time management and online learning

Post on 29-Aug-2014






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Time Management and Online Learning

By Rhoda Twist and Stacey Marshall

Online Learning Facts• 96% of universities offer at least one online class

• Over 5 million students took at least one online course last year

• Online enrollment grew by over 27% last year

Featured Topics• Some time management mistakes and how to fix them• Time management is Attitude, Goal Setting, Planning, and

Organization• Time management is prioritization • Poor time management has negative effects

-Procrastination and overcoming it• Helpful Tips

Time Management Mistakes and how to fix them

Mistakes• Failing to keep a to do list• Not setting personal goals• Not prioritizing• Failing to manage distractions• Procrastination• Taking on to much• Thriving on “busy”• Multitasking• Not taking breaks• Ineffectively scheduling tasks

Fixing the mistakes

• Goal setting• Get a planner• Use a Eisenhower box to

prioritize• Staying focused• Know what your time is

worth• Treat yourself to a positive

attitude• Organizing your tasks

Attitude is Important• Do not get overwhelmed

• Remain positive

• Convince yourself that you can achieve success in the online learning environment

Attitude and Self Motivation• Take charge of goals and achievements• Reward yourself for your progress and final outcomes.• Make time for yourself • Set realistic and achievable goals.• Concentrate and Focus:

-Improve concentration -Balance challenges and skills

-Stay focused with distractions

Goal Setting makes for a great start

• Five Golden Rules1. Set goals that motivate you

2. Set SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound3. Set your goals in writing and in plain sight4. Make an action plan5. Stick with your plan!!

• Visualize yourself doing and completing your goal

Planning & Organizing: Expectations

• Review the syllabus for each class you take

• Make instructor contact information readily available (e-mail & phone number)

• Write down important dates from the course schedule

Organization = Efficiency• Create mini-deadlines for course work - try to work


• Create a comfortable work environment free from distractions

• Keep course work from specific classes separate

Prioritization is Key• Course work comes first

• Learn to say “no” to activities that prevent you from completing course work

• Do not feel guilty; instead, get course work done early

Prioritization is Key • Use an "Eisenhower box" to help you evaluate urgency and

importance. This can help you identify and prioritize what needs your immediate

attention. Urgent Not Urgent Important

Not Important

Self-pacing is Crucial• Do not study for too long (roughly 10 minutes of downtime

per 1 hour of studying)

• Make adequate time for large assignments

• Look ahead at course work often to avoid unpleasant surprises

Procrastination is Bad! A wide array of studies link procrastination to personal behavioral factors, such as lack of motivation, deficiencies in self regulation, external focus of control, perfectionism, disorganization, and poor time managementHigh


Low Low Perceived skill level High

-How we feel during times of trying to complete a task and our skill level perception affects our mood when we face those tasks and can aid in procrastination.

Procrastination is Bad!• Short and long-term negative impact on academic success

• Personal well-being: stress, guilt, and depression

• Do your best work: procrastination makes this impossible

Beating Procrastination

Ask yourself: What am I avoiding?

• Recognize that you are procrastinating• Work out why you are procrastinating• Adopt anti-procrastination strategies

• Beating it, do not become overwhelmed, stay organized, remain motivated, find good in every task.

Helpful Tips• Save your work often • Organize online course work in designated folders on your

hard drive (i.e. NURS397)• Back up your work: use flash drives and make printed copies • Get a planner and use all its tools• Reward yourself when you complete large assignments

Conclusion• You can be successful in the online learning environment • Time management is the key to that success• Set goals and develop your scheduling and organizing skills• Stay positive, self motivated, and focused • Beat Procrastination


• Degree Scout (Sept, 2010). Surprising Facts About Online Education. Retrieved from http://www.degreescout.com/featured/surprising-facts-about- online-education

• Gafni, R. and Geri, N. (2010). Time management: Procrastination tendency in individual and collaborative tasks. Interdisciplinary journal of information, knowledge, and management, Vol 5, 115-125. http://ijikm.org/Volume5/IJIKMv5p115-125Gafni448.pdf

• Mind tools (2011). Time Management Beat Work Overload. Be More Effective. Achieve More. Retrieved from

http://www. mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN_HTE.htm• Northam, S. (October, 2005). Tips for time management with online learning.

Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 9, (3) [Online]. Available at http://ojni.org/9_3/northam.htm

• Yager, J. and Thorph M. J. (June, 2011). Time management for online learners. Retrieved from http://www.elearners.com/projectworkingmom/resources/be-an- online-student/time-management-for-online-learners/

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