three steps to rapid innovation - en garde rapid innovation program, designed to ... ideas undergo...

Post on 20-Mar-2018






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three steps to rapid innovation

An outstanding service by EN GARDE Design Company

Let’s solve business challenges by creating a startup spirit within your corporate environment.With ºorbit, EN GARDE has created a three-day rapid innovation program, designed to help corporations succeed in a world where the need for breakthrough products and services is constantly growing.

What is the goal of ºorbit?

ºorbit has been designed to identify business needs while simultaneously reducing risks and minimising unnecessary steps. For an idea to become an innovation, both your organisation and your customers have to buy it. We can help you solving problems faster by combining logical business thinking and creative design thinking.

We will unite teams of professionals from different areas of your company with the highly skilled interdisciplinary think tank of EN GARDE, both sharing a common ambition – the future of your business.

Two or more teams will be exposed to a high-pressure environment, in order to generate diverse ideas your organisation and customers will benefit from.


Corporate Organization

Comfort Zone



Customer Care


We will unite a team of professionals from different areas of your company

Innovation Planet

With a highly skilled interdisciplinarydesign team of EN GARDE

To solve a defined challenge in just three days

Innovation Planet

Three steps to rapid innovation

To bring the future into the present, it takes a clear vision, openness to experimentation and a great deal of passion. The ºorbit program focuses on what drives meaningful innovation, thus allowing for rapid solutions for complex business challenges.


We define the challenge

The program begins with a summary of the issues which is prepared by EN GARDE in close collaboration with you. You decide which problems we will approach together. We cover a broad spectrum: marketing, business, application and system innovation, brand and product innovation, as well as improving customer retention or mastering the challenge of reaching new market segments.

We create ideas and reflect on them

Over the next three days, the EN GARDE design and innovation team together with you will experiment with ideation, testing and finding solutions for your challenge.


We bring it to the marketThe outcome of our three-day workshop will be presented by us. The best proposals will be forwarded to you to be discussed internally for further evaluation. Once you have decided which proposal you want to adopt, EN GARDE can assist you in the implementation process and in just a few weeks, generate an MVP (minimum viable product) as well as a potential alpha release.


What will your three days at ºorbit look like?

Day one of ºorbit takes all collected data and ideas into consideration and dives deeply into your industry. Two or more teams are created, and our ideas undergo guerilla testing in the streets.

º1 Doing this at such an early stage allows us to evaluate which ideas we want to proceed with. One of the most important innovation principles of EN GARDE is: “The best way to learn is to create something concrete.“

On the second day, the insight gathered on day one is re-evaluated within each team, and the next steps are agreed upon. Through this approach, EN GARDE wants you and your team to actively participate in a process where new products and services are developed. Consequently, we can remove unteasable ideas and focus on solutions that can make a difference for your customers.


On the final day of ºorbit, the teams are brought back together. Results are collected and refined, and each team presents their concepts and final solutions. EN GARDE moderates the whole process, evaluates and recommends which solution should be pushed to the next level of development.


What are the costs?

We don’t set a fixed price on our rapid innovation program! Each ºorbit session is tailored to your specific needs on which our offer will be based.

Why work with EN GARDE?

The work with our clients is based on our entrepreneurial spirit and the mission: Use your ideas to make people happy. We encourage our clients to change their perspective on challenges and broaden their horizons to create new services and products. We think and work in an open-minded setting, without restricting competences by silo mentality. With you and your team as our client, our focus is on creating and innovating your brand, products and services to offer the best possible customer experience.

Like what you have read? Drop us a line!

Write to us at, include your contact details and we will respond to you within 24 hours! Or simply give us a call at +43 316 77 34 360.

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