“tightening up your shoe game: ” engineering steam identities in urban youth

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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“Tightening up your shoe game: ” Engineering STEAM Identities in Urban Youth. Christopher G. Wright, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of STEM Education Department of Theory & Practice in Teacher Education. The Problem: Relationships between identities, learning, and context. Who are you?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Christopher G. Wright, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of STEM Education

Department of Theory & Practice in Teacher Education

“Tightening up your shoe game:” Engineering STEAM Identities in Urban Youth

The Problem: Relationships between identities,

learning, and context

• Think about and write down 5 “identities” of yourself.

• Choose ONE of these identities. Is it “static?”

• Choose THREE of these identities. What is their relationship?

• How does this relationship impact your “academic identity,” or learning?

Who are you?

• African American male

• Hip-hop enthusiasts

• Baltimore, MD native

• Sports fanatic (Go Ravens & O’s)

• Tufts University graduate (graduate)

• Hampton Univ. / HBCU graduate (undergraduate)

• Architecture major

• Urban educator / researcher

• Father

My Identities:

• African American male

• Hip-hop enthusiasts

• Baltimore, MD native

• Sports fanatic• Tufts University

graduate (graduate)

• Hampton Univ. / HBCU graduate (undergraduate)

• Architecture major• Urban educator /

researcher• Father

My Identities:

• African American male

• Hip-hop enthusiasts

• Baltimore, MD native

• Sports fanatic• Tufts University

graduate (graduate)

• Hampton Univ. / HBCU graduate (undergraduate)

• Architecture major

• Urban educator / researcher

• Father

My Identities:

Know the young people you’re working with!

Making STEAM Relevant

Take a look at your shoes…..

Concept Project: “How is your shoe game?”

• Students explore why different types of sneakers are used in a variety of common sports, and how engineers analyze & design needs in sneakers.

• Students analyze foot movements in a variety of sports, develop design criteria for a specific sport, & make recommendations for requirements for the sneakers used in that sport.

Bioengineering & Shoe Design

The STEAM in Sneaker Design

• What opportunities do youths have to communicate their connections?

• Can you create opportunities for youths do develop a design problem?

Moving Forward: “Authentic” Robotics

Christopher Wright, Ph.D.cwrigh48@utk.edu


Thank you for your time!!

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