three-dimensional transient electromagnetic modeling using

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Three-Dimensional Transient ElectromagneticModeling Using Rational Krylov Methods

Börner, Ralph-Uwe and Ernst, Oliver G. and Güttel,Stefan


MIMS EPrint: 2014.36

Manchester Institute for Mathematical SciencesSchool of Mathematics

The University of Manchester

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The University of Manchester

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ISSN 1749-9097

Geophys. J. Int. (0000) 000, 000–000

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling UsingRational Krylov Methods

Ralph-Uwe Borner, Oliver G. Ernst, and Stefan Guttel

Thursday 24th July, 2014

SUMMARYA computational method is given for solving the forward modeling problem for transient elec-tromagnetic exploration. Its key features are discretization of the quasi-static Maxwell’s equa-tions in space using the first-kind family of curl-conforming Nedelec elements combined withtime integration using rational Krylov subspace methods. We show how rational Krylov sub-space methods may be used to solve the same problem in the frequency domain followed by asynthesis of the transient solution using the fast Hankel transform, arguing that the pure time-domain is more efficient. We also propose a simple method for selecting the pole parameters ofthe rational Krylov subspace method which leads to convergence within an a priori determinednumber of iterations independent of mesh size and conductivity structure. These poles are re-peated in a cyclic fashion, which, in combination with direct solvers for the discrete problem,results in significantly faster solution times than previously proposed schemes.

Key words: EM modeling, transient electromagnetics, Krylov subspace methods



The rapid numerical inversion and simulation of 3-D electromag-netic (EM) measurements to obtain maps of electromagnetic con-ductivity of subsurface regions of interest remains one of the majorcomputational challenges of geoelectromagnetic prospecting. Theforward simulation or modeling step, in which the response of agiven conductivity distribution is computed, is a key element in theinversion process since it must be carried out multiple times foreach inversion. The availability of fast forward modeling codes istherefore of crucial importance.

A broad distinction in EM forward modeling schemes is be-tween time-domain and frequency-domain methods. In the first, thetime evolution of electromagnetic fields is propagated forward intime, whereas in the latter the Fourier components of these fieldsare computed for a suitable collection of frequencies, which arethen transformed numerically to the time domain. Both approachesare mathematically equivalent and, as we demonstrate below, canbe approximated to desired accuracy using rational Krylov sub-space approximations; however, as will become clear, simpler andmore accurate numerical methods for TEM forward modeling re-sult when performing all calculations in the time domain.

The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) scheme introducedby Yee (1966) based on staggered tensor product grids in space hasbeen widely used to model responses of 2-D and 3-D conductivitystructures by time-stepping (Taflove 1995). The Yee discretizationcombined with explicit and implicit time-stepping also forms thebasis of transient electromagnetic modeling in the geophysics liter-ature. Among these are Oristaglio and Hohmann (1984), where the2-D problem of transient electromagnetics is solved with an explicittime-integration scheme proposed by DuFort and Frankel (1953)

combined with an upward continuation boundary condition at theair-Earth interface. This approach was extended to model 3-D inho-mogeneities in Wang and Hohmann (1993). Commer and G. New-man (2004) present a finite difference scheme for the simulationof transient electromagnetic fields generated by galvanic sources.They were able to compute the initial conditions by solving a sta-tionary 3-D Poisson problem, as it appears, e.g., in the numericalsolution of the 3-D DC resistivity problem. Moreover, their algo-rithm was designed to run on parallel computer architectures.

The stability constraints of explicit time-stepping schemes forthe parabolic quasi-static Maxwell equations require excessivelysmall time steps for fine spatial resolution. Although each time stepconsists of essentially a matrix-vector product, small time steps canlead to high computational demands. As demonstrated in Oristaglioand Hohmann (1984), the DuFort-Frankel method allows the timestep to increase with the square root of simulation time as the inte-gration progresses.

Unlike explicit schemes, implicit methods solve a linear sys-tems of equations to obtain the solution for each desired time step.M. M. Goldman and Stoyer (1983) have simulated transients for 2-D structures with axial symmetry by implicit time-stepping. Haberet al. (2002) simulated 3-D transients employing a backward Eu-ler scheme, a variant of the implicit time-stepping method. At eachtime step, they solved the system of linear equations arising from afinite volume discretization. The system was solved with a precon-ditioned biconjugate gradient method.

Transient electromagnetic fields may also be obtained byinverse Fourier transformation of sufficiently many frequency-domain solutions. G. A. Newman et al. (1986) implemented anintegral equation formulation in the frequency domain, and trans-formed the solutions back to the time domain using a fast Han-

2 Borner et al.

kel transform. A similar approach was proposed by Mulder et al.(2008), who compute a small number of frequency-domain solu-tions and transform a spline-interpolated set of solutions to the timedomain. The discrete times for which a transient can be calculateddepend on the sampling interval as well as the bandwidth of thediscrete solutions given in the frequency domain. Generally, for atransient spanning from very early to late times, e.g., from 10−6

to 10−3 seconds, many—typically around 100—frequency-domainsolves are necessary, which requires an unreasonably high numeri-cal effort.

Improvements over explicit or implicit time-stepping can beachieved using Krylov subspace methods. Like time-stepping,Krylov subspace methods for solving the quasi-static Maxwell’sequations require a matrix vector product or linear system solveat each iteration. However, the approximations at the desired timevalues are obtained by choosing a near-best approximation from aglobal subspace whose dimension increases with each Krylov iter-ation. For the frequency-domain approach the solution at the de-sired frequencies required for Fourier synthesis are approximatedin a similar fashion. V. L. Druskin and Knizhnerman (1988) used aspectral Lanczos decomposition method to obtain an arbitrary num-ber of frequency-domain solution at a substantially lower numericalcost. Moreover, they pioneered the use of Krylov subspace methodsto evaluate transients directly in the time domain (V. L. Druskin andKnizhnerman 1994; V. L. Druskin, Knizhnerman, and Lee 1999)and subsequently extended their research towards rational Krylovmethods (Knizhnerman et al. 2009; V. L. Druskin, Knizhnerman,and Zaslavsky 2009; V. Druskin, Lieberman, et al. 2010; V. Druskinand Zaslavsky 2011; V. L. Druskin and Simoncini 2011; Zaslavskyet al. 2011; V. Druskin, Remis, et al. 2014). Borner et al. (2008)combined a shift-and-invert Krylov subspace projection method toevaluate the matrix resolvent function in the frequency domain, andthe Fourier method to transform the obtained solutions back to timedomain using a fast Hankel transform.

In this paper, which is an extension of Borner et al. (2008) tothe time domain as well as higher order rational Krylov subspaceapproximations, we demonstrate how optimal values of the param-eters which determine a rational Krylov method known as poles canbe obtained a priori using a surrogate optimization technique. Theresulting poles are problem and mesh independent, and thus do notchange with discretization features such as the mesh size or spectralinterval of the system matrices. This property can be exploited tomodel conductivity structures with large coefficient jumps, whichappear naturally when topography has to be included in the geo-physical model. Moreover, our approach produces a cyclic pole se-quence consisting of a small number of distinct poles selected toguarantee an a priori determined level of accuracy in the transientwithin a known number of iterations. When combined with directmethods for the solution of the discrete linear systems, this leadsto considerable computational savings, since the number of matrixfactorizations equals the number of distinct poles employed (herebetween one and four). In particular, the computational work for thefactorizations can be amortized over all rational Krylov iterations.An additional benefit of using cyclically repeated poles is that thelinear systems associated with each pole can be solved concurrentlyin a parallel computing environment. In this case a larger numberof cyclically repeated poles can be chosen to match the number ofavailable processing units.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Wefirst recall in Section 2 the governing partial differential equations(PDEs) of geoelectromagnetic induction in the time and frequencydomains and relate these via the Fourier transform. This is followed

by a description of the spatial discretization using Nedelec finite el-ements on a tetrahedral mesh, specifying the discrete solutions inthe time and frequency domains. We reformulate the problem interms of matrix functions and demonstrate how a solution can beobtained by a rational Arnoldi approximation. In Section 3 we de-rive the rational Arnoldi method for the evaluation of the action ofa function of a matrix on a given vector and show how this can beapplied to solve the discrete problem in the time and frequency do-mains. We show how optimal poles can be chosen for the rationalKrylov method for which the approximation converges uniformlywith respect to both spatial mesh size and conductivity structure.We conclude in Section 4 with two numerical examples. As a firstproblem, we deal with a simple model of a layered half-space todemonstrate that our approach yields accurate results. We comparethe results obtained by our method to results obtained by inverseFourier transform of large-scale frequency-domain solutions. Thechoice of this simple model ensures that our results can be com-pared to an analytical solution. As a second numerical example, weshow the performance of our method for a homogeneous half-spacewith topography.


2.1 Governing Equations

We begin by recalling the governing equations of electromagneticinduction. Neglecting displacement currents and eliminating themagnetic field, the time-dependent Maxwell’s equations for theelectric field intensity e = e(x , t) read

σ∂te +∇×(µ−1∇× e) = −∂tj e, t ∈ R. (1)

The spatial coordinate x is assumed to vary in a computational do-main Ω ⊂ R3 containing the air-Earth interface. The magnetic per-meability µ = µ0 = 4π · 10−7 Vs/Am is that of free space andthe electric conductivity σ = σ(x ) is a given function defined onΩ. Along the boundary ∂Ω of Ω we impose the perfect conductorboundary condition

n × e = 0 , (2)

and we make the implicit assumption that the boundary has beenplaced at sufficient distance from sources that the effects of theboundary conditions are negligible compared to discretization er-rors.

2.2 Source Terms

We consider a source density j e resulting from a stationary trans-mitter with a driving current that is shut off at time t = 0, giving

j e(x , t) = q(x )H(−t), (3)

in which H denotes the Heaviside unit step function and the vectorfield q denotes the spatial current pattern. Specifically, we considera transmitter consisting of a small horizontal square wire-loop car-rying a stationary current, thus generating a good approximation ofa vertical magnetic dipole. In particular, we note that the resultingcurrent density is divergence-free, i.e.,

∇· q = 0. (4)

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 3

2.3 Time-Domain Formulation

Denoting by δ(t) = ∂tH(t) the Dirac delta distribution concen-trated at the origin t = 0, the combination of (1), (2) and (3) resultsin the boundary value problem

σ∂te +∇×(µ−1∇× e) = q(x )δ(t) on Ω× R, (5a)

n × e = 0 along ∂Ω (5b)

for the electric field intensity e as a function of time and space onthe entire time axis. For time-domain simulations it is more conve-nient to formulate (5) as the initial-boundary value problem

σ∂te +∇×(µ−1∇× e) = 0 on Ω× (0,∞), (6a)

e|t=0 = q on Ω, (6b)

n × e = 0 on ∂Ω× (0,∞). (6c)

2.4 Frequency-Domain Formulation

To formulate the same problem in the frequency domain, we applythe Fourier transform in time, denoted by the operator F , to bothsides of (1), and introduce the transformed electric field

E(x , ω) := (Fe)(ω) =

∫ ∞−∞

e(x , t) e−iωt dt, ω ∈ R,

where the angular frequency ω has units rad/s. Observing the thecorrespondence (FH)(ω) = πδ(ω) + 1

iω, where δ denotes the

Dirac delta distribution concentrated at zero, as well as the scal-ing and derivative laws for the Fourier transform, we obtain thefrequency-domain equation

∇×(µ−1∇×E)+iωσE = −iωq(πδ(ω)− 1

), ω ∈ R.

(7)To simplify the problem, we introduce the impulse response electricfield ei = ei(x , t) as the solution of (1) with impulsive sourcecurrent j ei (x , t) = q(x )δ(t). In view of the relation (Fδ)(ω) ≡ 1,its Fourier transform Ei = Ei(x , ω) satisfies

∇×(µ−1∇×Ei) + iωσEi = −iωq . (8)

We note that the fields E and Ei in equations (7) and(8) sat-isfy the same homogeneous boundary condition (2) and the samePDE with right-hand sides which are both scalar multiples of q ,implying

E(ω) =

(πδ(ω)− 1

)Ei(ω). (9)

Transforming back to the time domain results in the transient solu-tion

e(x , t) =1

∫ ∞−∞

E(x , ω) eiωt dω


∫ ∞−∞

(πδ(ω)− 1

)Ei(ω) eiωt dω


2Ei(0)− 1

∫ ∞−∞


iωeiωt dω t ∈ R


where the DC component Ei(0) vanishes since the source field qis divergence-free.

2.5 Finite Element Discretization

Our numerical approximation for both the time- and frequency-domain formulations is based on a finite element discretizationin space using first-kind Nedelec spaces on unstructured tetrahe-dral meshes. A theoretical background on Nedelec elements canbe found in Monk (2003); their implementation is described inGopalakrishnan et al. (2005) and Kirby (2014).

2.5.1 Variational Formulation

The standard variational formulation for Maxwell’s equations seeksthe electric field in the Sobolev space

H (curl; Ω) = u ∈ L2(Ω)3 : ∇×u ∈ L2(Ω)3.

Since we impose the homogeneous boundary condition (2) alongthe entire boundary ∂Ω, we restrict the fields further to the subspace

V := u ∈ H (curl; Ω) : n × u = 0 along ∂Ω.

Multiplying (6) by an arbitrary stationary vector field φ ∈ V andintegrating by parts yields the variational problem of seeking e =e(x , t) ∈ C([0,∞); V ) such that

(σ∂te,φ) + (µ−1∇× e,∇×φ) = 0 , t ∈ (0,∞), (11a)

(e|t=0,φ) = (q ,φ), (11b)

for all φ ∈ V , where (·, ·) denotes the inner product on L2(Ω)3.

2.5.2 Discretization in Space

We employ a Galerkin discretization in space obtained by restrict-ing the trial and test functions e and φ in the weak form (11)to a finite-dimensional subspace V h ⊂ V consisting of first-kind Nedelec finite elements on a tetrahedral mesh Th. Nedelecelements are a natural approximation of electromagnetic vectorfields in that they are curl-conforming, i.e., they mimic the tangen-tial continuity properties of the fields under approximation, per-mitting jumps in the normal field components whenever the con-ductivity is discontinuous across an interfaces. On each tetrahe-dron K ∈ Th the functions in V h consist of vector polynomialsv ∈P3

k−1 ⊕Sk,, where Pk denotes the space of polynomials inthree variables of complete degree k ∈ N0 and

Sk = v ∈ P3k : v · x = 0

with Pk denoting the space of homogeneous polynomials of (ex-act) degree k. In our numerical experiments we have used Nedelecelements of order k = 1 and k = 2, sometimes also known as lin-ear and quadratic Nedelec elements. The discrete approximationof the solution of the variational formulation (11) is then obtainedby restricting it to the subspace V h, i.e., by determining eh ⊂ V h

such that, for all test functions φ ∈ V h, there holds

(σ∂teh,φ) + (µ−1∇× eh,∇×φ) = 0 , t > 0, (12a)

(eh|t=0,φ) = (q ,φ). (12b)

Expanding the discrete solution eh ∈ V h in a basis φ1, . . . ,φNof V h, (12) becomes the ODE initial-value problem

M∂tu(t) + Cu(t) = 0, t ∈ (0,∞) Mu(0) = q, (13)

for the vector u(t) containing the N coefficients of the finite ele-ment approximation eh(t) with respect to the Nedelec basis at time

4 Borner et al.

t ≥ 0. Here the mass and curl-curl matrices M and C as well as thevector q of initial values are given in terms of the Nedelec basis by

[M]i,j = (σφj ,φi), [C]i,j = (µ−1∇×φj ,∇×φi),

[q]i = (q ,φi), for i, j = 1, . . . , N.

For the frequency-domain formulation we may employ the samespatial discretization, in terms of which (8) becomes the linear sys-tem of equations

(C + iωM)u(ω) = −iωq (14)

for the coefficient vector u(ω) of the impulse-response solution atfrequency ω with respect to the Nedelec basis.

2.5.3 Representation as Matrix Functions

The explicit solution of the semi-discretized time-domain problem(13) is given in terms of the matrix exponential function

u(t) = exp(−tM−1C)M−1q = f t(A)b, (15)


f t(z) = exp(−tz), A = M−1C, b = M−1q.

Similarly, the finite element discretization (14) of the frequency-domain problem (8) has the solution

u(ω) = −iω(C + iωM)−1q = −iω(A + iωI)−1b, (16)

so that

u(ω) = gω(A)b with gω(z) =iω

z + iω.

Applying the inverse Fourier transform (10) back to the time do-main to the discrete frequency-domain solution vector u(ω) yields

(F−1u)(t) =1

∫ ∞−∞

(A + iωI)−1beiωt dω. (17)

To show that the transformed discrete frequency-domain solutionagrees with that of the time domain, we express the latter usingcontour integration. Recall that, as an entire function, the functionf t in (15) may be represented as the Cauchy integral

f t(z) =1



f t(ζ)

ζ − z dζ, (18)

where Γ is a contour surrounding the point z in the complex plane.The same contour integral may be used to evaluate f t(A) providedthe contour Γ contains all eigenvalues of A in its interior. Since

M1/2AM−1/2 = M−1/2CM−1/2,

we see that A is similar to the matrix on the right-hand side,which is symmetric and, since M is symmetric positive definiteand C symmetric positive semidefinite, is also symmetric positivesemidefinite. The eigenvalues of A therefore lie on the nonnegativereal axis. The zero eigenvalues of C are associated with discretegradient fields. These are not present in the given solution due tothe fact that the field q is divergence-free. We may therefore ig-nore the zero eigenvalue and use the imaginary axis as the inte-gration contour in (18). Parametrizing the imaginary axis by −iω,ω ∈ (−∞,∞), we obtain

u(t) = f t(A)b =1



(ζI− A)−1f t(ζ) dζ b


∫ ∞−∞

(A + iωI)−1eiωt dω b,

which coincides with (17).


We have seen in the previous section that the space-discretized so-lution (15) at time t as well as the frequency-domain solution (16)at frequency ω can be expressed as the result of either the matrix ex-ponential or resolvent function applied to a given vector. When thematrix in question is large and sparse, as arises in the discretiza-tion of partial differential operators such as Maxwell’s equations,Krylov subspace approximations can be applied to obtain efficientsolution methods. In this section we briefly recall a very generalKrylov subspace algorithm known as the rational Arnoldi methodfor approximating the action f(A)b, A = M−1C, of a genericmatrix function f using an orthogonalization procedure in the M-inner product defined as 〈x, y〉M := yHMx with induced norm‖x‖M :=

√〈x, x〉M. Here yH denotes the complex conjugate trans-

pose of y. In the application to the discretized Maxwell operatorthe symmetric positive definite matrix M defining the inner prod-uct will be the finite element mass matrix, which is the continuousL2(Ω) inner product restricted to the finite element space. Startingwith the vector v1 = b/‖b‖M, we construct the basis vector vj+1

M-orthogonal to v1, v2, . . . , vj using the recursion

vj+1hj+1,j = (I− A/ξj)−1Avj −


vihi,j .

Collecting these basis vectors in a matrix Vm+1 =[v1, v2, . . . , vm+1] ∈ CN×(m+1) and the orthogonalization coeffi-cients in the upper Hessenberg matrix Hm = [hi,j ] ∈ C(m+1)×m,it is easily verified that these quantities satisfy a rational Arnoldidecomposition (see Ruhe (1994a) and Ruhe 1994b)

AVm+1(Im + HmXm) = Vm+1Hm,

where Xm = diag(ξ−11 , ξ−1

2 , . . . , ξ−1m ) ∈ Cm×m and Im ∈

C(m+1)×m is the identity matrix with an appended bottom row ofzeros. Note that VHm+1MVm+1 = Im+1. Also note that the vectorvm+1 depends on the pole ξm but this is not so for the remainingKrylov basis vectors v1, v2, . . . , vm; hence we can set ξm = ∞without altering the span of Vm. In this case we obtain a reducedrational Arnoldi decomposition

AVmKm = Vm+1Hm, Km = Im + HmXm, (19)

which can also be written in the form

AVm = VmHmK−1m + hm+1,mvm+1e


m . (20)

Using this decomposition one may construct the rational Arnoldiapproximation of order m defined by

fm := Vmf(HmK−1m )VHmb ≈ f(A)b. (21)

We will see in the following that this approximation enjoys someremarkable properties. Multiplying the decomposition (20) fromthe left by VHmM, using the facts that VHmMvm+1 = 0 andA = M−1C, we find the simple relation

VHmMAVm = VHmCVm = HmK−1m := Am.

In principle, the projected m × m matrix Am can be computedat little cost as HmK−1

m from quantities of the reduced rationalArnoldi decomposition (19), however, if Km is ill-conditioned thiscomputation may suffer from numerical instabilities. In particular,HmK−1

m may no longer be numerically Hermitian even though Cis. In such cases it is advisable to compute Am via explicit projec-tion VHmCVm.

We next recall a theorem which characterizes the rationalArnoldi approximation as the action of a rational function rm

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 5

which interpolates the function f . Several variants of this resulthave appeared in the literature, both for polynomial (Ericsson 1990;Saad 1992) and rational Krylov spaces (Beckermann and Reichel2009 or Guttel 2010, Theorem 5.8). Here in the following, Pm−1

denotes the linear space of all polynomials of degree at mostm−1,and Pm−1/qm−1 is the linear space of rational functions of type(m− 1,m− 1) with prescribed denominator qm−1.

Theorem 3.1. The rational Arnoldi approximation fm of f(A)bassociated with the reduced rational Arnoldi decomposition (19)satisfies

fm = Vmf(HmK−1m )VHmb = rm(A)b,

where rm ∈ Pm−1/qm−1 interpolates f in Hermite’s sense(i.e., counting multiplicities) at the eigenvalues Λ(HmK−1

m ) =Λ(VHmCVm), where qm−1(z) = (1 − z/ξ1)(1 − z/ξ2) · · · (1 −z/ξm−1).

It follows from Theorem 3.1 that the rational Arnoldi approxima-tion fm is exact if f is itself a rational function in Pm−1/qm−1,i.e., a rational function of type (m − 1,m − 1) with prescribeddenominator qm−1. This exactness implies that fm satisfies a near-optimality property in the M-norm. Similar results for optimality inthe 2-norm have been given in (Ericsson 1990; Saad 1992; Becker-mann and Reichel 2009; Guttel 2010).

The following result is the key to error analysis of ra-tional Krylov methods and the optimal selection of the polesξ1, . . . , ξm−1, as it bounds the approximation error in terms of theinterpolation error of rm on an interval of the real line:

Theorem 3.2. The rational Arnoldi approximation fm for f(A)bassociated with the reduced rational Arnoldi decomposition (19)satisfies

‖f(A)b−fm‖M ≤ 2‖b‖M minrm∈Pm−1/qm−1



(22)where [α, β] is an interval containing the eigenvalues of A =M−1C.Proof: A straightforward calculation using the triangle inequalityfor vector norms and the fact that rm(A)b = Vmrm(Am)VHmb byTheorem 3.1 shows

‖f(A)b− fm‖M= ‖f(A)b− rm(A)b + rm(A)b− fm‖M≤ ‖f(A)b− rm(A)b‖M

+ ‖Vmrm(Am)VHmb− Vmf(Am)VHmb‖M.

We now bound from above each of the two terms in thissum. For the first term we use the facts that g(A) =M−1/2g(M1/2AM−1/2)M1/2 for any function g such that g(A)is a well-defined matrix function, the matrix M1/2AM−1/2 is Her-mitian and similar to A, and ‖M−1/2x‖M = ‖x‖2. We obtain

‖(f − rm)(A)b‖M= ‖M−1/2(f − rm)(M1/2AM−1/2)M1/2b‖M= ‖(f − rm)(M1/2AM−1/2)M1/2b‖2≤ ‖(f − rm)(M1/2AM−1/2)‖2‖M1/2b‖2= ‖b‖M max

λ∈Λ(A)|f(λ)− rm(λ)|.

For the second term we have

‖Vm(rm − f)(Am)VHmb‖M = ‖(rm − f)(Am)VHmb‖2≤ ‖(rm − f)(Am)‖2‖VHmb‖2≤ ‖b‖M max

λ∈Λ(A)|rm(λ)− f(λ)|,

where we have used the facts ‖Vmx‖M = ‖x‖2 and ‖VHmb‖2 =‖b‖M. Adding both inequalities and noting that Λ(Am) is con-tained in the spectral interval of A, and taking the maximum overall admissible rational functions rm ∈ Pm−1/qm−1 completesthe proof.

The stated results now enable us to propose our new strategy forselecting the poles ξ1, ξ2, . . . , ξm−1 (the zeros of qm−1) for theTEM forward modeling problem.

3.1 Error Estimation Using a Surrogate Problem

The near-optimality property stated in Theorem 3.2 means that theoptimization of parameters for the rational Arnoldi approximationessentially reduces to the problem of finding a denominator poly-nomial qm−1 such that the right-hand side of the error bound (22)becomes small. Note that the zeros ξ1, . . . , ξm−1 of qm−1 corre-spond to the poles used in the rational Arnoldi method for con-structing a basis of the rational Krylov space. Given such a poly-nomial qm−1 and an interval [α, β], the min-max expression onthe right of (22) could be computed by the Remez algorithm foruniform best approximation of f on [α, β] (see, e.g., Meinardusand Schumaker 1967). However, the computation of rational bestapproximants can suffer numerical instabilities and, in addition,our problem is complicated by the fact we are ultimately inter-ested in rational approximation of parameter-dependent functionsf(z) = f t(z) = exp(−tz) or f(z) = gω(z) = iω/(z + iω) inthe time- and frequency-domain cases, respectively. We propose analternative approach which is tailored to our problem and computa-tionally more robust: we will estimate the min-max expression byusing the rational Arnoldi method itself. For ease of exposition wefirst consider the problem of parameter-independent approximationof f and then introduce the parameter for f t or gω later.

Given the function f and a denominator polynomial qm−1,our aim is to estimate the error

err(f, qm−1) := minrm∈Pm−1/qm−1


|f(z)− rm(z)|.

Note that we have formally set [α, β] = [0,+∞] because this willallow us to obtain error bounds that are independent of the spectralinterval of A. The quantity maxz∈[0,+∞] |f(z)− rm(z)| will existif f is bounded on [0,+∞] and qm−1 has no poles there; bothconditions are naturally satisfied in our situation where f = f t orf = gω , respectively.

In order to avoid the discretization of an unbounded inter-val we introduce the variable z ∈ [1, 2], the transformation z =(z − 1)−1 − 1, the transformed function f(z) = f(z), and thetransformed denominator qm−1(z) = (1−z/ξ1) · · · (1−z/ξm−1),where each ξj = (ξj + 1)−1 + 1. Instead of the above expressionfor the error we now consider

err(f, qm−1) = minrm∈Pm−1/qm−1


|f(z)− rm(z)|.

We then use the rational Arnoldi method for approximating f(A)b

in the Euclidian inner product with a diagonal surrogate matrix Ahaving sufficiently dense eigenvalues in [1, 2], and the vector b =[1, . . . , 1]T . Let the associated rational Arnoldi approximation be

6 Borner et al.

denoted as fm = rm(A)b. Then by the definition of A and b wehave

‖f(A)b− fm‖∞ = maxλ∈Λ(A)

|f(λ)− rm(λ)|

≤ maxz∈[1,2]

|f(z)− rm(z)|

= err(f, qm−1),


where the expression on the left-hand side is easy to compute asf(A)b is explicitly known (a function of a diagonal matrix is thediagonal matrix of the function values). Note that building a ratio-nal Krylov basis with A is computationally inexpensive as we onlyneed to solve linear systems with a diagonal matrix.

As becomes clear from (23) we can only compute a lowerbound for err(f, qm−1) with the described procedure. However,the inequality in (23) can be expected to be sufficiently sharp ifΛ(A) is a sufficiently dense discretization of [1, 2], so that “spec-tral adaptation” in the rational Arnoldi method does not yet occur(which means that the method behaves as if the spectrum of A werea continuum). A detailed analysis of spectral adaptation in the ratio-nal Arnoldi method is given in Beckermann, Guttel, and Vandebril(2010) and Beckermann and Guttel (2012), where it is shown thatthe region of “deflated eigenvalues” depends on the ratio m/N ,that is, the number of rational Arnoldi iterations m compared tothe size N of the surrogate matrix A. For all numerical results re-ported below, specifically in Table 1, we have used m ≤ 72 andfound that, with a diagonal matrix A with N = 3000 equidistanteigenvalues in the interval [1, 2], no noticeable spectral adaptationoccurred. A further increase of N did not change the results in anydigit reported in Table 1.

We remark that more elaborate strategies for choosing N andthe eigenvalues of the surrogate A could be motivated by the inter-polation characterization in Theorem 3.1. For example, one couldstart with a small number of N1 = 2m equispaced eigenvalues andthen refine the spectrum to N2, N3, . . . eigenvalues by adding ge-ometric means of rational Ritz values. We have not implementedsuch a strategy here as the pole optimization is a one-time calcula-tion requiring negligible computing time compared to the solutionof the forward modeling problem.

3.2 Pole Optimization

As we shall argue below that there is no advantage to performingthe forward modeling in the frequency domain, we shall restrictthe following discussion to the time-domain case where f(z) =f t(z) = e−tz .

Now that err(f, qm−1) can be estimated efficiently for agiven qm−1 and any function f = f t (all Arnoldi approximantsftm for f t(A)b can be extracted from the same rational Krylovspace), it remains to find a fixed “optimal” qm−1 which minimizeserr(f t, qm−1) uniformly for all parameters t ∈ [tmin, tmax]. Thisis a constrained nonlinear optimization problem:

(P0) Find qm−1(z) =∏m−1j=1 (1− z/ξj) such that


err(f t, qm−1) ≈ maxt∈[tmin,tmax]

‖f t(A)b− ft


is minimal, with the constraint that the poles ξj be negative.

To enable the efficient solution of this problem we have ap-plied two further constraints. First, we assume that m− 1 is divis-

ible by an integer ` < m and qm−1(z) is factored in the form

qm−1(z) =∏j=1

(1− z/ξj)(m−1)/`.

This reduces the problem of finding m − 1 parameters to that offinding merely ` parameters. Recall again that the poles ξ1, . . . , ξ`correspond to shifts in linear system solves, so reusing these shiftsfor (m − 1)/` rational Arnoldi iterations is also convenient whendirect solvers are employed. Note, however, that this constraint onthe factorization of qm−1 leads to the somewhat counter-intuitiveeffect that, for m constant, the error err(f t, qm−1) may slightlyincrease as the number of distinct parameters ` increases (see, forexample, Table 1).

Second, for f t = exp(−tz) we can restrict the set ofadmissible poles further by using a result of Andersson 1981,which states that the best uniform rational approximant rm−1(z)of type (m − 1,m − 1) with negative poles that minimizesmaxz∈[0,∞] | exp(−z) − rm−1(z)| is of the form pm−1(z)/(1 −z/ξ)m−1, i.e., all poles are concentrated at ξ < 0. Moreover,by scaling z to tz we find that the best uniform rational ap-proximant rm−1(z) of type (m − 1,m − 1) with negative polesthat minimizes maxz∈[0,∞] | exp(−tz)− rm−1(z)| is of the formpm−1(z)/(1− tz/ξ)m−1 with some polynomial pm−1 ∈Pm−1,i.e., all poles are concentrated at tξ < 0. It is therefore rea-sonable to restrict the poles ξ1, . . . , ξ` for uniform approxima-tion of f t(z) = exp(−tz) with t ∈ [tmin, tmax] to the inter-val [ξmin, ξmax], where ξmin < 0 is the optimal concentratedpole of the rational approximant pm−1(z)/(1 − tz/ξmin)m−1 forexp(−tminz), and ξmax = ξmintmin/tmax.

To summarize, we arrived at the following optimizationproblem:

(P1) Find qm−1(z) =∏`j=1(1− z/ξj) such that


err(f t, qm−1) ≈ maxt∈[tmin,tmax]

‖f t(A)b− ft


is minimal, with the constraint being that all ξj ∈ [ξmin, ξmax].

We have used MATLAB to solve this minimization problemfor the time interval [tmin, tmax] = [10−6, 10−3], with m −1 = 12, 24, . . . , 72 and ` = 1, 2, 3, 4. As this problem seems tohave many local minima, we determined the parameters ξ1, . . . , ξ`by first performing a global search on a coarse discretization of[ξmin, ξmax] with 100 logarithmically equispaced points, and thenrefining the result using MATLAB’s fmincon routine. The surro-gate problem was of size N = 3000. The results are reported inTable 1.

This table can be used in the following way: if no parallel so-lution of linear systems is desired, Table 1 reveals that it is mostefficient to use two cyclically repeated poles. To determine the op-timal poles for a time interval of, say, [10−6, 10−3], one reads offthe two poles in the first row for which the desired level of accu-racy is reached. The first column of this row then gives the numberrequired rational Krylov iterations (m − 1) (the resulting rationalKrylov space is of dimension m). For example, to achieve an er-ror level below 10−7 it is sufficient to run m − 1 = 36 rationalKrylov iterations and repeat the two poles ξ1 = −3.32e + 4 andξ2 = −3.88e + 06 cyclically 18 times. By the scaling argumentgiven above, the table can also be used for other time intervals con-sisting of 3 decades. For the time interval [10−5, 10−2], for exam-ple, the poles have to be relaced by ξ1/10 and ξ2/10.

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 7

[Table 1 about here.]

The poles in Table 1 have been optimized to give a uniform ap-proximation over a time interval. We note that it is also easily possi-ble to optimize the poles with respect to a positive weight functionw(t) by minimizing maxt∈[tmin,tmax] w(t) · err(f t, qm−1). Thiscan be used to improve the approximation in certain parts of thetime interval, such as for late times, particularly when the asymp-totic behavior of the transient is known from analytic solutions (cf.Ward and Hohmann (1987)).

3.3 Relation to Existing Work and Other Pole SelectionStrategies

In this section we briefly review some other pole selection strate-gies. For a more detailed survey we refer to Guttel 2013.

The problem of optimizing a single repeated negative pole forapproximating exp(−t0A)b for a single time point t0 was con-sidered in Eshof and Hochbruck 2006. In case of a single polethe corresponding rational approximation problem can be trans-formed into an equivalent polynomial approximation problem, andthis problem can be solved numerically using the Remez algorithmEshof and Hochbruck 2006. Our problem of uniform approxima-tion on a time interval [tmin, tmax] can be seen as a generalization,but in the case of two or more cyclically repeated poles it does notseem to be possible to find an equivalent polynomial formulation.A result bounding the error of rational Arnoldi approximants withcyclically repeated poles in terms of the error of single pole approx-imants was given in Guttel 2010, p. 113–115.

A different route of computing poles asymptotically optimalfor all t > 0 was followed in V. L. Druskin, Knizhnerman, andZaslavsky 2009. Here the constructed negative poles are given interms of elliptic functions and it is shown that the rational Arnoldimethod with these parameters will converge for all time parameterst > 0 with a geometric rate given by

lim supm→∞

‖ exp(−tA)b− ftm‖1/m ' exp

(− π2

4 log(2/δ)

), (24)

where µ =(



and δ =√


, with λmax and λmin denot-ing the largest and smallest nonzero eigenvalue of A, respectively.Note that the convergence rate on the right of (24) deteriorates witha growing condition number λmax/λmin of A, hence this approachcannot be expected to give convergence independent of mesh orconductivity structure. On the other hand, the rate is independentof the length of the time interval [tmin, tmax], so this approach be-comes favourable when the condition number of A is moderate and[tmin, tmax] is a very large interval. See V. Druskin, Lieberman, etal. 2010 for an adaptive version of this pole selection approach. Weend by remarking that these asymptotically optimal pole sequencesconsist of pairwise distinct poles, so no factorizations of shifted ma-trices can be reused in the rational Arnoldi method when a directsolver is employed.

3.4 Relation Between Frequency and Time DomainApproaches

We have discussed an approach for approximating the transient ofthe TEM solution directly in time domain. However, as mentionedin Section 1, an alternative approach is to synthesize the time-domain solution from frequency-domain solutions by computing

the inverse Fourier transform (10). The latter can be efficiently ap-proximated numerically to desired accuracy by fast Hankel trans-form (FHT) techniques as described in Johansen and Sørensen(1979) and refined in Christensen (1990), where also bounds on thenumber of frequency-domain solutions required for a sufficientlyaccurate transient can be found. By using rational Krylov subspaceapproximation in the frequency domain a uniformly accurate so-lution approximation u(ω) is available for all frequencies as soonas a Krylov subspace of sufficiently large dimension has been con-structed (cf. Borner et al. (2008)). As a consequence, considerablyfewer frequency-domain problems need to be solved than necessaryto obtain an accurate transient via the FHT.

In both the time and frequency domains the rational Krylovspaces are constructed using the same matrix A and initial vectorb, but may differ in the pole sequence, which should be chosenin an optimal fashion for the function gω in the frequency domainand f t in the time domain. We argue that the frequency domain ap-proximation followed by FHT cannot yield a significantly better ap-proximation than that obtained in the time domain: the FHT resultsin a time domain approximation which is a linear combination ofvectors from the frequency domain Krylov space. One could then,using the same poles as in the frequency domain, construct a ra-tional Krylov approximation of f t(A)b, and the near-optimality ofthe rational Krylov approximation (see Theorem 3.2) would selectan approximation which is at least as good as the FHT-transformedfrequency domain approximation. Using poles in the time domainwhich are chosen in an optimal fashion for the function f t wouldonly further improve this approximation. For this reason we restrictourselves to time-domain examples in the following section.


We present a series of numerical experiments for two model prob-lems to illustrate the important features of the rational Arnoldi ap-proximation of TEM in the time and frequency domains. In the firstset we consider the transient response of a vertical magnetic dipolelocated atop a layered half-space. For this model problem there isa closed-form solution available (see Ward and Hohmann 1987),which can be used as a reference solution to analyze the contribu-tions of the errors due to the boundary condition, the finite elementdiscretization and the rational Arnoldi approximation. We are ableto verify that the convergence of the rational Arnoldi approximationis uniform in both time and frequency.

A model with terrain topography serves as a second numer-ical example. We demonstrate that models incorporating surfacetopography can be modeled without additional numerical effort. Inthe past, the inclusion of the air half-space has often been avoideddue to specific limitations of the involved time integration meth-ods. More specifically, all variants of the explicit Euler method,e.g., the DuFort-Frankel method, require small time steps whichare bounded by the square root of the lowest electrical conductiv-ity within the model. Typical values for the choice of the air half-space conductivity range between 10−14 and 10−6 S/m. Polyno-mial Krylov methods generally require more iterations when theair layer is included in the discretization. In view of these limi-tations it has often been desired to exclude the air layer from thecomputational domain (Oristaglio and Hohmann 1984; Y. Gold-man, Hubans, et al. 1986; Y. Goldman, Joly, et al. 1989; Wangand Hohmann 1993). However, the physical effect of the insulat-ing air layer on the electric field and its spatial derivative normalto this plane can be expressed by a boundary condition imposed at

8 Borner et al.

the Earth’s surface. This boundary condition is non-local, i.e., it in-corporates all degrees of freedom associated with tetrahedron facesadjacent with this boundary. To express the boundary condition ata single point at this plane, a convolution type integral has to beassembled and incorporated into the discretized curl-curl operatoras a dense block matrix. Hence, the numerical effort for the compu-tation of transients with a non-local boundary condition exhibits asignificantly lower efficiency due to the increased memory require-ments. This poses a limit on the speed of the linear system solveswhich form the numerical kernel of rational Krylov methods.

4.1 Layered Half-Space

We first consider the model of a layered half-space. A layer withan electrical resistivity of 30 Ω ·m and a thickness of 30 m is em-bedded in a homogeneous half-space of 100 Ω ·m at a depth of100 m. A vertical magnetic dipole source is approximated by asmall 10× 10 m2 horizontal loop located at the Earth’s surface,i.e., at z = 0.

The computational domain Ω consists of a cube of side length2 km centered at the origin, which is also the center of the squaretransmitter coil. We used the mesh generator of the COMSOL fi-nite element package (Version 3.5a) to generate a tetrahedral mesh.By making the line segments which form the transmitter coil suffi-ciently small and fixing a sufficiently small maximal element size inthe vicinity of the observation point, a local refinement of the meshnear transmitter and receiver was achieved. Fig. 1 shows the traceof the tetrahedral mesh looking down on the surface z = 0, wherethe local refinement in the vicinity of the dipole source is visible.The mesh employed for the computations consists of 24,582 tetra-hedra. The matrices M and C in the time- and frequency-domaindiscretizations (13) and (14) have dimensions N = 27, 623 andN = 152, 078 for the Nedelec spaces of order k = 1 and k = 2,respectively.

Fig. 2 shows the decrease of the relative error to the true dis-crete transient measured in the ‖ · ‖M-norm against the number ofrational Arnoldi iterations for spatial discretization with Nedelecelements of order k = 1 (left column) and k = 2 (right column),each using one, two and three cyclically repeated poles in the ra-tional Arnoldi method (rows one, two and three). The poles wereoptimized for a Krylov space of dimension 36 (cf. Tab. 1). Eachline corresponds to the transient of the electric field at for a dis-crete set of times between t = 10−6s to 10−3s. The dashed blackline denotes the error level guaranteed uniformly for all times bythe number of poles according to Table 1, which are clearly seento be achieved. As one can observe both from Table 1 as well asFig. 2, using three (or four) poles does not result in a further errordecrease after m = 37 Arnoldi iterations compared to using onlytwo cyclically repeated poles. However, using a higher number ofcyclically repeated poles offers more potential for parallel solutionof the linear systems as mentioned in Section 1.

For the purpose of comparison a frequency domain-based so-lution was computed in addition to the time domain approximationvia the rational Arnoldi method. To eliminate the error of applyingthe rational Arnoldi method in the frequency-domain, we computedthe frequency domain solutions directly at all frequencies requiredby the FHT in order to obtain a sufficiently accurate transient. Inthe following, we refer to this approximation as the brute forcefrequency-domain solution, which differs from the analytical so-lution only by the spatial finite element discretization error. Fig. 3shows, for a first-order Nedelec discretization in space, a compar-ison of the accuracy of the transient evaluated at x = (100, 0, 0)

obtained for a rational Arnoldi approximation using Krylov spacesof dimension m = 13 (left column) and m = 73 (right column)based on one, two and three cyclically repeated poles (rows one,two and three), against the analytical solution (black line) and thebrute force frequency domain approximation (green line). It can beobserved that an approximation essentially indistinguishable fromthe brute force approximation is achieved already for m = 13. Thedifference to the analytical solution is due to the spatial resolution,which is improved in the analogous plots in Fig. 4 for a second-order Nedelec discretization based on the same mesh. Here we ob-serve that a larger Krylov space is necessary for the Arnoldi errorto reach the level of discretization error. Fig. 5 gives the error ofthe transient against simulation time for Krylov spaces of differentdimensions for first (left column) and second (right column) orderNedelec discretization. A summary of run times is given in Fig. 6,where we observe the quadratic dependence on the Krylov spacedimension m with a higher constant for second-order Nedelec ele-ments.

For the construction of the rational Arnoldi basis we have usedone, two, and three poles which have been repeated 1, 2, . . . , 6times, thus yielding a rational Krylov space with m − 1 =12, 24, . . . , 72. The appropriate poles are listed in Tab. 1. The nu-merical effort is dominated by the number of LU factorization stepsnecessary (one for each pole), and one additional LU factorizationfor the evaluation of the vector b = M−1q. Even though a linearsystem with A has to be solved in each Arnoldi iteration, the cyclicrepetition of the poles yields a remarkable saving in computationaltime (Tab. 2).

[Table 2 about here.]

[Figure 1 about here.]

[Figure 2 about here.]

[Figure 3 about here.]

[Figure 4 about here.]

[Figure 5 about here.]

[Figure 6 about here.]

4.2 Homogeneous Subsurface with Topography

As outlined above, our proposed pole selection method yields ratio-nal Arnoldi approximations which exhibit a uniform convergencethat is independent of the properties of the underlying spatial dis-cretization. Therefore, it seems attractive to include the air layerin the computational domain, which allows for the modeling of to-pography. The use of finite elements for the spatial discretizationfurther adds to this benefit, as it allows for greater flexibility inapproximating a curved air-Earth interface. We demonstrate thisby computing transients generated by a vertical magnetic dipolesource laid out atop a homogeneous half-space in the vicinity ofa morphological hill-shaped feature. The interface between the airand the conducting half-space shows a moderate morphology ac-centuated at the center of the plane z = 0 around x = y = 0 m.The hill has a height of 38 m and a circular shape with a diameterof approximately 200 m (Fig. 7). At large distance from the hill, theinterface between air and Earth is a horizontal plane aligned withz = 0. Fig. 7 shows the trace of the tetrahedral mesh from vari-ous azimuth and elevation angles. A comparison of transients ∂tBzmeasured at the plane y = 0 at the points x = [−10, 0, 130, 270]

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 9

m and z = [0, 38, 0, 0] m are plotted in Fig. 8. A distinct distor-tion of the transient signal is visible at early times in the vicinity ofthe hill. Snapshots of the magnitude of the horizontal component ofthe induced electrical current system J in A ·m−2 across the planey = 0 are given in Fig. 9 for times t = [10−6, 10−5, 10−4] s.

[Table 3 about here.]

Tables 2 and 3 give a breakdown of the run times requiredfor the different phases of the solution process for both numericaltest cases. The computations were carried out in MATLAB R2012bpinned to 8 cores of an Intel Xeon E5-4620 (Sandy Bridge) sys-tem (2.2 GHz). For the direct sparse linear solves we employed thePARDISO solver (Schenk and Gartner 2004) as contained in theIntel MKL. It can be observed that the computation of the rationalArnoldi approximant using formula (21) is negligible compared tothe construction of the rational Arnoldi decomposition (20). Theresulting run time is still far below the brute force approximation inwhich all frequency domain solutions required for the FHT trans-formation to the time domain are computed by solving a full finiteelement system.

[Figure 7 about here.]

[Figure 8 about here.]

[Figure 9 about here.]


We have presented a computational method for 3-D transient elec-tromagnetic forward modeling based on Nedelec finite element dis-cretization in space and rational Krylov subspace approximation forthe time integration. Once the finite element discretization in spaceis given, the method requires only the selection of a small numberof cyclically repeated poles which parametrize the rational Arnoldimethod. These poles can be obtained from Table 1 depending on thedesired accuracy or, if sparse direct solvers are to be employed forthe finite element systems in parallel, on the available level of par-allelism. The attractive features of our rational Arnoldi method isthe uniform accuracy in time independent of spatial mesh width orconductivity structure. Moreover, the cyclic reuse of a small num-ber of poles allows the amortization of a small number of matrixfactorizations over the generation of the rational Krylov space. Thisrepresents an advantage over previously proposed pole sequenceswhich are not mesh independent and require a new matrix factor-ization at every Krylov iteration. If iterative methods are used tosolve the finite element systems an added benefit is that the polesas given in Table 1 lie well separated from the origin, suggestingthat the resulting shifted linear systems are well-conditioned. Byexpressing the time and frequency domain problems in terms ofmatrix functions we have emphasized both the relationship of thetwo formulations as well as how both can be solved using rationalKrylov subspace approximation.


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Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 11


1 Trace of the tetrahedral finite element mesh on the plane z = 0 (a). Panel (b) zooms into the area of transmitter and receiver.The air layer, which has a thickness of 1000 m, has been omitted in the plots.2 Errors of the rational Arnoldi approximations of dimension m = 1, 2, . . . , 37 with respect to a higher order rational Arnoldiapproximation (m = 42) for all desired times t ∈ [10−6 . . . 10−3] s, where the poles used are those optimized for m− 1 = 36.3 Comparison of transients ∂tBz evaluated at x = (100, 0, 0) m extracted from a rational Arnoldi approximation of orderm = 13 and m = 73 (left and right columns, resp.) using 1, 2, and 3 cyclically repeated poles (top, middle, and bottom row, resp.)with an analytical solution, and the brute force solution obtained by inverse Fourier transform of frequency-domain solutions (14)for the layered half-space model. Nedelec FE of order k = 1.4 Comparison of transients ∂tBz evaluated at x = (100, 0, 0) m extracted from a rational Arnoldi approximation of orderm = 13 and m = 73 (left and right columns, resp.) using 1, 2, and 3 cyclically repeated poles (top, middle, and bottom row, resp.)with an analytical solution, and the brute force solution obtained by inverse Fourier transform of frequency-domain solutions (14)for the layered half-space model. Nedelec FE of order k = 2.5 Absolute error between the transient ∂tBz evaluated at x = (100, 0, 0) m extracted from rational Arnoldi approximationswith m− 1 = 12, 24, . . . , 72 and the transient obtained by the analytical solution for the layered half-space.6 Plot of run times in seconds required to obtain a rational Arnoldi approximation of order m for linear and quadratic Nedelecelements and one, two and three cyclically repeated poles.7 Trace of the tetrahedral finite element mesh used for computation of the transients: Perspective view (a), view from aboveonto Earth’s surface (b), vertical slice along the plane y = 0 (c). The air layer, which has a thickness of 1000 m, has been omittedin all pictures.8 Comparison of transients ∂tBz computed from a rational Arnoldi approximation of orderm = 36 with an analytical solution,and a brute force solution obtained by inverse Fourier transform of frequency-domain solutions for the topography model, Nedelecelements of order k = 2, taken at the plane y = 0 at points x = [−130, 0, 130, 270] m, and z = [0, 38, 0, 0] m. The 20×20 m2

transmitter loop source is centered at x = 200 m.9 Snapshots of the induced current system given in A/m2 at times t = [10−6, 10−5, 10−4] s taken at the plane y = 0 m.

12 Borner et al.



Figure 1. Trace of the tetrahedral finite element mesh on the plane z = 0 (a). Panel (b) zooms into the area of transmitter and receiver. The air layer, whichhas a thickness of 1000 m, has been omitted in the plots.

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 13

5 10 15 20 25 30 3510








order m



|| f

t (A)b

− f

t m || M

/ || b

|| M

linear FE, 1 pole

t=1e−6 s

t=1e−3 s

5 10 15 20 25 30 3510








order m



|| f

t (A)b

− f

t m || M

/ || b

|| M

quadratic FE, 1 pole

t=1e−6 s

t=1e−3 s

5 10 15 20 25 30 3510








order m



|| f

t (A)b

− f

t m || M

/ || b

|| M

linear FE, 2 poles

t=1e−6 s

t=1e−3 s

5 10 15 20 25 30 3510








order m



|| f

t (A)b

− f

t m || M

/ || b

|| M

quadratic FE, 2 poles

t=1e−6 s

t=1e−3 s

5 10 15 20 25 30 3510








order m



|| f

t (A)b

− f

t m || M

/ || b

|| M

linear FE, 3 poles

t=1e−6 s

t=1e−3 s

5 10 15 20 25 30 3510








order m



|| f

t (A)b

− f

t m || M

/ || b

|| M

quadratic FE, 3 poles

t=1e−6 s

t=1e−3 s

Figure 2. Errors of the rational Arnoldi approximations of dimension m = 1, 2, . . . , 37 with respect to a higher order rational Arnoldi approximation(m = 42) for all desired times t ∈ [10−6 . . . 10−3] s, where the poles used are those optimized for m− 1 = 36.

14 Borner et al.












time in s



t in




m−1=12 (1 repeated pole)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi












time in s



t in




m−1=72 (1 repeated pole)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi












time in s



t in




m−1=12 (2 repeated poles)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi












time in s



t in




m−1=72 (2 repeated poles)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi












time in s



t in




m−1=12 (3 repeated poles)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi












time in s



t in




m−1=72 (3 repeated poles)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi

Figure 3. Comparison of transients ∂tBz evaluated at x = (100, 0, 0) m extracted from a rational Arnoldi approximation of order m = 13 and m = 73(left and right columns, resp.) using 1, 2, and 3 cyclically repeated poles (top, middle, and bottom row, resp.) with an analytical solution, and the brute forcesolution obtained by inverse Fourier transform of frequency-domain solutions (14) for the layered half-space model. Nedelec FE of order k = 1.

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 15












time in s



t in




m−1=12 (1 repeated pole)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi












time in s



t in




m−1=72 (1 repeated pole)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi












time in s



t in




m−1=12 (2 repeated poles)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi












time in s



t in




m−1=72 (2 repeated poles)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi












time in s



t in




m−1=12 (3 repeated poles)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi












time in s



t in




m−1=72 (3 repeated poles)


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi

Figure 4. Comparison of transients ∂tBz evaluated at x = (100, 0, 0) m extracted from a rational Arnoldi approximation of order m = 13 and m = 73(left and right columns, resp.) using 1, 2, and 3 cyclically repeated poles (top, middle, and bottom row, resp.) with an analytical solution, and the brute forcesolution obtained by inverse Fourier transform of frequency-domain solutions (14) for the layered half-space model. Nedelec FE of order k = 2.

16 Borner et al.









time in s



t −



t| in V



linear FE, 1 pole















time in s



t −



t| in V



quadratic FE, 1 pole















time in s



t −



t| in V



linear FE, 2 poles















time in s



t −



t| in V



quadratic FE, 2 poles















time in s



t −



t| in V



linear FE, 3 poles















time in s



t −



t| in V



quadratic FE, 3 poles







Figure 5. Absolute error between the transient ∂tBz evaluated at x = (100, 0, 0) m extracted from rational Arnoldi approximations with m − 1 =12, 24, . . . , 72 and the transient obtained by the analytical solution for the layered half-space.

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 17

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 800







order m



e in


1 pole (lin. FE)

2 poles

3 poles

1 pole (quad. FE)

2 poles

3 poles

Figure 6. Plot of run times in seconds required to obtain a rational Arnoldi approximation of order m for linear and quadratic Nedelec elements and one, twoand three cyclically repeated poles.

18 Borner et al.




Figure 7. Trace of the tetrahedral finite element mesh used for computation of the transients: Perspective view (a), view from above onto Earth’s surface (b),vertical slice along the plane y = 0 (c). The air layer, which has a thickness of 1000 m, has been omitted in all pictures.

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 19











time in s



t in




Comparison against brute−force half−space solution


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi











time in s



t in




Comparison against brute−force half−space solution


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi













time in s



t in




Comparison against brute−force half−space solution


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi













time in s



t in




Comparison against brute−force half−space solution


Brute Force

Rational Arnoldi

Figure 8. Comparison of transients ∂tBz computed from a rational Arnoldi approximation of order m = 36 with an analytical solution, and a brute forcesolution obtained by inverse Fourier transform of frequency-domain solutions for the topography model, Nedelec elements of order k = 2, taken at the planey = 0 at points x = [−130, 0, 130, 270] m, and z = [0, 38, 0, 0] m. The 20×20 m2 transmitter loop source is centered at x = 200 m.

20 Borner et al.




Figure 9. Snapshots of the induced current system given in A/m2 at times t = [10−6, 10−5, 10−4] s taken at the plane y = 0 m.

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 21


1 Table of parameters for building a rational Krylov space for approximating f t(z) = exp(−tz) for all t ∈ [10−6, 10−3]and z ∈ [0,∞]. The column on the left corresponds to the dimension of the rational Krylov space minus 1. Each cell gives (anapproximation for) the achievable uniform approximation error of f t(z) for all t and z, with the required cyclically repeated polesshown in brackets.2 Summary of runtimes for the layered half-space model, which consists of 24,582 tetrahedra.3 Summary of runtimes for the topography model, which consists of 28,849 tetrahedra.

22 Borner et al.

Table 1. Table of parameters for building a rational Krylov space for approximating f t(z) = exp(−tz) for all t ∈ [10−6, 10−3] and z ∈ [0,∞]. The columnon the left corresponds to the dimension of the rational Krylov space minus 1. Each cell gives (an approximation for) the achievable uniform approximationerror of f t(z) for all t and z, with the required cyclically repeated poles ξj shown in brackets.

m− 1 error (1 repeated pole) error (2 repeated poles) error (3 repeated poles)

12 1.71e-02 2.39e-03 2.39e-03(-5.66e+04) (-1.26e+04, -7.88e+05) (-8.17e+03, -1.70e+05, -9.99e+05)

24 9.64e-04 1.33e-05 1.42e-05(-1.13e+05) (-2.52e+04, -2.56e+06) (-8.36e+03, -2.41e+05, -5.23e+06)

36 2.94e-05 7.45e-08 1.05e-07(-1.57e+05) (-3.32e+04, -3.88e+06) (-1.27e+04, -3.76e+05, -6.95e+06)

48 2.00e-06 4.87e-10 8.86e-10(-2.14e+05) (-4.59e+04, -5.00e+06) (-2.06e+04, -4.23e+05, -1.23e+07)

60 1.02e-07 2.63e-12 6.88e-12(-2.69e+05) (-5.40e+04, -6.30e+06) (-2.60e+04, -5.34e+05, -1.38e+07)

72 3.82e-09 2.11e-14 5.66e-14(-3.14e+05) (-6.35e+04, -7.58e+06) (-2.60e+04, -6.73e+05, -1.96e+07)

m− 1 error (4 repeated poles)

12 2.29e-03(-7.04e+03, -3.35e+04, -7.61e+05, -7.61e+05)

24 1.21e-05(-1.04e+04, -4.08e+04, -1.37e+06, -5.36e+06)

36 6.74e-08(-2.76e+04, -4.08e+04, -2.45e+06, -6.51e+06)

48 5.08e-10(-2.76e+04, -6.02e+04, -2.98e+06, -9.62e+06)

60 2.85e-12(-4.08e+04, -7.32e+04, -4.41e+06, -9.62e+06)

72 2.23e-14(-3.35e+04, -1.08e+05, -5.36e+06, -1.17e+07)

Three-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Modeling Using Rational Krylov Methods 23

Table 2. Summary of runtimes for the layered half-space model, which consists of 24,582 tetrahedra.

Nedelec order k = 1 k = 2

Problem size N = 27, 623 N = 152, 078

Brute-force solution 66.36 s 739.14 sConstruction of decomposition (20) for threepoles repeated 12 times

3.9 s 38.62 s

Evaluation of formula (21) 0.05 s 0.08 s

24 Borner et al.

Table 3. Summary of runtimes for the topography model, which consists of 28,849 tetrahedra.

Nedelec order k = 2

Problem size N = 181, 302

Brute-force solution 899.4 sConstruction of decomposition (20) for three poles repeated 12 times 44.86 sEvaluation of formula (21) 0.09 s

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