thoughts from the cloud...storming the castle one of the true benefits of the cloud is the ability...

Post on 14-Aug-2020






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THOUGHTS FROM THE CLOUD A selection of Cloud-Security Articles from the CloudAccess Blog Vol2


“Thoughts from the Cloud” is a weekly blog written by Kevin Nikkhoo, CEO of

CloudAccess. It looks to discuss, dissect and debate the many pressing issues

surrounding cloud computing with a special focus on cloud-based security

and security-as-a-service. You can read all the blog entries at:

In this Volume you will find:

Storming the Castle

A Job for Man or Machine

Shooting from the HIPAA: Compliance in the Cloud

The Challenge of BYOD

If a tree falls in your network, does anybody hear?


One of the true benefits of the cloud is

the ability to reconfigure and create a

stronger, more active asset protection

strategy than you might be able to

otherwise afford. But let’s look beyond

the cost factor for a moment and

analyze a true best practice that gives an organization a true advantage

within the cloud and an overall strategic deployment of security resources.

And to look at the future of security configuration we have to look back

500 years into the mists of history to see a model that worked well

Presented by:


CloudAccess provides comprehensive

security-as-a-service from the

cloud. Our suite of robust and scalable

solutions eliminates the challenges of

deploying enterprise-class security

solutions including costs, risks,

resources, time-to-market, and

administration. By providing such

integral services as SIEM, Identity

Management, Log Management, Single

Sign On, Web SSO, Access

Management, Cloud Access offers cost-

effective, high-performance

solutions controlled and managed from

the cloud that meet compliance

requirements, diverse business needs

and ensure the necessary protection of

IT assets.


CloudAccess, Inc 12121 Wilshire Blvd

Suite 1111 Los Angeles, CA 90025

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then…and works just as well today. I’m talking specifically of the castle. In

terms of a current strategic deployment let’s call it the layered prevention

model. In its day the castle was a state of the art defense strategy. In the

center you have the king (and the king’s most precious possessions).

Surrounding the king are his elite and trusted guards armed and armored.

Beyond the guards there are a variety of buildings in which the ministers

and other important assets are stored. Go a bit further and you have the

castle walls. In fact, some of the greatest medieval castles had an inner wall

(called a curtain wall) to ensure if the perimeter is breached, there was

another strong line of defense. Now along the tall, imposing and

impregnable walls, archers line the battlements and parapets scanning the

horizon for any intruders. More guards protect the gate monitoring

everyone coming in. Beyond the castle wall, there is typically a moat

containing nasty beasts ready to chomp on a leg of anyone trying to bypass

the drawbridge and sneak across. Now in the medieval world, protection

extended beyond the castle. There were miles and miles of land surrounding

the castle held by vassals promising fealty and soldiers to the king.

Pretty imposing, right? These castles created multiple layers of defense and

kept themselves safe from attack. And it is also the best strategy to protect

your IT environment.

Ah, you say, there are always castles being attacked and overrun despite

these impressive defenses. But like any defensive strategy, you are only as

safe as your weakest link. If endpoints are left exposed, (a guard sleeping

on duty, a blight kills the man-eating fish in you moat, the slighted and

scurrilous minister gives a key to an assassin) the castle can fall. There is no

perfect system, but if you are not vigilant and are not watching every flank,

even the most layered defense is helpless. And the smartest of enemies is

not looking to knock on the front door, they are going to find and exploit

the entrance not being watched.

If you equate anti-virus software to your archers and your firewall to one

castle wall, there are still too many endpoints exposed to consider your

situation secure. What about log monitoring? What about SIEM, SSO and

other access management strategies, identity management? These are the

tools that build the double walls, arm the soldiers, lock the jewels in the





Security IN the cloud frames the

overarching issue. It is the problems

often discussed by IT professionals

today. They range from questions

about the safety of data held within a

virtualized environment to that of

cyber hactivism or why do my users

keep insisting on using their

smartphones to access the network?

Security FROM the cloud is the

means to protect IT assets without

having the heavy investments in

servers, software and a variety of

other related costs. For some it is the

holistic application of best practices,

real time visibility and best of breed

solutions. “From” the cloud is

providing a scalable layer of security

that was typically reserved for trillion

dollar companies easily deployed for

any company of any size .Security

FROM the cloud answers the

questions posed by security IN the


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There are many organizations out there that only build a single perimeter

and hope it is sufficient. In today’s corporate world, that is simply not

enough. It would be the equivalent of having the king sitting in the middle

of a little wooden cottage all by himself.

But there’s a cost to all these layers; in terms of solutions, licenses,

resources and the manpower to truly monitor and guard the castle gates.

Many companies need to sacrifice portions of security based on their

perceived risk assessments. And that’s where the cloud comes in!

Security-as-a-service allows companies with more modest budgets and/or

limited in-house resources to add layers of protection without adding

equivalent in-house costs. But more importantly, it provides a 24/7 layer

of monitoring, correlating, alerting escalating and remediating. It not only

scans the horizon watching for the horde of enemies, but more importantly

monitors the back door where the serfs deliver the wheat. It allows you to

add any combination of SIEM, SSO, log management , identity

management depending on the need. There are so many intrusions from

so many different corners of the network in so many different guises that it

is highly unlikely one person or even one department could spot them

unless these being specifically looked for. And if found, would it be

recognized as friend or foe? If all of a sudden a MAC address, does anyone

notice or know why it changed? It could be harmless, but it could also be

symptomatic of a larger issue. If a dormant network account suddenly gets

repeated pings at 2:30am, is it a problem? Cloud-based security gives you

enterprise-class tools and expertise to cover these bases and better

understand the flow of data in and out of your network. And it gives you

the bandwidth to deal directly with only the issues that truly pose threats

to your network.

Bottom line is that cloud-managed security allows you the freedom to run

the kingdom because you know that the all the nooks and crannies of the

castle are being watched and protected. So, when you think of the cloud,

don’t think of a vaporous mass that ruins sunny days, but a complex of

layers that can help support and drive a strong security initiative.



REACT or Realtime Event and Access

Correlation Technology is a unified

security strategy that leverages the

cooperative functionality of key

toolsets and/or deployed solutions. It

creates a unique holistic approach to

security management and asset

protection by broadening the reach

and scope of enterprise monitoring,

strengthening access authentication

and centralizing control.

As part of the Unified Security

(UniSec) category, REACT enhances

and promotes 360o enterprise

visibility into an enterprise to see

who is doing what, when and where

to any part of the monitored IT

landscape. The key is that the data is

continuously monitored and

correlates in real time. This allows for

a higher, more responsive degree of

proactivity through security

administration and faster reactivity

to any actionable event. And as a

collective and comprehensive

forensic analytic, REACT provides the

level of automated reporting

(combining SIEM and Identity/Access

Management activity) required by

compliance agencies (HIPAA, PCI,

FFIEC, CIP, GLBA, etc…) as well as

internal proactive defense planning.

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A Chief Technology Officer for a Midwest banking

holding company made a very interesting

observation earlier this week. In commenting about

the needed increase in fraud fighting resources, he

warned about the perils of overemphasizing

technology while ignoring training staff in using

manual fraud-detection processes.

Most of what he says is spot on in terms of ensuring the proper

prioritization, risk analysis and the blind reliance on technology to identify

and neutralize threats and breaches. In fact, as an officer in a technology

company, I happen to agree with him on almost everything he said.

He also noted that to prevent fraud, financial institutions need to go beyond

adopting the latest technologies and ensure they have trained staff to

identify fraud, such as by reviewing reports or spotting unusual activity

This is exactly the type of engagement I have been preaching for several

years. Now the key is how to cost effectively apply those resources, train

those departments in the latest detection protocols and remediation,

implement new layers of detection and correlation. Even for the largest

corporation, this has the earmarks of an expensive (but obviously

important) initiative. And I am certain the answer can be found (yes, you

guessed it) in the cloud.

It wasn’t too long ago that financial institutions were extraordinarily

skittish about capital expenditures. Yes, the belts have loosened just a bit,

but if an organization can find an equivalent alternative that saves 50% of

the costs, it would be in their best interests to investigate a bit deeper.

But here is the case for the cloud in this situation. This article did not say

anything about hiring additional help (with the incurred costs of hiring,

training, ramping, salary and benefits), it posited that the staffs need to

implement a protocol that included more manual review and action. I ask,

with what time? There are only still 24 hours in a day, only so many balls a

talented IT professional can keep in the air (especially considering the

resources needed for banking compliance including the new FFIEC



In a recent brand-agnostic survey by

the independent research firm

Ponemon Instituteregarding the

benefits and efficiencies of single

sign, the question was asked whether

SSO improved operations and in

what ways:

88% of surveyed CTOs believe SSO

improves the efficiency of


82% note that access to key business

applications is improved

73% believe it improves the

effectiveness of administrative

activities (including help desk)

71% record that it improves

adoption of new applications and


More than 14.5 minutes per day are

saved by EACH user because of SSO

The bottom line is that SSO it

increases employee productivity,

reduces helpdesk calls, and

strengthens security.

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guidelines!) and most notably there is no such thing as 110%. IT

professionals, especially in the banking forum, are already being asked to

wear many hats. And the pressures to adapt to new complex guidelines,

threats and initiatives will only grow over time. So with what bandwidth

will this additional vigilance arise? Or more likely, what new vulnerability

gaps will occur because focus is diverted or further fragmented?

Make no mistake; I am still saying that the best way to combat fraud is more

manual oversight of the security environment. But, you can only ask so much

out of a staff without adding more human resources at the problem.

HOWEVER, the cloud allows you to use ready trained expert analysts to

monitor, review, escalate and remediate various channels in real time while

your on-premise staff attends to more significant priorities. The best part is

that this security initiative can usually be deployed at half the cost of doing

the same thing in-house. You not only gain the benefit of the latest

technologies, updates and advances of enterprise-class security solutions

(SIEM, Log Management, Identity and Access Management, SSO, etc…), but

you get the intellectual resources working on your specific needs…AND there

is no huge sea change (or additional architecture investment) because with

security-as-a-service, you can pick and choose which solution works for your

situation thereby leveraging your existing infrastructure.

"Technology has to evolve as the threats evolve, and technology will

always have to follow the evolution of those risks, because we don't know

what to expect next," the CTO said.

The idea that security-as-a-service is only a “set-it-and-forget-it”

automated gap-filler is selling the concept completely short. Just like all

technologies it provides a great deal of powerful automation options, but

cloud-security is considerably more that its technology; it is the integration

of additional manpower and cutting edge knowledge provided by virtual

team of professionals.

When considering cloud-managed security (public, private or hybrid), it is

important to look past the cost savings, the zero-day deployment and the

other general benefits of a SaaS-like solution, but look at the gained

expertise, the increased resources, the best-of-breed technologies, and

most important, the ability to evolve with the constantly changing

landscape of your security needs.




• The risks associated with IAM and how they are addressed.

• The needs of the organization.

• How to start looking at IAM within the organization and what an effective IAM process looks like.

• The process for identifying users and the number of users present within the organization.

• The process for authenticating users.

• The access permissions that are granted to users.

• Whether users are inappropriately accessing IT resources.

• The process for tracking and

recording user activity.

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As an IT professional, what visuals are

conjured when you hear the phrase

“HIPAA compliance;” Is it Sisyphus

having to push a heavy boulder up a

mountain only to have it roll back down?

Is it some hapless character from a Kafka

novel caught in some endless

bureaucratic labyrinth of requirements? Or is it just a giant hippopotamus

sitting on your lap?

Compliance is the necessary evil of any IT strategy. It has the best of

intentions, and in many cases, it ensures the right steps are followed to

protect sensitive data like patient records. However, that doesn’t mean the

multiple levels of auditing and reporting isn’t a drain on resources. And it

doesn’t mean approving wheel recreation just to satisfy one area of


Even HIPAA says it can be complex: “While the general concept of HIPAA

Compliance is very simple—protecting the privacy of each individual—

creating standard operating procedures that follow HIPAA requirements

can be rather complex and implementation of compliance procedures can

vary greatly from one covered entity to the next depending on the type of

business conducted at each entity.”

But the issue of whether or not to comply is moot. In fact we know that

you are dedicated to ensuring the privacy of patient records (PHI) and to

safeguard the integrity of your enterprise’s IT assets. The issue is how to

best comply. And with all the drags on your time and resources, the cloud

makes a sensible case to support the compliance efforts of the enterprise.

I’m not going to cover generalities such as what is required and what is a

covered entity... I figure you already know that. Let’s spend time on how

the cloud can make compliance a lesser burden while ensuring the privacy

of patients, customers, their transactions and personal data.

For this entry, let’s focus only on the technical assets (not the

administrative or physical control policies and procedures). In that respect,


In its simplest of terms, risk the probability or frequency of doing harm while threat is the actual or attempted infliction of that harm. Splitting hairs? It’s all about keeping your IT assets protected, right?

Although related, they are two different beasts altogether. Risk includes variables. It overviews vulnerabilities, weighs challenges and opportunities to come up with an outcome. And there is risk in every action you take; some of it is so low that it poses no challenge to your architectures.

And if you add “vulnerability” into the mix it creates a third dimension when assessing risk--vulnerability is a state of being--a weakness or gap in your security. A threat can exploit (intentionally or unintentionally) a vulnerability that is determined by a risk assessment.. Then of course you add likelihood. How realistic is this event to actually happen?

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HIPAA focuses on three areas: Access Control, Audit Control and

Transmission Security.

The greatest benefit of managing identity and access from the cloud is the

ease of administration of EPHI (Electronic Protected Health Information).

And with HIPAA, this means sharing and securing information with other

user repositories (such as referral networks, insurance, payment

processors and the patients/customers) as well as maintaining safeguards

across various applications, devices and systems. In most cases in the

health industry security breaches comes from roles and their cross

hierarchical access. Valid users usually get access to data that shouldn’t

and that just opens the door for data leakage. The key the cloud provides is

not just the ability to provision and deprovision on demand or the ability to

create enterprise-wide access rules based on roles or responsibilities, but

the capacity to enforce those rights across an entire enterprise and beyond

in real time.

What the cloud truly brings to the party is the ability to scale up and down

as needs dictate and the cost-efficiencies built in to the fast deployment,

and lack of hardware and software to maintain. But most important is the

best-of-breed enterprise-class solutions you can use to track process and

improve performance across all the compliance requirements. Just the

savings alone towards password management self-service saves hundreds

of man hours per year.

There are several cloud-based solutions that can manage your identity

security, but HIPAA compliance is more than just IAM/IDM. There is the

matter of data correlation: the ability to determine when and whether any

event is a potential threat or simply authorized access. But today, even

authorized access is not so simple. What happens if a correct password is

applied against a dormant account? Are you notified? Is the account

immediately frozen? Certainly it could be a friendly error, but if the IP

address is traced back to Bulgaria are you concerned? What if it happens in

the middle of the night…or tries multiple times to modify records that go

beyond its original rights? How or when are you alerted? This is something

typically beyond the scope of IDM and the call for a SIEM and Log

Monitoring solution is needed. HIPAA requires this and the cloud delivers.


From the Ponemon Institute.

Cyber crimes are costly. The median

annualized cost of the 45

organizations in the study is $3.8

million per year, but can range from

$1 million to $52 million per year per


The most costly cyber crimes are

those caused by web attacks,

malicious code and malicious

insiders. These account for more

than 90 percent of all cyber crime

costs per organization on an annual

basis. Mitigation of such attacks

requires enabling technologies such

as SIEM and enterprise threat and

risk management solutions.

SIEM is a strong deterrent

Companies that had deployed a SIEM

system achieved a 24 percent cost

savings when dealing with cyber

attacks versus those that had not.

Cyber Crimes are Intrusive and


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Between audits, access, transmission and breach prevention, the cloud

integrates a risk mitigation program designed to meet not just HIPAA, but

Sarbanes Oxley, PCI and others. But the cloud is simply the platform. It is

the solutions that work on that cloud that create conditions for easier

compliance. It is the great equalizer in terms of affordability and

functionality. Ten years ago there were those that said a cloud-based ERP

application was foolhardy. Tell that to They created a big

picture solution that allowed modest companies an opportunity to use

enterprise-class tools. The cloud has now evolved to the point where

security-as-a-service offers proven solutions that meet the strictest

federal and industry requirements.

To those on the fence, let’s say that the cloud-based solution has an

equivalent level of security features and control as those of any on premise

solution. Let’s also concede that those features meet or exceed HIPAA

requirements as well. What is left? Why go cloud? Benefits like scalability,

cost efficiencies, federated interoperability make for a perfectly rational

ROI argument and look good to those paying the bills. However, the usage

of a virtual security environment it makes a complex process simpler. There

are solutions in which the administration is done for you and for others the

cloud creates a consistent, concentrated platform to control all aspects of

compliance security.

HIPAA requirements are only going to become stricter as the evolution of

data access and transmission evolves. In the past two years, we have

already seen amendments and additions to the law making compliance

account for a larger percentage of your valuable time. The cloud allows for

you to safely divest some of the tasks through a combination of risk

intelligence correlation, automations, integrated processes, proven self-

service protocols and centralized management tools.



There are many different aspects to securing your IT infrastructure, and because of the complexity, over 70% of organizations are still not adequately securing their critical systems (according to the 2012 Echelon One Survey).

The following are seven of the “deadliest sins”…or holes inside or beyond your network perimeter:

1. Inaccurate access permissions

2. Reliance on password vaulting

3. Unprotected Windows Administrator accounts

4. Thinking that Identity Management alone will secure access to systems

5. Lack of centralization to SSH keys

6. Point solutions for access control

7. Lack of continuous monitoring

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“Don’t care how…I want it now!” -Veruca Salt (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)

We live and work in a world of

immediate gratification. In the name of

greater productivity if you need to check

inventory from a supplier’s

warehouse…click there it is. Share a file

on Dropbox, no problem. Add detail

about a meeting in the sales database… click! Update your Facebook or

LinkedIn status. Email a white paper to a potential, click. Want

to see that flying pig meme…well, you get the picture.

Now that’s not necessarily a bad thing…unless you’re an IT professional

and the those accessing and storing your network assets use

unsecured/unauthorized devices while potentially bypassing security

protocols. But unlike Veruca Salt quoted above, it isn’t the user who falls

into the garbage chute—the risk is to the security of the network. And it's

happening more often than you think.

Many organizations are now allowing employees to use their personally-

owned devices for work purposes with the goal of achieving improved

employee satisfaction and productivity. However, this comes at an IT price.

Users love the mobility and the immediacy of smart phones and tablets,

but forget these devices are just hand-held computers prone to the same

intrusions, attacks, viruses and risks as the computers used in the office.

The larger problem is many users don’t see that, so every time they sign on

to your network or download an app, it creates a wider and wider

vulnerability gap for the enterprise network.

This issue is not unique to a company of any particular size or one vertical

market, however the solution, whereas not simple, is clear. There are

several moving parts that require elements of identity management, access

management, SIEM, WebSSO and SaaS SSO. It incorporates a suite of

integrated answers that together can let you rest a little better at night.

The idea that if you build a strong perimeter or have users install anti-virus

on their devices, the problem goes away. It simply puts the finger in the



With CloudAccess SIEM there’s no maintenance or management overhead, and minimal administration. As a true security-as-a-service solution, the impact on IT resources is truly limited. This allows you to redeploy your focus on other priorities. When managed from the cloud, many of these time-consuming, resource-draining activities are taken care of automatically. There is a definitive cost savings realized without sacrificing any of capabilities, compliance requirements, scope or strength of your IT security strategies.

As realized with cloud-based applications, migrating centralized control of the security features to the cloud realizes an equivalent savings. The cost reductions can be staggering. Just the implementation costs alone (a 2:1 or 3:1--sometimes higher-- of professional services costs to software licenses in traditional physical deployments) are cost prohibitive for many organizations. Cloud-based security can be the great equalizer. With no hardware burdens or software licensing issues, any-sized company can enjoy the same degree of protection as the largest enterprise.

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dyke, and the overriding issue still exists. Your proprietary assets are still


First off, regardless of whether you approach the solution from the cloud

or more terrestrial confines, you need to rethink the risk, revise the policy

and enforce the rules. You have to consider how best to maintain

compliance (PCI, HIPAA, and/or Sarbanes-Oxley), and you need to

incorporate the answer holistically. To this end you need new protocols to

authenticate and credential users, define authorization rules based on

very specific rights and profiles and monitor traffic patterns to identify,

alert and act on any unusual activity.

This takes time, money and manpower. All of which are typically in short

supply for new IT initiatives. That is why I advocate security-as-a-service.

BYOD is a threat that will only grow exponentially and the longer you wait

to address the issue head on, the greater the vulnerability gap. However,

by taking advantage of the integrated solutions managed from the cloud,

organizations gain the benefit of cost-effective, seamless, on-demand,

scalable coverage. If you already have a strong SSO, then you don’t add it.

If all you require is additional resources to improve intrusion detection

and/or password management, the cloud solution exists to leverage your

existing architecture. Essentially cloud-based security fills the vulnerability

gap with proven and tested solutions monitored 7/24/365.

Managing security in the cloud provides the resource bandwidth to create

the rules, easily provision or deprovision devices, automate the alerts and

incorporate a more comprehensive and layered protection strategy that

includes the BYOD crowd.

But whatever your decision, you need to address the issue sooner than

later, becasue if you don’t take charge, your employees will self-serve

based on their own needs. There’s a prescient blog by Joe Onisick of

Network Computing who said:

“If you don’t support a particular device, employees will begin to find ways

to self-support it. They will bypass corporate IT and, with that, bypass

security, compliance, change management and audit logging. It’s a

problem that will continue to get worse, and, as with any problem, an

ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”



Developed by Fiberlink

The rapid proliferation of mobile

devices entering the workplace is

undeniable. This raises the inevitable

question: how will you support

workforce desire to use personal

apps and devices while allowing

them to be productive in a secure

environment that protects corporate


1. Create Thy Policy Before Procuring Technology 2. Seek The Flocks’ Devices 3. Enrollment Shall Be Simple 4. Thou Shalt Configure Devices Over the Air 5. Thy Users Demand Self-Service 6. Hold Sacred Personal Information 7. Part the Seas of Corporate and Personal Data 8. Monitor Thy Flock—Herd Automatically 9. Manage Thy Data Usage 10. Drink from the Fountain of ROI

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When I started scribbling notes as to what

to write about this week, my first thought

was to address some of the claims that

cloud wasn’t “ready for prime time,” by a

some survey done by Wisegate. Everyone

is entitled to an opinion, and those who

wish to turn a blind eye to the maturation

of the cloud do so at their own risk. Before I move on to the subject at

hand, I will simply remind doubters that these same voices were shouting

the same thing from the rooftops about SaaS 10 years ago. Now these

same doubters incorporate many SaaS solutions into their architecture. It’s

okay to be skeptical, and in terms of security, it’s necessary to be cautious.

However, once you cut through the hype that the cloud is some kind of

“silver bullet,” and the myopia of the status quo, you will see that the cloud

is the latest step in the evolution of IT asset protection.

If you claim that the cloud is too risky, then one also must equally consider

that adequate security of an existing on-premise network, or lack thereof,

could also be a root cause. If lack of compliance is the issue, then do some

more homework…compliance in the cloud is real. Again, not wishing to

impose my obvious bias regarding the cloud on any doubter, but just like any

product in any industry, you need to judge solutions on their independent

merits. I am sure there are less-than-stellar cloud-based products, but to

label the whole movement as risky is much like saying all cars are gas-

guzzling rolling death traps or all online banking is playing financial Russian

Roulette. What is it they say about babies and bath water???

Alright, I am stepping down from the soapbox to respond to another, less

inflammatory, yet as business critical, article regarding the difficulty of

separating log data from actionable events. The issue at hand is a network

is pinged potentially millions of times a day. Most of it innocuous-the

legitimate log on and off of employees, genuine transactions of data, etc…

But what gets lost amidst all this “white noise,” are the red flags that

indicate breaches or worse malicious activities.

It can be overwhelming. In fact, the article Struggling to Make Sense of Log

Data, points out a study by the SANS Institute that the biggest critical



According to Forrester Research, it is

estimated that the managed cloud

services security (MSS) market stands

at $4.5 billion.

Gartner, the nationally respected IT

research firm predicted that the total

worth of the cloud computing market

will rise to more than $150 billion by


In 2015, public cloud services will

account for 46% of net new growth

in overall IT spending.

Morgan Stanley estimates that by

2015, the mobile web will be bigger

than desktop internet. With user

expectations about where and how

they access information changing

dramatically, there'll be growing

pressure on IT to make enterprise

applications available in similar ways.

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concern for security is the ability to discern usable and actionable data

from log files.

How Important is Collecting Logs?

I asked a top notch engineer developing in the cloud and he wryly quipped

if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? He added, just because

you set intrusion detections software system to find malware and the like,

you still require the human intelligence to review/interpret the logs and

create the baseline of normalcy. So I said, that is the problem…there’s just

so much to review. To which he reminded me about the concept of

situational awareness. He posits the idea that a singular event might be

seen as generally low-level and harmless, but when it is put into context

and correlated against various rules and diverse enterprise silos, a very

different picture emerges. For instance, your network logs an access

attempt from Bangladesh. Is this normal? Do you have customers,

suppliers and employees who originate there? If so, is it happening during

regular business hours? Is it following “normal” traffic patterns? If so, are

they using dormant passwords or bypassing any protocols? If so, is the

accessible data through this breach?

The study author Jerry Shenk said, "Even when we look at the 22 percent of

respondents who are using SIEM (security information and event management

systems) for collecting logs and processing them, nearly the same percentage

say it is difficult to prevent incidents and detect advanced threats."

But the most disconcerting statistic is (according to the study): "With or

without tools, many organizations don't spend much time analyzing logs.

35% of respondents said their organizations allot no time to less than one

day a week on log analysis. The smaller the organization, the less likely




A company’s greatest asset—its employees—can also be its weakest link, especially in an era wherein mobility and accessibility play a huge role in enhancing productivity.

The top reasons cited for data loss were SMB employees’ tendency to open attachments to or click links embedded in spam, to leave their systems unattended, to not frequently change their passwords, and to visit restricted sites. This negligence puts critical business data at risk from data-stealing cybercriminals and malicious insiders.

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they would spend on log data analysis. Many companies recognize that

SIEM is part of the answer, however 58% of the companies in the survey

noted they are "not anywhere close to that level of automation."

This alone is a perfect situation to incorporate security-as-a-service to help

manage monitoring. Instead of once per week (if at all), monitoring occurs

7/24/365. Instead of catching just the most obvious threats, the

automations combined with the sourced human analysis significantly

shrink the vulnerability gap. Instead of looking at a singular network, it

links, correlates, analyzes all the aspects of the enterprise. And cloud-based

security does it at a fraction of the on-premise cost. The cloud allows

organizations to expand their resources and therefore solidify its coverage.

Attacks, intrusions and abnormalities are issues aren’t solved by ostriches.

Putting heads in the sand isn’t the answer. Neither is throwing your hands

up saying so what can I do about it? And if you are one of those people

who, at the top of this blog, consider the cloud too risky of a proposition,

how much riskier is the status quo? To be effective, you need to have all

the facts in order to formulate a stronger prevention plan. I can’t stress

enough how important it is to understand regular traffic patterns in order

to recognize when something requires greater attention or action. And to

do that you need to review logs. However, with so many other priorities

sometimes it is a considerable challenge to be proactive.

Trees will continue to fall in the forest. However, if you look down from the

cloud, you are better attuned to hear it, and if necessary, act.

So how does this intersect with the cloud? It all goes back to resources. Do

you have the technology, the budget, and/or the manpower to analyze every

blip or define/escalate every event? Security–as-a-service helps lift that

burden by employing 24/7/365 monitoring and using your applying your risk

assessments to best defend your IT assets in real time. Once you define what

events that pose the greatest threats, you can prioritize response and take

appropriate action without impacting your departmental staff.

In short, even the best risk assessment and mitigation measures leave a

certain amount of residual risk, either because one can’t mitigate totally

against all the risks or because of the element of chance. But, by better

understanding the difference between ‘threat’ and ‘risk’ can help you make

decisions that will keep your systems safer and avoid unnecessary costs.


What are your employees


Well over half of consumers - 58

percent - using smart mobile

devices employ location-based

apps despite concerns about

safety and third-party use of their

personal information, according

to ISACA. Forty-three percent say

they don't read agreements when

downloading mobile apps; 25

percent respond that the

agreement language is unclear. A

mere 8 percent of respondents

say they don't download apps.

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