thmsbrakii brito's pari*y.»u ran stop male chickens, commonly termed nx wtcjrs, from crowing...

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VOL. X X I. No. 41 BELMAK N J , .FRIDAY, <*;TOBER ii. 1911

S c M T e x f a r G t a p r f

W itt S t r in g h p iThe Coast Advertiser’s Sworn

Statement Made Underthe New Postal Law

ThmsBrakii Brito's Pari*







I ®

Iiji! !h

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3 S 5 5 J F K E . WHY VOTELLfiVP l. U AMAh

nm rn aa* h i l i l ! i

Published K m y Friday at

HHLMAK, N. j . •

try t t , 19UN, at tke p .« t a * * t t

H. J . Under ths Art ef of M u

I , »?».**

One Ye

Single Copy

FOR WILSON?Spndnh Ms flpM cm

Shod Swfft Hto


r«H W u Nominate l« the F»°“ •<| Popular O iM p^av il—H Boaeea M

to Bo ttimliMtod WitaOU »«>■•» 8* Ebcto<>-Ro4>l<M CompotitioK Qivm

Evory Mao . Cbanoe— Ruauevelt •>

r . « Siiwply MCJno Continued Aa«a-

IDVKST1S1MG u m OM t f t U U T lO K .

A ll »>ther natter tu be gt ed proper tm-

handed ta not later thaa M M oa Wednesday o f tank week.

AU »4fcea of entertainment* by dnuvh

es. societies, etc.. a t which an sdndari.m

fee is charged, for resohtffcau o f organ!* *tk»os m ca.*e.» of death o f members, or-- reading matter whtch ia aot ta

tbe form of general news w ill be charged

for a t the rate o f five cents per line fbr

_____ I None**. Tbe Coast Advertiser

» a legal newspaper, and aft soch Is tha

proper m edian for all legal notices. S a w advertisement* belong to a* by le v . while

other* it U optional with thc ated a t to what paper d**U

Items of Local aad Petaoaal lal


W hat's the ase> f

aboat the paring of F street. Conned ia

ia favor of it and i f the property owners,

moat to be adected. wdl bat d a rt a peti

tion and secure the signatures of Sl

cent ot owners of teal estate along F

■dreet to the pettUon, the matter w ill go

'the owners aeed aot he esoUd aboat

what ft will cost them, as they shall be

expected to pay bat half of What * coats

the Boftmgjh. aad hearing that the trolley

company will tahe care of the work

tween sad two feet each side of t


n f


t y RU D O LP H 3 P R E C K E L 8 .

W ben ruaklnc a choice from among

tta> candklatea for ptesident o f the

rn lte d States to be voted for on N or

} our titl*i*us should iirst p u t t.dde

i l l jw rtlsa ii feeMngs th a t are not re

,nt»xl to fundam enta l d iflerentvs Ut

principle The tariff question has In

reeeiit } ‘-ar* isv n about the only |»ol-

cy in trhk-h the ItepnfaBcan am i Dem-

•era tic parties have seriously lifter

rd. the lle im bttcan p arty ostensibly

; la nd in g for a protective tariff- while

the Democrats contend to r a ta r iff for

revenue only

W e h a te h ad sU teen yean* of un

jite rrup ted R e p u b ik a n ruk ‘ a nd the

tariff e r a w hh h d u r in g these years

the duties im | o # d have exceeded the

o f i^u tee tlon . bringing

rtitnucpouK profits o f th e few and

enabling shrew d m an ipu la to rs to or-

inixe i'ounth>s« trusts w ith watered

*tock a nd ovcrvnpitaUxatkni u n t il the

of the im-teased cost o f liv

{dactyl q io d the average citizen

inbearabie and reoadses. unless

•heeked a t once, to b r ln * a vast ma

fority o f o « r people to the po in t of

kHHilar un r is ln r

C n k f the l«v»t>t reautremeuts al

j r o t H i n m l * tarlfl ft* » ' « * ».>uM uf un-eiudt? >* «u»i*-ntl.> bl*h lo ulluid oail-to poXKttun to all le*lti mutrlj n « M ^ M Industries in till,

winter ami j r t brtu* the cwt ul ao KmM ltk« within tlie reach ol

i|L TW pcweut admlnlstritViu f>**

failed tu keep Its plutf'inu |**l*e* In re-uni tn tbe tariff and that tbe peo pit n-ueut tbe tuvaklK "< tbe* in«u

b. made cteur b j tbe tor*.- nom lie, u f Itepublb-an m».-«entatlr»'. to

L-oncnss that tore been retlnd b j the voters dtalng the P*st two leant

The Repub llean w n re n tlu n liaiurwl

;»»t>uLir dbap t*»«l u f tb e P " * ™ ' ” )

U CT tlJ

enfiaa of t k Belmar Booklet


at the

Hitoat huteb K n o t Bona^h bteratare.


W e want new

W « should

r fo« it , bat the old blond is mote

accessary. L e t as get after the new

hlom l but be sure to retain the old



Rmartaftle OecJantiN of Prb-

ClplCS 6)f tbC Still CMVBBtiOIL


Dem and Fer Real Reform Made In £w-

•ry P lank and the Ne«ds the State

Are Set Out Honestly *m i W ith I n ­

tent to Carry Out Every Promise

W bat the Rejuvenated Party Now

Stands For Under Governor- W ilson's


This* is the ;>Jatf«»rn) ado fit^ l by the

IVnHMTatii •’o n te n th m held at

Tr»»nt»m <«» « »ci I

Wr. ttv Iienwcrats >f N**w Jerwy, in c nuvn ibm hereby ratify theplatform by our party al IUltl-n*or« and pkdge *>ur rioscnf support to Its ctAilUatn

In ^ t n g a#r»ta tbt- sultrar*- aod »up- lywt *f our W to * c ttte M of N«*w Jt'Csey It ts [>I»*I*T (hat H r shouW briefly Indk-a^r

u-.» w l h t y b i *Hir part) plat forcn. t<*K»*th*‘r » lth a statement nf how our piedgi-* hate kopt The

»f future ooduct is never better sur.-d tban by p*at performant-^a. and

tn M tting forth the w«»Td ot the iVna- cra4si of New J - i * ) we are eonfldrnt tn the ilrclaratkoB tbat never bef«*r*» tn the history of tb*> rtatv has »> Urn*- ^ nora-

t>f p r e g r ^ lr * and ben<-tV'tal k r b U ttve en^idinenb bn-n pgsmvl u har« ^ I « » k 1 iurirus th. Ust two years under Ute sulmtnfearatton -»f th* Itfrancrattc pat ty Tbe ► fTort* of tbe DemixratJ<- jwrty far the pas* two years tn efferttn* re­forms nbvlousty n.ieseary and hng de- drf-d, upon ihV'h opinion tn th- state had for r u d j years b*** cemter»*d. '•o

ute a rec*»r>t of achl'‘Cf*m-nts wlthn ({arallej In the poRtk-al htstori' ‘‘f *he Hate

Tar" yean ot i>en>ocrattr admlnMia- tloo under ‘J n ^ m o r Wilson hav«- fe*u!t**d tn th* toBowtn^ acts of li^tstalton

1. A ?lni|ile and effective direct prim tnd election law, fU u la tlnx the selection and n->mlnati-»n of alt t.-andldaies for pub tie tneludtnir presidential dekwatea

i A strhwent corrupt ps^otkew act. p*'* vkltng for full and compl*-te publicity of a l! moneys u«*'5 In «*nner-tl*jn ' l th potit leal CJimptlgna

1 A practical and humonr employers' ItabUlty act. r-jiuluttnir the relations be- tw « * «n|doyer« and employees

4 An, effartle*' and progressive pubUr 'jttltttes act

i . An act pr'ddblttns th t cn»pl»>yment of -hlldrer. tn n» rcantll^ ^tabllahments dur

Fn>m general n r naofficial ta lk about

s to be a derided mnve-

, o f Beimar pay

I tax. Take a hint

from as— y«w» who hare not’p a id up—and

p«y “f

You can keep chickens w ith in a certain

yard , you can shut them ia a coop, but

y.»u ran stop male chickens, commonly

termed nx wtcjrs, from crowing a t 5 a. m .—

Food for another Botoc-*b ordinance.

Communication.Her P. T Morris, D . D .

l>ear Editor : —

W ill you kindly allow me spa e in the

ddttains of your most valuable paper to

speak o f the Happy Thought. Sunshine

Industrial Institute. Thc brer :iajr o f the

ground for this Institute has be^un. The benefit

nan o f the t o U b « is S h B u> be built ,.f i t h » . «■»> • " * ■ » » * ■ « be certain tu

f.™ stone cement t l . t , T be ^ | ^ 'n ™ "

are to be made on the grounds

s of the Institution.

mlalstratton when It nominated V n d -

dent Taft ami Vk*e 1‘resldent Sher man Now. the .lefcat a t the Rcpuh Ilean party at tbe November ele<-tVMi « h ih certain ami prtn^r The re-dec tV.n nf President Taft Is Imposrfble Therefoo tin* H.*I«bllcan voter must rh.Mme tat ween t’otooel ItoiwevelL the notsdne*’ of a self api*dntcd convex tlon. ami Woodrow WH*m. th.- Demte cratk- m*mlm-e. who sc ured hte m*m^ natbm thrv»u^h tbe efforts of procres ̂

dTe I let no rats at tbe Baldmore cm

If the l«e«‘i*b“ are In earnest tn their h^tre to eliminate all polltkal bwmea and correct th«‘ trait evil they willauM-ft O ^am ar W lte* at the va>m

tai 0ovWlor tVILann Is .na^Iy and f.^riessJy opi-» Inc i»dith al even those t«e«eawh«* have offered to supfHirt him In Ih. coning .dectkHL while Cohiael R.aevvelt condemns .mly th.ea- h.«sea who him personally.

Every free Am. rl.-an looks forward m owning itiid maaagfag a btwtoejw of his own rather than be a men- Atl- arlwl man ^*me hlg trust, an.1 yet under fhe nudhod of mere >p»vern- inetital suja'rvisi'fn of trusts by federal commissions, as proj»e .̂\ by t'oU>nel

Raaaerelt ami his third term party, nil indef*>m!riit Uidneas enterprls.^ w.hiWI m a l>e thlrnr .*f the paet. and We would tweome a nation of clerk?, with

Clncentlv.- for Improving methods of nnfa.’tr.rlns and -dher lmpn>vement

thal <-.»R;i*-titVo» always stimulates.Govern-•; U i!s«>n ami th»- I*em*"Tit­

le platfonn njam whh-h he stands pw*- jiwse retrulafeil eoaipetitloa. which w'dl give ececy P.uttt with brain enenry ati oppnrtuni-'v to .letimtistntfe his r»-al worth and comjiel even th.- trusts to keep abn nst of the times in the eon duet of their *>usloess, and the Ameri can petiple as a whole will »set th.*

►f clu*:ii>efled cost of pmdnc-

, mereinl worhl for all tlnie- the t^vene.r Wlb^o. If elected, wlll be

abb- t»> brliur ata»nt needed reforms.* “"P* •» »o rompkie the | b.- will have the support of a

huUdiag by JuiH:. U H This school willj rnn^ress, the m.»>>rtty of which 1» train the Negro boys and girls for I -tter ' Detn»»eratk\ while by electing either

service ia life, wh» h will prove a blessing! President Taft or Colonel Ria»sevelt t * alL i we would ha' p four more years <*f atrl

Asa race they are * do. anate, and' tatl»»n. U»t iw> real lmpn»ve*nent It are like Laaar js of oid. laving at the gate rhn* ““der jiresent o.ndlasking the c imfaa which fail fean the ’ tk*®* “el^'bib-jius shoald vote for tiov

table. WiU yoa rive them the . nimto> '"n** WUs“n "**. NoT * 1Vrrfon‘ M

A rare that r.erd, j . , „ hei, balatb..,^: * ** *** " T ''* ™ 1- n d . ^ l W , ,..r « , L „ ’

gn*t Aawnea. The white people in th>

fnw“7 ’ ao h and *o«tb, h to the Ne^.o j what Ju&m Christ is to be world. Je^ w ]Christ came to save them (h a t w t .t h>st, j

and yo t, m y k ind white iesds. will

help save a race of people by aa» sting ta

the e^abHnhtng of the above Instigation.:

We make thia appeal to a ll well wishers!

of the race

Aay doaat'aas ia btoldir ' materials.

m«»oeys, etc., will be gladly received.

Charts aad drafts made payable to

Happy Thought, Sunshine and industrial

Tba dvsica w hich tbe voters

hava te make h Shall they have free to serva them , free to serve A L L o f tbem, or shall they con

pen ses SP E C IA L favor*

and W*ieh is always controlled

by tfcdee ta vdiam tha SP E C IA L favors are dispensed?— Woodrow

6 A semimonthly pay btfl for railroad empfciyers.

7 An i4Ct at«dlshtn« nontract Labor tn penal InatltutWne and providing for a state ue» system.

H Aro*iidnw*nts to the factory laws saft guarding the Itves of worker* In fae- tork-s and weekshops

I Ac aet provtdtna for an eight boor •Ity on state, rounty and munkipal work.

W Commfcssjot! pnr<*rnment for dtlee

f'ntler the progressive policy nf th f Dem­ocratic party tb- pn-m m en t of N«*w Jer­sey has b»en nuvl*- *vj*ponstv, to tbe will *.f the peopte of the statf. and th.- Rates o4 political opportunity have be.-n opened arid*- to lh* hamh!<«t of our rtttaenr: tbe rom ipttng and Mkehttna money In eennectlon wtth «4ectl h.'en greatly lessem-d; the relations be- tw--<‘n t-mployers and >«npk)>’ee« hav»? been Impn^ved by human*- legislation, and laws saf'fruardtmr the ll%t-» of workmen bave b»-en enacted.

Th« IVjnoeTatlc party, tn convention as- semble-d. pledsvs Itself to th*- contbmanee of tjwae poUrfc? and to that end pns. during the coming year to si t our­selves to the areompll!*hment of the lowing objects:

1 VVr- believe In uphokllng In all Ita vtgr-c th»- fundamental principle of th» <ttre. t primary act. better known as tbe Geran law. and we pledge ourselves to oppose and. If possible, to prevent tbe passntge o f any act whfc-h shall In any

tend to Impair I t . efficiency erath»n

W p favor the ekrtloo of l Tn!t«dStates .senators by a dlivet vote of tb*- people, and are pledge ourselves to the support t»f the pending amendment to tbe federal const itution to that effect

t We twite ve tn the spM-dy admintstsa- tlon >*f th, criminal laws of the state and thr separaUriik from jo iltk s of the Snstro- mentalltl^s f->r dmwlne petit and (trnnd )urle«, so that the posidMllty of po|ttlc;il and other Improper ini1i*enee shall be speedily eliminat'd.

j When I'ertatn very imp*irtani reforms advocated by" •■arnest bo<tk-s of rtttxeo* caauot be effected In this state without constitutional amendment therefore, we favor the election by popular vote, under su<-b regulations as may he provided by the W5--U»ture. of a conventkui for th e . con-sl«l.-ratlon of all needful anv ndments to tlie * institution of the state.

5 The corrupt practice* <u t passed dur­ing thv flrat year of Governor Wilson's term. <le*tenvd to eliminate the purehas- lng.'^wwer ot miwiey tn politic*, we Intend to maintain in all Its vigor, believing the fr»»'dom n t the voter ln exercising his suffrage should be a matter of careful regulation and that the utmost publicity mn'-ernlng campaign expenses, together wtth a speedy an*! accurate amounting aftelr all primaries and ebvtlons. will tend , to mtntmUe tbe possibility of corrupting lnrtu**n>’eii and render the contest for office as free as possible under existing political conditions

% As a means of securing the use o i [HiMir buildings to the people respoostbk* for their exlsPence and t« leaw^n tb*1 ln- creustne cost ,«»f -k-cttons we recommend the use of s*-h»':houses and public build­ings f. r •Itttc-al and uther n*-U;hborhood and pubtir n^-ttngs. a* well a« for elec­tions. under proper local regulation.

7 For fhe f.urpose of s.-4-Urtng to the c it tarns of the various munn-lpolltles with in th*- state the power to govetfi them­selves »e are in favor of such laws a-* Will gtv.j them the tight to .n joy the greatest home rule p<*-*thl> In all matters afff-ctlng their b-jal governments.

•I W e call the attention of the peopt. of this state to the enactment o f the laws jei.-.-ed during th»- session of MU which Lias tend to the simplification <»f civil pro- cedure In our law courts. We believe that after a fa ir trial of these measures the criticism made against the m a rt s delays wilt disappear and that th*- >'*p*n*tv. ne*t« of litUeatton will ba minimised. that tecb- nlcallttes wtlt no linger be permitted to

ul In the way of justke and o f thr merits o t controversies.

We pledge our party to tbe t-stab- tnent and extension ot tbe acricultural

and forestry schools ln rural sections and to the cooftamnre of tbe industrial aad

should 1*4 be p.-rmltted to he used ned by tbe state or private­

ly. for any purpose Injurious to the pub He welfare and we believe that the willful destruction of forest irsnurees ahould' be prevent i’d hv a e|| ■ onskftefed li-gtslalkkO

We pledge our party to tbe contin­ued support <<f oor puldk utilities com

together with an -sten'divn of tt* po«w s 'if supervision, *o tha t the rbtht* o f the pmpie .f th.- Stab- iu»d of the cor a m t f a w iir.s ted by tbls particular com

lall be lustly and Impart la Ity t a a n H And In »bls retard w»» hellevs th tt the -Mfnmlsslon In addition to hav­ing the power to suspend I w i i l l k l raleo pending the Investigation of t h propriety thereof. ahouM have tb*- power to grant »r withhold it* p-rmtsslon for th*' Issu­ance i f n r p ib i l r ^ e n title , for th#- pro •ectlon tf lovntorm

better* that any legislative d g t« i -xbkh ba* toe It* purpoae tb- het- termr-nt of -'ondttkms. whelb* r In the d ty ir enttnty. Is partk-ularly praiseworthy, and we record our apftroval *»f the p a r t i*

and urge upon our represent­ative* in congress and in the w-nate af

Fnlted StatMi the desirability »f e«rin« a* n wedgy as posslbK an atf-n- d<*n o f thi- f.u-m of tnfnsportatlon. wht'-b Is a matter of groat Importance to the

our rural <«mmunl!iM iivl favor a constant and well regulated

policy of road ?<!ilkttng and toad main tenance that rhe rural countk-s in thfc1 at&tf may njoy the benefits of a srWn »Ule road ■‘onstrurtlon

IS In -ailing attention to the work of the rtemoeratk- party during the lari ses -dim ln regard to those measure* <*f so •1st w l Industrial lustlre. Including the workman's 'otnpen»tlk>n act and tbe Laws hlf- i ting «omen and minors, we reiterate our atoeere iV sIn to enact such kgbte tlon as will effectually prevent or mini mh- Industrial anrkk-nts and tend to de­crease thos,' diseases Incident to partle- •atar und. rtakings an enlargement of tbe powers of the siati' labor «k»partment, an exter^km of the workmen's compensatkm and employers liability act. ompi.te publit ity of the reports of Industrial ac­cidents and disease- and tbe careful regu- latkm of the hour* o t labor for children.

K We believe In the eatetudon of the powers of the (k*partment of labor ami the state health department so that thos? parts of our state government may be properly maintained, believing that thoee departments, whose supervision is of a purely humanitarian nature, should be wholly separated from polttV-s. that when tbelr scope is enlarged they should be Ktven an adequate number of inspectors adapted to their Increased needs; that the authority to enforce any neceasary regu­lation pertaining to these departments should he o f a summary character.

IT. W e also favor apd Indorse the d- forts which our state and Its various In­stitutions are making for the preservation of tbe public health and for tbe purpose of effectually coping with the problems of tuberculosis. W e believe hi the eriabltsb- ment of a system of expert medical In­spection ot aO school children and the ostabSshntent under expert supervision of a sanitarium for those affected wtth in­cipient tuberculosis. To those unfortu­nates who by reason o f defects of intel­lect poverty or enforced confinement are at the present time ward* o f the state we favor liberal provision, estimated under proper authority, for their maintenance and bestowal upon them of all care pos­sible, so that their deficiencies may be remedied cr at least ameliorated.

IS We pledge the immediate enactment of legislate* not less stringent than that In force In other states whereby, subject to tbe regulation of the public utilities commission or of such other body aa may be designated for that purpose, there shall be promptly undertaken the elimination fft every dangerous railroad grade cross­ing in the state under such terms as to the distribution of the expense of such work as may he determined by the legis­lature We point to the fact that the Re­publican party, having control o f the leg­islature of W12. desptte explicit pledges, made no effort to solve this important problem until the busy rtoeing days df the -v salon, wben adequate consideration and debate were bnpnerihle. The measure then proposed and forced through by tbe ma­jority was obviously designed more for political than for practical purposes and was on'Its face a lame. Ineffective and up- statesmanlike solution of a great state problem.

Bl We favor safeguarding railway trav­el as fa r as p»sslbk* and therefore pledge ourselves to the passage o f a law to ac­complish the purpose contemplated in the full crew hill, which for the past two ses­sions failed to pass the Republican sen­ate.

36. W e denounce the repented efforts of our opponents a t the last session of the legislature In endeavoring to procure over the veto o f tlie- Democratic governor the Enactment into law nf several measures designed to Weaken and nullify the pro­visions of th»- ijeran election law and cor­rupt practices act and ca ll the- attention of the voters of the state to the action of Abe Republican house and senate in pass­ing over the governor’s veto a large num­ber of bills increasing the salaries of mu­nicipal officers without the intervention of the concurrent action o f the local re- sponsibb lim ncial authorities.

a We call attentkm to the fact that under the careful and effi*k-nt administra­tion of tht- suite comptroller's department the- receipts of the state from collateral Inheritance taxe-s have been so largely In- -reased that, although the appropriations for the* current fiscal year exreed those i f 1511 by **«.<»<'. the balance at the ck«e if the current fiscal year w ill equal If not exceed the Ik-.lance of tbe fiscal year of 191L

21 We favor Che creation by new legis­lation of w unty sinking fund commis­sions. whose members must be specially qualified .md none o f whom shall bold any other public office.

33. We favor legislative enactments re­quiring th.- Installation o f a uniform sys­tem of ace-. Hinting tor the municipalities

t and counties of th is atate.

P. O .I

Hev P. T. Moms, Pie*.

. 4*7. Belmar, Si. J.

The Coast Advertiser wdl be pleased ta

Thfs woukl not -seem to be a pleasing occupation even If the rivet Is caught In nn old maH bog, yet the feat Is con­stantly performed by workmen Or­dinarily they catch rivets te a rivet keg or .something of that sort, hat there are men who catch rivets with a pah of t(»iigs—just reach-out fix th.en

teas, aad soch^ ia* alp a re»lhot rivet out of the air wtth the nipper part of the tongs la ma h the nunie way that a btnWnlr* a /lying feather oot af the air with tta

The ft*nt la commonly seen by,

• ioverti«>r Wilson If elected will do lor the country at large what he dhl for New Jersey. It took him Just four months to ac.-ompilsh In New Jersey what he prtmdaed. Now they say, Well. h. might have done that In a

Uttle state, bnt his hands will he tied ■a president." Don't you believe that The is»wn»w haa a way with him.

‘Ilere. l*ecran a the writer In Ibe Canadian Cnarier- •tieres .-in ,lrth*Ie In the evening papei w ‘Women's Work For the Feelde

Minded.' “Her hushond grunted..being in a re

actionary nmod. *Td like lo know.*' he said, "what women have ever done for

f W i aa l ia a l Oards.

U A R IY It C X K im1 1 Anoassr ar-Law

New Yoril aad New Jersey

New York tMfcs. M Naasaa Street

IU a. a. to 4 r. m. Kesideace, M l Sixth An


Mith Arsaas aad O

OOkoa I l i a n lo 1 p. i Boars | l i o t p *

T a il* A

y y L. KINMONTH. U. D.

F dr Bar. iN J

I to • a. m , 1 to * p. a i, I to t p m


4 *

T k Asbury Part u d OccaiiiGrerc teaat

AAstary Part, Kcw Jdscy

The History of tliiH Hank from its

Beginning in 1HHSI Inspire# Confi­

dence in its Methods and Manage­

ment.Capital Surplus and Profit*. $400,000.00

o m e n sU n t C . f « . _____C. C .C i . tm a , VlM-FMa. ■Milan R. D i m , Caahlae.

IlIMM Tims t . W Ai*khr.A. r BtUaii. IVauelw C. UafV-.

H w l - t»to».rK. K l»a,t.*, W Harwr

. . m o w . w e o w o i ^ . H *




Supreme C.Hirt (Maiaiuxxier, SulMlar, 1 Master. Special Ma.trr aud Kiamuve la Chaurery. Appleby HwUinu. aeue H K. Station, A i i r , p a * , J. Tele ;

ae No. M l M.


1 JUHTKH OP r a * l-K»>ll.




Phnoe 614-L Belmar, N. J.


Spring Lake. New Jeraey

lecond and




( hamberiain Bmldiag, Nath Are.

Belmar, N. J.

O m a Hoc as: I A. M. to 1 P. M.

Telephone M


Jaatke of the Peace

BELMAR, N. I Notary Public and

CoHimiMiiTT of Deed*

Office—Eighth Avenue and F Street

Hoars: 5 p m. to 8 p. n .

Our Relations to DepositorsThis bank not only transacts a gen­

eral banking business, but is proud of the fact that it is the faithful counseloi of itr patrons, to whom it is always pleased to extend disinterested advice regarding in­vestments or any other matters of a finan­cial nature. We cordially invite accounts— small as well as large.

---- jXVKEJtS----





IM BWs Street- ASBURY PARK T*t 21 Asbnry Park, RcsHeare 3*7Telephone or telegraph order* receive

-They nsaally saarry tbem. dear." re- jdled his wife sweetly.

Tha Flat That Failed. Howell— How do you like your new

home? Powell—It la a flat fallur*.— New York P n a

A clerk wbo acted au accountant ta a London Arm waa charge* bf the head of the Brai with emU-saleroent Be

T*» TT«o»< u a , p # | »

11. b « ,-mm ■» au ahure«.. (tiuu wMrh he «e « tuh a r ta l Th, Jury «umnto«

- z z n r j;


Aa Intruder Into Their Jungle Retreat Gat a Good Scare.

In various parts of India monkeye are regarded as objects of worship. One of the principal monkey temples la at Nuddea Such veneration la shown there to Hunlman. tbe monkey god, that visitors may not enter the court of the temple without removing their shoes.

On one occasion an English officer,1 passing up the country near Xud-

dea. chanced to stroll Into a hnmboo Jungle when his boat bad “put to” for the night He had not advanced far before he beard a terrific upiutr all about him. and he was not a Uttle alanued to behold a whole army of the largest monkeys he had ever seen making toward him from aU quarters.

Some Jumped on the ground before him. others swung by the bamboos over his head, and many closed up the path In his rear. Several female* had young ones clinging to them, but tbls fact did not seem to render them less agile than the others.

Tbe Englishman knew not what to da He yelled at the top of hla voire for assistance. To hls Intense relief, each time that he yelled the moakeya retreated a bit Thla encouraged him to persevere In bla shouting, but be observed tbat when he himself began to retreat the monkeys w.wiWl again

begin to eloae in upon him.Then be atood still and gare oae

tremendous shout, whereat the mon­key* went back again. This time the

had gained fully twenty yarda aad waa aboat to repeat the call when there appeared a new figure upon the

In the peraon ot an aged, de­crepit woman hobbling through the midst of the anlmala.

This aged person shook two or three of the monkeys by tbe paws as ahe passed No sooner bad she come with­in hearing of tbe Britisher than ahe

A upon him the rials of her wrath fbr disturbing tbe sacred an! mala in their retirement She bade tbe Intruder depart and that quickly, aa order which he kwt ao time ia exeewt Ing. The monkeys all seemed Implicit­ly to obey the old woman's bidding, making way for tbe man’s retreat.

Tbe old woman. It nppeared. was employed hy Ibe Brahmans to supply the monkeys with their foot! each day. They were worshiped hy all the-p*^

pie In the*c*e»n«jr *»•»*. who 1 otfectngs of rtra* and ,*weetmeuts to them continually.-Harper's Weekly.

o f “death from aa tu ra l t

I f 7 0 a h a v e a p ro p e r ty fo r s a le o r re n t ,

tie c a n secure y o a a c u s to m e r , a n d p ro te c t

y o a f r o m lo ss b y fire . W e b a v e a t a a r

g a in o n T h ir d » r e n n e , tw o t o l l r is e lo ts

for f a , 0 00 a n d se ve ra l o th e r b a r g a in s w e

c a n t e l l y o n a b o u l .b y c a t l i n g apon*

•Hence & 0liBbeisReal Estate and Insurance

N o . 7 0 6 T e n t h A v e n u e

•FF tS lY f II H • f f f l

ROBERT, ffi. PfclRBV

Funeral Dirctor ami Embalmer

Belmar and Manasquan, N. j .


H a rry J . B od ine

Undertaker and Embalmer7 2 2 M A T T I S O N A V E N U E

A n b u r y P a r k , N , J .

* Opeu Daj aud Nipht.

x m x t x t n

kultle* are n>ennt to r mgr - William Ellery rhai


| F you arc not » year-ronnd-

resident you should order

T hk C o a s t A d v e r t i s e r

sent to you weekly.

M uch W il l H appen

between now and next Spring

th a t w ill be o f interest to you.

Subscription Price, $1.00 A Year.

Our Churches

Township of Wall



N e w P a l l G o o d sPublic Hale of K rai KhImU- For llipM lil T a ira

For (lie Yoar 1UIO.Wc arc receiving daily in hvrry depart

ment New Fall Goods

Dry Goods, Millinery. Underwear, Hosiery

Ladle* Suits ami Coats.

Men's and Boys' C lothing, Hals and Caps.

Men’s Furnishings,

Men's, Women’s and C hildren’ s Shoes.

T U ttO A Y . N Q V IN W I m ». n u ,

FYmb th* bow of I u'clor* a m to Ibe bout of T o'clock P m

MM OetteraJ SacUob will be bald for tbe FIRT K L M T Id N M H T R IIT at tha

TOWN H A IX . N EW HKI»FX»K1>, For tbe HBOONIJ ELBCTION DI8TR1CT at CHA& m m V 8 , B U N H IK Q iin t f !



P a l l

a n d

W i n t e r

S u i t s


In all woo l

hand-tailored up

to the minute


$ 1 0 - $ 2 0Lot2116-2117* * *

A n y , Mary L ..............American Timber Co. American Timber Co.Brows, Mary A .............Barkalow, Joab. S. ___Barkalow. Joab. S.........Barkalow, Joab. S .........Bellearjeau, Fannie G. Bellearjeau, Fannie G.Bnister, J . F...................Brice, George W ............Berger, W m . K..............Curtis, Caroline C ---Corlis, Mary E ...............Corlis, Mary E ...............Castle. Lawrence D. .. Castle. Lawrence D. ..Crawley, Chas................Doyle, W . R...................Roth, W m . B .................Davis, Edward ............Gillen, S. L .................Hart, Maria ..................Heyniger, Emma ........Heyniger, W m . L ---Herbert, John O ............Haberstick. Howard S. Haberstick. Howard S.Hoffman, John .............Harmitz, B. . . . , ..........Johnson, W illiam ........Kirkland ............ ........Kelly, James S. ..........Kennedy. C la rence--Kennedy, C la rence---Lissegnola, Augusta C-. Lissegnola, Augusta CNaylor, Laura . -..........Newman. Leon ............Philhrick, Frank P. ..Pierce & Sutts ............Pierce & Sutts ........Pierce & Sutts ............Pierce & Sutts ............Pierce & Sutts ............Robinson. Golden ---Shreve, George H .........Schworer, Margerct ..Taylor, Robert .........W illiams, Margaret . W ildman. Clarence . . . W ildman Charlotte . . . W ildman. Gussie A. . . . W ildman. Gussie A. . . .Ward, Anna B...............Weinstein, Harry . ..Woolley. Hattie .........Young. C. H. ...............Young. C. IL ................Estate of Yard. Sarah Estate o f Yard, Sarah

W M . H . H U R L E Y1*34*754185430 Block 11

31 Block 11

East Yi of 2-3 1548>04



, *5/4 East 1̂436 1851

2-31850 2037 2619 3624

28*4B. T 22 j6

West 1̂4462 22 1 - ^2 2 2 5


C O A S T Q A S C O .

G A SF O *

Lighting, Cooking aad heating

Vulcan Ranges, Garland Water Healers'

and Reznor Healers

F S tr e e t , B e lm a r

Dated Oct. 4th, l t l *

SL cK-f-lP-li

g T O R A Q E

DOOMSto let 0 1 1 T hird Ave.

& B St., for Carriages

Automobiles, F u rn i­

tu re or anyth ing .


East 55i >443J0I—2902

302421 Block 9

22 Block 9

23 Block 9

24 Block 9

25 Block 9

13 B. T.«44»2017


Yj I5<»5 I<*47 l8|6


I&|9 36 276*

2-$29291-3 2 5 - 2 6 B. T.


Yi 1811

5-* 2^44


* G e o r g e G . T i t u s

on premises.

R . B . C a m p b e l l

Manasquan, N. J.

New Jenm y Contra!TRAINS L EA V E BELMAR

For New Yoafc, Newark and Elizabeth viaa ll n i l C.OS, * « . « , *7JO , H J I , I f l , I I I *

Radiates 2 1 Per Ceit More leal

STEWARD & THOMPSONPlumbing, steam and O u Fitting

Jobbing Promptly Attended toOur new facilities permit us to

take orders for all forms of

Mai High CbssPmtigfrom Hand Bills to Engraved

Wedding Announcements

And Our Prices are Low

! m










15 IS as





w a t a i . v i . t i — « .

n I.......I I n M | W l

$ 10.00.00 mark was easily

passed. Understand, loo. Ikal

these figures are extremely

conservative.ll is sale to estimate lhat

100 families spent $ 1 1 ,000.00 with thc oul-oflhe-counly


Why ?Was it quality lhat 1ield

these patrons ?

Yes! It might he added and

a reasonable profit to thc cost

of merchandise.

Thomas Fuller in 16X9 sum

mcd up the situation well

when he said:' H d *«« .« bf icrm a.

«ith nvAkmi sad eutm e, »

ia.«e M in ) , nnd d ap km gel by «*, tban »hai » (pd

lrt« all at <*re h, TOMSK to

Ihe fee- Ga*A arqaurd by

industry p r o v e n v M n d f

636 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park (fiiimjiatuiNero Jfrarg

&frinbarlfA s f a t n j P a r k ,

Announce an extraordinary Sale of Standard

We’ ll give the following specials to the readers of The Coast Advertiser.




lien * »n.l Yuan*

Men s S u i t- >n*l

IK n o ia U

lie * tl-* raloe at

M e a* anal Y nw ix i

Men'ii S u i t ' an il

O r n c m l^

Be*t 11**. » ala*- at

Let us strive then for more I business to be held in Mon-j mouth County.

W e can do it. W e will.There is no competition

except in quality.W hen thc market is over­

stocked the huckster appear*. Don’t be a huckster!

There are human vampires in every line o f business.

There is no such a thing as “ good enough" or too good— there is one standard o f honest merchandising


FALL HATSS m a r t e r T h a n E v e r

O n S a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r 1 2 t hMea # ami Yonfigl

3icn'i> B i i t i and

OvcronatCL B e s t

k *2? m ine at

Our Display ol STETSON

Hats eclipses anything in

town. There isn’t an authentic

style, in color, shape, weight or finish that imt presented first anc best in a STETSON, and youll (ind the widest selec­tion, nnd most expert help in choosing, a t onr store.

ANNOUNCEMENTWe ask you not to forget our Hat*. Caps, Gloves, S w ea te r s , Underwear, Neckwear, Hosiery, etc. Ioj Men and Boys

All at the Lowest Prices

The next talk will treat ol ■i -W hat loss havc#our butchers k Sustained’

P H I L S E A M O N636 Cookman Ave.

ASBURY PARK, N. J Best Service and Highest Quality for the Least Money

A. K . W olverton

>Mason and Builder*M e t z & S t e w a r t C o , COOK HOWLANDTHE CASH GROCERWholesale and Retail

Read Our Specials in next week’s Const Advertiser.

B O R T O N B R O S .

G r o c e r s

P.O . Bro *01 B K L M A K , N . J

THE V E R Y BEST IN Staple and Fancy Groceries

U t M O M OF T A B U PBJCAClES U g g W S tock

Strictly Fresh Eggs and Butter

Ninth Avenue & F Street, ̂ 1# Al<*N-J-

Asbary Park Cement

Construction Co.

Telephone Asbury Park 15 Party M

A Japanese Idea.TIm* lato fm pew of Ja­

pan. on «d in a iv a short !y twfon- ht* «V*=«tb r*-*fe .t rathray journey In tl*.- 1 northern [ort -‘f Japan and an itn l at hh d»-salnafk«n hslf an boor late on »* , miuit “f i sllcbt snili-nt on the rmd Xett day th»» nmnaippr «*f the nwd *•«« raitti-ri saM-ti-. rfiinj: as* tl*- r»'ts*w» fix' his art fbo fart tbat hi* had non n2*'»wnf M thefifp* Tbr rtn- attrwlrd a pnat deal •>t att**ntinu. atari -»aM> •< tbo leading me* «»f Ja|«*n. »^>ron*entlng on tbo * a d man** art. - rill. W d fab iwtal nt v W .

!■ th*- eyes of his fellow townsmen, hirtn vrt. his d**d was wwnmeodatde. for they «w t« I a statue tn his honor as ao ideal exn»«*nt of the Japanesecoarrptfoii of k ^ iT .


$1.25 Fancy Work O u tfit--- j $2.75

McCall’s Magazine, one year 50c 1- $T ^}

The Coast Advertiser - - $1.00 J

£ * r - r r t ijifloujj iMUH‘ \ ty a ll pe rw K srk> • M

I ® / ^ H s » W n V rm rtr or extm.| J E H

U 1] / ’ ’/ I j V 1 l : ,n f t«**e w i either

R j |**Ui, atwai I r t h e tuur

i T ' f ' nxniMnrJ. I V «mlv i*

J J l l M U ® -J»§ 4 1 * * ^ that you pay in

! George A. WebberPlum bing & Heating

Plumbing Office. 1004 F StreetElevators and

Dumb WaitersBuchaiion & Smock Lumber Co.l .u » b c r , M III work. , H M H M l, T i l l It l> U <|

H a IM m * H a r i m n , , K A IL K O A I» AVKNUKM.

P l I l t m ’ H a n l lM . K it . I . . . A X I I IK Y P A K K . K.

■Mn V M k llB . U e a l A c m t . P . o . H a , 4 0 , l l r l u r . IT. i

n 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O I

| Belmar GroceryX GEO. P. LEI)DON, Prop.

X trtecrles, Proilslois, I n ils a i l VegclaWcs


Fresh Country Eggs - Fancy Creamery flutter

N o . 9 1 1 R S T R E E T


T H E C O A S T A D V E R T I S E R , B e l m a r , N . J

top related