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Post on 13-Mar-2018






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) LAN5~ SPRING YORK 10977914.3514483


office of the General CouncilF ederal Elect ion Comission999 3 Street, lK. VestWashington, Dc 20463

October 26, 1994"-D 9a'-

• N


Dear S ir/Madam,With regard to my discussions with Kr. Dario Bard of your

office, I explained to him that I encountered an act that I.considered illegal in the Federal Election Law. He informed methat all complaints must be in writing and sent to your attention.

Th~ere is a candidate on the Democrat line running for Congressin the 20th Congrssional Distri~t, that enomnpass.. Rockland,Orange, Iwestchester and Sullivan Counties, Rev York. Thiscandidate who has flaunted the elqption law is Gregory .7ulian, whoiroically is a Professor of Political Science. Mr. .Tulian livesa t 3. R idgto Rod 'fakins Coe Rev York, 109B6. Nr. ulian hasbroken the Federal Election Law which states that all politicaledvrtsing inst have an autborisation statement. His road signsd• ot . I have snolosed a op of the law as yell. .'

andlived be the credo that the letter of the law must andshall always prevail. I take pride in the fact that our Inc~bentCongrssman, Den~amin Gilman, has always insisted that every act byany of the Committeepeople must be accord~ing to the law, with novariations.

I take umbrage when someone who teaches the law, such as Mr.Julian, proceeds to break., it. Enclosed please find two of Mr.Julian's signs that do not have the necessary authorizationstatement. These signs are all over our District.

Thank you for your concern in this important matter.

Respectfully submitted,Enclosures

Sworn to before me:

Notary PublicOctober 26, 1994

• "OI


Joseph Hlocftairman,Ramapo Republ ican Committee


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leltatlon Shlld ceamrl stt the fullnamle of €the person who em tot theeomunhleno(5S) Po'r PUrpo4NI Of this section,wh ._.vr _a ptate segregated fund

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Joseph Ealfolamapo lepub15 invood LaSpring Valse

Dear Kr. Slal

This leyour comlplaiElection Caurespondent ( adays.

You wlICommission treceive anyforward it this numbinformation,Comission" a



Nowuaber 8. 199i4

bn,lican Committeeft.7, wY 10977

RK: NUR 4119


,tter acknowledges receipt on November 2, 1994, ofnt alleging possible violations of the Federalpaiga Act of 1971, as amended ('the Act'). The) will be notified of this complaint within five

1 be notified as soon as the Federal Ulection:ekes final action on your complaint. Should youadditional information in this matter, please:o the Office of the General Counsel. Suchmast be sworn to in the same manner as the originalWe have numbered this matter RU 4119. Please referer in all future comunications. For your

we have attached a brief description of theSprocedures for handling complaints.


RriTsar, Atorney

Central Lnforcement Docket


November 8, 1IU4

frederick N. Casey, TreasurerCitisens for JulianP .O. 3o3 40STomkinls Cove. 31 10986

33: RUE 4119

Dear Rr. Casey:

The Federal lection Comissioni received a complaint which

indicates that Citisens for Julian (=Committee') and you, as

treasurer, may have violated the federal Election Campaign Act

of 1971, as amended ('the Act'). A copy of the complaint is

enclosed. We have numbered this matter RUE 4119. Please refer

to this number in all future correspondence.

Under the Act, you have the opportunity to demonstrate in

vriting9 that no action should betakes aga inst the Cmiattee and

y, as treenuter, in this matter. Please eumit any facual orlegaUl materials which you believe are relevant to the

Cioumo's analysis of this matter. Where appropriate.statements should be submitted under oath. Tour reoponso0 which

should be addressed to the General Counsel's Office, mast be

submitted within 15 day/s of receipt of this letter. If no

response is received within 15 days, the Comission may take

further action based on the available information.

This matter will remain confidential in accordance with

2 U.S.C. S 437g(a)(4)(5) and S 437g(a)(12)(A) unless you notify

the Commission in writing that you wish the matter to be made

public. If you intend to be represented by counsel in this

matter, please advise the Commission by completing the enclosed

form stating the name, address and telephone number of such

counsel, and authorizing such counsel to receive anynotifications and other communications from the Commission.

zlf ;4ou Itv n questions, please contact Joan Ncai~retyt(202) 2-40. o your inforustion, ye have enclosed £ redescritionh of the Coumission's procedures for handling


Nay s'Nkmer, Attorney

Central 3nforcement Docket

inclosures1. Complaint2. procedures3. Designation of Counsel Statement

* -•i i.


November 8. 199t41

Gregofy Julian15 aidgetop ReedT akinS CoyS, WY 1086

RE: KUR 4119

Dear Kr. Julian:

The Federal Election Commission received a complaint which

indicates that you may have violated the Federal Election__ Campaign Act of 191., as amended ('the Act'). A eopy of the

complaint is enclosed. We have numbered this matter mU 4119.

* Please refer to this number in all future correspondence.

~Under the Act, you have the opp~ortunity to demonstrate in

writing that no action should be tae n against you in this- satter. please submit any factual or legal materials which you

obelieve are relevant to the Commission's aasis of thismatter. Where appropriate, statements should be submitted under

~oath. Your respose which should be addressed to the General

Counsel's Office, must be submitted within 11 dayrs of receipt of

this letter. If no response is received within 15 days, the

Commission may take further action besed on the available

' information.

CThis matter will remain confidential in accordance with

~2 U.S.C. S 437g(a)(4)(s) and S 437g(a)(12)(A) unless you notify

the Commission in writing that you wish the matter to be made

O"- public. If you intend to be represented by counsl in this

matter, please advise the Commission by completing the enclosed

form stating the name, address and telephone number of such

counsel, and authorizing such counsel to receive anynotifications and other communications from the Commission.

£2 you have any questions. p1eas. contact Joan Rce~nery at4202) 19-3400, fr your information, we have enclosed a briefeclti@o of the Comission's procedures for handling


Since rely,

Walry . Takear, AttorneyCentral Enforcement Docket

Enclosures1. Complaint2. Procedures3. Designation of Counsel Statement




! , ! ii i !'iV

I css *u .ene m McaIdmdv Noy 14.1n994. 'Ibu d. ~s itqpmrniwl*8 gind by *8FDCwodd be Nmmbw 29, 199. My ,us.

Wpum, Idl*8 &n m imt a tro i Demmt 0, 199.kultmr -mm o b mA a pIr Fdy. my b,,yv Wd W~li 1in,b, bur hdiu, dm el m Smedr.ey , * iy W uuquacesidy -m pumtdy a a b torn cutm hdmum So p m m,i~. Idiy. ,*8 prosin ...... m *8 d eJW~oap Wbarn

. w is by Us beq *8 hplly mqmumdh bdlidy so - redo wo hn- .p tw qisriks iir*8 r is emwus m r *8 p kr

I efl 1d u y inlrl8 m ibIw md redlmmlfa *8lmmmta *m eej lnyin s *8 am. Th, 0l~l l ud, em

"- einptb q ;-s.- r mr i on ~8hw. We wila lio pet b *8btmm lnd uutsdltm . a sml wi& tin FO m.

st 914 942-.0513.

Tomis Cove, New York 10986

Federal Election CommissionWashington, D.C. 20463Re: MUR 4119

Dear Commissioners,

In regards to the omplaint M4UR 41191 offer the following exluiaion, l mustadmit that the signs were not mn comnpliumce with FEC regulations. The signs in

"" question were ordere fromn a larg volume mall order politica cupg supy:-. house "Votes Umie- Im h sdries." We submitted the copy for the signs

and utticipated that they would confcn with anl remlla. Rqeful they didnot imrn that the signs were "Pi for by Citizens for Julim." It must be pointed

Sout tht the enclosed check does indeed prove tht the signs were pai for byC) "Citizens for Juhuu." We never tried inetoal to obscure that kt. I haveN-. ecloed the the pieces of litgwe that tis pin-wut cpma gewaled. You

S will cealy see tha allm ae Iedisclamerappemuia crectly. We tried to thebest of our ablte to conform and comly with evay FEC replaion. Ourreportig of financial records has been iraely and included the expenditure for the

S signs. Our 13 day afterthe eetinreport showed our net cotiuin were- $26,177.84 and our net expenditures were $33,836.72. Considerig the challenges. to amateurs trying to conduct a professional and legally correct campaign I can

honestly say that ated to the best of our abilities. Clearly we made an error. I canonly ask for the mercy of the Commissioners in judging this violation.

Respectfully submitted,

Gregory B. JulianCitizens for JulianPOB 405Tomkins Coves New York 10986


:/: ~l iminating hunlger in

Roddand Courdy Solid Wase: "'g-sm.... Citizn's Comm11ittee

ini:! ar Peole Action Coalition

Mrircin Political Sciece Association

? rlr on Point Central

#4sar, biln :3 years as President

CRIME AND SAFETYGrleayJulmknows murn mut beoneoaM to Uglh swim s th 'suis"wel m in the dmis.WMh~s calrsu Is eiel hi m bilews eahyew, from Use S&L bd euds to moey

To mekoutow ebJuliansupoit

juvesli mpmnub fer thebaions andfuuin swim -wtt plm thetvw ofsr dhwile to gang andvlolanco.

ENVIRONMENTJula doosil jut suppotnv , .

mlverstys Set eesem en

of Uke Un..wlr_-m.e-s" ftiaar Dhredwy -

-green bulascee, ai gvermentan Jid nvlrmad luado. He.a

suppostsml dicing hula 1M w P InPlntadwEl fightm Wlee:.g_ cad ; binadWtdge to o mpml idnths Cle AIr ActN~atinly, Juli. E wailto UrngheUs Cle vvwm ke - alhilve

resonsibl brteiar swms.

HEALTH CAREJule knlw healt cr ren won't be

soveilm ll to culillsces,

uaec-_se-_ly_ supoi a wmnn's right to

£ tL, u S


U.S. Congress 199420th Congressional District NY

Rockland, Orange, Sullhan, Wostchester




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Nvnnr AtlOggtlD

CGovernment fo he PEOPL...... NOT fbr Special Interest Group

OPPOSED Federa Crfrn 8M whwl rnneeded doars to NewYork toigh own and cun ,as

- S1NO aNne rrea s in RSON andlctivbED&IIIrIIIl

'H..ItJ, OPPOSES UnA~ersal Coverage and SUPPORTS IMlverscd Coverage arid~ '



OPPOSE.S hot OewedRocklwmd UtIUrgs so C wAhrActstrdrsTurmhis bck on Ida

preservui StarlingFoet

REGULARLY RECEIYES CHECKSfrom Orn £ Rland PoiialAction Commit... Accepts moneyfrom NY State Pow#er Authorty Con ELdand a federal employee union that heregulates in C'_ongressional Committee.In 1993, earned over $138,000 fromConges, $10 ,50 NYosswnbln, pensbr,plus thousands en speking engageet.

SUPPOfrTS tosh pue for our

for aId presen*! Seei Forest

NO TIES TO BIG BUSINESSLOBBYISTS. A grass-roots oru, izer.FREE TO F/GHT hard against whitecollar AND street crime.Paid $48,000 as Govtlbtia Scienceprofessor. Has wife, Joyce, is an elementaryschoo/lteacher. They handb their ownhouse in Rockland.

OPPOSED. No surprise after 22years in Congress. SUPPORTS/limiring time in offie,campaign contributins, and campaignspending. FOR keeping polticans closeto PEOPLE.

.* .

Elect Greg uIiaTiC for U~ Conim.



~reg julian Is...@O A 2Omyer reidn ofc Roklnd County.

rGovenmen and Par1a expert on" pbkpo cy.on how

c goenmn con truy serveU)thef ~le'ofld why it so

. often foils..

o Avocofexpeiece

US Dwm ,,f,.u~m,,

c. - ew Iru~ ,m

eln,, mmg ina~w, bc ceenn

o Yowng and energei..sinrtand w., I ,m ,] who

pracces hath

-U-t n ~Swu D qru~wmi to J'

"1 believe EVERYONE ha- a RIGHTto heafth care all their lives and tochoose their own doctor."

"I believe EVERYONE has a RIGHTto breathe clean air and drink safrewater without regard to UtiityCompany pofit."


- Greg julian, Candidate for Congress

CITIZENS FOR JULIAN * P0 BOX 405 * 1OMKINS COVE, NY 10986 • 800-781-TIME 9141942-2199

alesr.*ee *v a m id vls., -_-. -

that whbt =,, ,os crbi ro--- .- _w of b l. ofdoaNor a year.

frmcf,m wtl.s.-.; I ru, to ,mer lear of u"mt


wIr w C an d s 'erm yaiathe Cnressc- '>;,

~~people work for the peolte. Let's do it bydefeating a Republican politic'ian who has

.. ... . noved jurtther to the rigiit, who i.s out ofenergy' and out of idea.s and who has become'e to the need.s Of'the people in

~~~his Congress.ional District. "

~GREG JULIANjej Democrat for U.S. Congress

" ' ' 20th Congressional District, New York

Pt 1' PIC( )PI ~l~; II RS'l! HEALTH CARE I)EMOCRACY* ! will put the needs of peoplebeftore the demands of powerful

and selfish special interest groups.Your freedom from fear will countmore than the National RifleAssociation's freedom to fire anyweapon any time. The security ofyour health care will count morethan the profit security ofinsurance companies. The clean-liness of your air and water willcount more than industrialpolluters' profits.


*I will fight crime in our streetsand in the suites. 'lbo make ourstreets safe for people, let'scontrol the sale of dangerous firearms like assault weapons. Let'sreduce the age of juvenileoffenders to 13 and provide kidsactivities that offer an alternativeto gangs and violence. And'remember, white collar crimerobs taxpayers of billions ofdollars a year. Because ihave no ties to lobbyists andpromise to steer clear of junketspaid for by big business, I'm freeto fight just as hard againstwhite collar crime as againststreet crime.

* i believe everyone has a right toaffordable health care. I'll workfor a system that coverseveryone, no matter how sickthey are or once were; one thatpreserves the patient's right tochoose his or her own doctor; thatprovides help with prescriptionsand long-term care and thatcontrols cost. I will also protect awoman's right to choose andencourage research into thespecial health needs of women.


• The people have a right to cleanair and clean water. It is time toadmit Indian Point was a mistakeand it should be closed. And let'sforce Orange & Rockland Utilitiesto comply with the Clean Air Act.As your Congressman, I'll fight forthe Clean Air and Water Acts,support developent of alternativeenergy resources and holdpolluters accountable for theirenvironmntal crimes.

Tbemlm Cove, NY 10986

(914) 942-2199 (800) 781 -TIME (8463)

•*o e denmocrgc 4ovme iby at4 -...

interests. i will figt # hlplaying f'ield and rgdm b j:ii::

mfuace of "e ii oUc.RUpu a tightlideoonq~g

the highest ethicalsaI d alimited in the miudie o(UmQcan serve, so that the 'p8 -.

representatives never f wbot welected them.

* B tainig. n cpeu onpubic *3.-

international relations, humi rlgjWuindthe environment.,:

• By preference a man fully e.. pa isimproving the life of people In his •community.

• Greg's combination of bnow how indenergy ofters the diatrict the cm~that is needed.


If ,




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Iv- AA m AnuP

In the Ratter of))Enforcement Priority



This report is the General Counsel's Report to recommend

that the Commission no longer pursue the identified lover

priority and stale cases under the Enforcement Priority System.


~A. Cases Not Warranting Further Pursuit Relative to Other- Cases Pending Before the Commission

~A critical component of the Priority System is identifying

C. those pending cases that do not varrant the further expenditure

~of resources. Each incoming matter is evaluated using

N. Coumission-approved criteria and cases that, based on their

rating, do not warrant pursuit relative to other pending cases

- are placed in this category. By closing such cases, the

CCommission is able to use its limited resources to focus on more

iaportant cases.

Having evaluated incoming matters, this Office has

identified 34 cases which do not warrant further pursuit

relativ& to the other pending cases. 1A short description of

1. These matters are: PM 309 (Attachment 1); RAD 95L-12(Attachment 2); HUE 4118 (Attachment 3); HUE 4119 (Attachment 4);HUR 4120 (Attachment 5); HUR 4122 (Attachment 6); HUE 4123(Attachment 7); HUR 4124 (Attachment 8); HUR 4125 (Attachment 9);HUE 4126 (Attachment 10); MUR 4130 (Attachment 11); HUE 4133(Attachment 12); HUR 4134 (Attachment 13); HUR 4135(Attachment 14); HUE 4136 (Attachment 15); HUR 4137

ce ase and the factors leading to asignment of a relatively

low priority and consequent recommendation not to pursue each

case is attached to this report. See Attachments 1-34. As the

Commission requested, this Office has attached the responses to

the complaints for the externally-generated matters and the

referral for the matter referred by the Reports Analysis

Division because this information vas not previously circulated

to the Commission. See Attachments 1-34.

S. Stale Cases

Investigations are severely impeded and require relatively

more resources when the activity and evidence are old.

Consequently, the Office of General Counsel recommends that the

Commission focus its efforts on cases involving more recent

activity. Such efforts will also generate more impact on the

current electoral process and are a more efficient allocation of

our limited resources. To this end, this Office has identified

11 cases that

do not

(Footnote 1 continued from previous page)(Attachment 16); HUE 418 (Attachment 17); HUE 4140(Attachment 18); HUE 4142 (Attachment 19); HUR 4143(Attachment 20); HUR 4144 (Attachment 21); HUR 4145(Attachment 22); HUE 4148 (Attachment 23); HUR 4149(Attachment 24); HUE 4153 (Attachment 25); NUR 4155(Attachment 26); MUR 4158 (Attachment 27); HUE 4163(Attachment 28); MUR 4164 (Attachment 29); HUR 4169(Attachment 30); HUE 4179 (Attachment 31); HUR 4195(Attachment 32); HUE 4196 (Attachment 33); and HUR 4205(Attachment 34).

2. These matters are: PM 250 (Attachrment 35); PM 272(Attachment 36); MUR 3188 (Attachment 37); MUR 3554(Attachment 38); MUR 3623 (Attachment 39); MUR 3988(Attachment 40); MUR 3996 (Attachment 41); MUR 4001(Attachment 42); MUR 4007 (Attachment 43); MUR 4007(Attachment 43); MUR 4008 (Attachment 44); and MUR 4018(Attachment 45).

Varrant further investmnt of significant Commission resource. 2

Since the recommendation not to pursue the identified cases is

based on staleness, this Office has not prepared separate

narratives for these cases. As the Commission requested, in

matters in which the Commission has made no findings, the

responses to the complaints for the externally-generated matters

and the referrals for the internally-generated matters are

attached to the report because this information vas not

previously circulated to the Commission. See Attachments 35-45.

For cases in vhich the Commission has already made findings and

for which each Commissioner's office has an existing file, this

Office has attached the most recent General Counsel's Report.

This Office recommends that the Commission exercise its

prosecutorial discretion and no longer pursue the cases listed

below effective October 16, 1995. By closing the cases

effective October 16, 1995, CID and the Legal Review Team will

respectively have the additional time necessary for preparing

the closing letters and the case files for the public record.


! • : . ...


Ku. mucminumns




A. Decline to open a MUD and close the f ile effectiveOctober 16, 1995 in the following matters:

1) PM 3092) DAD 95L-123) PM 2504) PM 272

B. Take no action, close the file effective October 16,1995, and approve the appropriate letter in the followingmatters:

1) MUD 35542) MU 36233) MUD 39884) MUD 39965) MqUD 40016) MUD 40077) iMUD 40088) MUD 40189) MUD 411810) MUD 411911) NUDl 412012) MU 412213) MU 412314) MUD 412415) MUD 412516) MUD 412617) MlUR 413018) MUD 413319) MUR 413420) MUD 413521) MUR 413622) MUD 413723) MUR 413824) MUR 414025) MUD 414226) MUR 414327) MUR 414428) MUR 414529) MUR 414830) MUR 4149


341 ,41#3I

38) R 419640) 3N13 4205

C. Take no further action, close th. file effectiveOctober 16, 1995 and approve the appropriate letter in RUB 3188.

General CounselC

ii /, I,


Zn the Matter of) ) Agenda Doesent #195-S-- f ..... t lriority

I, Ni ::one V. Bains, recordn secretary forte

Federal Ilection Cmission executive session on

October 17, 1995, do hereby certifyr that the CLiniesi

decided by votes of 5-O to take the followin actions:

A. Decline to open a NURt and close the fileeffective October 17, 1995 in the follewinmatters:

1) PU 3092) PAD 95L-123) IV 2504) PU 2"72

3. Take no action, close the file effectiveOctober 17, 1995, * nd appov the apprrateletter in the following utters:

1) IWR 35542) KUR 36233) DOUR 39884) DOUR 39965) DOUR 40016) DOUR 40077) DOUR 40088) DOUR 40189) DOUR 4118



10) mla 411911) ma 412012) ma~ 41213) im 41314) maB 412425) man 422516) lma 412617) man 413016) ma 413319) Man 413420) Im 413521) Im 413622) maB 413723) Mai 413624) maR 414025) Im 41226) maJ 414327) Mal 414426) maR 414529) -U 414630) mal 4149)31) maR 415332) ma 415533) ma 415634) Nma 41433s) ma~ 41436) ma 416937) Ima 417936) ma17 419539) NUt 119640) NUN 4 205

C. Take no iurther action, close the. fileeffective October 17, 1.995 and approve theappropriate letter in N(UN 3188.



OtO 1i7, 1995

Cci eLs z's Atkmn, Elliott, No cad, Nolaezzy, and

Thomes voted affirmtively for each of the deea~ions

Ccrniusonez Potter warn not present.


uDqeof the Ciss±om

r i, ii , !!i

r i ... .... I! iii... °..W.. . .. . .. .



October 23, 1995

Joseph Ealfonitamapo Republican Commi ttee16 Inwood LaneSpring Valley, NY 10977

RE: MUR 4119

Dear Mr. Halfon:

On November 2, 1994, the Federal Election Commission receivedyour complaint alleging certain violations of the Federal Election

Campaign Act of 1971, as amended ('the Act').

__ After considering the circumstances of this matter, theCommission has determined to exercise its prosecutorial discretion

~and to take no action against Gregory Julian and Citizens for

Julian and Frederick N. Casey, as treasurer. See attachedC narrative. Accordingly, the Commission closedtEa file in this

matter on October 17, 1995. This matter viii become part of the

C public record within 30 days.

C The Act allows a complainant to seek Judicial review of the

Commission's dismissal of this action. See 2 U.S.C. S 437g(a)(S).

. Sincerely,

Mary L. Taksar, Attorney,j Central Enforcement Docket

C, AttachmentNarrative

The Rtamapo Republican Ce..itt.e filed a complaint slleqingthat Citizens for Julan failed to put disclaimers on their rodsigns.

In response to the complaint. Citizens for Julianacknowledges that its signs did not have disclaimers. Thecosmittee indicates that it tried its best to conform to FEcregulations and that the omission of the disclaimers from thesigns was inadvertent. The Committee states that an appropriatedisclaimer appeared on other campaign materials.

This matter is less significant relative to other matterspending before the Commission.


~~~WASt4INCTON. D C 2O14b,

October 23, 1995

Gregory Juliant15 Ridgetop Road!omkins Cove, NY 10986

33: NUR 4119

Dear Mrt. Julian:

On November 8, 1994, the Federal Lilection Commission notifiedyou of a complaint alleging certain violations of the Federal

glection Campaign Act of 1971. as ame.nded., A copy of the

complaint was enclosed vith that notification.

~After considering the circumstances of this matter, the

,.,-.commission has determined to exercise its prosecutorial discretion

..... and to take no action against you. See attached narrative.

~~Accordingly, the Commission closed iti' file in this matter on

October 17, 1995.

The confidentiality provisions of 2 U.S.C. S 437g( a)(12) no

' longer apply and this matter is now public. Zn addition, althoughpthecomlete file must be placed on the public record within 30r% days, this could occur at any time following certification of the

Commission's vote. If you vi sh to submit any factual or legal

materials to appar on the public record, please do so as soon as~possible. While. the file may be placed on the public record prior

to receipt of y our additional materials, any permissible.C submissions will be added to the public record when received.

If If you have any qOuestions, please contact Central Enforcement

Dociret at (202) 219-340


Mary L. Taksar, AttorneyCentral Enforcement Docket


The Rtamapo Republican Coitte filed a complaint a!l~ing_that Citisens for Julian failed to put disclaimers on their roadsigns.

~In response to the complaint, Citisens for Julianacknoviedges that its signs did not have disclaimers. TheCoaittee indicates that it tried its best to conform to FECregulations and that the omission of the disclaimers from thesigns vas inadvertent. The Committee states that an appropriatedisclaimer appeared on other campaign materials.

This matter is less significant relative to other matterspending before the Commission.


SHW4TON DC 043October 23, 1995

Frederick N. Casey, TreasurerCtizens for JulianF. 0. So: 405Touhins Cove, NY 10986

33: KU 4119

Dear Kr. Casey:

On November 8, 1994, the Federal Election Comission notifiedCitizens for Julian and you, as treasurer, of a complaint allegingcertain violations of the Federal Election Campign Act of 1971,

~as amended. A copy of the complaint vas enclosed with thatnotification.

. After considering the circumstances of this matter, the¢< C ommission has dete rained to exercise its prosecutorial discretion

and to take no action against Citizens for Julian and you, asC treasurer. See attached narrative. Accordingly, the ComissionC closed its YTe in this matter on October 17, 1995.

The confidentiality provisions of 2 U.S.C. S 437g )1)nlonger apply and this matter is now public. In additionalthough

o the €omlete file must be placed on the public record within 30days, this could occur at any time following certification of the

~commission's vote. If you vi sh to submit any factual or legalmaterials to appear on the public record, please do so as soon as

c possible. While the file may be plaized on the public record priorto receipt of your additional materials, any permissible

tn submissions will be added to the public record when received.

, If you have any questions, please contact Central EnforcementDocket at (202) 219-3400.


Mary L. Taksar, AttorneyCentral Enforcement Docket


t 55e Raap Republican Committee £11.4 a complaint allegiI~p! that Citisens for Julian faled to put disclaimers on their road


In response to the complaint, Citisens for Julianacknoviedges that its signs did not have disclaimers. TheComittee indicates that it tried its best to conform to nECregulations and that the omission of the disclaimers from thesigns vasrinadvertent. The Comittee states that an appropriatedisclaimer appeared on other campaign materials.

This matter is less significant relative to other matterspending before the Commission.



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