thomas mooney, walt pawlewicz, mick merrill, dave leclerc, kerry

Post on 12-Jan-2017






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ABSTRACT Optical coatings are key elements of any optical system. In the past several

years, driven by increasing sizes of planned telescopes, a need has arisen for much larger high performance filters and coatings. The performance of coated optics must approach theoretical limits - and now, over very large areas. The

Implications for coating large and expensive optics are that the equipment must not only accommodate a large optic, but the process must achieve excellent

uniformity over large areas and exhibit excellent performance, reproducibility and reliability. We describe a purpose-built lab to address these challenges and

present achieved results.


New Facility for Manufacturing and Testing very Large Narrow Bandpass Filters and Other High Performance Optical Coatings

Thomas Mooney, Walt Pawlewicz, Mick Merrill, Dave Leclerc, Kerry Hurd

Current Coating Results

Exceptional CWL and BW uni-formity

Very high transmittance Excellent blocking

Single rotation substrate system, 1.4 m substrate holder

Rotating system can hold a 500lb optic Required to rotate a 200lb optic up to 200RPM

1.4 meter capacity Narrow BP filters in 75 cm sizes Deposit oxides, nitrides, metals

Custom metrology system Measure UVNIR filters 750 mm diameter and 22 mm

thickness Two distinct subsystems -Motion control selects measurement area -spectrometer metrology performs transmission measurement

Safe and reproducible cleaning without automation Cleaning solution fed via handheld nozzles while optic

rests on a fixture Water temperature and pressure can be controlled

and varied

New facility & Equipment Goal: Achieve excellent uniformity, produce low loss coatings,

and maintain durability and stability Purpose-built laboratory consisting of large optics cleaning,

custom deposition and specialized spectrometer New facility to produce NBP filters up to 750 mm diameter,

high performing dichroic beam splitters, and simple and broad coatings

BP exhibits excellent band shape and transmission

Measurements taken at 10 mm inter-vals from center to 280 mm radius

Poster # 9151-213 Materion Precision Optics;;

Summary of measured uniformity of several filters recently manufactured

Deposition system specification indicated in purple, our goal in yellow

Our Target Market Segment This graphic Illustrates our target

market. Relatively large optics, but with the emphasis on excellent uniformity to enable the manufacture of large narrow

BP filters.

Future Coating Projects Rugate single and multi notches - LGS pick-off - OH suppression Ultra-hard AR coatings - Fiber manipulator plates Discrete layer multi-notch filters - OH suppression - Optical cross-correlation filters Enhanced UV mirrors - Metal based - All-dielectric

Demo for major AO system

DBS and AR coat measured at 25 degrees AOI

Very high transmittance and reflectance

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