
Post on 30-Jun-2015






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ThriveTo bear fruit, blossom, flourish, shine

Week 1: Thrive Defined

The first week we will spend a lot of the time getting to know each other, Miss Hope and I will introduce our selves, share a bit of our story/ testimony, and explaining what thriving means.

Thriving means to blossom, flourish, and prosper. In the greek it means to grasp. ( I will speak about the importance of grasping what we will be learning and how to thrive we must grasp and know the truth)

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing with the girls how to become thriving, women of God. We cannot thrive or shine when we are insecure and believing lies, so this equipt class will teach the girls who they really are, and Whose they are. We will discuss how serious it is to believe the lies of the enemy and what freedom it is to live in the Truth. I will share a personal story of mine on how I lived 15 years of my life believing a lie about being ugly, stupid, and worthless. I have had serious break through-freedom and have experienced so much joy and peace because I found out the truth of who God says I am. Christ said he came so that we would have life and life more abundant! We cannot experience true abundant life when we believe the lies of the enemy, so we will dig up the lies the girls have hear and believed. I will be challenging the girls to seek after living a life of Truth, an abundant life, rich in love.

Scriptures: Going over psalm 139 ( how we were created in God’s image)and ephesians 4:1 ( we were chosen before the beginning of time, I will discuss how deeply God loves the girls and has big beautiful plans for each one of them!!


Week 2 & 3: Truth Vs. lies

This week we will be discussing the importance of knowing the truth. The truth will set us free from the lies we have believed. (I will share a story of the lies i have believed and how it affected my life. And i will share the victories i have had over them through Christ) I will tell the girls how the devil is a liar, he has come to kill steal and destroy: John 10:10.

He has no power over us. All he can do is lie. That is why we MUST know the truth, know who we are in Christ. Christ came and died for us all. He died so that sin would no longer have dominion over us; we are forgiven and made righteous because of Christ. I will share with the girls the Truth’s the Lord has shown me and expound on each one. (Hopefully I will have enough time to go over them all!) (: I will also share with the girl’s personal lies I have believed. And I will share the real truth about each lie. At the end I will challenge the girls to ask God to reveal to them what lies they have believed and how we can stop them now! When the girls come back for the third week we will discuss them. During this second week I will bring up some lies I’ve personally dealt with, and reveal the truth about each one!

Here are the truths we will be going over during week 2&3

- I am a master piece: Ephesians 2:10- I am created in God’s image: Gen 1:27- I am a child of God: romans 6:18- I am a friend of God: john 15:15- I am a citizen of Heaven: philipians 3:20- I have been given gifts and talents: romans 12:6- I am forgiven: ephesians 1:8- I am the apple of his eye: psalm 17:18- I am not alone, God is with me and for me: Hebrews 13:5, Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:6,

duet. 33:12- I am a new creation in Christ: 2 cor 5:17- God delights in my beauty: psalm 45:11- Because of Christ, I am free from sin: all of romans 6


- I have an inheritance the same as Christ: galations 4- I have the mind of Christ: 1 cor. 2:16- I am protected, watched over, and secure: duet. 33:12 psalm 145:20, psalm 91- Because of Christ, I am entitled to a life of peace: john 14:27- Because of Christ, I am entitled to a life of joy: john 15:11- I have direct access to God through Christ: john 14:6

Here are some of the lies we will go over during week 2&3:

I am ugly and unattractive:

I am unwanted:

I am a failure:

I am not smart:

I have no reason to live:

Ive sinned to much to be forgiven:

I am depressed:

I don’t belong anywhere:

I am not talented or gifted:

I probably wont ever go to heaven:

Being a true Christ follower is boring and hard work:

I have to do good works to come into heaven:

On the second week, we will talk more about lies and the enemy. I will explain to the girls how the devil is the father of lies. But our Lord is the father of Love and Truth! I will share other lies


I have believed and the victories I have had over them through Christ. i will have each girl tell me about the lies they have believed about themselves and we will pray, chat and shine truth on the lies. At the end I will challenge the girls to recognize when a lie is being told to them. We can do that by knowing what the truth is. You see, when you study and know and grasp what the truth is, when a counterfeit (lies from the enemy) come up, you will not believe them because the truth is what you know and have in your heart. I will talk a lot about John 10, and how Jesus speaks of us as his sheep, and only listening to His voice, not any other. I will share with the girls what the bible says about how we have power and authority over the enemy, and how we can say a big NO!!! to the devil. I will teach them about taking every thought captive and keeping our minds on things above. With each lie I list I will share the truth of each one with the scripture from the second week!

Each lie I will go over I will explain what the bible has to say about them and the truth about each. I will also share a story about some of the lies I believed. I will ask the girls if any of them have ever believed these lies and we will talk and pray. (:

Here are some of the scriptures we will be going over the 4th week:

the topic will be rapping up about knowing the truth about our identity in Christ and how we can use what we know. I will teach the girls how to apply the truths into our daily lives and show them how each girl is different, unique and beautiful in their own way. We all have different gifts.( which we will be discussing about each week) But we were made to seek and love him so it says in Acts chapter 17. I will be expressing to the girls the importance of knowing that they are the light and salt of the earth, they have a huge purpose, and how each girl can show love to the world and further the kingdom. But it all starts with knowing their identity. (:


1 Corinthians 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellences of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light

“That you may show yourselves to be blameless and guileless, innocent and uncontaminated, children of God without blemish (faultless, unrebukable) in the midst of a crooked and wicked generation [spiritually perverted and perverse], among whom you are seen as bright lights (stars or beacons shining out clearly) in the [dark] world,” philipians 2:15

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