tips and encouragement for formal recruitment

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Tips and Encouragement For Formal RecruitmentFrom: Sorority Women To You!

Sarah O.

Just be yourself! Like I said, what is meant to be will be.

Hailey S.

Don't hate the players hate the game: girls have to get cut, that's how recruitment works, your life is not over because you were dropped from your #1 pick second round (the majority of the time its better that you didn't end up there anyway). You have to remember that you want a bid from a sorority where they are DYING to have you- they will see in you the same things you see in yourself; beyond the hype and rumor-mill-inspired reputations your home is out there so put on a smile and BE YOURSELF!

Emily J.

Formal recruitment is a very over-whelming process but it is so rewarding to have a great sisterhood in the end and a home away from home. Just wear a smile and be yourself!

Lindsey M.

Take time to reflect before and after each round.

Be yourself and a house will fall in love with you!

Kelsey J.

Be you, don't be anyone else!! Don't try and pretend to be someone you're not.

Kathleen M.

Every chapter has a stereotype, try to block out everything that you have heard and walk through the front doors with an open mind. Just because one person may have a negative opinion about a chapter doesn't mean that they are that way.

Taylor H.

Find your home, get some sleep, eat BEFORE recruitment, and have fun! Some of these women will be your sisters at the end of recruitment!

Megan M.

Your letters do not define you, You define your letters.

I went from being dropped by every house except for one during Recruitment to becoming Panhellenic New Member of the Year. Do not let anything hold you back from joining this community!

Courtney B.

Don't focus on where your friends liked or what the recruitment group thinks is the "best" house, it's about what you like. Remember these girls who you consider to be your best friends at school, you've only known for a few weeks. Choosing a sorority is a lifelong decision and commitment and it will shape who you are.

Madison M.

As I've gotten older, I have realized that a sorority made my entire college experience super enjoyable, and even though it is a huge part of my life, it's important to remember why you're at school. It's not to be Greek. Don't get distracted and major in sorority and minor in nursing or business or journalism or whatever you've chosen. Find your balance once you get your bid. Have fun! Don't forget to, but you can't have fun once you're academically dismissed from school. (Haha)

Kelsey B.

Go into recruitment with an open mind. Don't use other people's opinions of the sororities. Use your best judgment and chose a sorority where you feel like you can be yourself. Who cares if they are labeled as the partiers, nerds, or preppy brats? If you feel like you belong there, that's most likely where you belong.

Hannah E.

Always stay positive

Don't be afraid to be open

Everyone is nervous

They'll love you

Alyssa P.

Be yourself and everything happens for a reason! Worst case, you can rush again the next year but there is always somewhere you will belong even if it's not the "hottest house on campus" or the super popular girls that you envisioned yourself at. You may even be glad you don't get your first choice - I sure was!

Emily M.

CALM DOWN!!!! We're all nervous. This is tough from both sides. But, its also thrilling, hilarious, engaging, eye-opening, humbling, and loving. It will go by entirely too fast, so have fun with your friends and hold on. Before you know it, you'll be Greek!

Brittany H.

Try to avoid talking about boys/booze/parties during any of your recruitment rounds. Even if a sister talks about any of those subjects, try to gently steer her away from it without giving any info. These are subjects that raised a red flag to us when choosing new members. We wanted girls interested in sisterhood and philanthropy, not those interested in alcohol and fraternity boys.

Also, don't wear an outfit that you're unsure of. You won't feel as confident and it will probably show that you're a little unsure of yourself. Club attire is a huge no-no! I promise they won't be interested in seeing your *ahem* assets, but rather, they'll want to see your personality shine through your outfit choice! If all of their attention is on your clothes, they may not pay enough attention to your conversation, which means you may be forgotten (and no one wants that!).

Haley L.

Have fun and enjoy every minute of it! It will be over in a blink!

Christina D.

Be yourself. Do not give off this cool image if you are trying very hard to get into a certain house. If you cannot be yourself during recruitment, how can you be yourself for the next years with these sisters. If you love Harry Potter, bring that up in interest conversations. Let them know what you like to do so they can find something to relate to. It will make a very easy connection.

Don’t be upset if you don’t get your top houses. There are so many girls who don’t get the houses they want and end up dropping out of rush altogether. This is a huge mistake because not everyone can get in the “hot houses” but there are other great houses too. There is no such thing as a "hot house" when it comes to a strong sisterhood bond. Remember, those girls asked you back because they see their sorority values and strong potential in you.

Amber D.

Be yourself, everyone is nervous.

Briana W.

Don't be afraid. Breathe and relax. Don't try to end up in one chapter just because your friends like that one the best. You will still be friends even if you're in completely different chapters. Go where you think you feel the most comfortable and at home.

Cassidy C.

Be yourself. One sorority might be "the popular one" that all the girls want during recruitment, but if they don't align with you morally, you will not enjoy the full experience.

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