to sir with love script

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    To Sir With Love Script 

    My bleeding feet!


    Hello, Mrs. Joseph.


    l like your hair.

    ls that strawberry blonde?


    You´re only jealous.


    What you got for

    the old an´s supper tonight?


    He´ll be luky to get

    faggots and pease pudd, he will.


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    Well, he an´t do uh on that,

    an he?


    "ll l want hi for

    is to keep e feet war.


    #$use e, dearie.


    Here, %ert.


    l wouldn´t ind ha&ing this little lot

    in y stoking for 'hristas.


    You wouldn´t know what to do with hi.

    You´&e been a widow too long.


    You speak for yourself.


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    lt´s like riding a biyle.

    You ne&er forget how.


    Here, l´ll tell you what l´ll do.


    l´ll send y "lfie to you.

    He´s not bad one he gets going.


    Well, l hope he´s well(sprung.




    )ooking for soeone?


    *ie day, isn´t it?



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    Hakan´s in the staff roo.


    Where he bleeding well belongs.


    %ood orning.


    My nae is hakeray.

    l´ a new teaher.


    We were e$peting you.


    +o you´re the new lab

    for the slaughter.


    -r should l say...


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    ...blak sheep?


    *o, just a teaher, Mr. Hakan.


    l´ not Hakan.

    erish the thought.


    He´s departed,

    %od rest his soul.


    He´s probably pouring out his woes

    to the di&isional offier by now.




    l´ Mrs. #&ans, %rae.

    /eputy head.


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    Mrs. #&ans.


    Ha&e you seen any

    of the hildren yet?


    l looked in on Mr. Hakan´s lass

    for a oent.


    l take the for doesti siene.


    )ike a up of tea?


    *o, thank you, not just now.


    You been teahing long?


    his is y first appointent.

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    We all the jobs.


    "erian, are you?




    ...fro 0ritish %uiana.


    0ut l spent soe years

    in the +tates.


    ( Where?

    ( )n 'alifornia.


    Weather as good as they say?


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    lt´s better.


    What was your subjet?


    What did you ajor in?




    l ust be off.


    Make yourself at hoe.


    Wander around, if you like,

    or stay here.


    l´ll introdue you

    to the others at lunh.

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    hank you.


    his is %illian, Mr. hakeray.


    %illian 0lanhard.


    +he´s new here too.


    'ae the day before yesterday.


    ( ea, %illian?

    ( hank you.


    his is Mr. Mark hakeray,

    the new replaeent.


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    Jose /awes,

    #upheia hillips.


    hey teah the little ones.


    heo Weston, you know.


    Yes, l´&e had the pleasure.

    He istook e for Hakan.


    ( ) heard he´s fled.

    ( 'an´t say l blae hi.


    hat shot of huanity´s enough

    to destroy anyone.


    He got what he deser&ed.


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    l´ 'linty 'lintridge.


    'linty´s a ar&elous artist.


    %ot one at the 1oyal "adey

    a ouple of years ago.


    eahing pro&ides

    the bread and butter.


    Well, that´s all the staff

    e$ept for Mr. 0ell...


    ...our .. instrutor.


    l do hope you´re

    going to stay with us.


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    l shouldn´t if l were you, old an.


    1ow hoe while you an.


    /on´t disourage hi, Weston.


    Well, l ust go.


    l ha&e to fi$ a bath

    for a girl in 'linty´s lass.




    2ids are oplaining again.

    Won´t sit near her.


    What´s the atter?

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    ersonal hygiene probles.


    3ourteen and helpless.


    You en are luky.


    he things we woen ha&e to do

    for these kids.


    %illian, dear...


    ...enourage hi to stay.


    Why is it e&eryone thinks

    l need enouraging?


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    hey said the sae to e.


    here´s soething frightening but

    also hallenging about this shool.


    here´s no for of orporal

    punishent or any punishent.




    l ha&e no real teahing e$periene.

    l´ a little lost.


    l don´t ha&e any e$periene either.


    -f ourse, it´ll be

    uh easier for you.


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    l´ a little afraid of the.


    Midday dane session.


    /uring lunh,

    the older kids use the hall.


    l soeties join the.


    #&en the old an

    shakes a leg on oasions.


    /aning is erely their way

    of keeping fit...


    ...for the ore e$iting pastie

    of teaher baiting.


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    'ouldn´t you be

    a bit less disouraging?


    lt´s the last thing l want to do.


    he usi´s louder than usual.


    hey´re probably elebrating

    their &itory o&er Hakan.


    l better go and see Mr. 3lorian.


    l´ll show you the way.


    hey´re good, aren´t they?


    l suppose so.

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    he head´s study is this way.


    /o you two...


    /o you two shake?


    Well, l´ll see you later,

    Mr. hakeray.




    hank you.


    0ut l ha&e to go

    and see the prinipal.


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    You ha&e e$ellent 4ualifiations,

    astonishing ones, in fat...

  a ouniations engineer.


    3ield e$periene in +outh "eria.


    Why do you want to be a teaher?




    You´&e already tried to get

    an engineering post?


    l tried for onths, sir.


    We ha&e no blueprint in *orth 5uay.

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    Most of our hildren are

    rejets fro other shools.


    We ha&e to help and teah the

    as best we an...


    ...and as uh as we an.


    he loal authorities are not

    totally on our side.


    "nd fro the oent

    you aept this position...

 ´ll be entirely on your own.


    -f ourse, l and the staff will do

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    e&erything we an to help you.


    0ut suess or failure

    will depend entirely upon you.


    What´s it to be?


    l want the job, sir.




    hen it´s settled.


    oorrow, you´ll take o&er

    Hakan´s lass.



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    ( aler.

    ( Yes, gu&nor.






    l don´t know how uh you know,

    so we´ll start fro srath.


    3irst, as l all your nae...


    ...will you read anything you like

    fro one of your shool books?




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    ´´-nly those who...


    ...arri&ed on...




    ...or in a publi oah. ´´

    ( hank you.




    ´´lf hens...


    ...lay an egg a day for days...

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  uh are the eggs a do6en,

    and how any ha&e you to sell? ´´


    Moira Joseph.


    ´´ete %ilroy´s weight

    and the e&er(tightening noose...


    ...about her nek...


    ...began slightly to ipede

    the wild are´s speed.


    0ut ete was only too fully aware

    of what his fate would be...


    ...for he ould not hope

    to esape death...

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    ...fro being battered and rushed. ´´


    ut that away, please.


    hank you.


    Would anyone else like to read?


    ( Your nae, please.

    ( aela /are.


    ´´"nd he had learned to lo&e.


    l know not why...


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    ...for this in suh as hi

    seeed strange of ood.


    0ut thus it was.


    "nd though

    in solitude´s sall part...


    ...the nipped affetions

    ha&e to grow.


    ln hi this glowed...


    ...when all beside

    had eased to glow. ´´


    hank you, Miss /are.


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    *e$t, weights and easures.


    What´s a&oirdupois?


    ( "&oir de what?

    ( "&oirdupois.




    Hea&yweight, light(hea&y,



    ...iddle, light, banta,

    fly, featherweight.


    hank you &ery uh.


    lt´s enouraging that

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    you ha&e a sense of huor.


    lt sees you...


    ...know little and are easily aused.

    l an look forward to a happy tie.


    'opy down the following tables.


    Who does he think he is, there?


    'heeky de&il.


    Hello, duks.


    hought you ight need this.


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    How´d it go?


    )et´s just say, battle was joined.


    l don´t know what we´d do

    without a uppa.


    What´s your nae?


    l know that.

    l ean, your other nae.




    'ouple of things, Mark.


    We all know the old an´s &iews.

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    "nd basially, we agree with the.


    0ut he´s safe in an offie.


    hese kids oe fro hoes where

    an order is aopanied by a blow.


    -ne rude word to their parents,

    the roof will hit the.


    here´s nothing like that

    going on here, right?


    +o they´&e got us

    at a great disad&antage.


    Hakan tried to be popular.

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    He hung hiself.


    Weston ouldn´t are less

    about the, and that´s no good.


    l an´t guide you...


    ...but don´t take any nonsense

    fro these little tykes.


    hey´re good kids, Mark,

    ost of the.


    0ut if you don´t sol&e the,

    they´ll break you, and dan 4uikly.


    hat´s been tried...


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    33/171 e$perts.


    hey´re &ery e$pert.


    lease, an l lea&e the roo, gu&?


    Yes, and it´s hakeray.


    Yes, gu&.


    Most of you girls help your others

    with the shopping.


    +o sorry, Mr. ´´3akeray. ´´


    roper drafty in these parts,

    isn´t it?

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    "bout ultiplying...


    ...there are

    a few &aluable triks to know.


    +ay that you´re offered roast beef

    at se&en shillings per pound.




    Must you do that?


    l an´t help it, +ir.

    lt´s e desk.


    oor old otts!


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    +it down.


    l´ll speak with the aretaker

    about it after shool.


    lsn´t he nie?


    l hope l didn´t iss nothing.


    Where was we?

    "bout shopping or soething...


    hat´s enough, /enha.


    l was only asking, Mr. 3akeray.


    l don´t want to iss nothing.

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    0ert, he was just about to show us

    a new and &aluable trik.


    When you´re shopping, you see...


    l said, that´s enough.


    +it down.


    /o e$erise four, fi&e and si$.


    7ery 4uietly.


    /on´t worry.

    he worst is still to oe.


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    You´re still getting

    the silent treatent.


    What´s the ne$t phase?


    Well, unless you an work up

    a little blak agi...


    ...these little bastards ha&e

    a ultitude of triks.


    Why did you take up teahing?


    lt´s good to ha&e soe kind of a job.


    0ut l´ teahing the nothing.


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    l´ not e&en getting to first base.


    /on´t worry.


    Your lot lea&es this ter.

    he ne$t will be better.


    hey´ll be just as bad.

    robably worse.


    What´s your answer?


    What they need...

  a bloody good hiding.


    l feel rather sorry for the,

    you know?

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    Most of the an hardly read.


    You´re so nai&e,

    y dear old olleague.


    hey´ll be earning twie as uh

    as us before you an shake a stik.


    hey´ll happily be part

    of the great )ondon unwashed8




    ...selly and 4uite ontent.


    "n eduation´s a disad&antage

    in this day and age.

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    hat is ridiulous!


    0ut still true.


    +o you had better start

    brushing up...


    ...on your &oodoo if you wish

    to reain sane.


    %ood orning.


    "ll right, take your seats.


    ( "ll right, +ir?

    ( ) hope you didn´t hurt yourself.

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    You all right?


    'heap stuff they´re selling nowadays.


    Want e to help, +ir?


    +it down.


    ake your proper plaes.


    We an o&e around here,

    you know, +ir.


    ake your proper plaes.


    0eg pardon.

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    +oething the atter?


    +eales, is soething wrong?


    lt´s e u.

    +he´s awful sik.


    l´ sorry.


    "nything l an do?




    ( +he´s #nglish.

    ( ) see.


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    You´re like y old an,

    e$ept you´re bigger and younger.


    1otten bastard!


    You shouldn´t speak like that.


    You know nothing.

    l hate hi!


    Why not?


    *e&er forgi&e hi for

    what he did to e u. *e&er!


    He arried her, didn´t he?


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    /idn´t he?


    oday, let´s take a look

    at +outh "eria.


    l´ sorry, Mr. 3akeray.

    he bloody things just slipped.


    he nae is hakeray,

    and they are not ´´bloody things. ´´


    hey were a pile of books.


    hat´s a good netting sore.


    a, lo&e, that´s not a bloody pile,

    but it´s a pile of books.


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    "ll right, settle down.


    l was only trying to help,

    Mr. hakeray, +ir.


    hat´s right, Mr. 3akeray.


    'urley was only trying to put

    that little srubber in her plae.


    l know what 'urley was trying to do.

    *ow just settle down.


    We are going to study

    +outh "eria.


    *ow turn to page

    in your geography book.


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    ´´hey were alone...


    ...but not alone as they who

    shut in habers think it loneliness.


    he &oieless sand and the drooping

    a&es that lay around the...


    ...ade the to eah other press...

  if there were no life

    beneath the sky... ´´


    +orry, lo&e.

    lt´s the bleeding desk.


    /o you speak suh words

    to your father?

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    You´re not y bleeding father!


    "ll l want to know is,

    who does he think he is?


    Mate, shut up!




    Hello, hakeray.

    How goes it?


    3ine, thank you, +ir.


    "ll you boys, out.


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    he girls stay where they are.


    What´s the atter?


    ( -ut at one!

    ( "ll right.


    l a sik of your foul language...


    ...your rude beha&ior

    and your sluttish anner.


    " deent woan keeps

    ertain things pri&ate.


    -nly a filthy slut

    would ha&e done this!


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    hose who enouraged her

    are just as bad!


    l don´t are who´s responsible.

    You´re all to blae!


    l´ lea&ing for fi&e inutes,

    by whih tie...


    ...that disgusting objet

    had better be reo&ed.


    "nd the windows opened

    to lear the stenh!


    lf you ust play these filthy gaes,

    do the in your hoes...


    ...and not in y lassroo.

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    What´s the atter?


    Man, oh, an!


    l lost y teper. he one thing

    l swore l would ne&er do.


    %od, did l lose y teper!


    What happened?


    "fter all the bull

    l´&e taken in y life...

  a few short weeks,

    those kids ha&e got e so steaed up.


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    +o easy. +o 4uikly.


    l ne&er would ha&e thought it.


    ( erhaps you´re trying too hard.

    ( hose kids are de&ils inarnate.


    l tried e&erything. #&erything!

    0ut nothing l tried...






    hat´s it!


    hose are out.

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    hey are useless to you.


    l reali6ed you are not hildren.


    You will be adults in a few weeks,

    with all the responsibilities.


    3ro now on, you will be treated

    as suh by e and by eah other...


    1esponsible adults.


    *e$t, we´ll be reasonable

    with eah other.


    We are just going to talk,

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    you and l.


    You are going to listen

    without interruption.


    "nd when l a finished,

    one of you ay ha&e your say.


    Without interruptions.




    What a orning!

    #&erything´s gone wrong.


    3irst, the alar didn´t go off.

    hen l had to wait hours for a bus.


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    l ust ha&e stood there

    three bleeding hours...




    here are two ways to enter a roo.


    -ne is like an adult,

    a lady with dignity.


    he other is like a brat.


    Miss /are has shown us the seond way.

    erhaps you´d deonstrate the first.


    l´ sorry l´ late.



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    ...we are all going to obser&e

    ertain ourtesies in this lassroo.


    You will all e

    +ir or Mr. hakeray.


    he young ladies will be

    addressed as Miss...


    ...the boys by their surnaes.


    Why should we all the Miss?

    We know the.


    l beg your pardon?


    l said, why should we

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    all the Miss?


    We know the.


    ls there a young lady you feel...


    ...does not deser&e to be

    addressed as Miss?


    ( *o, +ir.

    ( %ood.


    *e$t, general deportent.


    3irst, the young ladies.


    hey ust pro&e worthy of

    the ourtesies we will show the.

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    +oon, boyfriends and arriage

    will onern you.


    *o an likes a slut for long.


    -nly the worst type will arry one.


    "nd the opetition for en

    on the outside is rough.


    *e$t, en.


    l´&e seen garbage olletors

    who are leaner.


    oughness is a 4uality

    of the ind...

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    honesty and abition.


    lf you want to wear your hair long,

    lean it...


    ...else you´ll soon get lie and sell.


    +oon your priniple interest

    will be girls.


    You will be ore attrati&e

    with lean lothes, lean shoes...


    ...hands, fae, teeth, et etera.


    "ny 4uestions?

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    Miss egg.


    What about Mr. Weston, +ir?


    He´s ne&er tidy, his shoes is

    ne&er brushed, and his hair´s a ess.


    lt´s filthy.


    Mr. Weston is not your teaher.

    We won´t disuss hi.


    l´ the one to ritii6e

    if l fail to aintain the standards.


    hat´s not fair.

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    ...or Mr. hakeray.

    /idn´t you understand?


    hat´s not fair...




    l agree.


    0ut that´s an e$aple of things

    you´ll ha&e to put up with as an adult.


    You´ll just ha&e to take it.


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    *e$t, we are going to talk

    about &arious...


    %ood orning.


    ( ) wanted to see how you were doing.

    ( 3ine, sir.




    hank you.


    What is it?




    What are we going

    to talk about, +ir?

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    "bout life...






    ...death, se$, arriage...


    ...rebellion, anything you want.


    l ne&er did see one like hi, a.


    #&en when he blew his stak,

    no swearing or nothing.


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    "in´t natural, that´s what.

    /oes he really ean what he says?


    l don´t know.


    lt´d be a hange, though, to see

    those reeps ating like gents.


    Here, whih one do you fany?


    l like 0abs.


    Yeah? Wath this.


    ( 'oe on, a, lo&e.

    ( %et lost, /enha!

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    l don´t like

    your selly triks, do l?


    "nd it´s Miss /are to you.


    %et stuffed.


    'oe on then, lo&e.


    You heard what +ir said,

    Mr. +arty /enha.


    lf you want to dane with e,

    you bleeding well ask proper.


    May l ha&e the pleasure

    of this dane, Miss egg?

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    %ood old otts.


    %et you, otter.


    +hut up!


    Who does he think he is,

    bleeding 3red "staire?


    'oe on, Miss egg.


    )ook at e.

    l a a lady, l a.


    1otten tarts, all of the.

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    You know, a lot of blak woen

    daning around with no tops.


    /on´t they e&er dress proper?


    What´s proper &aries

    throughout the world...


    ...depending on

    ustos and liate.


    3or their liate and ustos,

    they were dressed properly.


    "re you fro +outh "fria, +ir?


    -f ourse not.

    +outh "frians is white, isn´t they?

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    " +outh "frian is a nati&e

    of +outh "fria, regardless of olor.


    l was born in 0ritish %uiana.


    What did you ean the other day

    about rebellion, +ir?




    ake your hairstyles.

    hat´s a for of rebellion, isn´t it?


    What, +ir?


    /on´t you do it

    to be different fro adults?

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    hey´&e essed up the world,

    ha&en´t they?


    ( You an say that again.

    ( +o you rebel.


    #&en the way you dress is

    a for of rebellion, isn´t it?


    lt´s just the new fashion, +ir.


    -f ourse, the adults look

    proper stupid in our gear.


    /o you think it´s wrong

    to be different, to rebel?


    lt is your duty to hange

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    the world, if you an.


    *ot by &iolene.


    eaefully, indi&idually,

    not as a ob.


    ake the 0eatles.

    hey started a huge soial re&olution.


    he fashions they set in dress...


    ...and hairstyles are worldwide now.


    #&ery new fashion is

    a for of rebellion.


    here´s a fine e$hibition

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    of ostues through the ages...


    ...on at the 7itoria

    and "lbert Museu.


    l think you should see it.


    "lso, you should see

    the Museu of *atural History.


    What, us lot to go to a useu?


    ( +ure.

    ( You´re joking.


    You´ll diso&er that

    your hairstyles are years old...


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    ...and that your ostues

    or your dress...

  right out of .


    +hut up!

    )ook, +ir, when an we go?


    here´s no tie after shool,

    and l´&e got to look after the kids.


    l ha&e to do the housework

    and get the supper for the lodgers.


    Me u´s e$peting a baby any day,

    and l got to baby(sit.


    Why don´t you take us?

    We ould go in the orning.

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    he best of pupils are inlined

    to show off in publi.


    Your lass?


    You´d ne&er be able

    to super&ise the.


    When l took this job,

    you said you wouldn´t interfere...

  long as l stayed

    within your fraework.


    lf you an get another staff eber

    to go with you...


    ...l´ll approah the ounil.

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    l see little hope of appro&al.


    hank you, sir.


    Miss 0lanhard, l think l an

    arrange an outing with y lass...


    ...if l an get

    another teaher to go along.


    l´d lo&e to.

    "nd it´s %illian.


    When is the outing?


    When we arrange

    tra&el warrants and perission.

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    Just let e know when.


    hanks, %illian. 0ye.


    %ood orning.


    What would you like

    to talk about today?


    )adies first.


    Miss Joseph.


    Marriage, +ir.

    You know, boyfriends and things.


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    How do you know he´s the right one?

    What to look for.


    How to a&oid di&ore.


    /on´t get arried.


    Where´s Miss urell?


    +he´s to look after the hoe today.

    Her u had the baby last night.


    What hospital?


    *o hospital, +ir.

    he dotor ae to her.


    +he all right?

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    +he just had a kid.


    *ow, arriage.


    3irst, let us lay soe ground rules.


    l´&e ne&er been arried,

    so what l say is as an outsider.


    *ow, what should a girl

    look for in a an?


    l think first we ought

    to deterine what is arriage.


    Miss Joseph.

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    Holy wedlok.


    otter, be serious.

    You´ll get your turn.


    Miss egg.


    lt´s life, isn´t it, +ir?


    #&eryone gets arried.

    l ean, soetie.


    Why didn´t you arry?


    *o one would ha&e hi.


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    l washed dishes for a tie, ars.


    3or a year l was a janitor

    in an apartent blok.


    ( "ll sorts of jobs.

    ( You washed dishes?


    l did.


    0ut you talk posh.


    ( hat wasn´t easy.

    ( You didn´t always talk like that?


    When l was your age, l used a patois,

    a kind of siple #nglish.

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    l buy and bust your booby

    if you don´t get up off of this plae.


    l didn´t understand a word.


    Well, l don´t always understand

    what you say either.


    0ut the point is, if you work hard,

    you an do alost anything.


    You an get any job you want.


    You an e&en hange your speeh

    if you want to.


    "fter l got y degree...

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    ...l went to work in +outh "eria

    for an oil opany.


    he only woen in that region...


    ...were jungle lndians who arried

    blowpipes and poison darts.


    You ould ha&e broke y hands.


    We were disussing arriage.


    o y ind, arriage is

    no way of life for the weak...


    ...the selfish...


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    ...or the inseure.


    What´s the atter, Weston?


    hese dan fool "erians!


    hey bog up e&erything

    they´re onneted with.


    What a shower!


    l´ll ne&er forgi&e the resident for

    not oing to 'hurhill´s funeral...


    ...nor sending the &ie president.

    1otten bad anners.


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    *ow what?


    Miss egg wants to know

    if the netball´s fi$ed.


    Miss who?


    0arbara egg.

    Miss egg, +ir.


    Here you are, 3ernan.


    hank you, +ir.


    What´s going on in

    this lassroo of yours?

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    +uburban forality? )t´s a bit

    foreign in this nek of the woods.


    +oe sort of e$perient

    in ulture for the asses?


    lt´s an eleentary

    e$perient in ourtesy.


    "nd do we ignorant ritters

    ha&e to follow suit?


    ( lease yourself.

    ( hank goodness for that!


    /o you objet to being

    taught anners by one of the boys?


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    l don´t e$pet to be taught

    by those orons.


    +o long as we learn,

    it doesn´t atter who teahes us.


    %ood afternoon, e&erybody.


    *ow we´re talking.


    *othing like payday.


    0y the way, your useu &isit

    has been appro&ed.


    lf anything goes wrong,

    the shool suffers.


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    *othing will go wrong, sir.


    3or a oent, l thought

    l was in the wrong lassroo.


    Where´s Jakson?


    We don´t know.


    ih wouldn´t iss this

    unless he was sik or soething.


    We´ll gi&e hi a few inutes.


    lt´s e, Jakson.


    l ha&e to take the bag(wash for u.

    'an you wait?

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    How long will it take?


    Half a o.

    Just up the frog.


    %od lo&e you.


    Hang on, ih.

    l´ll gi&e you a hand.


    "ll right.


    0ak on the sidewalk.


    What´s a frog got to do with it?

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    ( "pples and pears, stairs.

    ( Happy kill, skill.


    %inger beer, 4ueer.


    "ll aboard.


    l think he fanies her.


    l know you do.


    aela /are has a rush on you.


    Woen say the danedest things.


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    l think he´s nie.


    +o do l.


    You´&e notied.


    l don´t treat her different

    fro the others.


    l hope we an go out again,

    don´t you?


    l hope so.


    l hope we an go with hi,

    beause he´s nie.


    /on´t ake any istake

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    about aela.


    +he´s a woan

    in e&ery sense of the word.


    l ean...


    ...not that l blae her.


    0leeding rotten taste he´s got.


    %ood night, +ir.


    ( +ee you toorrow.

    ( %ood night.


    erhaps you´d like e

    to tidy your desk.

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    ( hat´s all right.

    ( )t´s no trouble.


    You ought to get a flat nearby.

    0rentwood´s uh too far away.


    ( here´s nie ones around.

    ( )´&e thought of that.


    Well, l tell you what.

    l´ll keep y ears open for you.


    hat´s kind of you,

    but l´ fine for the oent.


    l´ll let you know.

    hank you.


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    /on´t worry about your desk.

    l´ll tidy it for you e&ery day.


    hanks, but that won´t be neessary.


    hat´s perfetly all right.


    " woan´s work is ne&er done.


    %ood night, +ir.


    Hi, fellas. How are you?


    %ood orning, +ir.


    Mr. 3lorian has gi&en us

    perission for ore outings.

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    l´d like to hear suggestions

    of what we ight do.


    ( he pitures.

    ( Webley, +ir.


    'up 3inal /ay.


    'haber of Horrors.


    What about the 'a&ern?


    You know, )i&erpool.

    he 0eatles.


    How´s it going?

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    3ine, thank you.


    /on´t worry.

    He´ll oe with e on y day.


    You´re under

    a super&ision order too?


    "round here, that´s nothing.


    Most of us ha&e been

    in front of the law.


    0reaking windows, playing truant,

    raising hell and ussing the oppers.


    You´&e ut yourself.

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    "re you addressing e, /enha?


    otts was only being funny.


    What you alling hi pinhead for

    in front of hiney sweep?


    l was only joking.

    +ir didn´t ind.


    He said, ask anything.


    You all those 4uestions?

    "lways on about his olor.


    You´re wasting our tie.

    +eales, you ought to know better.

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    What ha&e l done?

    l didn´t say nothing.


    You ne&er do,

    and you´re half(olored.


    You sit on your ass

    and keep your trap shut.


    lf they want to know,

    why don´t they ask you?


    l´ not +ir, that´s why.


    l only wish l was.


    l know what´s eating you.

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    You fany hi, that´s what.


    his is a fine how(do(you(do,

    isn´t it, otts?


    You lay off, /enha,

    you son of a bith.


    oday, l´ll show you

    how to ake salad.


    You ean we´&e to ook and all?


    +ure, why not?


    My old an ne&er ooked nothing

    in his life.

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    He says that´s woen´s work.


    0ut suppose you´re on your own,

    as you ertainly will be shortly.


    You´ll ha&e to do it for yourself

    soeties, won´t you?


    *ot again, +ir.


    his is sur&i&al training.


    " noral #nglish salad...


    ...not fit for huan onsuption,

    e&en if you reo&e the slugs...


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    ...and add a dash of the e$traordinary,

    a bit of ayonnaise.


    )ook at this.


    Mu went to the dotor.

    l didn´t want to iss today.


    He won´t be no trouble.


    lt´s all right.


    +it down.

    Make roo o&er there for her.


    -kay, oe on.


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    *e&er be afraid to e$perient.


    "nd always reeber that

    you an eat well...


    ...e&en though you´re broke.



    You e&er been broke, +ir?

    1eal broke, skint?


    Many, any ties.


    l don´t understand you a bit, +ir.


    l ean...

 ´re a toff and you ain´t.

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    What he eans is...


    0liey, l an´t sort of put it

    into words or anything.


    Well, +ir...

 ´re like us, but you ain´t.

    l ean, you´re not.


    lt´s kind of sary but nie.


    You know what l ean, don´t you?


    l don´t know how to answer you,

    e$ept to say...

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    ...that l teah you truths,

    y truths.


    lt is kind of sary,

    dealing with the truth.


    +ary and dangerous.


    Ha&e you e&er had a salad

    with alonds and grapes...


    ...and toatoes and lettue

    and pineapple?


    +he´s in lo&e with you, Mark.


    You shouldn´t be so surprised.

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    We ha&e a lot of ar&elous shools

    now in the #ast #nd.


    lt´s still diffiult

    to get 4uality teahers.


    ake us,

    the botto of the pile.


    %oodness knows we´&e had

    a sruffy lot here.


    hen along oes

    Mr. Mark hakeray...


    ...big, broad, handsoe,

    lean, intelligent...


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    ...looking like

    he stepped out of a bandbo$.


    What do you e$pet?


    What do l do?


    *othing. Just be patient.




    aela´s just finding out

    she´s a grown woan.


    You´re probably the only real an

    she´s e&er et in her life.


    /on´t spend too uh tie

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    alone with her.


    Why didn´t you ask %illian?


    l thought you´d be wiser.




    Hello, +ir!

    We an´t ha&e you 4ueuing up.


    lt´s +ir. He teahes

    our Moira up at *orth 5uay.


    He´s only got an hour for his lunh.


    ( What´ll it be?

    ( Half a do6en oranges.

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    You´ll like the.

    hey´re lo&ely.


    Here you are, gu&.


    enny´s wedding ake.

    Jeannie´s older sister.


    +he got arried,

    so here´s a bit of ake.


    Jeannie 'lark.


    Yes, Miss 'lark.


    hat was a lo&ely useu outing.

    Will they do it again?

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    We´re trying to arrange one a week.


    hat´d be lo&ely, won´t it?


    he ore eduation, the better.

    hat´s what l always say.


    lt´s a proper bleeder,

    what with the bob and all.


    "in´t the bobs.

    lt´s the bleeding Yanks!


    +hut your gob!

    My %ert´s arried to a Yank.


    "nd a proper nie gent he is, and all.

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    2eep your opinions to yourself!


    %od all bloody ighty!

    he entente ordiale?


    3irst ast the ote

    out of your eye...


    ...before you ast the bob

    out of ine!


    He´s a proper faggot.

    Here you are.


    You´ll like the.

    hank you.


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    Who´s ne$t?

    'oe on, girls.


    +peak up!


    l was wondering if you would gi&e

    the girls soe akeup lessons.


    l think 4uite a few

    of the would be...


    ...&ery pretty if they knew

    how to do it.


    Why, ertainly!


    You are getting in&ol&ed

    with your hildren, aren´t you?


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    l´ just trying to help.

    hat´s the job, isn´t it?


    ( You want soe of this?

    ( *o, thanks.


    ls that all you´re ha&ing

    for lunh?


    You on a diet?


    l´ll tell you, l´ a weak an.


    "t the oent, a little skint.


    When l eat, do l lo&e to eat!


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    l lo&e wine,

    but l just an´t ha&e a glass.


    l want the whole bottle.


    +o l a&oid wine

    and pastrai sandwihes...


    ...and baked potatoes...


    ...with butter and baon...


    ...and strawberry shortake

    and heeseake.


    0ut l like to eat light for lunh.


    How´s the /are girl?

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    *o probles.


    ( Will you stay on here, Mark?

    ( ill l get sorted out.


    *o luk with the jobs?


    0ut l´ plugging away.


    1eeber a few weeks ago,

    you thought you´d lost the battle?


    l thought you had too.


    here´s a good angel

    looking after e.

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    'oe on.

    +ort yoursel&es out.


    'oe on, hurry up!


    "ll right? %o!


    'oe on, /enha. Hurry it up.


    )and on your toes.

    /o it again. *e$t!






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    'oe on, boy.


    l´ not a boy.

    l´ a an.


    l don´t want to do it.

    lt´s too high.


    You´re a fat boy.

    'oe on.


    l´ waiting.

    %et that jelly off!


    3ats an´t do it.

    lt´s too high for hi.


    -f ourse, he an´t do it!


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    When l want your opinion,

    l´ll ask, boy.


    ( )´ not a boy.

    ( +hut up!


    0ukley, do as you´re told!


    ( Mo&e out of the way, boy.

    ( +hut up!


    ls he all right?


    l don´t know.


    You bloody bastard!


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    ut that down!


    You knew 3ats ouldn´t do that.

    You had it in for hi.


    otter, put that down!


    hey´re fighting in the gy!


    'oe on, otts!


    hat was no aident!


    l´ll take that.


    %o and help 0ukley.


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    %o on!


    otts should ha&e done the bastard

    like he did 3ats.


    You all right, boy?


    Yes, thank you.

    Me stoah didn´t half hurt.


    Jakson, lngra?

    Help hi up to Mrs. #&ans.


    "ll right.


    What happened?


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    0ukley´s all right.


    More frightened than anything else.


    Why´d you ake hi do that jup?


    He just stood there

    and refused to obey.


    When he juped, he sent the buk flying

    and l ouldn´t ath hi.


    hanks for helping e out.

    hat otter went berserk.


    l understand that 0ukley is

    a pet whipping boy of yours.


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    ls that right?


    l´d better report it.

    here´ll be the de&il to pay.


    otter, l an´t think of anything

    that e$uses your beha&ior.


    0ut it was hi!

    He ade 3ats do it.


    3ats said he ouldn´t do it.

    he bully always had it in for hi.


    l a not onerned with

    Mr. 0ell´s beha&ior, but yours.


    What if a gun or knife

    had been handy?

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    otter was narked.

    We was all narked.


    hat bleeder was wrong

    and you know it.


    You´re issing the point.

    You all are.


    +oon, you will be out in the world.


    Will you use a weapon e&ery tie

    soeone angers you?


    You´re supposed to

    be learning self(disipline.


    You owe Mr. 0ell an apology.

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    Just beause 0ell is a teaher?


    You better answer that, otter.


    /o you think you beha&ed

    like an adult?


    How about 0ell

    apologi6ing to 0ukley?


    My business is with you,

    not Mr. 0ell.


    lt´s easy for you to talk.

    *o one pushes you around.


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    "gainst the.


    0ut +ir is different.

    lf he says otts...


    hat he is, and he´s wrong now.


    You all know 0ell´s been after

    old 3ats for years.


    %o on, otts.


    lf you apologi6e

    beause you´re afraid...


    ...then you´re a hild, not a an.


    When l lea&e,

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    l´ll ha&e e own barrow.


    +o you an´t touh e,

    letters or no letters.


    l´ sorry l´ late, +ir.


    0ut it´s e u.


    +he´s dead.


    l´&e been helping e dad

    with her things.


    ( ) didn´t know where to go, +ir.

    ( hat´s all right.


    lngra, take o&er the lass.

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    l understand that

    the passing out lass holds...


    ...soe kind of a elebration

    at the end of ter.


    What happens?


    We dane...




    /id you apologi6e beause of /enha?


    -ne should fight

    for what one belie&es...

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  one is absolutely sure...

  is absolutely right.


    ass these out.


    You ha&e to fill those out...


    ...for national health insurane

    and so on.


    What are you doing, Jakson?


    lt´s for +eales.

    3or flowers and a wreath.


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    hat´s wonderful of you.


    May l be peritted

    to ontribute soething?


    *o, thank you, Mr. hakeray.


    Here, a, you buy the wreath.


    he nae´s /are.


    Miss /are.


    Well, you buy the wreath.


    +end it around when the tie´s right.


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    +end it?

    "ren´t you going to take it?


    You don´t think

    girls ould take it, do you?


    Well, why not?


    lt´s what people would say, +ir.


    What the faily would say...


    ...if they saw us going

    into a olored person´s hoe.


    We´&e got nothing against you, +ir.


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    0ut if one of us was to...


    You an´t iagine the things be said.


    hank you, Miss egg,

    for aking it lear.


    /oes that apply to the en also?


    You´re dead right it does.


    l´ll take the flowers.


    Why should you do that?


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    Wouldn´t that ake you

    subjet to gossip?


    %ossip don´t worry e.

    l´&e known +eales sine kindergarten.


    l´ll take the flowers.


    l wouldn´t if l were you.


    l´&e been looking for you.


    here´s a lady to see you.

    Mrs. /are.


    "nd by the way, l´&e aneled

    all outings for your lass.


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    he adult approah hasn´t worked.


    lt´d ha&e been better

    to let things be.


    You take your boys in for ..

    until l get a replaeent.


    l´ sorry to disturb you, +ir.

    lt´s about a.


    l´ Mrs. /are.


    What an l do for you?

    Would you ha&e a seat?


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    Would you talk to her, +ir?

    l´ sure she´d listen to you.


    ( +he´s always talking about you.

    ( What´s the proble?


    +he always stays out

    late at night, +ir.


    -ften she doesn´t get hoe

    till past .


    +he ne&er says where she´s been.


    +he´s a big girl.

    l´ worried about her.


    +he won´t listen to e.

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    lt´s not wrong to...


    When your arriage breaks up,

    life doesn´t end, does it?


    lease talk to her, +ir.

    l´ frightened for her.


    You ne&er know what sort

    of trouble she an get into.




    "ll right, l will.


    hank you.


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    Morning, +ir.


    Hello, lo&e.


    ( Morning.

    ( How are you? How´s the kids?


    Hello, gu&!


    Hello, +ir.

    lt´s a lo&ely day, isn´t it?


    Your kid ain´t top of the lass.


    My, you look as if

    you´&e won the pools.


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    l got e a job.

    " real one for when shool ends.


    "ssistant engineer

    in a fatory in the Midlands.


    hey e&en sent e the fare!


    hat´s ar&elous.


    lt´s not that good,

    but it´s a start after so long.


    /o you think

    she´ll take the flowers?


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    l don´t know.


    %o in. +ir wants you.


    +it down.

    l´d like to talk to you.


    Has y u been in?


    he funeral was +aturday, 8 .


    "bout y u, +ir?


    +he´s &ery worried about you,

    Miss /are.


    'ouldn´t you all e aela?

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    l think not, for the oent.


    +he says that

    you´&e been staying out late.


    l´&e just been to %ran´s.

    Just around the orner, not far.


    Why ha&en´t you told your other?


    +he doesn´t are about e.


    You know that´s not true.


    You´re not in trouble, are you?


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    *owadays that´s only for fools,

    isn´t it?


    We´re the lukiest kids,

    the lukiest generation...


    ...that´s e&er been, aren´t we?


    We´re the first to be really free

    to enjoy life if we want...


    ...without fear.


    What is the trouble?


    lf you don´t want to talk,

    say the word.


  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    lt doesn´t bother e.


    lt was all right

    up till about a year ago.


    -f ourse, l iss /addy.

    He was wonderful.


    0ut it´s just one of those things.


    Mu works up in a dress shop

    on the West #nd.


    "nd we got on fine.


    hen en friends started

    alling on her.


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  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    l think you´re wrong about her.


    /id she tell you that l found her

    with one of her friends?


    "t hoe? "t y hoe?


    *o, l bet she didn´t,

    but she was!


    l an´t sol&e your probles for you.

    0ut staying out late won´t help.


    lt helps e.

    l an´t stand the sight of her!


    "nd if you were e,

    you´d feel the sae.


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    l´ in no position to judge.

    l know people ake istakes.


    You´re saying it´s y fault?


    3orgi&eness is the gift of %od.

    eople ake istakes.


    lt´s up to you to ake peae.


    ( Why should l? )´&e done nothing.

    ( %row up.


    %i&e her another hane.


    Why are you taking her side?


  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    You´re wrong not to gi&e her a hane.

    #&erybody deser&es that.


    l thought you´d understand.

    l thought l ould trust you.


    0ut you´re just as /enha said.

    l´ not taking the bloody flowers!


    "ll right.


    )et´s line up here

    in the enter.


    'ould we bo$ first today, please?




  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    lt would ake a hange.


    Just sort yoursel&es in pairs now.


    /o you ind ha&ing a go with e?

    +apiano´s hurt his wrist.


    hat´s right. ) sprained it.


    l think you ought to wait and ha&e a go

    at otter or one of the others.


    He´ll be done in, +ir.


    l don´t ind ha&ing

    a punh(out with you.


    l think you´d better

  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    forget that for today.


    )et´s go!


    )et´s go.


    +tay where you are!


    ut your head down.


    'ollet the glo&es and put the bak.


    he rest of you,

    line up for &aulting.


    ut your head down.


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    You all right?


    ( 'oe o&er here for a inute.

    ( )´ all right.


    l think l´ll go wash up.


    You all right, ate?


    "re you sure?


    'an l ask you soething?


    ( How any ties did you hit e?

    ( -ne.


    l´ sorry,

  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    l didn´t ean to hurt you.


    l lost y teper.


    l was eaning to hurt you.


    You did.

    You´re pretty good.


    Why didn´t you hit e again?


    Why didn´t you fight?

    You had e easy.


    l´&e been after you

    sine you got here.


    "re you afraid or soething?

  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script



    Hitting you wouldn´t sol&e uh,

    would it?


    lt´s the truth.

    l don´t understand you at all.


    What´s a barrow?


    " barrow? With fruit on it.

    " barrow!


    You was wrong about otts.


    Yes, fro his point of &iew,

    at his age, l was.


    ( he girls was right about the gossip.

  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    ( 3ro their point of &iew.


    What other point is there?


    You ha&e to figure that out

    for yourself.


    Would you like a job teahing

    the youngsters how to bo$?


    l´ll speak with Mr. 3lorian.

    here will be soe oney for you.


    Me? " bleeding teaher?


    lt´s iportant the youngsters

    know how to defend thesel&es.


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    Why are you doing this?


    %ood luk with your barrow.


    What´s the atter?

    You going to a bleeding wedding?


    You don´t half pong, otts!


    ( What´s up with you, 3ats?

    ( *othing, 0ert.


    "nother week

    and we´ll be through here.


    l ain´t got a job yet.


    You had the bleeder yesterday.

  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    )uky punh.


    You got eyes in bak of your head.


    He ould ha&e done e

    with one hand behind his bak.


    "nd none of your bleeding here.

    here´s ladies present.


    What +ir said about the truth,

    it´s kind of sary, isn´t it?


    %ood orning.


    "bout the party,

    we´&e got a group and all.


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    "nd the girls is fi$ing the grub.

    You oing?


    You in&iting e?


    Yeah, you´re in&ited.


    hank you.


    lf l an, l ertainly will.


    What you said is right,

    about a an aking up his own ind.


    My goodness!


    You ertainly look lo&ely.

  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script



    hank you.


    Would you dane with e tonight?


    -f ourse.


    0ut nothing too fast.

    l a getting too old for that.


    We´ll ake it speial.





    hank you.


  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    Would you all e aela tonight?




    hank you.


    #$use e a inute, 0ert.

    lt´s a.


    ( You look ar&elous!

    ( You look great!


    ( Where´s the other earring?

    ( )t´s the thing.


    l want to talk to the group.

    'oe with e?


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    ( Why?

    ( 'oe on, l´ll tell you.


    %ood e&ening.


    l hear you´re lea&ing.


    lt´s a pity.


    l´ sorry about that.

    You´re dan good.


    You´&e done wonders for this show.


    hank you &ery uh.


    "nybody an be an engineer,

    but teahing this ob is...

  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script



    l wish l had your gift.


    Why so serious, Mark?


    %ood %od, it´s Weston!


    Wrap up, 'linty.


    Well, l´ daned!


    He wasn´t gi&ing you

    a hard tie, was he?


    -n the ontrary.


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    Will you wa&e your agi wand

    and ake e sweet again?


    *othing to do with e.


    " fine lad.

    Your hand´s in this, all right.


    lf you ust lea&e,

    go to another shool.


    You an´t waste your talent

    on eletronis.



    l swore l wouldn´t interfere.


    Would you like soe ore?


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    ( Who ade it?

    ( ) did.


    lt´s salad *orth 5uay,

    one of +ir´s speial reipes.


    lt´s bloody ar&elous, 0arbara.


    l ean, Miss egg.


    hank you, Mr. Weston,

    l´ sure.


    "tually, l don´t like it.

    l think it´s terrible, don´t you?


    0liey, l´ hot!


  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script



    hank you.


    #$use e, +ir.

    l got the job l wanted.


    hat´s wonderful.


    ( What is it?

    ( ageboy at the Hilton.


    He an´t wait to get

    all that Yankee oney.


    You´re right there.


    l don´t want to be

    a pageboy all e life.


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    Will you help e get

    into night shool?


    l´d be glad to.


    a, +ir.


    You ain´t half a dolly, iss.


    1eady, a.


    "ttention, e&erybody!


    0y speial re4uest,

    it´s a lady´s hoie.


    Hold that, please.

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    'oe on.

    #&erybody, oe here.


    hank you.


    'an l oe and see you

    soeties, ne$t ter?


    l won´t be here.


    #&erybody´s got to o&e on.


    l´ glad l et you, though.

    You´&e helped e a lot.


    We were luky to ha&e you.

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    he whole world´s waiting for you.

    You´re a sasher!






    Hold it! )isten, e&erybody.

    l´&e got an announeent.


    lt´s about +ir.


    We´d like to thank you

    for all you´&e done.


    We´d like to gi&e you

    a present to reeber us by.

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    ( 'oe on, 0abs.

    ( You ean, Miss egg.


    he tie has oe


    3or losing books


    "nd long last looks ust end


    "nd as l lea&e


    l know that l a lea&ing


    My best friend


    " friend who taught e

  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    1ight fro wrong


    "nd weak fro strong


    hat´s a lot to learn


    What an l gi&e you in return?


    lf you wanted the oon


    l would try to ake a start


    0ut l would rather you let e


    %i&e y heart


  • 8/15/2019 To Sir With Love Script


    o +ir, with lo&e


    +peeh! +peeh!


    l think l´d better go

    and put it away.


    #&ening, gu&.

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