titus 2 women girls’ all night out - clover...

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Dates to remember: Mar. 3 KidzJam & Jr Jam in BIG Church today - Children of the World Choir PC & Jr PC Kids @ 6:00pm Mar. 6 TeamKID Roller Dome 6:15-7:30pm, Cost $1.00. All Preschoolers must be accompanied by an adult. Mar. 10 Kidz Jam & Jr Jam SPRING FORWARD! PC & Jr PC Kids @ 6:00pm Mar. 13 TeamKID (chicken nuggets) Mar. 17 Kidz Jam & Jr Jam

PC Kids & Jr PC Kids @ 6:00pm Mar. 20 TeamKID (hot dogs) Mar. 22 The EDGE (bowling) 5:30-8:30pm Mar. 24 Kidz Jam & Jr Jam

PC & Jr PC Kids @ 6:00pm Mar. 27 TeamKID (pizza) Mar. 30 Easter EGGsperience Mar. 31 Easter

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March 2013

Volume 7 Edition 6


Little Flock (nursery ministry) Parents, please be mindful of our health policy concerning sick children. We can only allow well chil-dren in the nursery. Health policies are listed in the Little Flock brochure at the Welcome Desk. Thanks!

PC KIDS Sundays @ 6pm

Parents, mark your calendars for VBS 2013

June 3 - 7




Girls’ ALL Night Out

(*18 yr. old & above)

6:30pm March 8 - 8:00am March 9 6:30 - pizza; 8:30 - clothes/purse/

jewelry swap; 10:00 movie October Baby; games, snacks & fun all night! Breakfast wrap up at 7:00am. Sign up now at the Welcome Center desk or

on Facebook.

*Attendance is required at the Coffee and the following Kickoff on Mon. March 25 (6-9pm) in order to participate as a mentor/mentee/prayer warrior for the next six months.

Titus 2 Women a ministry of mentoring & encouragement

will host their 11th Coffee on

Saturday, March 16, 2013 9:30am - Noon

The House @ 1609 E. 9th Street A light breakfast will be served.

All women interested in participating in this enriching ministry are invited to attend.

*Childcare available with reservation.

Acts 17:11 The people here were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, since they welcomed the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.

In my world I am submerged into the middle of social media, technology, and yes one topping pizza. Students are the center of our culture. Parents, children, and all advertisement point to them. Because of this I am very connected to my cell phone. Cell phones can be a blessing and often a headache.

Have you accidentally called someone? That has the potential of being embarrassing doesn't it? Well phones now apparently have this feature called "airplane mode." I accidentally turned this feature on the other day and didn't know it. I received a call in the office during this time. The person on the other end shared that they tried to call my cell first and I didn't answer. As I looked my phone didn't show anything. I dismissed it, until I attempted to make a call later. My phone gave a message... "In airplane mode you can't call or receive any messages, would you like to turn is off?" How much had I missed? How long have I not been able to be reached? It wasn't until I attempted to call out that it even dawned on me.

How often are we in airplane mode spiritually? Nothing is coming in from God and we clearly aren't eager for it or we would have noticed sooner. This verse says be eager daily! Long to hear a message from God. I pray that we aren't guilty of living spiritual lives in "airplane mode." I pray church that we can have open (not closed) minds like those mentioned in this verse. Not sure if this is you... try to call out to Him.

Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength”. That is the scripture reference today for my daily devotion. It reminds me that in my own strength I often fail and then when I surrender my situation to the Lord he helps me through it. If only I would learn to trust Him first and to lean on Him in every area of my life. I am thankful for a God that loves me more than I can ever fathom.

On Sunday, March 3rd the Children of the World Choir will be leading us in worship in both of our morning services. They were with us 2 years ago and our church had a great response to their ministry. If you remember, we raised over $32,000 that was used to drill a deep bore fresh water well and build a church in the village of Las Palmares, Guatemala. In January 8 of us went there to participate in the Dedication service for both of these projects. I am praying that God will again provide enough money through our gifts to this ministry that we will be able to add on to their school and to the church. We have an individual that has donated money to build bathrooms at the church and I know that God will provide the needed funds to help this village of Las Palmares.

God bless, See you next Sunday!

Monthly calendar & articles of interest to women. Find it at



Hillcrest Church Family, it is always deeply encouraging to be with you and to be able to share. Many people make extra efforts to care for me, encourage me, and promise to pray. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share and for the generous love offering. We were amazed at how generous it was and at the timing. It meets a specific and current need as we launch here in Ohio. In the harvest, Patrick & Tara Lewis We are blessed to have such a loving and caring church family. You will never know how much your prayers, food, donations and hugs have meant to the entire Benson family. George really loved this church and you’ve always been so good to us - from the time we first became members through his recoveries on multiple occasions, and now through his funeral. Please continue to pray for all of us Frances Benson & family God has blessed us with your prayers, thoughts, and visits. Judy’s recovery has been felt by all the kindness of our HBC family. Brad, Judy, & Thomas Carter There are no words to express how much the prayers and concern of our dear church family meant during the time of Judy’s accident and recovery. The cards, calls, flowers, food and visits just verified for us how much love we have for each other. It is a blessing to have such wonderful Christian friends. Richard & Judy Keller

You can check out the list of new arrivals and book reviews on our website via

the MEDIA tab..

Book Reviews:

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire: What Happens When God’s Spirit Invades the Hearts of His People by Jim Cymbala - This book is about praying and being bold in prayer. Pastor Cymbala tells stories of his journey pasturing a church with no life in the beginning. He tells about miracles, not unbelievable ones but ones that you can imagine happening. The phenomena of Brooklyn Tabernacle is an amazing story to read.

Scout: The Secret of the Swamp by Piet Prins - This children’s book tells an exciting story of a boy, Tom, and his dog, Scout, in the Netherlands prior to and encompassing WWII. Scout and his master foil a robbery ring, save a British paratrooper trapped behind enemy lines, keep a Jewish girl away from German authorities, and help end the German occupation of their city.

Second Monday of each month 9:30am-11:00am

If you’d like more information about being a part of this group or volunteering

for childcare, contact Stephanie Boyd. Bible Studies

Wednesdays @ 6:15pm

A Perfect Mess facilitated by Suzanne Hardison, Room 210

Six Essentials to Spiritual Authenticity facilitated by Gail McKinney, Room 203

Details at www.hillcrestbc.net/womensministry R & R

Women’s Brown Bag Lunch Tuesday, March 26

12:00-1:00pm Fellowship Hall

He did not seem to fit in. His hands were calloused. He spoke with a gravely voice and his face was weathered. His appearance spoke volumes about his lifestyle and occupation. But he was there. Roy would attend each week, order the same food, and take the ticket of someone in the group without their knowledge. This group of men would gather into

the back room of the local restaurant to swap stories about life, hold each other accountable, and share prayer requests. Although Roy was not the typical, he attended each week to pray and fellowship. Quietly, he invested in the Lord’s work.

In a recent message, Clayton King shared this statement, “God doesn’t want to take money out of your hands, but He wants to take idols out of your heart.” Roy was a man of considerable means, but didn’t flaunt it. His quiet disposition was unassuming. In all his silence and behind the scenes work, Roy spoke volumes. He was a giver.

As I listened to Clayton, the principle of giving from Scripture kept shouting out this truth: “We give (or sow) not to get God to love us, but because He already does.” Here’s the challenge: why has God placed you in this body of believers? In other words, what is not being done that you are called to do? How will you sow into the kingdom of God for His glory?

How are we givers? There are numerous opportunities for you to “give” each week. If you are unsure, ask. From the parking ministry to working in our preschool, there is a place for you!

See you Sunday, ready for God to do something great!

Girls’ALL Night OUT - a place for fun & fellowship

March 8, 2013 Begins at 6:30pm! Fellowship Hall

Congratulations to Blair & Amber Ezell on the birth of their daughter, Sydney Joy, born Feb. 13. 2013. Proud grandpar-ents are David & Retha Ezell.

Hello Hillcrest!

We are finally here and getting a little more settled each and every day. We want to thank you for the extended welcome you have shown us. We thank all of you who prayed for us during the actual move. We thank those of you who cleaned the house, helped in moving and all of you who have brought meals. We thank those who have already had us in your homes or taken us out to eat. I pray we welcome all people with such love.

Living out of boxes for awhile is reminding us we are in the midst of a journey. Until our home in Georgia sells we will continue to live out of boxes. The experience has reminded me of God’s words to Moses concerning Israel. God said, “So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land flowing with milk and honey…” (Ex. 3:8) Georgia will always be special to us, but following Christ is of the greatest importance. Hopefully, sooner than later, we will be able to settle into a home here in Kentucky.

Faith is a journey, not a destination. We are glad to be on the journey with you and we look forward to where the Lord is going to lead us. Thanks for calling me as your pastor. It is a great responsibility and a great privilege. Let’s join together in praying for the Holy Spirit to be unleashed on this place that souls may be saved and lives changed.

See you in Sunday School & worship this week!

In Christ,

Began February 27 @ 6:15pm in the 931 Annex for the first 30 people signed-up.

This is not a "how to" be a parent. This class will be actually very minimally facilitated. This isn't going to answer how to be a perfect parent. What this is designed to do is to get parents together to answer the question, "How can I help my student to love Jesus more?" We are better together. This is the beauty of the church. You will be sharing and exchanging stories with each other in such a way that we all realize that God can and will use imperfect people to advance His Kingdom. I hope to see you there this coming Wednesday There is no cost, but we will provide you with some resources. There is a book and journal that if you want would be a great follow-up to the class. The class will be offered again if you are not able to participate in this offering or the class reaching its maximum number of participants.

C2 is sponsoring a 5K fun run in early May. This fundraiser will be to help the rescue efforts of a ministry movement called “End It.” Please mark your calendar now and be a part of what God is doing around the world. For additional info, go to enditmovement.com.

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