time travelling

Post on 07-Jan-2016






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Scientific Theory. Time Travelling. Things You Need To Know. Dimensions Quantum Mechanics Parallel universes String Theory CERN. Dimensions – 2D. Dimensions Quantum Mechanics Parallel universes String Theory CERN. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


TIME TRAVELLINGScientific Theory

Things You Need To Know

1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

Dimensions – 2D1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

René Descartes System

We are able to determine the position of any point on the plan by it’s distance from the axes.

Dimensions – 3D1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

Classical Physics Dimensions

We are able to determine the position of any point on the plan by it’s distance from the axes.

Dimensions – 4D1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

Dimensions – Relativity1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN


Dimensions – Space Time1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

Space-time Bends Around The Earth

Dimensions – Space Time1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

Light Bends Around The Sun

Quantum Mechanics– Schrödinger equation

1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

Where ’Ψ’ is the wave function of the quantum system ’i’ is the imaginary unit

‘ħ’ is the reduced Planck constant‘Ĥ’ is the Hamiltonian operator

Quantum Mechanics– Schrödinger equation

1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

The electron of the hydrogen atom is at 2 different places at the same instant.

Described by Schrödinger equation.

Quantum Mechanics – Probability1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

“Nothing is true everything is permitted”- Altair

Quantum Mechanics – Schrödinger Cat

1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

The Cat is alive or died(BUT NOT BOTH)

Parallel Universe1. Dimensions2. Quantum Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN


String Theory1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

String theory : Theory Of Everything

String Theory1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

1. Matter2. Molecular structure (atoms)3. Atom (protons, neutrons, electrons)4. Quarks5. Strings

String Theory – Space time Dimensions1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

There are 6 Types of String theory..

String Theory – moving between parallel universe 1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

Parallel universes theory VS. String Theory

CERN1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

Large Hadrons Collider

CERN1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

What is happening in CERN ?

CERN1. Dimensions2. Quantum

Mechanics3. Parallel universes4. String Theory5. CERN

The Nobel Prize in Physics should go to the physicist who did not discover a new particle that year !

- J. Robert Oppenheimer “1980s”


We can not travel back in time,but who knows if we can or can

not travel to the future.


Thank you for listening

Resources Physics Of The Impossible “Michio Kaku”. ديريك – موريس الكم ميكانيكا مبادئ Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell Young & Freedman University Physics 13th Edition www.cern.ch

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