tisha marion us history timeline

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Tisha MarionCoach Buck3rd Period

1862 1863 1864

Homestead Act passed with congress offering 160 acres in the west to families willing to move out there

African Americans known as “Exodusters” move west from the deep south in conclusion to the Homestead Act.

Sand Creek Massacre occurs in the great plains region as U.S. troops are ordered by General S.R. Curtis to slaughter a tribe of Cheyenne Indians for returning to their old reservation.

Soddy Homes- House made of stacks of prairie turf. Animals borrowed in them but the houses were fireproof and cheap to make.


Andrew Carnegie- Scottish immigrant that worked his way up through society and eventually owned the Carnegie Steel Company which at one point manufactured nearly all of the worlds steel.


From 1862 to 1900 nearly 600,000 families took advantage of the Homestead Act and moved West. These families were known as Homesteaders.


Tammany Hall- Democratic political machine in New York City led by Boss Tweed. Overcharged taxpayers for projects throughout the city so they could gain some profit.

Oliver Kelly- Started the Patrons of Husbandry to give farm families social outlets and gatherings and farmers co-op.

1867 18681886

Buffalo Soldiers- Name given to the all black regiments of the U.S. Calvary. Name was invented by the native Americans tribes they fought.

Sitting Bull- Leader of the Hunkpapa Sioux tribe. Killed by police after that believed he was organizing a group of Indians to overthrow the police and government

Patronage- Since the beginning of the 19th century presidents had complained about the problem of giving government jobs to people who had helped a candidate get elected.

18711873 1875

Long Drive- Cowboys transported cattle over a 3 month trek selling some of them along the way.

Ellis Island- Immigration station in New York City. One of the largest stations in the U.S.. Mostly Europeans passed through here. Immigrants had to pass a series of health exams to be admitted into the country.

Greenbacks- Political party established in 1874 that supported the production and use of government issued currency.

Credit Mobilier- A scandal in 1872 which the Union Pacific Railway sold stock to politicians in return for favors.

Urbanization- There was a sudden growth in population of the large cities as people moved there to live for cheaper.

Andrew Carnegie- Single handedly relayed messages that unsnarled a tangle of freight and passenger trains. He was the first industrial moguls to make his own fortune.


Alexander Graham Bell- Inventor of the telephone

Chief Joseph- leader of the Nez Perce tribe that surrendered to the US in Montana.


George Eastman-

American inventor that invented the Kodak camera, a camera using flexible film that could easily be unloaded and the pictures be developed

Thomas Edison- Famous inventor and developer of the first research lab. He also developed the light bulb and spreading electricity throughout the nation.

Nez Perce- tribe of native Americans in the pacific northwest. The tribe battled but eventually surrendered to the US Calvary in 1877 marking the somewhat end to battles between natives and the US government.

Telephone- Device invented to verbally speak with someone a long distance away through a headset.


Jim Crow Laws-

Segregation laws passed to deny African Americans of their rights and separate them from whites.


Karl Marx- German Philosopher that opposed socialism and communism. He believed the working class and poor should help control society this method was known a Marxism.

Poll tax- Requirement to voters stating they had to pay an annual tax in order to vote. Most blacks were too poor to afford this


Literacy Test-

There were many voting restrictions in the period of time. Most states denied blacks the right to vote . Some states even required a literacy test to see how well someone could read which would determine if they could vote or not.


Ragtime- A style of music that combined African Americans spiritual tunes and European which was loud and promoted dancing freely. This lead to many other types of music.

William Randolph Hearst-

Wealthy businessman that owned multiple major newspapers and printed exaggerated tales to attract readers.


Gilded Age-

Era of post civil war time that saw a rapid of growth in the economy and population. One of the biggest jumps in American History.

Robber Baron- Term used for wealthy businessmen who unethically and immorally obtained their wealth.


Grange- Also known as Patrons of Husbandry. Made to set up coops and support railroad conditions to rural farm communities.

William Jennings Bryan-

Nebraska Congressman that delivered the famous “cross of gold speech” and also ran for President in the democrats in 1896.

Haymarket Affair- In an 1886 worker strike in Chicago an unknown person threw a dynamite bomb at a police force killing 8 people.


Graft- Illegal use of political influence to make money. Politicians would overcharge for projects.

Jane Adams-

most prominent reformer of the era that helped turn focus to the care of children and welfare.


Debt Peonage- A system that forcing workers, mainly Mexicans, into slavery in order to pay off their debt to an employer.

Vaudeville- A very popular theaters in which people of all ages could go watch a play or show or an act for entertainment.


Mail-order catalog-

Business began offering goods to customers through a catalog in which the US mail system would ship the good to every single home. This was a major stepping stone and very popular.

Plessy vs. Ferguson-

U.S. Supreme court decision that rules that separation of blacks in public places was legal.

William McKinley-

Republican nominee for President in 1896 who supported the gold system for the early parts of his campaign. Won presidency as the 25th president.



W.E.B. Dubois- First African American to receive a doctorate at the university of Harvard


John D. Rockefeller-

Established an oil company, joined with competing companies and trust agreements.

Monopoly- United States of Steel was one of the most common companies to form a monopoly.


Orville and Wilbur Wright-

American inventor s that invented the first powered aircraft which successfully took flight in 1903. This was the birth of the “Airplane”

Bibliography (work cited)

• http://www.jrcompton.com/family/Clare/history.html

• http://www.google.com/imgres?q=soddy+home

• avikatz.net

• stratamaxgames.com

• visitingdc.com

• www.google.com/images

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