Quartz(clearing, aligning, balancing, and activating), Rutilated Quartz(clearing,balancing, and activating) & Selenite (balancing).

    When you meditate on this chakra you need to be aware that the biggestblock is your attachments here on earth. Not only do material possessionscause a block but ideas can too. If you are stuck on your life working out acertain way you will not be able to be guided to what is best for you becauseyou will be attached to a specific result or outcome.

    How we can avoid this is to statewhat it is we really want and thenbe open to that manifestinghowever it needs to. For exampleinstead of saying I want this

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    specific thing for dinner say Iwould like to eat something thatmakes me feel wonderful. Then you can be open to all ideasand ways that you can receive the wonderful feeling and nutrition thatcomes with it. And who knows, you might even end up trying something newor ending up at a restaurant that you were meant to go to.

    Zen teachings talk about going with the flow and when we release ourattachments and stop micro managing our lives we can begin to receive whatwe need physically as well as spiritually.

    Let us know in the comments what you do to open and heal your chakras.

    Thank you for reading!

    With all of my love,


    Spirit Team

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    6 Ways to Not Only Survive but Thrive in Mercury Retrograde

    Add a comment 118 comments

    Phayvanah Halsackda Royal School of Needlework

    Most people are taught to be competitive at an early age which is verysoul destructive for humanity - the state of the world is in, it's themirror of our inner selves - the more people wake up the better theworld will be.

    Reply Like October 9, 2014 at 9:54am85

    Aditya Srivastava

    that is nicely said :) ^_^

    Reply Like December 3, 2014 at 5:26am6

    Corbin Holmes Top Commenter Dishwasher/Host/Server at Noodles & Company

    Found a loophole to "competitive natures". 100% is thebest no if's and's or but's about it? So the only way itwould work is by an 100/100 achievement...which is whatI was at least taught as a child; there is no other way BUT100/100, metaphorically speaking. But then I realized thatthe "/100" does progress pass its limit. And thus thenumerator does as well. An experiment spawned fromthis which I like to call "9999/10000", because theoutcome between the two equations were different. Ibelieved that there was a way to hit 100% without thenumerator and the denominator having to be the exactsame. Trial and error later, I ended up with 24999999999/25000000000...but that came up to be .99999999996. Butthe issue with the whole 5 and over adds one more to thenext place being either true or false. So what did I do fromhere? Kept on adding 9's and 0's; soon24999999999/25000000000, became 2499999999999/2500000000000. From this I figured out not every

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    2500000000000. From this I figured out not everycalculator you'll run into share the same answer becauseI ran into many different calculators in which 100% haddifferent equations. In which I concluded, competition isan Mind-Conditioned illusion.

    Reply Like December 12, 2014 at 6:06am12

    Tyler Balkman Top Commenter Mentor at DANIELS ACADEMY 324 followers

    Wow, this is spot on. Don't forget that it is a long and intenseprocess. You will know when it is time to move on to another chakra,your mind and body start the process automatically. I say thisbecause my students often think they're ready to move on to the nextstep but they are not. Just go with the flow of your body, it will take youon the journey once you begin it. Each step typically ends with aDRASTIC change or at least a mind-blowing spiritual experience.Also bear in mind that the process does not always happen in orderand one chakra at a time, it certainly did not for me. Additionally, afew of these steps you won't "feel" at all. I didn't think the throatchakra even existed physically until I was on step 7. You're best offnot associating the chakras with the mental work you'll do at all,realize that how you flow your energy correlates with your mind but beopen to VERY complex patterns of how it all works together.

    Reply Like Edited December 2, 2014 at 6:18pm16

    Michael Kirk Top Commenter Owner/Wizard at Mystik Spirit

    Good luck with all of that. If it were this easy, everyone would haveperfect chakras. I tune chakras and have yet to have anyone justenter with perfectly tuned chakras. Most of them are like mud. Peoplethat are into heavy yoga and meditation have better ones than most,but by and large, most are so out of tune. I have found that the egoand consciousness help to keep the chakras out of tune, and to tunethem you actually have to get the person into theta meditation, andrelaxed to get to the chakras. I then use proper stones and tuningforks. Unfortunately there is no quick fix, and the older you are withthe more negativity, the longer it takes to actually tune them. They arenot done with one tuning, and sometimes it takes up to threemonths. I read this stuff all the time, but if you REALLY want to havetuned chakras, thinking about stuff when you don't know anythingabout energy manipulation does nothing but make you feel like youare doing something.

    Reply Like December 25, 2014 at 6:31pm7

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    Era M. H. Wiese University of Copenhagen

    Namast, Michael. And so True. Though, maybe articles & what-not such as these mayinitially help to even bring Awareness in the direction ofpercieving the World non-materialistic, and therein liestheir purpose...(?)Working with energy manipulation myself (cleansing ofrooms&houses), I would have a similar response if I readan article with a 7 step guide... And I know they exist outthere, but can't bear myself to read them... I wish you a Magical New YearKind Regards,M.

    Reply Like December 26, 2014 at 3:37pm2

    Michael Kirk Top Commenter Owner/Wizard at MystikSpirit

    Era M. H. Wiese I also cleanse houses and rooms,along with people that have hitchhikers attached. I havethe same things to say about people that listen tosomething on YouTube and think they're experts. Whendoing this type of work, you have to be careful orsomebody can get hurt. I'm seeing too many "mommybloggers" that make stuff up but don't really know whattheir writing about and it's clogging up the reality of the"new age" life. I wish you all luck in your endeavors.

    Reply Like December 26, 2014 at 4:15pm1

    Anna Koleva

    Well Michael how and where do we find you if we want touse your services?

    Reply Like February 8 at 7:47pm1

    Ahmed El Sharif Ajman University of Science and Technology

    Is this the type of chakra where in i can make a resengan likenaruto?

    Reply Like October 9, 2014 at 10:30am13

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    Satori Emrys Melody Tucson, Arizona

    Ya know, I've always had an overactive imagination, so Irecently started to use that in my meditations. In mymorning meditation before I start my day I spend part of itsending Kage-Bushins (shadow clones) of myself toeach of my loved ones to help them with their day. Wasjust for fun at first but some of them have come to me andsaid they felt my presence throughout the day. The powerof the mind is amazing!

    Love & Light

    Reply Like October 9, 2014 at 11:10pm83

    NeM Intangir

    Satori Emrys Melody Sounds so fuckin amazing :D I didn'tthought about sharing our energy in that way. Youinspired me to find something like this , but in my style :DNamaste Peace Love & Enthropy.

    Reply Like October 10, 2014 at 2:21am13

    James White Top Commenter Works at AdvoCare

    Lol not that chakra

    Reply Like December 2, 2014 at 6:34pm

    Mynor Melgar Top Commenter

    Solar Plexus chakra is my favorite and the one I focus on the most. Together with green and orange I can naturally produce purehappiness and love 24/7 It's so freaking amazing.The way I manage to keep these chakras healthy is through aparticular mindset that I make sure never to forget.Green: everything is beautiful and as it should beYellow: you create your own realityOrange: People are physical. Emotions are mental. Therefore, onlyyou are at fault for creating your emotion.

    And then it washes down to this: why can't you always see the brightside, everything that's beautiful in this world, when nothing isphysicality stopping you besides whatever reality you choose tointernally create?

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    internally create?Realizing that the emotions you feel are your fault, analyzing why youfeel that way, and cleansing it. There, >BOOM!< I'm not sad anymore.

    Reply Like December 3, 2014 at 1:55am6

    Hillarie Pacholko Top Commenter Cashier at Walmart

    "Orange: People are physical. Emotions are mental.Therefore, only you are at fault for creating your emotion"Should be more like: "Love, appreciate and always carefor the being that you are presented as. Make sure yourneeds are fullfilled." Just the way you worded it seemed alittle repremanding :P.

    Reply Like December 3, 2014 at 8:53am5

    Andre Zlatin

    And now I wonder how My Little Pony can help you with socialinteractions...

    Reply Like 17 hours ago1

    Sneha Jha Sr. Executive-HRD at Seminal Research

    Awesome video

    Reply Like February 28 at 7:17pm1

    Rohit Kumar Vohra Proprietor at Yunadent - Aayam Herbal &Research Industries

    Will it help if i wear all these 7 colors stone in a braclet...andmeditate.....also pl guide how to what suitable time andhow long should i meditate. If i do it in morning aftet getting up ....iagain get guide.

    Reply Like February 1 at 9:19am1

    Miranda Moonchild Ripley High School

    Wearing the stones will bring good energy, though, itreally can't amplify and cleanse a blocked chakra. I feelonly meditation and deep self-realization can do that. Abracelet could perhaps upkeep this deep cleanse if youare successful I clearing out the chakras'. There are a lotof great self help meditations on line, and perhaps evenwithin your local library. But, meditation is best by feeling

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    within your local library. But, meditation is best by feelingit out and finding what feels best to your body and mind. Asuitable time to meditate would be each morning, on anempty stomach after you've had some water to get yourinternal organs awake, but again, you should feel it outand see what works for you. You should meditate for aslong as feels complete for you. You will know, some gofor 20 minutes, some for 2 hours. If you are feeling sleepyin the morning try stretching and relaxing your body andmind before beginning, or try an afternoon meditationwhen you have more energy. I hope this helps in someway and best of luck on your journey, my friend. I believein you.

    Reply Like February 28 at 4:50pm2

    Prithiviraj Sharma Senior Analyst at HCL Technologies

    Wow!!! Am really impressed with throat chakra, which is related withblue and communication....

    Reply Like 18 hours ago

    Emmanuel Asco Accra poly

    Great one i love the article and the wonderful comments.

    Reply Like 16 minutes ago

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