trehernetho turbulent nile iibovo \v.t'ily hnlfn, than tho bordct olty of egyfjt on tho river...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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... /



IS eerlullll) aile of the most 'chsllgree­tlhlc lItlUlCllls whIch flesh IS n)II t,J Coalcll longue-bltler Lllste 1t1 tolll l11outh-nnusell-'-dlzbness-thei' ~ m­IJllIC to III tlCl hfe ,I burden The ~lIll~e , II dlsolclelcu hvet----1~,e ~ .re Ur ~lorsc·s ImlJ.llI noot PIlls. 'fh( y go !lttul~ht to the root of the (rouble, Jlut the lIver fight, clennse lhe slollllleh lind bowels. olellT the longue lind tnl,e lI\\ uy tho bltle! tnRttl from tho mouth A t the first sIgn of bJllousnc:!s tlll,e



MI s MeC Ill-Ho" about ~Ol11 "el- \ vlln! gIrl? '1'he lilst tllnc I SIlW ~(lU

you complnlllcll about h~r b"lng so very slow

~1r.! Ibrnm orrell-Oh. olw's JlIO­

grcsslllg MIs MeCnll-Indeed? 1\115 HIram Orr~n-) cs. slIP s !!It­

lmg slower lind SIO\ll'l -'1110 CatholIc Stllndllld IIIltI '!'11I1C8

"Whme's WIlli,'? ' "Up III the IlLIIO !llllldlllg n 1II0no­

[, " ",\nel "hete's Gl'Orgc?" "He s 'ill Lhe cell III multJug n bl- "

pll.l~e .. i<,~nd "lI('To's Henrv?" "11("03 III bed He tUlJlbled flom the

roof of tho gnrnge 111 Ins nmopl 111" ..

Slli/ob'3 Cure Quickly SlOD9 COU&bs, cureB Qolds. bcnLs tho Uno,,1 Aod luo£:9." .. 2& Qents

Run-Down? Tone the nerves, strengthen the stomach, purify the blood and get a fresh grip on health by taking

Beecham's Pills

Sold Everywhere. In Boxes:as cenLt.

""""'''''''''''''"-''"'-=_. ------Original "Ro~ers Bros."

When you buy knives, forks, spoons, elc., marked

original "Rogers Bro~." 'DI'allf- a brand famous

Ihe world over since 1BU. I.sfle. sels, dishes, willet._

tic • are stamped ME:RIDEN BRITt. CO • • OLD UY LllADUiO DLU.IIU

that W, ..



For 1\ long willie tlley so t tn ylll-o;'lce AII'I! UutllleD s white furs no" coY ercd Itor roce At lost tile cnrrloge Btopped

As hI! lIprn nil to tho cnrb h~ lJec II me In \\ n ra or II110tbcr vehicle stlilltling In Irront or the bouse n enl> rrom whlcb ~1I8 Hutlnclls mnld desccnded

\\ luft Is she doing bere 1 b~ llRked 'l\lInlng III Ilsto[llsllment to ~lrH Hnlb I"en

Pitt! sbe sntd In n low vol(e I !knew you lind tnken thts pluce (,~rllhl tolLi me Forgive me but II hIlt I RIl \\ ~ 011 under tho owning It clime to m.

Ho II lIush \\ lint to do .1.11(1 I', e dunl' 11 Arc )011 AOrr~?'

• l"o Did Gernld tell you ttnk~n thts plnce?"

"~ e~ I nal,ed 111m" Solll)D lool,cd nt her grnvely an!

,gbe looked 111m very steodlly tn tflr ,eyes

"Before 1 go mny 1 sny ODe mor~

·worcl? Itl' uMkcd gently '" eR It lOll plense Is It nlloul

raid I'



\H) may rejOice 111 spmt ns \\ 0 the length nml brendth nnd Winnipeg Newspaperman Tells

depth of tho Dlvme Pro estlng Taltl1l of the Expodkl futuro lind tho Illossmgs brmg to thlR "gronTlltlg tho Great EgyptIan R,ver on

wo long for the h 110 I Gordon Rellel Dash....!.How Wilen, th Churoh shnll be Bdl Robinson of Wlnn

the suftermgs of I I d.nllfied by the Boys Alar for the glOries of

hlngdom I No I CI I L Sh d ,- I wi,lf~.';:';"';'~ POfltlc declares • He thut 1I1r es eWls aw, e IwrlU him purlfleth him- on lhe WlIlmpeg Telegrllm IS (l

(tho Lord) IS puro"llInlist who possesses u COpIOUS TIc IS our elCCm\llnr of tlnecdotes nnd remlild~~~ft~~d;;s,;~~!-:'io~~)'

'Ye soek to copy IIUl ,1Ins had n ~nrled nnd II ,'",,";" we cnnnot hope to be lake rccr-lInd u long one too,

In tho flesh, we cnn be hkc 111m I Sho\1 1& not !IS loupg ns be spmt of our Illlllds umI lim' l.~ onn tell storIes of cnst lind west

of the chnrneter laltenoss whIch IHIlI south, und ho llCVC.f tlrcs of FC ".""'.~" the Fnthcl \\ 111 bo plensed to honor I ilLllng Incldcnts of cxpedl110n up tho \\ I h n shure III the ' First Uesurrcc- I NIle to reheve General Gordon h,r, LIon' By thut glOriOUS 'Ohnl1!(O' wo SItIlW went \llth thc contingent of shnll be mndo lIlw lam nctu Illy nl1<1 Cnnlldlllll rlver-mCIl sonb to pllot tho see hun ns he IS nnd shure Ins glor) expedillon Navignting the Nlle IlJ..a

The mornlllg of JOY, the Mlllcnlllul dcllcute operntlOn, but the CUlludltijl8 "fomll g of courso, Cnllllot be usher- \\ero lIsed to runnmg nil lumfe of ,,1 111 unlll tho rlsmg of the SUIl of twisty streams, nnd they, performed RI"htcoUSIlCS8 Its bCaUlS of grncc theIr \I ork to tho Queun 8 tnsto OS nn~1 1'ruth \1111 flood tho enrth With the old 8n~lng Wll~ As WIll I (1111 Wyo the hght of the knowledgo of the SUlllh puts It III hIS excellent pOCLlI, 'lory of God to such a degree tlml It • The Cunudwlls on tile Nile tho)" \ 111 drlvo out expel, nil Ignorllnel! felt thnt upcrRlltloll nnd sm, which hll\e 0 tho hust 1S but the West, \llth

lVorl,ed such havoc III our rnce the SUIl n little botter, But whnt IS tillS Sun of Righteous And the pll1e becomes the palm by

ncss? \\ hence comes It? The Blbio the dnrk EgYl1Lio.ll \Inter, ' nnswrrs the questIOn by tell1ng liS And the Nile's like mnny n streDm thILt It symbohcnlly represents tho "I! J"IOW thnt fills Its b~1II1111lDg Lord himself and the elect Church of cup,

l'~~~ri~~,?;~~~g~l:ti:~~;~~~ thiS ospel i\gO :rhe Sun of Uighte Wo 11 think It IS the mtmlll us we at \o.ual~cfls IS n synonym for tho Seod of huck the buttenux up I' Ur~Llla!l"_ of whom It IS II Iltten "Tn

~;';I' •. ~~'ri~~;:tf~~~~I:[~'~t~~~li:df~ nll the fnmlhes of the be blessed" The Mystery h 1(1 '_"''''"_' lor II time from mnny IS the fllct

the Church IS to share Wltll her pv.'rv fenture of hIS glorIOUS

III suffering, but II Iso we hnve St 1'11111 A

the o~ crcomers Will be the Seed of Abrnharn 20) And wo hllve OUI

own words thnt this fOlthflll -!nBS \I III be ropresented III the great "un of Righteousness the gront Moa -sa h tho greut Prophet, Priest l\lIIg lind Mcrhntor between God und lIIen (Mntthow XIII 13)

SI Peter III vlewmg tho prospects of tho Ohurch Inqmres ns Lo 'whnt mmmcr of persons \\ e ought to bc III

fre'l-'I"';;1l mllnnl'r of holy llvlllg nnd godh no~s' He refers to us who It lOW thet the present order of thl 18 tl1<' rOlgn of Sill lind denth from .our Lord ched to deliver us

Hore IS nn episode of thut urnmntic pogu III Brlttsh Ius tory , us nlculled b~ ~h Elha\l

It II as wlthlll two months of twcn~-y­one ~ curs IIgo but Cupt WUltUIU Roblll~on • Uuptulll BIU: ns wo of Lhe olden tUlia III WI!llllpcg I,new hllll, WIll l-arglvo tho ynrn

It IS Ilot n yurn) merely ~n mOl dent of the Gordon Rehet EXjlcch tlOl). up thl! Nile III 18&185, hardly 1101 til Iccaillng, If It wero not to Sho\f ho~ un unobtrUSIve Wlllmpegger boellllle,1t 1111111 of note for 11 brie! qunrtm"ll'Of 111\ hour nlong the lustoTlc bunks or tho rIver thut from tho dnys of }\foRes Anthony lind Cleopatra hns prOVided morc storws Ihllll any other "liter­COIllSO 111 the "orld

It \I liS III the lutlllr end of October or the nn!1~ pnrt of November-It \\ as a eu Jendutless tllne for us VOY61leurs of tllC! Gordon Helm! Lxpedillon,. nnd one CUll not be sure IIlthm II \leak or t\lo-und the ndvnllce bonts of ihG expedlLlOll II elC fIghting their WilY' II eUllly through tho worst mpld)! of tho turbulent Nile IIbovo \v.t'Ily Hnlfn, than tho bordct olty of EgyfJt on tho river before cntcrmg tllO WCIUY wusto of deserts 01 tho Soudnn

It wns trvllIg honl t-brcllldnG ivorlt on the river froUl duyltgbt unltl du~lt, nnd the flrst symptoms of homcslcT~~ ne6S were tnltlng 11ossession of tftole of us who hlld Illthorto on1~ kIlO\~n tho OlOgOllCI06 01 hfe ~n u sheltered homo m fnp off Cuundn

Ono eVelllug jush belore tho Bundoll II of tho Soudun-th~re glonmlllg or til Iltght in the m~ OrlCllt-tho bouts'fuf the woro drll\m up lit mtqrvuls rapid stl own Illver would Ihere WIIS tho Intense commg Egypllun mg!!t by the exhausted men of the eXJ)e(I~-. ."";,, han of tall Illld tho only SOUM that of the stOtled river thnt n duys beloro ho.d 8\\ cpt tho I{hurtoulll, whoro the Gre~ln~~t:ti~i~:;~S~~~~: l{mght of the mneteenthc bntlllng, 0. prIsoner !lgomst rind hOI des of Arnb Afrlcn ence WOB suddenly brokell by ... uY?

sound of 0. .stenmbont's wlllstia, . UI:lU,,'j',:, wo could hear ubove tho ronr of the river tho n'a .'ol!",";--.'

-A~lmw of a smllll st,eRlf!1 il:l~~:fl~~J;~:1i llunlber of ,;';fci,~:t~;~:{l~~ld~vill;

•• .. '·"i,.


. seen at the offico of Messl's E. & I. Hardy &. Co., 30,31 nnd 3~ Fleet St .

.. ondon. Eng •• free of charge, nnd r:;;=7::::~s#:G95§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%tS.~§;'i lil'm will bo glnd to I'CCCIVC news, sub-~crlpllons nndadvcl·tiscmcnts on behalf of ill!! iimM. .·"'n-;n

Communications (,rho cnlllmnli or 01111 Ilnp"r nil' ';1'"'' )or

tho IH~(,I1f. .. lnn He lUulh 1M IIr Ilull Ie- 11-loreJt WIIII'I04 1lIt1"t 111 o\nrt t'!nflfl "hen lilol .. 11111110k tn 1 h .. jl ('OIlIIlInul,mt iOOlI , 'huu..:h nuL IInC'I'jII'ulr,b for 1IIIIJluULICllt. '1 hll l'nlll1r'llll:"""~ 1IIIIil Itji".lf "'-IIIIUI'lhlll rllr 1110 UI11IIIIIU9 (I c(lrll!p,pIl1l''''111~ )

--- 4



dealer nnd his pnt­foundation for

success in business. 'To merit and retall1

denc:e of the clothing tbe con fi-trade has

aim. worn our

bv their oJ

Meu's Snits reg $15, $16 50, nnd % 17. (JO

Clearing ot $10. 00

Cloth Overcoats



"ER'T Good.... G1~OCC/'z'es. ,.1 ,

.. \

.. /

. "

Everyone in South NOlfolk

Its a Useless Search , . " ,

You'll wnste your time ill looking lind yO~I'1I gnin m:lyhe ,'un'lI lose. '

,EI'eryhody who II'cnrs HhoeH is intereHtcd in this store, be­cause e\'erybody is inlcl'\!sled in spcnding his or her shoe money

to the

Very Best Advantage

Deliver The Goods lls.llll easy thing to p'rol'c -

S eelalS 30 pr$ children's nice warm slippers reg 50 C nt 35 c. p. 1. "'e nre giving close prices on Robes nnd H. Biankels.


.... :: .. : •• : •• :; .• : •• ,:~.:.,.: .. :: .. : •• : .. :~.: .. ~ .. :,.~: •• : .. : •• : .. :: .. :. .tt. • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • .. • • • _, r. .................. ~ ................. " ................ - ....••••

Id"D~' CARPENTERING ,~I~ • SlorlD Windows

I~~~~~~. ==================1 SlorlD Doors eDlloo! " .. ""I Shop-Woe, '0 O"I,~

W E can supply you I needs in Lumbc'r,

rough or dres$cd, lit n con· sidernble reduction on last

Si"'S fll:"



carpenter and Contractol"

Removal Notice! 1\lrs. Smith wishes to announce


that she ha~l removed her Millinery

ilnd Dressmaking Parlours t() the

former An.lcrson building' (next to

Telephone Office).




,. /'

, ..



What H. Looks Llko and the Way H. Dresses nnd L,ves

Whut IS 1111 J skm 0 like? HIS por lrmt IS ensll~ sl etcl c I \ smnll pet son (five fcc.t. Ii,e Inches IS the Iver ngo height 01 the llIel nil I live leet thnt o( 1I e 110 ne I) with n grn~ Ish Cal lonsh Illd 0 Iy allll tillel 101 s declI set ulld obi que e~ os hke lhe J lip ,ncs/) " (Jnt 0' II fnco II d fnt 01 Oult8 I low relrClItlllg iorehelill nnd blllck glossy slm ght hn r wInch IS nllol cd to grow to ILs full IOllgtl The hnuds I!.nd (eet nro re II Irk Ily smull Tho IOSC IS nllllor II nlly lint

] ho lnces of tho children nrc gener Illy so fut thnt tho eycs IllII ost d s apponr U Id tho 1I0S0 IS 5UlllIOII I e tl,een tho cheeks lI1sLend of pro trudll g ~ I c Esillnos hn~ a u hllPPY cllre

less opt n Islie look nbout II e n Nor ICllskJold used to cnll thel I bIg dnldro I nlld stnted thllt these un forlunnte erentl res who IIro deprIved uf every comfort nre concclled II d oculnr They lire hos]ltnble lou 11 I I hen brought Into cont Ict W Itl

Europeans they grow CI vlhzed qu t UPI 11) though thoy rellllll II I Ull b"

01 theIr 011 I nbltH \5 legntds dross It IS nlmost lh

~ In e for women liS for men-n c10s ttll g senlsln 1 caul With a hood for

he hend , nd breeches of 110 S 1111 llnlerlul

Needless to BUY tho Esil nos (lIo),1 \1 ntcr ns I elenns ng IIgent I III thoy IlIck fnsclIlnllon But tI cy 10 lOt consider Europllnns ns vcr~ It rt\el!ve nl d tl e relinel10nts of ell II "at 01 0 ro repulslvo to 1I om II nnlC Nordensk]old onco laid II lell

nn us ng story on this mutter II gllve II bottle of onu de cologno lo n IIged Esl, 1110 ludy to smell Sio I most fa I ted lind culled the scent

drendft Ily stencllllS But 51 dwelt III I sordl I hut whore tI 0 nlr was unhrcnth Ible nnd hved a I food of "Iuch one hesltlles to 1I I lit

The Bskl nos havo no reltg on worthy of the I nn 0 They nro ell tremely superstitious But how coull I hey help be ng so surrounde I s they nro by truly fantastIc SCCI ery­mystery cuverns nnd grottoes maUl Lume of ICO ball ed In tho "Olr I It hl effecls of tho Archc utmosil ere 0 or III lho IIwe lllspirmg gloom of tho pol r IIIght

The I sknnos however hnve n ueh rospect for the head of the fllnuly ~ unemIs arc II compitcnLed nffl lr I I Greenlnnd uod the IllOSt curio IS cus tom 11 connectIon WIth such cere mome:s IS Lhe bUt yl Ig of II dog 5 I ell I -monl t to /lot /IS u gUIde-together

Ith tho dend body They hva under Lents dUTI Ig Ihe

Sll nlllOr and under sno v huts dUrtt1~ the cold 80llson Thcy possess n skI en 10e cnlled Imynlt n sledge lind n few dogs

Thcy Illnrry nt nn enrly ngc The brings Lo her now homo her

lo:lothel!; n kmfe nnd n lnmp The gn os her a cookmg 1 ot

mo etIquette compels the br Ie obJoet to mnrrll go nnd she must

pretend to escape from her husbull I two ()T tI ree tImes bofore settJmg down to her dut es and ucceptlllS hOI shuro of responSibIlitIeS


FOR NOV 2B 1909

Ten of the Losson Rom x.v 10 21 Memory Versos 19 20-Goldon Text Rom x.v 21-Commentllry Preparod by Rev D M Slcarn.

Bishop ~10 lie SI I ks oe tble IM!ction of tll~ '1lslle f ow cbllpt~r xII on 11/ I I U/I pr ~ellt dulles 11 tLte po\\er ot <l~1 n I I I~ :I SOll1e of IIIf ructs lIIe II", sl tI It Is It I lUU tho IC­

dP 111 tloa I. t I~ It Uhrlst Jesus tor 51 I II III tlo 110 coudellll Hlon nul lo~q 1111 ofch'[lt<'l\lIlns II es III )1 II It g e It ede nptlol IIUI! III fu Ie dill.., gimiois Illospect for t I 0 \ huh t r Itl I II II h Is Jel IS 1

Ilghll lJ. Ilc I ringing rue II u('s tu.1I IIlul Hie Ifed or I his IPOII 1I C I I I ut the IJ~ leI( r sho III Ill> 811 h I lll" I I It I C CUI I he Is

\ Iih this I r(scllt e\1I g I I I I h hlll~clf nlll tl! tUrtl In tI to h III Ii tl PlfctllllotUod

I~ I I , \( I "" II Cllrlst old things I lOSe I 1\ \ II thllgs Ilecoll eIV (It I ,II I II Cal v 1 I I \('n (;1 rlol li( .Red lot tllmsolf .1I11 It Ih q Isil S II lire t ISll hOIl lie 0 ght to I II It) II" IRO God UI <1 0 c~ eHIT OIlc or t s pl!'lI"c lIhl 11( Iglbol" fc lis go I to Illclltloo (XI 1:l

!'iOIY It R lIS 10 nw th It the g cnt 1)011 t In 0 I I HS"li \:j 1I It 1'\ I 01 0

sit 1111 COl hln sir get light 111 tltls 11IIIlu I d ot I I"s)lo( d his tin c In 8(ell g 10 get othets light II hlle ho 111I9l11 Is n I II uug l!J\Nl 010 ot US sh III gllQ le( lilt of 11m" If to ( I (I Hac 1 I 11l'refore II hl j Ig~ onr II lit r III IIIll II t1H II 1(J C"II II Ih It II t I gild drlnklq; 81 e lit li 111'1 (rs I lsi sl Int! before the j .elg II "I t se t dUll or or (ll lSI for CI rtst Is Gou (\ ~r8e 10) It lie 111\'0

Ie ""eI Ille I I I 1<8. s thell \Ve UIO III Uur st II. !I IIro looked IlIon I R h " I g II I I ittl E1lu 1I111 r sell \Vlth IH I so 111 1 0 I judgn ent ror sll Is I lSI nil (II \Illl lIud we blllO lIls ns 8111 II 0 Ihnt 0111 slus IIld Inlqultlos n II IIi I ellen hel no more

II I. pORRllIl" R His eel I'l1Ie<1 ones to \I lit II tile 110 It undol tlle shel (r or filA I ccio I. Ilood nnd hnlc can s lOllS 11111 11 III I en telluIIsltll1 \ IIh U n '8 II( Ihlll oursclles to 11111 I1l1lllCi t ul 1110111'1 t to \\1\11 In tllo­goo I \I rlts 11" hilS lleCoreuli I pre-­)lllretl fOI IS IIl1ll to III e the IIfc or ut Ie selt rentll! IHIIon wblcb fJc deslrcs tiS 1011\0 to fIlII glory mnklr S It OtlL"' nlllilion In nil I lings 10 lie nccept I lie to fJ In (EIII 11 10 II (Jor II 10 11 V 01 Altlotlgb our lord s 11 to Ills <lIs 1,les nt Ihe Inst I ISBOI er 1 nppolll! II to \ 01 n kl gdom liS

My Illthel h tI u[lpolnt~d tlnto ~Ie

11m! H IIll •• t IIlId drlllk lit 111) t IIlI!> III ~l) lit gdolll nnd sit on tbrolOS jlldlllllg tue twell e trilles oC Isrnet (Iuleull 0101 let Ibekllglom or (joil Is not Il'llt n Iii clllni I It rlghlcotlsnes~ I I 110 ICO lind jO) In till) Uoly (host (I( rse 1-) olill Ihe chloe Oujr t or (11 I ughls here sho Ilcl not b( IIhit 811 111\1 I'll lid dllnk IInl liN r bit I nIl (Ill 10 lIest multI' II Inl f!'st lilli tI Ie kl 0\\ n Ills rlgllico IS I PSR "II I lIe 00 rs fl( ely to 1111 un 1 thus hRslen [J IH Iin/.:do tI DC pCIIC'e on "lIrlh \VO 81011 d think or C el~ on!) on e"rlll liS a Ie fOI \I hom <..:hrlst ell~d (vl'rse 15 lind trllst BIOI to US!) US 10 bllll!J nR IIlnny ns 1l0Sslilie tl> Him thllt till I1lgt t ollnl ••• d en jOl His I .. hteol S ICSS I lid )l1'1I e IIIllI. tben I1Mn!; 0lUl'r8 10 II C snl1 e \\ l1()nc lho Itllgdolll COl IPS III d I hlllg sllnlh reign III rlght( 0l1Sl11'S8 Ihel 011 nil Ih'" enrth I he \I 01 k DC Ill'htrollsnes.q slllll~ be [len e nnd tbe seTlI e ot rlghleo IS ness shnll be !)UINness n HI IlSSIII IlIea­torevpr (I"SU xxxII 1 17) 1 h~re cnru be no penco 10 nn Indlrld Inial to ru DI lion or to nlltlo IS npnl t tron right eotlSI PRS nnd lbere Is no righteouS' lIess WOi Ihy at l!l nnlUe eX!'!'llt thnt wbl"h Uod bng prolldcd In (lll h;t Ibet rig I I POliS 0 II \.Jilt \.Jellel Ing In Bin '" ,ra Ihus justified nnd bnre peU(A "Itll! God uucl rejoice 11 hOlle at t Ito glory of (lod

Tblo 19b I he comfort at tho Scrrp· lllres II 0 II nit Ilntleutly tor the hoper

1110 God oC Iinticllce nncl COlli fort i .... ". - the mind or lJbrlst townrd!

bllo I bo ODd ot bope fills: ."'U""" In \.Jl'lIcvlng;

th gil!

W,~~~~~~jl~~t~;~~J~ff~it:F~~~~rs~l~~i~~~tg:'T,~ttd IIC[1:101Iv'f:lph·lt. tho-~~ :~,t [li'n~'o'I';)Vltlb~18 gllos us ... ,,"t·,"·



., f~ t f ' I.J , .


We 'pp •• ci.t. the posilion token b1 the .. ,.n or woman who say •• -" If you. p.epA.Ation is what you cllIlln. you should haye no obioctlon to leulng UI t.y It b.ror. spending our money on it. It To every perion taking this view we sa). send one cent Itamp (to pay lellUn postage) nod name and dot. 01 tbls paper to Zam·Buk Co., To.onto, and we wIll mAil you a frce trial box orZom.Bulc. Z.m-Buk IS pu •• ly herb.l, IUlt,ble ro,tbe delicate skin of Illtle children, yet po" .rful enough to heal chroniC so.e. or long y ...... standlnl:' All druggist. and slores, Soc. per box, "" .-'''",

-3.[0' ~I •• S. }

:As this very remnrkoblo prepnrnllon ts noW cnne~, Is tho grcILtest ConsUtuUonnl Rcme~y ever known tOI Droo(l :r.rll,ICS, CoIls, Stalllons nnd nIl olhor horses f (\.'so Dlstempor among Dogs and Sheep. Thla l!ompound Is mllue ot tho pUlcnt lncrcdltmts amI not nn atom or. poisonous or Injurious lInturo colorA into Its ,omposttlon :Mnny persons nro noW tuldog SE'OHN'S (or J,o Orlppe Colds. COUGhs, KId­lIUY Trouble. Cte, nnd It ts nlways BotO. It expels the DlsensB Oerms tlom lhe body;

cIs dlrecUy on U,e Dlood nml Olonds • .:IPOHN'S 18 now solt! by nenrly o~ cry drug­{tlst nnd hnrneD. denier In tho Inml, nnd any mn get It (or you Fifty cents nnd $1 00 • l,tt1e, nnd ,6.00 ond $11 00 tho dozen.

Record of AnnuRI Sale ... lSI. Yenr ••••••••.• .. 1.053 BotUes Sold 2nd i"'car ••• ••••••••• 4,3Q4 It "

3rd Year •••••••••• o. 0,2[;6 U ••

4th Yeur •.• 0 ••• 000 .. ' 19,150 .. II

Gth Yenr •••• o ••• , 0 ••• 40,284 .. .. 6th Year •• o •••••••••• 72,380 ff ..

7th Yeur o. o ••••• 0 •••• 100,6,'2 .. .. 8th year ..... 0 ....... 121,500 .. at

9th Yeur •••••••••• 0 I .172,485 It ••

10th Yeur 0 ........... o221,7CO .. ,,11

11th Yenr ••• 0 0 ... 0" .. 287,620 It I.

12lh Yenr ••• 0 ••••••••• 378.9(;2 )...... " 18th year ••••••••••••• 608,720 .. .. 14th Yenr ••••••••••••• 618.260 If II

16th Yenr •.•.• •• 007,351 If II

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