thriller evaluation question 2

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Thriller ProductionQuestion 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media production portrays several different social groups all set around the 50’s. The male stereotype, The female stereotype and the upper class.

The Female Stereotype -

Eva is used to represent the female stereotype, or more accurately challenge this stereotype. Our character does wear expensive clothing but not hyper sexualised as would have been the norm for a trophy girl. She is also seen reading which means she is striving for education and challenging the stereotype of ‘dumb city girl’.

We had Eva conform and challenge the stereotypes of the woman so she could throw away the shackles of women oppression by the end of the production and leave the audience baffled and confused. We had her not conform to all the stereotypes so it would leave the audience wondering and on edge about the character.

The Male Stereotype – Our males represent the generic male stereotype at the time, they sported fine suits, lavish items, carried around guns to show their violent and had females as their trophies. We wanted our male characters to be very close to the stereotype so it would add impact to when our female character went against the convention of women.

When our first male character reacts to the missing female, or her going agasint her stereotype, we could see that he was clearly shocked as this would have been a very unusual thing for a woman to do as they were usually subordinate to men. We had our second male character act in a similar way as he simply just back off with out knowing what to do as a female gunman would have been incredibly strange at the time.

Upper Class – We used all 3 of our characters to show that they were upper class. They had an expensive place where they were staying, expensive lavish furniture, golden items and were wearing expensive clothes.

We wanted to portray the upper class as instead of a high and mighty super race filled with happiness which the lower class would of seen them as but as a grisly group involved in crime, distrust and unhappiness. We wanted to portray this as almost inspiration to the working class and to challenge the idea that crime pays, as it does give you material items but not much else.

We also wanted to portray the characters as upper class so people would associate them with greed and would do anything to get it.

In our production the upper class lifestyle is running out for the 2 main characters as we can see by his lighter no longer working and appearing to be only in 1 room the entire time, implying it could be a hotel rather than a house. We wanted our characters to appear consumed by the luxury lifestyle.

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