this edition copyright © new8beauty 2014makeup...contents chapter 1: 7 steps to great makeup 1...

Post on 15-Mar-2018






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This edition Copyright © NEW8BEAUTY 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, except for brief quotation in printed reviews, without written permission of the publisher.

Manufactured in the United States of America


To All Makeup Divas


Chapter 1: 7 Steps to Great Makeup ................................... 1

Chapter 2: How To Quickly Fix Mistakes We Almost All

Make When We Put On Makeup ........................................ 5

Chapter 3: Choosing & Applying The Perfect Makeup

Foundation ....................................................................... 11

Chapter 4: How to Apply Makeup .................................... 17

Chapter 5: Skin Care Tips To Give You Radiant Skin ....... 25

Chapter 6: Tips to Have Flawless Skin .............................. 27

Conclusion ....................................................................... 35


Chapter 1: 7 Steps to Great Makeup

As you all know, our skin is the obvious appearance of

who or what we are, or perhaps would like to be.

1. Avoid wearing too much

Makeup is meant to enhance features not bring negative

attention to you. That's what wearing too much makeup


will do; it will bring you unwanted attention. Don't wear

too much of anything such as:

i) Eyeliner: dark, thick eyeliner will make you look

overdone and will ruin the rest of your makeup.

ii) Mascara: too much mascara looks fake and will flake. It

looks especially bad if worn with thick eyeliner or dark

blue eye shadow.

iii) Foundation: Make sure your foundation is the same

color as your skin. Foundation is meant to protect and

give the face a smooth look. The magic word is blend.

iv) Powder: The same holds true for powder - not too

much. Also, be sure to blend your makeup so there are no

obvious lines.

2. Lips

Apply lip liner to completely cover the lips, add color and

your lipstick will stay on much longer. Make sure your lip

liner doesn't show. Also, your lip color should match your

skin tone; wear cool colors if you have cool coloring and

warm colors if you have warm coloring. If you want to

make your lips look smaller, keep your liner on the inside

of your lips. However, if you decide to make your lips

look larger, going outside the natural outline of you lips is

a mistake. This can look quite messy and unnatural.

3. Appropriate makeup

Wear makeup that is appropriate for the occasion. If you


are going to the beach you shouldn't wear the same or as

much makeup as you would if you were going dancing.

Also, when you are in daylight your makeup should be a

lighter than when you are out for the evening.

4. Too little or no makeup

Some women don't wear makeup because they are not

sure how to use it and are afraid of being overdone. If

you are unsure, start will light colors in your shade. Start

slowly and add one product at a time. Maybe start with

foundation, add mascara, blush or lipstick. If you are not

used to wearing makeup, using a lot at first may be a little

too much for you, so start slowly. The bottom line is a

little is better than none. If you are still unsure seek

professional advice.

5. Overall look

When your makeup is completed it should look natural.

That means avoiding colors that clash. If you have dark

skin and hair you will look better in darker shades; light

colors will make you look washed out. If your hair and

skin tone are light, light colors will look better on you.

Dark makeup will make you look older and harsh. If you

have oily skin, first use oil control moisturizer and

foundation. Then be sure to wear loose powder, keeping

pressed powder with you for touch ups.

6. Hair color

Your hair color should also be in harmony with your skin.


If you have dark hair and you want to add color, keep it

close to the same shade. If you have light hair, use light

colors. As you age your skin will lighten, so should your

hair color. One last thing about hair color - if you do

color you hair be sure you keep it up, don't let your roots


7. One last thing

Keep makeup looking fresh all day by doing regular touch

ups. Don't let your makeup fade or crease. Smile!!!


Chapter 2: How To Quickly Fix Mistakes We

Almost All Make When We Put On Makeup


Have you ever been putting on your makeup and when

everything is going well, you suddenly make a mistake

that ruins all of your effort? Have you had to take off

your makeup some time because, without meaning to,

you’ve ruined your makeup? Surely you have; it happens

to all of us.

We hope you’ll like them and that they’ll help you easily

improve your personal image.

Common Mistake #1: Put on Too Much Foundation

This is a very common mistake that we all make when we

put on makeup. If you are totally made up, to take off any

excess foundation, do the following:

Lightly moisten a clean sponge with water (the sponge

should be almost dry and without any makeup residue)

and sponge all of your face with downward movements.

TIP: It’s very important, most of all, to avoid excess


foundation and concealer around the eyes. To eliminate

any excess in this area, perform the same step and

afterwards use your fingertips to softly blur the product in

that area.

Common Mistake #2: My Eye shadow Looks Too


If you’ve put on too much eyeshadow, or it looks too

dark, follow these steps to quickly fix the problem:

If it happened on your upper eyelid, blur the eyeshadow

toward the edges with a clean brush to reduce the color.

If it still looks very dark, apply a little bit of matte cream

eyeshadow with a brush (if you don’t have cream

eyeshadow, you can use translucent powder) and blur the


If it happened on the lower part of your eye, use a fine,

clean brush to blur, or pat it softly with a Q-tip.

If as you were blurring, you’ve left the contour of the

eyelid and the shadow looks very dark, blur it with a clean

sponge and afterwards apply a little bit of foundation,

patting lightly to fix the foundation.

Common Mistake #3: Put on Too Much Blush


If you applied too much blush, try the following tip:

Stroke your cheek with a thick, loose powder. The brush

should be completely clean. If you still have too much

blush on, apply translucent or clear powder with the same

brush, just over the blush. That way the two powders

should mix, clarifying the original color.

Common Mistake #4: Put Too Much Makeup on My


When we put too much makeup on our eyebrows, we

look harsh and we can’t even recognize ourselves. Follow

the following tip to quickly solve this:


Simply brush the eyebrow with a clean Q-tip, going

against the grain of your eyebrow. You will see how

quickly the color you initially applied disappears.

Common Mistake #5: Smeared Mascara on Eyelid

That’s all right. Just follow these steps and you’ll see how

you can quickly fix the problem:

Continue applying makeup and when you have finished,

allowing enough time for the mascara to dry, apply a Q-

tip right over the smudge. You’ll see how it quickly

disappears and you don’t need to remove the makeup

from your whole eye.

TIP: A good trick to avoid smudging yourself is applying

makeup first to your inferior eyelashes and then to the


Also, you may use a mascara shield to apply mascara to

avoid smeared mascara on eyelid.



Chapter 3: Choosing & Applying The Perfect

Makeup Foundation

Beautiful makeup requires the perfect makeup

foundation. Foundation makeup is the key to whether

your makeup will look good or bad. The application of a

foundation will help to smooth out your skin tone,

conceal blemishes and give you a more healthy glow.

Applying makeup without a foundation base can actually

enhance unsightly skin problems, rather than conceal

them. Foundation creates a blank canvas on the face to

which colors is added: eye shadow, blush & lipstick. It is

also the setting agent. It is also the setting agent for these


products acting as a barrier between the color & the skin's

own natural oils, which would otherwise dissolve the

make-up. But because it covers the largest area of the

face, foundation needs to blend seamlessly with the skin.

Makeup Foundations for differing Skin Types

But before you head out to the store, here are some basic

rules that should be followed when making your product


Firstly, the foundation must complement your skin type.

Oily Skin; For oily skin that is prone to shine, an oil-free

formulation will hinder the production of excess oil, and

most contain extra powder particles to dry any oil


Normal Skin; Normal skin can take pretty much any

formulation, but a liquid will give ample coverage without

looking caked or heavy. Dry skin needs make-up

foundation with extra moisturizers to keep it supple, and

to prevent the skin from drinking in the makeup. A cream

make-up formulation will last longer and also hydrate.

Foundation Colors

The best time to pick a color is when your skin is at its

most natural shade. So, after your holidays or morning


after self tanning applications are not the best time. The

best place to try make-up is on the jaw line.

Basically, foundation color falls into two categories;

1. Foundation bases with yellow tones

2. Foundation bases with pick tones

The most common yellow-toned skin types are Asian,

sallow and black skin, whereas fair skin has generally has

pink tones. It is important to choose a foundation that

matches your skin's base, otherwise the make-up will not

blend well, no matter how you apply it.

Deciding Between Liquid and Powder Foundations

The next decision is to determine whether you would

prefer powder foundation or liquid foundation makeup.

This tends to be more personal choice, although there are

pros and cons to both types.

Most women seem to prefer the liquid foundation base. It

appears to be quicker and much easier to apply. As well,

once blended into the skin, liquid foundation makeup

appears more natural and lighter, giving the skin a

smooth, even appearance. However, how it is applied can

also make a difference. Applying too much will cause

streaks and spots that look "heavier" then others on your

skin. Using a makeup sponge rather than using a fingers

can help a lot with creating a smooth, even appearance.


Apply a small amount of liquid foundation at a time and

blend in carefully.

Another advantage of a liquid foundation is that it

absorbs into the skin rather than sitting on top of it, so

you get a more natural skin tone appearance. It also

comes in a variety of bases to suit women with dry skin,

normal skin, oily skin, combination skin, and sensitive

skin types.

Powder foundations are a less popular choice, but can

work just as well as liquid foundation makeup. It's easy to

apply and there is less blending involved. They are also

great for people that have very oily skin, as the powder

will soak up the oil and prevent a greasy appearance. You

can also carry a compact powder case with you on days

when you need to do a slight touch up to your makeup or

on days that are hot and humid, to rid your face of shine.

A slight problem with powders, however, is that they can

look like they are caked on your face if applied to heavily

or after a couple of hours in warm weather. They also

tend to rub off on clothes easier since the powder sits on

top of your skin.

Another Choice: Liquid-Powder Foundations

Liquid-powder foundation combinations are another

choice that is gaining in popularity. The foundation

makeup comes in a compact, much like powder bases,


but contains a somewhat creamy mixture. Application of

this foundation gives a smooth appearance, like a liquid,

with the absorption benefits of a powder. However, you

have to be careful when applying this type of foundation,

since a heavy hand will give you a caked appearance. Like

liquids, the key is to apply it lightly and blend well. This

combination is not the best for people with dry skin as it

will also give you a patchy skin appearance. Choose this

type of product if you have normal to oily skin.

If this is the first time you are going to buy a foundation,

you should visit a make-up counter that allows you to try

out the various products or seek out a professional make-

up artist to help you with your selection. For those that

have problem skin, such as severe acne breakouts, you

should visit a dermatologist first. They can help you with

making a wiser choice on the type of foundation makeup

would work best, plus provide you with other skin care

options to help clear up underlying problems.

Remember, the best makeup techniques start with a good

foundation that is appropriate for your skin type and skin

tone. Be smart and take the time to research what is out

there before spending money on any product. You'll be

happy you did.

Applying make-up foundations

Oily Skin; With oily skin, the application of oil-free


formulas needs to be fast, as they dry speedily. Using

clean fingers to apply small does to the areas most in need

of coverage is the best way; simply do each area at a time

until the face is complete.

Normal Skin; For normal skin, the choice of cream-to-

powder liquid or powder foundation can change how

much time you spend applying it. Cream-to-powder is

best applied with a sponge, starting in the centre of the

face and working outwards; its done in a matter of

moments. Liquid foundation looks more natural applied

with a foundation brush. Again work the brush outwards,

taking care to use less around the eye area. Powder or

mineral make-up foundation should be applied with a

large powder brush; while it will not give the same level

of coverage as a liquid, it is a great makeup for those who

are pressed for time.

Dry Skin; For dry skin, cream foundation moves well

around the face, and a little goes a long way. Dry skin

tends to have few blemishes, so concentrate on areas that

need coverage, and leave clear areas bare: this is why

getting the right color match is vital.


Chapter 4: How to Apply Makeup

Women use makeup to enhance their natural beauty.

Following these instructions will help you will learn how

to apply makeup for all occasions. Begin by washing your

face. Use a gentle cleanser that does not dry out the skin.

Follow up with a moisturizer appropriate for your skin

type. Cover your clothing with a towel to protect it while

you do your makeup application.


Concealer comes next

Even top models don't have flawless skin. Concealer

hides any blemishes or under eye circles. Select a color

one shade lighter than your foundation. Using your ring

finger or concealer brush to put dots of concealer over

any blemishes and under eye circles. Blend it in with the

tip of that finger or a concealer brush. You can use either

a liquid concealer or a solid type.


Foundation is the base

A foundation that matches your skin tone exactly is the

best choice. Start by putting it on in dots over the middle

of your face, forehead and chin. Use a foundation brush

to spread it out using circular motion until it covers your

entire face. The foundation will cover the concealer.

To keep the foundation in place, dust on loose or pressed

powder in the same color with a brush or powder puff.

You can take a compact with pressed powder with you

for touchups later.


The eyes have it

There are several steps in how to apply makeup around

the eyes. Start with the eyebrows. If they have been

plucked excessively, you will need to create a browline

using eyebrow pencil or powdered shadow. These

products can also fill in any gaps in the natural brows.

Eyebrow pencil can look harsh and unnatural unless used

carefully. To apply powdered eyebrow shadow, use a hard

slanted brush.

Eye shadow should coordinate with your eye color and

your skin tones. Use dark eye shadow to line the edge of

your upper eyelid, following along above the upper lashes.

Medium colored eye shadow is placed above that and up

to the crease of the eye. Light eye shadow goes from

there to just under the eyebrow. For day wear, use matte

colors. Gleaming or sparkling colors are more appropriate

for evening.

Wet a cake eyeliner in a darker coordinating color to

bring out the eyes more and apply it in a thin line on the

bottom edge of the upper eyelid using a brush. If you

wish the eyes to appear larger, apply the eyeliner only on

the upper eyelid, extending the line about one-half inch

beyond the corner of the eye. Women with large eyes or

who prefer a more dramatic evening look may also apply

eyeliner on the edge of the lower lid below the eyelashes.

Make sure the lines are thin to avoid a raccoon


appearance. Eyeliner pencil can be used instead of the

cake eyeliner.

Mascara is the last step in the eye part of makeup

application. Again, select a color based on your skin tone,

using dark brown if you are fair and black for darker skin.

Navy or plum can be used for evening, but are not really

appropriate for work. Dip the mascara wand into the tube

and gently wave it over the upper and lower lashes. Wait a

few minutes for it to dry before applying a second coat.

This will help avoid clumping. For evening, you may wish

to use an eyelash curler to get a more exotic look, but be

sure to do this before applying mascara.

Blush adds life

Blush comes in both powder and gel forms. Whichever

you choose, apply it sparingly to avoid looking like a

clown. Find the apples of your cheeks by smiling and

then put the blush either on them or just below,

whichever is more flattering to you.


Kissable lips


Pick a lipstick color that goes with both your skin tone

and your outfit. Either apply it from the tube or use a

lipstick brush as professional makeup artists do. Add lip

liner around the edges of the lips after the lipstick has

been applied. Make sure the lipliner color is a similar

shade to the lipstick, as very dark lipliner with pale lipstick

will look silly.

Be safe with your cosmetics

Cosmetics don't last forever. They can become

contaminated with bacteria, so to be safe they should be

discarded once they get old. This is especially important

for mascara which should not be kept longer than one


year after it is first used. Avoid risking health problems by

not sharing cosmetics with other people.

Now that you know how to apply makeup, why not

practice before your next big event? By following these

instructions, you'll look great wherever you go.


Chapter 5: Skin Care Tips To Give You Radiant


Most skin care products and treatments target specific

problems like blemishes, enlarged pores, dryness,

wrinkles, or sagging. This can lead to the erroneous belief

that clear, firm, smooth skin is always at its best.

However, the people who benefit the most from many

skin treatments and facial masks are people who already

have healthy skin and want to make it even more radiant.

An intensive moisturizing session or a fruit based mask

full of valuable nutrients can infuse your face with a

beautiful glow you may never even have dreamed of.

People with healthy skin don’t always realize that there is

more they can do to play up this feature. If you have

good skin, it is time to ask yourself what you can do to

make it great.

One mask that works wonders on a clear, smooth

complexion is a simple mixture of two teaspoons of milk

and two tablespoons of honey. To try this relaxing

treatment, steam your pores open by letting your face


hover a few inches above the surface of a bowl filled with

boiling water. Add a few teaspoons of an aromatic herb

like lavender for an exquisite scent, and drape a towel

over your head to stop the steam and the scent from

escaping. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for five to

ten minutes. This will open your pores, which makes it

possible for your mask to penetrate deeply into your skin

and deliver the moisture and nutrients that will increase

your skin’s glow. Apply the honey and milk mixture with

your fingertips, smoothing it over your face and throat.

Relax for ten to fifteen minutes, letting this sweet mask

do its work. Then, rinse away the mixture with warm

water, splash your face with cool water to snap your pores

shut again, and gently pat your skin dry.

Use this honey mask or another relaxing all natural mask

treatment on a weekly basis to help bring your skin to a

new level of beauty. By putting a bit of extra effort into

caring for your skin, you can turn your healthy

complexion into a tremendous beauty asset. Beauty

trends come and go, but great skin is always in style, so

making sure your skin is at its peak radiance is always

worth the trouble. By taking just twenty minutes once a

week to help your skin stay replenished and vibrant, you

can look forward to compliments on your skin every

single day.


Chapter 6: Tips to Have Flawless Skin

As you all know, our skin is the obvious appearance of

who or what we are, or perhaps would like to be.

However, it is more than just a simple mask. Our skin


even sometimes reflects our health as well. It’s our

body’s canvas and one of its most valuable assets. Our

skin is our largest organ performing several functions. It

primarily protects us against the invasion of foreign

substances and it serves as the transfer point for the

release of toxins from our bodies, thus our skin is just

worthy of protection and care.

Now, if you found yourself coveting the gorgeous skin of

fashion models and celebrities in most of today’s

magazines, here are some tips that will help you on for a

beautiful skin.

Three Habits to Break

Is your skin as soft and healthy as you’d like? You may

be sabotaging it without even knowing. So here are three

of the habits that you must break as they wreak havoc on

your skin. Note them in order to attain a beautiful and

healthy skin.

Bad Habit #1: Shaving Dry

It is important to note that shaving legs and underarms

dry can cause irritation, ingrown hairs and razor burn.

So, to nurture the skin, softening it in the shower for

about 10 minutes is worth considering. Most experts

even recommend this stuff for those who wish to attain

good looking skin. After doing it, you must apply a layer

of shaving cream and not soap, which will just dull the


razor and invite cuts. You must shave in long strokes.

And, slather on body lotion post-shower.

Bad Habit #2: Ignoring Incidental Sun Exposure

It is true that walking from your car or wherever you may

be to the office under the sun may not be as damaging as

spending hours baking on the beach. However, it is

important to note that even just a few minutes of

exposure here and there doesn’t mean that you won’t get

wrinkles. It does bring on wrinkles just the same. For

that, you should try wearing a daily SPF lotion specially

formulated for facial application.

Bad Habit #3: Avoiding Exfoliation

It is often said that considering exfoliation of the skin

brings out great results. Perhaps this is for the reason

that if you just ignore exfoliation, dead skin cells will start

to build up on the skin, causing itchiness and rashes,

especially on the unpredictable or dry weather. So, it is

often recommended that you scrub your skin once or

twice a week with a puff, a loofah, or a grainy exfoliator

to help sweep rough skin away. After scrubbing, apply

moisturizer to lock in softness.

Nevertheless, one of the necessary things to note is that

those people with skin affected by acne should not apply


exfoliating gels or sponges, as these may aggravate the

acne infection.

Now that you already know about the three bad habits to

break, it is now time for you to consider what habits are

to maintain in order to covet the best looking skin on

earth. The following habits are actually shared by most

dermatologists as their best advices for a clear

complexion. So, if you want your skin to be on its

behavior, you need to change your act now for the better

and follow a few rules.

Good Habit #1: Drink Plenty of Water

It is often said that the simplest way to clear and supple

skin that is no longer dry is to drink plenty of water.

Water has long been considered as the most effective

natural treatment or an almost free treatment for any skin

condition because of its being alkaline, with pH 7.3. It

prevents dehydration which is capable of producing

sebum or oil from the sebaceous glands. Your skin needs

water in order for it to function best, thus doctors and

nutritionists recommend that a daily intake of between 6

to 8 glasses of water per day is highly needed. The bottom

line here is to adopt plenty of water everyday as your



Good Habit #2: Consider a Healthy Routine for

Facial Care

When it comes to facial skin care, getting into a healthy

beauty routine is not bad. Most of the doctors today

highly recommend that you cleanse, moisturize and tone

your skin twice every day. When cleaning, never fail to

remember cleaning the area on the neck, including your

face. Apply a moisturizer or neck cream after.

Before going to bed at night, always remember to remove

all make up. Clean your skin before you sleep, no matter

how tired you may feel. It was found out that during the

night, the skin goes through a process of elimination and

cannot breathe properly if it is clogged with make up.

And, you may also find out that sleeping with your make

up on will cause your skin to “break out” with spots on it.

Good Habit #4: Watch Your Diet

Nutrition plays a vital role in skin health too. Healthy

foods refer to those that help your skin and body fight

against the bad forces outside and inside. You must

consider antioxidants such as vitamin A, C and E as they

are highly potent for sun damage and fight certain

cancers, including skin cancer. This is actually the reason

that makes antioxidants essential to your health. Along

with this, a well balanced diet is highly recommended.

This means making yourself comfortable with a diet filled


with at least five servings a day of fruits and vegetables,

plus a multivitamin that meets the RDA standards.

Good Habit #5: Consider a Healthy Exercise

Exercise is great for a beautiful skin. So, considering at

least twenty to thirty minutes of any aerobic exercise is

worth trying. It will give you a glow, as it is often said.

One of the supports for this is the fact that exercise

boosts blood flow. It is this increased blood flow which

will bring more nutrients to the skin. However, it is

important to be aware that the accumulation of sebum or

oil through perspiration can result in sweatband acne,

folliculitis, as well as spiky heat. But, don’t worry; there is

a simple solution for this – shower as soon as possible

after shaking your booty.

Good Habit #6: Hands off Those Zits

We all get zits. That’s the truth. But, it doesn’t mean that

we will just let those zits ruin our lives. We must do

something to prevent them from forming, and we must

do it by simply not to poke, prod, pop, or squeeze them.

These actions can just prolong a zit’s life and make the

problem worse. They may even lead to scarring as well

as spread of infection. So, to speed up healing, never

squeeze or poke them. Simply cleanse your face, and then

apply a warm compress, like a clean and damp wash


cloth. Then, dab your face on an over the counter cream

or lotion containing a drying agent like the salicylic acid,

benzoyl peroxide or sulfur.

Good Habit #7: Rest and Get Enough Sleep

Many of us don’t get enough sleep and are stressed.

Actually, there haven’t been any conclusive studies on

how being tired affects the condition of the skin. But, the

effects are not generally hard to detect. One of the most

common effects is under-eye circles.

One common problem that face people is stress; the one

which is not normal. It was found out that when a person

is stressed, the adrenal cortex converts adrenal androgens

to the hormone testosterone in male and female, which in

turn results in overactive sebaceous glands. These adrenal

androgens are released causing a double amount of

testosterone, causing the face to be oily, while other areas

of the body are still dry from dehydration. So, taking

proper rest that includes 6 to 8 hours of undisturbed

sleep daily is the best way to rejuvenate the skin.

So, to avoid whatever unfavorable effects there may be,

you must budget in sleep time. This may include a short

afternoon nap whenever you can manage it. However,

don’t sleep in the same position for years on end as this

can lead to wrinkles. Perhaps the best way to consider is

looking for a special pillow that helps prevent sleep


creases on your face.

As presented there are a lot of habits that we oftentimes

ignore, thinking that they don’t play a significant role in

our lives. But, the truth is, everything we do has a

corresponding meaning and role that needs to be revealed

and considered. If your main goal is attaining beautiful

skin and general well-being, then a healthy lifestyle is

worth maintaining. Always note that your skin reflects

your health. It is your body’s canvas and one of its

valuable assets. So, for good skin care, start developing

healthy habits that generally protect your valued

possession, which the skin, from the outer and inner

forces. Note that our daily habits mean everything.



The desire to look good is inherent in all of us although some people are more diligent in acting on this desire. Sometimes in our minds, we want to look a certain way but our bodies and nature fail us. Sometimes, it takes too much time which some of us don’t have. Looking good can mean a lot of time and good dollar spent on beauty and cosmetic products. There are just so many products that one has to use to stay beautiful especially if one is not genetically lucky to have been born with good skin, good hair or a great body to begin with. The key in looking good is to take the best possible care of the body by leading a healthy lifestyle and using beauty products that provide the best and most consistent results. This will entail a lot of discipline in your part as leading a totally healthy lifestyle is not the easiest thing in the world. Skin care is something that needs to become a part of your daily routine as much as you can. If you do this, your skin will feel healthier, look more radiant, and you will probably knock a few years off of your appearance too!

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And don’t forget about your eye makeup too. These little babies will definitely accentuates your seductive gaze!

You too….can be


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