to the wellbeing of all beings. · yeast infections, leaky gut, and correlated leaky brain in the...

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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To the Wellbeing of all beings.

Living Total Wellness 2019 © All Rights ReservedRadha Cohen | Yogesh Osher |

Kick Start Detox Guide Kick Start Your Health Journey, Cleanse, Empower & Nourish

Disclaimer: This guide is designed for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to replace your relationship with a primary care professional. Do not begin this or any other new health program without consulting your physician, especially if you have a diagnosed condition.

About the Author: Radha Cohen: I have been passionate about Health, Wellbeing and the secrets for Longevity. Since I was a teenager. I have been practicing the disciplines of Yoga, Yogic Diet and Lifestyle, and Regular Detox and Fasting since I was 18 years old. This interest lead me into the field of Yogic

Science, Natural Therapies, Detox Practices, and Lifestyle Medicine.

I started my career as a Yoga and Meditation teacher working in many different continents. Then, in Australia I became a Trauma Recovery Gestalt Therapist since 2012, and a Detox - Natural Therapies Practitioner. More recently I continued my studies in USA, and became a Certified Insulin and Metabolic Health Coach as well as a Brain Health Coach.

Having lived and worked for many years in different counties, as a consequence I suffered from long term health challenges in the form of Gut Problems, that for the most part remained undiagnosed. For years I had a cascade of inter-related symptoms like parasitic and



yeast infections, leaky gut, and correlated leaky brain in the form of headaches and migraines, loss of memory and brain fog, that, at times, were also causing unexplainable depression.

To cure my inter-related conditions, I had to become master of my own health, learning, studying and practicing regular detoxification, as one of the most effective self-healing method.

I have been studying about the effect of toxins, and practiced many different types of detox and fasting protocols. I also became passionate about creating new recipes, discovering many alternative ways

of cooking, preparing and combining the most healthy foods on planet earth, truly being able to transform food into medicine. In this way, together with my husband Yogesh, we created one of the most effective cutting edge program on how to detox in a natural way, maintaining balance, self-care, creativity, fun and excitement.

For over 15 years, we have been running regular Living Total Wellness Detox Retreats and Living Total Wellness Coaching Programs. We now work online and in live events, as Life Wellness Coaches.

I feel very inspired to teach people how to cleanse and detox their bodies to gain better energy, optimal brain functions and easy weight management, helping to identify triggers and foods that may be damaging our health, while learning to re-invent new ways to replace and substitute old dietary habits.

Detox Questionnaire: • Do you wake up tired, as if you did not get enough


• Do you need caffeine or sugar to make it through the day?

• Do you wake up with puffy eyes, ankles or fingers?

• Do you have trouble remembering names or recalling words?

• Do you suffer from lack of concentration or brain fog?

• Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?

• Do you have a twitching eyelid, leg or other muscles?

• Do you suffer from any chronic conditions?




• Do you have chronic runny or stuffy nose?

• Do you have weight that came on ‘for no reason’, or that you can’t lose?

• Are you moody or quick to anger?

• Are you anxious or depressed most of the time?

• Are you having PMS or cramps, despite good lifestyle habits?

• Do you have chronic diarrhoea, constipation, or a mix of both?

• Do you have chronic sore joints or muscles?

• Do you struggle with acne, eczema or other chronic skin issues? This is only a small list of symptoms that could be caused by toxins!

Source of Toxins • Do you drink tap water or pre-packaged water bottles?

• Do you eat any processed foods or pre-packaged food?

• Do you eat fish and non organic meats?

• Do you eat non-organic foods most of the time?

• Do you use conventional cleaning products, detergents, etc.?

• Do you wear your shoes around the house?

• Do you have mouldy spots in your home?

• Do you wear store-bought perfumes?

• Do you use deodorants?

• Do you use air freshener in your home or car?

• Do you have any chronic infections like Candida overgrowth?

• Do you have root canals or amalgam fillings?

• Do you have a brand new car, home or bed?

This is only an approximate list of possible sources of toxins.Hopefully this Quiz makes you more aware that toxins are all around you and may be contributing to symptoms that affect the quality of your life. If you answer positively to four or more of these questions, you are definitely in need of introducing into you life and diet a serious Detox Protocol.

Why worry about toxic foods and environmental toxicity?

This guide is the beginning of a journey I want to take you on, to learn how to eliminate toxicity from your body and from your environment.

Since the industrial revolution most dangerous pollutants are in the soil, air and water we grow our food with, and consequently are in the most common foods you eat everyday.

The toxic burden that our body is confronted with at this time, is huge and something we were not used to until not long ago. Widespread toxicity has been indicated by numerous studies, as the primary cause of Autoimmune Diseases, Diabetes, Alzheimer, Gut Problems, Hormonal Imbalances (like Thyroid Problems or Adrenal Fatigue), Arthritis, Cancer, Heart Disease, Food Sensitivity or Allergies, that we are currently seeing spreading as an epidemic in the western world.

You may think that there is not much you personally can do about it.But actually there is a lot we personally can do by empowering ourselves in making the right choices especially about the food


we eat, where do we get it from, how to avoid toxins in all products, and most importantly how to regularly detox to prevent disease in body and mind.

Usually we tend to resort to the effect of caffein or alcohol, as the most permitted drugs on the market, to keep our body and mind on the go, no matter what, learning to ignore all the symptoms in the prodromal stage of disease.

Instead of using those common drugs to get a daily false sense of wellbeing, (with regular use they may even exacerbate symptoms), there are numerous health strategies that we can easily implement daily, to prevent disease, to keep us healthy, energetic, positive, emotionally happy, hormonally balanced, and in control of our lives.

8 Causes of Toxic Build-Up in Your Body

It’s important to know how your body actually becomes toxic. Below is a list of the 8 most common causes of toxic build-up in the human body.

1. Constipation The colon is your body’s sewage system. If the sewage system backs up, toxins become trapped in your colon. Chronic constipation means that toxins are fermenting and decaying in the colon, being reabsorbed into the bloodstream, polluting our tissues and cells.

2. Lack of NutritionA poor diet made up of dead, cooked, de-vitalized, low fibre foods, fried foods, junk foods, over-processed foods, etc has very little nutritional value and can easily lead to lack of essential vitamins and minerals, lack of essential enzymes or amino acids, ultimately leading to disease. As a modern society, we have drifted away from eating raw, organic vegetable, fruits, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats containing natural fibre, enzymes, nutrients, and healthy fats.

3. Over-Eating Overeating puts a tremendous strain on your digestion system. Most people eat too much food, too fast. Foods are not properly broken down and lodge in the lower intestines, causing vital nutrients to not be absorbed.

4. Low Hydration Level Water makes up 65% to 75% of the human body. It’s second only to oxygen in order of importance to sustain life. Water cleanses the inside of the body as well as the outside.

5. Stressful Lifestyle Stress affects every cell and tissue in the human body. Stress breaks down the immune system as well as all of the major organs. Stress is TOXIC to your body.

6. Medications and Antibiotics Antibiotics, despite their benefits in fighting certain bacterial infections, have a damaging effect on the intestines. Their intended purpose is to eliminate unhealthy bacteria in the body; the bacteria that causes illness. Unfortunately, they not only eliminate the bad bacteria but the good bacteria as well.

7. Lack of Exercise Exercise strengthens your entire body. It stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system, building stronger muscles, nerves, glands, lungs, and heart; invigorating blood, brain, mind and mood.

8. Lack of Quality Sleep The human body uses sleep to repair, rebuild and restore itself. In essence, your body uses the sleeping hours to cleanse, and to build strength and immunity.

The Importance of Detoxification


Detoxification is a paramount practice to maintain health and balance, especially in this age, at all levels of body, mind and spirit. When the body is overloaded with toxins, the toxins are slowing down your cellular metabolism and cellular functions. This means that neutrons in your brain are not communicating well, and you become forgetful or irritated, foggy or quickly stressed out. You are also prone to gain weight even if you’re not eating that much, you feel tired, bloated, and suffer from insomnia or hormonal imbalances.

Through regular detoxification processes, you can get rid of the toxic waste accumulated in your organs, helping to restore your energy levels, loose weight and balance your hormones.

The first thing in a detoxification process is to be able to reactivate your body’s own ability to do what is designed to do best: self heal!

For this to happen, it is very important to change habits and to infuse your day with special Routine made up of super easy detox practices that can give you dramatic results!

Your Daily Detox Routine!

There are 10 strategies to this daily detox routine, most of them will only take few minutes of your time, and they may be alternated with one another.

1. Morning Hydration Water is not only a fundamental building block of our cells, but is also the fuel that is needed for nearly every physiological function in our bodies. More than half of the human body cells are made of water! No surprise that hydration is critical in providing our body the resources needed to thrive.


The standard recommendation of eight glasses of water per day is a great start but this calculation is just a bare minimum requirement.

Water is Medicine! From a yogic perspective we see water not only as crucial to life, but as a medicinal element. Various minor health problems can be reversed or eliminated by adjusting water intake to a proper amount, and by following a proper method. Much of the commonly consumed food or drinks sweetened, dehydrating or diuretic such as coffee, teas, sodas can’t be considered as drinking water and they contribute to increase blood thickness, acidity and inflammation.

There are so many opinions and ideas about the ideal amount of water intake per person per day. Of course there will be variations according to the individual body size, age, activity, weather, temperature etc. Yet the rule of thumb we recommend is:If you are healthy, 3 to 4 Litres per day.If you suffer from an acute condition, 4 to 5 Litres per day.If suffer from a chronic, degenerative condition, 5-6 Litres per day.

For most people these may seem a very big amount of water to be drinking. However, again and again we experienced the correctness of this information and how valuable a good amount of water is for anyone wanting to achieve healing and optimal health.

These days so many people are on blood-thinner medications that have become almost a 'normal' prescription. However there is much simpler blood thinner medication than the ones prescribed: Water.Out of a litre of water how much do you think is the percentage that goes straight into your blood stream? Actually it is about 80%. Water helps blood flow to increase and helps the blood to be less thick or coagulating. When there is dehydration, the body is forced to shut down capillary beds. When capillary beds shut down there is more pressure in the 'pipes' of capillaries and arteries, elevating the blood pressure. Water drinking is one of the best ways to also lower blood pressure naturally!

What is the optimal rhythm of drinking water?

First thing in the morning water drinking is optimal and highly recommended and this is the only time of the day water can be taken up to 2 litres without any concern. The body is ready for water after a night fast, and needs support to start the daily functions of detoxification and elimination. Other times of the day water drinking is best kept gradual to one glass at a time every 15-20 min.Meal times are not a good time to drink water. In order to allow the digestive process to do its work optimally it is best to stop drinking water about 30 min before every meal, and it is best to avoid drinking water during a meal. It is also very important for digestion to wait one hour after a meal to resume drinking water again or any other liquid. It prevents the dilution of the digestive juices, giving time to the stomach perform its functions more efficiently. It is best to avoid any water that has additives such as Chlorine or Fluoride. If your source of water is a natural one, it is best to filter it and avoid the risk of any unwanted bacteria.

The Digestive system needs a good supply of water in-order to work effectively and optimally. When water is lacking in the digestive track, nutrients absorption is delayed in the system and quickly start a fermentation process that turns into toxicity hindering the body with extra work and poison.

Over toxicity in the digestive track is the root cause of many dysfunctions such as Constipation, Leaky Gut, IBS syndrome, Acidity, etc. When the Water flow in the digestive track is regular,

moderate, and timely, it creates an optimal condition for the system to operate. This optimal condition in turn, allow the digestive system to extract the maximum nutrients from the food ingested. Under optimal conditions the body will also start to clean up and eliminate toxicity, first of all in the digestive track itself, and then in all other areas of the body.

Drinking warm water especially in the morning, can heal our bodies, facilitating the elimination of toxic metabolic waste that builds up in the Immune System. It helps digestion and facilitates the tightening of the intestines, which optimises faecal elimination (without the use of gut’s irritants such as caffeine). Warm water also increases body temperature that in turn increases the metabolic rate of the body. An increase in metabolic rate allows the body to burn more calories, promoting weight loss. Also it is helping the gastrointestinal tract and the kidneys to function better, as fat deposits are eliminated together with deposits in the nervous system, improving circulation and blood flow. Regular Detoxification and good health starts with the first detox strategy of Morning Hydration, supported by correct water drinking throughout the whole day.

Infusing water with fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

However not everyone likes water just in itself! It is really difficult for some to drink straight water and this makes proper hydration very difficult. But there’s a creative solution!

By infusing water with the flavours of your favourite seasonal organic fresh produce, staying hydrated becomes more appealing and so much tastier too. Additionally, infused water has been proven to add more health benefits to your hydration routine.

When it comes to infusing your water, all what you need is creativity. Use only seasonal organic produce to prevent pesticides and other chemicals seeping into your body. The combinations of fruits, veggies, herbs, and spices can be tailored exactly to your taste preferences according to the health benefits you hope to achieve.

Foods to use for infusion are:

Berries: are loaded with antioxidants, key vitamins and minerals, nutritionally dense, providing a variety of health benefits. Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries contain incredibly high concentrations of antioxidants, which help to balance free radicals in the body, decrease inflammation, prevent cancer, and even prevent DNA damage. Berries are also helpful in regulating insulin levels and boosting vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, and more, which helps support a strong immune system.

Citrus: are lemons, limes, grapefruits, oranges, and other citrus fruits offer a balance of sweet and tart to infused water with and they can be used with an addition of turmeric or ginger. Not only they all are packed with vitamin C, help detoxification and iron absorptions, but their flavonoids have anticancer properties, and help to energise and bust your metabolism

Ginger: this root is one of the most beneficial for your health. It reduce inflammation, increase your digestive power, relieve muscle pain, prevent memory loss, fight infections.


Herbs: there’s nothing better than infuse your water with mint, lemon grass, lemon balm, rosemary, sage, parsley or cilantro. They can also be used to make colourful ice cubes!

High water content fruits and veggies: such as watermelon, cucumbers, pomegranates, celery, not only are delicious but help to replenish electrolytes, adding important vitamins and minerals into the water. Additionally using a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables, helps lift your mood, strengthen immunity and protects against disease.

Superfoods: are are foods packed with an incredible amount of nutrients in a small quantity, and can be found in most health food stores. They provide an incredible amount of whole food, plant-based nutrition. Some of the most potent are Chlorella, Spirulina, or Wheat Grass juice, they help you to make an instant “juice like “ green drink even when nothing else is available. They taste best with some lemon juice and a pinch of salt added to it for flavour. Chia seeds, can be used after soaking into your water to create a magnificent super natural “energy elixir. Just half a tea spoon of these foods can make a difference on the level of minerals and proteins your body absorbs.

2. Lemon Water Lemon Water is one of the most powerful Yogic Medicines, guarding against most common

diseases, being a great detox aid, digestive booster and liver cleanser. 

We know that lemons contain citric acid, magnesium, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pectin, calcium and limonene, which supercharge our immunity so that the body can fight infection. The addition of the juice of half a lemon together with a pinch of salt to your morning water or warm water intake, will balance and normalise the PH level in your blood, fighting acidity and many other conditions aggravated by acidity, such as acid reflux, arthritis, indigestion, bloating, etc. Lemons

are considered one of the most alkalising foods you can eat. This may seem untrue as they are acidic on their own. However, in the body, lemons are alkaline, as the citric acid ones is metabolise does not create acidity. The minerals in lemons actually helps to alkalise the blood.  Most people are too acidic (from eating too much sugar, grains or meat), and drinking warm lemon water helps reduce overall acidity, including drawing uric acid from the joints. Additionally drinking warm lemon water in the morning will help break down fat tissues, enhancing blood flow, circulation and detoxification. It will also help in controlling food craving due to the lemon's pectin fibre. Drink it at least 10 minutes before eating any food for the day. Make sure to use fresh organic lemons to make this drink and not bottled lemon juice. You want to use organic lemons to avoid any pesticides. Benefits: aids in detoxification, improves your digestion, alkalise your blood, boosts your mood and energy for the day, helps you lose fat.

Cilantro Lemon Drink

Ingredients2 cups of water1 organic lemon or lime (aid detox)1 bunch of spinach or garden greens ( detoxify, balance blood sugar levels, full of nutrients and plant proteins)


1 bunch of cilantro (helps mobilise and detox heavy metals)1tsp honey


Blend all ingredients in a blender, and enjoy!It supports detoxification, it mobilises heavy metals, it is alkalising, it is hydrating and it boost immunity.

3. Use of Coconut Oil as a Mouth Wash This is called Oil Pulling. It’s been proven to be even more effective than flossing, and it’s one of the best ways to whiten your teeth naturally.Oil pulling has the capacity to pull out and eliminate toxins from the throat and mouth. It is important to use a cold-pressed organic coconut oil or if you do not like the taste, pure sesame oil can also be used, or you can add two drops of peppermint Essential Oil to your coconut oil jar.

Directions: right after getting out of bed in the morning, before eating, drinking or brushing your teeth, place 1 tbsp of coconut oil in your mouth. Swish the oil around your mouth for at leat 5-10 minutes. As the oil mixes with your saliva and swirl between your teeth and gums, it will begin to pull toxins from your mouth and throat. Most toxins such as heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, and other environmental toxicants are fat soluble. These toxins suppress the immune system, disrupt hormones and cause many diseases. Oil Pulling collects fat soluble toxins and expel them from the body. Tip: do this while you are in the shower! Immediately afterwards, dispose of the oil, rinse your mouth out with warm water and brush your teeth as normal. Benefits: it detox the body, promotes good oral hygiene, whitens your teeth, boost your energy, aids in hormonal regulation, reduces the risk of gum inflammation, reduces headaches.

Additionally, the use of Tongue Cleaner, can help to eliminate even more toxins from your mouth. When you gently scrape your tongue every morning just after brushing you will see a large amount of mucous coming off full of harmful toxins. Its very important to eliminate these toxins and not re-ingest them into your system!

A toothbrush its not enough to get rid of this type of mucous and its not near as effective as a tongue cleaner. Long ago when toothbrush did not exist, people used small tree twigs to clean their teeth. Then they would use the bark to scrape their tongue clean

Summary: • Brush your teeth normally after waking up. Make sure you clean your tongue and rinse your

mouth properly.• Take 10 ml (a tablespoon) of organic coconut or sesame or sunflower oil. Use your tongue to

sip and suck the oil, so that it penetrates the gaps between the teeth and sweeps over the gums and palate. This helps to trap the bacteria and other pathogens in the oil.

• Use your jaws as though you are chewing something.• Continue with the process for about 5-10 minutes, after which you will notice the viscosity

of the oil changing. It will become more watery.• Spit out the oil, never ingest it! Refrain from spitting into the drain, as the oil is so full of

bacteria that has the potential to clog it. It is best to spit into your garbage bin.


• Use plain tap water to thoroughly rinse your mouth and brush your teeth.• For the best results, wait for 15 to 20 minutes before you eat or drink anything.• Right after you are done with the exercise, you will notice that your teeth feel more polished

and your oral cavity feels fresher and cleaner.


• Children under the age of 5 should not be allowed to perform oil pulling.• Make sure the oil you are using is ORGANIC!• If you are allergic to a certain type of oil or a brand, use another type.• If the oil does not turn thin and white, you aren’t performing oil pulling correctly.

4. Dry Brushing your Skin

This is a few minutes wellness practice. It is basically brushing your body with a natural fibre brush from your extremities towards your heart. It activates the largest organ of detoxification of your body: the skin, and moves the lymphatic fluid that collects waste products in your body and expels them through the skin. When your organs of detoxification are overburdened, the lymphatic fluid stagnates in the body, possibly leaving you feeling congested, and sluggish or even puffy.The important thing to know here is that one third of your body’s toxins are eliminated through the skin. Dry skin brushing helps to unclog your pores and stimulate the lymphatic circulation to release those toxins more efficiently. It’s simple to do and costs no more than a skin brush. Directions: Get a natural bristle skin brush with a handle long enough to reach your back. Before you take a shower or bath get into the tub or shower stall without water. Start from your feet and begin using long sweeping motions, brushing toward your heart. Brush 5-7 times in each area, overlapping as you go. Make sure you are gentle in your sensitive areas. Get in the shower after you have brushed your entire body. Dry brushing also helps beautify your skin by refreshing it with fresh blood supply, and it also helps to get rid of those stubborn cellulite deposits under the skin. This effect can be enhanced by alternating the water temperature between the hottest you can stand and the coldest you can tolerate. This will help to further mobilise fat and cellulite release. Immediately after getting out of the shower rub your entire body with oil, coconut oil, almond oil or sesame oil. This practice is extremely nurturing for the skin, while avoiding all chemical or synthetic products on the market. Dry brush twice a day for best results. Clean your brush with soap and water once a week and leave it in the sun to dry. Additionally infuse essential oils like methyl salicylate, thymol, menthol, and eucalyptus, which have anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis properties.

As mentioned earlier, there are many damaging and toxic skin care products on the market. There are statistics saying that women are exposed to over 500 toxins before they leave their house in the morning. It is now common understanding that deodorants made commercially are linked to Breast Cancer, Alzheimer and Autoimmune problems. Deodorants can be replaced by home made DYO skin preparations, easy to make and to use.


Coconut Oil DeodorantIngredients: 5 Tablespoons Coconut Oil, 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda, 6 Tablespoons Arrowroot Powder, 5 to 10 drops of the essential oil of your choice like Rose, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, etc. Instructions: Mix the above ingredients together and store in a small jar in your cabinet. Your deodorant will be like a paste, so just scoop some out with your finger to apply to your under-arm area.

5. Use of Apple Cider Vinegar Elixirs It’s no secret that raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother, ACV, is a nutrient powerhouse. ACV gently restores the digestive system, assists in detoxification, alkalises the pH of the body,

increases metabolic rates, helps with weight loss, act as a beneficial probiotic providing the gut with beneficial bacteria( from the mother), helps control blood sugar, cleans impurities in the skin, and helps to detoxify the liver! Its traditional use is vast and very versatile across the globe. However not many know the wonderful benefits of incorporating apple cider vinegar into a daily routine. It is best to be used unfiltered and organic ACV.When people eat too many acidic foods like coffee, red wine, cheese, or certain meats on a regular basis, the body pH levels can become too acidic.  If you are under lot of stress or experience lots of negative emotions, the body

becomes acidic too, and the natural alkaline reserves of our system gets totally depleted. Acidity also robs minerals from bones, cells, organs and tissues. Many studies have shown that when pH levels remain acidic over a long period of time, the health of our organs is dangerously at risk, giving rise to serious conditions like obesity, kidney problems, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and even cancer. It is well known that an acid pH enhances the invasive behaviour of cancer cells.

ACV is naturally acidic. But when we consume it, its incredible concentration of vital nutrients and minerals like potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, enzymes, malic acid, ash, pectin and acetic acid, form a compound that naturally turn acidic body fluids into alkaline. Additionally, due to the presence of the ‘mother’, ACV is a living probiotic food naturally increasing the beneficial bacteria in your gut, with numerous beneficial consequences. The secret of its benefits remain in its probiotic properties and its alkalising balance of body pH level, very important to maintaining a disease-free internal system, and a healthy lifestyle.

Adding one to two teaspoons of ACV to your morning elixir with water can promote healthy weight management. In this way the body can detoxify itself effortlessly. Since the health of the gut is reflected externally in the skin, improving digestive health with apple cider vinegar is a reliable way to achieve beautiful skin as well. The simplest way to add raw apple cider vinegar to your regime is by adding a teaspoon to a glass of water and drinking it before lunch and before dinner. This way your digestion is fired up and your blood sugar remains stable!

Morning Apple Cider ElixirIngredients1-2 tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar1 tablespoon lemon juice1 teaspoon cinnamon2 cups boiling or warm waterOptional to taste: Liquid stevia, or 1 tablespoon of raw organic honey


DirectionsStir ingredients together and sip this drink steaming in the morning or before bedtime. Serve warm or cool depending on your tastes and you are surely going to fall in love with this drink.

Apple Cider Immunity BoostIngredients1 tsp organic apple cider vinegarPinch of cayenne pepper1/4 tsp TurmericJuice of 1/2 lemon2 tsp raw honeyPinch of saltCayenne pepper helps toxins and bacteria to move out of the digestive tract and boost metabolismDirectionsCombine all ingredients in a jar of water and enjoy!

Ginger Cider PunchGreat for summer!Ingredients2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar12 drops of liquid stevia1/4 teaspoon ground ginger or 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger1 cup water1/2 organic lemonDirectionsCombine all ingredients in a jar or a glass of water. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours and up to a day. Shake or stir before serving. Taste and adjust Stevia amount, if desired. If using fresh ginger, strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Pour over ice or mix with natural sparkling water, if desired.

Apple Cider Vinegar DressingIngredients¾ cup extra virgin olive oil¼ cup organic apple cider vinegar2 tablespoons filtered waterPinch of saltPinch of pepperOptional to taste: Liquid stevia or 1 tbsp. raw organic honeyDirectionsWhisk together these fresh ingredients and splash them on your green salad at your leisure. Serve cool either with or beside your favourite salad.White Vinegar CleanserBefore organic shampoos and facial cleansers, people were using apple cider vinegar! Some of these products continue to include it in their ingredients. Simply use the vinegar in its purest form to cleanse the skin, face, and hair.  It pulls impurities from the skin, tones the skin, and removes buildup from the hair.  Simply set aside 2-4 tablespoons (or more) and use it as a cleanser.

Household CleanserWhite Vinegar has been used traditionally for long time as a cleanser and natural disinfectant for household propose.

6. Ultra Detox Preparations

Psyllium Husk Cleansing Drink

During a Detox Fast fibre is very important to remove toxic build up and heavy metals from the colon. Fibre is the ultimate toxins binder. Psyllium Husk, is an insoluble fibre and one of the best natural laxatives. It works like a broom sweeping the colon out of all stagnating, accumulated layers of toxic waste and impurity. Once ingested it expands forming a gel like substance that draws water and toxins from the colon promoting easy elimination by sweeping it all out easily and efficiently. It helps to promote better elimination. It can be easily added to your Fruit or Vegetable Juice of choice, during the one or two or three day Juice Fast.


During the period of one, two or three days Detox Fast, every time you take your Juice during meal times, add at first 1 Table spoon of Psyllium Husk to half glass of water (or to half glass of your favourite Juice). Mix it in quickly and drink it immediately, before it becomes jelly like. Then drink another full glass of water. Then slowly, a spoonful at a time, drink your Organic Vegetable Juice of choice, as your meal.

7. Start up your Liver Detox

Liven up your Liver!

The liver is the classic hit of metabolic detoxification and represent the first level of attack.

Keep your liver healthy, is your second largest organ

The liver has two phases of detoxification; the first phase makes the toxins more water soluble and the second phase packages them up so they can be eliminated. In phase two the liver needs high quality plant protein as raw materials to get the toxins packaged to exit the body. Some of my favourite substances to streamline the processing of toxins through the liver are curry spices and cruciferous vegetables.

During our Detox Retreat we always alternate between juice fasting and curry spiced broths in the evening, using lots of cruciferous vegetable in both preparations, together with a powerful substance for liver detox, curcumin, as found in the spice of turmeric. The active compound of this yellow root, turmeric, is an anti-inflammatory substance that balances phase I and phase II liver detox activities. Don’t be afraid to add the yellow-punch of curry to your favourite stir fries for flavour and for enhancing the detox ingredients of your meal, adding lots of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts. Ensure you get at least one serving daily.


As you put your focus on liver detoxification, note the presence of anger in your life—do you express it or stuff it within? Find ways to vent your anger that are healthy rather than just reacting in a volatile way.

Recipes to Boost the Liver and Detox Naturally

Beets are one of the most effective detoxifiers. Beets contain a substance called betaine, a compound that actively helps the liver flush out toxins.

Simple Liver Gall Bladder Cleanse

Ingredients2 cups finely shredded raw Beets ( improve blood flow, reduce blood pressure, detox liver, help with iron, treat inflammation) 4 tablespoons Pure Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil (healthy fat that liver needs to process toxins) 1/2cup fresh Lemon Juice (liver detoxifier) Pinch of Himalayan salt (natural mineralisation that helps detox) Store in fridge in a bowl or glass jar with lead DirectionsTake 1 tablespoon every 2-3 hours from 8 am, til 8 pm. for 3 consecutive days. Repeat for 3 weeks.

MilkThistle Oil

Take Milk Thistle Oil to boost the liver ability to detox. It helps to protect the liver while ridding the body of toxins. Milk Thistle possesses antioxidant properties that helps the detoxification process of heavy metals, pesticides and environmental toxins.

Why Is The Liver So Important? The liver is primarily responsible for filtering your blood, processing bile and other unnecessary things from your body, the absorption of vital nutrients, creating proteins that are important for blood clotting and metabolising carbohydrates. Your liver actually plays a role in over 500 other processes in your body! The health of your Liver reflects in almost every area of your body and overall health. Symptoms of poor liver health: Abdominal pain and swelling, Yellowish colouring in skin and eyes, Swelling in arms and legs, Darkened urine, Pale or bloody stool, Chronic fatigue, Loss of appetite, Itchy skin How To Help Keep Your Liver Healthy? One of the best things you can do for your liver is do everything you can to maintain optimal functionality before you even get to a point where poor liver health is a concern. Eating foods in your diet that naturally help boost your liver health is a great way to make sure you’re staying on top of your liver’s health. Some foods that help boost the liver: Turmeric, Ginger, Grapefruit, Beets, Blueberries, Cranberries, Grapes, Prickly pear, Cruciferous vegetables, Nuts, Olive oil, Broccoli, Green tea, Spinach. Drinking cleansing juices is also a great way to not only provide essential nutrients to your

body and liver, but also to boost your liver’s ability to take care of itself and detox your whole system.

Liver it Up!Liver Detox Juice 1 Ingredients 4 medium carrots, scrubbed 2 handfuls baby spinach 1 medium red beet 1 cucumber 1 green apple, cored Juice of 1 lemon 1-inch piece ginger root Process all ingredients through juicer and enjoy!

Liver Detox Juice 2 Ingredients 1 beet (medium size) 6 celery stalks or more 1 cup fresh parsley (anticancer, detoxifying, build strong blood, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant0 1⁄2 lemon (alkalising, detoxifying) 1 knob ginger ( for enhancing digestion, anti-inflammatory0 Process all ingredients through juicer and enjoy!

Liver Detox Root Juice 3Ingredients 1 apple3 leaves of beet greens 1 beet 1 purple sweet potato 4 purple carrots 1 bunch celery 1 ginger root piece - Juice and Enjoy!Liver Detox Berries Juice 4Ingredients 2 cups mixed berries 1/2 cup broccoli 2 beets 1 apple2 carrots 1 lemon pealed 1 ginger knob 1 cup coconut water Blend and enjoy!

Liver Detox Grapefruit Surprise Juice 5


Ingredients 3 grapefruits red 2 beets 1 lime pealed 1 green apple - Juice it all!

Liver Detox Smoothie 1 Ingredients 3 quartered beets 3 carrots (stimulate Liver Function) 2 cups dark greens of your choice (help neutralise heavy metals and toxins) 1 cup dandelion greens or any bitter leaves (increase bile flow and digestive juices) 1 lemon, pealed (Vitamin C syntheses toxic materials and helps to eliminate via urine or sweat) 1 green apple ( realising toxins from the digestive tract, unburden the liver) Blend and enjoy!

Liver Detox Smoothie 2 Ingredients 3 leaves kale (helps getting rid the of pesticides) 2 celery stalks (blood cleanser) 1 apple 1 lemon pealed 1/3 cup parsley or cilantro (helps to rid the body of mercury and harmful chemicals) 1 T ground flaxseeds(omega 3) 1 T chia pre-soaked (omega 3) 1/4 tsp cinnamon Cold water Blend and Enjoy! every morning 1/2 hour before food. Excellent for detoxification and gut health!

8. Benefits of Juicing Juices are a fantastic additions to your health.

Help you become lighter with a decreased body fat percentage. Keeps your blood sugar stable. Leave you energised. Promote mental clarity and increased productivity. Fight against malnutrition, dehydration and sluggishness. Encourage regular digestion and bowel movements. Help yo clear your skin. Promote more high quality, restorative sleep Increase athletic performance. Aids sexual health and vitality by boosting libido. Strengthen Immune System and help fight against disease and illness. Help prevent diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Juices are liquid meals easy to digest, giving to your system the chance to take a break, as they are easy to absorb, and will help you feel like a much better version of yourself.

Fruit of the Earth Juice


2 medium beet ( Helps liver detoxification)1 green apple ( for natural sweetness, blood sugar balance, antioxidants and vitamins)1 stalk celery (1 cucumber ( hydrating, help in elimination)1 handful of mint (digestive support and calming)1 tbsp hemp oil ( source of healthy fat)1 pinch Himalayan salt(mineralising)DirectionsBlend all ingredients and enjoy!

Turmeric Up


3 peeled lemons (aid liver detox)



1tbsp honey (natural sweetness)1tsp turmeric (anti-inflammatory)pinch Himalayan salt (mineralisation)1 tbsp chia seeds pre-soaked in water (omega 3 healthy fat)DirectionsBlend ingredients, Add Chia on top of the juice.

Green Rainbow Juice Ingredients

2 large kale leaves , 2 chard leaves 3 collards leaves 1 handful baby spinach ( all greens are detoxifying & high nutritional content)1 cucumber ( for elimination and hydration)1 cup of diced watermelon (hydrating and detoxifying, good for kidneys)1 tbsp coconut oil (healthy fat, good for our and brain)DirectionsBlend ingredients and add the coconut oil to the juice.Red Radish and Orange Ingredients

2 large tomatoes 4 small radishes ( powerful flavour and nutrient value) 2 large carrots (to aid digestion, prevent constipation) 1 large orange (Vit. C, good for kidney) 1 tablespoon hemp oil ( super healthy fat, perfect balance omega 6 and 3)Directions:

Chop veggies as needed & run the tomatoes, radishes, carrots and orange through the juicer. Pour into a glass, stir in hemp oil, pour over ice and serve chilled if needed.

Pineapple Punch Ingredients

1 cup of fresh pineapple (rich in bromeliad proteolytic enzyme)

1 pitted mango (boost alkaline levels, boost immune functions)

1 papaya

2 big handfuls of kale

Pinch of cayenne pepper (for blood circulation, detoxification, speed up metabolism and weight


1 tbsp chia seeds pre-soaked (healthy fats and protein)



Run pineapple, mango, papaya & kale through

the juicer. Pour into tall glass

Stir in cayenne pepper Pour over ice Top with

chia seeds (Serve immediately)

Ginger HighIngredients

2 large, green apples (for sweetness, low sugar

content, antioxidant)

2 medium pieces of ginger ( aid digestion, increase blood

flow, detox liver)

2 large carrots

2 celery stalks (highly alkaline, balancing and detoxing0

Pinch of turmeric powder (potent anti-inflammatory)

1 tablespoon of hemp oil (healthy fat to help absorb


Pinch of Sea Salt and Pepper


Put apple, ginger, carrot & celery through the juicer. Pour

juice into glass & stir in turmeric, salt pepper, hemp oil. Serve immediately

Vitality Lime Ingredients

1 medium beet (phytonutrients for energy) 3 large, peeled limes (alkalising, detoxifying) 1 handful pitted cherries Small handful fresh mint 1⁄2 teaspoon pink Himalayan salt (vitamins, minerals,

electrolytes0 1 tablespoon flax seed oil (omega 3)

DirectionsPut beet, limes, cherries & mint into the juicer. Pour into a tall glass, stir in sea salt & flax oil

Serve it with ice to make this drink most refreshing.




Berries ForeverIngredients

5 large strawberries (all berries high in antioxidant

properties, anticancer, aid detox)

1 handful of blackberries

1 handful of blueberries

1 handful of baby spinach (any green to balance the


1 handful of baby kale

1 tablespoon flax seed oil(healthy fat)


Run all berries & greens through the juicer. Pour into glass, and stir in flax seed oil. Serve immediately.

9. Best Detox Foods

The goal is to serve the body loving, healing foods with powerful healing and loving movements, so it can let go of all that is holding it back. You will be cleansing the liver, decreasing inflammation and re-setting your metabolism. All of this will help you clean out any toxins that are making it hard for you to lose weight and feel great. Nothing is more powerful than healing foods to clean out your system. Food is medicine and you’re about to learn exactly what you need to grab at your local supermarket to have the greatest benefit on your health, skin, and organs. Not to mention the way you look and feel!

Limes Limes help with digestion, and constipation. It will help you eliminate all the toxins and build up.

Berries Berries are loaded with antioxidants as well as vitamin C that helps detox the body!For every metabolised molecule of toxins, you generate one free radical molecule, Free radicals damage DNA and accelerate the wear and tear process in the body or brain. Taking vitamin C, Alpha Lipoid Acid, food rich in flavonoids like berries, carotenoids and glutathione rich foods helps neutralise the free radicals.

Coconut Kefir The healthy fats in kefir will help you absorb the fat soluble vitamins in this drink. Kefir is loaded with 10x the probiotics as Greek yogurt and helps with gut inflammation as well as boosting your immunity. The high percentage of protein in kefir will also help you stay satiated and feel fuller longer.


Warm water Warm water throughout the day helps the body flush out unnecessary fat, keeps it hydrated, and is easy on the internal system.

Maca Maca powder is a Super-food aiding to strengthen and balance hormones, increasing energy, endurance and libido.

GreensLeafy green vegetables protect the liver by neutralising metals, chemicals, and pesticides from both foods and the environment. Arugula, spinach, and chicory may increase bile flow to help rid the body of waste products. Kale & spinach are two of the best superfoods for detoxing the liver as well as other organs in your body. Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and other cruciferous veggies help the liver produce enzymes to aid in the removal of toxins.

BeetrootBeetroots naturally cleanse and purify the blood. They boost especially liver functions and the production of nutrients in the body.

PineappleNot only do pineapples taste amazing, but they contain the proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which has amazing anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits, as well as protects against macular degeneration.

GrapefruitsGrapefruit it is high in Vitamin C and contains glutathione, which assists the liver in the production of detox enzymes. Glutathione, which is produced naturally by the liver, aids in several processes in the body, including tissue building and repair, production of chemicals and proteins that are needed in the body, and strengthening the immune system.

CucumbersCucumbers are a great source for clearing out the internal system, and are loaded with rich vitamins that help with arthritis, diabetes, and cholesterol.

Avocados Avocados contain a wonderful fat that helps you release weight. As if you needed another reason to eat avocados, they are a Super-food for the Liver.They contain glutathione as well as Vitamins C and E which act as antioxidants to neutralise free radicals and protect liver cells from damage. The Vitamin E and Vitamin K in avocados act as an anti-inflammatory to protect the liver from harmful inflammation. The healthy fats in avocados can also improve cholesterol levels.

Coconut Oil The healthy fats in this superfood will help you feel full as well as eliminate all the toxins built up in your body.

Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds contain all the 9 essential amino acids and are a great protein source. They contain a perfect ration of Omega 3 and 6.

Chia Seeds Chia seeds are loaded with vitamins, nutrients, and fibre (which will help you flush out unwanted waste), antioxidants, help to balance your blood sugar and help flatten your gut.

Cacao Cacao is loaded with antioxidants and tastes delicious. Some of the recipes in this detox call for cacao. I recommend Cacao Bliss.

Quinoa Quinoa is one of the most protein and fibre rich foods we can get. Loaded with iron, this superfood will leave you feeling fuller longer.

Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar is used as a natural remedy to treat everything from indigestion to easing your stomach cramps. ACV is also known to aid in teeth whitening and weight loss

TurmericThe main active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Curcumin is believed to help protect the bile duct to improve the flow of bile, acting as a liver cleanser. It prevents toxins and alcohol from converting into harmful compounds that can damage the liver, thus rejuvenating liver cells. Sprinkling some turmeric on your food is a great way to add a little flavour and reap great health benefits.

10. Improve your Sleep! Sleep well to boost your hormone balance, overall energy and wellbeing. Sleep is one of the most important things to detox body and brain and regain health. Sleep is vital for physical and mental health. This is because while we sleep, a lot of beneficial things occur in the body. The immune system strengthens, tissue and skin renew, energy is restored, muscles relax, and blood pressure drops. It has also been proven that during sleep, the brain cleanses itself by removing toxins that might have built up during the day. When sleep deprivation occurs, it means these healthy processes do not take place thus causing damage to the brain and the overall body. Lack of good sleep can also lead to increased loss of brain cells leading to early memory loss, or an early onset of Alzheimer’s disease. This is why having a full night of sleep, of minimum 7 hours per day, is fundamental to maintaining brain health and to be active.


Especially in the evening before sleep, give your body a chance to unwind and relax and encouraged yourself to make space between your frenetic day and your sleep time, with some evening RITUALS, like soothing Dancing Meditation, Meditation, or Epsom salts baths. The use of Epsom Salts: An Epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe muscles, cramps, bruises and joint pain. In addition, soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a wonderful way to relax and relieve stress and draw out toxins from your body. Add lavender essential oil for smell and relaxation. Is also excellent just a foot bath in the evening to unwind, relax and prepare for a good night sleep.

DirectionsAdd 2 cups of salts to a warm bath or 2 Tbsp in a small foot bath bucket. Mix the salt in so it dissolves in the water. Soak for 10-15 minutes for best results.

Rinse in the shower, give yourself a massage with warm sesame oil or coconut oil. Running your feet with coconut oil before bedtime soothe and cool the brain. Epsom Salt Bath

Ingredients• 2 cups Epsom salts• 1/3 cup baking soda• ¼ cup sea salt (optional)• 25 drops of lavender essential oil• 10 drops peppermint essential oil

InstructionsMix all ingredients and store in a air-tight jar’Use 1 tsp. per bath and soak for 30 min.Rinse and rub body with sesame oil or coconut oil mixed with sensually busting essential oils such as rose, jasmine, ylang ylang, etc.

Steam baths: Alternating hot to cold, use loofah brush to invigorate the skin. Alternatively have an Infrared Sauna or deep tissue lymphatic massage to regenerate the Mitochondria, the power house within each and every cell in our body and brain.

Health Benefits of Saunas

Sweat out toxins with an infrared sauna!Infrared saunas are most effective to detox metals and chemicals from fat storage. Saunas are not just great for detoxification, but they also kill parasites, mould and yeast! By sweating the toxins out



from your skin, they help you bypass the need to processed toxins through the liver. In this way saunas helps to unburden and alleviate the function of your liver.Does using a sauna actually impact on how long we live?Research does indeed link sauna use with disease prevention and longevity benefits. The mechanisms for this may be the activation of heat shock proteins (HSPs). Ageing is associated with a progressive accumulation of molecular damage and reduced cellular defence mechanisms. HSPs can repair damaged cells, promote autophagy (the auto destruction of damaged cells) and also prevent future damage by scavenging free radicals and increase antioxidant capacity through the maintenance of glutathione, the master antioxidant. Higher levels of HSPs have been linked to longevity. Heat stress also has been indicated to activate the gene FOXO3, which has been called the longevity gene, since polymorphisms in this gene are associated with the ability to attain exceptional old age.

Important Tips for a Sound Sleep

• Move your body, walk, or do some exercises for an hour each and every day.• No hard exercise for 6 hours before bedtime. • Do not eat for the last 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.• Avoid caffeine, sugar, marijuana, and alcohol completely, and cacao or chocolate after 4 pm.

They are too stimulating and can prevent good sound sleep. Consuming any of those foods will create a spike and then a fall in your blood sugar that can wake you up later into the night.

• Alcohol decreases deep sleep and increases arousals from sleep.• Prepare yourself to a good night sleep by switching off all computers and lights (using only

deem lights or candles) at lease an hour hours before sleep.• Do not read or do any activity that causes mental stimulation one hour before bedtime. The best

activity is meditation or other contemplative exercise, or reading a book that is NOT mentally stimulating.

• Try to get rid of thoughts that make you worry, or write down in your journal postponing everything til tomorrow. Also write down any notes for things you don’t want to forget so they don’t wake you up in the night.

• Make sure your room is really dark, so much that you can’t see your hand, and cool. Our brain prefer coolness for its optimal functioning, and night time is when the Brain is active to detox itself through the lymphatic pathways of the cerebra spinal fluid. Any impairment or dysfunction to the brain lymphatic system is a determinant in age-related changes of brain function and in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative, and neuro-inflammatory diseases.

• Use an essential oil diffuser in your bedroom with lavender oil. Or put lavender oil on a cotton ball in your pillow case. Avoid sleeping pills, or use them cautiously. Most doctors do not prescribe sleeping pills for periods of more than three weeks because they cause dependency.

• Appreciation and gratitude practice before sleep along with forgiveness work for yourself and anyone else who you need to release for the night.

• If you are not tired after you have gone to bed, get out of bed and go into another room to meditate. Don’t turn on the lights.

• Use ear plugs if you sleep with someone who snores.• Keep pets out of your bedroom if they disturb your sleep.• Do not smoke or use nicotine 3 hours before bedtime.• Supplements like Magnesium and Herbs can be useful.• Pay more attention to sooth, calm and nurture your Adrenal Glands. In many cases they get too

worn out and can cause sleep disturbance. Its one of the most common problems.

Practice Earthing What is earthing? It’s the process of reconnecting to planet Earth! We wear shoes, we walk on floor laminates, asphalt and cement, and we spend time sitting. This disconnects us from the energetic pull from the core of the earth that keeps us steady.Have you ever noticed that you sleep better going camping or on a beach vacation after walking in the sand or being in the ocean? The earth, sand and ocean water are naturally conductive to ground the body and remove excess positive electrons.Our bodies and brains need this ground effect. When we make direct contact with the surface of the Earth our bodies receive a charge of energy that makes us feel better. So, make a point to go outside every day and walk on the earth with no shoes on. Find a patch of earth and make contact with rock, dirt or water.

11. Movement

Getting a bit of blood-pumping exercise in the morning is a great boost for detoxification and energy. Overnight, everything gets clogged up in your body, and it needs some help to get moving! A morning walk is fantastic, but another most simple, powerful exercise to access is squats. Yes, plain old squats. Doing a set of ten wide legs squats is a great way to work your biggest muscle groups, move lymph, and pump your blood. You can move your arms vigorously at the same time for even more benefit.

Other options: If your knees don’t allow you to squat, you can do push-ups or jumping jacks. It’s ok to do push-ups on your knees so that you don’t irritate your shoulder joints! You can also do yoga- do a few sets of sun salutations or just some lunges, side bends and deep breathing. Another option is to use a mini-trampoline, aka a rebounder. You can also sprint on an exercise bike or treadmill. The point is not to do a long work-out, but a consistent bit of blood pumping every morning. It’s not a fancy work-out in workout clothes, it’s just 2-5 minutes of vigorous movement. It gets you energised, and it goes a long way to keep you fit1

12. Breath, Centre, Meditate

Meditation is free form of spirituality that has accompanied the journey of humanity since millennia. It is a potent practice that holds countless benefits for inner and outer peace, feeling calm, grounded and centred, heightened awareness, deeper focus, and many other countless benefits for body, mind and spirit.




Many religious and spiritual traditions have practiced meditation as a path to spiritual awakening and self-realisation. At the same time in the last century, science has been showing how this ancient practice can help to optimise health and well-being in many areas of life. Certainly Meditation hold the power to discover the mystery of our ultimate essential nature, and how greater connection to the inexplicable laws of the universe.

However its not an easy practice, and like everything it needs regularity, commitment and perseverance to gain the fruits of it.

However even small steps in this direction can make a very big difference in the face of a stressful lifestyle, everyday challenges, relationships and in the face of our inner emotional turmoil and ups and downs. Meditation also holds the power to give a positive direction to our thoughts and feelings, to connect ourselves with deeper inner wisdom and awareness, creating space for self-reflection where we can more clearly see ourselves and others, our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour with a better understanding of what we really want in life, and connection to our higher purpose.

The most simple form of Meditation is taking time out and become aware of one’s breath. Consciously learning to calm the body, slower the bread and increase the length of inhalation and exaltation, while posing for few seconds in both directions.

Exercise 1: Choose a peaceful place either indoor or outdoor, with no harsh noises and no strong smells. At first some soft music of your choice can a pleasant companion. Make yourself comfortable, composing your body while sitting in a comfortable position. Whatever position you choose, sitting on a chair or on the ground, fold your hands into your laps and keep your back straight, your chin slightly bent down. The spine is erect and straightly aligned with your neck and skull. Hold an effortless posture, with no tension, at the same time active, feeling engaged, present, and aware. Now, start paying attention to your breath, and imagine your breath is coming in from your belly, filling up your chest, lungs, shoulders. Remain in an inhalation pause for few seconds, eventually learning to prolong the inhalation pause up to 8 seconds. Exhale slowly, as if your breath is slowly exiting from you belly. Stop in the an exhalation pause few seconds, and practice until you can comfortably pause for 8 seconds. Repeat the inhalation and exhalation process in this way at least 8 times, consecutively, with no interruptions.

Exercise 2: While concentrating on your breath, allow your mind to empty itself. See all thoughts like clouds, coming and going through the empty blue sky. Train your mind to be the empty blue sky, still, peaceful, relaxed, centred, present. Just Be!

Exercise 3: You can add to the meditation any affirmation of your choice. Here some examples.

• I choose to be calm, centred and peaceful (instead of being right).• With every passing moment, I am more and more at peace.• I am connected to everything and everything is connected to me.• I direct my thoughts to be positive.• I create positive feelings.• I understand that my thoughts and feelings create my reality.• I observe my thoughts and choose them wisely.• I release the need to be perfect.• I release worry, apprehension, fear or anxiety.


• I am willing to ask for and receive assistance from the universe.• I allow space for attraction and simultaneously take action. • I am open to miracles occurring in my life.• I effortlessly co-create the masterpiece of my life with the universe.• I succeed with ease, elegance and joy.• I feel supported to create what I desire.• I understand everything has the meaning I give to it.

13. Emotional Detox

True Healing Requires, Positive Expectation and Intention. Having a positive attitude engages the body’s own innate healing capacities.

A relaxed and optimistic attitude and the ability to stay calm, even when it looks like we are not getting what we want, or the opposite seems to be happening, is vital. Stressing and worrying, reduces the chances of healing and good outcomes. If you suffer from any draw back in life or any sort of chronic illness or lack of vital energy, it is easy to start blaming others, the universe or oneself, feeling like a failure or a victim, instead of staying in an empowered state. The journey of emotional detox requires to activate self-compassion as well as understanding and compassion for others too. It mostly requires an integration of dietary changes and various personal lifestyle practices, as well as psychological and communication shifts, as experienced during our Living Total Wellness Live Events, Detox Retreat, or Wellness coaching. It is not easy to do this process of integration and it may require mentorship and support. However, no matter what your choices are, to do it on your own or choose support through live programs, coaching and mentoring, the secret lies in yourself becoming 100% responsible for your thoughts, feelings, health and success in life. By taking full responsibility of your situation, whatever it may be, without blaming others, you can certainly be successful in your endeavour. Sometimes people after a little effort in improving the situation, give up too soon, thinking they have done already everything that was in their power, with no significant improvement. It is important to know that sets backs always happen in life, and its important to never give up. It At this times focusing on improving all levels of your being and your environment, creates the necessary good condition to activate the innate capacities of body and mind to heal themselves. Summary:

Health is about layering in more and more good habits, and the end product is more energy, better sleep, great health and longevity.

Create your Morning and Evening Healthy Routine.Drink Water - drink at least 8 glasses a day away from meals. Alkalise- Make sure 2⁄3 of your meal is alkaline- that means lots of greens!Juice it up- Add nutrient loaded organic vegetables juices into your life.

Detox regularly with 1 to 3 day juice fast!Add Detox Preparations to your juice fast.Cranberries- add one oz. unsweetened cranberry juice to a glass of water to support bile movement and break up fat deposits. Take care of your Liver Health, it is your primary organ of detoxification. Avoid sugar, dairy and gluten, these are inflammatory foods.Avoid caffeine and alcohol- In the long run they zap your energy and strain your liver and adrenals. Plus they keep you in a cycle of addition.Meditate- you can take even just 5 min to breath deeply and sit quietly to meditate.Use positive affirmations.Move- take the stairs, walk after lunch. Lay down and rest- Take a 5 min. rest after lunch & your work day. This gives your adrenals a break. Get 7 hours of sleep- this reduces food cravings and spaciness Get to bed by 10 PM- those hours from 10-12 are extra special!Make a Gratitude List- the mindset of appreciation shifts your day.Take full responsibility for your emotions, your life, your actions, your choices and your success. Give hugs- Connecting with loved ones recharges you as much as a healthy meal. Use essential oils to relax, to feel more energised, and also to curbs your carb cravings.

Thank you!

Remember we are here to help!

If you want to get some support on your health journey just CLICK HERE TO BOOK Your FREE Wellness Planner Session.

We can Talk about your goals and challenges and see how can we help you get there.

Yes we have seen this over and over again that goals that seamed impossible where achieved and the life once was a dream now is a reality.

So don’t hesitate to reach out and have a chat no obligations, we just want to help you.

And if you choose to continue and learn what we offer good, if not we will part as friends and give the best support to do it on your own!


Living total Wellness Team,

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