tips when buying used items

Post on 26-Jan-2015






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Buying second hand items can really save you a lot of money but being a smart shopper can give you more savings and help you avoid problems in the future.


Tips when buying

used items

Buying used items is a great option for those who are trying to save up on money as most of 2nd hand items are cheaper, prices are negotiable, and you can easily find them – they are at pawnshops, garage sales, flea market and even online.

Try to get the items for free first

• There are a couple of things you can consider asking your friends and relatives first before considering buying them such as books, old clothes, unused cookware, and more.

Know that there are always too good to be true items

There may be a lot of second hand items for sale that may seem very cheap and affordable but in the end, they might be a cause of a bigger trouble.

Do your homework

Doing a research can help you get all available secondhand items for sale in your area which can help you get the best item and the best price.

Bring an expert with you

Getting help from a friend who knows more about certain things can help you avoid buying secondhand items that might end up as headache.

Always negotiate

You can always negotiate with the seller about lowering down a couple of hundreds (which will be converted as more savings for you).

Don’t overdo it

Always be sure that what you buy is something that you need or something that you can actually use as you don’t want to end up with clutters in your house. Also, know that even though you can get a lot of savings by buying used items, if you overdo it and buy too much of everything, you can still end up with a financial problem.

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