this documentation provides information about installation

Post on 03-Feb-2017






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Extension Documentation

This documentation provides information about installation, configuration and using SMARTASSISTANT extension for Magento.

SMARTASSISTANT Extension for Magento

1. Table of Contents

- Table of Contents

- General information

List of features

- Installation

- Configuration

Advisor configuration

FTP configuration

Export settings

- Export CSV


Add / Edit

- Tasks preview


Display Advisor in HTML Editor

Add widget in .xml configuration

- Support information

- Release history and compatibility

- User roles and Permissions


SMARTASSISTANT Extension for Magento


2. General informationThis extension provides synchronization with SMARTASSISTANT under

SMARTASSISTANT extension allows you to integrate your Magento store with SMARTASSISTANT account. The

module enables automatic integration of the list of products with your SMARTASSISTANT account, displaying

SMARTASSISTANT Advisor in the store and automatic login to your Advisor configurator.

Thanks to this extension you receive a tool to connect your store with powerful SMARTASSISTANT platform, exchange

product data and display Advisor widgets in your store.

The extension itself is free to download and install.

2.1. List of features

- Generating .csv files with custom attributes

- Product filtering by product attributes

- Automatic generation and sending files to SMARTASSISTANT FTP server

- Widget allowing to display SMARTASSISTANT Advisor in any place in your store

- Multiple configuration options

- Automatic login to your SMARTASSISTANT account

3. InstallationTo install the module you should follow these steps:

1. Go to Magento Connect and download module extension key (module site:

2. Login in to Magento admin panel, go to Magento Connect Manager (select from menu: System → Magento

connect → Magento Connect Manager)

3. Use extension key to install the module.

4. After Magento has loaded the extension, click Proceed.

4. ConfigurationBefore you configure the module, you should register at website and find your configuration data in the confirmation email.

To configure the module you should select System → Configuration from top menu and go to section

SMARTASSISTANT configuration.

Module configuration is divided into four parts (SMARTASSISTANT credentials, Advisor configuration, FTP

configuration and Export settings).

SMARTASSISTANT Extension for Magento


SMARTASSISTANT Extension for Magento


4.1 SMARTASSISTANT credentials

Account ID – This is your account ID number. You will find this property in the confirmation email.

Account password - Password you specified during the registration process.

4. 2 Advisor configuration

Enable – Enable / Disable SMARTASSISTANT widget. If you set it in to “No”, SMARTASSISTANT widget won’t be

displayed. This option has no impact on visibility of SMARTASSISTANT widget option in admin panel.

Context path – SMARTASSISTANT context path. You can get it from your SMARTASSISTANT panel.

Platform URL – Your Platform URL

4.3 FTP configuration

Host – FTP host or IP address.

User – FTP user name.

Password – Password to your FTP account.

Path – Remote path. If you leave it blank all files will be saved in root directory.

Passive mode – Enable / Disable FTP Passive mode.

Port – Port of your FTP server. If you leave it blank, the system will use port 21 by default.

4.4 Export settings

Use shell – Enable / Disable use shell script to generate .csv files. Enable it to process .csv files by a shell script.

Disable this to have .csv generation processed by your HTTP server with the option to stop the process after “max_

execution_time” expires.

Auto sending – Enable / Disable all of module’s scheduled activities. Set it to “No” to stop all scheduled tasks.

5. Export CSV

5.1 SMARTASSISTANT CSV configurations

To display the list of configured exports go to Catalog → SMARTASSISTANT → Export CSV.

5.2 Add / Edit

To add or edit export go to the list of exports (Select: Catalog → SMARTASSISTANT → Export CSV from menu) and

click “Add configuration” or “Edit”. It will redirect you to Export form, where you will find your export configuration.

Edit form is divided into five parts (General settings, Conditions, Attributes settings, Scheduled tasks, Export

generation). Each of them is responsible for specific settings.

General settings

Name – Name of export

Filename – Name of the file sent to FTP server

SMARTASSISTANT Extension for Magento



This section allows you to set product filtering before exporting data to a file.

Attributes settings

Field Name – Name used in your .csv files.

Attribute – Name of product attribute.

Enable – If you set it to “Disable”, field will not be included in generated .csv file.

When empty – This value may be used when attribute value is empty.

SMARTASSISTANT Extension for Magento



Autogenerate – Enable and disable automatic file generation. When set to “Enable”, the system will generate .csv

files based on values in the “Days” and “Time” fields.

Autosend – When set to “Enable”, the system will send the generated file to the FTP server.

Days – Date of generation.

Time – Time of generation.

Export generation

This section gives you more info about the data you export. Here you can generate the file, send it to FTP server,

download the last generated file and check the last generation time.

SMARTASSISTANT Extension for Magento


6. Tasks previewIn menu Catalog → SMARTASSISTANT → Tasks list you can find information about generation tasks. You will see a

detailed list of all generations.

7. SMARTASSISTANT widgetSMARTASSISTANT module provides you with several options to display SMARTASSISTANT Advisor in your store.

Remember: to see your Advisor you have to turn it on in the System → Configuration → SMARTASSISTANT configuration and fill the context path value.

7.1 Display Advisor in HTML Editor

To add SMARTASSISTANT Advisor to your site with HTML Editor you should click “Insert Widget...” button, select

“SMARTASSISTANT widget”, enter your advisor code (you will get it from your Advisor configurator) and confirm the


Below you have a sample form:

SMARTASSISTANT Extension for Magento


You can add the widget manually by insert following code to text area:

{{widget type=”smartassistant/widget” code=”YOUR_CODE_HERE”}}

7.2 Add widget in .xml configuration

To add Advisor to places like category list, static sites or static blocks you may use system of Layout Updates. To do

so you should paste block code to layout update text field or xml file with layout configuration.

Here is sample xml code:

<block type=”smartassistant/widget” name=”my_widget_name” before=”-”>

<action method=”setCode”>




Here is a sample image, how it may look in category layout update field:

SMARTASSISTANT Extension for Magento


Sample places, where you can find layout updates:

- “Custom Design” section in manage category

- “Design” section in manage static sites

7.3 Create widget in PHP code

To add Advisor in PHP you should create a widget using PHP and add it into your HTML.

Sample code you have below:


$advisorHtml = Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock(‘smartassistant/widget’)



8. Support information

If you can’t find the answer to your question in this document, or via the web site, contact your SMARTASSISTANT

account representative.

9. Release history and compatibility

10. User roles and Permissions

User roles and Permissions in the module are based on standard Magento Authorisation system.

You can manage them in System -> Permissions.

SMARTASSISTANT Extension for Magento


Version Date Changes Compatibility with versions

1.0.0 December 2015 Initial release 1.7, 1.8, 1.8.1, 1.9, 1.9.1,1.9.2

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