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  • 8/7/2019 TKZ ongoing


    '' ('' )

    '' Rabbi Shimon departed and fled into the wilderness of Lod and concealed himself

    in a cave he and Rabbi Elazar his son were exiled. There came to be a miracle of nature that happened that reproduced a special carob tree and a special springwhere water issued forth and fed them from the same carob and they drank from same water and there was Eliyahu of blessed memory who came two times every day and they learned the knowledge that man did not have in them. In the Zohar thereare new things to be written about the name

    Why start here in a cave and in exile? The cave represents the inner chambers of awareness whereby the light is drawn. The special food of the carob tree andthe water allude to the tastes that Torah offers to the enlightened in their studies. What did they flee from? It was the sense of the world all around them that is always there to engulf unless you learn how to retreat within inside that

    cave where revelation abounds.

    What did they study? They studied Torah with a special emphasis on Eliyahu who imparted to them new insights on Torah which is basically what this treatise is about. The central core of study in Torah is the unification of the name YKVK weshall see as we move along how this and related divine names weave in and out.We will not only unify the name but also the conceptual realities that are represented by the various divine names. We go pointedly from a wilderness where there is nothing into the knowledge that men did not have in them.

    This is to be called the Tikkunei Zohar about the seventy faces of Torah that R.

    Shimon bar Yochai made up about the word Bereishis in the secrets of Torah

    R. Shimon bar Yochai represents the conceptual reality of enlightenment. This is where the seventy faces of the Tikkunei Zohar will be coming. They are correction but more aptly put, unifications as we shall see.

    , R. Shimon verified these words before the Shekinah opened and said,

    So we have the conceptual reality of enlightenment brought about under the aegisof the Shekinah. Think of Shekinah as the connecting link between worlds between ideas and between each of these various interpretations that will be forthcom


    ( ),

    And the knowledgeable will be radiant like the bright expanse of the sky (Daniel12;3),And the knowledgeable of Rabbi Shimon are warned that they have been given the attached permission given to them by Eliyahu who is with them and with all thosesouls in the houses of study to bring down between them that which the angels (learn) are guided by secretly

    We are talking about Torah study and beyond that specifically those who are withRabbi Shimon have the permission given by Eliyahu to enter into these studies w

    hich heretofore have only been the province of the angels whose very existence is guided by these studies. Eliyahu represents the state of Consciousness that is active in connection above as the prophet himself was in earthly travels.

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    And all were given permission on high for all those holy names and for all thoseheavens and for all nicknames to detect to those hidden secrets each accordingto his level. And authority is given to them and to count and to detect those te

    n Sephiros those hidden secrets that would not be possible/for without this imported given permission to detect them up to the generation of king the Messiah.

    (Note: And it is the way of the intellect to rise above for this hidden knowledge.)

    As for the Zohar in the firmament he includes all the colors

    Consciousness encompasses all the brilliance of thought blending together in unity of expression. The Zohar indeed this Tikkunei Zohar is about that unity

    Both the heaven of Raquiah and the enlightened (scholars) are brightened by theZohar that he covered and hid this is Keter. The Zohar-brightness is Shakaquim(heaven) this is intelligence or Chokmah

    The aspects of brilliance that shine are contained above symbolized by this Raquiah or heaven that is the precursor of the heavens to come contained within or described by Keter the highest Sephiros. Shekakim emanates as a result of this Rakiah and is considered as Chokmah on the Tree of Life. These heavens are areasof brightness or discernments that recognize the unity above and below.

    The world is forever coming into being. The emanation of being depends upon thehigher influences; call it the primal will or first world or simply Hashem. Assoon as something comes to be from nothing it has attributes in relationship toeverything that follows from this initial appearance of being. All this occurssimply by way of reference. The unity between what appears and then differentiates remains constant throughout.

    Therefore all of the heavens come forth from the very conceptual reality of heaven in varying degrees of proximity in concept to this initial ideal heaven. The comparison to Chokmah on the Tree of Life demonstrates that this emanation is across the board throughout all the worlds.

    (The Zohar) in its brightness throws sparks with luminescence as lightning is totheir eyes this is understanding (Binah)

    This whole process of study via the inner illumination is alluded to here. There is the flash of inspiration and then the understanding which is the application of and the ability to chain down these upper meanings into the lower fields ofemanation that will be described next.

    .' .' .'

    Zohar whiter as the Moon this is Gedulah (Greatness). Zohar aglow red as Mars t

    his is Gevurah. Zohar that is glaring including hot green this is Tipheres. Zohar green as a star this is eternity (Netzach). Zohar including black and red this is magnificence (Hod).

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    Zohar that brightened for all past as the person that hit the hammer and throwssparks for all this side of the element this is foundation (Yesod), Zohar that is hidden and hidden.In the heavens Zohar brightened will be depleted by twinkling and from flashingas lightning to their eyes the Zohar brightened white as white. The Zohar brighten aglow white on white. The Zohar brightened aglow red as Mars. Zohar brightened luminescent including yellow as hot brightened yellow star. Zohar yellow st

    ar. And person {man} brightened aglow for all past as the person relied in thehammer and throws lightning for all sides so from this is the Zohar that glowsseveral souls that theyll be glowing all of them in the firmament.

    First Chesed or Gedulah is the opening overflowing the brilliance understood above in Binah and is entering into Zeir Anpin the next level of the unfolding of awareness. Tied to Chesed is Gevurah stark red in contrast evoking images of battle, judgment and restriction and yet as a stabilizing force to the overflowingof Binah.

    Tipheres the center of it all hot green a deepening as in the earth seen from space with richness and harmony all interwoven as one. Out of this green comes an

    other shade more metallic symbolic of a star in it shining representing victoryin the sense recognizing the triumph of good as an eternal state of being. Thisleads to red and black of Hod the magnificence of the realization of the unity

    of Hashem a level of being transcendent and yet all very much in its right place. The red and the black a contract of the spirit within man associated with blood and the black or darkness of chaos that we by our Torah study transform and transcend.

    All of the illumination then descends upon and issues forth at the next SephiraYesod where all is hidden and then reveal as in the sparks that fly from a hammer fly off in all directions. So too these illuminations that we will come across here in this Tikkunei Zohar are those sparks not only igniting those same fires of comprehension within us but also being responsible for the very words that

    are being read here or written whenever this occurred. This illumination is timeless and a part of the whole grand scheme of things.

    They are those literate souls because there is in them an intellect that all canrecognize to know the secrets of the Master all of them of illustrated recordsin the kingdom of heaven. As the stars illuminate the firmament. This is thatthey brightened in the firmament with the Zohar. What the firmament illuminates in him it also illuminates those souls that are in the firmament so lighting the throne

    Those sparks that are flying find their home in those who are ready to receive them, be inspired by them or feel moved to contemplate them. The secrets of theMaster have always been there since the beginning and as we study we also add tothose sparks that illuminate. Therefore as we illuminate and when we ourselvesare illuminated the end result is the same because it is all for the illumination of the throne. What is the throne? It is the place where Hashem rules forever and by connection we become one.


    And all of them abloom from the firmament. And this is righteous lives worlds which abloom souls of the righteous and lighting the moon and lighting as it is w

    ritten ( ) will give you Elokim in the firmament of the heavens to brighten on t

    The study of Torah extends into the world to come. The soul blooms with the kno

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    wledge of Torah explaining the process of enlightenment comparing it to when Elokim gave the moon to shine in the darkness as an example of the reflected lightof creation through which our studies in turn shine in the heavens.


    And he who is in the firmament above the living creatures about which is written


    1:26 above the firmament that was over their heads. And opposite heaven and obtaining the same main point and foundation of the chariot whereon stand the living creatures and throne of the chariot and it was said to me of them and righteous foundation of world on righteous that were above knowing the'' world cover, And on righteous that to the many exists the worlds that get discovered.

    Begin with the world of discovery. What are these worlds? They are the connections we make in Torah that illuminate our consciousness in one way or another.These illuminations take on the appearances of the living creatures; in other words they seem to have a life of their own however, they are linked to the thoughts that make these connections within Torah. The opening of a brand new world o

    ccurs as we go from level to level. Here it talks about the foundation of the world.

    The foundation of the world is based upon its renewal the coming constantly intobeing. What the righteous do is bring in those sustaining thoughts linked to Torah. As these thoughts chain together the world is literally born again anew along with all its corresponding dimensions of being hinted at by the creatures in the chariot.

    . They will identify the multitude from the same righteous of concealed depend what this is multitude those that we will say to the multitude they law are from side of the fathers that imparted quarrel less law as many of three this divine pr


    And from this (Isaiah 60:21) and your nation are all righteous and will inherit the earth, the earth that was said about her; (Isaiah 66: 1) the earth is my footstool. This refers to the Shechina, that includes Ten Sephiros and from that Israelites are called kings, righteous, seers, prophets, masters of Torah, heroes, kind hearted, knowledgeable, wise, leaders of the people. These are ten attributesto the Israelites for their connection to the Shechina.

    . . The permission is given to those souls of the righteous that is always with TheHoly One blessed be He and the Shechina to dwell in your (Rabbi Shimon) writingof the Zohar.It said (Proverbs 27:8) Like a bird wanders from her nest so is the man that wanders from his place, and the bird refers to the Shechina that is sent away fromher place and for that it is said (Deuteronomy 22:7) thou shalt in any wise letthe dam go, but the young thou mayest take unto thyself. That includes the Shechina of the lower level. The mother is the upper level Shechina. In Isaiah 50:1we read because of your sins, your mother was sent away. And for that you shall send away twice, one for the first Holy Temple and one for the Second Holy temple,in order to make true to the verse I am YHVH and my name and honor wont be given

    to another. I wont give that is Shechina below and my glory that is the upper Shechina. So the Holy One Bless be He wanders from his place, which is the Holy Temple.When it said YHVH is a man of war, it is for the need to wander because of the

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    sins of the Israelites.

    And more yes Moshe is a man who wanders from this his place Moshe has written and (Bamidbar 12:3) the man Moshe was very meek, that was loosed his spirit after

    them and more yes wanders a man from his place. Who is that righteous man? Hethat goes and moves. And roams from his place with the divine presence about that which was said (Bereishis 89) the dove found no rest.

    We know that the houses of the wise were decreed to be destroyed when the Holy Temple was. Every one of them got out of their place like the slave wish to be like his master. The secret of the word go out of his place for the bread and breadare the words of Torah. The slave follows the bread, his master, the Torah.The master goes out of (that) place to follow their Torah, the Light that guidesthem..

    . . . . . . . . . He who is entitled to merit the Yeshiva, merits the midrash, merits Torah. (Psal

    ms 84:4) As the sparrow has found a home, (so too) the words of Torah have a homein him. Instead of that name Torah she is the central column. the sparrow has found a home, (meaning that Torah is the central column of a home)

    And before this the center of the house of all the wise did not sound words of Torah to the end of his sword. Those with the sounds of the words of Torah in them are called eggs, chicks, sons; eggs are this with the reading (Torah study),chicks are the Mishnah (a higher level of study), sons are those with Kabbalah (deep secrets of Torah). .

    And on them and the mother we will say that they are the chicks or the eggs.That there is not wisdom to recognize the divine presence in those who have Kabbalah.And those residing inside of her chambers there with HKBH flourish with her wherever she thrives on a mission with all its migrations. But their wings chicks nointegrity Sephorim commandment which they mention the eggs, And before this it

    was said to them regarding the mother, the mother that was sent away. While he said in Devarim (22:6) and like the old saying. And all all then it is written you will take the sons The old man told him to take all the sons including the chicks before this it did not say just the sons but

    But did not say to take the sons.

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    It did not say blessed are you holy candle that is sure these sons must surelybe under the supreme or higher mother Chassidim, heroes, Sages Prophets and theRighteous.

    The Chassidim are the followers of Abraham on the level of kindness but not self

    -righteous his nest with his maker does he lodge.


    And this is the Shekinah and her nest is the house of his temple of his hotel and her Holy Land is together him and his house and there is not a hotel or a lodging unless for the person who repairs her.

    And before this it was (from the knowledge of ) the religion of mercy to Abraham

    Heroes from the side of the heroine

    Gives strength to the slave to conquer their master slave under master under mistress in the contact of Tefillin

    The meaning of this is that he doesn't have Tefillin while reading SHMA, the other side controls the slave and she does so in the world and at the same time irritates the divine presence there is this that is written (Proverbs 30:22) a slave who becomes a king, and that she can because she is the mistress that will reign.

    And so she is more angry at the villain (wicked) who swore on bread.

    . . That we will say in him (Mishlei 9:6 give up simpleness and live, walk in the wayof understand) that the bread he goes to is his bread.. That it is cheap in his plot and financing in the name of his plot. And he is not generous and he is notfrom the seed of the fathers that was said on them Psalm 47:10) the generous of the people are gathered.

    That after all/then cheap he {it} is poor the knowledge is other that not does good to my husband Torah to be holder in their hands And Torah without trustworthiness is not her Torah of Hashem.

    With Torah from the side of page of the middle in which at midnight of the nightDavid would to connect the same in the divine presence and it is she that calls at night (Isaiah 21: 11) Watchman what of the night?

    (Shemos 12:42) That was for the Lord a night of vigil.

    And for her we will say all that deal in the Torah the Holy Blessed be he by night he will attract on them string of benevolence that was said in their day (Teh

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    illim 42:9) by day the Lord vouchsafe his faithful care so that at night a song to Him may be with me.

    '' Contracts prophets from side of Netzach and Hod in which included two (divine )names (Yud Aleph-K-Daleth- Vav Nun-K- Yud ) that they in which eight letters versus eight books of the prophets.

    And prophets of years after all then ten versus ten counted as against him Ezekiel saw ten mirrors.

    Righteous from the side of the righteous

    , )For/on-all those we will tell (Devarim 22:6) you will not take the mother together with her children

    ' Those involved in Torah and observant name those three crowns dew hanging like grapes from YKVK in Eshcol to devote time there with Hashem with the Divine Presence as a person is alone with a girlfriend in his limbs to get good seed.

    We will say in them you will not take the mother from the children.

    Those that do not deal with Torah there we will say of them that they do not send the mother away.

    Including the name of the Lord gone from her nation the same as the son of man (they make no distinction)

    And more those that respect Shabbat and the holidays was said on them you will not take the mother with the children that act as children with Shabbat of the queen and with the holy one blessed be he {it} that he {it} the day of Shabbat.

    Who fulfills in him And if you honor it and go not your ways (Isaiah 58:14)

    This he (means by) honor your father and your mother. (Shemos 20:12) and so on

    Three worlds are

    Years respect heir inherits father and mother and the third Torah includes themin the estates (Binah and Chokmah are two worlds and Torah is Zeir Anpin)

    This is what was written for thereby you shall have life (Devarim 30:20)

    That is life in this world

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    This is the garden below

    And this world lasted a long afterlife

    On the ground that Hashem the Lord you G-d gave you to till

    And more those that tie the divine presence with HKBH that is in the contact ofTefillin was said on them you will not take the mother from the children

    Those that do not bind them it is said that they are as one who sends the motheraway.

    These and them as the Special Topics as one of the lower middle page Divine Pres

    ence Kiriat SHMA it is said their instruments did not take the sons mother.

    While these special topics especially in the Kriyat SHMA written about sendingthe mother away.

    Everywhere including here and including Chokmah the upper father the faith thatis Binah must be said here (everywhere) you will not take from the mother.

    Send, Send your mother

    This about which it is written (Mishlei 2:3) If you call to understanding.

    And in the upper Torah about which was said (Mishlei 1:8) do not forsake the instruction of your mother.

    And more those that keep the sign of the covenant eight days in the field.

    '' ' ' And those who maintain a sign Shabbos in his field (yud yud )are the middle of (

    the dual divine name ) the secondary that made that person is less than both.

    As it written you will not take the mother from the children

    '' Those who are every in the two signals are those that are the sign of Tefillin and covenant of circumcision

    And on Shabbat it is said do not send away the mother

    ' '

    And if you will say why does there need to be both in a person all day in orderthat will not obtain a divine presence it is that she is (like) a Yud from ADNYwill be discussed is like the Holy One Blessed Be He without his (Shekinah)whic

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    h compares to the Yud from YKVK and a person will need to visualize that this is not an inferior day that is obtained from both (being together).

    And if not upon him we will say (Mishlei 16:27) and a querulous one alienates hisfriend that isolates a his friend of the world from the divine presence.

    And she will say (Shemos 31:17) for all time.

    The covenant of the circumcision for all the males

    For this reason the Tefillin are female.

    ' The sign of the male covenant and secret of the thing (Devarim 40:12) who among us can up to the heaven (is contained) in the acronym of word YKVK and in the final


    The female he writes (Shemos 13:14) and it shall be a sign upon your hand

    And it was said (Isaiah 4:6) which shall serve as a pavilion for shade by day andback of her tongue is thatch for the mothers building

    Her flowers three myrtle and two fabrics bond together lulav

    Or the eggs are as the citrons each lesson one egg

    And those are that registered in them are written on them you will not take themother from the children.

    Myrtle dropping suggest the three fathers

    Two are sufficient of guarantee to the two prophets of truth

    .The righteous lulav is as the palm tree that flourishes

    The Etrog hints to the Shekinah.

    The Sukkah hints to the mother watching over them.

    " " " ' All then those eight versus (YAKDVNKY dual divine name) are on account of the Sukkah , the Samech as Heh, Caf as Vav.

    . These were the signs they wrote Keter, Chokmah that they take in sending away.

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    . That not oxen each other eight to be all enriched countability in all swinging and swinging of swingings of lulav and his sexes in all good deed and good deed.

    And on this is the bird hinted by the knowledgeable by the narration of the tale

    that the great Bava Batra Rabbah bar Bar hana was going on the boat and saw thesame bird the the sea comes up to her ankles and a bird here or one of those chicks from those eggs.

    Bird-like such as flowers and fruit that they finished from the bottom up

    Or six buildings that are from the top down under

    Upper mother that after all/then eggs from side of the lower mother they that sh

    e {it} is a swamp of chicks from the righteous side from the bottom upwards.

    . But he is only those chicks and just put up one page from the earth to the sky (heaven). The Sea that comes to his ankles is but Netzach and Hod.

    The higher mother is the sea that pervades the fifty gates and is the same chicken

    He is also the yud and the heh (or the five times ten equals fifty)

    Multiplied ten times is fifty

    . . Multiply all of these Sefirah counting five from Chesed to Hod. Yesod includesall of them and all this makes up the fifty. The Dead Sea below is the seat of Judgment.

    His bird the chicken is Metatron.

    On/about me them we will say (Kohlet 1:20) because a bird of the heavens will ca ( ) rry the sound of sound of reading heard that he {it} includes six days of the sand and controls on them and takes the same voice and flowers until the middle of the page

    ' . ''

    It is not water but is the Torah. It is the sound of Hashem in the splendor from the six above and the seventh is the same mother.

    , ( )' ,

    Prayer has their wings and deserves to live a righteous eternal life including blessings, (Mishlei 10:6) blessings upon the head of the righteous for eternal life.

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    ' , . , Prayer is talking riding on it, and a carriage with her weekdays. And this is the Shekinah, and this is the Lord.

    ' ' ' .' The sound of the rider in his mouth is YKVK. The secret of what is said is (Teh

    ilim 51:17) Lord open my lips , it is a carriage (chariot) to both likewise to the(dual combined divine name)

    And is angel on account of the two names combined as one.

    , . And this is called an angel because it is an interior minister. That by this messenger these are together as one as in the six days of the week and Shabbat , and as these two names that stand in the middle and the Shekinah, and together asone as his messenger and the righteous who live forever.

    We must say that the birds of the heavens will lead the sound of the Kriyat SHMA ('' ) .

    And their wings will tell of the enduring words of prayer.

    This is by messenger

    And before this (Mishlei 10:25) the righteous are an everlasting foundation..

    And in it those two names are together as one

    '' And on those two names it was said (Chronicles I-16:33) then shall all the treesof the forest sing.

    , , Answered the angel of fire from heaven saying, they are made of the chariot andthe angels gather to capture the joy of the bride and groom


    Welcome faithful shepherd is blessed there will be the holy candle saying thesethings, dedicated to HKBK and along with his divine presence.

    , Eliyahu the prophet in honor of HKBK and his Shekinah and arise with you the rest of the prophets.

    And {she} did in him nest in this and is the attached to him and for all the other camps that go from the holy blessed one be {it} and his divine presence

    , , To them one group let it be a rest for those camps of souls that go separate the

    mselves from the Shekinah who is single (as in ) Lamentations 1:1 lonely sits thecity

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    That guard the bird of holiness of Israel that is between them and the readers of Israel are a page in the middle.

    This is the SHMA Yisrael.

    After descending to her place.

    , Need to link with her and together they are especially the rule one without separation .

    Because that is who is talking meanwhile his offense is that conversation.

    ' '

    And why tie him with her you the Aleph with the Daleth including all four cases(the four letters of ADNY)

    , In order that there will not be a bloom from her and remains will only be whereshe sat in the breast.

    , For this reason tie him with her in several contacts of Tefillin and in severalcontacts of Tzizit that will not move from her.

    '' '

    And all contact is by the letter Yud. There are two connections

    , ' ,' '' ' ' ' They are to the head to the left arm and the Yud Yud from ' , YKVK, four cases ofin (Devarim 28:10)and see all the people of the earth shall see that the Lords name ADNY in four houses of Tefillin.

    ' 'YKVK which YKVKcheck the inside of Tefillin.

    ' '

    About the names of the head Tefillin and by a name of hand Tefillin

    , And this is the upper mother; we call it Tefillin of Adon Olam

    Tefillin on the head stand in the middle (SHMA Yisrael) the mother covers her wings are the Tefillin straps. And tie the same Israel in lower Shekinah of the Tefillin of the hand.

    , You could even say SHMA Yisrael it is a year old, this is the upper intelligence

    ' , , And on his name is called standing in the middle Yisrael a song to G-d

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    On the left a song of the song of the Levites

    ('' ) , 'On the right stand the Kohanim in the middle stands Yisrael which includes both.

    , Chokmah descends with the Priestly Blessing on the right in that it wants wise leaders.

    The mother descends with the Kedushas of the Levites from the left and its running will enrich the code.

    Both stand in the middle unified.

    Even so Yesod is the life of the worlds that contact in the middle of the page and the lower Shekinah.

    ' , ' , In which place in prayer in which is included life blessings and in it two namesYAKDVNKY stand together as one .

    And both names should be secretly attached.

    , And the secret of the thing Yekezikiel 1:25 when they stood still their wings wou

    ld droop, Yisrael standing in prayers stands as the Chayoths wings droop so as notto say it aloud.

    There was a deafening silence

    ,( '') Dedicate the holiness of the Amidah because it is the king before whom you stand.

    That after all in the big wind and noise and fire and that sounds in those wings

    did not come to the king.

    But/rather in the minute of silence vocally that she {it} is the other wind of noise of fire

    And she is a quarter (fourth) to them


    And on them said (Yechekiel 1:4) I looked and lo a stormy wind came sweeping outof the north- a huge cloud and flashing fire surround by a radiance, it is the t

    hree riding in three letters KVK.

    ' '

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    The silence is from the Yud in the midst of KVKY

    ' ' And will be the Yud from ADNY

    .' There comes the king that is YKVK

    ' ' ' ' That all existence is controlled on Heh, on Vav on Yud that female is the existence

    Such as a drop of female when the male drop controls

    Eliyahu came before them and they prostrated themselves saying...Sinai, Sinai whocan say things to your aspects.

    But there is silence in your mouth as the king comes

    Prepare Eliyahu dressed as Cohen ready for the King and Queen

    Prepare for HKBK four white garments

    ( ) , Four in the garments of gold to the queen, that was said (Tehillim 45:14 the royal princess her dress embroidered with golden mountings

    ' All four white garments named mercy YKVK

    And not those that dance (condone, desecrate) rather in nakedness

    ' Four in the garments of gold all of them are from the side of judgment.

    And no one is applied to idolatry.

    Instead of the slave the mistress dominates

    , , Just him yes his chair yes his clothing and in those who are dressed and those that are not dressed from now to the day the Bet Hamikdash was destroyed.

    ( ) About which it is written (Isaiah 50:3)I clothe the skies in blackness

    , And the Shekinah it was said about her(Song of Songs 1:6) Look not upon me that Iam dark, because she was in exile her seat damaged because of Israels sins.

    , For this reason he is entitled to her throne he who repairs his prayer by his mi

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    Then he was away because of the damage to that chair

    ' And withdraws there YKVK and there is no corrupted line.

    ( ) This is what was written (Leviticus 21:21) no man who has the defect will approach.

    So too the defective soul does not line up ' , Eligible is the one who completes his to serve him there YKVK makes him a chair at his place.


    And eligible is the mouth that joins in him HKBK with his Shekinah that she is the Torah of Yud Yud.

    ' , And eligible too are those that dress the queen in ten Sephiros in Briah included in the name of YAKDVNKY.

    Its name is its clothing

    . , ( )

    And those that are installed in him about which it was said (Song of Solomon 1:9

    ) I have compared thee, O my love, to a steed in Pharaoh

    s chariots, my wife thatshe is his chariot.

    , That on Saturdays and holidays the queen is dressed in garments of Malchus whichare the ten Sephiros of Briah

    , And on the sand wearing ten classes of angels use the ten Sephiros of Briah.

    , That ten Sephiros of Atzilus has the king in them

    He is one with each of those

    He is one with the life in each of those

    .. . , What is not so with the ten Sephiros of Briah they are not one with their lives.They do not have a life of their own.


    . And on high above all he decreed the ten Sephiros of Atzilus.

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    . And ten Sephiros of Briah. And in the ten wheels (circles) of the heavens.

    And changeless in all places

    ('' ) , Ezekiel the prophet established those are mirrors to the gardens of the Shekinah.

    , ( ) It was said by them (Yechezkiel 1:13) Such then was the appearance o the creatures, with them was something that look like burning coals of fire by the points of the Torah and the taste of Torah.

    The letter said that the animal figures

    (The appearance of the coals of fire are like the points (in Torah ,

    , A fire as the appearance of torches those are the tastes

    ( ) And in them (Daniel 12:3) and the enlightened will be radiant like the bright expanse in the sky and the enlightened are these letters.

    , . ,Be radiant these points to give as signs in the Zohar the indications in them

    And the Shekinah is included in all of them

    ( ) And she it was said (Yechezkiel 1:13) kept moving about amongst the creatures

    That they are creatures of superiority (higher) of the indications of the points

    '' , , And the lower creatures of points of the characters like this (Heh with three dots above) and they the segol are superior the top three creatures are superior

    are hinted by the YYY in creation of the boxes containing YHVH, YHVH, YHVH (Tefillin)

    ' And they YKVK was king (contain the king)

    ' 'And YKVK is the king YKVK will be king

    ' ' ' The face of the three higher creatures is Chesed, Gevurah and Tipheres

    ' ' ' , ' And the lower segol these are the lower animals with the face of Netzach, Yesod

    and Hod.

    ' ' ' ' ' '

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    This is hinted at in three priestly blessings

    The creature in the middle is called man

    , , Like this Heh she walks among the creatures which are three up and three down li

    ke this Heh (Heh with Segol above and below). , She is a fourth for all three and a seventh for six

    ,( ) , And the secret of the three lower creatures hints (Ezekiel 1:1)In the thirtieth year

    ' ' , , And the midpoint hints at the fourth that he was four faces of man the upper Chokmah Kaf-Cheth- Mem-H eh (letters of Chokmah)

    That we will say in him {it}(Ezekiel 1:26) image as semblance of a human form f ( ) rom above

    And everything secretly points to the Heh (with the Segol above and below)

    ' On the fifth of the month this is the sign (Heh)

    This is speaking about Ezekiel 1:1on the fifth day of the fourth month.


    That she is Elokim

    ' ' Restore the Yud of the name YKVK

    ' ' And so is Aleph the seat of the throne because of Elokim

    , And there is the upper crown of one fifth for four higher creatures and one fifth for the four lower creatures.

    And she is a throne for the master of every thing, she is a hidden cover for the , , master of all.

    .. And if you say this is what Yechezkiel saw

    Not it was rather just the image of the creaturesHe understands in part the working of creation visualized in these creatures that appear within describing a state of mind he is experiencing along with its revelation

    And not that he (actually) saw these creatures

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    The experience that Yechezkiel has is an inner vision, an enlightenment that hedescribes in this way.

    , ,

    But rather as a king who sent a bill signing and a portrait of the king is registered on a wax seal, the Sephiros of Atzilus is really a portrait of the king, t

    he Sephiros of Briah are the kings seal and the Sephiros of Yetzirah and the angels they are a drawing of the creatures in wax.

    We have to be actively aware of the answers within. The levels of Kabbalahs worlds are explained in terms of what is real and what becomes its image. Atzilus is a portrait of the king. It is the likeness of Hashem and yet is still not theactual embodiment since Hashem cannot be encompassed like that. Briah is the k

    ings seal stepping down the reflection even further and then in Yetzirah that isthe drawing another step removed still reflecting but more dimly it would seem.

    Thoughts mirror these levels of description in that the pure thought that is Hashem is something we get only by reflection or via the Shekinah. It is unified a

    nd yet as we all experience thought is composed of thought multiple and layeredand these levels of Kabbalah are ways to describe the multi tiered operation ofthought.

    And before this we will say in the mirrors Yecheziels image as semblance of a person

    , And the image of the animals, was not the animals really

    , , To all of those did not rightly see the king, and there was yokel so they spent

    asking of him on her suffering or on a paper portrait

    This speaks about how we often to not see the forest for the trees. The unity of transformation takes place through a synthesis of ideas of which the TKZ is manifesting step by step. Look for the real thing itself instead of accepting just its reflected image.

    , , And the whole world depends on the point under it, like the sun on the bottom, look for people under the sky as a kametz point is several times greater than (letters) all admit points of the Torah, about their height, and look us points. Thus far)

    This is to say even the smallest may become the greatest. In terms of thought especially the underlying causes are much more awesome so to speak than the effects they bring about. Imagine Moshe contemplating Hashem and then turning away G-d forbid to go after a lost sheep and then forgetting about that connection. It is a small intention that evolves into a great matter.

    , ,( ) , ,( )(Yecheziel 1:1) When I was in the community of the exiles by the Chebar river, this river (Daniel 7:10) A river of fire streamed forth before Him; thousands uponthousands served Him, Myriads upon myriads attend him

    ( ) ,

    The court sat and the books were opened (The river Dinur of fire ) continuously attracted and exited from and to their aspects thousand thousands will be used.

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    And myriads of myriads of angels will stand by their aspects

    , The judgment it is clear and books in him open

    That they opened three books in the new year

    And in it were purged the souls of the same river of fire dinur to free them ofimpurities

    ,' And this Metatron brought about the righteous foundation of the world.

    This same river Dinur of fire was from the side of Gevurah

    .Rivers that stream from the side of Chesed streams of water ,

    " And this he is on the river already. What is already.

    .. ' This Metatron stands in the middle of the vehicle

    ,( ) He (Tehilim 18:11) mounted a cherub and flew.

    ,( '')

    (2nd Kings 2:11) And a fiery chariot with fiery horses

    Including six hundred thousand chariots

    ' And from the righteous side he lives in the worlds including eighteen thousand chariots

    And this is one of Elokims thousands of vehicle that please him

    Placed with the deputy two thousand not secondary ten thousand they are all the , ten thousands of the thousands

    Tens of thousands twenty thousand

    Years they are not

    ' ' Remaining were eighteen thousand that descend with Metatron the customary eighteen blessings of prayer of Yisrael to raise the world, before them HKBK eighteen

    worlds the righteous foundation of the worlds

    .( )

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    And the blessings of the righteous are first (so far)

    ,( ) (Yechezkiel 1:1)And I was in exile called the Shekinah

    ' The heavens opened the five heavens on the second day

    'Five in the Heavens.

    ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' In which there was a vision of the creatures the source of which was in Yod KayVav Kay, (2nd Kay spelled with a yud spelled) Yud Kay Vav Kay (2nd Kay spelled with an Aleph)

    ,' ,( ) .'YKVK. And visions of Elokim the five lights of the first day.

    .Against five the first included five lights , '

    .( ) That he (by chaning the vowels under the five Alephs the kamatz-the tzerei, theholam, the hirik and the kubutz) the seal inscription Holy to the Lord

    This is according to different vowels under each Aleph.

    .' ' And all the Alephs is adapted for use in AKYK

    . , ,

    These points are of Elokim in which there are seven points three up and three down.

    A furrow is in the middle

    . And the heavens are one eighth to them

    ( ) That we will say in him (Bereishis 1:8) Elokim called the expanse heaven.

    Seven twinkling points (the points under and over the five Alephs referenced abo , ' , , ve) versus seven Maccabi far three here and three here chamatz in the middle four to all three, and seven to six.

    ' And she is in the form of a Cholam

    ' " , () ( ) In the those five and the (Vayikra 2:2) (Cohen )shall scoop out of it a handfulof its Kamatz his Yud " when he opened it in the five points his Heh'

    ,' ,

    Five fingers in which he opened a handful of Yudfifty gates of freedom

    ' , '

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    And characters YK on account of the Cholam that he placed in the middle and theHiriq on account of the VK.

    ' , 'And Vav the arm Heh the shoulder

    ' '

    Kamatz of Yod are the chapters of the fingers

    ' ' ,' ( ) And this he said (Shemos

    7:16) it means hand upon the throne YK and he hints atYKVK your G-d is YKVK

    ' ' ' ' And the five fingers of the left hand are Yod the chapters hint at Hashem Elokanu Hashem.

    In them strength'

    .'That we will say on them(Bamidbar 14:17) Let me Lords forbearance be great ' ( )

    ' ,' ' And so is not the aleph with yud hey or the aleph with vav heh, the strength

    ( ) That is hinted (Yiramiah 17:12) throne of glory exalted from of old.

    Immediately that they withdrew

    ,( )

    (Aikah 1:6)And they could only walk feebly before the pursuer.

    , , And on account of this with the middle deputy all said Amen the artist would begreat in the skies the characters annulling the verdict of seventy years

    , , , ,

    That they are seventy years, for twelve hundred years, destroyed the Temple andcalculated them from cancelled continually since the rank of Yaakov depends on the end of redemption, this is a real rank give written if he sign on to Yaakov, athousand two hundred ninety.

    ' ,( ) ' And he added that (Tehilim 145:18)The Lord is near to all who call Him to all who call Him with sincerity.

    ,( )(Tehilim 67:3) That your way be known on earth

    ( ) ' , ' , Although this land of a thousandrunning two hundred ninety to establish in them truth in the land will grow when there will be pressed on account of the land.

    Seventy years is the verdict

    , ,

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    Something else, the enlightened those are the points

    Those are points

    ,They will (let you know) warn of the luminous letters

    That they are round points

    Square letters

    ,,( ) , That in the letter were created four animals of the throne that was said on themin idea of Yechekiel(1:13) Such then was the appearance of the creatures that looked like the burning coals of fire, those are the points of Torah that they are nine.

    In which they were created nine circular wheels of the throne

    The chair is tenth for nine wheels

    '' ' ' ' That brighten in them ten letter they are YKVK.

    And in them they were created

    , ,' Four letters that are YKVK brighten in four animals in them they were created.

    . , ' And there standing true in the middle is YKVK

    And his Shechinah is the truth of Torah

    Whenever interpretations of Torah rings true the Torah student has this experience of the Shechinah which is how he knows the truth of whichever particular connection has been discovered or rediscovered.

    In her is created the throne of Elokim

    And this is in the beginning created Elokim

    ' ' . In the Torah that she firstly created the throne that is he Elokim. That is thethrone on account of Elokim


    , There is the Torah that was created the Torah of Atzilus.

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    ,( ) ' , Torah that is creation, YY (Mishlei 8:22) as of the first of his works of old

    ,( ) ' , And the Torah of the Atzilus Torah of YY (Tehilim 19:8) The Torah of the Lord isperfect

    ,( ) ,( ) ' And in it will be intact with (Devarim 18:13)Hashem your Gd its on the other saidabout Yisrael (Devarim 14:1 You are the children of Hashem

    ' And how do we know that the Torah of Atzilus is the Torah, it is standing by thename of Hashem

    ' ' , ,( ) But that middle (Shemos 3:15) is my name forever YK with 365

    ' ' '

    A token with the level of VK

    ' Torah because of the 611 (number it adds up to in gematria)

    ' ('' ) And you will be raised straight up in her six hundred thirteen

    ' And this (Bet) in turn was added to Torah

    ( ) , ' ' , This is the Torah of Adam YKVK and because of this (Proverbs 3:35) the wise shall

    obtain honor

    And the wise of the Mishnah are not destroyed because of the honor of Torah.

    And there is honor created

    And there is honor imparted.

    ( ) ,

    From the side of Torah that is in Briah it was said in Yisrael(Vayikra 25:55) forit is to me that the children of Yisrael were slaves.

    .' ' ( ) , And from the side of Atzilus (Devarim 14:1)you are the children of Hashem and so on

    , , ' And all over the top about everything there to check on us, not beneath him, andfour sides of the world

    ) , , , And he fills all the worlds and he receives comprehensive suffering and troubles

    and pains in the fear of his master, love in the (Bamidbar 21:14) end as they placed with the Mishnah to those with questions and disputes..

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    The lover of the end

    And placed love at the end.

    , , What they had at all levels of the Shechinah the end of all progression, difficu

    lty and judgment from the side of Gevurah converted them to love from the side of the right the love of Chesed

    , And before this all that fulfills the Torah in poverty and ends standing up wealth and it is love at the end.

    , And anyone who maintains her wealth (will not) be established in poverty

    ' The fifth step in the fear of Hashem (YY)


    People that are lacking in Mishnah all this precedes the fear that is the wisdomthat establishes wisdom, and precedes the wisdom that is enduring the preliminary (beginning of ) wisdom taking place is a part of the wisdom that takes placein the fear of sin is not the wisdom that is enduring.

    , That all that precedes the wisdom of fear is similar to what it is for those whodelivered to him the inner keys and not delivered to him the external keys whereby will convene .

    Just as key comes before a door is opened so too does the fear of Hashem come before the understanding that is produced by its wisdom.. You cannot open the external without the internal keys.

    ,' ' , And on the way a secret will be discussed about the Yud in YY and ADNY

    The four letters are designated as her external keys

    ' 'Yud from YKVK is Chokmah

    And four letters of this is the name there with its inner keys.

    ' ' , ' And before this the early (preliminary prior to the Amidah) prayer Hashem open thou my lips to pray ..and later those subscribers to her by name YKVK Blessed are You Hashem the shield of Avraham.

    ' , ' And so it is Sheva that she will show by name YHVH will constitute, for the love that she Kametz shows in Mercy

    ' ,( ) 'Sheva on the other hand the strength (Isaiah 66:16) for with fire will the Lord contend.

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    () ( ) , '

    Shall scoop from the right and Kametz (the Kohen) shall scoop from there.

    Holiness from the shadows and not lower

    ' ' And for this reason early they do not see the 365 commandments are love.

    ' '' ,' '' , ( ) This is that rewriting of my (Shemos 3:15) This shall be My name forever, my nameYK 365 remember together with VH 248

    ' The sixth step fear of Hashem

    ( )

    And the stability of thy times (Isaiah 33:6)

    . This faith in order Zeraim (Seeds)

    inheritance of the order of Moed (Festivals)

    Have control of the order breath -Nashim (Talmud-3rd order)

    Salvation of the order of damages (Nezikin Mishnah 4th order)

    Intelligence of the order of Kodashim-holiness (5th order of Mishnah)

    And the knowledge of the order of Tohorot- 6th order of Mishnah)

    , ' If there is fear of Heh yes

    '' '' And the sign (to take hold of the appointed time)

    Those six orders of Mishnah of the secret way

    , They stand in the middle which includes six orders of Mishnah

    ( ) ,' And those that want to take him without the Shechinah upon him the fear of Hashem it was said (Mishlei 16:28) And a querulous one alienates his friend.

    As if making the cut divided.between HKBK and his Shechinah

    , ' , , And in order that will not make divided, even though that a person learns six me

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    thods studying Mishnah and not advances or show him the fear of Hashem and his Shechnah HKBK {it} is not a line at his place

    , ' If before this there is fear of Hashem then yes, if not, not.

    As if there was nothing in his hand.

    A belief of the upper mother from the side of mercy.

    In which Kriat Shma this is a belief

    ( ) , And she is your times form the high side in which was said (Vayikra 16:2) not tocome at will (anytime) into the temple, and back.

    Strength (Wealth) is the middle page

    ,( ) , Salvation calls from the side eternity (Netzach) and also glory of Yisrael does not deceive or change his mind. (Shmuel 15:14)

    Wisdom (Chokmah) is the order of the temple that is magnificence (Hod)

    And knowledge-mind (Daas) is the foundation (Yesod) that is an order of Tohoros

    The lower Shechinah she is faith

    , And from the righteous side in which are included two names, Amen

    ' That they are (YKVK and ADNY intertwined)

    ,( ) ('' ) And in the righteous tree fruit come forth as the fruit fruit trees of every kindon earth, (Genesis 1:11)

    And this is called the order of seeds (Zeraim (Mishnah -1st order)

    Your times is from the side of the Magnificence (Hod) this is the order of Festivals (Moed 2nd order of Mishnah) on which to eat all four hang every five burn the beginning of six

    , Wealth standing in the middle where the order of Nashim(women) is the prosperityof the order of Nezikim (Damages) from the side of Gevurah that there are all judgments about who does harm to his fellow.

    , , , Wisdom is called the grace (Chesed), which wants to become wise leaders and the

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    order of Kedoshim (Holy things) and with eternity (Netzach), it is written (Tehillim 16;11) delights are ever in your right hand.

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