tnl october 2012

Post on 28-Oct-2014






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The Naval Leader is the official monthly newsletter of the Philippine Navy Center for Naval Leadership and Excellence. The Naval Leader, 10th Issue, Vol. IV contains in its front page the news articles entitled “Fourth PN BoA Meeting convenes with new VCOM, PN and CNS” and “8th Leg PNGF tackles linking budget to strategy.” On the back page are the articles “CNLE joins NCC Dialogues,” “Informal Expert Group holds WPS Forum” and feature “Sail Plan Updates.”


The Naval LeaderThe Naval Leader Official Newsletter of theOfficial Newsletter of the CCENTERENTER FORFOR NNAVALAVAL LLEADERSHIPEADERSHIP & E& EXCELLENCEXCELLENCE


The Philippine Navy Board

of Advisers (PN BoA) met for

the fourth time this year last 4

October 2012 at the HPN Multi-

Purpose Hall, Headquarters

Philippine Navy, Roxas Boule-

vard, Manila.

RADM Edgar L Abogado,

who recently assumed as the

new Vice Commander, PN,

represented the Flag Officer in

Command, PN in the said

meeting. Dr. Jesus Estanislao,

PN BoA Chairperson, presided

8th Leg PNGF tackles

linking budget to the strategy

The Philippine Navy high-

lighted the Sail Plan perspec-

tive on Resources during the

8th Leg of its Governance

Forum Series held last 30 Octo-

ber 2012 at the HPN Multi-

Purpose Hall, Headquarters

Philippine Navy, Roxas Boule-

vard, Manila.

Ms. Tina Rose Marie L.

Canda, Director of Depart-

ment of Budget and Manage-

ment (DBM) Bureau-D, graced

the Forum as its guest speaker

on the topic "Linking Budget to

the Strategy."

In her presentation enti-

tled “Budgeting 101,” Director

Canda highlighted the impor-

tance of having strategy in

the meeting and assured the

PN BoA’s commitment to the

Navy. He likewise congratu-

lated the senior officers of the

PN Command in their newly

assumed positions.

The matters discussed

include the presentation on

the Accomplishment Perspec-

tive of the PN Sail Plan 2020

rendered by COL Jesulito H

Calimag, Deputy Assistant

Chief of Naval Staff for Civil

Military Operations, N7 and the

Hon. Leticia Ramos-Shahani

and Dr. Baviera. Atty. Antonio

Oposa, PN BoA member, also

lectured on the importance of

building fish condominiums,

constructing rainwater catch-

ment ponds and practicing

Solid Waste Management in

the PN.

COMMO Jesus C Millan,

the newly assumed Chief of

Naval Staff, assured the PN

BoA of his commitment to the

PN Sail Plan (back page)

updates in the PN Sail Plan

2020 and the PN BoA Commit-

tee Action Items presented by

CAPT Opiniano M Jayme, Di-

rector of the Center for Naval

Leadership and Excellence.

Dr. Aileen SP Baviera, PN

BoA member, also presented

the updates in the White Pa-

per on the West Philippine Sea

(WPS). The WPS White Paper

served as the main output of

the WPS Informal Expert Group

formed through the initiative of

budgeting given the reality

that resources are limited while

needs and wants are insatia-


This was followed by a

discussion on the Campos-

Pradhan Framework which is

the basis of the goodness of a

budget. Under the said frame-

work, three points are vital: 1)

aggregate fiscal discipline, 2)

allocative efficiency and 3)

technical efficiency.

The next part of her talk

highlighted the different strate-

gies of the Philippine govern-

ment regarding the budget

process. Among them are Line

Item Budgeting; Performance

Budgeting; Zero (back page)

Director Tina Rose Marie L. Canda of DBM presented her talk entitled “Budgeting

101” during the 8th Leg of the PNGF 2012. The Forum, focusing on the topic “Linking Budget to the Strategy,” was jointly undertaken by the Naval Resource Management Office (NRMO) and the Center for Naval Leadership and Excellence (CNLE)

(Left photo) The PN Board of Advisers 4th Meeting for CY 2012, with the new Vice Commander PN and the new Chief of Naval Staff. Also joining them were the Com-

mandant of the Philippine Marine Corps, Deputy Commander of the Philippine Fleet and members of the HPN Staff. (Right photo) From left to right: The PN BoA Vice Chairperson, Hon. Shahani and Chairperson Dr. Estanislao with the new Vice Commander, PN.

Fourth PN BoA Meeting convenes with new VCOM, PN and CNS


The Official Newsletter

CNLE Center for Naval Leadership & Excellence

Strong and Credible



LCDR LAURENCE M CALIMAG PN, Chief, Sail Plan Monitoring Branch

LT ELMER BRYAN C BILANGDAL PN, Chief, Leadership Excellence Branch | LTJG CHRISTOFER NEIL A CALVO PN, Chief, Admin and Logistics Branch



The Naval Leader is published and circulated monthly by the CNLE for Philippine Navy-wide distribution. P lease e-mail your opinions/comments or

suggestions and contributions to us at — or

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Informal Expert Group holds WPS Forum

The West Philippine Sea

Informal Expert Group (WPS EG),

under the initiative of Hon.

Leticia Ramos-Shahani and Dr.

Aileen Baviera, Philippine Navy

(PN) BoA members, organized a

forum entitled “West Philippine

Sea Beyond Disputes, Diplo-

macy and Damage Control:

The Need for Strategic Manage-

ment” last 05 October 2012 at

the GT-Toyota Asian Cultural

Center, University of the Philip-

pines Diliman, Quezon City.

The event was hosted by

the UP Asian Center as a result

of the White Paper earlier pro-

duced by the WPS EG. Members

of the group served as the main

discussants of the various as-

pects of the West Philippine Sea


Retired VADM Eduardo Ma

R. Santos, PN BoA Member and

former Flag Officer in Com-

mand, PN talked about the

“Defense and Law Enforcement

Issues.” Atty. Lauro Baja, former

Undersecretary of the Depart-

ment of Foreign Affairs (DFA)

presented the “Challenges to

Philippine Foreign Relations”

and Atty. Jay Batongbacal,

Professor at the UP College of

Law discussed the

“Management of the WPS Re-

sources and Environment.”

The forum was applauded

by the attendees, which include

students, members of the aca-

deme and Philippine media,

and officers of the PN and the

Philippine Coast Guard. Dr.

Carolyn I. Sobritchea, Dean of

the UP Asian Center, also com-

mended the activity as well as

the White Paper that the Group

produced. She hopes that the

Group will move further with

similar endeavors. (NPDLR)

2020 initiatives especially the ISO

Certification of units and the

signing of the Memorandum of

Agreement between the PN

and the Maritime Academy of

Asia and the Pacific (MAAP).

PN BoA Vice Chairperson

Hon. Shahani and members Mr.

Jarius Y. Bondoc and retired

Based Budgeting; Planning,

Programming and Budgeting

System; and Public Expenditure

Management – Performance


In closing, Director Canda

discussed the different principles

and strategies of the 2013

Budget and the five Key Result

Areas of the Social Contract

under Executive Order No. 43.

The Forum provided a com-

prehensive and in-depth look

on the framework and proc-

esses behind resource manage-

ment in our government. It im-

pressed the importance of a

good budget given the con-

straints of our modest resources.

Most importantly, the Forum

reinforced the importance of

the PN Sail Plan 2020, in driving

the management of our re-

sources in the PN. (MCC)

8th Leg PNGF tackles…(from front page)

Fourth PN BoA …(from front page)

VADM Eduardo Ma R Santos

were also present during the 4th

Board meeting while Ms. Doris

Magsaysay Ho was represented

by Mr. Alexander Querrol of the

Magsaysay Group of Compa-

nies. The PN BoA is scheduled to

meet again before the end of

this year. (NPDLR)

The Center for Naval Lead-

ership and Excellence at-

tended the 4th leg of the Na-

tional Competitiveness Coun-

cil of the Philippines (NCC)

Dialogues held last 11 Octo-

ber 2012 at the Asian Institute

of Management in Makati


With the theme “Battling

Corruption,” the said leg high-

lighted the “Anti-Red Tape

Act Report Card Survey”

which was shared by the Civil

Service Commission (CSC)

Chairman Francisco Duque III,

and the results of the

“National Household Survey

on Actual Experience with

Corruption” by the Deputy

Ombudsman for Luzon

Gerard Mosquera.

The NCC Dialogues series

aims to promote good gov-

ernance, public transparency

and accountability and pri-

vate sector and citizen par-

ticipation in the government

programs. Through this series,

key policy makers, and lead-

ers from the business and non

-government organizations

discuss, recommend, and

take actions towards the en-

hancement of current gov-

ernment programs. (JMRDC)

CNLE joins NCC Dialogues

NCC Private Sector Co-Chairman Guillermo N. Luz gives his closing remarks

during the 4th NCC Dialogues. Also on stage are the discussants: (from right to left) Director IV Victoria F. Esber of CSC Office of Strategy Management, CSC Chairman Francisco T. Duque III, Deputy Ombudsman for Luzon Gerard Mosquera and Atty. Allan R. Canares, Acting Director, Research and Special

Studies Bureau, Office of the Ombudsman.

NETC Sail Plan Workshop

The Naval Education and

Training Command (NETC)

conducted a Sail Plan Work-

shop last 17-18 October 2012

at Naval Station Leovigildo

Gantioqui , San Antonio, Zam-

bales. During the two-day

workshop, NETC revisited and

revalidated its Balanced

Scorecard and its alignment

with the PN’s governance


Sail Plan Strategy Workshop

This coming 27 to 29 Novem-

ber 2012, the PN will be con-

ducting a workshop to review

its Strategic Sail Plan 2020. The

Office of the Assistant Chief of

Naval Staff for Operations, N3

is currently conducting a series

of priming sessions with mem-

bers of the Budget Working

Group and the Deputies of the

HPN Central Staff in prepara-

tion for the said Workshop.

Sail Plan Updates

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