think before you buy

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


    Pic Fify Cns

    G t,

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    Human Rights,U.S Security Damaged

    By Slave-Labor Goods

    HE RED RDER ll


    ONE OF THE most profoundly im

    portant issues of this century is theextent to which the parasitic Marxiststates have been subsidized and advanced by Western technology. Thesetransfers have resulted from the

    deliberate policy of our national

    governments, major internationalbanks, and' multinational corporations This trade " has been financed by longterm, lowinterestloans (gifts, actually) provided by

    such government agencies as the Export-Import Bank. Without suchguarantees, most trade" with the

    Communists would be considered too

    risky and would not take place.And he direcion of his commer

    cial intercourse has not been com

    pletely one wayIndeed, we in Amer ica have imported an increasingquantit y of goods from both RedChina and the captive nations of theSoviet bloc. We send a great deal oftechnolog y to the Soviets and othersocialist nations; but we receivemanygood things from them as well Forexample, we send the Soviet blocsophisticated computers and in tegrated circuitry, which they use tocontrol the operation of their mis siles They send us wooden foldingchairs, on which we can relax. We

    send highech machines whichmanufacure precision ball bearingsused by he Sovies grealy o increase he accuracy and deadlinessof heir nuclear warheads Theysend us alcoholic beverages especial ly vodka wih which we can drownour sorrows over he dubious policiesof our governmen We send RedChina he mos mode seelproduc ion echnology on free crediand hey send us kni shirs andwicker baskes ha can be boughcheaply by unemployed US seel workers Never le i be said haAmerica ges nohing useful fromhe Communis naions

    These and oher producs im pored ino he US from oaliari

    an regimes allow such yrannies oearn desperaely needed foreign ex change wih which hey can purchasesill more Wesern echnology o beused in heir miliary buildup naddiion he low levels a whichhese Red expors are priced hurhose American businesses and workers employed in producing similargoods for our domesic markes

    Bu some Conseraives ask wha iswong wih economic compeiion on anineaional scale? Wha is wng is

  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


    Slave-Labor Gds cntinued

    the reason the products are so cheap Itis because these goods are produced, whole or in part, by the exploitationof captive labor. Because their systems are based on brute force instead of voluntary exchange and theprice system, the Communist regimesof the Soviet Union and Red China

    need not take into account the costsin human suffering involved in theproduction of uch goods In a WallStreet Joual artice titled "TheSystem Of Forced Labor I Russia,

    forme Moscow correspondent DavidSatter observed:

    "Forced labor is by nomeans exceptional in theSoviet Unio It is an in

    tegra part of the economic system, and it is extremey doubtful whether

    the current Soviet economy coud fuction without it The Soviet economyneeds forced abor because it is extremelywasteful of manpower.Subordinated in its entirety to the regies poiticalgoas, the economy doesnot alow mnagers the independent authority tomake eve the simplestcost savings

    mined, produced or manufacturedwholly or in part in any foreign

    "Forced labor is by nomeans exceptional in theSoviet Union ...."

    country by convict labor and/orforced labor

    According to the law, which squite clear, the U.S Customs Sericeis required to open an investigationwhen it is contacted by any citizen

    pointed out in a recent Issue Bulletn:Section 307 of the 1930 Tariff Act"currently is being enforced againstcertain areas of Mexico, rohibitingthe importation of some furnitureitems, clothes hampers, and palmleaf bags. Treasury has evidentlyconcuded that these items were pro duced b y workers under detention;yet there is litte question that slavelabor' does not exist in Mexico as itdoes in the U S SR. In general, theAct's provision has been applied toimports of smal, handmade objects.


    MV l! -U t.S$R,C)5

    t: (+I" 1 Sl>t,: ;".The state panning

    agency tels factory directors what to produce, whento produce it from whomto obtain aterias andhow many orkers to employ. Unabe to be efficient, enterprises overstate

    Avraham Shifrin, a major n the Red rmy who was arrested dung Saln's pugeof Jews, spen ten years n forced-abor camps. hrin has docmented he ocatonof Sove save camps where he says more han 60,000000 hman eings someof hem Americans have been sarved ad worked to deah

    their resource reqirements, particuarly their need for manpowerThe artifici shortages that are created are mde good through forcedabor.

    Those in the West who deal in

    slavelabor imports shoud beashamed to trade in products whoseprice is cheap because the Sovietsemploy fored labor in their manufacture and transportation Suchdealings with Communist savemasters are not ony shamefu, they areillegal. That's right! Federal law 19US.C. 137 (Section 307 of the

    SmootHawey Tariff Act of1930)expressly prohibits importation intothe Unite States of "all goods,wares, artices and merchandise

    who suspects a vioation of the prohibition against slavelabor imortsIf available evidence "reasonabyindicates a violation, Customs is toreport to Treasury and the goods areto be impounded. The only way such

    goods can be eeased is by the importer producing a certifcate fromthe foreign exporter attesting thatno forced labor was used in any stageof production or any component ofthe merchandise

    It must be emphasized that thislaw has never been repealed Yet, it isnot now being enforced with respectto saveabor imports from eitherthe US.SR. or Red China As JulianGeran Pilon, Senior Policy Analystfor he Heritage oundation,

    - 3 -

    In 1964, for example, the CustomsCommissioner found that some pas tic tanks made in Austrian prisonswould be subject to the law uness theimporter established otherwise. Yetthe Soviet Union, with a convict

    population of at least 4 million anda ideoogical commitment to theuseof forced abor, was subjected tothe 1930 Tariff Act ony once for abrief period from 1951 to 1961when canned crab meat was banned"

    Before discussing in detail thesavelabor imports now being soldilegay in the United States, et usfirst review the nature of save la bor under Communism in order to establish the magnitude of the injus

    Continued I

  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


    Sae-Labor Goods continued

    ie horror a brualiy ivolveFrom he very iepio of om

    muism i Russia Bolshevik leaerV Lei isigae a poliy ofslavery a error This was refiea exee by omrae Sali

    uge umbers of people were se o

    he proliferaig labor amps owork o Sovie osruio proes mus be uersoo ha hese wereo haree rimials They were ihe mai persos suspee of ai Sovie aiviy whih oul meaayhig from o liseig o oeof Salis publi speehes o akiga haful of whea for oes hilre o preve sarvaio May haoly he vagues oio of he rime for whih hey were seee

    Fored Lbor In Sovet Russ

    (1948 New ave Yale UiversiyPress) Professor Davi Dalli es imaes ha urig he Sali yearshe verage umber of prisoers ihe gulag priso sysem was a leasfifee millio wih a asualy raeof fify pere every year owigo maluriio overwork bierol a repeae orure

    Thousas of people were akeio he hols of ships a ras pore o he Kolyma regio of eas er Siberia i orer o buil a por

    a roas o he mies ompelle owork i emperaures whih someime reahe fiy egress belozero wihou exra lohig or evees i whih o sleep a igh heseslaves ie uikly Durig he firs

    year of he Dalsroy Experime

    i whih he Sovie goverme sehousas of prisoers io haarea fewer ha oe ou of fifysurvive s he eormous asualiesmoue hey woul be replae byshiploas of ew slaves who i urworke uil hey ie a were replae by sill more prisoers fromslave ships a so o

    The followig exerp om Fored

    . what mattered fothe overnment was notthe loss of prsoners adthe sufferns of the crewbut the fact that thevaluable shp was saved

    Lbor In Sovet Russ esribeswha happee o oe suh shipmeof slave workers

    Oe of he early a he mosragi of he sailigs o heKolyma esuary was ha of he


    seamer Dzhurm The Dzhurm alarge oea lier espeially euippefor shipme of Dalsroy prisoerssaile from Vlaivosok i he sum mer of 1933 o is maie voyage ombarhik (a isae of over 4

    miles) arryig a apaiyargo of abou 12,

    prisoers The ime ofsailig was o arefullyalulae he shipreahe he ri Oeaoo lae i he seaso awas augh i pake iei he weser par of he Sea of hukosk earWragel sla We areo likely ever o learwha we o i ha shipurig ha errible riwier how he oome

    prisoers i is hols srug gle for life a howhey ie The fullyauheiae fa is hahe Dzhurm whe i fi ally arrive i mbar hik i he summer of1934 i o la a sigle prisoer is also fur her repore ha o heirreur o Vlaivosokearly half he rew ofhe Dzhurm ha o be

    eae for meal isorers ow

    ever wha maere for he gover me was o he loss of prisoersa he sufferigs of he rew buhe fa ha he valuable ship wassave

    The use of slave labor i SovieRussia was movigly oumeemore reely by leksar Solzhei sy i his moumeal hreevolumeexpos eile The Gulg Arhpelgo log lis of slavelabor pro es was isusse here by Sol zheisy Some of he mos horrifi

    of hese bloosaie aveuresilue he osruio of heVolgaDo aal; he seo Tras Siberia railroa he pipelie fromSakhali o he maila; he miigof various ores suh as gol alimesoe a he ereio of eireew ows These a may oherproes were osrue by he So vies wih he exesive use of slavelabor a a he os of lierallymillios of lives leksar Sol zheisy wries

  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


    Who other than the Achipelagonatives [ored lborers] woud havegrubbed out stups in winter? Orhauled on their backs the boxes ofined ore in the open gold fieds ofthe olya? Or have dragged outtiber a hafile fro the oinRiver through deep snow oninnish tiberslege runners harnessed up in pairs in a horse colar

    (the collar bows upholsterd with tatters of rotten clothing to ake thesofter and the horse collar worn overone shoulder)?

    In the absence of the positiveincentive of private profit and per

    Sovet socalsm releson negate sanctons tomotvate ts workershese ncIde physcalabse and tortre

    sonal gain, Soviet socialis hasfro the beginning reied on nega

    tive sanctions to otivate its workersThese include the threat and use ofphysica and psychological abuse andtorture According to a recent book byAnton AntonovOvseyenko the ounists selected hardened thugs

    and scoundrels who were born sadistsbut who for all that were as devoted to their benefactor as only aeber of an outlaw gang can betoward his chief Thse people wereassigned to fil and staff the savecaps All the dregs of society roseto the surface The riinal wasrecruiting criinals An investigator earned a bonus of two thou

    sand rubles for each confessionEvery petty thief sadist or cliberwas free to go at it as hard as heked

    The book describes the torture in

    Mp f Sve Slve-Lb Fy Cmp JZ-34/ barracks2washroom3 laundry

    I 't, I cranen\ barbed wire fenc I' . :.

    . . ' )C i

  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


    The human cost ofslave-abor goods

    Impisone women in a camp in Bendery, Modavian SSR. , are

    shown unoadin asbestos plates fom a freig'ht train (Photo

    1977, SOUIce: Frst Gudebook To Te Pisons Ald COl1eltra

    ton Camps Of' Ti Sovet Unol by Avraham Shifrin)

    Shown ao a h chidn o a Riiko who wa nncd in 975 o yar impionmn o his i in odHi mohs add odgornaya Sr 30 KrasnodonUkrainian SSR USSR Riiko was ard a'ain in 980Soc: Ft Gudebook To Te Prsons And Concentl'tonCamps Te Sovet Unol y Araham Shiin

    Eqa ih Soi y man womn ar orcd o work inh oin indy Shown h ar womn workin a acamp n Krasnoyark a oin' ion on h Enii Rir in

    Siria rion ao a -zo mpar hoo 97orc Fst Gudebook To Te Pisons And ConcenttonCamps Te Sovet Unon y Aaham Shiin

    I,This prion in Noosiisk capia ciy o Noosiirsk Rgionon h O Ri in ohw Siria was i in h days oh Ta No ha h Soi ahorii ha wad p hwindow makin hm ha hir origina si hoo 97oc Frst Gudebook To Te Prs01s And C01entlolCamps

    Te Sovet Ulol y Aaha Shirin


  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy



    One might hink so, c osidrig w ar axed by our govrme morthn $200 billio a ar for fs against Coism.Yet, we have recl see igh govrm oficials rollig o hered rpet for op Comuis lars a ncorgig ransf ohigh tecolog o hm n cri.It hs bee goig o wi Sovis or dcads ad look wa i asst us de'arl i axes ad loss of scuri; Hr ar som xampls:

    Prcin ballbaring achin,SThe CenlignB ballbearing grinding machnes make iny balbearings th a precision of 2 millionhs o an inch. Ball-beaingsade by hese machines are sed in the inerial gidance system ofMIRVed warheads, greatly increasing he accacy of Sovie missilesDesigned by Bryan Chcking Grinding Co" pringeld, Vemon,4 of he CenalignB machines were sold o the Sovets in 2Henry Kissinger personally pshed hrogh the sale

    Hug ruck plantThe largst tuck pan in th world capable of manfacring2 heavy ten-ton tcks each year (more than he enire US.prodctio) was bilt on the Kama River in he Soviet Union byscores of US bsinesses with US loans This plan prodces militay tks, armored personnel carriers missile lanching paforms, an ank engines Vehicles prodced at his plant are beingsed in ghanistan by Commnis troops

    Cputrchip tchnlgyIn Ocober he US. allowed France to give Commnist Polandthe technology o make integraed circis The Unira plant, bitin Poland by Weste technicians, has been ting o 12 milionchips per year since June 1974. These componens are now a vitalpa of Sovie ICBM and IRBM missiles, inclding those aimed athe US and France. They are also sed in the Soviets' batlefeldmissiles, inclding anti-tank and antiaircra ypes

    Cplt cput yt 'From a base under four mles o granite in he Ural Mountains, he

    Sovets have a maser compterhat conrols otherslave compters

    in a sophisticaed and pto-date nework tha is able in split seconds

    to analyze defensive strategies for Moscow in the even of a U.S

    response to a Soviet frs strike. This vital compter systm is designed to desroy the retaliatory capability of the US The maser

    compter is a Cyber73,bil by Control Data Corporaion The slave

    computers are mosly IBM 360 and 30 models

    o Yes I wan to becoe a eber of he Crsade.

    (I have enclosed$15fory rs year's dues)

    o Yes,Iwan more inforaton. (I have enclosed $2.)

    Name __Address____City_Sate_Zp___Te lep hon e______

    ----------- --------------------

    WT YO DOTo encoage mas dstributo of ths impotat atice which ogiay appeaed i the Api 1984 isse of Aerican Opinn ($20 theyearfm eot, Massachsets 02178) e Larry McDoad Cru- il/sade Stop Fiaig Coim is makgrepints availae atthe foowig ow pces: 1 19 opies 50eah; 2 to 99 copes 25 "eah 100 o 499 oies 20 each 500 o 999 copes 15 each 1,0 o 4999 copes 10each ad 5000 or more copes 9each. Postage

    d hag' ae icded the aoe pries Pease order froThe LrMcDonald Cusade To Stp Fncing Communism',267 Mission Str " 395 Concord Avenuen Maino CA Belmont,M02178 ,

    y w u u f Ly McD O Septeer 183 ogressa

    Lary Moa Georga) was oe of the269 efeseless assegers who ereaoard K Fght Seve.

    The Sovets rtaly rered them all me woe ad hlre Ireythe ealy weapos systems they se wereehace y mrohps proed wth U.Steoogy.

    ogressa Moald as also a physca a harma of the atostad proeria Joh Brh Soety

    Bease Lrr Moal osstetlyopposed the ow of a tpes of techologytrae a los of olars ret addret ag to ost goveets or ew moveet was ae his hoor

    r MDoad gave p s ver sessf meca career to r for ogress 19. From the momet he etered the ogess he stood rokke for the US osttto a emer of the Hose Armed Servces omttee he expose how the om

    ists se terrors rer sversopropagada easres a or ow tax olars agast s

    O Jly 15 183 oe of hs astspeeches, he pointed out to all Americnsthe great nee that our Crusade intends to delarg

    What is needed in this count to halt the totally abusive practice ofatheistic Communist enslavem ent by our t llars - is simply to get involved ....

    Most Americans do not know thatAmerican money is building a Communist missile while men are puttitheir lives on the line They haveto be told.

    Larry Moald so ghty rged weare teg the Wth help fro yo adtes of thosads of other Amercas weca spread the trth toevery ty ad tow era

    Kth MoalHONORARYC Brg Ge rew Gatss RetATOAL Joseph MehreNAOAL DREOR

    L L MDd


    Stop Finacng Cmus


  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


    Slve-Lb Gd

    berger aowedged ha "Soveauhores sll explo fored laboro a arge sale ad "fored aborofe uder harsh ad degradgodos s used o exeue vaous Sove developme proes ad oprodue large amous of prmarad maufaured goods for bohdomes ad Weser expor mar es.

    Aordg o hs Sae Deparme repor he Soves ru a e wor of some leve hudredfredlabr amps oag

    more ha four mllo slave labor ers, ludg a las e housadpeople ow o be polal ad relgous prsoers of osee. Com g as he do from he "beral Sae Deparme ou a be sureha hese esmaes have bee mmzed. Ohers (ludg former maes of he gulag) esmae hahe umber of labor amps heU S.S.R. exeeds wo housad adha he umber of fored laborerss eas exes of fve mllo.Eve so hose umbers represeol he mos exreme form of slavelabor se vruall all labor Commus aos s fored

    Aoher ree repor ssued b

    he Ieraoa Commsso oHua Rghs oludes ha heUo of Sove Soals Republs"oues he deplorable praeof fored labor maufaurgad osruo proes ad haprsoers "amog hem wome adhldre are fored o wor uderodos of exreme hardshp ludg maluro adequaesheler ad lohg ad severedspe.

    Ths hardl oves he magudeof he evl or he exe of humamser volved. s dfful fo mpossble for Ameras fullo appreae he roue horrors ofhe gulag. The Sove Uo o

    lave Camps For Women And Children In Th U.S.S.R.

    o E

    :: :NOR.

    RTA UL.

    liNG . .DHMB



    I OV.VOI

  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


    tinus its ruthlss xploitation oslav laborrs and th conditions inwhich thy work ar as bad as vrthy wr undr Stalin.

    In 1982 th rankurtbasd Intrnational Socity or HumanRights and th Copnhagnbasd Intrnational Sakharov Committ ointly sponsord an intrnationaltribunal in Bonn Ws Grmany to

    rais th consciousnss o th worldabout slav labor bhind th IronCurtain. ormr inmats o slavcamps tstid about th misdgradation and tortur thy hadthmslvs ndurd in rcnt yars.Itwas irmly stablishd that our toiv million popl now sur inthos camps.And that popl ar stillbing haul< o on such chargs as"antiSovit activity and "hooligan sm allgations which covr abroad rang o activitis including

    many whch ar constitutional rightsn th nitd Stats.In his widly rad articl which

    appard in th Sptmbr 1983 issuo Reader's Digest, osph Harrisscitd som xampls o slav conditions as rvald by thos who tsti id at th Bonn tribunal:

    "Dtails o what th world mustknow ar splld out by such ormrcamp inmats as ulia Vozsn skaya 43 a rail dissidnt authorrom Lningrad Sh was arrstd by

    GB scurity polic ar sh boldlyscrawld on a wall You strangl ourrdom but you cant chain po pls souls. Chargd with antiSovi t slandr sh spnt thr yars inprison and Sibrian camps On ohr man tasks was making workcloths and uniorms or th RdArmy Shits strtchd to 12 hours tomt impossibly high productionquotas Thos who aild to mtthm had thir magr ood rationcut With gallows humor sh and hr

    llow laborrs calld th thin halputrid ish broth srvd vry daygravyard soup it containd noth ng but bons Prisonrs with tinychldrn otn lookd on hlplsslyas th toddlrs sicknd nd did.

    Yur Blov dirctor o th Intrnational Socty or Human Rightssurvivd itn yars in Sovitprisons labor camps and "psychiat ric hospitals. Harriss rcounts parto Blovs story as ollows

    "Blov was irst arrstd in 1963

    or writing subvrsiv poms andounding a community o Catholic

    believers. The charge: anti-Sovietagitation and propaganda.' He wassent to camp ZhKh 385/11 in Mor dovia, 200 miles southeast of Mos cow. Here, 2000convicts each assem bled 140 wooden chairs per shift,

    A dssdent was aestedfo bodly scawn

    on a wall, "ou stanleou feedom but you catchan peopes souls

    which wr snt to a r actoryin Minsk. Thr inshing touchswr put on bor th chairs wrxportd to th Wst Thus thrmlin could clam th goods wrmad by r workrs

    "Blov rmmbrs with a sardonicsmil th politcal commissar whotold Zhh 385/11 inmats to b proud

    bcaus thir work arnd th moth rland hard currncy and cost almostnothing Indd! Th mothrland

    Th Io hoe Bkh,ho h e coco 75 bby poe fom oyeme cmp Vo be p ph e e f e h efece ch

    oe e keo he poe e fee o ohecmp (Soce:Fst GudeT The ssd cetat ams f TheSvet U byAhm Shf)


    pad Blov and his llow convicts 60rubls a month r workrs gotabout 100 rubls but withhld 75prcnt to pay or th inimal campood clothing and maintnanc

    Whil intrviwing ormr inats o th gulag Harrss w struckby th omniprsnc o slavlaborproducts xportd to th Wst: "Onwoman pointd at th woodn old

    ing chair that I was sitting on Thatsa souvnir rom th Gulag' sh saidOn th bottom was mard Mad in S.SR. ollowd y th cod33340 indicating th camp whr itwas producd Th nitd Stats last

    yar importd hundrds o succhairs part o our multimilliondollar trad in which w buy th products o Sovit convict labor in contravntion o .S law.

    Alxandr Ginzburg now living inPars tlls o his rol in making

    goods or xport whil a slav in thGulag "W cut and polishd glass

    om do"h ok

    cm he oRe bou 400koee ohe of Gokoe feme e e c ee h foe hebcko(Phoo 7oe FstGud T Thess d cett as

    he Svet

    U by A

    hm hf

  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


    for chandeliers, Ginzburg said.The room was full of abrasivedust Men spat blood and got silico sis. The U.S. Department of Com merce admits that we import glassarticles from the Soviet Union, butis unwilling to confirm whether this

    includes chandeliers. The Central n telligence Agency, however, reportsthat we do import chandeliers fromthe slave camps.

    Yuri Orlov, a Russian physicist,and other Soviet dissidents, such asAnatoly Scharansky, are still suf fering in Soviet slavelabor campstday Orlov works as a lathe operatorat a camp in the Perm region near theUral Mountains. Despite failing eye sight, Scharansky has been madearduously to handweave eight potatosacks per day in his dily lit cell at

    Chistopol Prison, located 540 mileseast of Moscow.

    Occasioally, letters are smuggledout of the Soviet Union which pro

    vide firsthand accounts of theshocking conditions under which po litical prisoners suffer in the Sovietlabor camps. One such letter a pleato the West was written in Aprilof 1982 by a prisoner of conscienceresiding in Camp VS 389361 nearPerm, on the western fringe of Si beria. The letter, which depicts anightmare of abuse and malnutrition for those who dare oppose Sovi et socialism, observes that "betweentwo and ve prisoners share a celland that "each is allotted two squaremeters of space in the cell We donot meet prisoners from other cells,we work in separate cells and onlywith those with whom we live

    Prisoners must live in unventil lated cells in which the stench ishorrible . One of the daily tasks ofthe inmates of the camp is the t ting of cables to electric irons. The

    daily quota was seven hundred, butmost prisoners could manage onlyfour hundred a day. As a result,many were punished.

    The workers must survive by con suming terrible and often maggot infested food. The letter states thatcamp food consists of "groats, meat(a piece of gristle, bone), which isoften rotten. We hardly ever getvegetables, and when we do they arenever fresh. The water is very bad.Sometimes they bring drinking water

    into the kitchen but most frquently there is none and thenthey boil stagnant water, which isvery dirty t stinks, but you have todrink it

    n Th First Guidbook To PisonsAnd Concntation Camps In ThSovit Union (1982, New York, Ban tam Books) Avraham Shifrin, anexiled Jew who spent fourteen years

    in the Soviet prison system for"antiSoviet activities, documentsmany of the two thousand knownwork camps, prisons, and extermina tion centers where slave labor is usedby the Soviet Union. Augmented withscrupulously authenticated maps andrare photographs many obtainedat great risk and then smuggled to the

    West Mr. Shifrins book illustrates the brutality of the Sovietlabor camps, giving their locations,sies, and conitions.

    All told, aproximately sixty mil lion people hve perished during thelast sixty years in those camps. The

    pains of overwork, torture, hunger,and cold drive many gulag prisonersto desperate acts, including self mutilation and suicide. One frequent method for ending the miseryis to run for the barbed wire in fullview of the guards who shoot to kill.

    Consider the testimony beforeCongress last year by former gulagresident Georgy Davydov. Thinkabout it next time you see someone ina gift shop buying one of theseubiquitous little

    bears, the ones

    12 .

    called Misha that were the mascotfor the Sumer Olympic Gamesheld in Moscow in 1980 as well as forthis year's Winter Games in Commu nst Yugoslavia They were mad bywomen in a slave camp, about whichDavydovreports:

    "Using Regular Women's CampUTs267/10 as an example (in Gor noe in Maritime Kray), will brief ly explain the daily living conditionsof the inmates . There are 2, 000women in a camp designed for 500.Water is brought in from outsideand is therefore in short supply.Baths are rare The rules of feminine hygiene cannot be observedThe laundry has only 20 tubs andthis is for 2,000 women! There are

    only two paramedics (and no physi cian) in the medical unit. Women areexcused from work only if theyhave a high temperature and onlyfor one day at a time. The line formedical attention begins to form atfive in the morning. The elderly and

    severely ill are quite simply physical ly incapable of standing in thiskind of line. Those who are admittedto the medical unit must take a fulldays dosage of medicine in te pres ence of medical personnel, becausemedicine is issued only once a dayand the possession of medicine byinmates is prohibited Fungus in fections, dysentery, and jaundice arerife in the camp Pregnant womenare not issued the supplementary ra tion ordered by the Ministry of n

  • 8/6/2019 Think Before You Buy


    tea Mfairs n are nt sent tthe mther's an father's hme(sme wmens camps have such in stitutins their wn). Incidentll y, many pregnant women are afraidt go to the home ecuse it is knownfor its high mortality rate. It is notsurprising that the harsh cnditionsof camp life stimulate the evel

    Trinkets and souvnirsare made in the119 prison camps forwomen and children.Caviar is also procesedby female prisoners

    opment the ser instincts ntht the w o the jungle previls inthe cmps.

    Trinkets and souvenirs such asthe Misha bear - are made in the

    119 prison camps for women andchildren. In a concentratin camp onShikotan Island, women slaves pro cess much of the caviar that is sdto the Free Word.

    In dition to those prisoners conned t labr camps, there is a grow ing number of human beings whohve een sentenced to internl exile.Thse caught in "minor crimes worko their sentences y perorminghevy r specilized work in dedlylorshort inustries, especily in

    the chemic ctories.In scilist society o endlessshortges, nd with mutitude olaws covering every aspct of humanexistence, steling proliertes. TheLord only knows how the peope othe mny cptive ntions under So viet domintion would survive ithey id not get away with somecheting on the oici socilistsystem. This cheting ssures theuthorities constnt suppy o l orers whom they cn pick up s theneed occurs.

    Dvi Stter oserves in the WallStreet Journal: "Thet is common tevery leve o Soviet sciety, incluing the very highest, nd elortesystems lsiiction nd thetexist in most industries.

    "This mkes it reltively simple toind cndidtes or the lorcmps. Lrgescle rrests or stel ing nd lckmrket opertions tkeplce nt ecuse, in most cses,crimes were unexpectedly uncoveredut ecuse t one moment the u

    thorities decie to chnge their t titue to the corruption tht h ex isted l long.

    Stter gives sme exmples. Thewidespred nd hevy consumptin vodk serves s n excuse or Sovit leders to drt people othe streets or vst domesticserviceprojects. ". . Mss drunkenness iscommon, n when ights rek out,they cn led not only to the rrestnd sentencing the persons in voved ut lso to lorcmp sen tences or everyone w hppened to

    .th t /e e n y . . . .

    "The popultion o orce orers is thus constitted not just ohrdened crimins t, in the m jority, o people who re vulnerleto rrest ecuse they hve metypicl djustments to the nture Soviet lie. This vst pool o rightless mnpower is then use to solvemny o the Soviet ecnomy's en

    demic prlems.By this time, it shoul e cer,there re degrees o orced or. Inno Communist country re peoplepermitted reedom o choice. Thoseliving under the oot o Cmmunism, whether in the Soviet Empireor in Re Chin or Cstro's Cu, redirected t every turn. They cnnotchnge their jos t will, n hvenothing t ll to sy out theirwges. Since there is no leglly recog nized privte property, everyone is to

    one degree or nother slve to theSocilist Stte. Syndicte columnistJohn Chmerlin put the mtter swell s nyone:

    "Al lor in the Soviet Unin iscompelled lr sort Ater ll,the ony employer, outsie o ckmrket tht is deine s crimin, isthe stte nd i you on't tkewhtever jo is presente, you ontet. Communist Prty memers myget some ree ply t the edges, utthey, to, re cught up in the universl servitude.

    Sviet stronomer Cromid Lur sky, now living in the West, hs testiied tht: "The speci thing outthe Soviet prctice . . is tht thelor o prisners is less punitivemesure thn n imortnt prt the ntionl ecnmy. Essentilly,there is not single, signicnt re the Soviet econmy in which pris on lor is not exploite: metlsprocessing, the chemicl inustry,the mnucture o clothing ndo mchinery, griculture, mining


    orce lor is used in l themRilros, ms, pipelines, cnls,nd highwys re cnstructe yorce lor So ws the Km Rivertruck ctory, the lrgest such ciity in the wod, wih Ameri cn plns, technology, equipment,nd credit.

    It is not surpiing, thereore,tht orced lor ws used in construction o the controversil gspipeline rom Sieri t WesternEurope. Especilly in the clering swmps, cutting o timer, nuiling o ccess rods. JohnChmerlin comments: "The Westshould e shme to uy gs whsecst comes chep ecuse slves hveeen responsile or its trnsprt tion. But, y the sme token, theWest should so eel shme totke Soviet gol i pyment r ourgrin. I nyone suppses tht the Sierin gol iels re operte n

    ree Klonike golrush sis, he is simply crzy.Ineed, mining nd timer re tw

    Soviet industries which export goodel o products to the U.S. nwhich involve extensive use orced lor. Cromi Lursky o serves: "An imprtnt sector the

    " there is not a single,signicant area of theSoviet economy n which

    prison labor is notexplited Don'tsupport this slave system

    lorcmp economy which plys role in exports is the prduction orw mterils. Force lor is prticulr signiicnce in miningopertions, especilly under nger ous conitions, n even mre so inlumering . . . .

    Americ imports nnuly ut$0 milion worth o urnium romthe U.S.S.R. Urnium ore is miney orced lr t heltye Voy inthe Ukrine, nother Ukrinin cmpt Novy Brovy, severl Sierincmps t Krsnoyrsk, nd ne inCentrl Asi t Uchkuduk There is nprtective clthing, so most lrersdie o rdioctive contmintinwithin mtter o months. Thesere genuine eth cmps.

    Frce lor is lso use in themining o gold in Bi, Ar

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    temovsk Taishet, Zeravshan,Muruntau Magadan and along theYenisei River. The United Statesbought over $4 milion worth o goldrom the US.S.R in 982 Goldproduced b slave labor

    In addition to wooden oldingchairs America imports a great dealo other wod products rom the

    Soviet slae econom includingumber plwood cabinets boxes

    er Soviet ship depared from ongBeach, Caliornia, ater longshoremen stoutl reused to unload itsplwood ollowing the downing bthe Soviets o K.A.L light Seven,a civilian airliner with 269 passengersaboard This was on a minor prob em or the Reds however Thetook the ship to Ensenada Mexico

    and unloaded the pwood theretrucking it back into California

    Importing low-priced goods made by slave laborhrts American workers employed in p dcingsimilar goodsIn 1982, for example the United Stasimported some 18 million board feet of hardwoodfrom the Soviet Union Tha same year or domesticlmber prodction dropped o is lowes annalotpt since 1945 Or 1930 federal ban againstslavelabor imports needs to be enforced

    and carve figurines and souvenirs.The wood ector is so important thatthe Soviet nterior Ministr in addi tion to its main Bureau of Campsand Prisons, has a special bureaucrac to supervise those camps exclu sivel concerned with cutting otrees and the primar processing othe wood

    A recent Heritage oundation re port sumarized the Communistwood indstr as olows Loggingand wood processing is carried on insome 50 camps in the Urals, theNorthwst the VolgaVatka andSiberia. omen ell trees aroundKirov an Lake Baikal ; childrenmake shipping cases at Novaa Lala in the Sverdlovsk region. The USmports about $5 milon worth o

    wood proucts rom the U.S.SRAccording to congressional sourcesthe U.S. ustoms Service is drawingup a ist o such Soviet products butt will incude less than half of cur

    rent imports A senior Treasur oicial inicates however, that theist is not in its inal orm.

    In 982 the United States imported aout eighteen million boardeet o ardwood from the SovietUnion. ot man Americans knewabout it, however, until relativel re centl hen patriotic longshoremenrese to unoad a Russian eighterwhich ocked in Brookln last alhe Re ship merel steamed to

    Haliax ova Scotia, where its car go o pwood was unloaded and

    trucked to Boston and New York On Septemer ourteenth, anth

    This importation o savecut pl wood has ha no small impact on ourown domestic wood industr in ecentears Don Deardor, president ofourPl ncorporated a plwoodmanuacturer, has ought theseCommunist imports He points outthat we in the U.S and the Cana dians cant compete with the Rus sians becaue the sell at an price,bcause the have the slavelaborquotient we dont have ImportingRussian plwood does take awarom local omestic hardwood pro ducers an om Canadian produces.e were proucing hardwood, butthe market ust dried up

    n 982 our domestic lumber pro duction dropped to its owest annualoutput since 945 delivering onl7 billion board feet, according toigures compiled b the esternood Products Association Ameri can and anadian industries havebeen competing with each other orears; but as Deardorf notes, theCanadians dont use slave labor

    Explain Deardor: I elieve infree trade among ree people. Butou are dealing with save labor withthe Russians The fact o the matter is that we have subsiized theCommunist Russian sstem forears and we continue to do thatThis is just another glaring example

    The ollowing is a list preparedb the C.A. o some of the goodswhich the United States importsrom the Soviet Union and which

    involve the extensive use o forcedlabor

    - 14 -

    Based on a varie of inlligencesources and open publicatios withinformation om former prisoers,CIA has compiled the followig listof industries and products in whichforced lbor is used extensively.

    Wood Producs: plywood;lumber; furniture; casings forcloks; cabinets for radio and V

    sets; wooden chess pieces; woodensouvenirs; wooden crates for uitd vebl; nin.

    Electronic: cathode ray tubeomponents; resistors.

    Glss: camera lenses; glssware; handeliers.

    V Automotive: auto parts;wheel rims; parts for agriculturalmachinery.

    V MninOre Pressng: gold;iron; aluminum; coal and peat;uranium; asbestos; limestone; con

    struction stone and gravel.. Clothng coats; glove; ots;buttons; zippers.

    V Petroleum Products andChemicls: mmonia; gasoline andother motor fuel; potassium chlo- ride; ure.

    V Food: caviar nd tea.X Miscellneous: brick and

    tile; watch prts; wire fences; mttresses; screens; steel drums andbarrels; lids for glass jars; plumbing equipment; storage batterycases; concrete products; electricplugs/ords; eletric heaters; electric motors; pumps; woven bags

    In 982 about eight percent of allU.S. imports rom the U.SSR wereaccounted or b metals chemicals,and chemical products (mainl am monia ) , ertilizers, urs , ur rawmaterials an alcoholic beveragesThe biggest single item, according tothe C.I.A report of September 27,98 was ammonia thirtninepercent imported as part o theOccidentalUS.S.R. ertilizer Ex change Agreement under which theUnited States exports superphos phoric acid to the Soviet Union oruse in its heav industries This dealwas inanced and facilitatedthrough the notorious ExportImportBank or Red trader Armand Hammer, head o Occidental Petroleumand a longtime user o slavelaborimports.

    The abovelisted categories oproducts are onl those our govern

    ment admits involve the extensiveuse of the harshest slave labor . It

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    should be ket in mind tat anythingfom the Soviet Union because ofthe natue of its coecive ystem hassome comonent of foced laboinvolved in its oduction and/otansotation. In one degee o anothe the hand of a Soviet isoneo foced laboe of one kind oanothe has touched eveything thatthe West eceives fom the Sovietbloc.

    This is also tue of Communistoccuied China. A county hosecitizens ae aid athetic ages toldhee to ok and hat occuationto be engaged in is a slavelabo county. While less is knon about slavelabo cams in Red China they doexist in geat numbes thee. AndAmeica is imoting moe and moefom Red China esecially in theaea of textiles .

    Accoding to a sokesman fo theOffice of Textiles of the U .S .eatment of Commece totalUS. imots fo 9 in the aea oftextiles came to 4 billion squaeyads. Of this 0 ecent some4 million squae yads camefom Red China. Shits made undeCommunism in mainland China aeto be found in many deatmentstoes in the US. including suchchains as ay Comany Robinsonsand The Boaday The Boaday isa subsidiay of Cate Haley HaleStoes Incooated * a nationalfim hih ons seveal chains of

    stoes aound ou county. Inteestingly the chaiman of the boad isPhili M. Haley a membe of theTilateal Commission an oganiza Ition established moe than ten yeas Iago by avid Rockefelle and Zbignie Bzezinski to ceate a NeWold Ode of tade.

    n 9 a ne fiveyea tadeageement as signed beteen theU.S. and Red China hich allos theRed Chinese a geate shae of thAmeican maket than that e

    mitted the othe majo textile exotes the fee counties of HongKong the Reublic of China onTaian and South Koea. Red Chinasells some thitythee categoies oftextile oducts in Ameican maketsand is knon fo duming olyeste

    Caer Hawley Hale Stores, Inc. of Los Angeles, owns no only the Broadway chain, butalso Bergdor Goodman; Waden BoksNeman-Marcus Sunse House Wenstoc's;Emrum Capwel Hol Renfrew and Houseo Faser

    The 3. 600-mile Soviet pipeline is being built with Western technolog'y and creditand expet testimony eveals that it will cost the lives o pehaps a million slavelaboes foced to wok on it The pipeline will bing the Kemlin as much as $8billion annually in had cuency enablin its wa machine to un at full tilt

    cotton intcloth a loiced un

    nished cloth eady fo dyeing. Themediumeight fabic is used in

    both funishings and aael Accoding to the Intenational TadeCommission Red China's shae ofthe U.S. olyestecotton intclothmaket jumed fom 005 ecent in99 to nealy fouteen ecent in9, hen it sulied 5 ecentof all such imots. Ameican comanies (mainly located in theCaolinas) sa thei ofits dofom million in 9 to only

    ,000 in 9 They lost moneylast yea ove 4 million in thefst thee months of 9 alone.

    Othe Communist nations fomhich Ameica imots textiles include Romania million squaeyads; Poland millio squaeyads; Hungay 55 million squaeyads; CzechoSlovakia 4 millionsquae yads and Yugoslavia million squae yads. When added tothe quantity of textiles imotedfom Red China these slavemade

    Communist textiles add u to a

    oximately 50 million squaeyads. No onde ou on textileenteises ae being dive to theall

    In many Ameican hadaestoes you can buy ouble i nailshich come in distinctive blueandyello boxes. The nails hich ae ofinfeio quality ae made by Com

    munist slaves and imoted fomthe Peoles Reublic of China.Souvenis and gimcackey fomCommunist counties can be found

    n many U.S gift and thiftshos such as Pic 'n' Save stoes.They cay many imots fom RedChina including a vaiety of consume goods anging fom ickebaskets to stuffed animals andtinkts.

    Many TV viees ae familiaith the song in the advetisementssonsoed by the Intenational Ladiesament Wokes Union hich saysLook fo the union label We need

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    remind people when they are shop ing to "Loo for the Commie label

    and refrain from purchasingods madeby sae abor. When theabel on a sirt or a basket or a down lled coat reads "Made in China its referring to Mainand (Commu ist) Chin When the labe readsMade in aiwan or "Made in the

    Republic o China it is referring tononCommnist China on the isand

    f Taiwan where the people areree nd among the best paid in

    sia.mericas must act indiidually

    nd together t do something aboutall of this. Despite the growing eel

    f slaelaor imports from the o iet bloc and Red China, our goern ment continues to refuse to enforcehe law whch has prohibited the im

    portation of such products since0. Both Congress and priate or

    ganizations must launch serious in estigation of who in the Unitedtates is erchandising oiet im ports, and the names of such com panies must be widely publicized.

    The C., athough it has reeasedhe list of broad categories of goodseferred o earlier in this article, hasefused to release the detailed inrmation t has on which mericanmpanies are doing business withhe Commnists and importing slae abor products into the Unitedtates. The Director f the . isWilliam J. Casey (CFR) the manwho, as director of the Exportm port Bank uring the Nixon dmnisration pshed through the finac ng of the Kama Rier factory in

    which Aerican companies wereheaily inoled in proiding Utechnology and expertise for con truction f the word's largest and

    mst modern truck plant Vehiclesmanufactured there were used bythe Red Amy in its brutal inasionof fghanistan Casey a friendof Armand Hammer and RnaldReagan's 80 campaign managerwas also responsible for the $20 bil ion OccientaU.R Fertilizer

    Exchange the biggest single trade

    deal between the U and the oietUnion eermade .

    o it is not too surprsg thatWilliam Casey would protect theidentities of U.. rms proting atthe expense of the human misery ofslae labor On the other hand he saysthat his earlier actions were directedby higher authrity. Where desRn- . Regn sand on this issue?

    Many orgnizations are not waiting fr the federal goernment toenforce our aw. Carl Olson chair man of tockholders for Worldredom Box 727 lexadria, Vir gina 2207 is putting pressure oncorporations by inoling their stockhoders in a prgram t "take theprofit out of slae and forced la bor At the annual meetings of ma

    Fuitue Fom

    Cmuist Yugoslavia

    jor corporations Olson informs thestockholders about slaelabor imports and he fact that they areagainst he law. The stockholders areasked to ote on a resolution to by cott all such trading and to aid ref ugees of Communist regimes. Olsonmaintains

    "We must nt let our merican

    corporations support slae or frcedlabor in Comunist countries They

    should not be able to make bldmoney' from buying products pr duced by slae or frced labr rfrm selling goods r serices to beused at saeabor facilities Howsickeningly ironical it wuld be ifmerican computers would keeptrack of plitical prisoners, r thatAmerican pipelaying equipmentwuld be manned by Vietnameseforcedlabor gangs wrking on theiberian gas pipeline.

    The FLCO is also askingthat our goernment do its duty byenforcing the legal ban against slaeimports Tm Kahn an ..LCO spokesman, testified in Con gress last fall on the need to stpundercutting merican workers withslaelabor products which are beingdumped on our economy. Anyneworking in the textile r clothing in dustries should be especially cn

    cerned about the considerableamunt of Red textiles and finished garments f eery ind pour ing into the United tates. Wrkersin our timber and woodwrking industries shoud also be mobilizedagainst the atrocity of slae labr

    t the grassrots leel, patrioticAmericans are organizing cmmitteesof the national Larry McDnaldCrusade To top Financing Com munism (Bemont, Massachusetts0278) to ppose and expose the sale

    of slaelabor prducts in the pacesof business in their own cmmu nities nd the McDonald Crusade isworking hard to put pressure on Treasury ecretary Donald Regan to allwCustoms Commissioner Wiliam onRaab to execte his duty under theTariff Act of 10. We heartilyrecommend that you contact theMcDonald Crusade to see what yucan do.

    Meanwhile "Look for the Com mie label nd, when you see one,

    inform the manager of the store inwhich you see it that this representscollaboratin with saery and mayery wel be against the law Als,write your enators and Congressmantoday to urge that the C. and theDepartments of the Treasury andCommerce release the detailed in formation they hae on the frmsimporting and selling Communistgods This will help alert mre andmore Americans to the incredibe rolethe West continues to play in sub

    sidizing the most cruel tyranny inhistory

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