to kill draft

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8/7/2019 To Kill Draft 1/5

Melody Zhang

Honors Lang. Arts 9

27 March 2011

The Definition of a Father

Our lifestyles are continuously affected with new technology and advancements in this modern,

quickly developing society. Some values, however, have managed to endure throughout the centuries.

One of these things is the purpose behind every successful parent. Although specificities may differ and

the way these lessons are taught vary, the same motives have always lay behind proficient parents - to

love and raise children to be the best they can be. In order to achieve this, one must first be a solid role

model. In the classic To Kill a Mockingbird , Harper Lee illustrates an atypical yet effective father named

Atticus. Although Atticuss parenting style may be deemed futile by some, his strong examples

accompanied by many words of wisdom teach Jem and Scout numerous life lessons.

To begin, Atticus enforces and represents unwavering citizenship, even during times of great

crisis. Firstly, the Maycomb community, including Jem and Scout, tend to gossip about the mystery of 

Boo Radley, a man who hadnt gone outside of his house for 30 years. However, Atticus disregards their

talk and chooses to remain silent because he believes that others preferences should be respected. The

wise father reveals as little as possible about Boo to his children, careful not to spark more interest. As

Jem, Scout, and their friend Dill childishly meddle many times around the ancient Radley house, making

up games and prying for signs of Boo, Atticus instructs them repeatedly to leave Boo alone. Eventually,

Jem and Scout grow out of their stage of curiosity, and through Atticuss actions and warnings, the kids

realize that they must respect others privacy, which is crucial in being an honorable citizen. Along with

respect for privacy, the faithful lawyer treats others fairly whether out in the public streets or in the

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considers her a part of the Finch family. In fact, the main focus of this classic is about the ultimate case

of justice - Atticuss defense for Tom Robinson, a respectable black man accused of raping a white girl.

When the sincere lawyer is appointed Toms case, he does not halfheartedly do his job like many self-

conscious lawyers would. Instead, Atticus personally supports the case, giving his all for Tom to be

represented as best he can. His many sacrifices, including full attention for his children, personal time,

and mental health all for the Tom Robinson case proves his value of equality. Furthermore, in the trial,

Bob Ewell wins by a single vote. Afterwards, Atticus emphasizes to his children, Theres nothing more

sickening to me than a low-grade white man wholl take advantage of a Negro (Lee 296). Atticus tells

Jem and Scout that the jury had chosen Bob because they carried their resentments and prejudices into

the courtroom, the one place where prejudices shouldnt be. There is no doubt that one of the themes

of this novel is on racial prejudice, and Atticus is a living definition of a just man in the midst of a corrupt

society. Through his defense of Calpurnia and wholehearted defense for Tom, his children grow to

question, rather than blindly accept, the crooked ways of humanity.

Lastly, yet most importantly, the children learn what genuine courage is through Atticuss

actions and explanations. When Scout asks Atticus why he keeps working on the case even when they

were sure to lose, he replies, Simply because we were licked a hundred years before started is no

reason for us not to try to win (Lee 101). He means that no matter the outcome, sticking with what you

believe in is important. Atticus tries to teach Jem this through old Mrs. Dubose. The seemingly rude

neighbor had driven Jem mad one day, causing him to destroy her garden; he had to read to her every

day for a month. It was not until after her death that they learn she was a morphine-addict who

liberated herself from it before she died. Jem, however, seems to have not understood the lesson.

While Atticus claims Mrs. Dubose as the bravest person he knew, one can argue that he himself exhibits

the most courage; he takes on the Tom Robinson case even when it was almost certain he was going to

lose, but he persists through it because he knew in his heart that it was the right thing to do. Full

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support for his case meant facing personal danger, criticism, and the sacrifice of his time and health.

Atticus persists through danger when defending Tom from the Old Sarum Gang, a group of highly

discriminatory people. He holds his head high and sticks to his beliefs while the neighborhood whispers

disapproval, and he perseveres even when the case seemed lost before it had begun. Though Jem does

not learn this through Mrs. Dubose, his fathers long trial affects him personally, causing Jem to mature

and finally comprehend what real courage is. Truthfully, one can say that both Mrs. Dubose and  

Atticus win; they are true models of courage. Mrs. Dubose dies beholden to nothing and nobody and

Atticus stirred the hearts of numerous people, causing them to open their eyes and reconsider the

unfairness in society. Courage is not defined by effortlessly and fearlessly winning every obstacle

encountered in life. It is to carry on through our values despite the fear, despite the loss, despite

critique, because it is the right thing to do. Through the case of Tom Robinson, Atticus clarifies the

meaning of courage.

In a nutshell, Atticuss ways of teaching may be different, but in the end, his instruction is fully

effective, proven through not only his words, but his actions as well. Though he does not teach Scout

how to be a lady - things like dressing nicely and joining ladies in polite conversation - the lessons

Scout receives is much more valuable. Every father is different; every fathers parenting style varies, but

their intentions are always the same. Harper Lee depicts just one example of a great father. Sometimes,

as a society, in an attempt to order or categorize our lives, we try to find the general right way of 

teaching children, labeling different parenting styles as good or bad. In reality, there is no right

way to go about doing this; one must find their own approach. As long as the goal of raising children to

be their best is kept in focus, the rest is a personal balance between each child and parent. Open-

mindedness is essential for parenting. Well, open-mindedness is essential for living.

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