title: how to deal with guilt text: hebrews 4:12-16 theme: the believer should approach god with the...

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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TITLE: How to Deal with Guilt

TEXT: Hebrews 4:12-16

THEME: The believer should approach God with the weakness He reveals

Addictive behaviors start with a moment of weakness and a single choice that has a core belief that this thing I

crave and desire is somehow good for me

Core Beliefs of Addictions

• For the drug addict it is the belief or compulsion that this high will free me from my pain or emptiness in life and is therefore good for me.

Core Beliefs of Addictions

• For the alcoholic it is the belief that the drunken state that numbs me to my pain and insecurity is somehow good for me.

Core Beliefs of Addictions

• For the sex addict it is the belief that this sexual affair or these sexual images that temporarily fill my relational emptiness and insecurities are somehow better than the long term efforts of a real relationship.

The only truly good life is the one that God offers

to us.

How does the Word of God empower us to find the rest God desires for


I. It penetrates our hearts to make us aware

of our innermost thoughts. (12)

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

I. It penetrates our hearts to make us aware of our innermost

thoughts. (12)

A. It is Living and Active

I. It penetrates our hearts to make us aware of our innermost

thoughts. (12)

A. It is Living and Active

B. It is Sharp and Penetrating

Phrases describing the Words penetration.

• It is sharp for piercing.

Phrases describing the Words penetration.

• It is sharp for piercing. • It is sharp for dividing or


Phrases describing the Words penetration.

• It is sharp for piercing. • It is sharp for dividing or

penetrating. • It penetrates to the division of soul

and spirit.

Phrases describing the Words penetration.

• In Greek the psyche, the soul, is the life principle.

Phrases describing the Words penetration.

• In Greek the psyche, the soul, is the life principle.

• In Greek the “pneuma”, the spirit, is that which is characteristic of man.

Phrases describing the Words penetration.

The word of God scrutinizes a man's desires and intentions.

Desire (epithumeis) is the emotional part of mans intention

(ennoia) is the intellectual part of man.

I. It penetrates our hearts to make us aware of our innermost

thoughts. (12)

A. It is Living and Active

B. It is Sharp and Penetrating:

C. It judges our inner most thoughts:

Bill Hybels

Friend, nothing is gained by watering this down. Just say it like it is. You're an adulterer, a cheater, and a liar.”

Andy Stanley

• If you’re just a mistaker, you just have to do better.

• If I’m a sinner, that isn’t going to be enough. I know that what I did was intentional—it wasn’t a mistake. It was a choice.

How does the Word of God empower us to find the rest God desires for


II. It exposes us before God to whom we must

give an account.

Hebrews 4:13

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we

must give account.

II. It exposes us before God to whom we must give an account.

A. Negatively: Nothing is hidden. – The word for naked is the literal

word (gumnos). In the presence of God these things may be stripped away and we have to meet Him as we are.

II. It exposes us before God to whom we must give an account.

A. Negatively: Nothing is hidden. – The word for naked is the literal

word (gumnos). In the presence of God these things may be stripped away and we have to meet Him as we are.

B. Positively: Everything is Uncovered: – The other word is even more

vivid (tetrachmenos).

Uses of tetrachmenos

• It was a wrestler's word and was used for seizing an opponent by the throat.

Uses of tetrachmenos

• It was a wrestler's word and was used for seizing an opponent by the throat.

• It was the word used for flaying animals

Uses of tetrachmenos

• It was a wrestler's word and was used for seizing an opponent by the throat.

• It was the word used for flaying animals

• Sometimes when a criminal was being led to Judgment or to execution, a dagger, with point.

How does the Word of God empower us to find the rest God desires for


III. It creates an awareness of our need for a High Priest

Hebrews 4:14-1614 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin

Hebrews 4:14-16

16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

III. It creates an awareness of our need for a High Priest

A. Since Jesus is the superior High Priest our faith should be firm.

III. It creates an awareness of our need for a High Priest

A. Since Jesus is the superior High Priest our faith should be firm.

B. Jesus is High Priest who empathizes with us.

III. It creates an awareness of our need for a High Priest

A. Since Jesus is the superior High Priest our faith should be firm.

B. Jesus is High Priest who empathizes with us.

C. Jesus atonement makes it possible to approach God boldly.


1. Remember God wants the best for your life.


1. Remember God wants the best for your life.

2. Before you can experience it He must first expose you to the sin that keeps it from realizing Gods best- His word does that for us.


1. Remember God wants the best for your life.

2. Before you can experience it He must first expose you to the sin that keeps it from realizing Gods best- His word does that for us.

3. We need to devote ourselves to reading and learning Gods Word so can confess our sins and let God cleanse us from them.

I John 1:9

If we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse of all unrighteousness.

The leader of the Men’s “Warrior” Retreat

My shadow mission is to watch TV and lust while

the world goes to hell

Who are you are when you sin is not who you want to be?

It’s following a shadow mission, not your true one. So who are

you when you sin? A sinner. Not a mistaker, but a sinner.

Someone who chose to rebel, allowed themselves to be

deceived, and who willingly gave in to temptation.

Now who you want to be.

And not who you are supposed to be. Getting that is everything.

Because if you’re just a mistaker, then you don’t have any sin in your life. And if you don’t have any sin in your life, then you’re not a sinner. And if you’re not a sinner, then there’s no need to think about God. You can just

keep living your shadow mission.

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