tma world viewpoint 20 interpersonal mushiness

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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It is easy to develop misconceptions about our colleagues, the result is ‘interpersonal mush’, interactions based on stories people have made up about each other, but have not checked out. The antidote to this is interpersonal clarity, generated from learning conversations in which we get to explore and more accurately understand each other, leading us to change and improve our communication, problem solving, and conflict resolution. This TMA World Mind Line provides some tips on minimizing interpersonal mushiness.


Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

MindLinesTerence Brake

TMA World │ Head of Learning and Innovation

Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

One of the reasons that a company like TMA

World exists is to help increase virtual


I’m not talking about the speed of technological


Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

I’m talking about the speed to human connectivity, in

other words, the speed at which we can create accurate

shared understandings about our experiences.

I’m not saying we would agree with each other’s

experiences, but we would each have a clearer

understanding of one another

Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

Even when working face-to-face we might not come to know and understand each other very well.

The virtual dimension just adds another layer of complexity to building relationships.

Working in a virtual network, as many of us do, requires partnering

Partnering requires what Gervase Bushe in his book Clear Leadership calls ‘collaborative organizing’. 

His intent in the book is to addresstwo problems detrimental to collaborative organizing:

Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

We each create our own experience although we sometimes think others create it.

We each have a unique experience, so who is having

the right experience?

We are sense-making beings and make

up stories about others so that we can

fill in the gaps of what we know about

their experience.



Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

The result is ‘interpersonal mush’ –

interactions based on stories people

have made up about each other, but

have not checked out. 

The antidote is interpersonal clarity

generated from learning conversations in

which we get to explore and more

accurately understand each other’s

experience (e.g. our experience

with the project or of working together).

Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

With interpersonal clarity we are able

to change and improve our

communication, problem solving

and conflict resolution. 

Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

Virtual space is one big petri dish for forming

and developing stories about those we may

never meet in person.

Typically, virtual communications

give fewer clues about each other and given

differences in cultures and

communication styles

our stories can be extremely

distorted and damaging.

Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

Where there is interpersonal mush, we often find

unresolved conflicts, hidden agendas

that destroy trust, misperceptions and

misunderstandings that have never

been corrected…

and lots of issues that have not been

surfaced and explored.

Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

And so, virtual velocity is our speed in achieving interpersonal

clarity (human connectivity) in our virtual space.

Here are some tips on minimizing interpersonal mushiness:

• Use a variety of tools to gain insights into one another, and not just e-mail e.g. social media, instant messaging, telephone and video chat

• Communicate frequently and allow some time for wandering off-topic 

Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

Here are some tips on minimizing interpersonal mushiness:

• Slow down your instinct to make sense of others by filling in gaps (and there are often many gaps in a virtual space).  Live with the uncertainty rather than make up stories that are usually inaccurate

• Adopt an ongoing learning mindset rather than one seeking the answer and now!

• Share information about yourself before asking others to share, demonstrate your goodwill and trustworthiness. Give trust to get trust

Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

• Give colleagues a chance to show and tell, e.g. by exchanging pictures or biographies online. Use these as a platform for asking getting-to-know-you questions. Be curious and respectful, not aggressively intrusive

• Resist giving first impressions too much power; appreciate that people are complex and not one dimensional

• Engage in dialogue rather than debate. A dialogue is a means for expanding and deepening understanding not finding closure

Here are some tips on minimizing interpersonal mushiness (cont’d):

Interpersonal Mushiness:The Unproductive Stories We Make Up About Each Other

There will always be some interpersonal mushiness

– even with those closest to us –

but successful collaboration will be built on

engaging with reality rather than fantasy. 

To learn more about how TMA World can

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