today's grocery magazine whos who

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Today's Grocery Magazine Whos Who








M.D/Editor: Frank MaddenDeputy Editor: Ruth TimminsBsn. Dev. Managers: Niall P. Madden

Sarah GriffinContributors: Emma Maguire

Thomas O’BrienCirculation: Margaret CorryDesign: 90% Proof

Todays Grocery Magazine Tel 2809466 (6 lines)The Mews email: info@todaysgrocery.comEden Road Upper editorial@todaysgrocery.comDun LaoghaireCo. Dublin

Small PrintTodays Grocery Magazine is circulated to all proprietors, directors and managers ofall relevant manufacturers and distributors, to every cash and carry, every multiplesupermarket, group head office and wholesaler, all group affiliated shops and Londisoutlets in addition to over 6,300 unaffiliated independent retailers and the country’sleading off-licence outlets. All articles are copyright of Todays Grocery Magazineand cannot be reprinted without the written permission of the editor. All letters tothe editor of this magazine will be treated as having been submitted for publication.The magazine reserves the right to edit and abridge them.Disclaimer While every effort has been taken to ensure that all information isaccurate at the time of going to press, neither TGM Ltd or Todays Grocery Magazineaccept responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions. Please note that the opinionsexpressed in the articles are strictly those of the authors.

The word Diageo comes fromthe Latin word for day (dia) and theGreek word for world (geo). Diageo’sroots in Ireland stretch back twocenturies and today it brings Irishbrands such as Guinness andBailey’s Original Irish Cream Liqueurto global markets in 150 countrieswith a turnover which exceeds€10.150bn.

Diageo Ireland is headquarteredin St James’Gate Brewery in Dublin.Bailey’s Irish Cream is produced inits facility on the Nangor Road inDublin; and its regional sales officesoperate from Kilkenny, Cork,Galway, Limerick, Sligo; and inNorthern Ireland its headquartersare in Belfast. Diageo Irelandemploys thousands of peopledirectly and has exports worthhundreds of millions.

In this country, Diageo Ireland issynonymous with Guinness, itssignature Irish brand. The companyclaims that 10 million glasses of theblack stuff are consumed each dayand it is the world’s number onestout.

Guinness continues to be astrong brand for the group with yearon year sales up 2% for the first sixmonths of the financial year up untilJanuary of 2009. Internationally, itssales were up 7% during this period

enjoying strong growth in Africa andAsia with sales of 22% and 18%respectively. Like most companieshowever, the famous brand has notescaped some of the fallout of theeconomic downturn. John Kennedy,CEO Diageo Ireland explains;

“Europe is one of the toughestareas to grow for a consumer goodscompany and we have seen someslowdown in markets that weregrowing at an exceptional rate likeRussia. The biggest thing that hashappened more than consumerspending is our customers andwholesalers are very cautious aboutkeeping stock so the traditionalstock levels have gone down. Thewholesaling industry in Spain forexample went through a massivede-stock in December which wasone of the big things that affectedour results. So while there is aconsumer slowdown and we have towatch that, there are some one-offimports from customers managingthe recession.”

However, despite the obviouschallenges of recession time,Diageo is well tuned to its customer;

“We conducted research amongconsumers and the findings thatcame out were people want to turnback to their local community andthe pub is part of that and we willdrive that. Within the pub we arefinding that Guinness and draft beerare popular because of theperceived value of a pint andtherefore we believe everything weare doing to drive Guinness in theon premise is a great opportunity topush.”

“We are also ramping up theinnovation plan particularly aroundour big brands like Smirnoff in theoff-trade. The trend we are trying toexploit there is the growing interestin cocktails and premixed spiritswhich has been in other markets foryears but is coming into Ireland nowso we are doing work around howwe use the Smirnoff brand in this. Sowe are going to play hard at a moreselect range of areas particularly

around Smirnoff in innovation,Budweiser, Carlsberg and Guin-ness.”

Baileys Original Irish Cream isanother top brand in its portfolio. Itwas introduced to the world in themid-seventies and was the first Irishcream liqueur in the world. It is thefastest growing of the eight globalpriority brands in the portfolio ofDiageo and it is the world’s eightlargest international spirit brandaccounting for 70% of the totalcream liqueur category globally.

Budweiser is another familiarname in the Diageo Ireland portfolio.Budweiser is brewed in Kilkenny byDiageo under licence from ownerAnheuser-Busch. It has been a firmfavourite with Irish consumers since1986. Its success in Ireland hasmuch to do with its image throughquirky humorous advertising whichcommunicate the beer’s qualityincluding the ‘Clydesdale’and ‘King of Beer’ adverts

Another firm favouritefrom the Diageo Irelandportfolio is Carlsberg. It isbrewed in Dundalk frommalted barley, yeast, hopsand water where it hasbeen brewed andmarketed by DiageoIreland under licence since1988.

Globally, Diageo is theworld’s leading premiumdrinks business with animpressive menu ofbeverage brands across thespirit, wine and beercategories. Just some ofthese well known brandnames include; BushmillsIrish Whiskey, Smirnoff,Johnnie Walker and SterlingVineyards Wines.

Diageo is a globalcompany trading inmore than100countriesacross theglobe.

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S


€10,150,564,617Net Profit:

€1,971,141,000Description:Brewing/Distilling/Manufacturer ofbeers and spirits

Diageo Ireland,St. James’s GateDublin 8Tel: 01 453 6700CEO/MD: John Kennedy



The company is listed on both theLondon and New York stockexchange. It employs over 22,000people with offices in over 80countries and manufacturingfacilities in Ireland, the UK, Canada,Spain, Italy, Africa, Latin America,Australia, India and the Caribbean.

Diageo was first established in1997 after the merger of GrandMetand Guinness, and isheadquartered in London. ItsEuropean division accounts for athird of Diageo’s total business.There are five business units inDiageo Europe including Ireland,UK, Continental Europe, Iberia and

Russia. Its topbrands in Europeare Smirnoff Vodkain Ireland and theUK; Johnnie Walker

in Germany andRussia; Baileys inthe UK, Spain andGermany; J&B Rarein Spain and France;Guinness in Irelandand the UK andBlossom Hill inIreland and the UK.

Whos Who 2010 3

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S

DCC markets and distributesleading own and third party brandedfood and beverage products withingrowth segments of the Irish foodand drinks market as well as the UKwine market.

Among the key segments withinits portfolio are snack foods. Thegroup markets and distributes KP,

Ireland’s leading savoury snackfoodbrand including nuts and popcorn,and many other well-known own andthird party branded productsthroughout Ireland. Among these isMcCoys crisps and Hula Hoopssnack ranges

DCC is also one of the maindistributors of ground coffee, andwines including the FindlaterWine &Spirit Group under the Robt-Robertsbrand and is also a leading supplierto the off-trade wine market in theUK with its Bottle Green Winebusiness. Robt-Roberts areresponsible for some of the bestknown brands in the countryincluding tea, coffee, snack foods,soft drinks, wine and confectionery.Robt-Roberts distributes acombination of own brands and“principals’’ brands to all tradesectors including multiple,symbols, cash & carry,independent TSN’s, garageforecourts, and off-licences.Thecompany is focused on impulseproducts such as snack foodsand confectionery and ongrowth markets such as coffee

and wine to the foodservicemarkets.

Robt-Roberts has been blendingand packing tea in Dublin since1905 and its range includes a decafand fair trade offering.The companyhas also been roasting coffee since1905 and this continues today at itsfactory in Tallaght. It specialises inpremium coffees that are 100%Arabica. Each pack has a valve atthe back to ensure maximumfreshness. Robt-Roberts is also theexclusive distributor for theRobinsons for Milk range in Ireland

In the healthy food segment,DCC distributes Kelkin, Ireland’spremier health foods company. TheKelkin brand is a well establishedand trusted brand which offersconsumer a healthy choice withFunctional Foods, Organic, Gluten

Free, DairyFree andsugar freeproductsf e a t u r i n gstrongly in therange. Thereare over 80products in therangeincludingMultivitamindrinks,CranberryJuice, AppleJuice, NaturalMuesli,MicrowavePopcorn,Honey andsugar-freepreservatives.Some of thebrandsrepresented byKelkin includeJordansCereals,Phileas Foggsnacks, HippBaby Foodand St DalfourSpreads.


€5,532,000Net Profit:

€181,700,000Description:Sales & Business Support

DCC HouseBrewery RoadStillorganCo DublinTel: 01 2831011CEO/MD: Tommy Breen



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The Musgrave Group has been asuccess story since 1876 and hasbecome a national and internationalretail giant with a turnover of €4.8bn.It is the partner to entrepreneurialretailers and foodserviceprofessionals across Ireland, UKand Spain. The group supports wellknown retail brands both here and inthe UK and Spain includingSuperValu, Centra, Daybreak andDay Today in Ireland; Budgens,Londis, Mace and XL Stop & Shopin the UK and SuperValu, Dialprixand Dicost in Spain. It is also wellknown in Ireland for its wholesalebrands Musgrave Marketplace cashand carry and MusgraveFoodservices.

Musgrave had a strong set ofresults for 2008, with retail andwholesale sales increasing. Groupprofits were down 20% to €65million. Musgrave Group itselfgenerated sales of €4.8 billion and ifyou combine turnover of all of theirretail partners across all fourmarkets together the company hada turnover of €7.1 billion, anincrease of 6%.

Unsurprisingly, for a group withits years of experience, the businessmodel has worked extremely well sofar. Musgrave’s operates over 240SuperValu stores and over 550

Centra stores across the island ofIreland. In addition, Musgrave hasbeen investing significant resourcesin developing the Centra brand andits corporate image. This hasinvolved focussing the Centra brandaround the core idea of “bright ideasfor everyday living” and has led to arange of new developmentsincluding the popular conveniencedeli offering “Good to Go” range.Sales at Centra stores increased15% to €1.383bn.

Musgrave has accomplished agreat deal towards strengthening theBudgens and Londis brands. As withthe brand work in Ireland, this hasbeen about establishing clear pointsof value and differentiation andleveraging Musgrave’s provenbusiness model and retailers’position in local communities. Thework to date certainly points the wayfor the future, but at the same timehelps

Musgrave understand just howmuch more is required to continue toraise the bar. In the UK, its priority in

recent years has been in ramping upIT and logistics to support itsretailers; committing to a five yearplan of improvement to the supplychain with the aim of making it thebest in the country. And this wascarried out through sustainedinvestment and by placing retailersat the heart of the programme.

Another important area ofachievement for the retailer hasbeen in the area of corporate socialresponsibility (CSR). In the Republicof Ireland it became the firstindigenous Irish company to winChambers Ireland’s President’sAward for Overall OutstandingAchievement in CSR, and inNorthern Ireland it receivedBusiness in the Community’sCompany of the Year, both inrecognition of it’s contributions to theenvironment, the workplace, and thecommunity. It has also developed asustainability agenda to support theretailer in the local community withinitiatives such as packagingreduction and recycling.


€4,885,600,000Net Profit:

€65,000,000Description:Wholesale & Retail Distribution

C/O Musgrave LtdBallycurreenAirport RoadCork

Tel: 021 452 210CEO/MD: Chris Martin

Chris Martin ceo



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Kerry Group is a leading brandedconsumer foods processing andmarketing organisation. It is also aleader in global food ingredients andflavours markets. The group hasgrown organically as well as througha series of significant acquisitions inits relatively short history, from itscommissioning of its first dairy andingredients plant in Listowel, Co.Kerry in 1972 to a global player withsales in excess of €4bn.

The group is best known for itsconsumer foods division. Through aseries of acquisition in both brandedand private label sectors, KerryFoods’ brands are leadinghousehold names in both the Irishand UK markets including categorybrands such as Denny, Dawn,Ballyfree, Low Low, Kerry Spring aswell as Cheesestrings and Walls.

Kerry Foods is also a majorsupplier of added-value chilled foodsand it has top positions in most of itsmarkets and has developed a wellbalanced business supplyingsupermarket private label. Its majormarkets are chilled conveniencefoods. The division supplies both itsown leading brands and privatelabel products to major retailers.Kerry Foods has fine tuned itsinnovation capturing key snackingand convenience food trends with its

brands.The Denny range of meats is one

of its top Irish brands and continuesto innovate to suit changing markettrends. For instance, consumerusage of rashers has developedoutside the more traditional fry orgrill usage and they are now part ofgeneral snacking patterns. Thisincludes usage in BLT’s, pizzas orpasta dishes. Kerry has made itsrashers more convenient to suitthese trends through theintroduction of its microwaveablelines under its Denny and Wallslines. In addition, Kerry’s chilled juiceand smoothies are enjoying a majorgrowth in Ireland and its Dawn brandholds a leading position.

The general increase inpenetration of butter and butterspreads in Ireland can be explainedprincipally by the introduction of arange of both spreadable andhealthy products which are low in fatand salt.This has encouraged manyconsumers who want a healthyconvenient option to put butter backon the kitchen table. The buttermarket is enjoying higher levels ofmarket penetration. This increase is

also related to the success of somewell established butter brands;however it also demonstrates thateven with a strong marketingcampaign there are always ways toimprove growth.

Since the 1970’s Kerry Foodshas been to the fore in developinghigh quality dairy and low fatspreads at the group’s flagship plantin Listowel. It enjoys leadingpositions with its brands including,Low Low, Kerrymaid, Golden Olive,EasiGold and Golden Olive to namea few.

There is a particularly lowconsumption of cheese in Irelandcompared with other Europeancountries. Ominously, consumerresearch highlights a decline inconsumption levels in recent yearswhile global cheese consumptionsoars.

However, within the sector itself,there is a growing demand for non-cheddar varieties and specialitycheeses. Cheese snacks have alsobeen a growth segment for sometime, driven by an increasingdemand for lunchbox products in thegrowing snacking trend.


€4,787,766,000Net Profit:

€246,118,000Description:Food processing

Prince’s StreetTraleeCo. Kerry

Tel: 066 718 2000CEO/MD: Stan McCarthy

Stan McCarthy



Kerry has also developed itscheese and cheese snack portfoliofollowing its acquisition of GoldenVale. The range includes cheddarcheese blocks, sliced packs,savoury cheese spreads andcheese snacks marketed under theCharleville, Easi Singles, GoldenVale and Cheesestrings brands.

Kerry Foods was launched as apublic company in 1986 and it islisted on both the Irish and UK stockmarkets. The group has developedas one of the largest and technicallyadvanced manufacturers ofspeciality ingredients in the world.Kerry Ingredients incorporates coretechnologies and global resourcesin speciality ingredients, seasoningsystems, sweet ingredients,nutritional systems and specialityproteins provides innovative,practical product solutions to food.

Developing the nutrition area isan obvious focus for growth.Nutrition is a consumer trend drivenby growing awareness of the linkbetween diet and health. Trendsshow consumers are now seekingadditional nutritional benefits fromthe food they eat, leading to ademand for fortified foods (i.e.mineral or vitamin enriched), dietarysupplements, sports drinks and barsetc. Obviously, milk is an idealsource of proteins and minerals andthe dairy component of theinternational nutrition market isestimated to be worth about $15billion annually and is growingrapidly.

Kerry Group supplies over10,000 food, food ingredients andflavour products to customers inmore than 140 countries. The grouphas manufacturing facilities in 19countries as well as sales offices in20 countries worldwide.

The group’s headquarters are inTralee, Co. Kerry, it employs 20,000people throughout its manufactu-ring, sales and technical centresacross Europe, North America,South America, Australia, NewZealand and Asian markets.

Dunnes Stores is an icon of Irishretailing and a powerful marketingforce. One of the few Irish-ownedretailers, the guiding principles ofthis company has always been good

quality and competitive prices.Dunnes combines grocery, textilesand homeware at 151 stores andemploys 18,000 people.

Dunnes has a 24% share of theIrish grocery market, placing itsecond only to Tesco. The companyhas elements of great businesswhich it is constantly tweaking butnever straying too far from itsformula.

Dunnes has seen the value inmoving into non-food areas, asidefrom homeware and textiles with theintroduction of CDs, DVDs andmarketing one-off promotionaloffers. In addition, the chain hasadopted a highly successful M&Sapproach to marketing by invitingcelebrities to introduce new lines atits stores.

A host of high profile names suchas Paul Costelloe and Twiggy havebeen recruited in recent years togive a sharper edge to its clothingand homeware offerings.


€4,300,000Net Profit:


46-50 South Great Georges StreetDublin 2

Tel: 01 4751111CEO/MD: Margaret Heffernan

Margaret Heffernan

Whos Who 2010 9


Dunnes has always beenattuned to new trends and respondsquickly to what consumers want.Take a browse through any of itsstores and this quickly becomesevident. So successful has itshomeware department been, thecompany has opened a number ofupmarket and standalonehomeware stores.

In recent years it has seenstores open throughout the countryincluding its 45,000 sq ft outlet inEnniscorthy, Co.Wexford, as well asthose at Edenderry, Mallow,Letterkenny, Leopardstown, Cork

and Portlaoise and a standalonehomeware store in Carlow.

The St Bernard brand wasfounded in 1956 and it is a symbolfor value in Irish retailing. Thecompany operates from 111 storesin the Republic; 24 stores inNorthern Ireland; seven in England;4 in Scotland and 5 in Spain.

The first store in Northern Irelandopened in 1971 and this expansioncontinued at a fast pace. Its firstforay outside of Ireland was in Spainon the Costa del Sol in 1980. In theUK the company has expanded withtextile stores only and it purchasedits first Scottish outlet in 2000, asecond in Glenrothes in 2002, athird in Clydebank in 2004 and afourth in Parkhead.

The company is run by a boardof directors including managingdirector Frank Dunne, director oftextiles, Margaret Dunne andAndrew Street chief operatingofficer. Dunnes Stores has keptthings in the family and a newgeneration of Dunne off-spring is

waiting in the wings to shine.Insiders say Anne Heffernan,

Margaret’s daughter is the nextleading light in the company. Anne isa doctor by training but changedpath and joined Dunnes in 2000 andnow works on store development onthe grocery side of the business.She is apparently well liked andtakes an innovative approach to thebusiness. Frank Dunne’s childrenare not involved in the business.Then there’s Michael Heffernan,Anne’s brother who has beeninvolved in the business most of hislife. However a more likely rival to

Anne Heffernan is her cousinSharon McMahon, daughter of lateElizabeth McMahon. Sharon is aqualified solicitor who also works inthe business. It is believed that all ofthese family members will featureprominently in the company’sdecision making in the future.

Dunnes Stores (Bangor), theholding company for the retailer’soperations in the North and Britain,paid its shareholders a dividend of€33.6m back in 2006. This was thefirst time the owners had taken asizeable dividend from the Co.Downcompany. Dunnes Stores (Bangor)is the only significant company in thegroup which publishes its financialinformation.

Dunnes Stores is a companywhich knows its market well andgets on with it as outlined by AndrewStreet, the company’s chiefoperating officer;

“We look forward to developingour store numbers and creatingfurther employment into 2010.”

Multiple retailing and Tesco aresynonymous with one another. Infact it has only taken a decade forTesco Ireland to reach almost iconicstatus in Ireland.WhenTesco makesa seemingly bold new move, the restof the multiple sector eventuallyfollows suit. It is fair to say themultiple has an uncanny foresightinto what consumers want and thishas been best demonstrated by itsexpansions into successive non-food lines and petrol retailing toname a few.

Tesco Ireland was founded in1997 following the acquisition byTesco plc of the Irish retailingoperations of Associated BritishFoods plc; namely PowersSupermarkets and its subsidiaries.Today the group is Ireland’s largestfood retailer operating 135 multi-format stores nationwide andemploying 13,500 people. Its shareof the grocery retailing market is asizeable 25.% with turnover of€2.9bn, 32% of which is accountedfor by its own brand portfolio ofproducts. Over €500m has beenspent in the business over the last


€2,995,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Supermarket Retail

Gresham HouseMarine RoadDun LaoghaireCo. Dublin

Tel: 01 280 8441CEO/MD: Tony Keohane

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S




five years mainly in the developmentof new and replacement stores,modern IT systems and logisticaldevelopments.

Tesco operates supermarketsunder the ‘Tesco Ireland’ brand aswell as retail formats under theTesco Ireland Local, Tesco Expressand Tesco Metro brands. TescoMetro stores are sized betweenstandard Tesco stores and the TescoExpress format is mostly located intown and city centres. These storesare largely convenience storesmainly stocking food with anemphasis on higher marginproducts alongside everydayessentials. In addition 29 Tescostores across the country operateon a 24-hour basis.

Consumers are familiar with

Tesco’s own brand offerings and thecompany now offers a ‘good, betterand best’ policy for its productcategories. This now encompassesseveral product categories such asfood, beverages and some non-foodlines. On-line grocery shopping wasfirst introduced in 2000 with over17,000 registered customers

Chief executive Tony Keohaneappointed to the job in February2006 said it best when he describedthe focus on the customer as beingmore ingrained in the DNA of Tescothan most others; “there is less thathappens by chance”, he onceshrewdly commented. And right hewas too. In 2006, for example,someone in the echelons of Tescosat up and noticed a certain patterntaking place in the highly lucrative

Irish petrol forecourtsector.

Tesco firststepped into thismarket in Ireland in2003, having takenthe plunge else-where and in theUK back in 1974.The group nowoperates 15 petrolstations alongsideits supermarketsincluding amongothers those inFinglas, Wexford,Dundrum, Killarney,Maynooth.

The Tesco retailconcept is nowbigger than food; it’sa one-stop-shopand this explorationof non-food linesis in constant devel-opment. The simplefact is that non-foodlines like toiletries,drapery or fashionhave larger profitmargins than grocerylines. This is furtheremphasised whensold by supermar-ket chains in large,

low-rent out-of-town premises. Itwas reported last year that in the UKTesco accounts for every pound ofevery 8 spent on anything. Thedominance of supermarkets of non-food lines is being felt by moretraditional players. For example,Tesco’s successful clothing line theCherokee and Florence & Fred linesare among the fastest growingclothing ranges on the high street.

Tesco’s rise to a 25% marketlead has been well-documented.From the introduction of non-foodlines, to breaking in to the petrolforecourt market and operating 24-hour stores, the chain has taken abreak-neck approach to innovation.Long may it last.

Tony Keohane

Whos Who 2010 11

Topaz Energy Ltd is Ireland’sleading energy and forecourtretailer. Since 2005, Topaz hassuccessfully acquired the retail andcommercial fuels operations of bothShell and Statoil in Ireland. TopazEnergy is now the largest Fuelsdistribution business in Ireland andone of the country’s largest privatelyowned companies.

Topaz Fuel is involved in allaspects of the Irish oil businessincluding retail, commercial fuels,lubricants and home heating oil.Thecompany has significant interests inthe storage and distribution of oilproducts and owns the worldwiderights for the Fareplay Conveniencebrand, the number one forecourtretailing brand in Ireland.

Topaz Energy acts as a licenseeof the Shell and Statoil brands inIreland. Building on the heritage of100 years in Ireland, the groupcombines innovation and growthwith customer service and aims tobecome the leading oil company inIreland.

Topaz operates a network ofapproximately 350 petrol fillingstations across Ireland. It is themaster distributor for Shell lubricantsin Ireland and it supplies thecomplete range of Shell products.

The group also offers a range offuel card services with the TopazFuel Card and Statoil fuel cards,tailored to suit individual businessneeds. It also offers the StatoilRoutex fuel card for customersbuying fuel in the UK, and on theContinent and this currently includes17,000 sites in 34 countries.

Topaz is also the leadingterminal operator in the country andowns and operates a number of oilimport and storage facilities inDublin (2), Cork, Galway (2),Limerick, Derry and Greenore.

The Topaz network is furtherenhanced by a web of Authorised

Distributors who operate 64 depotsacross the country, fed by largearticulated road tankers.

The group sells its productsthrough a network of 145 Shellbranded retail service stationsacross 32 counties. Of these 45 aredirectly owned and operated byTopaz and 105 are independentlyowned and operated.

Many of Topaz stations areopened 24-hours and also provideconvenience retailing – the answerto today’s fast-paced lifestyle byproviding the convenience of one-stop shopping.


€2,465,611,000Net Profit:

€39,041,000Description:Fuel/Convenience retailer

Topaz HouseBeech HillClonskeaghDublin 4

Tel: 01 202 8888CEO/MD: Eddie O’Brien

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S

Eddie O’Brien



Glanbia is not just an indigenousIrish success it is a global consumerfoods triumph. Over the last fewyears, it has reached out to newmarkets expressing an impressiveeye for innovation while retaining itscore product values. No mean featconsidering it was first formed as aresult of the merger betweenAvonmore and Waterford dairy co-operatives. The group now boasts aturnover of €2.2bn and enjoysleading positions in key dairymarkets such as milk, cheese, freshdairy products and fresh soups andsauces.

The group’s principal activitiesare carried out through threedivisions, food ingredients,consumer foods and agri-business.Under its food ingredients division itprocesses a range of cheese, andwhey protein ingredients. Thedivision also supplies the globalnutrition industry with a wide rangeof solutions designed to addressspecific health and wellnessbenefits.

The consumer foods it providesare liquid milk, chilled foods andpork processing as well asmozzarella cheese. This divisionalso supplies branded and value-added liquid milk, fresh dairycheeses, soups and spreads to theretail market. Among the group best

known brands are Avonmore,Yoplait, Everybody, Snowcream andPremier Milk.

Glanbia is based primarily inIreland, UK and USA and servesmarkets for dairy and meat productsacross the world. In total the groupemploys 4,000 people in Ireland, theUK and the US. Quoted on theDublin and London StockExchanges; the Group is rankedamong Europe’s largest dairycompanies and is one of the world’slargest cheese manufacturers. Itholds strategic positions in the UScheese and European pizza cheesesectors.

The dairy market is a constantlyshifting one, where trends must becreated as well as catered to or theconsumer will simply move on. Twoof the most important segments ofthe dairy market are health andindulgence with a focus onconvenience thrown in for goodmeasure. For instance, the increasingtrend towards convenience food andsnacking on-the-go has probablyencouraged many consumers to

switch categories and purchaseyogurt drinks instead of thetraditional pot of yogurt becausethey are more easily consumedwhen pressed for time in themorning or throughout the course ofthe day. Hence, manufacturers facea challenge in encouragingincreased consumption unless theproduct is made more accessible forout of home usage.

For Glanbia, an obvious focus forgrowth is developing the nutritionarea. Nutrition is a consumer trenddriven by growing awareness of thelink between diet and health.

Trends show consumers are nowseeking additional nutritionalbenefits from the food they eat,leading to a demand for fortifiedfoods (i.e. mineral or vitaminenriched), dietary supplements,sports drinks and bars etc.Obviously, milk is an ideal source ofproteins and minerals and the dairycomponent of the internationalnutrition market is estimated to beworth billions annually and isgrowing rapidly.


€2,206,567,000Net Profit:

€60,240,000Description:Cheese/Nutritional ingredients

Glanbia HouseKilkenny

Tel: 056 777 2200CEO/MD: John Moloney

John Moloney

Whos Who 2010 13


Whey, a bi-product of cheese isthe basis of many protein drinks andnutrition bars that are a rapidlygrowing part of the food businessand Glanbia wants to participate inthese on a larger scale. It is used ina range of health products,nutritional supplements andfunctional foods – those that arepromoted as providing a healthbenefit beyond basic nutrition.

Glanbia is active in advancedtechnology nutrition products suchas wpi, milk minerals, andlactoferrin. The Group is also activein formulated milk powders, servingmarkets where dietary, supply chainor economic needs drive demand.Moreover, it is the second largestsupplier in this global market whichis growing extremely rapidly.

Innovation is integral to Glanbia’ssuccess abroad. In October 2006, itopened one of the largest cheeseplants in the world. The plant,located in New Mexico propelled thegroup into the big league as thelargest producer of cheddar cheesein the United States. Glanbiaoperates the plant and markets theproduct while its joint venturepartners, Greater SouthwestAgency provides the milk supply.New Mexico is the fastest growingmilk production region in the US andSouthwest Cheese chairman MikeMcCloskey said this growth hadgenerated a desire for partnershipwith a major food producer.

Glanbia’s expansion plans arenot limited to the US. In 2007 itopened a manufacturing plant inShanghai in China to producespecialist ingredients for customers.The plant in Shanghai focuses onwhey-based nutritional products.The office generates sales of about€12m a year.

The group’s ability to diversifyand expand its portfolio beyondbasic dairy to consumer foods,ingredients and agri-business iswhat makes Glanbia one of thegreat Irish success stories of thiscentury.

Fyffes is the oldest fruit brand inthe world and is most easilyidentified with the banana although italso markets Fyffes GoldPineapples and Fyffes Melons.Bananas are one of the mostpopular fruits and in Europe they areone of the biggest selling items insupermarkets. This has much to dowith the fact that the bananacontains just 95 calories, has little fatand has one of the best, mostnatural and biodegradablewrapping.

Fyffes is one of the largestimporters and distributors in Europewith a turnover of €500m and aninfrastructure that reaches acrossthe globe.The group is a true globalplayer operating in a considerablyfragmented industry.

Fyffes is primarily involved in theproduction, procurement, shipping,ripening, distribution and marketingof bananas, pineapple and melons.It currently markets fruit in Europeand the US under the Fyffes,Turbara and Nolem brands.

Although Fyffes enjoys a prolificposition in the global fruit business,the market has faced volatility on alarge scale which has taken its toll

on all players. In the last two years,the industry has had to contend withexchange rates, spiralling rawmaterial prices as well as BananaImport Regulations implemented in2006.

In March, Fyffes stated that itsprofits were in line with expectationsgiven a changed environment duelargely to new EU importingregulations. The group’s statutorypre-tax profit declined to €38m from€105.8m in 2005. However, grouprevenue from continuing operationsrose €406m from €386m.

The adjusted EBIT (operatingprofit, before exceptional items,amortisation, interest and taxincluding the equivalent share ofjoint ventures operating profit) forFyffes continuing operationsdropped to €19m in 2006 from€79m the previous year. Thisreflects in particular the changes inEU import regulations which costFyffes €40.9m in the year mainlydue to the significant increases inimport duty.

Analysts say a strong balancesheet holds the key to thecompany’s future. The fruit groupplans to double in size over the nextfive years. At the end of 2006, Fyffesreported net funds of €80m placingit in a more optimistic position tomake acquisitions than most of itscompetitors. Analysts also believethere is significant potential forsynergies in relation to theacquisition of a rival banana group.

The growth in revenue reflectsthe impact of the acquisitions ofBrazilian melon producer Nolem inJanuary 2006 and the full yearimpact of the acquisition of Turbanain North America in the final quarterof 2005. In addition, Fyffes grew itsbanana volumes by 6% and itspineapple volumes by 25% during2006.

A number of key restructuringprogrammes have taken place atFyffes. In April 2006, Fyffes outlineddetails of a property company it hadspun out of the group and listed


€2,150,621,000Net Profit:

€24,179,000Description:Wholesaler fruit and vegetables

Total Produce (Fyffes)Charles McCann BuildingRampart RoadDundalkCo. Louth

Tel: 042 933 5451CEO/MD: Rory Byrne

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S



separately. The property isBlackrock International Land andinitially traded with 30 propertieswith a combined gross asset valueof €207m.

The following September, thegroup announced a demerger of itsgeneral produce and distributionbusiness into a separately quotedcompany. Fyffes current operationscomprise broadly two distinctbusinesses; its tropical fruit businessand its general produce business.The general produce division is thelarger of the two businesses andhas sales of an estimated €2bnwhich compared to €500m withintropical produce.

The tropical fruit business isconsidered highly capitalised with€200m in cash and other liquidassets including a 40% stake inBlackrock International Land. Thegroup’s chairman, Carl McCanncommented that this would make it‘very much able to play strongly inthe arena of the big deal’. Hereferred the general produce

division as ‘stable, steady business’.He added that the general

produce firm, which will be listed onthe Dublin stock exchange, couldprobably spend up to €30m onacquisitions each year and thusmaintain a double-digit growth rate.The underlying general produceoperations are growing by 4% peryear.

McCann said the decision todemerge the general producedivision had been prompted, in part,by the success of the Blackrockinitiative. Fyffes shareholders getone share in the new entity for eachshare they own in the existing group.

McCann handed over thechairmanship of Fyffes to his brotherDavid after the demerger to becomechairman of the new company. Thisrestructuring of the business hasbeen generally well received in thetrade however; obviously suchconsolidation has brought thepossibility of acquisition into theequation.

The Irish Dairy Board (IDB) is thebiggest international exporter ofIrish dairy products, servicing theneeds and quality demands ofcustomers world-wide. It was formedin 1961 and has grown in responseto the changing European andglobal business environment.Today,it is one of the country’s mainexporters and a major fooddistribution company with annualsales of €1.8bn.

The IDB owns the well knownKerrygold brand. Kerrygold dairyproducts include; Kerrygold PureIrish Butter, Kerrygold SpreadablePure Irish Butter, Kerrygold DublinerIrish Cheese, Kerrygold ProcessedCheese Spread, Kerrygold IrishCheddar Cheese and KerrygoldCream for Coffee. Its productportfolio is divided into three keysectors including; retail business,food ingredients and commoditytraining. The Irish based marketingand sales staff is supported in theiroverseas operation by local agentsand distributors, sales offices andsubsidiary companies. Groupsubsidiaries in Europe and the USmarket a wide selection ofspecialised cheeses, cooked meats,fish and delicatessen products ofboth Irish and non-Irish origin.

The IDB operates and trades in


€2,090,000Net Profit:

€24,300,000Description:Export of Dairy Products

Grattan HouseMount Street LowerDublin 2

Tel: 01 661 9599CEO/MD: Sean Brady

Whos Who 2010 17


T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S

a variety of markets across theglobe. However, its main focus isincreasing sales within the EUthrough improved distribution andmarketing structures. The IDB’smain products include cheeses,butterfats, whey products, powdersand casein & caseinates.

Its Kerrygold range include,butter, cheese and cream products.Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter is asalted sweet cream butter with asmooth rich taste. Its naturally softtexture and wholesome purity are allderived from the full cream that iskey among Kerrygold’s brands.

Kerrygold Spreadable Pure Irishbutter is 100% pure Irish buttermade with only the finest quality milkfrom cows grazing on lush greenpastures. This yields a cream withnaturally softer fat which whendouble churned, makes KerrygoldSpreadable even softer and easierto spread.

Kerrygold Dubliner Irish Cheeseis a unique cheese type with a

distinctive rounded flavour, achievedby combining a secret recipe andthe skills of the Kerrygold mastercheese maker. The cheese istypically matured over 12-monthsduring which time it is checked byexperienced cheese graders toensure that it has a consistently highflavour profile. Dubliner is a versatilecheese suitable for vegetarians, thatcan be used on a cheese board, insandwiches and in a range ofrecipes. Dubliner is particularlydelicious as an aperitif cheeseserved cut into cubes or slices.

In the cream sector, the IDB hasKerrygold Cream for Coffee. Madefrom pure Irish single cream,Kerrygold Cream for coffee is aunique ‘ultra heat treated’ topreserve freshness and extendedproduct life. The brand is an idealcompliment to a coffee. Available asten connected ‘snap-off portions’with sealed printed foil lids, eachportion contains 10ml.

IAWS Group plc is aninternational food and agribusinessgroup. The group has lifestyle foodoperations in Ireland, the UK,France, the US and Canadaservicing over 50,000 customers.This lifestyle food business focuseson niche high quality growthsegments of the bakery andconvenience food markets.

The group has its origins in theIrish agricultural industry andcontinues to maintain a leadershipposition in Ireland and the UK inareas of animal feed, fertilizer andmarine protein. IAWS Group isquoted on the Dublin and LondonStock Exchanges and has beenpublicly quoted since 1988. Withinthe lifestyle food division, the Groupcomprises a number of well knownbrands including Cuisine de France,Delice de France, Pierre’s andCarroll Cuisine.

Cuisine de France offersconsumers traditional French-stylebreads and pastries and also has awide variety of continental-stylebreads, confectionery and hotsavoury items. Cuisine de Franceprovides a complete bake-offsolution primarily to the retailindustry, as well as staff training and


€1,907,619,000Net Profit:

€123,473,000Description:Manufacturer food products

151 Thomas StreetDublin 8

Tel: 01 612 1200CEO/MD: Owen Killian

IAWS Group Ltd.




category management to enable thetimely delivery of ready-to-bakeproducts.

Delice de France supplies highquality breads, viennoiserie, savouryand confectionery products primarilyto the foodservice and cateringindustry. The business iscomplimentary to that of Cuisine deFrance and operates with a similarproduct mix in a separate sector ofthe market.

Pierre’s provides a hot foodsolution to the retail and foodservicemarkets in Ireland. It supplies aversatile range of products for allchannels and eating occasions.There is a unique productdevelopment programme for eachbusiness channel and a dedicatedtraining programme. Pierre’s is anestablished market leading brand inthe hot food sector.

Carroll Cuisine is one of theleading suppliers of chilled hams,sandwich fillings, ready meals andspeciality products to both the retailand foodservice markets in Ireland.Carroll Cuisine has a widespreadand experienced sales team tosupport category management,training and product knowledgethroughput the country.

Kellogg Company ofIreland has been trading since1980 and the Kellogg brandhas been successful amongIrish consumers largely due toa dedicated team of 40employees covering sales,marketing and administration.Ireland is a core market forKellogg’s enjoying anestimated 60% of overallbreakfast cereal sales.

The Irish business is oneof Kellogg’s strongestperformers, having a sign-ificant established businessand its per capita consum-ption of ready-to-eat cerealsbeing the highest in the world.Its main brands includeKellogg’s Corn Flakes; RiceCrispies; Pop Tarts; CocoPops and Nutri-Grain.

Kellogg Europeestablished its Europeanheadquarters in Swords, Co.Dublin in 2005. Europeaccounts for 20% of thegroup’s €7.4bn sales. Theheadquarters has responsibilityfor supporting Europeanfunctions such as supplychain, finance, treasury aswell as sales development

and HR among others.Founded in 1906, Kellogg’s has

grown to become the leadingproducer of breakfast cereals andgrain based convenience foodproducts. Its brands aremanufactured in 17 countries andmarketed in 180 around the world,generating annual revenue inexcess of €19bn. The companycurrently employs 25,000 peopleworldwide.


€1,465,140,000Net Profit:

€31,380,000Description:Cereal Product Sales

7 St Johns CourtSantryDublin 9

Tel: 01 842 9100CEO/ MD: Jim McNeill

Owen Killian

Whos Who 2010 19


The Greencore Group is one ofIreland’s leading manufacturers ofconvenience foods. Its products aresupplied to major retailers, foodservice and manufacturingcustomers within the EuropeanUnion.

Greencore Convenience Foodscategories are major players withinone of the fastest growing sectors ofthe food market. The group hasfocused on specific areas such aschilled foods and sandwiches andhas become the world’s largestmanufacturer of the latter category.The group also offers a uniquenationwide chilled delivery servicewhich supplies the petrol forecourtand convenience sector. All of itsbusinesses hold a significant shareof their markets.

The group also produces pizza,sandwiches and chilled sauces inthe Netherlands where it is marketleader. Greencore is the UK’sleading supplier of customer brandmineral water and a major producerof bottled recipe products such ascooking sauces. Its contemporarybakeries dominate the market incelebration and Christmas cakes,non-dairy desserts and Yorkshirepuddings.

Greencore Categories areleading producers of convenience

foods and are customer own-brandspecialists. Its customers includeretailers, food service providers,manufacturers, petrol forecourts andairlines in both the UK andContinental Europe. With 20manufacturing sites and 7,000employees, the group is a significantplayer in a number of key growthmarkets.

Greencore Sandwiches is theUK’s largest sandwich manufacturer.The business comprises two state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities inthe UK. Greencore Prepared Foodsproduces a wide range of chilledquiche and savoury flans as well asready meals and meat spreads.Greencore Chilled Meals is aninnovative supplier of ready meals,with particular strength in Italian andhealthy eating meals. It is also a keyplayer in the emerging ready-to-cook sector with its productsreceiving a number of prestigiousawards.

The Greencore Chilled Sauces &Soups category business is the UK’s

market leader and GreencoreContinental Convenience Foods isthe Continental European arm ofGreencore.

The company specialises in theproduction of short shelf life chilledconvenience foods, supplying majorcontinental European retailers aswell as petrol forecourts and airlines.

Sugar Partners is a joint venturepartnership between GreencoreGroup, with its strong heritage ofsugar supply in Ireland, andNordzucker AG, one of the largestsugar producers in Europe with 11facilities and 1.5 million tonnes ofsugar quota. Its market in Irelandbreaks down into three sectors;Industrial, Retail and Foodservice.Bulk sugar is sold to major industrialcustomers, principally manufacturersof confectionery, soft drinks, bakedgoods and liqueurs. With the retailmarket, Siucra and Castle brandsaccount for half of all table-top sugarsupplied to retail customers inIreland.


€1,308,097,000Net Profit:

€36,420,000Description:Convenience food manufacturer

2 Northwood AvenueNorthwood Bsn Park SantryDublin 9

Tel: 01 605 1000CEO/MD: Patrick Coveney

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S


Patrick Coveney


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The BWG Group is a wholesaledistribution business that servicesthe retail grocery trade, licensedtrade and catering outlets. Thecompany employs 1,000 peopleacross Ireland and the UK. Its Sparnetwork of stores is a permanentfixture in the convenience retaillandscape.The chain has long been

recognised in Ireland as a trustedbrand offering quality service inmodern stores with competitivepricing.

Convenience retailing hasincreased its share of the overall€13bn grocery market from 6.4% to7.5% last year, reflecting the changein people’s shopping patterns. Themanner in which we shop haschanged. The ‘top-up’ weekly shopswith added visits to weekly storesare the new reality for todays busy,stressed out consumer. In the highlycompetitive world of convenienceretailing, there is a standard thatmost competitors must be expectedto meet but Spar continues todominate with the country’s largestchain of retail food stores. Spar has

been in Ireland since 1963 whenfour independent Irish wholesalerscame together to adopt and developthe store concept. A decade later,these same four wholesalersbecame part of the public companywe know today as BWG Ltd, whichowns and operates Spar in Ireland.

The Spar store network


€1,303,170,000Net Profit:

€31,170,000Description:Marketing/Distribution PetroleumProducts

Chevron IrelandFirst Floor Block BLiffey Valley Office CampusQuarryvaleCo. Dublin

Tel: 01 613 6100CEO/MD: Paul Martin


€1,300,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Retail and wholesale

Greenhills RoadWalkinstownDublin 12

Tel: 01 409 0300CEO/MD: Leo Crawford

14 15

comprises 440 high quality andconveniently located outlets andoffers three innovative storeconcepts which meet consumer’slifestyle needs, includingneighbourhood shopping atstandard Spar stores; forecourt andconvenience at Spar Express andsupermarket shopping at Eurospar.

Spar Local Supermarkets andneighbouring stores remain theprincipal essence of the Sparbusiness. By offering acomprehensive range of productsand services, it meets conveniencerequirements for the ever busyshopper. Spar Express is designedfor smaller stores and forecourtshopping. This format provides allthe general essentials that befit thehectic lifestyle of today’s modernshopper. Eurospar is gearedtowards the family shopper andcustomers love to have a leisurelybrowse among the extensive rangeof products and services on offer atthese supermarkets. Eurospar ismarked out for its fresh food andbaked goods; its salad bar and deli

and its broad aisles.BWG has been driving a steady

expansion plan. The last four yearshas seen the opening of 100 newstores that created 1,200 new jobsand drove retail sales close to the€1bn mark, with retail sales topping€1.8bn. In addition, the expansionand remodelling of stores has beenongoing with an investment of€200m. This has involvedeverything from new shop interiors,revised layouts, as well as newdesigns, equipment and productofferings.

It is almost a requirement withinconvenience retailing to continue topush the bar to new standards andSpar is consistent in the area ofinnovation. For instance, Spar wantsto increase its wine sales by 40%which would bring wine sales to over€50m by 2008. In order to achievethis, the group announced apartnership with food and wineexpert Tom Doorley to expand thewine offering throughout Spar andEurospar stores.

The partnership involves Doorley

offering educational information,guides, in-store information,recommendations and in-storesamplings as well as theintroduction of new wine ranges.

Annualised wine sales at Sparhave reached an estimated €36macross its 3 store concepts,representing 5.5 million bottles ofwine.The group says wine sales areup 20%. The total wine market inIreland valued at €600m in retailsales and Spar, through GreenhillsWines & Spirits (a division of BWGFoods) represents 6.5% of themarket.

Chief executive Leo Crawfordjoined the BWG in 1996 asmanaging director and wasappointed to ceo in 1999. He joinedthe International Spar brand in 2001and in May 2005 was appointedpresident of International Spar.

In August last year, managers atBWG put together a MBO.The movecame as the group’s mainshareholders Electra Partners saidit planned to sell its stake. LeoCrawford owns 15% of the businesswhile 20% is in the hands ofbusiness man John Clohisey andother shareholders in Newhill Ltdwhose chain of 115 Spar stores wasbought for €45m in a 2002 buyout.

Electra had put in place a five-year time limit on its investment inBWG in 2002 so its exit wasanticipated. The company hasinterests in 900 convenience storesin Ireland and Britain. BWG retailoperates the Spar, Eurospar andMace franchises in the Republic.

It also has a wholesale cash andcarry business with 24 outlets and afood service unit that supplies thecatering industry. In Britain its alsoowns ApplebyWestwood, which is aSpar wholesaler in south-westEngland with 350 Spar franchises.As well as owning Spar shops itowns 138 Mace stores in Ireland.This year it intends to add 11 newMace franchises to its network and ithopes to expand both chains at asimilar rate throughout 2007.


Leo Crawford

Whos Who 2010 25

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The Dawn Group was set up inCo. Waterford in 1980 and todayemploys 2,600 people across itsoperations. The group is one ofEurope’s leading food processingcompanies, forming part of theQueally Group, Ireland’s largestprivately-owned agribusiness.

The group has evolved tobecome a highly integrated

production, sales, marketing anddistribution operation with a clearfocus on quality meat products. Thegroup works closely with its farmersuppliers through various FarmAssurance Schemes to ensureaccess to a plentiful supply of topquality animals that match therequirements of its discerningconsumers.

The group processes half amillion cattle and 1.5 million lambeach year, from which it produces200,000 tonnes of added valuemeat products. This includes500,000 consumer packs deliveredeach day across Europe’s leadingretail outlets.

The group’s range ofconvenience products includesburger, speciality and cooked foods.Its retail plants are located acrossIreland, England, Scotland andWales, which produce shelf-readyretail, packs for daily delivery forIrish and UK multiples. Dawn’s salesand distribution operations arelocated in Ireland, the UK, France,Italy, Holland and Spain.

Dawn Meats has supplied meatproducts to over 40 countriesaround the world since 1980. Itsbrands include among others, DawnChef, Natures Meadow, BlackAngus and West Cork Beef.

Dawn Chef is a value range ofportion beef, pork and lambproducts and is available in minced,diced, carvery, joints or steak cutsvarieties. Natures Meadow is apremium range of Irish beef, porkand lamb steaks. The range ispacked in Darefresh vacuum skinpacks in order to maximise freshshelf life. For example, the NaturesMeadow beef steaks have a freshshelf life of 21 days from the packdate.

The Dawn Group philosophy isto develop business in partnershipwith its customers through its strongpresence in the internationalmarketplace, offering bothdistribution and an excellent back-up service

AIBP is the Irish meat division ofIrish Food Processors (IFP) with abeef turnover in excess of €1bn. Itis the longest established beefprocessing group in Ireland as wellas being Europe’s largest beefproducer.

AIBP commenced business inthe mid-60s when Larry Goodmanestablished his first processingfacility in Dundalk. The Goodmanfamily had a long history second tonone in the agri export businessexporting livestock mainly to theBritish market.

Its head office is now based inArdee, Co. Louth and hasoperations strategically situatedthroughout the county from which ittakes pride in supplying the bestbeef to its customers throughoutEurope and the world.

AIBP factories throughoutIreland are located close to thecattle population ensuring localcontacts are kept to minimize traveland maximise the animal welfarebenefits which ensue.

AIBP markets are largely variedwith strong customer portfolios,where customer requirementsmatch and compliment each other intheir various trading styles.Customers are at the heart of thegroup’s business strategy whichensures it can operate to its bestabilities.

In addition to its standard


€900,000,000Net Profit:

€171,740,000Description:Food Processing

GrannaghCo Waterford

Tel: 051 309 200CEO/MD: Niall Browne


€850,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Meat processing

14 Castle Street ArdeeCo Louth

Tel: 041 685 0200CEO/MD: Paul Finnerty

Irish Food Processors16 17

Whos Who 2010 27

product range, AIBP with its groupexpertise and in response to thechanging market requirements, hasdeveloped three very distinctpremium brands, including,Harmony Farm, Irish Nature andHereford Prime. Harmony Farm is aguaranteed tender succulent andflavoursome. Harmony Farm beef isproduced to a specific regime whichconsistently achieves a tenderquality.

Irish Nature is a ‘guarantee’ of

quality beef. Irish Nature beef istender, succulent and flavoursome.Its beef and its history is fullytraceable back to the individualfarms – part of the AIBP FarmAssurance Scheme.Hereford PrimeCattle are selected from this herd onstrict criteria. The unique taste ofHereford Prime Beef is enhanced byits natural marbling. This finemarbling is the distinguishing featureof Hereford Beef and is the key to itsjuiciness and flavour.


€840,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:National Lottery Operator

An Post National LotteryAbbey Street LwrDublin 1

Tel: 01 836 4444CEO/MD: Dermot Griffin


€800,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Wholesale Cash & Carry

12 Dundrum Business ParkDublin 14

Tel: 01 296 6000CEO/MD: Tom Shipsey


Stonehouse is Ireland’s leadingindependent wholesale group andoperates as a collective buying forcein the domestic FMCG (fast movingconsumer goods) industry. It has acombined spend in excess of €2bneach year. The group enjoys marketpresence, competitive edge andquality of service all of which defineStonehouse’s business objectives.

The group was first establishedin 2000, as a result of the mergerbetween Keencost Centres (Ireland)trading since 1975 and NationalWholesale Groceries Alliance,established in 1961. The combiningof such knowledge and experiencehas made Stonehouse Ireland’sleading independent wholesalecompany with a network of 28member companies; all family runbusinesses totalling 46 warehousesnationwide.The group employs over1,400 staff and maintains a turnoverof €800m per year.

The Stonehouse ethos hasremained steadfast – to support theindependent Irish trader throughquality of service and productexcellence – with each memberdedicated to a progressive businessmodel that keeps client insight andmarket knowledge to the fore ofgroup activity.

Stonehouse’s principal brand isHomestead which was first



Dermot Griffin

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S

established in 1983 under thedirection of National Wholesale. Ithas developed to become one of thecountry’s leading private labels.Therange comprises 170 products incategories ranging from biscuits andpasta to pet food and disposablenappies. Household products suchas firelighters, paper and washing-up liquids are among the best sellinglines and provide strong marketpenetration in the Irish grocerymarket.

The Homestead brand servicesthe wholesaler and retailer ensuringongoing quality control and productinvestment year on year. Its productsare available to the trade via thenetwork of Stonehouse wholesalers.For consumers, Homestead can be

found in the symbol groups as wellas with many independent retailersthroughout Ireland who are servicedby Stonehouse member companies.

To compliment the existingdistribution network, and as a resultof the successful Aontas venture,Homestead can also be found inSuperquinn outlets, ensuring marketpresence in both regional Irelandand major towns and cities likeDublin.

Through close workingrelationships with both customersand industry suppliers, the groupguarantees that its independentgroup of family-run Irish wholesalersdeliver the best product and serviceto meet the need of the progressivemodern retailer.

Kepak Group is one of Europe’sleading food processing companies.Its business is divided into fourstrategic business units, comprisingbeef, lamb, convenience food andtrading. Kepak processes in excessof 400,000 cattle, 2.5 million lambsand 15,000 tons of consumer foodeach year. It has a turnover of€500m and employs more than2,000 people. The Group has ninemanufacturing facilities locatedacross Ireland and the UK as well assales offices throughout Europe andan operations office in SouthAmerica.

Kepak was first established byNoel Keating in 1981. The origins ofthe company go back further thanthis when he opened his firstbutcher shop in Dublin. Thebusiness initially developed throughretailing meat to the public, thendeveloped to providing largercontracts to hospitals, schools andeventually included wholesaling toother butchers.

The business developed quicklyand moved to a purpose built site inClonee, Co. Meath in 1981.Operating as a single plant companyuntil Goldstar Meats, nowincorporated into KepakConvenience Foods Division (KFC)became a wholly owned subsidiaryin 1985.The division was developed


€750,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Food Processing

Unit 3 Block 10Blanchardstown Corp. ParkBlanchardstown Dublin 15

Tel: 01 885 7300CEO/MD: John Horgan

Tom Shipsey



Whos Who 2010 29

as aspec i a l i s tbeef burgersupplier forboth theretail andfoodservicesectors.KFC hasdevelopedsigni f icantlinks withthe majorIrish and UKretailers.

Innovation has always been tothe core of Kepak’s business and itproved this when capitalising on theemerging demand for fast foodbeing the first company to introducethe quarter pounder beef burger tothe Irish market.

Expansion into the UK began in1995 with the acquisition of theBritish Beef Company.The businessincluded an integrated beef andlamb business including retailpackaging and gave Kepak apresence in the market. This wasfurther solidified when BuchanMeats was acquired in Scotland in1996.

In 1997, KCF invested in newcooking technology that allowed it tosupply fully cooked microwaveableburger to retail and foodservicecustomers. Along with this, thegroup developed both frozen andchilled ranges of savoury packproducts under the Big Al’s andRustler’s brands.

Kepak’s range includes a varietyof own brand products available tothe retail trade. Its range alsoincludes Big Al’s frozen foodsproduct portfolio which offers a beefburger range, a 100% chickenrange, chicken breast grills, anexpress range and microwaveableburger. Rustlers are a chilled rangeof microwaveable hot snacks idealfor busy consumers. Speedy Snacksare a chilled range of microwaveablequick and easy snacks ideal for busyfamilies.


€750,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Soft drinks manufacturer

Pepsi Cola InternationalUnit A 3rd Floor Apex Bsn CentreBlackthorn RoadSandyford Dublin 18Tel: 01 293 2270CEO/MD: Mike Engler


€714,803,000Net Profit:

€30,877,000Description:Tobacco sales and distribution

Block D, Cookstown CourtOld Belgard RoadTallaght, Dublin 24

Tel: 01 404 0200CEO/MD: Martin Southgate


€696,670,000Net Profit:

€13,150,000Description:Marketing/Distribution oil products

3 Custom House PlazaIFSC, Dublin 1

Tel: 01 607 6800CEO/MD: Des Duffy





Des Duffy

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S


€688,120,000Net Profit:

€1,310,000Description:Dairy products

Dairygold Co-OperativeClonmel RoadMitchelstown, Cork

Tel: 025 24411CEO/MD: Jim Woulfe


€620,000,000Net Profit:


Newcastle RoadLucanCo. Dublin

Tel: 01 630 2043CEO/MD: Simon Burke


€679,000,000Net Profit:

€92,700,000Description:Manufacturer alcoholic beverages

The GrangeStillorgan RoadCo. Dublin

Tel: 01 616 1100CEO/MD: John Dunsmore


€600,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Sales/Marketing pharmaceuticals

Plaza 254Blanchardstown Corp ParkBallycoolinDublin 15

Tel: 01 449 3500CEO/MD: Robert Vincent


€598,544,000Net Profit:

€5,193,000Description:Wholesaler petroleum/petroleumproducts

Level 2, 5 Harbourmaster PlaceIFSC, Dublin 1

Tel: 01 855 5559CEO/MD: Tony Parr

Simon Burke


24 25




T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S


€580,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Discount retailers

Great Connell RoadNewbridge Co Kildare

Tel: 022 50294CEO/MD: Patrick Kaudewitz


€550,000,000Net Profit:


24-29 Mary StreetDublin 1

Tel: 01 872 8833CEO/MD: Jonathan Smith


€500,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Pharmaceuticals manufacturer

CruiserathMulhuddart, Dublin 15

Tel: 01 885 4000CEO/MD: Brian Harrison


€500,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Fuel importers

Promenade RoadDublin 3

Tel: 01 819 8080CEO/MD: Raymond Reihill


€450,000,000Net Profit:


Simmonscourt HouseSimmonscourt RoadBallsbridgeDublin 4

Tel: 01 212 9000CEO/MD: Alexander Ricard

Tedcastle Holdings

Alexander Ricard








T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S


€420,000,000Net Profit:


Stonemasons WayRathfarnhamDublin 16

Tel: 01 495 5000CEO/MD: Finbar Whyte


€380,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Tobacco manufacturer

21 Beckett WayNangor RoadDublin 12

Tel: 01 243 4800CEO/MD: Andrew Meagher


€390,000,000Net Profit:


Citywest Business CampusDublin 24

Tel: 01 467 6600CEO/MD: Paul Duffy


€371,273,000Net Profit:

€5,177,000Description:Retail franchise group

JohnstownNaas, Co. Kildare

Tel: 045 879 103CEO/MD: Stephen O’Riordan


€371,226,000Net Profit:

€16,776,000Description:Peat producer

Main Street NewbridgeCo Kildare

Tel: 045 439000CEO/MD: Gabriel Darcy

Stephen O’Riordan



35 37



€323,800,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Pharmaceutical DistributionWholesale

PharmaparkChapelizodDublin 20

Tel: 01 630 5555CEO/MD: Gary Collins


€312,233,000Net Profit:

€55,830,000Description:Food/home/personal care

20 Riverwalk, National Digital ParkCitywest Business CampusDublin 24

Tel: 01 291 4000CEO/MD: Ronald Drieduite


€310,000,000Net Profit:

€-1,750,000Description:Agri Co-opBalinagh RoadTubbercurry, Co Sligo

Tel: 071 918 6500CEO/MD: Aaron Forde


€350,000,000Net Profit:


Malahide Road, CoolockDublin 5

Tel: 01 848 0000CEO/MD: Greg Chick


€346,000,000Net Profit:


Murphy Brewery,Leitrim Street Cork

Tel: 021 450 3371CEO/MD: David Ford

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S








€300,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Frozen food manufacturer

Bond RoadDublin 3

Tel: 01 876 8050CEO/MD: Gary Walsh


€295,000,000Net Profit:


15 Little Green StreetDublin 7

Tel: 01 889 8100CEO/MD: Joe Keeling


€294,148,000Net Profit:

€3,500,000Description:Wholesale household

Ballymount AvenueWalkinstown, Dublin 12

Tel: 01 408 1400CEO/MD: Norman Moorehouse


€260,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Baby food manufacturer

Plaza 254Blanchardstown Corporate ParkBallycoolin, Dublin 15

Tel: 01 449 3500CEO/MD: Emmet Brown


€251,594,000Net Profit:

€7,234,000Description:Soft drinks distributor

Huntstown Business ParkCappagh RoadBallycoolin, Dublin 11

Tel: 01 880 7100CEO/MD: Alfie Lydon







T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S


Whos Who 2010 41


€243,000,000Net Profit:

€5,270,000Description:Mineral water/soft drinks

UNIT 16 Cherry Orchard EstateBallyfermotDublin 10

Tel: 01 626 9787CEO/MD: Patrick Cooney


€228,989,000Net Profit:

€6,802,000Description:Tobacco manufacturer/distributor

Burton Hall ParkSandyfordDublin 18

Tel: 01 205 2300CEO/MD: Toby Granwal


€226,102,886Net Profit:

€3,117,000Description:Wholesale dairy products/eggsedible oils

Ground Floor, Unit 16Fonthill Industrial Park, Dublin 22

Tel: Andrew BurkeCEO/MD: 01 616 1556


€226,200,000Net Profit:

€8,470,000Description:Dairy and food products


Tel: 023 882 2200CEO/MD: Dan McSweeney


€225,000,000Net Profit:


Newbridge Road, NaasCo Kildare

Tel: 045 846 300CEO/MD: Donald Mackay


€239,000,000Net Profit:

€5,360,000Description:Retail sale of automotive fuel

Block 17, Joyce WayPark WestDublin 12

Tel: 01 512 4800CEO/MD: Bob Etchington


€204,957,000Net Profit:

€2,275,000Description:Not-for-profit organisation

Roslyn Park, SandymountDublin 4

Tel: 01 205 7200CEO/MD: Angela Kerins








2010 is Reckitt Benckiser’s(RB) 10th birthday – 10 yearssince fmcg giants Reckitt &Colman and Benckiser mergedto become Reckitt Benckiser - aworld leader in household,health and personal care, and aglobal FMCG powerhouse,setting the pace for others.RB operates in no fewer than60 countries, selling 15 millionconsumer units a day (5.5billion a year) across over 180countries. Almost everyhousehold in the developedworld will have at least one RBproduct in the kitchen,bathroom or medicine cabinet..

The company’s success is ledby its 17 Powerbrands - big-namebrands like Finish, Vanish,Nurofen (Ireland Pharmacy only),Strepsils, Dettol and Veet thataim to achieve global marketleadership. Through them Reckitt

Benckiser has become No.1 or 2in the vast majority of marketsand categories in which itcompetes. Backing up thePowerbrands is a great portfolioof top selling local hero brands –Lemsip, E45, Clearasil, Optrexand many others.

People are also the powerbehind the brands - around23,000 talented, driven andentrepreneurial individuals, allworking together to achieve asingle vision. The company has aflat, lean management structure,and a dynamic culture to providethe best conditions for diversity ofopinion and a spirit ofentrepreneurship that is RB’ssource of innovation - attractingthe very best global talent.

The Reckitt BenckiserVision

Reckitt Benckiser strives to

deliver better solutions inhousehold, health and personalcare to consumers, wherever theymay be. We do it throughconstant innovation. We look atthe little things that drive peoplemad in their everyday life. Thenwe deliver brilliant, fast-actingsolutions that help make lifebetter and easier - and createoutstanding shareholder value inthe process.

A passion for successYou don’t lead a global market

however just by talking about it –Reckitt live that vision. Words like‘innovative’ can be overworked,but there is no other way todescribe RB’s performance. Fortyper cent of its net revenue comesfrom innovations launched in theprevious three years; and whilegenerations have been reachingfor its brands, sure-footed

development and smartmarketing keeps thebrands contemporary andrelevant.



It is this strategy that hashelped secure RB’s formidablemarket position, and consistentrecord of success.

On average, RB changes aproduct formulation every 8hours, a testament to its strongchain of command and supply:from consumer insight, rapidproduct development, to speedyand flexible customer service, andefficient distribution.

Importantly, RB backs itsbrands with heavyweight,effective and well targetedmarketing and promotionalsupport designed to reflect theneeds of both the retail sector inwhich it is operating, and theconsumer. Indeed RB is one of thebiggest advertisers - traditionaland online - in all its key markets.

The ability to double netrevenue during ten years - anddodge the recession withcontinued growth which comesfrom the ground up is impressiveby anyone’s standards,particularly in the current

environment. RB has donethis repeatedly in thelast ten years.


Whos Who 2010 43

RB is successful because it..meets consumer need – investing heavily in innovation and marketing

focuses resources on ‘powerbrands’ - all established as global leadersor no 2 in their categories

Is committed to very high levels of customer service and flexibility

has a unique global culture - combining passion and commit-ment topush the boundaries of possibility

RB- 10 Years at the Top•more than double digits net revenue in 10 years

•outperforming the market–9 straight years above industry growth

•has the global number one or two brands in the majority of its fastgrowing categories

• changes a product formula about every 8 hours

• nearly 40% of net revenue comes from products launchedin the last 3years

•RB’s OTC brands are the fast growing area of the companyworld-wide particularly following acquisition of BootsHealthcare International (2006) and AdamsRespiratory(2008)

•17‘ Powerbrands’account for 62% of total business



€160,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Dairy produce manufacturer

Coolshannon, Monaghan

Tel: 047 81400CEO/MD: Vincent Gilhawley


€150,000,000Net Profit:


Moneen Road, CastlebarCo Mayo

Tel: 094 902 2244CEO/MD: Pat Gallagher


€153,453,000Net Profit:

€16,130,000Description:Food distributor

Burton Court, Burton Hall RoadSandyford, Dublin 18

Tel: 01 453 3200CEO/MD: Andrew Clarke


€169,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Milk processing

Station Road, Tipperary

Tel: 062 33111CEO/MD: Ted O’Connor


€150,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Beer/wine distributor

Nangor House, Nangor RoadDublin 12

Tel: 01 429 2200CEO/MD: Joe Quinsey


€204,542,000Net Profit:

€1,642,000Description:Cash and carry wholesalers

Upper Quartertown,Mallow, Co. Cork

Tel: 022 30100CEO/MD: Jim Barry


€143,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Poultry processing/distribution

Bracetown Business ParkClonee, Co. Meath

Tel: 01 801 4142CEO/MD: Vincent Carton


€190,000,000Net Profit:


P.O. Box 8Enniscorthy, Co Wexford

Tel: 053 937 7155CEO/MD: Rory Fanning


€146,604,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Food manufacturer/distributor

3030 Lake DriveCitywest Business ParkDublin 24

Tel: 01 449 7777CEO/MD: Ciaran Sullivan

James A. Barry& Company Ltd

Carton Group

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S




57 58

60 61

63 64

•has the highest rates of mediainvestment amongst peers–12.4%of net revenue

•RB is a leader in CSR–and itspioneering Carbon 20 programmeis the first in its industry to find away to measure carbon footprint oftotal product lifecycle

•mobility and diversity ofexperience is prized–90% of topmanagement live away from theirhome countries

•highest media investment of anycompetitor company–12.4% ofnet revenue

•carbon neutral manufacturing

•employs in 60 countries,manufactures in 42 countries, sellsin 180 countries

10 years of RB – based on over150 years combined innovation

RB UK markets some of theUK’s favourite brands, severalavailable for 50+ years – yetbecause of constant innovationremain fresh, and market leaders– eg: Dettol, Finish and Strepsils.Gaviscon and Lemsip are relativenewcomers at over 40 years!

RB stays ahead by consumercentric product development andbringing them to marketefficiently. Innovative thinkingdrives every process from supplychain management, efficiency andground-breaking sustainabilitypolicies to the unparallel supportit gives to its brands, and itscustomers.

10 Years of Innovation

• Air Wick Hyper scent•Vanish Oxi-action•Veet•Cillit Bang•Gaviscon handypack

•Finish Quantum•Air Wick Freshmatic•Dettol

Corporate Social Responsibility

RB delivers performance ineverything it does, includingsocial responsibility. The businessstrategy that drives RB tooutperform its peers is alsoembedded with an absolutecommitment to run the businessin a way that is responsible,environmentally sound andsustainable.

EnvironmentReckitt Benckiser wants to

make sure of a sustainable futurenot just for its own business andits shareholders but also for thecommunities in which thecompany plays a part.

Achieving this affects the wayit does business around theworld. This is also driven by theoverarching aim to outperformwherever the company focuses,and its commitment to CSR is agood example – RB’s programmeis the most ambitious in theindustry.

RB tries to operate in a waythat minimises its environmentalimpact - in real terms. Forstarters, 70% of itsmanufacturing waste is nowrecycled. Between 2000 and2006 RB reduced greenhousegas emissions from its globalfactories by 22% per unit ofproduction.

Its latest target is to reduce itsproducts’ Total Carbon Footprint,by 20% per unit by 2020 versus2007. But RB takes itscommitment even further - over90% of its third-party factories indeveloping markets have alreadybeen audited to ensure they meetRB’s high global standards. In themeantime over two million ‘Treesfor Change’ are being planted to

offset the company’s carbonemissions.

All of this is supported by RB’sglobal ‘Our home, Our planet’initiative. This is a productlabelling initiative on all keybrands that aims to giveconsumers access to informationabout product-related ways tomake a positive impact on theenvironment.

Community Projects

It is also deeply committed tosharing some of the wealth itcreates with the people who needit most, and is particularlyinvolved in helping to improvechildren's health, hygiene andsocial development around theworld. RB works with manyorganisations in its marketsaround the world, including aglobal charity partnership is withSave the Children. Save theChildren is the natural choice as itreflects RB's passions as abusiness. Not just because theirprogrammes focus on health andhygiene, but also because thefamily is central to both Save theChildren and RB's consumers.And as one of their largestcorporate supporters worldwide,RB is as committed to supportingtheir tireless work. Currently forexample they are involved in ajoint initiative helping to preventchildren dying from preventablediseases, which has alreadypositively impacted more than150,000 children.

The results are clear. RB hasheld platinum status in the UK'sBusiness in the CommunityCorporate Responsibility Indexsince 2005, topping the index in2008. RB was also awarded topstatus in the US EnvironmentalProtection Agency's Design forthe Environment Safer DetergentsStewardship Initiative.

Whos Who 2010 45



€140,290,000Net Profit:

€4,770,000Description:Marketing mushrooms

Tyholland, MonaghanCo. Monaghan

Tel: 047 38200CEO/MD: Ronald Wilson


€130,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Supermarket retail

117 Rock Street, TraleeCo Kerry

Tel: 066 714 9995CEO?MD: Kevin McCarthy


€140,588,457Net Profit:

€8,032,000Description:Manufacturer fruit/veg juice

Second Floor46 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1

Tel: 01 879 6600CEO/MD: John Wright


€141,000,000Net Profit:


Cape House, 2nd FloorWest End Office ParkBlanchardstown Dublin 15

Tel: 01 640 7000CEO/MD: Eddie Scarife


€133,569,000Net Profit:

€3,629,000Description:Wine and spirits

Estuary House, Block P7Eastpoint Business ParkFairview, Dublin 3

Tel: 01 819 3300CEO/MD: John Pearson


€124,126,000Net Profit:

€-5,625,000Description:Wholesale of dairy/eggs/edible oils/fats

Killeshandra, Co. Cavan

Tel: 049 436 4200CEO/MD: Michael Hanley


€121,000,000Net Profit:

€27,430,000Description:Food products manufacturer/distributor

Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24

Tel: 01 414 1111CEO/MD: Seamus Kearney


€129,000,000Net Profit:

€730,000Description:Liquid milk/cream

Ballyraine, LetterkennyCo. Donegal

Tel: 074 912 1766CEO/MD: Ian Ireland


€130,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Distribution food/confectionery

Unit 2Allied Industrial EstateKylemore Road, Dublin 10

Tel: 01 623 1610CEO/MD: Geoffrey Beggs


Tennant &Ruttle

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S




66 67

69 70

72 73




€116,025,000Net Profit:

€1,804,000Description:Food distribution company

Ardagh Road, Newcastlewest,Co. Limerick

Tel: 069 20200CEO/MD: Tim Geary


€110,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Production of mineral water andsoft drinks

Kylemore Park West, BallyfermotDublin 10

Tel: 01 616 1200CEO/MD: Andrew Richards


€114,581,000Net Profit:

€15,780,000Description:Pharmaceutical goods sales andmarketing

Stonemasons Way, RathfarnhamDublin 16

Tel: 01 495 5000CEO/MD: Auroa de Barra


€118,765,000Net Profit:

€16,485,000Description:Sales/Distribution HJ Heinzproducts

Stradbrook House, StradbrookRoad, Blackrock, Co. Dublin

Tel: 01 280 5757CEO/MD: Joe Mohan


€110,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Food manufacturer/distributor

Platin Road, DroghedaCo. Louth

Tel: 041 987 0300CEO/MD: Malachy McCloskey


€97,104,000Net Profit:

€4,300,024Description:Distribution of beer

South Main Street, Cork

Tel: 021 491 1100CEO/MD: David Ford


€95,318,000Net Profit:

€1,174,000Description:Meat processing

DrumnashearCarrigans, Co. Donegal

Tel: 074 914 0228CEO/MD: Michael McKay


€105,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Food processing

72-74 Bannow Road,Cabra West, Dublin 7

Tel: 01 838 0133CEO/MD: Eugene Heary


€109,161,000Net Profit:

€2,139,000Description:Frozen foods distributor

Kinsale Road, Cork

Tel: 021 494 7300CEO/MD: John Casey

H J Heinz Co (Ireland) Ltd

Beamish & Crawford

74 75 76

77 78 79

80 81 82

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S


€89,818,000Net Profit:

€-7,284,000Description:Manufacturer snack foods

KilbrewAshborne, Co. Meath

Tel: 01 835 0611CEO/MD: Maurice Hickey


€86,161,000Net Profit:

€2,812,000Description:Wine/spirits/beer importer

Ballycurreen Industrial EstateAirport Road, Cork

Tel: 021 432 0900CEO/MD: Michael Barry


€87,981,000Net Profit:

€3,549,000Description:Manufacturer of prepared pet foods

EdgeworthstownCo. Longford

Tel: 043 667 2100CEO/MD: Philip Reynolds


€95,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Soft drinks and beer distributor

Belgard RoadTallaght, Dublin 24

Tel: 01 451 9146CEO/MD: Geoff Coman


€88,220,000Net Profit:

€63,000Description:Tea and coffee producer

Northern CrossMalahide Road, Dublin 17

Tel: 01 816 0680CEO/MD: John Cahill


€80,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:LPG distributors

Long Mile Road, Dublin 12

Tel: 01 450 5000CEO/MD: Steve Cooks


€80,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Production ready meals/frozenfoods

IDA Industrial EstateCarrickmacross Co Monaghan

Tel: 042 966 2100CEO/MD: Diarmuid Kilduff


€83,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Dairy agri producers

Drinagh, Co Cork

Tel: 028 30800CEO/MD: Joe O’Sullivan


€86,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Petfood manufacturer

Goresbrdige, Co Kilkenny

Tel: 059 977 5860CEO/MD: Joe Connolly

C & D Foods

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S

Campbell Bewley Group Barry & Fitzwilliam Maxxium


Rye Valley Foods




84 85








€74,891,000Net Profit:

€38,954,000Description:Manufacturer of rusks, biscuits,preserved pastry goods and cakes

Belgard Road TallaghtDublin 24

Tel: 01 414 1111CEO/MD: Seamus Kearney


€70,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Fruit/veg importer/distributor

Roslin Food Park, St MargaretsCo. Dublin

Tel: 01 890 8100CEO/MD: Harry McNamee


€73,324,969Net Profit:

€50,213,000Description:Beauty care product manufacturer

The Graan House, Unit E1 & E14Charlemont Business ParkDublin 12

Tel: 01 408 1400CEO/MD: Mindy Thompson


€75,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Wine importers/distributors

Bessboro RoadBlackrock, Cork

Tel: 021 497 2200CEO/MD: John Galvin


€70,691,000Net Profit:

€1,534,000Description:Cash & Carry

Clonminan Business ParkPortlaoise, Co. Laois

Tel: 057 862 0266CEO/MD: Liam Linden


€68,224,000Net Profit:

€4,148,000Description:Manufacturer of bread and pastries

Greenhills Ind Est.WalkinstownDublin 12

Tel: 01 460 8400CEO/MD: Gary Stewart


€65,000,000Net Profit:

€n/aDescription:Mushroom exports

Creagh, Gorey, Co Wexford

Tel: 053 942 1182CEO/MD: Michael O’Sullivan


€68,713,000Net Profit:

€-940,000Description:Manufacturer of paper and foilproducts

McKee Avenue, Finglas, Dublin 11

Tel: 01 806 8100CEO/MD: Liam Smith


€70,000,000Net Profit:


St. Aidan’s Shopping CentreWexford

Tel: 053 9234265CEO/MD: Desmond Pettitt

Irish Biscuits Procter & Gamble

4 AcesWholesale




93 94

96 97

99 100

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S

As the country’s mostexperienced retail and wholesalebusiness, BWG Group continuesto be at the forefront ofconvenience retailing in Ireland,driving innovation and deliveringhigh quality products and servicesthrough its SPAR and MACE storenetworks.

Based in Ireland, BWG alsohas operations in the UK, andemploys over 900 people directlyalong with an estimated 20,000people through its various retailfranchises.

The SPAR network has beenoperated in Ireland by BWG since1963 and is now a permanentfixture in the convenience retailsector in Ireland. The chain haslong been recognised as a trustedbrand, delivering quality productsat a competitive price through itsnetwork of conveniently locatedstores.

In addition to owning andoperating the SPAR network,BWG also operates the MACE andVivo brands, along with the XLnetwork operated through thecompany’s Wholesale division. Intotal the company manages over900 convenience stores in Irelandand the UK.

The convenience retail space isextremely competitive and SPARin particular continuously strivesto exceed consumer andmarketplace expectations inorder to retain its leadershipposition as the country’s largestconvenience chain.

SPAR Ireland comprises over470 high quality storesincorporating three formatsdesigned to meet the lifestyleneeds of its many and variedcustomers.

Local SPAR stores are the

nucleus of the network and formthe cornerstone of the local townsand communities in which theyoperate. They offer acomprehensive range of everydayproducts and services to cater toshoppers hectic lifestyles. SPARExpress represents forecourtshopping for people on the moveand EUROSPAR caters for familyand supermarket shopping, witha more extensive range of goodsincluding fresh fruit andvegetables, baked goods, saladbar and deli.

People’s shopping habits haveevolved radically over the lastdecade, in line with their morehectic and diversified lifestyles.Traditional shopping and mealtimes are a thing of the past andmost people now do weekly ‘top-

up’ shops or purchase meals on-the-go.

For SPAR, a large part of itssuccess can be attributed to thecompany’s ability to developstrategies that adapt and respondto consumer trends. When itcomes to standards andinnovation in convenienceretailing, SPAR is always one stepahead of the competition. Onesuch example is its successfulrange of third-party partnerships.SPAR goes beyond the traditionaldeli counter to offer its customersmore choice for sit-down diningand meals on-the-go. Manyindividual retailers have opted toparticipate in one or more of thebespoke partnership arrange-ments on offer, including:Treehouse Juice and Smoothie



Bar; SPAR’s exclusive SignatureSandwich range; the pizza/pastafood concept, ‘Pazza’; and KitsuNoodles. SPAR stores have alsotaken a significant slice of theever-increasing gourmet coffeemarket, with more than 300 in-store Insomnia and Tim HortonsPremium Coffee and Doughnutrange counters. SPAR continuesto explore opportunities for newpartnerships and food optionsthat respond to the expandingtaste buds of the discerning Irishconsumer.

BWG has been driving asteady growth plan over the lastfew years, with the expansion andremodelling of its store networks,involving revamped shop interiorswith revised store layout anddesign, new food strategies and

product offerings aswell as a growingemphasis on own-brand products.

Across BWGBusiness Divisions,development of OwnBrand Ranges hasbecome a majorfocus. According torecent consumerresearch undertakenby Nielsen, own-brand is highlightedas a key growth areafor retailers with amajor focus on priceand value in thecurrent economicclimate. Over 80%of Irish consumersnow claim to buyown-brand and 46%claim to buy morenow compared withsix months ago.

According toNielsen, SPAR isleading the way in

Ireland when it comes to own-brand purchases in theconvenience retail sector. Figuresshow that penetration of own-brand (including ‘exclusive’alcohol) in the conveniencemarket is approximately 6.3%,however SPAR is ahead of themarket with 7.1% participation.MACE has also extended itsrange in recent times, through alink up with Palmer & Harvey tointroduce the ‘M’ Brand Range.

Following a successful MBO inAugust 2006, BWG has steadilyexpanded the business and, inthe second half of 2008,management completed a deal toacquire Mangans Wholesale. Theresult is that BWG now controlsthe entire MACE store network in

the Republic of Ireland.This acquisition has given

greater impetus to BWG’s plan toraise the profile of its MACEnetwork in Ireland, emphasisingthe brand’s unique sense of placeand strong community presence.

On the wholesale side, BWGoperates the Value Centre cashand carry business, operating outof 25 outlets in key populationareas nationwide. In late 2008,the division commenced tradingfrom a new, purpose-built NorthRoad facility – just off the M50.Also part of the Wholesaledivision BWG Foodservice unitsupplies the catering industry.

In Britain, BWG owns ApplebyWestwood – a SPAR wholesaler insouth-west England withresponsibility for 350 SPARfranchises.

Chief executive Leo Crawfordjoined BWG in 1996 as managingdirector and was appointed toCEO in 1999. In October 2006,Triode Investments Ltd. acompany controlled by LeoCrawford, John Clohisey and JohnO'Donnell completed thepurchase of BWG Group fromElectra.

Leo Crawford is also thePresident of SPAR International,a role he was appointed to in2005..

Whos Who 2010 55


Johnson & €63,790,000 €5,340,000 Health & Beauty care productJohnson Ireland Ltd distributorAirton Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24Tel: 01 466 5200 CEO/MD: Fergal McGarry

Wincanton €58,675,000 €3,367,000 Warehouse and transportIreland logisticsUnit 100 Northwest Business Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15Tel: 01 855 5049 CEO/MD: Graeme McFaull

Danone Ltd €56,282,000 €6,218,000Old Belgard RoadTallaght, Dublin 24Tel: 01 400 8600 CEO/MD: Donal Courtney

HJ Heinz €56,200,753 €12,053,000 Non specialises wholesaleFrozen & Chilled of food and beveragesFinnabair Industrial Park, Dundalk, Co. LouthTel: 042 938 5200 CEO/MD: Stuart Lawson

Grove Turkeys €54,904,000 €-2,838,000 Farming of poultrySmithboro,Co. MonaghanTel: 047 53000 CEO/MD: Brendan Maguire

Flogas Ireland €54,000,000 €n/a Distributor of LPGDublin Road, DroghedaCo. LouthTel: 041 983 1041 CEO/MD: Richard Martin

Febvre & Co €53,435,000 €95,000 Wine importer and distributorBurton Hall RoadSandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18Tel: 01 216 1400 CEO/MD: Anthony Ailken

Napa Valley €50,829,000 €982,000 Wholesale of alcohol and other33 Spruce Avenue beveragesStillorgan Industrial Park, Co. DublinTel: n/a CEO/MD: Brendan O’Brien

O’Briens Wine €50,820,000 €1,120,000 Importers/wholesalers/Off Licence Off Licence33 Spruce Avenue, Stillorgan Industrial Park, Co. DublinTel: 1850 269 7777 CEO/MD: Brendan O’Brien

Punch €48,421,000 €5,423,000 Distribution & logistics/FCMGIndustriesMacro 11 Unit 4, Plato Business Park, Damastown, Dublin 15Tel: 01 826 0327 CEO/MD: Gerry Lawlor











Turnover: Net Profit: Description:

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S



F AWyatt €46,000,000 €n/a FMCG DistributionUnit 9 Keypoint Business ParkRosemount Park Drive, Ballycoolin Road, Dublin 15Tel: 01 860 6400 CEO/ MD: Tommy Daly

Nutricia Infant €45,000,000 €n/a Infant nutrition manufacturerNutritionBlock 1 Deansgrange Business Park, Deansgrange, Co. DublinTel: 01 289 0289 CEO/MD: Pat Caulfield

Kraft Foods €44,245,000 €4,464,000 Food/confectionery/beverage47 Pembroke Road DistributionBallsbridge, Dublin 4Tel: 01 605 2600 CEO/MD: Derek Caswell

Dew Valley €42,809,000 €2,408,000 Meat and poultry meatFoods processingHarolds Cross Road, Thurles, Co. TipperaryTel: 0504 46110 CEO/MD: Jack Blake

Bristol Myers €41,000,000 €16,080,000 Sales/Marketing25 St Stephens Green pharmaceuticalsDublin 2Tel: 01 676 1120 CEO/MD: Anthony Feighan

JC Savage €40,994,000 €2,255,000 RetailerSupermarket LtdSwords Shopping Centre, Rathbeale Road, Swords, Co. DublinTel: 01 840 2884 CEO/MD: Michael Savage

SHS Sales €40,308,000 €653,000 Sales & marketing distribution& Marketing and logistics24 - 26 City Quay, Dublin 2Tel: 01 457 7580 CEO/MD: David O’Neill

Pat The Baker €40,000,000 €n/a BakersGranardCo. LongfordTel: 043 86523 CEO/MD: Paddy Higgins

Birds Eye €39,956,000 €-2,613,000 Frozen FoodIreland LtdOrchard Business Centre, 2009 Orchard Avenue, Naas Road, Dublin 24Tel: 1850 298 398 CEO/MD: Michael Finlay

Lipton €38,063,000 €9,420,000 Production of mineral water andSoft Drinks Ireland soft drinksRiverwalk National Business Park, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24Tel: 021 437 6400 CEO/MD: Sean McCarthy











Turnover: Net Profit: Description:

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S


J Donohue €37,781,000 €-920,000 Production of mineral waterBeverages Ltd and soft drinksTempleshannon, Enniscorthy, Co.WexfordTel: 053 924 2400 CEO/MD: John Kickham

Leydens Ltd €36,354,000 €857,000 Wholesale cash and carry158a Richmond RoadFairview,. Dublin 3Tel: 01 837 6074 CEO/MD: Ann Duffy

Kelkin €35,000,000 €n/a Manufacturer/DistributionUnit 1 Crosslands Industrial Park natural foodsBallymount, Dublin 12Tel: 01 460 0400 CEO/MD: Frank Fenn

Reckitt €35,000,000 €n/a Healthcare productsBenckiser Ireland Ltd distribution7 River Walk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24Tel: 01 468 9200 CEO/MD: Heather Ann McSharry

Silver Hill Foods €35,000,000 €n/a Duck processorEmyvaleCo. MonaghanTel: 047 87124 CEO/MD: Stuart Steele

Johnson Mooney €34,975,000 €1,542,000 Manufacturer of bread& O’Brien pastries and cakesCentury House, Harolds Cross Road, Dublin 6WTel: 01 836 2211 CEO/MD: Jim Hyland

Irish Merchants €34,000,000 €1,950,000 Food serviceMalahide Road Industrial Park disposables/hygieneMalahide Road, Dublin 17Tel: 01 816 4800 CEO/MD: Brendan Coney

Barrys Tea €34,000,000 €n/a Tea blending/distributionKinsale RoadCorkTel: 021 491 5000 CEO/MD: Tom Barry

Molloy Group €34,000,000 €80,000 Retail liquor sales/Block 2 The Village off licencesTallaght Dublin 24Tel: 01 451 5544 CEO/MD: Kevin Molloy

Horgan €33,803,000 €332,000 Delicatessen suppliersDelicatessensKnocknamuck, Mitchelstown, Co. CorkTel: 025 41200 CEO/MD: Michael Horgan











Turnover: Net Profit: Description:

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S

Greenfield €32,727,000 €1,013,000 Egg packingFoodsSmithboro, Co. MonaghanTel: 047 57014 CEO/MD: John Mohan

Barry Collins €30,473,000 €836,000 RetailerSupermarketMain Street, Carrigaline, Co. CorkTel: 021 485 2244 CEO/MD: Barry Collins

Begley Bros €30,345,000 €157,000 Wholesaler of fruit and26 / 21 East Arran Street vegetablesDublin 7Tel: 01 873 5833 CEO/MD: Gregory Begley

Nash Beverages €29,533,000 €577,000 Wholesale of alcoholic and(Heineken Irl) other beveragesDocklands, Dock Road, LimerickTel: 061 401 555 CEO/MD: Michael O”Donnell

Gem Pack €28,711,000 €-707,000 ManufacturerFoods LtdDamastown Industrial Park, Dublin 15Tel: 01 811 9466 CEO/MD: Paddy Mulligan

H & J Nolan €28,628,000 €1,183,000 Wholesaler of fish(Dublin Ltd)Rathdown Road, North Circular Road, Dublin 7Tel: 01 868 0066 CEO/MD: George Nolan

Stafford Lynch €27,688,000 €1,029,000 Sales/Marketing/DistributionNorthwest Business Park LogisticsBallycoolin, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15Tel: 01 802 3100 CEO/MD: Matt Lynch

Meade Potato €27,102,000 €892,000 Wholesale of fruit and& Co Ltd vegetablesBraystown, Lobinstown, Navan, Co. MeathTel: 046 905 3198 CEO/MD: Philip Meade

Thurles €26,777,000 €409,000 Cash & CarryWholesale Cash & CarryCox Cash & Carry, Kilbelin, Newbridge, Co. KildareTel: 045 431 594 CEO/MD: Dermot Cox










Turnover: Net Profit: Description:

T O P 1 0 0 C O M P A N I E S



MULTIPLES:Aldi 3Dunnes Stores 1Lidl 2Marks & SpencerSuperquinn 1Tesco 1INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 98Forecourts 31Post office w/shop 10SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 2SYMBOLS:Centra 8Checkout 1Costcutter 1Daybreak 3Day Today 2Gala 7Londis 5Mace 2Quik Pick 2Spar 2Spar Express 2EuroSparSuper Valu 4XL 1Xpress 1











MULTIPLES:AldiDunnes Stores 2Lidl 1Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 1INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 129Forecourts 47Post office w/shop 15SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 5SYMBOLS:Centra 7Checkout 5Costcutter 3Daybreak 5Day TodayGala 9Londis 6Mace 7Quik Pick 2Spar 5Spar Express 1EuroSparSuper Valu 7XL 6Xpress



















167,234 33.446m



MULTIPLES:Aldi 1Dunnes Stores 2Lidl 1Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 7INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 187Forecourts 57Post office w/shop 19SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 4SYMBOLS:Centra 11Checkout 1Costcutter 6Daybreak 2Day Today 1Gala 6Londis 9Mace 16Quik PickSpar 5Spar ExpressEuroSparSuper Valu 5XL 1Xpress 12



MULTIPLES:Aldi 11Dunnes Stores 13Lidl 11Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 9INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 380Forecourts 178Post office w/shop 99SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 37SYMBOLS:Centra 73Checkout 15Costcutter 21Daybreak 12Day Today 6Gala 13Londis 28Mace 23Quik Pick 17Spar 33Spar Express 5EuroSpar 3Super Valu 29XL 5Xpress 3












MULTIPLES:Aldi 12Dunnes Stores 34Lidl 21Marks & Spencer 7Superquinn 14Tesco 37INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 925Forecourts 159Post office w/shop 64SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 102SYMBOLS:Centra 100Checkout 11Costcutter 15Daybreak 10Day Today 14Gala 4Londis 77Mace 38Quik Pick 4Spar 135Spar Express 1EuroSpar 8Super Valu 24XL 10Xpress











MULTIPLES:Aldi 3Dunnes Stores 2Lidl 4Marks & Spencer 1Superquinn 1Tesco 1INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 63Forecourts 99Post office w/shop 40SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 4SYMBOLS:Centra 13Checkout 6Costcutter 6DaybreakDay TodayGala 14Londis 4Mace 21Quik PickSpar 17Spar Express 3EuroSpar 1Super Valu 8XL 11Xpress 7


MULTIPLES:Aldi 4Dunnes Stores 6Lidl 7Marks & Spencer 1SuperquinnTesco 2INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 408Forecourts 124Post office w/shop 64SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 7SYMBOLS:Centra 27Checkout 6Costcutter 11Daybreak 11Day Today 4Gala 9Londis 20Mace 12Quik Pick 3Spar 19Spar Express 4EuroSpar 2Super Valu 15XL 6Xpress 5






2.8 78,661


MULTIPLES:Aldi 3Dunnes Stores 3Lidl 5Marks & Spencer 1SuperquinnTesco 5INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 225Forecourts 72Post office w/shop 43SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 10SYMBOLS:Centra 19Checkout 5Costcutter 4Daybreak 9Day Today 2Gala 6Londis 18Mace 5Quik Pick 12Spar 14Spar ExpressEuroSpar 2Super Valu 9XL 3Xpress 1







48,110 9.622m





MULTIPLES:Aldi 4Dunnes Stores 2Lidl 7Marks & Spencer 1Superquinn 1Tesco 6INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 188Forecourts 49Post office w/shop 22SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 12SYMBOLS:Centra 21Checkout 2Costcutter 2Daybreak 5Day Today 3Gala 13Londis 17Mace 13Quik Pick 2Spar 10Spar Express 2EuroSpar 3Super Valu 7XL 1Xpress









MULTIPLES:Aldi 1Dunnes Stores 2Lidl 2Marks & SpencerSuperquinn 1TescoINDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 138Forecourts 41Post office w/shop 13SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 4SYMBOLS:Centra 10Checkout 1Costcutter 2Daybreak 5Day Today 2Gala 4Londis 8Mace 1Quik Pick 4Spar 2Spar Express 2EuroSpar 1Super Valu 5XL 2Xpress





87,558 2.9







Full range of convenience fuel productsClean and convenient to useNational Advertising and PR campaignFree merchandising Units available

Full range of convenience fuel productsClean and convenient to useNational Advertising and PR campaignFree merchandising Units available

The InstantWinter Fuel Range


The InstantWinter Fuel Range


MULTIPLES:AldiDunnes Stores 3Lidl 2Marks & SpencerSuperquinn 1Tesco 1INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 105Forecourts 37Post office w/shop 10SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 5SYMBOLS:Centra 5Checkout 6Costcutter 5Daybreak 1Day TodayGala 10Londis 5Mace 4Quik Pick 3Spar 1Spar Express 2EuroSparSuper Valu 4XL 2Xpress








MULTIPLES:AldiDunnes StoresLidl 1Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 2INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 68Forecourts 16Post office w/shop 15SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 1SYMBOLS:Centra 5Checkout 1Costcutter 1DaybreakDay TodayGala 5Londis 1Mace 7Quik Pick 2Spar 4Spar ExpressEuroSpar 1Super Valu 2XLXpress













MULTIPLES:Aldi 2Dunnes Stores 4Lidl 5Marks & SpencerSuperquinn 1Tesco 6INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 278Forecourts 84Post office w/shop 29SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 5SYMBOLS:Centra 21CheckoutCostcutter 6Daybreak 14Day TodayGala 5Londis 10Mace 6Quik Pick 7Spar 15Spar ExpressEuroSpar 2Super Valu 6XL 5Xpress 3









MULTIPLES:Aldi 1Dunnes Stores 1Lidl 1Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 1INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 58Forecourts 20Post office w/shop 12SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 1SYMBOLS:Centra 2Checkout 4Costcutter 5Daybreak 1Day TodayGala 5Londis 1MaceQuik PickSpar 2Spar ExpressEuroSparSuper Valu 5XL 2Xpress











MULTIPLES:Aldi 4Dunnes Stores 7Lidl 5Marks & Spencer 1SuperquinnTesco 3INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 151Forecourts 35Post office w/shop 20SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 11SYMBOLS:Centra 12Checkout 7Costcutter 2Daybreak 4Day Today 1Gala 5Londis 20Mace 18Quik Pick 2Spar 7Spar ExpressEuroSpar 1Super Valu 2XL 7Xpress









MULTIPLES:Aldi 2Dunnes Stores 3Lidl 6Marks & Spencer 4SuperquinnTesco 6INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 245Forecourts 79Post office w/shop 43SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 6SYMBOLS:Centra 16Checkout 10Costcutter 13Daybreak 6Day TodayGala 16Londis 11Mace 8Quik PickSpar 10Spar Express 4EuroSpar 2Super Valu 8XL 3Xpress 3










Whos Who 2010 77

MULTIPLES:Aldi 1Dunnes Stores 3Lidl 3Marks & Spencer 1SuperquinnTesco 9INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 201Forecourts 59Post office w/shop 31SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 11SYMBOLS:Centra 17Checkout 3Costcutter 2Daybreak 9Day Today 4Gala 8Londis 20Mace 10Quik Pick 3Spar 8Spar Express 1EuroSpar 1Super Valu 8XL 5Xpress








MULTIPLES:AldiDunnes Stores 1Lidl 3Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 1INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 92Forecourts 39Post office w/shop 12SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 2SYMBOLS:Centra 6Checkout 1Costcutter 2Day TodayDaybreak 2Gala 2Londis 5Mace 4Quik PickSparSpar ExpressEuroSparSuper Valu 4XL 7Xpress





55,997 3







MULTIPLES:Aldi 2Dunnes Stores 3Lidl 3Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 5INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 109Forecourts 35Post office w/shop 15SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 4SYMBOLS:Centra 10Checkout 2Costcutter 2Daybreak 3Day Today 1Gala 8Londis 3Mace 1Quik PickSpar 2Spar ExpressEuroSparSuper Valu 2XL 1Xpress 1









MULTIPLES:Aldi 1Dunnes Stores 1Lidl 1Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 1INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 115Forecourts 38Post office w/shop 18SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 3SYMBOLS:Centra 7Checkout 2Costcutter 3Daybreak 3Day TodayGala 5Londis 9Mace 2Quik PickSpar 6Spar Express 2EuroSparSuper Valu 5XLXpress 3









Whos Who 2010 79

MULTIPLES:AldiDunnes Stores 2Lidl 1Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 1INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 105Forecourts 33Post office w/shop 19SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 13SYMBOLS:Centra 8CheckoutCostcutter 1Daybreak 1Day TodayGala 5Londis 3Mace 15Quik PickSpar 8Spar Express 2EuroSparSuper Valu 4XL 2Xpress 3




60,894 2.7



MULTIPLES:Aldi 3Dunnes Stores 7Lidl 8Marks & Spencer 1Superquinn 1Tesco 6INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 298Forecourts 88Post office w/shop 37SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 7SYMBOLS:Centra 19Checkout 5Costcutter 8Daybreak 6Day Today 2Gala 4Londis 12Mace 5Quik Pick 2Spar 14Spar ExpressEuroSpar 1Super Valu 7XL 4Xpress 10












MULTIPLES:Aldi 1Dunnes Stores 3Lidl 4Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 7INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 159Forecourts 27Post office w/shop 15SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 4SYMBOLS:Centra 15CheckoutCostcutter 2Daybreak 12Day Today 9Gala 1Londis 8Mace 3Quik Pick 1Spar 10Spar Express 1EuroSpar 1Super Valu 5XL 5Xpress









MULTIPLES:Aldi 2Dunnes Stores 3Lidl 3Marks & Spencer 2SuperquinnTesco 5INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 147Forecourts 44Post office w/shop 16SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 5SYMBOLS:Centra 12CheckoutCostcutter 1Daybreak 10Day Today 1Gala 8Londis 11Mace 2Quik Pick 1Spar 4Spar ExpressEuroSparSuper Valu 3XL 2Xpress










Whos Who 2010 81

MULTIPLES:Aldi 5Dunnes Stores 3Lidl 3Marks & SpencerSuperquinnTesco 5INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 238Forecourts 82Post office w/shop 43SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 6SYMBOLS:Centra 12Checkout 7Costcutter 6Daybreak 9Day Today 1Gala 15Londis 27Mace 6Quik Pick 2Spar 6Spar Express 3EuroSpar 1Super Valu 9XL 6Xpress









MULTIPLES:Aldi 1Dunnes Stores 4Lidl 3Marks & SpencerSuperquinn 2Tesco 7INDEPENDENTS:Newsagents 149Forecourts 35Post office w/shop 16SPECIALIST OFF LICENCE:Off Licences 7SYMBOLS:Centra 13Checkout 1Costcutter 2Daybreak 1Day TodayGala 7Londis 10Mace 3Quik Pick 2Spar 4Spar ExpressEuroSparSuper Valu 5XL 7Xpress














Sample 4954 1571 3383 4352 28 308 1049 1042 831 748

Universal estimate 2238 744 1494 1886 19 131 581 466 390 291

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Aldi 542.4%










Centra 642.8%










Dunnes Stores 66929.9%










Lidl 1406.3%










Londis 190.8%










Mace 60.3%










Marks & Spencer 130.6%










Spar 180.8%










Superquinn 1165.2%










Super Valu 36716.4%










Tesco 68030.4%










Any Forecourt 40.2%










Other Shop/Supermarket











It varies 291.3%










Sample 4954 1571 3383 4352 28 308 1049 1042 831 748

Universal Estimate 2238100%










No Response 80.4%










TOTAL Male Female Main 15 - 18 19 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64Shoppers

Joint National Readership Survey 2007/2008Supermarket shops used most often




948 617 1374 975 1670 217 101 2399 1907 492 2555

361 315 642 508 633 105 36 1314 1010 304 924

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%



























































































































































948 617 1374 975 1670 217 101 2399 1907 492 2555























65 + AB C1 C2 DE F50 + F50 - Any Work Work Notworking full time part time working


Whos Who 2010 85

Mace Sales Director: Alex BanahanTrading Director: Simon MarriottHead of Fresh Trading: Daniel O’ConnellHead of Ambient Trading: Jean WatsonTrading Managers: Edel Flood

Orla JonesAidan LambeDeirdre LeeBarry McDonnellJoe Wogan

Senior Trading/ Promotional Manager: Michael NoonanCategory Management: Jane RyanHead of HR: Peter DonohueHead of IT: Veronica SullivanRetail Technology Manager: Fergal KinnaneSpar National Sales Manager: Colin DonnellyEuroSpar National Sales Manager Nigel ScullyValue Centre Commercial Manager: Stephen McNulty

Head Office: PO Box 1470, Greenhills RoadWalkinstown, Dublin 12

Tel; 01 4090300Fax: 01 4503660

Group Name; BBWWGG FFOOOODDSS LLTTDDGroup Private Labels Spar, MaceCash & Carry: Value Centre, XL Stop & ShopDelivered Business: Spar, EuroSpar, Mace, NearbuyWines & Spirits: BWG Wines & Spirits

MANAGEMENT:Managing Director Spar: Peter KealyManaging Director Mace: Willie O’ByrneManaging Director Wholesale Division: John MoaneOperations Director: Graham WaltersMarketing/Communications Director Suzanne WeldonSales/Retailer Advisory Serv. Director: Malachy HanberryRetail Development Director: Declan Ralph



HHeeaadd OOffffiiccee:: GGrreesshhaamm HHoouussee,,MMaarriinnee RRooaadd,, DDuunnllaaoogghhaaiirreeCCoo..DDuubblliinn

TTeell;; 0011 22880088444411FFaaxx:: 0011 228800113366

GGrroouupp NNaammee;; TTEESSCCOO IIRREELLAANNDD LLTTDDPPrriivvaattee LLaabbeell:: TTeessccoo,, FFiinneesstt,, VVaalluuee,, FFrreeee FFrroomm,,

OOrrggaanniicc HHeeaalltthhyy LLiivviinngg,, FFaaiirrttrraaddee,,FFlloorreennccee && FFrreedd,, CChheerrookkeeee

MANAGEMENT:Chief Executive: Tony KeohaneCommercial Director: Sandra TurnerMarketing Director: Kenny JacobsCorporate Affairs/Communications Director: Dermot BreenStore Operations &Logistics Manager: Steve LeachOperations Development Director: Brendan GuideraHR Director: Ann Bell

Whos Who 2010 87

Head Office: Newbridge RoadNaasCo Kildare

Tel; 045 846300Fax: 045 846342Web:

Group Name; AALLDDIIPrivate Label: Aldi own label


CEO: Donald Mackay



Head Office: Great Connell RoadNewbridgeCo Kildare

Tel; 1800 347447Web:

Group Name; LLIIDDLLPrivate Label: LIDL own label

MANAGEMENT:Joint CEO’s: Patrick Kaudenitz

Kurt Rosen

Store Operations Colm Lundy& Logistics:

Human Resources: Paul Martin

Whos Who 2010 89

Head Office: 46-50 South Great George’s Street Dublin 2

Tel; 01 475 1111Fax: 01 475 4405Web:

Group Name; DDUUNNNNEESS SSTTOORREESSGroup Private Labels Simply Better, Dunnes, St. BernardNumber of Stores (ROI): 114Number of Stores (Group): 160



MANAGEMENT:Managing Director: Frank DunneDirector of Textile: Margaret HeffernanChief Operating Officer: Andrew StreetDirector of Food: Dick ReevesDirector of Operations: John McNiffeHead of Textiles: Michael Heffernan

Head Office: 24-29 Mary Street Dublin 1

Tel; 01 872 8833Fax:Web:

Group Name; MMAARRKKSS && SSPPEENNCCEERRPrivate Label: Marks & Spencers own label

MANAGEMENT:Divisional Executive Ireland: Jonathan SmithRetail Sales Manager: Stephen SmyHead of HR: Jane Archdeacon

Whos Who 2010 91

HHeeaadd OOffffiiccee:: NNeewwccaassttllee RRooaadd LLuuccaann CCoo DDuubblliinn

TTeell;; 0011 663300 22000000FFaaxx:: 0011 662288 11444433WWeebb:: wwwwww..ssuuppeerrqquuiinnnn..iiee

GGrroouupp NNaammee;; SSUUPPEERRQQUUIINNNNPPrriivvaattee LLaabbeell:: SSuuppeerrqquuiinnnn,, SSQQ SSuuppeerriioorr QQuuaalliittyy,,


MANAGEMENT:Chairman: Simon BurkeTrading Director: James WilsonFinance Director & Secretary: Richard CollinsOperations & DevelopmentDirector: Sheena FordeHead of IT: John FarrellyHead of HR: Claire LeonardNon Executive President: Senator Feargal QuinnExecutive ForumSenior Marketing Manager: Fiona SweeneyHead of New Product Development: Bruce Langlands



HHeeaadd OOffffiiccee:: GGrroouupp SSuuppppoorrtt OOffffiiccee,, JJoohhnnssttoowwnnNNaaaassCCoo KKiillddaarree

TTeell;; 004455 883377 996600FFaaxx:: 004455 887766 335533WWeebb:: wwwwww..lloonnddiiss..iiee

GGrroouupp NNaammee;; AADDMM LLOONNDDIISS PPLLCCPPrriivvaattee LLaabbeell:: LLoonnddiiss oowwnn llaabbeell

MANAGEMENT:Chairman: Leo McAuleyChief Executive: Stephen

O’RiordanGroup Marketing Manager: Ruth Norton

Whos Who 2010 93

Head Office: Upper QuartertownMallowCo Cork

Tel; 022 30100Fax: 022 30171Web:

Group Name; BARRY GROUPPrivate Label: Homestead, Costcutter Own brand

MANAGEMENT:Managing Director: Jim BarryCommercial Director John McAllenHead of Sales & Marketing: Norman LenihanBuying Manager: Denis Cronin



Head Office: 12 Dundrum Business ParkDublin 14

Tel; 01 296 6000Fax: 01 296 6002Web:

Group Name; GALA RETAIL SERVICESPrivate Label: Gala own label

MANAGEMENT:Chairman: Liam PetersChief Executive: Gary DesmondNational Sales Manager: Peter FlanaganNational Dev. Manager: Michael O’Shaughnessy

Whos Who 2010 95


Managing Director: Donal HorganSuperValu Sales Director: Ciaran LevisCentra Sales Director: Michael MorganMarketing Director: Ray Kelly


Divisional Managing Director NI: Nigel BriggsBusiness Development Director: David McLaughlinSales Director SuperValu & Centra: Nigel MaxwellSales Director Mace: Graeme Kerr

Head Office (ROI): Musgrave GroupMusgrave House, BallycurreenAirport Road, Cork

Tel; 021 480 3000Fax: 021 431 3621

Northern Ireland: Belfast Harbour Estate 1-19 Dargan DriveBelfast BT3 9JG

Tel; 048 07 8710Fax: 048 907 8701

Group Name: MMUUSSGGRRAAVVEE RREETTAAIILL PPAARRTTNNEERRSSGroup Private Labels: Centra/Supervalu own label



Head Office: BWG Foods LtdPO Box 1470Greenhills RoadWalkinstownDublin 12

Tel: 01 409 0300Fax: 01 450 3660Web:

Group Name; BBWWGG FFOOOODDSS LLTTDDPrivate Label: Spar, Mace, Family Value,

Chefs KitchenCash & Carry: Value Centre, XL, Xpress StopDelivered Business: Spar, Spar Express, Eurospar, MaceWines & Spirits: BWG Wines & Spirits

MANAGEMENTMD Spar: Peter KealyMD Mace: Willie O’ByrneMD Wholesale: John MoaneMarketing & CommsDirector: Suzanne WeldonHead of Fresh Trading: Daniel O’ConnellHead of Ambient: Jean WatsonSpar Marketing Manager: Caitriona HayesEurospar Market Manager: Caitriona CousinsMarketing ManagerWholesale: Margaret McLaughlin

Whos Who 2010 97

Head Office: Topaz Energy GroupTopaz HouseBeech Hill, ClonskeaghDublin 4

Tel; 01 202 8888Fax: 01 283 8320Web:


MANAGEMENT:CEO: Eddie O’Brien Commercial Director: Liam MulcahyHead of Sales & Marketing: Paul CandonRetail Director: Frank Gleeson



Head Office: Mace c/o BWG Foods LtdPO Box 1470Greenhills RoadWalkinstownDublin 12

Tel: 01 409 0300Fax: 01 450 3660



Managing Director: Willie O’ByrneSales Director: Alex BanahanBusiness Develop Manager: Seamus RobinsonMarketing & CommunicationsDirector: Suzanne WeldonFresh Food ServicesManager: Elaine Clohosey

Whos Who 2010 99

Head Office: Block DUnit 6Nutgrove Office ParkRathfarnhamDublin 14

Tel; 01 296 2326Fax: 01 296 2451Web:

Group Name; NNOOffffLL..AA

MANAGEMENT:Chairman: Jim McCabeVice Chairperson: Evelyn JonesAdministrator: Reggie WalshTrade Assistant: Anita GilmoreMarketing Assistant: Elaine LanganExecutive & Spokesperson: Cathal McHughExecutives: Ruth Deveney

Andrew KinsellaKevin O’BrienJohn Shiel



Whos Who 2010 101




Whos Who 2010 103


EEMMOO OOIILL LLTTDDHead Office: Clonminam Ind. Estate,

Portlaoise, Co LaoisTel; 057 867 4782Fax: 057 867 4710

Commercial sales Director: Stephen DoyleRetail Manager (nationwide): Peter WhiteBusiness Development (South): Bernard CallaghanBusiness Development (West): Barry CollFuelcard Manager (Nationwide): Rebecca Molloy


Dublin 1Tel; 01 607 6800Fax: 01 607 6850

Chief Executive: Tom NoonanGeneral ManagerMarketing & Retail: Brian DonaldsonRetail Manager Ireland: Des DuffySales Support Co-ordinator: Emer O’KellyBrand Development Manager: Fergal HarringtonRetail Area Manager (ROI): Eddie DevineRetail Area Manager (ROI): Denis HughesRetail Area Manager (ROI): Mark Walsh


Mallow, Co CorkTel; 022 223989Fax: 022 222 3980

Managing Director: Ray O’SullivanChairman: Gerry MurphyDirector: Maurice GilbertArea Manager (Munster/South Leinster): D.J. CunninghamArea Manager (North Leinster/Ulster/Connaught): Roger Kilner

TTEEDDCCAASSTTLLEESS OOIILL PPRROODDUUCCTTSS ((TTOOPP OOIILL))Head Office: Promenade Road, Dublin 3Tel; 01 819 8000Fax: 01 878 6635

Group Chief Executive: Raymond ReihillGroup Commercial Director: Mark ReihillGeneral Manager (TOP OIL): Gerard BoylanGeneral Manager: Ken McKayCommercial Manager East: Martin DalyCommercial Manager West: Michael O’ReganHead of Operations: Seamus FlynnRetail Manager: Andrew Wilson

TTOOPPAAZZ EENNEERRGGYY LLTTDDHead Office: Beech Hill, Clonskeagh,

Dublin 4Tel; 01 202 3888Fax: 01 283 8318

Chief Executive Officer: Danny MurrayBusiness & Strategy director; Alan McLeanRetail Director: Frank GleesonCommercial Director: Liam Mulcahy

EESSSSOO IIRREELLAANNDD LLTTDDHead Office: Dublin Joint Fuels Terminal,

Alexandra Road, Dublin 1Tel; 01 855 5559Fax: 01 855 1402

Lead Country Manager: Dr Karen DickensChairman: Tony ParrCompany Owned Service Station Network Manager: John ScollardBusiness Developmentmanager: Gordon LawlorConvenience Retail: Paul Byrne



Liffey Valley Office Campus Quarryvale, Co Dublin

Tel; 01 613 6100Fax: 01 668 4273

Manager Terminals Europe & Country Chairman: Enda RineyManager Account Ireland: Junita O’SullivanReg. Sales Manager CORO/RORO Ireland: Paul Herbert

PPEETTRROOGGAASS GGRROOUUPP LLTTDDHead Office: Block 17, Joyce Way, Parkwest,

Dublin 12Tel; 01 512 4800Fax: 01 512 4801

Chief Executive: Bob EtchinghamDirector: Joe BarrettDirector: Micheal O’LoughlinHead of Trading: Siobhan Grimes


Head Office:Group Support Office, JohnstownNaasCo Kildare

Tel; 045 837 960Fax: 045 876 353Web:


Private Label:Londis own label

MANAGEMENT:Chairman: Leo McAuley

Chief Executive: Stephen O’Riordan

Group Marketing Manager: Ruth Norton

Whos Who 2010 105




Whos Who 2010 107



Fruit Pies and SpongesAvonmore Fresh Low Fat Custard 500gAvonmore Fresh Luxury Custard 500gCadbury Hot Chocolate Sponge Puddings 2x120gGlenilen Lemon Cheesecake 70gGlenilen Strawberry C/Cake 700gMa Raeburns Sweet Pancake 6pk 450g

The Cheesecakes and TrifleGlenilen Irish Cream Liqueur Cheesecake 700gGlenilen Small Lemon C/Cake 160gGu Chocolate Brownies 8x45g

Chilled Fresh Cream CakeBonne Maman Crème Brulee 2pk 2x100gBonne Maman Crème Caramel 4pk 4x100g

Chilled TartsCoolmore Carrot Cake 400gCoolmore Choc Fudge Cake 400gCoolmore Chocolate Orange Cake 40g

Chocolate DessertsCadburys Crunchie Twinpot Dessert 90gCadburys Flake Twinpot Dessert 90gCadburys Milk Buttons Dessert 90gGu Cheeky Double Choc Puds 3x50gGu Choc Banoffee 2x50gGu Chocolate and Vanilla Cheesecake 2x90gLight Choices Chocolate Mousse 6pk 375g

Rice PuddingMuller Rice Apple 200gMuller Rice Blueberry 200gMuller Rice Original 200gMuller Rice Raspberry 200gMuller Rice Strawberry 200gMuller Rice Vanilla Custard 200gMuller Rice 3% Fat Strawberry/Original 6x200g

Sundaes, Trifle and CheesecakeFru Sicillian Lemon Cheesecake 2x100gGu Chocolate Trifle 2x92g

Cake Mini RollsCadburys Chocolate Mini Rolls 6 pkCadburys Family Chocolate Mini Rolls 10 pkCadburys Family Jam Mini Rolls 12 pk

Cake BarsMcVities Galaxy Cake Bars 5 PackMcVities Galaxy Caramel Cake Bars 5 packMcVities Milky Way Cake bars 5 PackMr Kipling Chocolate Chip Cake Bars 5 pack

Small CakesClonmellon Choc Chip Mini Muffins 20pkGateaux Almond Fingers 6pk 275gGateaux Iced Queen Cakes 9pk 300gGateaux Queen Cakes 12pk 240gMr Kipling French Fancies 8 packMr. Kipling Viennese Whirls 6 pack

Small TartsGateaux Assorted Jam Tarts 18pk

Cake SlicesMr Kipling Almond Slices 6 packMr Kipling Angel Slices 6 packMr Kipling Bakewell slices 6 packMr Kipling Lemon Slices 6 pack

Swiss RollsCadbury Triple Chocolate RollDahli Swiss Roll Fruit 300gDahli Swiss Roll Peach 300gDahli Swiss Roll Strawberry 300gGateaux Swiss Roll Chocolate 195gGateaux Swiss Roll Pineapple 195gGateaux Swiss Roll Raspberry 195gGateaux Swiss Roll Ripple 195gGateaux S/Berry & Vanilla Family Swiss Roll 380g

S H O P - A G U I D E T O W H A T S I N S T O R E



Whos Who 2010 111

Swiss RollsStaffords Chocolate Swiss Roll 380gStaffords Jam Swiss Roll 380g

Slab CakesO’Hara’s Standard Madeira Choc Chip Dahli Marble Cake 300gDahli Strawberry Cake 300gDan Cake Marble Cake 400gDan Cake Strawberry Cake 400gMcVities Jamaica Ginger CakeO’Hara Farmhouse Fruit Cake 530gO’Hara Foxford Lunch 540gO’Hara Sultana Cake 435gO’Hara’s Standard Madeira & Lemon MadeiraStaffords Fruit Duck 480gStaffords Fruit Slab 620g

Large CakesCadburys Swiss GateauClonark Fresh Apple Tart 600gDan Cake Chocolate Cake 400gGateaux Chocolate Log 205gGateaux Family Battenburg 320gGateaux P/Apple Log 205gGateaux Raspberry LogO’Hara Madeira Cake 350gStaffords Bakery Iced Sponge 540gStaffords Cream Madeira 40gStaffords Flavoured Gateaux 510gStaffords Sundae 440gTeatime Express Choc Layer Cake 600gTeatime Express Choc Sandwich Cake 460gTeatime Express Coffee Layer Cake 600g

Fruit PiesMr Kipling Bramley Apple Pies 6 pack

Better For youT Light Choices Carrot & Orange Cake Slices 6pk

T Light Choices Date & Walnut Cake Slices 6pkT Light Choices Lemon Drizzle Cake Slices 6pk

Bakery (NI)O’Hara Fruit Queens 12pk 350gRankin All Butter Oatie BiscuitsSteves Assorted Party Bakes 8pkSteves Caramel Squares 8pkSteves Fruity Squares 8pkSteves Paradise Squares 8pk

Tarts and PuddingsCakemaster Apple CrumbleStaffords Bakery Small Pavlova Base 175g

Bakery ComponentsGateaux Flan Case 200gWalkers Meringue Nests 8pk 125gWalkers Meringue Shells 12pk 125g

FruitedIrish Pride Sliced Brack 400gRankin Raisin & Cinnamon Soda 400gSeerys Luxury Tea Brack 500gStaffords Bakery Sliced Brack 450g

Ready To eat TreatsCoolmore Chocolate Yogurt Muffin 103gCoolmore Lemon Yogurt Muffin 103gStaffords Bakery Teatime Treats 4 300g

Fruited Sweet TreatsJohnston Mooney & O’Brien Maltana Loaf 390gSun Blest Fruit Loaf 500g

Other Sweet TreatsIrwins Lunch Box Muffins 10s

Muffins/CakeGiant Blueberry Crumb Muffin 150gGiant Lemon Muffin 150g


BREADWhite BreadBrennans Half Pan Premium White 400gBrennans Half Toast 400gBrennans Sliced Pan White 800gBrennans Toaster White 800gBrennans Whippersnapper 800gBrennans White Sliced Pan 400gIrish Pride 2 in 1 800gIrish Pride Big Toast Half Pan 400gIrish Pride Big Toast White Sl. 800gIrish Pride Family Pan White 800gIrish Pride S/Wich Pan White 800gIrish Pride White 400gJ M & O’Briens Doorstep White Bread 800gJMOB Family Pan White 800gJMOB Handy Toast 400gJMOB Toastie White 800gPat the Baker Sliced Pan White 800gPats Sliced White Half Pan 400gPats Toasty Sliced Pan White 800gStaffords Bakery Scotch Batch 380gStaffords Crusty White Sliced PanStaffords White Sliced Barrel 380gStapletons White Bloomers 400gStapletons White Grinder 800g

Super Premium White BreadCookes Bread San Fran Sourdough 500gCookes Bread Seven Seed bread 500gIrish Pride Original Farmhouse 800gJM & O’Briens Hearty Grain 800g

Dietary BreadBrennans Hi Fibre Batch 800gBrennans Scotch Loan 400gBrennans Sliced Batch Loaf 800gBrennans Trad Soft Batch 800gBrennans Wholemeal Soft Batch 800gBrennans Ww White Sliced Bread 400gIrish Pride Healthy Grain 800gJM & O’Briens Sliced Batch 800g

Pat the Baker Sliced Batch Loaf 800gStaffords Batch Sliced 650gStaffords Buttermilk Soda 540gStaffords Granary Scotch Batch 380gStaffords Soda Sliced 575gStapletons White Batch Small 400gWeightwatchers Brown Toast 400g

Wholemeal BreadHovis Best of Both Medium White 800gHovis Granary Medium/Wholemeal/Best of Both/ SoftWhite/Wholemeal Granary 800g

Crusty BreadCookes Breads Farmhouse Batch 600gCountry Mill Crusty white Pan 800gStaffords Bakery Poppy Vienna 350gStaffords Brown Soda 620gStaffords Large Vienna 600gStaffords Small Vienna 350gStaffords Traditional Brown Sl 750gStapletons Crusty Cob 380g

Bread With BitsBrennans Brown Square Ones 800gBrennans Seven Grain 500gBurgen Soya and Linseed Bread 800gHovis Country Granary 800gIrish Pride Big Toast Brown 40gIrish Pride Healthy Grain Half Pan 400gJ M O’Brien Nutty Doorsteps 800gJohnston Mooney & O’Brien Goodness of Both 800gNRBC Wholewheat 454gPat The Baker 1005 Wholemeal 400gPat The Baker Multigrain Pan 400gPat The Baker Multigrain pan 800gPat The Baker Sliced Brown Loaf 800gPats Sliced Brown Half Pan 400gStaffords Brown Sliced Barrel 380gStaffords Hi Fibre Sliced 350g

Brown BreadBrennans Half n Half 800g

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BREADBrown BreadBrennans Half Pan Wholemeal Bread 400gBrennans Half Pan Whole Grain Bread 400gIrish Pride Brown 400gStaffords Bakery Sliced Farmhouse 500g

Premium Brown BreadBrennans WW Brown Sliced Bread 400gCookes Breads Swedish Rye 500gCookes Wholemeal Soda Bread 600gHovis Wholemeal Medium 800gIrish Pride Wholegrain 400gIrish Pride Wholegrain 800gJ M & O’Briens Hovis 800gJ M & O’Briens Vogel 800gNat Recipe Bread Crunchy Wholemeal 500gPats S/Ground whole Wheat Brown 454gStaffords Low GI Bread 310Staffords S/ground Farmhouse Brown 450gStapletons Granary Grinder 800gStapletons M/Grain Bloomer 800g

Super Premium Wholemeal BreadBrennans 100% Wholemeal Sliced Bread 400gBrennans 100% Wholemeal Sliced 800gBrennans W/Grain Sliced Bread 800gIrish Pride 100% Wholemeal Brown 800gIrish Pride Big Toast Wholemeal 800gIrish Pride Original Rustic Farmhouse 800gJ M O’Briens 100% Wholemeal Sliced Bread 800gJ M & O’Briens Wholemeal Sliced Bread 400gJ M & O’Briens Wholegrain Sliced pan 400gJ M & O’Briens Wholegrain Sliced 800gJ M & O’Briens Handy Wholemeal 400gJ M & O’Briens Hovis 400gPat The Baker 100% W/meal Thick Slcd Bread 800gPat The Baker Breakfast Bran Sliced Bread 800g

Everyday Rolls White/BrownBrennans Mega Bundays Seeded Buns 490g 6 pkJ M & O’Briens Flour Baps 4pk

Part Baked Bread & RollsCdf Bouchon 6 pack 240gCdf Ciabatta Grande 250gCdf Ciabattina 2 pack 240gCdf Multigrain Petit Pain 240gCdf Petit Pain 4 pack 240gCdf White Demi Baguette 240gCountry Kitchen White Batard 350gCountry Kitchen Multigrain Boule 350gGolden Crest Sesame Bagels 300g

Speciality BreadsAdam’s Bread with Sunflower SeedsAdam’s Pumpernickel Brea bread 200gCountry Kitchen Round White Pitta 8 packGolden Crest Pitta Bread RoundMayur Foods Pitta Plain 6pkMayur Fods Pitta Wholemeal 6pkPanelto Heat & Eat Ciabatta 3pkPanelto Heat & Eat Panini 3pkThe Lifeforce Co Fruit & Fibre Bread 550g

Irish BreadBrennans Craft Bakery Buttermilk 500gBrennans Craft Bakery Farmhouse 600gBrennans Craft Bakery Oatgrain 500gBrennans Granary Batch 550gBrennans Hi Fibre Bran Round 350gIrish Pride Buttermilk Soda Sliced 570gIrish Pride Healthy Grain Cob 400gIrish Pride Round Wholemeal 400gLifefibre Co Hifibre Seed Bread 550gLifefibre Co Hrt Bread 550gLifefibre Co Stoneground Wheat 500gNrbc Crunchy Rye & Sunflower 500gPats B/Milk Brown Soda Sliced 600gRankin Irish Brown Soda 400gRankin Stoneground Wheaten 400g

Bbq RollsBrennans Bun-Days Burger Buns 6pk 300gBrennans Hot Dog Rolls 6 pack 420gBrennans Sesame Buns 300g

BREADBbq RollsBurger Buns 6pk Sesame Seeded IntercookiesBurger Buns Pl in 6pk IntercookiesHot Dog Rolls 6pk IntercookiesIrish Pride Bunster Big Buns 6pkIrish Pride Bunster Buns 6 pack + 2 FreeIrish Pride Bunster Seed Buns 6 pk 50g + 2 FreeJ M & O‘Briens Bundys 6pkJ M & O’Briens Seeded Bundys 6pkJ M & O’Briens Super Bundys 6pkJ M & O’Briens Hot Dog 6pk J M & O’Briens Splits 6 packMega Burger Buns 4 pk Intercookies

Soft White Tastier RollsCountry Mill Giant White Baps 4 packIrish Pride Floury Bap 4pkIrish Pride Floury Snack rolls 6pk 450gLifefibre Co Variety Seeded Bread Rolls 360gT Sesame Seeded Split Rolls 6 pack

Soft Brown Tastier RollsIrish Pride Healthy Grain Baps 4pk 280g

Isb French BreadBaguette Brown Crusty Rolls Singles 90gCdf ParisienCuisine de France Artisan French Country LoafDeli Ciabatta 4 packDeli Panini 4 packDeli Rolls 4 packFrench Bread BatonKaiser Sesame Seed Roll 4 packMcNamees Wheaten LoafPoppy Seed Bloomer largeSesame Seed Bloomer

Speciality BreadsCuisine De france Rustic Rolls 115gL Brea Country White Sour Dough

La Brea Pecan Raisin LoafLa Brea Roasted Garlic LoafLa Brea Resame Seed LoafLa Brea Wholegrain Loaf 400gPoppy Seed Baltic Loaf 450g

Isb Donut10 pack Jam Doughnuts5 pack Jam Doughnuts5 pack large Ring DoughnutsTim Hortons Old fashioned Glazed Donut

Isb Fruit PiesApple Lattice NiCdf Bramley Apple Tart 600g

BagelsNew York Bagels Cinn & Raisin 5pkNew York Bagels Plain 5pkNew York Bagels Sesame 5pk

Pitta breadCountry Kitchen Round W/Meal Pitta 48g 8 packWorlds Apart Brioche Loaf 400gWorlds Apart Mini Milky Brioche 6 pack

NaanMayur Foods Authentic Naan Plain 2pkMayur Foods Garlic & Coriander 2 packMayur Foods Garlic & Coriander Mini Naan 4 packMayur Foods Mini Naan Spicy 4 packMayur Foods Naan Spicy 2 pack

WrapsDiscovery Wrap ‘n’ Roll 10” Tortillas 340gMission 8 pack Deli Wrap Wheat & White

Toasting ProductsIrwins Family Muffins 9 packIrwins Traditional Muffins 4 packRankin Irish Potato Farls 4 pack

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BREADToasting ProductsRankin Irish Soda Farl 2s

ContinentalBaker St Tear & Share Brioche 500gBaker St Chinois 6pkCafé Continental 10 Milk Brioche rollsCafé Continental 6 pain Au ChocCafé Cont. Choc Chip Brioche Tear & Share 500gCdf Croissants 4pk 160g

Continental Toasting Waffles Selection 6pkWorlds Apart Brioche Choc Chip 6 pack

CroissantAlmond CroissantCroissant 2 pack

Gluten Free BakeryDietary Specials Pizza bases 30gKelkin Gluten Free Madeira Cake 350gLivwell Gluten Free Gar & Corr Naan Bread

Prepared SaladsGiovanni Feta Cheese Olives 180gGiovanni Feta Olives Party 400gGiovanni Garlic Olives 150gGiovanni Garlic Olives Party Pack 400gGiovanni Olives Stuffed Fresh PeppersGiovanni Peppers With Feta Cheese CubesGiovanni Queen Olives 150gGiovanni Spicy Olives 150gGiovanni Sundried Tomatoes In Herb marinadeGiovanni Sundried Tomatoes and GarlicRob Roy Anchovy FilletsRob Roy Sea Food SaladSol Rreenolives w/Greek Stie Cheese/Herb 150gSol Mix Green/Black OlivesW/Peppers 150gSol Pitted Green Olives with Garlic & HerbsSol Pitted Green Olives with Herbs 150g

Coleslaw Dressed SaladsCountry Kitchen Luxury Cheese 227gCountry Kitchen Luxury Reduced Fat ColeslawLight Choices Reduced Fat Coleslaw

Prepared SaladsGiovanni Feta Cheese Olives 180gGiovanni Feta Olives Party 400gGiovanni Garlic Olives 150gGiovanni Garlic Olives Party Pack 400gGiovanni Olives Stuffed Fresh PeppersGiovanni Queen Olives 150gGiovanni Red and Green Stuffed Peppers W CheeseGiovanni Spicy Olives 150gGiovanni Sundried Tomato Party PackGiovanni Sundried Tomatoe In Herb MarinadeGiovanni Sundried Tomatoes and GarlicRob Roy Anchovy FilletsRob Roy Sea Food SaladSol Green olives w/Greek Stie Cheese/Herb 150gSol Mix Green/Black Olives W/Peppers 150gSol Pitted Green Olives with Garlic & Herbs

Sol Pitted Green Olives with Herbs 150gSol Semi Sundried Cherry Tomatoes 150gSol Spicy Olives 150g

Everyday Sweet SaladsFamily Pack Mixed LeavesFlorette Baby Leaf salad 100gFlorette Leafy Rocket SaladFlorettte sweet & Crunchy Salad 250gFlorette Watercress, Spinach & RocketGood 4 U Alfalfa Shoots 50gGood 4 U Mong BeanSpicy Lentil Crunch

LettuceFrisby Irish LettuceIrish Continental Mix LettuceRed Oak Leaf Lettuce

CucumberCucumber PortionCucumber Whole Each

Vine TomatoesIrish Healthy Living Tomatoes on the VineMarket Value Vine Tomatoes

Specialist TomatoesPrepacked Plum Vine Tomatoes

Prepared Vegetables SoloBarretstown Sliced MushroomButternut SquashGood4u Chilli MixGood4u Lentil e & Bean shoots 200gGood 4u MultiseedGood4u Pumpkin MixGood4u Sunflower MixGood4u Vanilla Pumpkin Seed


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FRUIT & VEG - SALADS - DIPSBaking PotatoesWilsons Jacket Potatoes 4 pack

Potatoes NewCountry Crest Potatoes 1kg

Potatoes OldWilsons Irish Garden Potatoes 2kg

Exotic VegetablesBirds Eye Chillies 20g P/M

SweetcornBrookerpacks Sweeetcorn 2pk

Breaded PoultryMoy Park 2 Fresh Chicken Kiev 283gMoy Park Breaded Fillets 6 pk 670gMoy Park Breaded Goujons Meg Pack 700gMoy Park Cheese and Bacon Kiev 283gO’Kane Crispy Chicken Fillets 750g

Cooked & Ready To Eat FishS/Fish De La Mer West Cork Crab Meat

Shellfish/SeafoodAya King Scallops Frozen 300gFantail King Prawns 187g

Perfect Catch large Atlantic Prawns 17gRob Roy Blk Tiger Prawns 450gRob Roy Jumbo Prawns Family Pack 450gRob Roy King Prawns in Brine 35ogYoungs Cooked and Peeled King Prawns 120g

Smoked SalmonNolans Sliced Side Smoked 454g P/MNolans Smoked Atlantic Salmon 100g P/MNolans Smoked Atlantic Salmon 200g P/MNolans Smoked Atlantic Salmon 400g P/MNolans Wild Alaskan Smoked Salmon 200g P/M

Prepacked Pudding/Bacon/SausageThe branded Cooked Meats ShelfBallyfree Carved Chicken Slices 160gBallyfreeCarved Turkey §30gBallyfree Premium Chicken Breast 100gDenny Carved Crumbed Ham 130gDenny Carved Trad Ham 130gDenny Cooked Ham Waifos 115gDenny Cooked Ham Waifos Pots 160gDenny Deli Honey Roast Ham 200gDenny Deli Selection Cooked Ham 130gDenny Deli Selection Crumbed Ham 130gDenny Deli Selection Honey roast 130gDenny Deli Style Crumbed Ham 100gDenny Deli Style Crumbed Ham 200gDenny Deli Style Slice Ham 200gDenny Eat Healthy Cookedd Ham 120gDenny Eat Healthy Crumbed Ham 120gDenny Eat Healthy Roast Ham 120gDenny Honey Roast Slices 100gDenny Smoked Ham Waifos 115g


MEAT - FISH - POULTRYPrepacked Pudding/Bacon/SausageDenny Traditional Ham 100g 5 slicesDennys Cooked Ham 100gHorgan’s Blacky Ham Slices 100gShaws Crumbed Ham 130gShaws Roast Chicken Breast 140gShaws Roast Turkey breast 140gShaws Sweet Clove Ham 130gTulip Breaded Ham 120g

Value Cooked MeatsOak Lane Cooked Ham 400gOak Lane Corned Beef 120gOak Lane Honey roast Ham 100gOak Lane Premium Cooked Ham 130gOak Lane Premium Crumbed Ham 130gOak Lane Roast Maple Ham 130gOak Lane Smoked Ham 200gOak Lane Wafer Thin Cooked Ham 125gOak Lane Wafer Thin Cooked Ham 275g

Standard Cooked MeatsBallyfree Cooked Chicken Pieces 200gBallyfree Tikka Chicken Pieces 150gDenny Corned Beef 125gDenny Ham & Chicken Roll 120gDenny Luncheon Roll 120gDenny Pork Onion Tomato Roll 120gGalee Deli Carved Ham 100gGaltee Deli Crumbed Ham 100gRoscrea Wafer Thin Ham 300gShaws Beechwood Smoked Ham 130gShaws Carvery Trad Ham 140gShaws Parchment Turkey 130gTulip Breaded Ham 320g

Standard Cooked MeatsTulip Cooked Chicken 120gTulip Honey Cured Turkey 320gTulip Honey Roast Ham 320gTulip Lean Cured Cooked Ham 320g

Tulip Mild Cured Ham 113gTulip Wafer Thin Smoked Ham 400g

Finest Cooked MeatsBallyfree Supreme Roast Chicken 90gBallyfree Supreme Roast Turkey Breast 90gShaws Carved Ham 130gShaws Carved Ham Family Pack 260gShaws Carvery Cut Crumbed 140gShaws Chicken Breast Slices 130gShaws Crumbed Ham Family Pk 260g

Prepacked Continental MeatAbraham Black Forest Ham 200gBeretta Italian Cooked Ham 120gBeretta Mortadella 130gBoklunder Schulte Bratwurst 540gBoklunder Schulte Frikadellen 500gFresche Bonta Salami Milano 100gHaus Chorizo Paprika Salami 300gHaus Smoked Cabanossi Pork Sausage 300gSan Grau Salami Slices 200g

Standard Sausage (ROI)Byrnes Cocktail Sausages 454gByrnes Sausages 16pk 454gGranby Everyday Sausages 227gGranby Pork Sausages 227gHafners Pork Sausages 227gHafners Pork Sausages 454gKearns Select Sausages 360gKevin Byrnes Select Sausages 370gOlhausen Cocktail Sausages 454gOlhausen Jumbo Pork Sausages 454gOlhausen Pork Sausages 454gOlhausens Pork Sausages 227g

PuddingClonakilty Black Pudding Chub 280gClonakilty Mini Puddings 260gClonakilty White Pudding Chub 280gDenny Black Pudding 199gDenny Butcher Style White Pudding 300g

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MEAT - FISH - POULTRYPuddingDenny Butcherstyle Black and White Pudding 227gDenny White Pudding 199g ChubShaws Trad Black Pudding 300gShaws Trad White Pudding 300g

Standard SausageBallyfree Chicken Sausages 240gBallyfree Turkey Sausages 240gClonakilty Cocktail Sausages 454gClonakilty Pork Sausages 227gClonakilty Pork Sausages 454gCookstown Thick Pork Sausages 8’s 454gCountry Menu Jumbo Sausages 454gCountry Menu Sausages 454gDenny Big 8’s Sausages 454gDenny Gold Medal Cocktail Sausages 454gDenny Gold Medal Sausages 227gDenny Gold Medal Sausages 454gDenny Skinless Sausages 227gDenny Skinless Sausages 454gGaltee Trad Sausages 227gShaws Pork Sausages 8pk 227g

Stuffing - BreadcrumbsM & M Fresh Bread Crumbs 400gM&M Fresh Breadcrumbs 200gM&M Products Parsley & Thyme Stuffing 250gM&M Products Trad Stuffing 500gMr Crumb Apple Apricot Roasted Hazlenut 225gMr Crumb Factory Organic Sage & Onion 225gMr Crumb Fresh Breadcrumbs 400gMr Crumb Garlic/Rosemary Stuffing 225gMr Crumb Parsley Lemon & Herb 225gMr Crumb Brown Bread 20gMr Crumb Pork Sage & Onion Stuffing 225g

Bacon Joints (ROI)Country Menus Bacon Chops 600gCountry Menus Bacon Joint 1kgCountry menus Eye Loin Bacon Joint

Country Menus Pale Back Bacon Joint 600gCountry Menus pale Ham Fillet 1500gCountry Menus Smoked Back Bacon JointCountry Menus Smoked Ham Fillet (var)Country Menus Unsmoked B/Less Ham FilletCountry Menus Unsmoked Back Bacon JointCountry Menus Unsmoked Ham Fillet 1kgCountry Menus Unsmoked Pale Collar Bacon

Gammon steakGaltee 2 Gammon Steaks 150g

Standard BaconBallyfree Turkey Rashers 150gByrnes Rashers 2 x 215gClonakilty Mild Cure Rashers 250gCookstown Pale Back Rashers 200gCookstown Smoked Back Rashers 200gCookstown Streak Lardons 240gCountry Menus Bacon Off Cuts 1000gCountry Menus Pale Back Rashers Vac Pack 200gCountry Menus Pale Back Rashers 400gCountry Menus Pale Pack Rashers 600gCountry Menus Smoked Back Rashers 400gCountry Menus Unsmoked Back Bacon 2s200gDenny Back Rashers Hickory 180gDenny Back Rashers Maple 180gDenny Hickory Back P & S 400g P/MDenny Maple Back P & S 300g P/MDenny Thick Cut Maple Rashers 300gDenny Thick Cut Trad Cap Bacon 30gDenny Thk Cut Hickory Bacon 300gDenny Trad Back P&S 300g P/MDenny Trad Back Rashers 180gGaltee Old Style 8’sGaltee Old Style Back Bacon 5 Rashers 150gGaltee Old Style Thick Cut Rashers 250gGaltee Sinless Rasher Medallions 120gGaltee Streaky Rashers 260gGaltee Tender Cure Back Rashers 210g 7 pkGaltee Tender Cure Rashers 300g 10 pkGaltee Tender Cure Rindless Back 150gGaltee Tender Cure Rindless Streaky 140g

MEAT - FISH - POULTRYStandard BaconGaltee Tender Cure Thick Cut Rashers 250gRoscrea Back Rashers 300gShaws Thick Cut Rashers 200g

DAIRYButter - MargarineAvonmore Butter Spreadable 454gAvonmore Unsalted Butter 227gConnacht Gold Gar & Herb Butter 100gConnacht Gold Irish Butter 454gConnacht Gold Unsalted Butter 100gCuinneog Irish Farmhouse Butter Salted 250g

SpreadablesConnacht Gold L.F. Butter 227gConnacht Gold Low Fat Butter 454gConnacht Gold Soft Butter 227gConnacht Gold Soft Butter 454gKerrygold Butter 227gKerrygold Butter 454gKerrygold Softer Butter 500g

Baking FatsStork 250gStork 500g

Regional butterKerrygold Garlic & Herb Butter 100gLisheen Gold Garlic Spread 220gMove Over Butter 1kgMover Over Butter 250gMove Over Butter 500g

Dairy spreadsCreamfields Buttery Spread 500gDairygold 227g

Dairygold 454gDairygold 908gDairygold Light 227gDairygold Light 454gDairygold Omega 3 227gDairygold Soft Real Butter 200gDairygold Omega 3 454gEasipail Dairyspread 454gFlora Buttery 500gKerrymaid Dairy Spread 1kgKerrymaid Dairy Spread 500gKerrymaid Dairy Spread 250gKerrymaid Half Fat Butter 500gLow Low Omega 500gKerry Low Low Gold 250gKerry Low Low Gold 500gKerry Low Low Lower Cholesterol 250gKerry Low Low Lower Cholesterol 500g

Special Dietary spreadsBenecol Buttery Spread 500gBenecol Light Spread 500gBenecol Low Fat Spread 250gBenecol Olive Oil Spread 500gBenecol Spread 250gDairygold Heart Cholesterol Reducing Spread 227gDairygold Heart Cholesterol Reducing Spread 454gFlora No Salt Spread 500gFlora Pro-Activ Extra Light 500gFlora Pro-Active With Olive Oil 250gFlora Pro -Activ Light Spread 250gFlora Pro-Active Light Spread 500gKerry Low Low 1kgKerry Low Low 250gKerry Low Low 500gKerry Low Low Gold 1kg

Sunflower SpreadsCreamfields Sunflower Light Spread 500gExpress Flora Vegetable Spread 250g

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DAIRYSunflower SpreadsFlora Cuilnesse 500mlFlora Light Vegetale Low Fat Spread 1kgFlora Light Vegetable Low Fat Spread 250gFlora Light Vegetable Low Fat Spread 500gFlora Vegetable Spread 1kgFlora Vegetable Spread 500

Olive SpreadsBenecol Olive Spread 250gCreamfields Olive Spread 500gGolden Cow Golden Olive 250gGolden Cow Golden Olive 500g

Cheese SlicesDubliner White Cheese Slices 200gGolden Vale Easi Single Cheese 340gLow Low Red Block 400gWexford Mild & Creamy Cheddar Slices 200gWexford Mild and Creamy Irish Cheddar 200g

Pre-pack Cheddar MediumCharleville Edam Block 200gMitchelstown Mild Red Cheddar 275gMitchelstown Mild White Cheddar 275gKilmeaden Red Cheddar 400gKilmeaden White Cheddar 230gKilmeaden White Cheddar 400gLow Low Mature Red Block 200gMcClellands Seriously Strong Cheddar White 200gVintage Dubliner Cheese Block 200gWexford Rich and Mature Red 200gWexford Rich and Mature White 200gWexford Strong and Vintage 200g

Pre-pack Cheddar MatureCharleville Mature Red Cheddar 200gCharleville Mature White 200gCharlevile Reduced Fat Red 200gCharleville Select Red 200gCharleville Select Red 400g

Cracker Barrel Medium Mature Cheddar 200gCreamfields Mature Cheddar 400g200gDubliner Cheese Red 200gDubliner Cheese White 200gDubliner Light Cheese 200gKillowen Vintage Cheddar 200gKilmeaden Fully Mature Cheddar Cheese 230gKilmeaden Fully Mature Cheddar Red 230g

Snacking CheeseCalvita Fingers 5 x 20gCheestrings 8pk Cheddar 168gCheestrings 8pk Twister 168gCheestrings 84g Cheddar 4 packCheestrings Assorted Minis In a Net 60gCheestrings Cheddar 16 pack 336gCheestrings Mega 12 pk 252gCheestrings Twister 16pk 336gCheestrings Twister 4pk 84gDairyle Bites 8 x 18gDairylea Dunker Nacho 4 packDairylea Dunkers Jumbo Chipsticks (4x50g) 200gDairylea Dunkers Salt & Vinegar Twist 4pk 168gDiarylea Lunch Chicken/Cheese Stackem 93.9gDairylea Lunch Ham/Chs Stackem 101.9gLaughing Cow Cheeze dippers Original 175gMini Babybel Cheddar 120gMini Babybel Emmental 120gMini Babybel Full Fat Soft Cheese 120g packMini Babybel Light Cheese 120g PackMini Babybel Standard 240g 12 pack

Dairy Free SpreadsPure Soya Spread 500g

Processed CheeseCalvita Cheese 225gCalvita Cheese Singles 340g 20’sEasi Singles Block 225gEasi Singles Grated 400gEasi Singles Monteray Jack 200gEasi Singles Texx Mexx 200gGaltee Cheese Singles 20s 340g

DAIRYProcessed CheeseGaltee Cheese Singles 10s 170gGolden Vale Easi Singles 10’s Cheese 170gGolden Vale Easi Singles 40’s Cheese 680gGolden Vale Easi Singles 20s Light 340gGolden Vale Spread Ham 125gGolden Vale Spread Onion 125gGolden Vale Spread Plain 125gHappy Cow Cheese Portions 360g/24pkLaughing Cow Light Cheese Triangles 140gLaughing Cow Light Cheese Triangles 280gLaughing Cow Standard Cheese Triangles 140gLow Low Cheese Spread 200gLow Low Cheese Spread with Ham 200gLow Low Cheese Triangles 140gLow Low Cheese Triangles with Ham 400g

Cottage and Soft CheeseKraft Light 200g Philadelphia Garlic & HerbKraft Light Philadelphia Soft Cheese 200gKraft Philadelphia 225g PackKraft Philadelphia Cheese 200g TubPhiladelphia Extra Light 200gPhiladelphia Light Basil 200gPhiladelphia Light Mini Tub 140g (4x35g)Philadelphia Light with Chive 200gYoplait Cottage Cheese natural 2Yoplait Diet Cottage Cheese 225g

Healthy CheeseCreamfields H/F Mature Cheddar 320gLaughing Cow Extra Light Cheese 8 Portions 140gLow Low Grated Red Cheddar 200gLow Low Grated Mozzarella & Cheddar 200gLow Low Red Cheddar Block 200gLow Low White Cheddar Block 200gLow Low White Grated Cheddar 200g

Hard Cheese Solid & GratedAvonmore Grated Cheddar & Mozzarella 200gAvonmore Grated Mozzarella 200g

Avonmore Red Grated Cheddar 200gCharleville Continental Gouda Sl 150gCharleville Edam Slices 200gCharleville Emmental Slices 150gCharlevile Grated Cheddar & Mozzaarella 200gCharleville Grated Red Cheddar 200gCharlevile Grated White Cheddar 200gCharlevile Mature Red Block 400gCharleville Red Grated 200gCharleville Mature Red Grated 200gCharleville Mature Red Slice 200gCharleville Mature White Block 200gCharlevile Red Grated 400gCharleville Select Red Slice 200gCharleville Select Red Slice 300gCharleville Select White Slices 200gDubliner Light Red Block 200gDubliner Light White Slices 180gDubliner Red Cheese Slices 200gGolden Cow Low Low Thick Slices 200gKilmeaden Mature Red Grated Tub 200gKilmeaden Mature Red Hand Cut Slices 230gKilmeaden Mature White Hand Cut Slices 230gLow Low Burger Slices 20’s 400gLow Low Burger Slices 200gLow Low Emmental Slices 200gLow Low Gouda Slices 200gLow Low Grated Pasta 125gLow Low Grated Salad 125gLow Low mature Red Slices 200gLow Low Mini Grated Red 4x50gLow Low Red Cheddar Slices 200g

Hard cheese Solid & GratedLow Low Toastie Slices 20’s 400gLow Low White Cheddar Slicces 200gMitchelstown Grated Red 200gMitchelstown Grated White 200gMitchelstown Slices Red 200gMitchelstown Slices White 200g

Soft Continental CheeseApetina Block 20g

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DAIRYSoft Continental CheeseApetina Cubes 200gApetina Light 200gApetina With Green Olives 150gBoursin Full Fat Soft Cheese With Garlic Herb 150gCastelli Fresh Mozzarella 125gCastelli Mascarpone 250gCastello Blue 150gGalbani Mozzarela Mini 150gGrana Padano Cheese 125gLow Low Brie 200gNordex Feta 200g (cows milk)Pamesan Dried Grated Cheese 80gParmigiano Reggiano 125gPort Salut 185gPresident 60% Foil Brie 200gPresident Camembert 250gPresident La Brique De Chevre 150gRosenborg Cheese 100gSt Maure Belle Log 200g

Continental/Special Solid/Grated CheeseLeerdammer Light Slices 200gLeerdammer Mature Slices 150gLeerdammer Slices 200gLow Low Grated Mozzarella 200gPort Salut Le Petit deli Slices 120g

Continental and StiltonApplewood SmokedApplewood Smoked CheddarDanis Blue Deli CutDunbarra Cheese 180gDutch EdamDutch Smoked GoudsFrench EmmentalJarlsbergLe Rustique Camembert 45%Manchego Dop Pas Sheeps MilkPort SalutRed Leicester

Free from RangeAlara Luxury Gluten Free Muesli 500gAlpro carame Dessert 4 x125gAlpro Choc Dessert 4 x 125gAlpro Vanilla Dessert 4 x 125gBkers Delight Free From Free Time 100gBakers Delight Free From Jaffa Cakes 12pkDoves Farm Organic Gluten Free Cereal Flake 375gGlutafin Loaf 400gJuvela Fibre Loaf Sliced 400gJuvela White Loaf Sliced 400gKalo Organic Puffed Rice Cereal 225gKalo Yeast Free Veg stock Cubes 66gKelkin Gluten Free Crunchy Nut Cookies 150gKelkin Gluten Free Muesli 500g

Standard EggBallyfree Eggs Large 20pkBallyfree Eggs very large 6pkGreenfield Eggs Small 18pk

Free Range EggsBallyfree Free rang Eggs large 6pkBallayfree Free range Eggs Medium 6pkBalalyfree Free Range Very large 6pkO-Megga Free range Eggs large 6pkO-Megga Free Range Eggs Medium 6pk

Fresh MilkAvonmore Banana Milk 1 ltrAvonmore Buttermilk 1 ltrAvonmore Chocolate Milk 1 litreAvonmore Chocolate Milk 330mlAvonmore Fresh Light Milk 2 ltrAvonmore Fresh Milk (tb) 1 ltrAvonmore Fresh Milk (tt) 1 ltrAvonmore Fresh Milk 330mlAvonmore fresh Milk 500mlAvonmore Go Lite 1 ltrAvonmore Milk 2 ltrAvonmore Milk 500mlAvonmore Slimline 1 ltrAvonmore Slimline Milk 500ml

DAIRYFresh MilkAvonmore Strawberry Milk 1 ltrAvonmore Strawberry Milk 330ml Avonmore Super Milk 500mlAvonmore Supermilk 1 ltrAvonmore Supermilk 2ltrCuinneog Natural Buttermilk 1 ltrDawn Omega Low Fat Milk 1 ltrPremier Fresh Milk 500mlPremier Low Fat Milk 1 ltrPremier Low Fat Milk 2 ltrPremier Milk 1 litrePremier Milk Plastic Bottle 2 ltrViva Pure Low Fat Milk 1 ltr

Milk and Yogurt DrinksFrijj Choc Fudge Brownie Shake 500mlFrijj Fresh Classic Shake Chocolate 500ml

Dairy AlternativesAlpro Light Unsweetened Soya Milk 1 ltrAlpro Soya Fresh 1 ltrDawn Soya Milk 1 ltrGlenisk Fresh Goats Milk 1 ltrGranovita Organic Soya Milk 500mlGranovita Soya Milk 1 ltreLactofree Semi Skimmed 1 ltr

Fresh CreamAvonmore Whipped Fresh Cream 585mlAvonmore Cream Pot 250mlAvonmore Double Cream 229mlAvonmore Fresh Cream Resealable Bottle170mlAvonmore Fresh Cream Resealable Bottle 250mlAvonmore Fresh Cream Resealable Bottle 50mlAvonmore Light Cream 250mlAvonmore Sour cream 200mlAvonmore Whipped Cream 350mlCarie Dairy Cream 250gPremier cream 250ml

Creme FraicheYoplait Crème Fraiche 200ml

Longlife CreamCreamfield Real Dairy Cream 250gSpring Cool Cream 200g

Cream SubstitutesElmlea Double 284mlElmlea Double Light 284mlElmlea Single 284mlElmlea Whipping 284ml

Long Life ToppingsBirds Dream Topping 36g

Organic CreamGlenisk Fresh Organic Cream 250ml

Active Health DrinksYoplait Everybody Strawberry 8 x 100g

Healthy Yogurt DrinksActimel Strawberry/Banana 12pkDanone Actimel 0.1% Red Fruits 8 x 100mlDanone Actimel Fruit of the Forest 12pkDanone Actimel Orange 12 x 100gDanone Actimel Original 12 x 100gDanone Blue Berry 6 x 100gDanone Danacol Light Red Fruits 6 x 100gDanonino Strawberry drink 8 x 100gYop Drinking Yog Fr/Forest 207gYop Drinking Yogurt S/Berry 400gYop Drinking Yogurt Variety 6pkYop R/berry Yogurt drink 207gYop S/Berry Yorurt drink 207gYoplait Ev/Body Probio Yog Drink R/By & P/Frt 8pkYoplait Everykid S/Berry 8pkYakult Fermented Milk drink 7 x 65mlYakult Light Drink 7 x 65ml

Functional Yogurt DrinksActimel Peach & Mango Yogurt Drink 8 x 100g

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DAIRYFunctional Yogurt DrinksDanone Actimel 0.1% Fat Yogurt Drink 8 x 100gDanone Actimel 0.1% Strrawberry Drink 8 x 100gDanone Actimel Drink Multifruit 12pk 12 x 100gDanone Actimel Drink Strawberry 12pk 12 x 100gDanone Actimel Forest Fruits 8 x 100gDanone Actimel Multifruit Drink 8 x 100gDanone Actimel Orange Drink 4 x 100gDanone Actimel Orange drink 8 x 100gDanone Actimel Original Drink 4 x 100gDanone Actimel Original Drink 8 x 100gDanone Actimel Strawberry drink 4 x 100gDanone Actimel Strawberry drink 8 x 100gMuller Vitality Probiotic Drink each 6 x 100gMuller Vitality Probiotic Drink Raspberry 6 x 100gMuller Vitality Probiotic Drink Strawberry 6 x 100g

Heart Healthy Yogurt DrinksBenecol Drinking Yogurt 6 x 70gBenecol Drinking Yogurt Apricot & Peach 6 x 67.5gBenecol Drinking Yogurt Strawberry 6 x 67.5gBenecol Light Natural Drinking Yogurt 6 x 67.5gBenecol Tropical Dairy Free Drink 6 x 65.5gDanacol Original Chol Reducing drink 4 x 100gDanacol S/Berry Chol Reducing drink 4 x 100gDanone Danacol Tropical 4 x 100gFlora Pro Activ Pomegranate Mhd 7 x 100gFlora Pro Activ Yogurt drink Tropical 4 x 100gFlora pro Activ Yogurt drink Original 7 x 100g

Kids Yogurt Drink & SnackFrubes 9pk 360gFrubes Ltd Edtn 9pk 360g

Potted DessertsAvonmore Fresh Creamed Rice 500gDanino Fromage Frais 250g 6pkDanonino Ap/Ban/straw Yogurt 8 x 50gDanonino Straw Pots 8 x 50gDanaonino Straw/Banana & Apricot 16pk x 50gGlenisk Assorted Goats Yogurt 8 x 90g

Sno Chocolate Crunch Balls 150gYoplait P/Filous Straw/Rasp Big Pots 125gYoplait Petit Filous & Calcium 6pkMuller Fruit Corner With Strawberries 175gMuller Fruit Corner with Blueberries 175gMuller Healthy Balance Corner Tropical 150gMuller Healthy Balance Crunch Corner 6pk

Everyday Yogurts & CornersDanone Activia Saveur S/Berry 4pk 500gDanone Cremosso Strawberry Yogurt 4 x 125gDanone Danissimo Stracciatella 4 100gDanone Danissimo Strawberry 4 x 100gGlenisk Goats Yogurt Banana/Peach 360gOnken Biopot Summerberries Wholegrain 500gSno Crumble Strawberry 150gSno Yogurt Rhubarb Crumble 150gYoplait Apple Yogurt 125gYoplaite Chocolate Yogurt 125gYoplait Forest Fruits Yogurt 125gYoplait Fruit Yogurt melon/Orange 125gYoplait Fruit Yogurt Raspberry 125g Single

CornersMuller Corner Choc Digestive 150gMuller Corner Crunch Snack Size 8 x 85gMuller Corner Limited Edition Yogurt 175gMuller Corner Multi Biscuit 6 x 150gMuller Corner Variety 2 x 175g 4 x 150gMuller Crunch Corner 6pk 900gMuller Crunch Corner Banana Choc Flakes 150gMuller Crunch Corner S/Berry Orange Balls 150gMuller Crunch Corner S/Berry S/Cake 150gMuller Crunch Corner Toffee Hoops 150gMuller Crunch Corner Vanilla Choc Balls 150gMuller Fruit Corner 6pk 6 x 175gMuller Fruit Corner B/Berry & Raspberry 175gMuller Fruit Corner Peach & Apricot 175gMuller Fruit Corner Snacksize 8 x 95gYoplait Fruit Yogurt Str/Pch 125g SingleYoplait Hazelnut Yogurt 125gYoplait Natural Yogurt 125gYoplait Natural Yogurt 500g

READY MEALSVegetable AccompanimentsMash Direct Carrot & Parsnip 380gMash Direct Carrot Parsnip & Turnip 380gMash Direct Green Cabbage 280gMash Direct Mashed Potato 380gMash Direct Mashed turnip 380g

Light ChoicesWeight Watchers Beef Lasagne 400gWeight Watchers Bake 400gWeight Watchers Chicken Tikka & Coriander Rice400gWeight Watchers Cottage Pie 400gWeight Watchers Mediterranean Vegetable Pasta400gWeight Watchers Sausages In Cider Gravy with vegMash 400gWeight Watchers Sweet & Sour Chicken with rice400g

Hot PiesDeny Chicken & Ham Pies 4 x 140gDenny Chicken & Mushroom Bake 350gDenny Cotage Pie 350gDenny Cottage Pie 4pk 720gDenny Cotage Pie Microwave 180gDenny Pie Steak & Kidney 500gDenny Shephers Pie 350gDenny Steak & Kidney Pie 4 x 140gDenny teak & Kidney Individual 140g

Sausage RollsDenny Cocktail sausage Rolls 20s 280gDenny Jumbo Sausage Rolls 5pk 400gDenny Large Sausage Rol 4s 240gWalsh Spiceburgers 6pk 555g

Slices & PastiesGinsters Chicken & Bacon Pasty 180g

PizzaPrimafresco Margherita Pizza 411gPrimafresco Pepperoni Pizza 385gTake Out Eat In Cheese & Tomato Pizza 270gTake Out Eat In Pepperoni Pizza 309g

Avonmore Carrot & Coriander Soup 600mlAvonmore Chicken & Veg Soup 600gAvonmore Chicken Soup 1 litreAvonmore Chicken Soup 30gAvonmore Chunky Beef & Veg 40gAvonmore F/Fare Veg & Pearlbarley 400gAvonmore Farmhouse Veg Soup 1 litreAvonmore Fresh Chicken Soup 600gAvonmore Fresh Fare Soup 400g Avonmore Fresh Mushroom Soup 600gAvonmore Fresh Tomato Soup 600mlAvonmore Leek & Potato Soup 600gAvonmore Lf Chkn & Herb Soup 600gAvonmore Lf Garden VegSoup 600gAvonmore Lf Tomato & Basil Soup 600gAvonmore Tomato Soup 1 litreAvonmore Tomato Soup 300gAvonmore Veg Soup 600lDingle Bay Seafood Chowder 315mlHarvest Organic Chkn & Veg Soup 500gOaktree Estate Creamy Carrot Soup 600gOaktree Estate Potato & Leek Soup 600gOrganic Harvest Potato & Leek Soup 500gOrganic Harvest Tomato & Basil 500gOrganic Harvest Veg Soup 500gBrownes Fresh Carrot & Coriander SoupBrownes Fresh Farmhouse Veg Soup 680gBrownes Fresh Mushroom Soup 680gCountry Kitchen Chkn & Veg Soup 500gCountry Kitchen Farmhouse Veg Soup 500gCountry Kitchen Minestrone Soup 500gCountry Kitchen Tomato & Red Pepper 500gCountry Kitchen Trad Veg Broth 500gCully & Sully Chkn & Veg Soup 400g


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SOUPCully & Sully Mushroom Soup 400gCully & Sully Tomato & Basil Soup 400gCully & Sully Vegetable Soup 400gCully & Sully Winter Vegetable Soup 400g

Emma Girodani Bolognese Tortelloni 250gEmma Girodani Cheese Ravioli 250gEmma Girodani Ham & Cheese ravioli 250gEmma Girodani Mushroom Ravioli 250gEmma Girodani Proscuitto Mozzarella Cappelletti250gEmma Girodani Spinach & Ricotta T/Loni 250gTrattoria Verdi Fettucine 500gTrattoria Verdi Italian Sausage Tortelloni 400gTrattoria Verdi Spinach Ricotta Tortelloni 400g

Pasta SaucesBallymaloe Fresh Pasta Sauce Smokeybacon 38gBallymaloe Fresh Pasta Sauce Veg 380gBalymaloe Fresh pasta Sauce Vegetarian 170g

Sandwich FillingsO’Briens Cheese Leek and Onion Sandwich fillerO’briens Chicken Tikka Sandwich FillerO’Briens Chicken and Bacon Sandwich Filler 170gO’Briens Chicken & Stuffing Sandwich Filler 170gO’Briens Tuna Salad Sandwich Filler 170g

Branded SandwichesCloveer Chicken Salad Sandwich 173gClover Ham & Cheese Sandwich 162gClover Ham Salad Sandwich 163g

Brazil Nuts 75gOrganic Flaked Almonds 100g

Organic Ground Almonds 100gShamrock Almond Flaked 100gShamrock Blanched Almonds 100gmShamrock chopped Almonds 100gShamrock Chopped Mixed Nuts 100gShamrock Chopped Walnuts 100gShamrock Coconut 250gShamrock Ground Almonds 100gShamrock Ground Almonds 200gShamrock Just Pine Nut kernels 75gShamrock Pecan Nuts 75gShamrock Pine Nuts 75gShamrock Plain Cashew Nuts 75gShamrock Shelled Walnuts 100g

Dried FruitWholefoods Berry Mix 125gWholefoods Blueberries 100gWholefoods Cranberries 100gWholefoods Pineapple 100gWholefoods Raisin 150g

SultanasGem Gourmet Sultanas 375gShamrock Jumbo Sultanas 375gShamrock Sultanas 1kgShamrock Sultanas 375gShamrock Currants 375g

Mixed FruitGem Gourmet Mixed Fruit 375gShamrock Dark Muscovado Sugar 500gShamrock Luxury Fruit Mix 500gShamrock Mixed Fruit 375g

RaisinsGem Gourmet Golden Raisins 375gGem Gourmet Raisins 375gRaisn Eddie variety 14gRaisin Eddie Organic Raisins 28gShamrock Californian Raisins 375gShamrock Golden Raisins 375gShamrock Jumbo Raisins 375g




NUTS-DRIED FRUIT BAKINGRaisinsShamrock Raisiins 375gShamrock Raisins Eddie 252g

Kids SnacksDisney Fruit Mix 50gHumzingers Orchard Fruits Flavour 150gKelloggs Duo Fruit Winders Apl and Strawberry 6pkKelloggs Duo Fruit Winders strawberry 6pkKelloggs Duo Fruit Winders Strawberry 7Blackrcurrant 6pkNo Soak Prunes 500gShamrock Apricots 250gShamrock Apricots 500gShamrock Bite Sized Prunes 250gShamrock Demerara Sugar 500gShamrock Dried Figs Ready to Eat 250gShamrock No Soak Prunes 250gShamrock Stoneless Prunes 250gStoneless Prunes 500gSunsweet Stoned Prunes 500g

Wholefoods Dried Fruit/NutHeart of Africa Macademia Nuts 150gJust Almonds Whole Natural 150gJust Hazel Nuts 150gJust Lux Mixed Nuts & Raisins 180gJust Pinenut Kernels 150gJust Pumpkin Seeds 200gShamrock Just Dates 250g

Cherries and Mixed PeelShamrock glace Cherries 100gShamrock Glace Cherries 200gShamrock Mixed Glace Fruit 200gShamrock Mixed Peel 200g

Self Raising FlourOdlums Self Raising Ing Flour 2kgOdlums Self Raising Flour 1 kg

Plain FlourOdlums Cream Flour 1gOdlums Cream Flour 2kgOdlums Cream Flour 4kgOdlums Quick Bread Mix Crack Wheat 450g

Speciality FlourHearts Delight Wheatmeal 2kgHowards Extra Course Wholemeal Flour 2kgHowards Oneway Whoelmeal flour 2kgOdlums 9 grain Wholemeal Quick bread 450gOdlums Brown Bread Mix 1kgOdlums Brown Bread Mix 2kgOdlums Quick Bread Farmhouse Brown 450gOdlums Quick Tomato & Herb 450gOdlums Soda Bread Mix 1kgOdlums Strong White Flour 2kgOdlums Wheat Free Country Brown Quick Mix 450gOdlums Wheat Free Multi Grain Quick Mix 450gOdlums Wheat Free Tomato & Herb Quick Mix 450gOdlums Wheatgerm 500gOdlums Wholemeal Coarse Flour 2kgOdlums Wholemeal Extra Coarse Flour 2kg

Cooking ChocolateFiddes Payne Chocoholic’s Delight 162gGreen & Black Organic Cooking Chocolate 150gHomecook Wonder Bar Dark 450gHomecook Wonderbar Milk 150gHomecook Wonderbar White 150gScotbar Dark 150gScotbar Milk 150gSupercook Milk Chocolate Chips 100gSupercook Plain Chocolate Chips 100g

Marzipan & Ready IcingBetty Crocker Chocolate Fudge Frosting 450gRoyal Icing 350gShamrock Marzipan 250gShamrock Ready to Roll Icing 450g

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NUTS-DRIED FRUIT BAKINGCake DecorationsBarkat Baking Powder Glutenfree 100gBuderim Crystallised Ginger 125gDr Oetker Mini Marshmallow Coloured 200gDr Oetker White Mini Marshmallow 200gDr Oetker Writing Icing 5pkFiddes Payne Magic Miniatures 10gFiddes Payne Rainbow Pearls 30gFiddes Payne Sugar swirls 10gGreens Red Coloured Quick Jel 35gGreens Red Quick Jel 70gLazy Lemon Plastic Bottle 500mlMcDougalls Fast Action Dried Yeast 8x7gRoyal Baking Powder 113gRoyal Baking Powder 226gSupercook 24 Candles and 12 HoldersSupercook 75 American Style Muffin CasesSupercook Choc Flavoured Strands 100gSupercook Hundreds & Thousands 113gSupercook Jelly Diamonds 85gSupercook Sugar Strands 113g

Sweet Cake MixesBetty Crocker Choc Fudge Brownie Mix 415gBetty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix 200gBetty Crocker Devils Food Cake Mix 500gCadburys Creamy White Buttons Cake Mix 255gChocolate Cup Cake Kit 242gFiddes Payne Disney Cup Cake Kit 239gGreens Cake Mix Dora Explorer 205gGreens Original Cheesecake Mix 259gMcDougalls Crumble Topping 1kgMcDougalls Fairy Girl Cake Mix 255gOdlums Double Choc Mini Muffins 375gOdlums Lux Double Choc Cake Mix 400gOdlums Quick Cake Original 400gOdlums Quick Scone Brown 450gOdlums Quick Scone Fruit 450gOdlums Quick scone White 450g

Savoury Baking MixesBetty Crocker Pancake Shaker Original 155gBitb Sundried Tomato & Parmesan Cheese 240gOdlums Pancake Mix 500gOdlums Quick Pancake Crepe 250gShamrock Bread Soda 500gShamrock Orange Prunes 250g

Pour Over SaucesBisto Chip Shop Curry Sauce Granules 200gBisto Parsley Sauce Granules 200gBisto White Sauce Granules 70gColman’s Hollandaise Sauce Mix 28gColmans Bread Sauce Mix 40gColmans Cheddar Cheese Sauce Mix 40gColmans Mild Curry Sauce Mix 35gColmans Onion Sauce Mix 35gColmans Pour Over Pepper Sauce Mix 25gColmans Parsley Sauce Mix 20gColmans Savoury White Sauce Mix 25gErin Bearnaise W/Twist of Lemon & Tarragon 200gErin Cheese Sauce 23gErin Creamy Cracked Peppercorn Sauce 200gErin Creamy Pepper Sauce 23gErin Curry Sauce 130gErin Curry Sauce 44gErin Mushroom sauce 2gErin Parsley Sauce 21gErin Parsley Sauce 90gErin Rich Tomato Lemon Zest & Dill Sauce 200grErin S/Chilli & Red Pepper Sauce 200gErin Supreme Creamy Black Pepper sauce 29gErin W/Wine & Tarragon Sauce 200gErin White Sauce 20gKnorr Bearnaise Sauce 39gKnorr Bread Sauce 39gKnorr Classic Hollandaise Sauce 200mlKnorr Creamy 3 Pepper Sauce 200ml


SAUCESHerbsSchwartz Bay Leaves Refill 6gSchwartz Big Val Italian Season Drum 28gSchwartz Big Val Oregano Drum 25gSchwartz Dill Weed 10g JarSchwartz Herbes de Provence 11g JarSchwartz Italian Herb seasoning 11g JarSchwartz marjoram 8gSchwartz Mixed Herbs 9g JarSchwartz Mixed Herbs Refill 9gSchwartz Oregano 7g JarSchwartz Oregano Refill7gSchwartz Parsley 3g JarSchwartz Parsley refill 3gSchwartz Rubbed Sage 10g JarSchwartz Rubbed Sage Refill 10gSchwartz Tarragon refill 5gSchwartz Thyme 11g JarSchwartz Thyme Refill 11g 19grill & Sizzle 51gSchwartz Jamaican Jerk seasoning 51g JarSchwartz Fajita 46g JarSchwartz Garam Masala 30g JarSchwartz Garlic & Herb P/Toe seasoning 45gSchwartz Garlic Grans 47g JarSchwartz Garlic Italian Sauce Seasoning 43gSchwartz Garlic Salt 73g JarSchwartz Ground Cinnamon 33g JarSchwartz Ground Coriander 24g JarSchwartz Ground Cumin 28g JarSchwartz Ground Ginger 26g JarSchwartz Ground Ginger Refill 26g 32g JarSchwartz Medium Curry Powder 90gSchwartz Mild Chilli Pwdr 38g JarSchwartz Minced Garlic 46g JarSchwartz Onion Salt 65gSchwartz Paprika 34g JarSchwartz Saffron 0.4g JarSchwartz Season All 70g JarSchwartz Cajun Seasoning 44g JarSchwartz Cayenne Pepper 26g JarSchwartz Chilli Powder Hot 39g JarSchwartz Chinese 5 Spice Seasoning 58g

Schwartz Chopped Chillies Tube 75gSchwartz Chopped Garlic Tube 75gSchwartz Coriander Seed 20g JarSchwartz Cumin Seed 35g JarSchwartz Extra Spicy Cajun 42g Grill & SizzleSchwartz Ground NutmegSchwartz Spicy All season 47g JarSchwartz Steak Seasoning 46g JarSchwartz Thai 7 Spice 52g JarSchwartz Turmeric 31g JarSchwartz American Bbq Seasoning 44g JarSchwartz Chargrill Chicken GSpice Celler Herbes de Provence 16gSpice Cellar Dried Basil

SpicesBart Spices Harissa Paste 82gBarts Fresh Tamarind 100gBarts Spices Fresh Basil 85gBarts Spices Fresh Coriander 90gBarts Spices Fresh Garlic 95gBarts Spices Fresh Hot Chilli 95gDon Carlos Organic Course Seasalt 30gGoodals Blue Colouring 25mlGoodalls Cochineal Colouring 25mlGoodalls Coffee Essence 25mlrnd Cinnamon 50gGoodalls Ground Allspice 25gGoodalls Grnd Cinnamon 50gGoodalls Grnd Coriander 25gGoodalls Grnd Cumin seed 25gGoodalls grnd Mixed spice 50gGoodalls Ground Cloves 20gGoodalls Ground Ginger 35gGoodalls Ground Paprika 30g45g

PepperGiov di Firenze Black Pepper Mill Spice Grinder Giov di Firenze 4 Seasons Peppercorn 35gGoodalls Ground Black Pepper 50gGoodals Whole Black epper 50gSaxa Black Pepper 25gSaxa Ground Black Pepper 25gSaxa Ground White Pepper 50g

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SAUCESPepperSaxa White Pepper 25gSchwartz Big Val Black Peppercorn 90gSchwartz Black Peppercorns Refill 35gSchwartz Twist & Taste Blk P/Corns 35gSpice Cellar Coarse Ground Black Pepper 48gSpice Cellar Whole Black Pepper 48g

SaltGiov di Firenze Mediterranean Sea salt 90gSaxa Coarse Sea saft 350gSaxa Cookng Salt 1.5kgSaxa Rock Salt 350gSaxa Salt 750gSchwartz Med Sea salt Bvp 125gSchwartz Sea Salt Mill 72gSchwarts Twist & Taste Sea Salt 70gTidmans Natural Rock Salt 500g

Puree/Parmesan / PizzeriaCirio Passata Carton 500gRoma Bruschetta Topping 165gRoma Formaggio Da Pasta 80gRoma Formaggio Di Pasta 250gRoma Garlic Puree Tube 140gRoma Tomato Puree 300g JarRoma Tomato Puree Pull Ring 150gSharwoods Garlic Puree 90g

Cooking oilCrisp ‘n’ Dry Vegetable Oil 1 litreCrisp ‘n’ Dry Vegetable Oil 2 litreFlora Pure Sunflower Oil 1 litreFlora Pure Sunflower Oil 2 litreFry Light Sunflower Oil Spray 250mlRoma Olive Oil 250mlOlive/Speciality OilsDon Carlos Extra Virgin Oil 250mlDon Carlos Extra Virgin Olive Oil 750mlDon Carlos M/Light Olive Oil 500mlDon Carlos Organic Xtra/Vir Olive Oil 500mlDon Carlos Pure Olive Oil 1 ltrDon Carlos Pure Olive Oil 250mlDon Carlos Pure Olive Oil 500mlDon Carlos X/V Olive Oil 500mlDon Carlos Xtra V Olive Oil W/Omega 3 500mlDon Carlos Xtra V Olive Oil W/Vitamins 500mlFrylight Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray 250mlGiovanni di Firenze Extra Virgin Olive Oil 750mllLakeshore Goose Fat 180gLakeshore Grapeseed Oil 500mlLakeshore Peanut Oil 500mliLakeshore Stirfry Oil 250mlLifeforce Soya Oil 1 ltrMerchant Gourmet Truffle Flav Olive Oil 100mlNapolina X/V Olive Oil 500mlRoma Ex Virgin Olive Oil 250mlRoma Ex Virgin Olive Oil 500mlRoma Pure Olive Oil 500ml


Granulated SugarGem Granulated Sugar Sticks 40sGem Light Granulated Sugar 600gGem Organic Gran Sugar 500gGem Granulated Sugar 1kgSiucra Granulated Sugar 500g

Demerara & Coffee SugarBillingtons Sugar Crystals 500gGem Demerara Sugar 500gGem Soft Dark Brown Sugar 500gGem Soft Light Brown Sugar 500gShamrock Light Muscavado sugar 500g

Icing SugarGem Icing Sugar 500g

Castor SugarGem Castor Sugar 500g

Baking/Preserving SugarGem Golden Granulated Sugar 1kg

Sugar SubstituteCanderel 300 TabletsCanderel 5 Refill Sachets 500 tabletsCanderel Granular Sweetner 75g

Canderel Spoonful 40gCanderel Sweetner 100 tabletsHermesetas Gran Sweetner 90gHermesetas Mini Sweetners 400sHermesetas Mini Sweetners 800sSplenda Granular Ceka 125g TinSplenda Granular Ceka 75g TinSplenda Low Calorie Sweetner 100 tabletsSplenda Low Calorie Sweetner 300 tabletsSplenda Sweetner 500s

Bunalun Organic Crushed Tomato 680gBunalun Organic Tomato & Chilli Sauce 300gBunalun Organic Tomato & Veg Sauce 300gBunalun Organic Tomato Puree 300gRoma Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500mlSeed of Change Balti Sauce 350gSeeds of Change Organic Korma Sauce 350gVilla Blanca Organic Olive Oil 500ml

Organic SugarBillingtons Organic Granulated Sugar 500gBunalun Organic Fair Trade Sugar 500gShamrock Organic Castor Sugar 500gShamrock Organic Demerara Sugar 500g



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Baked BeansBatchelor Curried Beans 400gBatchelor Sugar Free Beans 225gBatchelor Baked Beans 3 x 225gBatchelor Baked Beans 4 x 420gBatchelor Baked Beans In Tomato Sauce 225gBatchelor Baked Beans In Toomato sauce 283gBatchelor Baked Beans In Tomato sauce 420gBatchelor Beans in S/Free Sauce 420gBatchelor Beans In Tomato sauce 624gBatchelor Heartwise Baked Beans 420gBatchelor Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce 141gHeinz baked Bean In Tomato sauce 200gHeinz baked Bean in tomato sauce 415gHeinz Bbq beans 200g canHeinz Beanz Snap Pots 4x200gHeinz Curried Beans 200g CanHeinz Organic Baked Beans 415gHeinz Reduced Sugar & Salt baked Beans 400gHeinz Weight Watchers Baked Beans 200gHeinz Weight Watchers Baked Beans 415g

Baked Bean MealsHeinz Baked Bean & Pork Sausages 200gHeinz Baked Bean & Port Sausages 415G

Spaghetti & HoopsHeinz Alphabetti Pasta shapes 200gHeinz Alhabetti Pasta shapes 400gHeinz Spaghetti & Sausages 200gHeinz Spaghetti & sausages 400g CanHeinz Spaghetti Hoops in tomato sauce 205gHeinz Spaghetti Hoops in tomato sauce 400gHeinz Spaghetti Hoops Snap Pots 4x190gHeinz Spaghetti in tomato sauce 200g Heinz Spaghetti in tomato sauce 400g can Heinz W/W Spaghetti in tomato sauce 200g canHeinz W/W/ Spaghetti in tomato sauce 400g can

Other Pasta & Pasta MealHeinz Macaroni Cheese 400g

Wholefoods Pulse & PastaBijoux Organic Verts lentils 400gEpicure Organic Bean Cuisine 400g

Dry SpaghettiRoma 3 Min Quick cook Spaghetti 500gRoma Spaghetti 1kgRoma Spaghetti 500gRoma Whole Wheat Spaghetti 500g

Pasta ShapesDolmio Express Pasta Fusilli 220gDolmio Express Pasta Penne 220gNapolina Fusili Brnze pasta 500gRoma 3 Min Quick Cook Fusilli 500gRoma 3 Min Quick Cook Penne 500gRoma Baby Pasta Shells 1kgRoma Baby Pasta Shells 500gRoma Bowties Tricolour Farffelle 500gRoma Child Ssafari Pasta Bag 250gRoma Conchiglie 1kgRoma Cut Macaroni 500gRoma Farfalle/Bowties Plain 500gRoma Frills Fusilli 500gRoma Fusilli 1kgRoma Kidz Pasta Twisters 500gRoma Plain Lasagne 250gRoma Premium Tubular Tagliatelle 500gRoma Quills 1kgRoma Quills Penne 500gRoma Shells Conchiglie 500gRoma Tagliatelle Nests 375gRoma Twists 500gRoma Vermicelli 500gRoma Wheels 500gRoma White Lasagne Sheets 375gRoma Wholewheat Penne 500g

Flavoured Filled Pasta ShellsMy Dolmio Pasta shells 200gMy Dolmio pasta Twists 200gTrattoria Verdi Potato Gnocchi 500g


TINS - PACKETS - JARSItalian Pasta Sauce & PestoBarilla Basilico Sauce 400gBarilla Bolognese 400gBarilla Napoletana Sauce 400gBarilla Olive sauce 400gDolmio Bolognese Extra Mushroom 320gDolmio Bolognese Light 320gDolmo Chunky Mediterranean Veg Bolognese 500gDolmio Express Bolognese Extra Mushroom Sauce170gDolmio Express Bolognese Original Sauce 170gPouchDolmio Express Carbonara Sauce 330g PouchDolmio Express ItalianChilli Sauace 170g PouchDolmio Express Tomato & Basil Sauce 380g PouchDolmio Express Tomato & Basil Sauce 170g PouchDolmio Extra Mushroom Bolognese Sauce 500gDolmio Extra Roasted Onion & Garlic Bolognese500gDolmio Extra Spicy Bolognese Sauce 500gDolmio Extra Spicy Bolognese Sauce 750gDolmio Extra Sweet Pepper Sauce Bolognese 500gDolmio lasagne Meat Kit 1220gDolmio Masagne Sauce Red 500gDolmio Lasagne Sauce White 470gDolmio Light Stir In Sundried Tomato 150g Dolmio Original Bolognese Light 750gDolmio Original Bolognese Pasta Sauce 750gDolmio Original Bolognese Sauce 320gDolmio Original Bolognese sauce 500gDolmio Pasta Bake Carbonara 480gDolmio Pasta Bake Creamy Tomato 500gDolmio Seasonal Recipe sauce 500gDolmio Stir In Carbonara 150gDolmio Stir In Roasted Vegetable 150gDolmio Stir In Smoke bacon & Tomato 150gDolmio Stir In Spicy Pepperoni & Tomato 150g Dolmio Stir In Sauce range 150gDolmio Stir In Spicy Tomato & Sweet Onion 150gDolmio Stir In Sundried Tomato Pasta Sauce 150gDolmio Stir in Sweet Pepper 150g

Dolmio Stir in Tomato & Pesto Sauce 150gDolmio Taste of Italy Creamy tomato & Ricotta sauce250gDolmio Taste of Italy Spicy Pepper & Tomato sauce350gDolmio Taste of Italy Tomato & Parmesan sauce 350gDolmio Taste of Italy Tomato & Garlic 350gFilippo Berio Pesto Sauce with Basil 190gFilippo Berio Red Pesto Sauce 190gJamie Oliver Aubergine & Olive Pasta Sauce 350gJamie Oliver Green Pesto 190gJamie Oliver Red Onion/Rosemary Pasta Sauce 350gJamie Oliver Spicy Olive/Garlic Tomato Sauce 350gJamie Oliver Sun Dried Tomato Pesto 190gJamie Oliver Tomato & Basil Pasta Sauce 350gJamie Oliver Tomato & Chilli Pasta Sauce 350gKnorr Ragu Country Mushroom Sauce 500gLoyd Grossman Bolognese Sauce 425gLoyd Grossman Carbonara with Pancetta 340gLoyd Grossman Primavera Sauce 350gLoyd Grossman Puttanesca Sauce 350gLoyd Grossman Smoky Bacon Pasta Sauce 350gLoyd Grossman Sweet Red Pepper 350gLoyd Grossman Tomato & Basil Sauce 350gLoyd Grossman Tomato & Chilli Sauce 350gLoyd Grossman Tomato & Wild Mushroom Sauce350gLoyd Grossman Tomato C/Grill Veg Past Sauce 350gLoyd Grossman Tomato Roasted Garlic Pasta Sauce350gMy Dolmio Creamy Tomato Sauce 150gMy Dolmio Meathball Sauce 150g

Italian Pasta Sauce & PestoMy Dolmo Tomato & Pepperoni Sauce 150gMy Dolmio Tomato & Cheese Sauce 150gRagu Pasta Sauce Basil & Oregano 500gRagu Pasta Sauce Bolognese 500gRagu Pasta sauce Red Wine & Herbs 500gRagu Pasta Sauce Spicy Bolognese 500gRagu Pasta Sauce Traditional Style 500gRagu Pasta Sauce Onion & Garlic 500gRagu Red Sauce for Lasagne 500g

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TINS - PACKETS - JARSRoma Arrabbiata Sauce 350gRoma Chunky Bolognese 500gRoma Chunky Bolognese Family Pasta Sauce 700gRoma Lasagne Kit 1.19kgRoma Lasagne Tomato Sauce 475gRoma Lasagne White Sauce 475gRoma Passata 680gRoma Passata With Herbs 680gRoma Semi Sundried Tomatoes 180gRoma Spicy Bolognese Family Pasta Sauce 700gRoma Spicy Bolognese Sauce 500gRoma Sundried Tomatoes 100gSacla Classic Basil Pesto 190gSacla Classic Whole Cherry Tomato Basil Sauce 350gSacla Classic Whole Cherry Tomato Chilli Sauce 350gSacla Italian Tomato & Olive St/Through 190gSacla Organic Basil Pesto 190gSacla Spicy Tomato & Pepper St.Through 190gSacla Sundried Tomato Paste 190gSeeds of Change Org Roasted Garlic Chilli Sauce350gSeeds of Change Org Tomato & Basil Sauce 500gSeeds of Change Org Tomato Basil & ParmesanSauce 350gSeeds of Change Organic Mediterranean Veg Sauce350gSorrio Semi Sundried Tomato Halves 212mlSorriso Sundried Tomatoes In Oil 314mlTrattoria Verdi Arabiatta Pasta Sauce 500gTrattoria Verdi Green Pesto 190gTrattoria Verdi Red Pesto 190g

Organic PastaBunalun Organic Fusilli 500gBunalun Organic Penne 500gBunalun Organic Rigatoni 500gBunalun Organic Spaghetti 500gBunalun Organic Tagliatelle 500gRoma Organic Conchiglie Pasta 500gRoma Organic Fusilli 500gRoma Organic Lasagne 250g

Roma Organic Penne Pasta 500gRoma Organic Spaghetti 500gRoma Organic Tomato Puree Tube 140g

Ready to Serve SoupBaxters Fav Chicken Broth Soup 415gBaxters Fav Cream of Tomato Soup 415gBaxters Fav Minestrone Soup 415gBaxters Fav Potato & Leek Soup 415gErin Traditional Beef & Veg Soup 68gErin Traditional Irish Potato Soup 73gErin Traditional Minestrone Soup 69gErin Traditional Mushroom Soup 67gHeinz Cream of Chicken Soup 400gHeinz Cream of Tomato Soup 4 x 400g

Condensed SoupErin Condensed Chicken Mushroom & Cream Soup295gErin Condensed Chicken Wine & Cream Soup 295gErin Condensed Cream Mushroom Soup 400gErin Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup 295gErin Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup 400gErin Condensed Cream of Tomato Soup 400gErin Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup 295gErin Condensed Low Fat Chicken Soup 295gErin Condensed Low Fat Mushroom Soup 295gErin Condensed Low Fat Tomato Soup 295gErin Condensed Oxtail Soup 295gErin Condensed Vegetable Soup 295g

Low Calorie SoupHeinz WW Chicken Noodle Soup 295gHeinz WW Chhicken Soup 295gHeinz WW Tomato Soup 295g

Speciality SoupBaxters H/C Chicken & Veg Soup 415gBaxters H/C Chunky Country Veg Soup 425gBaxters H/C Minestrone & Pasta Soup 415gErin Soupfulls Chicken & Country Veg 400gErin Soupfulls Chicken Potato & Mushroom 400g

TINS - PACKETS - JARSErin Soupfulls Classic Beef & Veg 400gErin Soupfulls Harvest Veg 400gErin Soupfulls Mediterranean tomato & Veg 400gErin Soupfulls Minestrone 400gErin Soupfulls Smooth Carrot & Coriander 400gErin Soupfulls Smooth Tomato & Basil 400gErin Soupfulls Tuscan Tomato & Pasta 400gErin Soupfulls Smooth Cream of Mushroom 400gKnorr Spec Recipe Beef Goulash Soup 1.2lKnorr Special Recipe Chicken & Mushroom Soup 1.2lKnorr Special Recipe Chicken & Veg Soup 1.2lLoyd Grossman Carrot & Coriander Pouch Soup400gLoydGrossman Tomato & Basil Pouch Soup 400g

Packet SoupErin Oxtail 2.5pt 104gErin Traditional Farmhouse Veg Soup 75gErin Traditional Oxtail Soup 85gErin Traditional Thick Chicken Soup 64gKnorr Farmhouse Veg Soup 64gKnorr Low Cal Golden Veg Soup 4pk 40gKnorr Low Cal Quick Soup Chicken & Veg 4pk 40gKnorr Oxtail Soup 59gKnorr Packet With Veg 104g Autumn VegKnorr Pkt French Onion Simmer 51gKnorr Pkt Minestrone 1.5 Soup 62gKnorr Pkt Soup Cream of Mushroom 1.5 Pint 75gKnorr Pkd Soup Crofters Thick Veg 1.5 Pint 66gKnorr Pkt Soup Farmhouse Leek & Chicken Soup 54gKnorr Pkt Soup Florida Spring Veg 1.5 Pint 36gKnorr Pkt Soup Super Chicken Noodle 1.5 Pint Soup55gKnorr Quick Soup Chicken 4pk 76gKnorr Soup Carrot & Parsnip Soup 63gKnorr Sp of the World/English Broccoli & Stilton 63gKnorr Tomato Soup 85g

Instant SoupCampbells Casxtra Chik W/Fusilli Pasta 27gErin Cup A Soup Creamy Chicken & Chive 3pk

Erin Cup A Soup Creamy Country Veg 3pk 53gErin Cup A Soup Creamy Potato & Leek 3pk 72gErin Hot Cup Chicken & Mushroom 3pk 77gErin Hot Cup Cream of Veg Soup Crouton 75g 3pkErin Hot Cup Minestrone Croutons 3pk 64gErin Hot Cup Special Farmhouse Veg 3pk 75gErin Hot Cup Std Chicken Soup 4 pk x 47gErin Hot Cup Std Oxtail Soup 4pk 48gErin Hot Cup Tom Veg Soup 3pk 88gErin Hot Cup Vegetable Soup 4pk 47gErin Hot Cup Beef/Veg Soup 3pk 63gErin Hot Cup Crream Chicken Soup 3pk 65gErin Traditional Chicken & Veg Soup 76gErin Traditional Thick Country Veg Soup 68gKnorr Snack Soup Tomato & Mozzarella 29gKnorr Snack Soup Chicken & Pasta 26gKnorr Snacksoup Vegetable & Pasta 26gShamrock Soup Mix 500g

Frankfurter & Hot DogsBoklunder 10 Frankfurters 350gDenny Frankfurters 350g 10pkHerta 4 Jumbo Frankfurters 360g

Corned BeefMiscellaneous Corned Beef 340gPrinces Lean Corned Beef 200g

Cooked Ham & PorkEpicure Duck & Orange Pate 180gEpicure Pheasant Pate with White Wine 180gEpicure Wild Boar Pate 180gMispol Tyroles canned 130g

Canned Ready MealsFray Bentos Meatballs in Bolognese 410gFray Bentos Meatballs in In Gravy 410gFray Bentos Meatballs In Tomato Sauce 410g

Sausages & FrankfurtersPrinces 8 Hot Dogs in Brine 400gPrinces American Style Hot Dogs 400g

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TINS - PACKETS - JARSSalmonJohn West Alaska River Reserve Red Salmon 213gJohn West Pink Salmon 105gJohn West Pink Salmon 428gJohn West Pink Salmon S/Less and B/Less 213gJohn West Red Salmon 213gJohn West Wild Red Salmon S/L & B/L 180gPrinces West Pink Salmon 213gPrinces West Red Salmon 105gSunny South Wild Red Salmon Skinless/BonelessSunny South Wild Red Salmon 105gSunny South Wild Red Salmon 212g

TunaJohn West No Drain Tuna Steak in Brine 130gJohn West No Drain Tuna Steak in Brine 3x130gJohn West No Drain Tuna Steak In Oil 130gJohn West Tuna Chunks in Spring Water 185gJohn West Light Lunch Tomato salsa 250gJohn West Omega3 Tuna steak in Sunflower Oil 3 x160gJohn West Omega3 Tuna Steak in Sunflower Oil160gJohn West Reserve Tuna Slice O/Oil 120gJohn West Smoked Tuna Slices Sunflower Oil 120gJohn West Tuna Chunks Brine 4 x 185gJohn West Tuna Chunks in Brine 185gJohn West Tuna Chunks in Brine 3 x 80gJohn West Tuna Chunks in Sunflower Oil 3 x 80gJohn West Tuna Chunks in Sunflower 185gJohn West Tuna Chunks Sunflower Oil 400gJohn West Tuna Chunks in Brine 500gJohn West Tuna Fillets Italina Herb 142gJohn West Tuna Fillets Swt/Thai 142gJohn West Tuna Fillets Lime & Pepper 142gJohn West Tuna Slices in Sunflower Oil 120gJohn West Tuna Steak in Oil 4 x 200gJohn West Tuna steaks in Brine 4 x 200gJohn West Tuna Steak In Oil 4 x 200gJohn West Tuna Steaks in Brine 100gJohn West Tuna Steaks in Brine 200g

John West Tuna Steaks in Sunflower Oil 100gJohn West Tuna Steaks in Sunflower Oil 200gJohn West Ww In Tomato & Herb Dressing 3 x 80gJohn West Ww Tuna Coronation Dressing 3 x 80gJohn West Ww Tuna Mayo & S/Corn 3 80gJohn West With a Twist French Dressing 85gJohn West With A Twist Tomato & Herb 85gMermaid Bay Tuna Chunks in Brine 185gPrinces Tuna Chunks in Brine 3x185gPrinces Tuna Chunks in Oil 3x185gSunny South Albacore Tuna Fillets in Springwater230gSunny South Dressed Tuna Mayo & Sweetcorn 3x80gSunny South Tuna Chunks In Brine 3x80gSunny South Dressed Tuna Coronation Style 3x80g

Pilchard/Mackerel/SardinesJohn West Mackerel Fillet Brine125gJohn West Mackerel Fillets in Tomato 125gJohn West Mackerel in Sunflower 125gJohn West Sardines in Brine 120gJohn West Sardines Sunflower Oil 120gJohn West Sardines Tomato 120gRob Roy Sardiners in Tomato 120g

Other FishEpicure Stuffed Squid in Garlic Sauce 148gGraal Fish Conserve 330gGraal Herring in Tomato 170gJohn West Princes Anchovies O/Oil 50gJohn West Princes Herring Fillets Tomato sauce 190g

Other FishJohn West Princes Kipper Fillets In Brine 190gJohn West Princes Kipper Fillets in Oil 190gJohn West Princes Prawns in Brine 200gJohn West Skippers in Sunflower Oil 106gJohn West Smoked Skippers in Tomato 106gNautilus Chunks of White Crab meat 170g

Processed PeasBatchelors Heartwise Peas 420gBatchelors Herb Butter Peas 420g

TINS - PACKETS - JARSSpeciality Table SaucesJack Daniels Smokey Bbq Sauce 275gLea & Perrins Chilli & Garlic Sauce 150mlLea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce 150mlLea & Perrins Worcestershire Ssauce 290mlLinghams Chilli Sauce 280mlLinghams Garlic Chilli Sauce 280mlTabasco Habanero Ssauce 60mlTabasco Peper Sauce 57ml

Salad CreamChef Salad Cream 285gHeinz Light Salad Cream 285g GlassHeinz Light Cream 285g GlassHeinz Salad Cream Squeezy 425gHeinz Salad Cream Extra Light Top Down 470gHeinz Top Down Salad Cream 600gLakeshore Premium salad Cream 285g

MayonnaiseHellmanns Garlic Mayonnaise 200gHellmanns Garlic Mayonnaise 400gHellmanns Light Mayonnaise 600gHellmanns Mayo with Dijon Mustard 350mlHellmanns Real Mayonnaise 615gOak Lane Mayonnaise Extra Light Squeezy 450gOak Lane Mayonnaise Light Squeezy 450g

Salad DressingsBallymaloe French Dressing 250mlBallymaloe Honey & Mustard Dressing 25mlBalymaloe Italian dressing 250mlHellmanns Balsamic Vinagrette Salad Dressing235mlHellmanns Caesar dressing 235mlHellmanns French Dressing 235mlHellmanns Garlic & Herb Dressing 235mlHellmanns Honey & Mustard salad Dressing 235mlHellmanns Luxury Thousand Island Dressing 235mlHellmanns Vinaigrette Light Salad Dressing 235mlHellmanns Warm Chinese 2 Part Salad 205g

Hellmanns Warm Chicken Caesar 2 part salad 205gHomestyle Garlic & Onion F/Free Croutons 142gHomestyle garlic & Butter Croutons 142gKraft 4% Fat Get Dressed Creamy Caesar 250mlKraft 5% Fat Get Dressed Herb & Garlic 250mlKraft 5% Fat Get Dressed Hooney & Mustard 250mlKraft F/Fat Get Dressed 1000 Island 250mlKraft F/Free Get Dressed Classic French 250mlKraft F/Free Get Dressed Italian Dressing 250mlKraft Get Dressed 1000 Island 250mlKraft Light Balsamic Dressing 250mlKuhne Herb Salad Dressing 250mlKuhne Italian Dressing 250mlLakeshore Blue Cheese dressing 250mlLakeshore Caesar Dressing 245mlLakeshore French Style Dressing 215mlLakeshore Healthy Balsamic & Red Pepper 345mlLakeshore Honey Mustard Dressing 250mlLakeshore Low Fat Caesar Dressing 245mlLakeshore Tomato & Roast Onion dressing 250mlNewmans Creamy Caesar Dressing 250mlNewmans Own Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing 250ml

BeetrootChef baby Beets 350gChef Shredded Beetroot 365gChef Sliced Beetrot 350gKrakus Baby Beetroot 560gKrakus Sliced Beetroot 460gKuhne Beetroot 330gSunny South Baby Beetroot in Vinegar 530gSunny South Sliced Beetroot In Vinegar 340g

Pickled OnionChef Mixed Pickles 355gChef Silverskin Onions 355gKuhne Pickled Onions 370mlOpies Cocktail Pickled Onions 227g

Gherkins & PicklesDon Carlos Capers 110gKrakus Cucumbers in Brine 890gKuhne Pickled Gherkins 330g

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TINS - PACKETS - JARSGherkins & PicklesKuhne Sauerkraut 796mlKuhne Whole Pickled Gherkins 670gMrs Elswood Sandwich Slices Cucumbers 540gSunny South Gherkins Sweet & Sour 670g

OlivesCrespo Pitted Black Olives 820gCrespo Pitted Green Olives 907gDon Carlos Black Olives 250gDon Carlos Black Pitted Olives 935g Don Carlos Pitted Black Olives330gDon Carlos Pitted Green Olives 335gDodn Carlos Pitted Green Olives 935gDon Carlos Stuffed Olives Large 340g

Pickles & PiccalilliBranston Smooth Pickle Squeezy 405gC&B Branston Pickle 460gC&B Branston Pickle 520gHeinz Piccalilli Pickle 275gHeinz Tangy Tomato Pickle 280g

Relishes & ChutneysBallymaloe Country Relish 310gBallymaloe Country Relish 490gBallymaloe Jalapeno Pepper Relish 280gBallymaloe Relish Sauce 350gBaxters Tomato Chutney 312gLakeshore Chilli Relish 275gSharwoods Green Label Mango Chutney 360gSouthern Ranch Hamburger Relish 360g

Condiment SaucesBallymaloe Cranberry Sauce 310gColmans Bramley Apple Sauce 250mlColmans Fresh Garden Mint 250mlColmans Horseradish Sauce 250mlColmans Mint Sauce 250mlColmans Sauce Tartare 250mlColmans Seafod Sauce 250ml

Grecian Delight Tzatziki 160gOak Lane Horseradish Sauce 170gOak Lane Tartare Sauce 160g

MustardColmans English Mustard 100gColmans English Mustard 170gColmans English Mustard Tube 50gColmans Mild American Squeezy 150gColmans Mustard Powder 57gColmans Squeezy Deli Mustard 250mlColmans Wholegrain Mustard 150mlFrenchs America Classic Yellow Mustard Squeezy226gLakeshore French Dijon Mustard 215gLakeshore Strong Irish Mustard 100gLakeshore Strong Irish Mustard 220gLakeshore W/Grain Mustard with Honey 205gMaille A Lancienne Mustard 210gMaille Dijonnaise Mustard 210g

Organic Preserves & SpreadsBunalun Organic Honey 250gWhole Earth Thin Cut Marmalade 250gWhole Earth Organic Crunchy Peanut Butter 227gWhole Earth Organic Smooth Peanut Butter 227g

Jams & ConservesBonne Maman Apricot Conserve 370gBonne Maman B/Berry Conserve 370gBonne Maman Berries/Cherries Conserve 370gBonne Maman Blackcurrant Conserve 370gBonne Maman Damson Plum conserve 370gBonne Maman Peach Conserve 370gBonne Maman Raspberry Conserve 370gBonne Maman Selection Gift Pck 6x50gBonne Maman Strawberry Conserve 370gBonne Maman Wild Blueberry Conserve 370gChivers Orange Conserve 340gFollan Blackberry Jam 340gFollain S/Free Blackcurrant Jam 300gFollain Strawberry Jam 340gFollain Sugar Free Strawberry Jam 30g

TINS - PACKETS - JARSJams & ConservesFollain Raspberry Jam 340gFruitfield Blackcurrant Jam 454gFruitfifeld Raspberry Jam 454gFruitfield Strawberry Jam 454gHartleys Best Apricot Jam 340gHartleys Best B/Currant Jam 340gHartleys Best Blueberry Jam 340gHartleys Best Raspberry Jam 340gHartleys Best Strawberry Jam 340gMileeeven Organic Black Jam 227gMileeven Organic Strawberry Jam 225gOak Lane Conserve Strawberry 454gRifco Blackcurrant Jam 340gRifco Raspberry Jam 340gRifco Strawberry Jam 340gSt Dalfour Orange & Ginger Spread 284gSt Dalfour Straswbery Fruit Spread 284gSt Dalfour Thick Cut Orange Spread 284gSt Dalour Thick Apricot Fruuit Spread 284gSt Dalfour Wild Blueberry Confiture 284g

MarmaladeBonne Maman 3 Fruits Marmalade 370gBonne Maman Bitter Orange Marmalade 370gBonne Maman M/Rin Orangge Marmalade 370gDuerr’s Fairtrade Orange Marmalade 340gFollain Orange Marmalade 340gFollain S/Free Orange Jelly Marmalade 300gFollain Sugar Free Marmalade 300gFollain Whiskey Marmalade 340gFruitfield Orig Marmalade Without Peel 454gFruitfield Reduced Sugar Marmalade 40gFruitfield Spanish Gold Marmalade 454gHomecook Medium Cut Marmalade 850gLittle Chip Marmalade Lemon F/Cut 454gLittle Chip Marmalade Lem/Lim F/Cut 454gLittle Chip No Peel Marmalade 454gMileeven Organic Marmalade 225gOld Time Irishh Coarse Cut marmalade 454gOld Time Irish Fine Cut Marmalade 454g

Old Time Marmalade No Peel 454gRifco Irish breakfast Marmalade 340gValley Gold No Added Sugar Marmalade 340g

HoneyBoyne Valley Clear Honey 454gBoyne Valley Eucalyptus Honey 350gBoyne Valley Hooney 340gBoyne Valley Honey 341gBoyne Valley Manuka Acive 10+ Honey 350gBoyne Valley Orangle Blossom Honey 350gBoyne Valley Organic Acacia Honey 350gBoyne Valley Squeezy Honey 340gBoyne Valley Squeezy Honey 500gBoyne Valley Wildflower Honey 350gBoyne Valley Yummy Honey250gCapilano Austrlian Organic Ud Honey 400gCapilano Australian Prem Blend Honey 400gCapilano Bee Vital 10+ Manuka 250gCapilano Bee Vital 15+ Manuka 250gCapilano Bee Vital Manuka +6 Honey 375gCapilano Outback Honey 400gHealys Honey 454gHealys Natural Honey Blend 454gMileeven Organic Honey 225gMileeven New Zealand Manuka Honey 10+ 225g

Peanut ButterKelkin Peanut Butter Crunchy 350gKelkin Peanut Butter Smooth 350gPanda Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter 510gPanda Peanut Butter Crunchy 510gPanda Peanut B utter Smooth 510gSunpat Peanut Butter Crunchy 454gSunpat Peanut Butter Smooth 454g

Sweet SreadsBonne Maman Confiture De caramel 380gCadburys Smooth Chocolate Spread 600gGreen & Blacks Choc Hazlenut Spread 400gNusica Hazelnut Chocolate Duo Spread 400gNurtella Hazelnut Chocolate Spread 200gNutella Hazelnut Chocolate Spread 400g

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TINS - PACKETS - JARSSweet SpreadsNutella Hazelnut Chocolate Spread 400gNutkao Squeezy Di cacao H/Nut Choc Spread 300gPanda Choc. Flav Spread 400g

Yeast Extract SpreadsMarmite yeast Extract 250g

Savoury/Sandwich SpreadsHeinz Original Sandwich Spread 200gPrinces Chicken & Ham Paste 75gPrinces Tuna & Mayonnaise Paste 75g

Canned PeachesKonveri Peach Halves in Light Syrup 820gLustre Peaches in Natural Juice 410gSunny South Peach Slices 1j 3x411gSunny South Peach Slives In Juice 220gSunny South Peach Slices In Syrup 411g

Canned PineappleDel Monte Sliced Pineapple in Juice 220gJacaranda Pineaple ieces in Syrup 822gLustrel Pineapple Slice sin Juice 425gSunny South Pineaple Crush Juice 425gSunny South Pineapple Pieces Juice 425g

Canned PearsLustre Pears in Natural Juice 410gLustre Pears in Syrup 410 cannedSunny South pear Halves in Juice 411gSunny South Pear Halves in Light Syrup 411g

Canned ApricotsSunny South Peeled Apricot Halves 1j 411g

Canned Citrus FruitsLustre Grapefruit Segments in Syrup 1.25kgLustre Mandarins in Light Syrup 312gLustre Mandarins In Natural Juice 310g

Sunny South Whole Mandarins in Syrup 420g

Canned PrunesPicure Prunes in Syrup 420g

Canned Fruit CocktailLustre Fruit Cocktail in Juice 225gLustre Fruit Cocktail in Natural Juice 410gLustre Fruit Cocktail in syrup 40gLustra tropical Fruit Cocktail Twinpack 410gx2Sunny South Fruit Cocktail in Juice 411gSunny South Fruit Cocktail in Syrup 411g

Other Canned FruitChivers Canned prunes 420gChivers Raspberries 300gChivers Strawberries 2x425g twin packChivers Strawberries in Sryup 425gJohn West Strawberries in Light Syrup 411gLustre Peaches in Syrup 410g cannedLustre Strawberries 420gSunny South Pitted Black Cherries in Syrup 420gSunny Couth Raspberries 280gSunny South Strawberries in Syrup 820g

Dried MilkCadburys Marvel 198g

Longlife Dairy AlternativeAlpro Organic Unswetned No added Sugar 1ltrAlpro Sweetned Soya Drink with Added Calcium 1ltrAlpro Unsweetned Soya Drink Calcium & Vitamins1ltrOrganic Rice Dream original 1ltrOrganic Rice Dream Original 3x200mlOrganic Rice Dream Vanilla 1 ltrRice Dream original With Added Calcium 1ltr

Milk ShakesFit for Health Strawberry 6x20mlNesquik Chocolate Powder 300gNesquik Straws Chocolate 37g

TINS - PACKETS - JARSWholesome CerealsAlpen Original 1.5kgAlpen Original Muesli 750gDorset Cereal Berries & Cherrys 800gDorset Really Nutty Muesli 750gDorset Toasted spelt Flakes 690gFlahavans Hi 8 Sugar Free Muesli 1kgJordans Crunchy Raisins & Almond 1kgLifeforce Honey Muesli 750g

Single Cereal BarsAlpen Groove Bar Strawberry 32gKelloggs Choc Chip Elevenses 45gKelloggs Cruncy Nut Bar Peanut & Choc 35gKelloggs Nutri Grain Elevenses Bar Raisin 45gKelloggs Rice Krispie Squares Chocolatley 36gKelloggs Special K Mini Plain Single 24g

Inner Health CerealsCafé Kelloggs Special K 35gCountry Barn Cereal Flakes 500gKelloggs All-Bran 750gKelloggs All Bran Plus 375gKelloggs Bran Flakes 45gKelloggs Bran Flakes 500gKelloggs Bran Flakes 750gKelloggs Fruit ‘n’ Fibre 500gKelloggs Fruit ‘n’ Fibre 750gKelloggs Just Right 500gKelloggs Optima Fruuit ‘n’ Fibre 50gKelloggs Spc K Red Berries Portion pack 1.12kKelloggs Special K 750gKelloggs Start 375gKelloggs Sultana Bran 500gNestle Oats & More Almond Cereal 425gNestle Oats More Raisin Cereal 425gWeetabix Oatibix 24’s Weetabix Oatibix Original Bitesize 550gWeetabix Oatibi Sultant & Apple Bitesize 550gWeetabix Oatflakes 550g

Tasty Start CerealsFlahavans Crunchy Oats 500gKeloggs Country Store 1.5kgKelloggs Country Store Muesli 750gKelloggs Crunchy Nut Bites 400gKelloggs Crunchy Nut Cornflakes 500gKelloggs Crunchy Nut Cornflakes 750gKelloggs Crunchy Nut Feast Honey Nut 500gKelloggs Crunchy Nut Ffeast Milk Choc Curls 500gKelloggs Frosted Wheats 500gKelloggs raising Wheats 500gKelloggs Crunchy Nut Cornflakes in a Pot 30gLifeforce Irish Muesli750gNestle Clusteres 435gShredded Wheat Honey Nut 500gWeetabix Minis Choc Crisp 450gWeetabis Minis Fruit & Nut Crisp 450gWeetabis Minis Honey & Nut Crisp 450g

SnacksKelloggs Pot tarts Chocotastic 400gKelloggs Pop Tarts Strawberry Sensation 400g

Cereal BarsAvonmore Cereal Bar M/Pack Otas & C/Berry 5x34gJordans Frusli bar Raisin/Hazelnut 6pkKelloggs Rice Krispies Creal Milk bars 6s 120gKelloggs All Bran Creal Bar 6pkKelloggs C&M Coco Rocks Bars 6x20gKelloggs Choc Caramel Krispie Sq 4x36gKelloggs Choc Caramel Rice Krispie SquaresKelloggs Coco Pops Cereal Bar 20gKelloggs Coco Pops Cereal Bar 6x20gKelloggs Corn Special K Mini Breaks Choc 5x24gKelloggs Crunchy Nut Peanut & Caramelly 4x35gKelloggs Crunchy Nut Peanut & Choc 4x35gKelloggs Crunchy Nut Nuts About Nuts bars 3x40gKelloggs Frosties Cereal Bar 25gKelloggs Frosties Cerfeal Bars 6x25gKelloggs Fruit & Fibre Bar 6pk 150gKelloggs N/Grain Blackberry & Apple 8x37gKelloggs Nutri Grain Elevenses Choc Ginger 6x45g

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TINS - PACKETS - JARSCereal BarsKelloggs Nutri Grain Elevenses Raisin 6x54gKelloggs Nutri Grain Elevenses Raspberry 8x37gKelloggs Nutri Grain Elevenses Soft Oatie Choc5x40gKelloggs Nutri Grain Apple 8pkKelloggs Nutri Grain Blueberry 8pkKelloggs Nutri Grain Blueberry SingleKelloggs Nutri Grain Oaties Choc 40gKelloggs Nutri Grain S/Berry 12x37gKelloggs Nutri Grain Strawberry 8pkKelloggs Rice Krispies Squares Crazy Choc 112gKelloggs Rice Krispie Squares 4x28gKelloggs Rice Krispie Squares Chocolatley 4x36gKelloggs Rice Krispies square 28gKelloggs Rice Krispies suares Marshmallow 8pkKelloggs Special K Apple & Pear Cereal bars 6pkKelloggs Special K Bars Peach & Apricot 6pk 138gKelloggs Special K Cereal bars 6pk 138gKelloggs Special K Choc Chip 6pkKelloggs Special K Mini Breaks Original 5x24gKelloggs N-Grain Oat Bake Bar Choc 6x50gKelloggs Nutrigrain Oat Bakes Oaty 50gNestle Oats & More Cherry Bars 4x30gNestle Oats & More Choc Bars 4x30gNutrri-Grain Oat Baked Bars Cherry 300gNutri-Grain Oat Baked Bars Totally Oaty 6pkOdlums Vit Grain Oat Bars 210gOdlums Vita Grain Oat Bars Honey 210gSpecial K Bliss Orange & Chocolate Bars 6x22gSpecial K Bliss Raspberry & Chocolate Bars 6x22g

Wholefood CerealsFlahavans Organic Jumbo Oatlets 1kgFlahavans Organic Porridge Oatlets 1kgGood Carb Food Co. Granola 500gLinwoods Shelled Organic Hemp 225gOrganic Milled Flaxseed Sunflr Pumpkin Sesame425gOrganic Milled Flaxseed 425gOrganic Milled Flaxseed Goji Berry Mix 425g

Organic Milled Flaxseed Sunfr Pumpkinseeds 425gOganic Milled Sunflower Pumpkin seeds 425g

Shape CerealsKelloggs Special K 375gKelloggs Special K 500gKelloggs Special K Bliss Berry Crunch 375gKelloggs Special K In A Pot 30gKelloggs Special K Medley 425gKelloggs Special K Oats & Honey 425gKelloggs Special K Peach & Aprrcot 375gKelloggs Special K Purple Berries 375gKelloggs Special K Red Berries 375gKelloggs Special K Sustain 375gKelloggs Special K Bliss Strawberry & Choc 375gNestle Fitnesse 375g

Hot CerealsFlahavan’s Microwaveable Quick Oats 500gFlahavan’s Quick Oat Organic Sachet 280gFlahavan’s Sunrise Fruit Porridge 625gFlahavan’s Jumbo Oat Flakes 500gFlahavan’s Microwaveable Quick Oats Original 44gFlahavan’s Porridge Oats 1.5kgFlahavan’s Progress Oatlets 500gFlahavan’s Quick Oats Sachets 10x35gFlahavan’s Real Fruitapple & Raisin Porridge 600gOdlums Pinhead Oatmeal 1kgOdlums Triumph Oat Flaes 1.5kgOdlums Triumph Oat Flates 500gReady Brek Original Flavour 500gSmooth & Creamy oatmeal 450g

Cereal BarsCadbury Brunch bakes Apple & Sultanat 200gCadbury Brunch Bakes fruit & Nut 200gCadbury Brunch Breaks H/Nut & Raisin 6pk 138gCadbury Bruch Granola H/Nut & Raisin 6pk 138gMcVitie Go Ahead Cri Bars B/Berry & C/Berry 6pkNature Valley Apple Granola Bars 252gNature Valley Granola Bars Maple Syrup 6pkNature Valley Granola Bars Oat & Honey 6pkNataure Valley Variety 6pk

TINS - PACKETS - JARSOrganic Breakfast CerealOrganic Porridge Oat 1kgWhole Earth Organic Gluten Free Cornflakes 375g

Fully Coated Chocolate BiscuitsArnotts Tim Tam Original 200gBingo Flat Pack 225gCadbury Snack Snadwich 12pk 312gCadbury Snack Sandwich 6pkCadbury Snack Wafer 9pk 108gCadbury Snack Shortcake 6pkClub Milk Dark 56gClub Milk Wafer 156gCrawfords Wafers 100gFox’s Caramel Rock 9pkFox’s Chocolate Rocky 9pkFox’s Classic 10pkFox’s Cookie Bar 10pkFox’s Echo Mint 6pkFox’s Classic 160kFox’s Echo 6pkFox’s triple 10pkJacobs Club Milk 18pk 540gJacobs Club Milk 6pkJacobs Elite Honey Comb Delights 165gKit Kat 2 Finger Dark 9pkKit Kat 2 Finger family 16pkKit Kat 2 Finger Family 9pkKit Kat 2 Finger Mint 9pkKit Kat 2 Finger Orange 9pkKit Kat 2 Finger Cappuccino 9pkKit Kat 2 Finger Biscuit 27pkMcVities Gold Bar 9pk

Fully Coated Chocolate BiscuitsMcVities Jaffa Cakes 6 Snack PackMcVities Penguin 18 pkMcVities Penguin 9pkMcVities Penguin Choc Wafers 9pkMcVities Riva Bars 9pk

McVities Taxi 9+3 FreeNestle Blue Riband 6pkNestle Breakaway Milk Choc 6pkNestle Drifter 8pkNestle Toffee Crisp Biscuit s7pkNestle Yorkie Biscuits 7pkOatland Biscuit Co Mint Cream Biscuits 14pkTunnocks Milk Cocholate Caramel Wafers 8pkTwix Biscuit 16pk 400gTwix Biscuit 9pk 250gWagon wheels Value 330g

Kids therBurtons Jam Teacakes 20pk 250gBurtons Jammie Dodgers 150g Burtons Jammie Dodgers Jam & Custard 1500gBurtons Mini Jammie Dodgers Lunch Box 7pkBurtons Toffypops 150gCaxton Pink & White Wafers 6pkFoxs arty Rings 125gJack & Molly Jammy Rings 150gJammie Dodgers Berrilicious 150gKinder Happy Hippo 102.5g 5pkKinder Happy Hippo Cocoa Cream 5pkMcVities Mini Jaffa Cakes Portion PackMcVities Milk Chocolate Teacakes 280gOreo Mini Oreo Tub 115gRivington Pink Panther Wafers 200gTunnocks Choc Teacakes 10pkTunnocks Milk Choc Teacakes 6pk

Kids Multipack/LunchboxCadburys Choc Animals Mini Packs 8x25gFoxs Party Ring Snack Pack 6pkJacobs Iced Gems 6x25gJammie Dodgers Splats 6pk 120gMaryland Mini Double Chocolate Cookies 6pk 150g

Kids Multipack/LunchboxMcVities Mini Choc Chip Cakes 6pk 50gMcVities Mini Choc Digestives 6pk 150gOreo Snack Pack 176g

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TINS - PACKETS - JARSFruit Filled BiscuitsBakers Finest Jaffa Cakes Orange Flavour 300gMcViies Fruit Shortacke 250g

Everyday CookiesFlahavans Flapjack Cherry/Sultant 6x40gFlahavans Flapjacks Chocolate Chip 6x40gFoxs Cookie Bar 8 PackKaties Chocolate Caramel 300gKaties Flapjack 300g

Rich TeaFoxs Original Thick Tea 200gJacobs New Rich Tea 300gMcVties Rich te Biscuits 300gMcVities Rich Tea 200gMcVities Rich Tea Twin pack 2x300gSwarte Boudoir Sponge Fingers 200g

DigestivesJacobs New Digestive 400gMcVities Digestive 250g

Plain BiscuitsBolands tea Time Wafers 200gCrawfords Nice 200gFoxs Crinkle Crunch butter 250gFoxs Nice Creams 200gJacobs Lincoln 170gJacobs Marietta Biscuit 160gJacobs Nice Biscuits 300gJacobs Polo Biscuits 175gMcVities Ginger Nuts 300gMcVities Hob-Nobs 300gWalkers Finger Cello pk 160g

Special Occasion Jam & CreamBlackcurrant Mikado 250gBolands Choc Caramel Wafer 85gBolands Choc Wafer 96g

Bolands Custard Creams 150gBolands Jersey Creams 150gBolands Orange Creams 150gBolands Raspberry Creams 150gCrawfords Coconut Rings 300gCrawfords Custard Creams 300gCrawfords Pennywise Jam Rings 125gFox’s Chocolate Fudge Crunch Creams 200gFox’s Jam Sandwich Creams 150gFox’s Whipped Cream Lustful Lemon 200gFox’s Whipped Cream Sinful Strawberry 200gFox’s Giner Crunch Creams 200gFox’s Golden Crunch Creams 20gFox’s rich Tea Finger Creams 200gJacobs Bourbon Creams 400gJacobs Coconut Creams 200gJacobs Digestive Creams 200gJacobs Fig Roll Bar 6x200gJacobs Fig Rolls 200gJacobs Jam & Cream Sandwich 150gJacobs Kimberley 150gJacobs Lemon Puff 200gJacobs Lower Fat Fig Rolls 200gJacobs Mikado 125gJacobs Mikado 250gJacobs Raspberry & Custard Cream 200gMcVities Bourbon Creams 300gMcVities Choc Hob Nob Creams 200gMcVities Fig Rolls 200gMcVtites Vanilla Hob Nob Creams 200g

ShortbreadDuchy Original Organic Highland Shortbread 250gMcVities All Butter Shortbread 200gWalkers Highland Shortbread 200g

Half Coated BiscuitBakers Finest Chocolate & Milk 150gBakers Finest Chocolate tea Snaps 125gCadbury Chocolate Digestives 400gCadbury Milk Chocolate Rich Tea 300gCadbury Oat & Choc Chip Biscuit 300gCadbury Dark Choc Digestives 400g

TINS - PACKETS - JARSOrganic BiscuitsBunalun Organic Honey Waffles 175g pktBunalun Organic Milk Choc Crunch Corn Cake 95gBunalun Organic Unsalted Rice Cakes 80gBunalun Organic Yogurt/Orange Choc R/Cake 100gBunalun Organic Yogurt Rice Cake 100gKelkin Rice Cakes Lightly salted 200gKelkin Rice Cakes Unsalted 200gKelkin T/Slce Rice Cake Unsalted 130gKelkin Thin Slce Rice Cake Salted 130gLifeforce Organic Rice Cakes 100gLifeforce Rice Cakies Sea Salted 100gOrganic Co Mini Chocolate Rice Cakes 60gOrganic Co Mini Yogurt/Orange Rice CAkes 60g

Free from Biscuit Chocolate SnacksLe Veneziane Choc Chip Cookie 200gTrufree Highh Fibre Crackeres

Cookies/BiscuitsNestle Milky Bar Cookies 8 pack

DipsCantina Mexicana Dippers Hot Salsa 315gCantina Mexicana Dippers Jalapeno Cheese 300gCantina Mexicana Dippers Salsa Medum 315gDoritos Hot Salsa Dip 326gDoritos Mils Salsa Dip 326gDoritos Sour Cream Chive Dip 300gPrimula Nacho Cheese Dip 170gPrimula Rstd Gar & Herb 170gPrimula Sour Cream & Chive Dip 170gPrimula Spicy Salsa Dip 170gPrimula Spring Onion Dip 170gTayto Treble Crunch Snacks 6x200gTayto Velvet Crunch 6pkWalkers Cheese & Onion 12pkWalkers Cheese & Onion 6pkWalkers Do Us A Flavour Winning Flavour 6pkWalkers Gary’s Great Trips Variety 6pkWalkers Lights Cheese & Onion Crisps 6pk

Walkers Meaty 18pkWalkers Prawn Cocktail 6pkWalkers Ready Salted 6pkWalkers Salt & Vinegar 6pkWalkers Variety 18pkWalkers Variety 6pk

Multipack Potato CrispsEastmans Ready Salted 6pkEastmans Salt & Vinegar 6pkGolden Wonder Cheese & Onion Crisps 6pkGolden Wonder Salt & Vinegar Crisps 6pkHunky Dory’s Cheese & Onion 10pkx30gKing Crisps Cheese & Onion 12x25gKing Crisps Cheese & Onion 6pkKing Crisps Lites Cheese & Onion 6x24gMcCoys Flame Grilled steak 6pkTayto C&O 12pk 450gTayto Crisps Assorted 6x25gTayto Crisps Cheeese & Onion 6x25gTayto Crisps Salt & Vinegar 150gTayto Snax 6x17gTayto Treble Crunch 12pk 240gWalkers Baked Cheese Onion 6pkWalkers Baked Salt Vinegar 6pkWalkers Baked Sour Cream Chive 6pkWalkers Light Variety 6pk

Big Bag Crisps & SnacksChio Sour Cream & Onion Crisps 150gHula Hoops Sharing Bag 160gHunky Dory Buffalo 150gKettle Chips Balsamic Vinegar 7 Sea Salt 150gKettle Chips honey & Bbq 150gKettle Chips Lightly salted 150gKettle Chips Sour Cream 7 Chive 150gKettle Chips Sweet Chilli 150gMcCoys Tortillas Cool Ranch Sharing Bag 200gSensations Buffalo Mozz & Herb 160gSensations Onions/Balsamic r 160gSensations Oven Roast Chick/Thyme 160gSensations Southern Style Bbq 160gSensations Thai Sweet Chilli 160g

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TINS - PACKETS - JARSBig Bag Crisps & SnacksSensatiions V/Ched/R/onion Chutney 160gTayto Bistro Cheese & Onion 150gTayto Cheese & Onon 150gTayto Occasions Bacon Fries 75gTayto Occasions Cheese & Onion 150gTayto Occasions Thai Sweet Chilli 150gWolf Truller Bacon Snacks 75g

Multipack SnacksKp Discos Assorted 6 packKp Friss Assorted 6 packKp Hula Hoops Family 7 packKp Hula Hoops Original 7 PackKp Meanies Crisps 10pkx19gKp Rancheros 10-kKp Rancheros 6x20gKp Skips 18pk 306gTayto Bumper Bundle 15x18gTayto Chickatees 6pk 17gTayto Chipsticks 6x28gTayto Chipsticks salt & Vinegar 12x28gTayto Mighty Munch Hot & Spicy 6x26gTayto Snax Cheese & Onion 12x17gTayto waffles 6x26gWalkers Doritos T/Cheese 6x30gWalkers Doritos Variety 12pkWalkers F/Fries Variety 12pkWalkers French Fries Mixed 18pkWalkers M/unch Variety 12pkWalkers Quavers Cheese 18pkWalkers Squares Variety 12pkWalkers Wotsits Cheese 12pkWolf Pom Bear Cheese & Onion snacks 6x19gWolf Pom Bear Original Snacks 6pk

Singles Crisps/SnacksKing Cheese & Onion 37gKing Chickatees 17gTayto Cheese & Onion 37g

Tayto Salt & Vinegar 37gTayto Treble Crunch & O 20gTayto velvet Crunch Impl 20gTayto Waffles 26gWalkers Cheese & Onion Crisps 34.5gWalkiers Doritos Extreme Chilli 40gWalkers Max Cheese & Onion Crisps 50gWalkers Prawn Cocktail Crisps 34.5gWalkeres Ready Salted Crisps 34.5gWalkrs Salt & Vinegar Crisps 34.5g

Tortilla ChipsChio Maxi Mix 125gDoritos Chilli Heatwave 225gDoritos Cool Original 225gDoritos Flamin Cheeseball 225gDoritos Tangy Cheese 225gEastmans Chilli Tortila Chips 300g

Crisps in a TubePringles Hot’n’Spicy 170gPringles original 230gPringles Rice Cheese & Onion 160gPringles Rice Sour Cream & Onion 160gPringles Rice salt & Vinegar 160gPringles Select Sea Salt Balsamic Vinegar 150gPringles Select Italian Cheese & Garlic 150gPringles Select Paprika 150gPringles Select Sun Dried Toamto 150gPringles Select Szechuan Bbq 150gPringles Thai Sweet Chilli 150gPringles Sour Cream & Onion 155gPringles Zesty Lime 155gTayto Toobz Orig 150gTayto Toobz Sour Cream 150gGluten Free SnacksGlutafin Hi-Fibre Loaf 400gHolex Milk Choc Bar 100gTritamyl Gl/Free Brown Bread Mix 1kgTritamyl Gluten Free Flour 2kgUltra Gluten Free Fibre Bread Sliced 400gValley Gold Dia Cc Marmalade 340g jar

TINS - PACKETS - JARSTortilla ChipsChio Maxi Mix 12gDoritos Chilli Heatwave Doritos Cool Original 225gDoritos Flamin Cheeseball 225gDoritos Tangy Cheese 225gEastmans Chilli Tortilla Chips 300g

Crisps in a TubePringles Hot’n’Spicy 170gPringles Original 230gPrinces Rice Cheese & Oniion 160gPringles Rice S. Cream & Onion 160gPringles400gRice salt & Vinegar 160gPringles Select Sea Salt balsamic Vinegar 150gPringles Select Italian Cheese & Garlic 150gPringles Select paprika 150gPringles Select Sun dried Tomato 150gPringles select Szechuan Bbq 150gPringles Select Thai sweet chilli 150gPringles Sour Cream & Onion 155gPringles Zesty Lime 1550Tayto Toobz Orig 150gTayto Toobz sour Crem 150g

Gluten Free SnacksGlutafin Hi-Fibre Loan 400gHolex Mick Choc Bar 100gTritamyl Gl/Free Brown bread Mix 1kgTritamyl Gluten Free Flour 2kgUltra Gluten Free Fibre bread sliced Valley Gold Dia Cc marmalade jar 340gValley Gold Diabetic raspberry jam 340gValley Gold Diabetic Strawberry Jam 340g

PeanutsHarvest Fare Ex Large Salted Peanuts 300gKelkin sea Salted Peanuts

Kelkin Sea Salted Peanuts 200gKp Salted Nuts 50gKp Dry Roasted Nuts 50gKp Dry Roasted Peanuts 300gKp Nuts Original salted Nuts Multipack 6pkKp Nuts Variety Multipack 6pkKp Original salted peanuts 90gKp Salted Peanuts 300gKp Salte Peanuts 500gManhattan dry Roasted Nuts 200gManhattan salted Peanuts 200gTayto Dry Roasted Peanuts 250gTayto Salted Peanuts 250gHarvest Fare Brazils 250gHarvest Fare Mixed Nut bar 40gHarvest Fare Nuts & Raisiings 300gHarvest Fare trail Mix 375g

Gluten Free SnacksKp Cashews 90gShamrock Chocolate Peanuts 75gShamrock Chocolate Raisin Snack pack 75gShamrock Foods Fruit & Nut Mix 200gShamrock Roast Salted Cashews 200gShamrock Roast salted Pistachios 200gShamrock Salted Pistachios 75gKelkin Lowfat Microwave popcorn 3pkKelin Microwave Popcorn 3x100gKilken Mopcorn 6x100gKelkin Microwave Popcorn Butter FlavourKelkip Popping Corn 500gManhattan Popcorn 100gManhattan Popcorn 12pk 15gManhattan Popcorn 30gManhattan Popcorn 6x30gManhattan Popcorn Cheese 300gMega Munchers Toffee Popcorn 150gPerri Foil Popcorn 8pk x 15gPopz Microwave Butter Popcorn 300gPopz Michrwave Ready Salted Popcorn 300gTayto Popcorn Pleasure 6pk x20g

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TINS - PACKETS - JARSNut Mixes & Dried FruitHarvest Fare Bombay Mix & Dry roasted Duo pack105gHarves fare Chilli Nut & P/Nut Dur pack 125gKp Baked Sea salt & Black Pepper 160gKp Baked Thai Sweet Chilli 160g

After Dinner ConfectioneryAfter Eigh 40gCeltic Fine Dark Creams 200gLily O’Briens The Desserts Collection 205gNestle After Eights Dark Choc Mints 300gNestle After Eights Straws 90g

Gifting ConfectioneryButlers Café Selection 185gButlers Irish Café Selection 555gCadbury Roses 275gCadbury Roses Luxur Collection 200gCadburys Milk Tray 400gDanucci Signature Chocs 105gFerrero Rocher 24 pieces 300g boxFerrero Rocher T16 200g boxGreen & Black’s Organic Choc Squares 200gLemons Fruit Jellies 275gLily O’Briens the Chocolate Collection 190gLindt Swiss Tradition Milk Choc 250gLir Gold Ballotin 235gNestle Black Magic 400gNestle Dairy Box 200gNestle Dairy Box carton 400g

Chocolate BlocksAero Milk Chocolate bar 125gAero Peppermint 125gButlers Org raspberry Choc bar 100gButlers Organic 70% Chocolate Bar 100gButlers Organic Milk & Orange Choc 100gButlers Organic Mint Chocolate Bar 100gCadbury Bournville & Orange Bar 180gCadbury Bourneville Old Jamaice 180g

Cadbury Caramello Large bar 100gCadbury Dairy Milk LargeCadbury Fruit & Nut LrgeCadbury Golden Crisp 100gCadbury Tiffin LargeCadbury Wholenut Large BarCadbury Apricot Crumble Crunch Choc 200gCadbury Bournville Dark 200gCadbury Caramel 230gCadbury Classic Turkish Delight 100gCadbury Cranberry 7 Granola 200gCadbury Dairy Milk 250gCadbury Dairy Milk Bubbly 181gCadbury Fruit & Nut 250gCadbury Golden Crisp 250gCadbury Mint Crisp 100gCadbury Turkish Delight 230gCadbury Whole Nut 230gGalaxy Dark 125gGalaxy Hazelnut 120gGalaxy Milk Chocolate 150gGalaxy Raisin Almond Hazelnut 120gLily O’Brien M.Choc Bar 80gLindt Swiss Classics Milk H/Nut & Raisins 125gMilka Alpine Milk Choc bar 100gMilka Alpine Milk Choc Raisin & Nut Bar 100gMilka Alpine Milk Chocolate Cream 100gNestle Milky Bar 150gRitter sport Alpine Milk 100gRitter Sport Corn Crisp 100gToblerone 10gToblerone 200gToblerone 40gToblerone Dark 100gToblerone Fruit & Nut 100gToblerone Honeycomb Crisp 100g

TwistwrapCadbury Roses Carton 750gCadbury Snaps Caramel Crunch 117gCadbury Snaps Milk Chocolate 117gCadbury Snaps Orange 177gCadbury Heroes 260g

TINS - PACKETS - JARSTwistwrapCadbury Heroes 400gCadbury Roses 400gMars Ccelebrations 420gNestle After Eight Dark Choc Mints bag 150gNestle Quality street 275gQuality Street 464gTerrys Chocolate Orange Sensations 330gTerrys Milk Chocolate Orange 175g packThorntons Moments 250gToblerone Tinies 330g

Chocolate Bars Large FunsizeBounty Minis 300gCadbury Caramel Treatsize bag 305gCadbury Dairy Milk Bag Treatsize 220gCadbury Flake Treat size 250gCadbury Flate Treatsize 250gCadbury Moro Treeatsize 340gCadbury Variety Favourites Treatsize 330gCadburyland Buttons Treatsize 187gCadbury Crunchie Treatsize 274gCadbury Twirl Treatsize 279gMaltesers Fun Size 255gMars bars Minis 300gMars Kidsmix 24 Funsize Packs 385gMariets Variety 22 Funsize Bars 397gMilky Way Minis 300gMinis Variety Pack 18x410gNestle Aero Minis 225gNestle Kit Kat Chunky Minis 300gNestle Lion Bar Minis 385gNestle Milkybar Buttons Minis 189gNestle Smarties 260gRolo Minis Bag 280gSkittles Funsize 250gSnickers Minis 300gTwix Funsize bars 360g

Snacksize MultipackCadbury Crunchie Multipack 8pk

Cadbury Dairy Milk Caramel 8pkCadbury Snack Wafer 14 pkCadbury Timeout Bumper Pack 14pk 224gMarl Delight Snacksize Multipack 200gNestle Aero Breaktime Multipack

Assortments SweetsFoxs Favourites Selection 300g

Chewing Gum MultipackMentos Fruits 4 packMentos Mint 4pk 152gNestle Polo Mints Original 6 packRicola E/Flower Sugar Free Herb Drops 45gRicola Original Swiss Herb Drops Sugar Free 45gSmith & Kendon Mixed Fruit Tin 200gSmith & Kendon Wildberry Sweets 200gTic tac Lime & Orange 4 packTic Tac Mint 4 packTrebor Softmints Peppermint 3pkWrigleys Airwaves Blackmint 5 packWrigleys Extra Bottle S/Mint 60pceWrigleys Extra Cool Breeze 5 packWrigleys Extra Extra Ice Sugar Free 5 packWrigleys Extra Ice Mints 4 packWrigleys Extra Peppermint 5 packWrigleys Orbit Complete P/Mint tab pack 3x14Wrigleys Orbit Complete S/Mint tab pack 3x14Wrigleys Orbit Complete St/Mint tab pack 3x14

Gum & Chews Sweet BagsFruit Pastilles Blackcurant bag 185gFruitella Juicy Gummies bag 160gFruits Skittles bag 195gHaribo Dolly Mixture 175gHaribo Fizzy Cola Bottles 225gHaribo Football Mix 150gHaribo Fruity Fruitti 180gHaribo Gold Bears 225gHaribo Jelly Beans 175gHaribo Kiddies Super Mix 225gHaribo Micro Mix 160gHaribo Starmic 225g

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TINS - PACKETS - JARSGum & Chews Sweet BagsHaribo Starmix 300gHaribo Starmix 450gHaribo Tangfastic Sour Mix 225Lemon’s Iced Caramels 175gLemon’s Fruit Jellies 190gLemon’s Jelly Babies 190gLemon’s Wine Gums 190gLemon’s Asorted Iced Caramels 175gLemon’s Fudge 175gMars Starburst Fruity Chews bag 215gMaynards Wine Gums 215gNatural Confectionery Co Jelly Squirms 180gNatural Confectionery Co Party Jellies 180gRowntrees Jelly Tots handbag 195gRowntrees Fruit Gums 205gRowntree Fruuit Pastilles Hanging bag 205gT.N.C.C. Jungle Jellies 180g

Kids ConfectioneryCrewits Xtreme Sour Tutti Fruiti 31gHaribo Mega Party 225gHaribo Mega Party Mix 480gKinder 8 Chocolate bars 100gKiinder Snack bars 6pk 126gKinder Surprise 3 pack 60gSwizzels Kids Lollies Multi 72gTopps Juicy Drop Pop 26gTopps Pro Flip Pop 25gZed Gum Zappers 40g

Fruit Flavour Hang Bag SweetLemon’s Fruit Pastilles 190gLemon’s Orchard Jellies 190gMaynards Sours 215gMaynards Wine Pastilles 215gOatfield Clove Drops Bag 192gOatfield Glucose Fruits 192g

Chocolate Bars MultipackBounty Milk 5 packCadburys Wispa 5 pack

Cadburys Caramel 5 packCadburys Crunchie Bars 5 packCadburys Dairy Milk 5 packCadburys Dairy Milk Snacksize 8 pack Cadburys Dairy Milk Turkish 5 pack 195gCadburys Double Decker 5 packCadburys Flake Bars 5 packCadburys Fruit & Nut 5 packCadburys Twirl bar 5 packFry’s Chocolate Cream 4 packFry’s Turkishh Delight 5 packGalaxy Snacktime Snacksize 10pkKinder Bueno Milk & Hazelnut 4 twin bars 172gMaltesers 4 packToblerone Milk Multipack 4x35gTwix Twin Finger 5 packWalnut Whips Vanilla Flavour 3 pack

Chocolate SingleAssociated Brands Catch Bar 50gBounty bar Milk Chocolate Single 57gCadburys Dairy Milk Bar 53gCadburys Dairy Milk Moments 45gCadburys Fruit & Nut std 49gCadburys Goldencrisp 50gCadburys Mint Crisp 49gCadburys Snack Wafer SingleCadburys Turkish Delight 48gCadburys Wholenut Bar 50gCadburys Creamy White Buttons 30gCadburys Buttons Standard bagCadburys Caramel Bar Single Cadburys Choc RaisinClusters 37gCadburys Crème Egg Twisted Choc bar 45gCadburys Cruncie 40gCadburys Diary Milk Low CaloreCadburys Double Decker Bar 60gCadburys Flake praline BarCadburys Flake standardCadburys Moro Energy 60.5gCadburys Wispa barFerrero Kinder Bueno 43gFlyte Single 45gFrys Chocolate Cream 50gFrys Turkish Delight Single


TINS - PACKETS - JARSFrozen Garlic Bread BaguetteBroadway Bagels Poppy 500gBroadway bagels The Works 500g

Ready to Bake PastriesPillsbury 6 Croissants 250g

Frozen Yorkshire PuddingsAunt Bessie’s 12 Original Yorkshire puddings 220g

Frozen Cakes and GateauxWalls Romantica Dessert 750ml

Pastry & HomebakingJus Rol 2 Puff Pastry Sheets 425gJus Rol 2 Round S/Crust Pastry Sheets 450gJus Rol 6 Filo Pastry Sheets 270gJus Rol Medium Vol Au Vents 210gJus Rol Puff Pastry 500gJus Rol S/Crust Pastry 500gJus Rol King Size Vol Au Vent 284g

Healthy LivingWeight Watchers 6 Eclairs 180gWeight Watchers Bannoffee Desserts 162gWeight Watchers Caramel Crunch Desserts 178gWeight Watchers Creamy Lemon Cheesecakes 195gWeight Watchers Double Chocolate Brownies 172g

Frozen Pies/Puddings StrudelsAunt Bessie’s Bramley Apple pie 550g

Frozen Fruit/CreamBoylans Frozen Fruit Mix 100g

Ice CubesMiscellaneous Ice Cubes 2kg

1 Litre Ice Cream

Carte D’Or Caramel Cup 4x110mlCarte D’Or Choc Inspiration 900mlCarte D’Or Chocolate Cup 4x110mlCarte D’Or Greek Yogurt & Honey 900mlCarte D’Or S/Berry & Yog Delice 900mlCarte D’Or Vanilla 1 litreHB Choc Marshmallow 1 litreHB Desserts Ice Berger 800mlMauds Belgian Milk Chocolate Ice Cream 500mlTipperary Organic Rich Vanilla 500ml

Luxury Ice CreamBen & Jerry’s Baked Alaska 500mlBen & Jerry’s Bohemian raspberry 500mlBen & Jerry’s Caramel Chew Chew 500mlBen & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie 500mlBen & Jerry’s Fairtrade Vanilla 500mlBen & Jerry’s Peace of Cake 500mlBoylans fruit Quality Strawberries 400gButlers Vanilla Ice Cream 850mlCorrin Hill Creamy Vanilla 1 litreCorrin Hill Ripply Strawberry 1 litreCorrin Hill saucy Choc Chip 1 litreHaagen-Dazs Baileys 500mlHaagen-Dazs Cookies & cream 500mlHaagen-Dazs Dairy Vanilla 500ml Haagen-Dazs Limited Edition 500mlHaagen-Dazs Little Favourite 4x100mlHaagen-Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake 500mlHaagen-Dazs Strawberry Ice Cream 500mlHB Banana Ice Cream 568mlHB Frusi C’berry Probiotic 3x100mlHB Honeycomb I/Crm 1 litreHB Mint Choc Chip Ice Cream 1 litreHB Neapolitan I/Crm 568mlHB Originals Choc Chip Ice Cream 1 litreHB Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream 568mlHB Sliceable Raspberry Ripple Ice CreamHB Sliceable Vanilla Ice Cream 1 litreHB Super Split 9x80mlHB Vanilla I/Crm 1 litreHB Vanilla Ice Cream 568ml


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ICE CREAMLuxury Ice CreamHB Vanilla Ice Cream 2 litreNestle Smarties Ice Cream With Crushed Smarties950ml

Ice Cream DessertsHB Vienetta Caramel Crisp 650mlHB Vienetta Crème Brulee 650mlNestle Smarties Ice Cream Dessert 700mlWalls Viennetta Mint 650mlWalls Viennetta Vanilla 650ml

Multipack Lollies & Ice CreamBassetts Jelly Babies Wobbly Lollies 8x45mlCadbury Chocolate Fidge Cones 4x115mlCadbury Chocolate Mint Cones 4x115mlCadbury Dairy Milk fruit & Nut 3x90mlCadbury Dairy Milk Fudge 4x60mlCadbury Dairy Milk Orange Chip 4x60mlCadbury Flake 99 Cones 4x125mlDel Monte Mango Smoothie Lollies 3x90mlGalaxy Ice Cream Minis 189gHB Brunch 6x90mlHB Frusi Forest Fruit 3x100mlHB Frusi Mango & Raspberry 3x100mlHB Iceberger MultipackHB Lemon & Lime 568mlHB Magnum Multipck 4pkHB Magnum Strawberry Choc M/P 6x147mlHB Mini S/Wich Multipack 8x60mlHB Twister 7x80mlJacquest Mini Piccola Choc & Vanilla 12 packMini Calippo Strawberry Tropical 6 pk 480mlNestle Maxibon 3 Vanilla 3x120mlNestle Munchies Ice Cream Bars 6x60mlNestle Smarties Cone 400mlNestle Smarties Pop Up 4x90mlRibena Blackcurrant Smoothie 3x90mlRowntrees Fruit Pastil Lolly 4x65mlSolero Smoothie B/Berry & banana 3 pack 270mlThe Skinny Cow Sandwich 6x55ml

Unilever Bestf. Ousebrand Kids Mp Loop The Loop 6Walls 8 Mini Twister Choc 400mlWalls Cornetto Miniature 12 pk 335mlWalls Cornetto Strawberry 6pk 540mlWalls Mini Calippo 6pk 480mlWalls Mini Milk 12pk 420ml

Ice Cream SundriesAskeys Cup Cornets 21sAskeys Ice Cream Wafers 48pkAskeys Pompadour Fan Wafers 18 pkBarkat Waffle Ice Cream Cones Gluten free 150gCadburys Flake 16 bar packFamily Pack Cones 21pkFiddes Payne Ice Cream Sprinkler 165gJacobs Ice Cream Wafers 15gLyles Squeezy Chocolate Syrup 340gLyles Squeezy Strawberry Syrup 340gMagic Stick Freezepops 20x50mlMagic Stick Pop Box Freeze Pops 20pkMonster Crackin’ Cocolate Topping 225gMr Freeze Asssorted 40x20mlMr. Freeze Fruit Coolers 480mlMr Freeze Sugar Free Ice Pops 40x20mlSilverspoon Treat Dark Choc Sauce 325gSilverspoon Treat Maple Sauce 325gWrapped Wafers 10pk

Long Life Pure Orange JuiceSqeez Orange with Calcium 1ltrSqeez Orange with Juicy Bits 1ltrSqeez 100% Pure Orange Juice 4x250mlSqeez twin Flashed 2.50 Orange 1 ltrSqeez Twin Ltr Orange Juice with bits 3x1ltr

Long Life Pure Orange JuiceFruice Apple 1 ltrGranini White Grapefruuit 6x1ltrKelkin Apple Juice 1 ltrKelkin Cranberry Juice 1ltrKelkin Organic Carrot Juice 750mlKelkin Organic Prune Juice 750mlPrinces Apple Juice 1 ltrRibena 100% Raspberry & Blackberry Blend Juice1ltrSqeez Apple Juice 1 ltrSqeez Cranberry Original 1 ltrSqeez Multi-Vitamin Juice 1 ltrSqeez Pineapple Juice 1 ltrSqeez Pure Apple Juice 2x1ltrSqeez Tropical Juice 1 ltrSqeez Wild Blueberry Juice 1 ltrSqeez 100% Pure Apple Juice 4x250mlSun Grown Red Grape 1 ltrSunsweet Prune Juice 1 ltr

Fruit Juice DrinksGranini Guava Juice 6x1ltrGranini Mango Juice 6x1ltrGranini orange Juice 1 ltrGranini Peach Drink 1 ltrOcean Spray Cranberry Blackberry juice Drink 1 ltrOcean Spray Cranberry Pomegranate Juice 1ltrOcean Spray Cranberry & Blackcurrant 1 ltrOcean Spray Cranbery Classic Juuice drink 1ltrOcean Spray Cranberry Classic Light drink 1 ltrOcean Spray Cranberry & Raspberry 1 ltrPomegreat Blueberry Juice drink 1 ltrPomegreat Pomegranate Acai Juice Drink 1ltr

Ribena Ready To Drink 1 litre

Single Juice MultipackAmigo Apple & Blackcurrant 4x250mlAmigo Orange & Tropical Juice Drink 4x250mlCapri Sun 100% Apple Juice 5x200mlCapri Sun 100% Orange Juice 5x200mlCapri Sun Apple 10x200mlCapri Sun Blackcurrant 10pkCapri Sun Tropical Drink 10pkCapri Sun Wild Berries 10pkEllas Kitchen Organic Green Smoothie 5pkEllas Kitchen Organic Red Smoothie 5pkEllas Kitchen Organic Yellow Smoothie 5pkFruice Juicy Apple & Blackcurrant 4x250mlFruicy Juicy Tropical 4x250mlFruit Shoot 100% Apple 4x250mlFruit Shoot 100% orange 4x250mlFruit Shoot H20 Blackcurrant 4x300mlMi Wadi Juice Boost Apple & Blackcurrant 4x250mlMi Wadi Juice Boost Orange 4x250mlRibena Apple Rtd 3x250mlRibena Blackcurrant Rtd 3x250mlRibena Orange Rtd 3x250mlRobinsons Fruit Shoots B/Currant & Apple Nas4x200mlSqeez Apple Juice 3x200mlSqeez Orange Juice 3x200ml

Adult Herb/Fruit DrinksCarpe Diem Kombucha 4x500mlCarpe Diem Kombucha Pure 750mlCarpe Diem Kombucha Refresh 500mlKelkin Multivitamin drink 750ml

Functional Fruit JuiceAme Elderberry & Lemon 1 ltrApletiser 750mlShloer Sparkling Red Grape Juice 750mlShloer Sprkling White Grape Juice 750mlShloer White Grape & Apple Juice 750ml

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Cola Multipack CansTHE COLA MULTIPACK CANS SHELFCoca Cola 12pkx330mlCoca-Cola Regular 6x300mlCoke Zero 6x330ml cansDiet Coke 6x330ml Diet Coke 12x330mlDiet Coke 6x330ml packDiet Coke Caffeine Free 6x330ml packPepsi Max 12x330ml packPepsi Max 6x330ml packPepsi Regular 12x330ml packPepsi Regular 24x33cl canRed Bull Cola 4pk 355ml

Fruit Flavoured Multipack CansTHE FRUIT FLAVOURED MULTIPACK CANS SHELF7 Up free 24x330ml cans7 Up 12x330ml7 Up Diet 12x330ml pack7 Up Light 6x330ml pack7 Up Reg cans 24x330ml7 Up regular 6x330ml packClub Orange 12x330mlClub Orange 6x330ml packClub Orange Light 6x330ml packSprit Regular 6x330ml packSprite Regular Cans 12x150ml

Single Drink7 Up Light 500ml7 Up Diet 750ml7 Up Regular 750mlBallygowan Natural Water 500mlBallygowan Sparkling water 500mlCidona bottle 500mlClub Lemon 500mlClub Orange 500mlDeep River Rock Still Water 500mlLilt Pineapple & Grapefruit 500mlNestea Lemon 500mlPepsi Diet 500ml

Pepsi Regular 500mlRibena Blackcurrant 500mlSprite Zero 500mlVolvic Touch of Fruit Orange/Peach 500ml

Cola 1 & 2 litre BottleCoc-Cola 2x2 ltr Coca-Cola zeroCoca-Cola Countour 1.5ltr bottleCoca-Cola Contour 2x2 litres packCoca-Cola Regular 1.25 ltr bottleCoca-Cola Regular 2 ltr btlCoke Zero 2 litreCountry Spring Cola 3 litreDiet Coke 1.25 ltr bottleDiet Coke 2 ltr btlDiet Coke Caffeine Free 2 ltr btlDiet Coke Contour 1.5 ltr bottleDiet Coke Contour 2x2 ltr packDiet Coke Multi Pack 3 x2 ltr packPepsi Diet 2 ltr btlPepsi Max 2 ltr btlPeps Max 2x2 ltr packPepsi Regular 2 ltr bottlePepsi Regular 2x2 ltr packSunsip Cola 2ltrSunsip Diet Cola 2 ltr

Lemonade 1 & 2 litre Bottles7 Up Diet Lemon & Lime 2x2 ltr7 Up Diet Lemon & Lime 2 ltr bottle7 Up Diet Lemon & Lime 2.2 ltr7 Up Diet Lemon & Lime 2 ltr bottle7 Up Free 1.25 ltrCidona 2 ltrCountry Spring Lemon & Lime 3ltrCountry Spring Orange 3 ltrSprite 2x2 ltrSprite Regular 2 ltr btlSprite Zero 2x2 ltrSprite Zero 2ltrSunsip Diet Lemonade 2ltr


Lemonade 1 & 2 litre BottlesSunsip Lemonade 2 ltrTK Cream Soda 2ltrTK Red Lemonade 2ltrTK White Lemonade 2ltr

Fruit Flavoured 1 & 2 litre BottleClub Lemon 2 ltr bottleClub Orange 2 ltr bottleClub Orange 2x2 ltrClub Orange 3x2 ltrClub Orange Light 2 ltr btlClub Orange Light 2x2 ltrClub Rock Shandy 2 ltr btlCountry Spring Red Lemonade 3 ltrFanta Exotic 2 ltr btlFanta Lemon 2 ltr btlFanta Orange 2 ltr btlFanta Orange 2x2 ltrLilt Regular 2 ltr btlOasis Citrus Punch 1.5 ltr btlOasis Summer Fruit 1.5 ltr btl

Tonic WaterClub Tonic Water 1 ltrSchweppes Indian Tonic water 1 ltrSchweppes L/Ca Tonic Water 12x150mlSchweppes S/Line Indian Tonic Water 1 ltrSchweppes Tonic Water 12x150ml

Other MixersClub Soda Water 1 ltrCoca Cola Regular 12x150mlDiet Coke 12x150mlRoses Lime Juice Cordial 1 ltrSchweppes Ginger Ale 1 ltrSchweppes S/Line White Lemonade 1ltrSchweppes Soda Water 1 ltr

Mixers Large BottlesClub American Ginger Ale 1ltrClub Soda Water 250ml

Single Canned CarbonatesCoca Cola Regular 330mlDiet Coke 330mlPepsi Max 330ml

Sports Energy DrinksClub Energise Citrus 500mlClub Energise Orange 500clLucozade Energy Charger can 250mlLucozade Energy Citrus Clear bottle 380mlLucozade Energy Orange Crush bottle 380mlLucozade Energy Original bottler 1ltrLucozade Energy Original twin pack 2ltrLucozade Energy Original bottle 380mlLucozade Energy Original pack 6x380mlLucozade Original 500mlLucozade Sport Cap Orange 750mlLucozade Sort Orange bottle 380mlLucozade Sort Orange pack 4x500mlLucozade Sport Orange Still bottle 500mlLucozade Sport Raspberry 500mlLucozade Alert 250ml

Sports Energy DrinksPowerade Berry/Tropical Fruit 500mlPowerade Mango 500mlRed Bull Energy Drink 250mlRed Bull Energy Drink 4x250mlRed Bull Energy Drink 6x250mlRed Bull Sugar free drink 250mlRed Bull Sugar Free Drink 4x250mlRockstar Energy Drink 500mlRockstar Juiced 50ml

Orange/Lemon Flavoured SquashKia Ora N/A/S Orange Drink 1ltrMi Wadi Orange & Pineapple 1ltrMi Wadi Orange 1 ltrMi Wadi Sugar Free Orange 1ltrMi Wadi Lime squash 1 ltrRobinsons N/A/S Lemon Drink 1ltr

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JUICE - SMOOTHIES - SOFT DRINKSOrange/Lemon Flavoured SquashRobinsons N/A/S. Orange Drink 1 ltrRobinsons N/A/S Original Pineapple drink 1 ltrRobinsons Whole Orange drink 1 ltrSun Sip orange N/A/S Squash 2 ltr

Apple & Blackcurrant Flavoured SquashMi Wadi Blackcurrant 1ltrMi Wadi Sugar Free Blackcurrant 1ltrRibena Blackcurrant drink 1ltrRibent Blackcurrant drink 600mlRibena N/A/S Blackcurrant T/Kind 1ltrRobinsons Spec R Apple Blackcurrant drink 1ltrSun Sip Apple/B/Currang N/A/S 2 ltr

Other Flavour SquashKia-Ora N/A/S Mixed Fruit drink 1 ltrKiaBlackcurrant drink 1 ltrMi Wadi N/A/S Summer Fruits 1 ltrRobinsons Special R Summer Fruits drink 1 ltr

Fruit & Barley SquashRobinsons Orange Barley Water 1 ltr

High Juice & Premium CordialsOcean Spray Cranberry & Raspberry 1 ltrOcean Spray Cranberry 1 ltrOcean Spray Cranberry Light 1 ltrOcean Spray Cranberry Pomegranate 1 ltrRobinsons Hi Juice Orange 1 ltrRobinsons Hi Juice Grapefruit 1 ltr

Flavoured WaterH2 Lemon & Lime Sparkling Water 1 ltrH2 Peach Sparkling Water 1 ltr

Kerry Sring Still Cranberry & Apple 1.5 ltrKerry Spring Still Lemon & Lime .5ltrKerry Spring Still Raspberry & Blackberry 1.5ltrVolvic Touch of Fruit Lemon & Lmine N/A/S 1.5ltrVolvic Touch of Fruit S/Berry N/A/S 1.5 ltr

Single Flavoured WaterVolvic Touch of Fruit Lemon/Lime N/A/S 500mlVolvic Touch of Fruit Strawberry N/A/S 500ml

Sparkling WaterBallygowan Sparkling Water 2 ltrClearview Sparkling Water 2 ltrDeep River Rock Sparkling Water 2ltrSan Pellegrino Sparkling Water 6x1ltrSan Pellegrino Sparkling Water 6x250mlSan Pellegrino Sparkling Water 750mlTipperary Sparkling Water 2 ltr

Still WaterBallygowan Funsize 10x250mlBallygowan Multipack 6x50clBallygowan Natural Water 2ltrBallygowan Sports Still Water 1ltrBallygowan Stil Pet Bottle 5ltrBallygowan Still Water 6x5ltrClearview Still Spring Water 2ltrCrystal Spring Still Water 5ltrDeep River Rock Sports Cap 750mlDeep River Rock Still Water 2ltrDeep River Rock Still 6x1.5ltrDeep River Rock Still Water 2ltrEvian Natural Mineral Water 6x1.5ltrEvian Natural Miner Walter pack 6x50clEvian Still 4x75clTipperary Kidz Still Water 10x250mlTippearary Still Water 2 ltrVolvic Mineral Water 6x1.5ltr


Still WaterVolvic Natural Mineral Water 1.5ltrVolvic Sports Cap 4x1ltrVolvic Sporst Cap Water 1ltrVolvic Still Mineral Water pack 6x50cl

Flavoured WaterKerry Spring Water Lemon & Lime 2ltrKerry Spring Sparkling Water Blackberry 2 ltrKerry Spring Sparking Water Pear 2 ltr

Single WaterEvian Natural Mineral Water 500mlEvian Still Mineral Water 750mlVolvic Still Mineral Water 500ml

Water Filters & CartridgesBrita Classic Cartridges 3pkBrita Classic Cartridges 6 pkBrita Classic Single CartridgeBrita Elemaris Cool Black Water Filter 2.4 ltrBrita Elemaris XL Water Filter Jug WhiteBrita Maxtra SinglesBrita Maxtra Water Filter Cartridges 3pkMaxtra 6 pack Water Filter Cartridge

Standard Leaf TeaBarry’s Tea Decaffeinated tea 40pkBarry’s Classic Tea 250gBarry’s Gold Blend Tea 250gLyons Green Label Tea 250gBarry’s Tea Gold Blend 8 teabags 250gBarry’s Classic Blend 40pk 125g

Standard Tea BagBarry’s Classic Tea Bags 80pk 250gBarry’s Gold Tea Bags 160pk 500gBarry’s Gold Tea Bags 40pk 125gBarry’s Green Tea Bags 160pk 500gBarry’s Green Tea Bags 40pk 125gBarr’s Green Tea Bags 80pk 250gBarry’s One Cup Tea Bags 100pk 250gBarry’s Tea Decaf 80’s 250gBewleys Gold Blend Teabags 80sBewleys Green Blend Teabags 80sJackson’s Fairtrade 80’sLyons Decaf 40’4 125gLyons Decaf Tea 80pk 250gLyons Gold Blend Reserve 80’s 250gLyons Gold Label Tea Bags 80pk 250gLyons Green Label 80 teabags 250gNambarrie 80 Teabags 250gOrla Kiely Limited Edition Gold Blend Teabags 500gPackers Best teabags 160sPunjana 160 teabags 500gPunjana 440 Teabags 1kgPunjana 80 Teabags 250gRobert Roberts Fairtrade Tea 80’s 250gRobert Roberts One Cup Tea Bags 200pk 500gTetley Decaffeinated 80 Teabags 250gTetley Softpack 80 Teabags 250gTwining’s Green Tea Selection 25’sTwinings 1706 Tea Bags 80s 250gTwinings 80 Tea Bags 250gTwinings Organic Blend 80 Teabags 250g


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Speciality Tea BagsBarry’s Green 40 pack teaBarry’s Tea Camomile tea bag 20’s 40gBarry’s Tea Jasmine Green Tea 20pk 40gBarry’s Tea Lemongrass Green Tea 20pk 40gBarry’s tea Peppermint 20’s 40gBarry’s Organic Green Tea 20pk 40gClipper Organic Earl Grey teabags 50s 125gLyons Pure Green tea 40’sLyons Green tea With Lemon 4x80gLyons Kenya Blend 80pk 250gOrgapod Organic Ginger & Lemon Green Chai 40gOrgapod Organic Oriental Chai Tea 40gOrgapod Organic Rooibos Chai 40gRobt Roberts Chinese Green Tea 40pk 100gRobt Roberts Pu’erh Tea 80gRobt Roberts Rooibos tea 40’s 100gRobt Roberts Oolong Tea 40sTwinings Assam 50 teabags 125gTwinings Ceylon 50 teabags 125gTwinings Chai 50 Teabags 125gTwinings Darjeeling 50 Teabags 125gTwinings Earl Grey 100 Teabags 250gTwinings Earl Grey Decaf 50 Teabags 125gTwinings English breakfast 100 Teabags 250gTwinings English Breakfast 50 Teabags 125gTwinings Jasmine Green Teabags 20’s 50gTwinings Lady Gray Trial 10pkTwinings Lotus Green Teabags 20’s 40gTwinings Organic Earl Grey 5 Tea Bags 125gTwinings Organic English Breakfast 50 Teabags 125gTwinings Organic Ginger & Mandarin 20’sTwinings Pure Green Teabags 20’s 50gTwinings traditional Afternoon 50 Teabags 125gTwinings Trial Pack English Breakfast 10s 25gTwinings Trial Pack Earl Grey 10s 25g

Fruit & Herb Tea BagsBarry’s Tea Cranberry & Orange 20pceBirt & Tang Ginger Herbal Teabags 20s 36gJacksons Green Pure Sencha 20 Teabags 50g

Packers Best Camomile 40s TeabagsPackers Best Peppermint 40s TeabagsPackers Best Raspberry Peach 40s TeabagsRobt Roberts Green Tea & Lemon & Echinicea 100gTwinings Green tea & Pomegranate 20’sTwinings Camomile & Spiced Apple 20 Teabags 25gTwinings Blueberry & Apple 20’sTwinings Cranberry & Pomegranate 20sTwinings Mint Selection Pack 25’sTwinings Rooibos & Strawberry 20’sTwinings Benefit Cleanse Teabags 20s 40gTwinings Benefit Digestif Teabags 30s 40gTwinings Blackberry & Nettle 20s 40gTwinings Cranberry & Sanguinello Orange Tea 20sTwinings Calming Selection Pack 25’sTwinings Camomile & Spearmint 20s 30gTwinings Camomile & Spearmint 20s 30gTwinings Fennel Teabags 20s 40gTwinings Flowers of Camomile 40 Teabags 60gTwinings Green Cranberry 20 teabgs 40gTwinings Honey Camomile & Vanilla Teabgs 20’s 30gTwinings Honeybush/Lavender Teabags 20’sTwinings Lemon & Ginger 20 Teabags 30gTwinings Morning Deto Teabags 20’sTwinings Nettle & Sweet Fennel 20’sTwinings Orange Mango & Cinnamon Teabags 20’s40gTwinings Pineapple & Grapefruit Teabags 20’s 50gTwinings Peppermint Eucalyptus Teabags 20’sTwinings Pear & Apple Green tea Teabags 20’s 50gTwinings Pure Camomile 20 Teabags 30gTwinings Pure Peppermint 20 Teabags 40gTwinings Pure Peppermine 80 Teabags 160gTwinings Pure Peppermint 40 Teabags 80gTwinings Pure White 20 Teabags 50gTwinings Raspberry Strawberry L/Berry 20 TeabagsTwinings Recover Teabags 20’sTwinings S/Berry & Mango Teabags 20’s 40g

Capuccino CoffeeMaxwel House Café Latte 10 Pck 160g



Capuccino CoffeeMaxwel House Capppuccino 10 pack 180gMaxwel House Cappuccino Unsweetnet 10 sachet180gNescafé Caramel Drink 8 sachets 136gNescafé Cappuccion 10’sNescafé Cappuccino Skinny 10x18gNescafé Espresso Coffee 100gNescafé Latte Drink 8 Sachets 144gNescafé Latte Skinny 160gNescafé Mocha Drink 8 Sachets 176gNescafé Unsweetned Cappuccino 10s 172gNescafé Unsweetned Cappuccino DeCaff 167gNescafé Vanilly Drink 8 sachets 148g

Freeze Dried CoffeeCafedirect Classic Blend Coffee 100gCarte Noire Coffee 100gCarte Noire Coffee 200gClipper Organic Italian Roast Coffee 227gDouwe Egberts Pure Gold Coffee 100gFair Instant Freeze Dried Gold Coffee 100gKenco Pure Brazilian Prem Coffee 100gKenco Pure Columbian Coffee 100gKenco Pure Costa Rican Coffee 100gKenco Really Rich Coffee 100gKenco Really Rich Coffee 200gKenco Really Smooth Coffee 100gKenco Really Smooth Coffee 200gNescafe Alta Rica Coffee 100gNescafe Black Gold Coffee 100gNescafe Blend 37 Coffee 100gNescafe Café Parisien 100gNescafe Cap Colombie Coffee 100gNescafe Gold Blend Coffee 100gNescafe Gold Blend Coffee 200gNescafe Gold Blend Coffee 50gNescafe Gold Blenad Half Caffeine 100gNescafe Partners Blend Coffee 100gNescafe Suraya Coffee 100g

Decaf Instant CoffeeCafedirect Decaff Organic Blend 100gKenco Really Decaff Coffee 100gNescalfe DeCaff Gold Blend Coffee 100gNescafe Original DeCaff Coffee 100g

Instant Coffee GranulesMaxwell House Coffee Granules 100gNescafe Original Coffee 100gNescafe Original Coffeee 200gPercol Fairtrade Americano Original Coffee 227g

Instant Coffee PowderMaxwell House Coffee Powder 100gMaxwe Houe Coffee Powder 200gMaxwel House Coffee Powder 50gNeescafe Fine Blend Coffee 100g

Roast & Ground CoffeeBewleys Explore Java Ground Coffee 227gBewleys Explore Kenya Ground Coffee 227gBewleys Fairly Traded Org Coffee 227gCarte Noire Ground Coffee 227gClipper Organic Papua New Guinea Coffee 227gRobt Roberts Coffee Express Java 100gRobt Roberts Coffee Express Columbian 100gRobt Roberts Decaff Coffee Fairtrade 227g

Cafetiere CoffeeDouwe Egberts Real Cafetiere Coffee 250g

Filter Coffee & AccessoriesBewleys Café Blend Americana 227gBewleys Café Blend Medium Coffee 227gDouwe Egberts real Filter Coffee 250gMelitta Classic Filter Papers 1x4 40 packRobt Roberts Colombian Coffee 227gRobt Roberts Java Coffee 227gRobt Roberts Original American Coffee 227gRombouts Original Coffee 227g

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Expresso coffeeIlly Espresso Ground Coffee 250gLavaza Caffe Espresso Coffee 250gLavazza Qualita Oro Coffee 250gLavazza Qualita Rossa Coffeee 2x250gLavazza Qualita Ross Ground Coffee 250g

Ready to drink R & GDouwe Egberts Senseo Dark Coffee Pods 125gRombouts Aromatic 62gRombouts Original 62g

Fair trade R & GCafedirect Organic Machu Picchu Coffee 227gCafedirect Rich Roast Ground Coffee 227g

Coffee WhitenersNestle Coffee-Mate jar 200gNestle Coffee-Mate V.F.F. 200g

Malted drinksHorlicks Malted Food drink 300gOvaltine Choc Light sachet 20gOvaltine Original Add Water 300gOvaltine Original Add Milk 300gOvaltine Original Sachet 25gOvaltine White Malt jar 300g

Hot chocolateAero Instant Choc DrinkAero Instant Mint Choc DrinkButlers Hot Chocolate 220gCadbury Chocolate Break 400gCadbury Drinking Chocolate 250gCadbury Drinking Choclate 500gClipper Organic Fairtrade Chocoalte 40gCola Cao Drinking Chocolate 400gNestle Skinny Cow Hot Choc Ming 200gOptions Belgium Chocoalte 220gOptions Instant Choc & Orange Sachet 11gOptions Instant Mint Madness Sachet 11gOptions Outrageous Orange 220g

AlcopopsBacardi Breezer Orange 70clBacardi Breezer Pineapple 70cFat Frog Bottle 700mlSmirnoff Ice 275mSmirnoff Ice Bottles 4x275mlSmirnoff Ice 70clWest Coast Cooler Twin Pack2x750mlWest Coast Cooler 750mlWest Coast Cooler 750mlWkd Vodka Blue 4x275mlWkd Vodka Blue 700mlWkd Vodka Red 70cl

Premium Lager CansBavariacrown 8 pack can 500mlBecks Can Lager 500mlCoors Light 8pk Can 8x 50clCoors Light Can 500mlHeineken Keg 5 litreMoretti Lager Bottle 6x33clSamuel Adams Boston lager 6x355ml

StoutBeamish Draught 4 pack 500mlBeamish Draught Can 500mlBeamish Irish Stout Can 500mlGuinness Cans 10pk 500mlGuinness Drught Can 330mlGuinness Druaght Cans 500mlGuinness Druaght Cans 8pk 50clGuinness Large Bottle 4x500mlGuinness Stout Bottles 6x250mlGuinness Stout Can 500mlMurhys Irish Stout Can 500mlMurhys Irish Stout Cans 4x500ml

Premium Bottled LagerBeck’s Bier bottles 6x275mlBud Light 6 pack bottles 6x330mlBudweiser 20 pack bottle 20x330mlBudweiser Basket pack 6x330ml



Premium Bottled LagerCarlsberg Basket pack 6x33clCoors Light 10 pack bottles 10x33clCools Light 20 pack bottles 20x33clCoors Light 6 pack bottles 6x330mlCorona Lager bottles 6x330mlEfes Pilsner Premium Lager 4x330mlHeineken 20x330ml bottleHeineken bottles 6x330mlHeineken Cold Beer Ice Pack Lager 12x33clMartens Pils Beer 6x500mlsMiller Genuine Draft 20pkx330mlMiller Lager 6x330mlPeroni Nastro Azurro 4x330mlPilsner Urquell 4x330mlSingha Beer 330mlSol Mexican 4x330mlSpaten Spaten PilsStaropramen 4x330mlStaropramen 500mlTiger 4x330mlTiger 500mlTiger 640mlTsing Tao Premium Lager 4.5% Abv 6x330mlTyskie Polish Bottle 500mlTyskie Polish can 500mlZywiec bottle 500ml

World BeersBrahma 4x330mlBrooklyn Lager bottle 6x355mlBudejovicky Budvar Czech lager 6x330mlBudweiser Budvar 500mlChimay Blue bottle 33clCobr Indian 660mlCorona Extra 12,330mlCurim Gold Celtic Wheat Beer bottle 500mlEstrella Galicia BeerFurstenberg 500mlHofbrau original Munich beer 500mlJames Boags Premium Tasmanian BeerKirin Ichiban Japanese BeerLech Premium Bottle 500mlLech Premium Can 500ml

Paulaner Hefe-Weissbier 500mlHeineken can 8x50clHeineken Can 500mlHeineken Chiller Pack can 12x330mlMiller Lager 8 pack can 8x50mlPrazsky can 500mlSatzenbrau can 500mlStella 6 pack can 6x500mlStella Artoins can 500mlTuborg Pilsner Beer can 6x500ml

Standard LagerAmstel Lager 8x500mlAmstel Lager Can 500mlBavaria cans 6x500mlBiere D’or Des Flandres bottles 20x25clBudweiser can 500mlBudweiser cans 8x500mlBudweiser Lager cans 12x330mlCarling Can 8 pack 500mlCarlsberg Fridge Pack 8 pk 8x500mlCarlsberg Lager Can 5600mlCarlsberg Lager Cans 12x330mlDutch Gold 6 pack 6x50clDutch Gold Lager Can 50clDutch Gold Lager Cans 12x500mlFosters Lager 8 pack can 8x500mlHeineken 12pk 12x50cl

Speciality BeerChimay Red bottle 330mlDuvel Bottle 330mlErdinger Weissbier 500mlHoegaarden White Beer Bottles 4x330mlInnis & Gunn Original 750mlLeffe Blonde bottle 4x330ml

Low & No AlcoholBavaria Malt 0% bottle 6x330mlBecks Blue Alcohol Free Lager 6x275mlCobra Non Alcoholic 4x330mlErdinger Alcohfrei 6x330ml

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ALCOHOLCiderBulmers 12/10 Can pack 500mlBulmers Cider 8 pack 8x500mlBulmers Cider Can 12x330mlBulmers Light longneck 6x330mlBulmers Light Can 500mlBulmers Longneck Cider 6x330mlBulmers Original Cider Can 500mlBulmers Original Cider Bottle 1 ltrBulmeres Pear Can 500mlChapmans Premium Cider 568mlDevils Bit Cider Cans 4x500mlDruids Celtic Cider Can 500mlHereford Orchard Cider 2ltrHereford Orchard Cider 500mlKiss Cherry Cider can 500mlKiss Pear Cider can 500mlKiss Strawberry Cider Can 500mlKoppaberg Cider Mixed Fruit Can 500mlKoppaberg Apple Cider Can 500mlKoppaberg Mixed Fruit Cider bottle 500mlKoppaberg Pear 500mlKoppaberg Pear Cider 4x500mlKoppaberg Pear Cider can 500mlLaureat Sparkling Cider 75clLinden Village Can 500mlLinden Village Cider Bottle 2 ltrRekorderlig Apple 500mlRekorderlig Strawberry Lime 50clRekorderlig Wild Berry 4.5%Ritz Can 500mlStrongbow Cider can 500ml

Premium Bitter BottlesFullers London Pride 500mlInnis & Gunn Oak Aged Beer 330mlKilkenny can 500mlSmithwicks Ale Can 500mlSmithwicks Cans 6x500ml

Standard BitterBass Ale Can 500ml

VodkaAbsolut Raspberry 70clAbsolut Swedish Vodka 70clAbsolut Vodka 700mlFinlandia Vodka 70clGraduate Vodka 700mlHuzzar Vodka 70clHuzzar Vodka 1ltrHuzzar Vodka 350mlHuzzar Vodka 71mlHuzzar Vodka Nagin 20clRussion Standard Vodka 70clSelekt Premium Vodka 70clSkyy Ultra Premium Vodka 700mlSmirnoff 70clSmirnoff Red Label Vodka 1ltrSmirnoff Red Label Vodka 1.5ltrSmirnoff Red Label Vodka 20clSmirnoff Red Label Vodka 35clSmirnoff Red Label Vodka 70cl

CognacCourvoisier V.S. Cognac 70clHennessy Cognac 20clHennessy Cognac 35clHennessy Vs Cognac N.I. 700mlMartell Vs Cognac 70cl

GinBombay Sapphire Dry Gin 70clBombay Sapphire London Dry Gin 100clCork Dry Gin 1ltrCork Dry Gin 35cl

GinCork Dry Gin 700mlGordons Gin 1 ltrGordons Gin 70cl


ALCOHOLBlended WhiskeyBlack + White Scotch Whisky 70clFamous Grouse Scotch Whisky 70clHaig Scotch Whisky 70clTeacher’s Scotch Whisky 1ltrTeacher’s Scotch Whisky 70clWilliam Grants Scotch Whisky 70cl

Malt WhiskeyGlenmorangie 10 year Malt Whisky 70clPowers Gold Label Irish Whisky 1 ltrPowers Gold Label Irish Whiskey 71mlPowers Whiskey 200mlSouthern Comfort bottle 70clTullamore Dew 700ml

Imported/Irish WhiskeyBlack Bush Irish Whiskey 700mlBushmill Original Irish Whiskey 700mlDunphys Irish Whiskey 70clJack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey 35clJack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey 70clJameson Irish Whiskey 1 ltrJameson Irish Whiskey 20clJameson Irish Whiskey 35clJameson Irish Whiskey 70clJim Beam White Bourbon 70clKilbeggan Whiskey 70clMillers Gold 70clPaddy Irish Whiskey 1 ltrPaddy Irish Whiskey 35clPaddy Irish Whiskey 70clPowers Gold Irish Whiskey 700ml

Dark RumSea Dog Jamaica Rum 70cl

White RumBacardi White Rum 1ltrBacardi White Rum 20clBacardi White Rum 35cl

VermouthMartini Bianco 1ltrMartini Extra Dry 1ltMartini Rosso 1 ltrMartini Vermouth Bianco 75clMartini Vermouth Dry 75cl

Cream LiqueursBaileys Original Irish Crem Liqueur 1 litreBaileys Original Irish Crem liqueur 35clBaileys Original Irish Crem Liqueur 70clO’Mara’s Irish Country Cream Liqueur 70cl

LiqueursCointreau Liqueur 70clJagermeiste Liqueur 70mlMidori Melon Liqueur 50clTia Maria Coffe Liqueur 700ml

MixablesCocoabana Coconut Liqueur 70clMalbu White Rum With Coconut 70clPimm’s No 1 70cl

ChampagneAndre Carpentier Champagne 75clBollinger Champagne 75clMoet & Chandon Brut Nv Champagne 75clVeuve Clicquot Yellow label Nv Champagne 75cl

Sparkling WineFreixenet Cordon Negro Brut 75clJacobs Creek Sparkling Rose 3x200mlJacobs Creek Sparkling Rose 75clJacobs Creek Spk Chardonnay Pinot Noir 75clJp Chenet sparkling Brut 75clRaveli Prosecco Raboso 75cl

Light & Fruit PerrySutter Home Fre Merlot 75cl

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ALCOHOLWhite Wine ItalianAntinori Orvieto Campogrande 750mlLa Gioiosa Pinot Grigio 75clProsecco P/G Frizzante 75clOgio Pinot Grigio 75cl

White Wine in a BoxArniston bay Chenin Blacn 1.5ltrNamaqua Dry White 3 ltr

White Wine SpanishCastillo De San Diego 75clFaustino Vii Whit e75clLa Val Albarino Whit e75clTorres Vina Esmeralda 75clTorres Vina Sol 75clTorres Vina Sol White Half 37.5cl

White Wine GermanBlack Tower 75clBlack Tower Pinot Grigio 75clBlue Nun 750mlCarl Jung De-Alcoholised White 75clRm Liebfaumilch baroque 1.5ltrWeight Watchers Fruity Wine 75cl

White Wine FrenchB&G Chardonnay 17mlB&G Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 75clBarton & Guestier reserve Chardonnay 75clChablis Ac Latour 75clChateau martin Graves Blanc 75clChateau Mezain Bordeaux White 75clJp Chenet chardonnay 75clJp Chenet Sauvignon Blanc 75clKiwi Cuvee sauvignon Blanc 75clLa Chasse Du Pape Blanc 75clLa Terre White table Wine 50clLe Piat D’Or White Whie Half Bottle 37.5clMacon Lugny Les Genevres 75clMichel Lynch White 75clPiat D’Or White 75cl

Private Gallery Charonnnay Viognier 75clVielle Fontaine White 75cl

White Wine North AmericaBlossom Hill Californina White 75clBlossoom Hill Chardonna 75clEcho Falls Chardonnay 75clGalo Chardonnay 75clGallo Sauvignon Blanc 75clPaul Masson Carafe White 1 ltrRobert Mondavi Woodbridge Chardonnay 75clSierra valley Californian Colombard 75clSutter Home Chardonnay 750mlSutter Home Select White750mlTurner Road Reserve Chardonnay 75cl

White Wine ChileanCaliterra Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 75clCaliterra Tibuto Sauvignon Blanc 75clCastillero Del Diablo Sauv Blanc 75clCastillero Del Diablo Chardonnay 75clChileno Gold Sauv Blanc 75clChileno Sauvignon Blanc 75clCono Sur Chardonnay 75clFairtrade Robles Sauv Blanc 75clFronters Sauv Blanc 75clMont Gras Sauv 75clMontes Sauv Blanc 75clSanta Rita 120 Sauv Blanc 375mlSanta Rita Chardonnay 75cl

White Wine ChileanSanta Rita Sauv Blanc 4 pack x 187mlSanta Rita Sauv Blanc 75clTerra Andina Sauv Blanc 75clYalumba Y Series Viognier 75clYellow Tail Pinot Grigio 75clYellow Tail Semillion Sauv 750ml

White Wine AustralianBrown Brothers Chenin Blanc 75clCalloway Crossin Sauv Blanc 75cl


ALCOHOLWhite Wine AustralianEagle Hawk Semillion Chardonnay 75clEagle Hawk Wolf Blass Chardonnay 75clHardys Cres Chardonnay 75clHardys Stamp Semillion Chardonnay 75clHardys Varietal range Chardonnay 75clJacobs Creek Chardonnay 75clJacobs Creek Riesling 750mlJacobs Crek Semillion Chardonnay 75clLindemans Bin 65 Chardonnay 75clLindemans Cawarra Semillion Chardonnay 750mlMcguigan Signature Chardonnay 75clNepenthe Adelaide Hills Sauv Blanc 75clNepenthe Altitud Sauv Blanc 750mlOxford Landing Chardonnay 75clOxford Landing Sauv Blanc 75clPenfols Koonunga Hill Chardonnay 75clPenfolds Semillion Chard 75clRosemount Chardonnay 75clRosemount Diamond Label sauv Blanc 75clTempus Two Pewter chardonnay 75clTim Adams Clare Calley Riesling 75clWolf Blacc Sauv Chardonnay 178mkWole Blass Yellow Label Chardonnay 75clWyndhams Bin 222 Chardonnay 75cl

White Wine New ZealandFern Bay nz Sauv Blanc 75clMontana Sauv Blanc 75clOceans Edge Sauv Blanc 75clOyster Bay Sauv Blanc 75cl

White Wine South AfricanBoschendal Sauv Blanc 75clLong Mountain Chardonnay 75clLong Mountain Chenin Blanc 750mlNederburg Chardonnay Sauv 75clNederburg Sauv Blanc 75clSpier Discoer Sauv Blanc 75clTwo Oceans Sauv Blanc 75clThe Bend In The River Pink 75clThe Rose Company Pink Zinfandel 75cl

Rosé WineArniston Bay Pinotage Rose PouchBlossm Hill White zinfandel 75clChanteloupe Rose D’Anjou 75clGallo White Grenache 75clJP Chenet Cinsault Rose 75clJacobs Creek Shiraz Rose 75clLa Gioisa Pinot Grigio Blush 75clLindemans Bin 35 Rose 75clMateus Rose 75clMcguigan Rose 75clMontana Rose 75clNepenthe Tryst Rose 75clPau Masson 1 ltrPaul Masson Rose 1 ltrSanta Rita 120 Rose 75clSutter Home White Zinfandel 750ml

Red Wine Bag in BoxJ P Chenet Merlot Vdp 3 ltrNamaqua Dry Red

Red Wine ItalianAntinori Santa Cristina 75clBarolo Docg 75clChianti Villa Paradiso Docg 75clMasi Camo Fiorin 75clOgio Primitivo 75clPiccinigran Selezione Oro Chianti res 75clTrattoria Verdi MontePulciano Dabruz Doc 75clTorres Gran Sangre De Toro 75clTorres Sangre de Toro Red Half 37.5clTorres Sanagredetoro 75cl

Red Wine SpanishCampo Viejo crianza 750mlCampo Viejo reserva 75clCastillo De San Lorenzo Rioja Reserva 75clFaustino Portia Rib Del 75clFaustion Vii Red 187mlFaustino Vii Red 375ml

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ALCOHOLRed Wine SpanishFaustino Vii Red Wine 75clLa Toria Rioja 75clMarques de Grinn Rioja 75clMarquest De Leon Red Wine 75clMarques De Riscal Reserva 75clTinot Vega Re Noble 75clTorres Coronas 75cl

Red Wine FrenchBarton & Guestier Cabernet Reserve 75clBeaujolais Rouge 75clCaravele E.E.C Red Rable Wine 75clCh Courdert 75clCh Pascaud 75clChateau Cazal Viel Cuvee Des Fees 75clChateau Cazal Viel L’anetnne 75cChateau Lapelletrie St Emilion 75clChateau Martin Graves Rouge 75clCrozes Hermitage Les Jalets 75clFrench Rababit Merlot 100clJ P Chenet Merlot 75clJ P Chenet Shiraz 75clJoseph Drouhin Fleurie 75clLa Chasse Du Pape Reserve 75clLa Terrered table Wine 50clLe Piat D’or red Wine Half Bottle 37.5clLouis Jadot Beaujolais Villages 75clMarquis D’alban Reserva Bordeaux Superior 75clMichel Lynch Bordeaus 75clOrganic Bellane C Du R Villages 75clPiat d’or Red 75clPrivate Gallery Red 75cl

Red Wine North AmericaCarlo Rossi Red 1.5ltrGalo Merlot 75clPaul Masson Carafe Red 12 ltrRavenswood Calirofnia Zinfandel 75clTurner Road Cabernet Zinfandel 75clTurner Road Reserve Merlot 75clTurning Leaf Cabernet Sauv 75cl

Red Wine ChileanCaliterra Reserva Carmenere 75clCasillero Del Diablo Cabernet sauv 75clCasillero Del Diablo Merlot 75clChileno Shiraz Cabernet 75clCono Sur Chilean Pinot Noir 75clCono Sur Merlot 75clErrazuriz Cabernet Sauv 75clErrqazuriz Merlot 75clMont Gras Cabernet Sauv 75clSanta Riat 120 Cabernet Sauv 375mlSanta Riat Cab/Sauv reserve 75clSanta Rita Cabernet Sauv 4x197ml pkSanta Rita Reserve Merlot 75clSunrise Merlot 75clTerra Andina Cabernet Sauv 75clTerra Andina Merlot 75clVina Carmen Reserva Carmenere 75clVina Carmen Shiraz 75cl

Red Wine AustralianBanrock Station Shiraz Mataro 75clEagle Hawk Cabernet Sauv 75clEagle Hawk Wolf Blass Merlot 75clHardys Crest Cabernet Shiraz 75clHardys Stamps Cabernet Merlot 75clHardys Varietal Range Cabernet Sauv 75clJacobs Creek Cabernet Sauv 75clJacobs Creek Grenache Shiraz 75clJacobs Creek Reserve Shiraqz 75clLindemans Bin 50 Shiraz 75clLindemans Cawarra Shira Cab/Sauv 75clMcGuigan Black Label Shiraz 75clMcGuigan Black Label Merlot 75clMcGuigan Signature Shiraz Oxford Landing Merlot 75clPenfolds Koonunga Hil Shiraz/cab 75clPenfolds Rawsons Retreat Cab/Shiraz 75clPeter Lehmann Grenache 75clProised Land Cabernet Merlot 75cl

Red Wine AustralianRosemount Cabernet Sauv 75clRosemount Estate Diamond Label Merlot 75cl


ALCOHOLRed Wine AustralianRosemoutn Eestate shiraz 75clRosemount Shiraz Cabernet 75clThe Bend In The River Merlot 75clTim Adams Shiraz 75clTim Adams The Fergus 75clWolf Blass Red Label Shiraz cab sauv 75clWolf Blass Shiraz Cabernet 187ml

Red Wine New ZealandMontana Merlot cabernet sauv 75cl

Red Wine South AfricanArniston Bay Ruby Cabernet Merlot 75clBoschendal lanoycab/Sauv/Merlot 75clJuno Shiraz 75clLong Mountain Cabernet Sauv 75clNederburg Pinotage 75clNederburg shiraz 75clSpier Discover Shiraz 75cl

PortCockburns Ruby Port 75clCockburns Special Reserve Port 37.5clCockburns Special Reserve Port 75clGraham’s Six Grapes Port 75clSandemans 5 Star Port 75clSandeman Port 75cl

SherryA Winters Tale Sherry 1 ltrA Winters Tale Sherry 37.5clA Winters Tale Sherry 75clCroft Original Pale Cream sherry 75clHarveys Bristol Cream 37.5clHarveys Bristol Cream Shrry 75clNv Buckfast 70clSchooner cream 70clSchooner Medium 70cl

Tonic WaterClub Tonic Water 1ltrSchweppes Indian Tonic Water 1 ltrSchweppes l/Cal Tonic Wate 12x150mlSchweppes S/Line Indian Tonic Wate 1 ltrSchweppes Tonic Water 12x50ml

Other MixersClub Soda Water 1 ltrCoca Cola Regular 12x150mDiet Coke 12x150mlRoses Lime Juice Cordial 1 ltrSchweppes Ginger Ale 1 ltrSchweeps S/Line White lemonade ltrSchweppes Soda Water 1 ltr

Mixers Large BottlesClub American Ginger Ale 1 ltrClub Soda Water 250ml

Single Canned CarbonatesCoca Cola Regular 330mlDiet Coke 330mlPepsi Max 330ml

Flavoured WaterH2 Lemon & Lime Sparkling Water 1 ltrH2 Peach Sparkling Water 1 ltrKerry Spring Still Cranberry & Apple 1.5ltrKerry Spring Still Lemon & Lime 1.5ltrKerry Spring Still Raspberry & Blackberry 1.5ltrVolvic Touch Of Fruit Lemon & Lime N.A.S. 1.5ltrVolvic Touch Of Fruit Strawberry N.A.S. 1.5ltrVolvic Touch Of Fruit Lemon/Lime N.A.S. 500mlVolvic Touch Of Fruit Strawberry N.A.S.500ml

Sparkling WaterBallygowan Sparkling Water 2 ltr


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CARBONATESSparkling WaterClearview Sparkling Water 2 ltrDeep River Rock Sparkling Water 2 ltrSan Pelegrino Sparkling Water 6x1ltrSan Pellegrino Sparkling Water 6x250mlSan Pellegrino Sparkling Water 750mlTipperary Sparkling Water 2 litreVolvic Mineral Water 6x1.5ltrVolvic Sports can Water 1 ltrVolvic Still Mineral water 6x50cl pack

Still WaterBallygowan Funsize 10x350mlBallygown Multipack 6.50clBallygowan Sports Still water 1 ltrBallygowan Still Pet bottle 5ltrBalgowan Still water 6x1.5ltrClearview Still Spring Water 2ltrCrystal Spring Still Water 5 ltrDeep River Rock sports cap 750mlDeep River Rock 6x1.5ltrDeep River Rock Still Water 2ltrEvian Mineral Water 2 ltrEvian Natural Mineral Water 6x1.5ltrEvian Still 4x75cl2ltrKerryspring Water Lemon & Lime Kerry Spring Spk Water Blackberry 2 ltrKerry Spring Spk Water Pear 2 ltr

Single WaterEvian Natural Mineral Water 500mlEvian Still Mineral Water 750mlVolvic Still Mineral Water 500ml

Water Filters & CartridgesBrita Classic Cartridges 3 packBrita Classic Cartridgges 6 packBrita Classic Single CartridgeBrita Elemaris Cool Black 2.4lBrita Elemaris Coolater Water 2.4l filter jug

Brita Elemaris XL Waer Filter Jug WhiteBrita Maxtra SinglesBrita Maxtra Water Filter Cartridges 3pkMaxtra 6 Pack water Filter Cartridge

Organic BeveragesBunalun Organic Apple Juice 200mlBunalun Organic Exotic Fruit Cocktail 200mlBunalun organic Apple Juuce bottle 750mlBunalun Organic Orange Juice bottle 750mlClipper Organic Fairtrade Coffee Decaff 227gOrganic F/t Cham/Lie TeabagsOrganic Co Cranberry juice 1 ltrOrganic Co Oranuge Juice 1 ltrRobt-Roberts organic teabags 80’s 250g


BABY NAPPIES-LINERS- WIPESBaby Newborn Feeding AccessoriesMilton Sterilising Tablets 28Napisan 500g

Weaning Feeding AccessoriesAvent 6-18mth 2 Teddy Silicone SoothersAvent 6-18mth Animals Silicone Soothers x2Avent Airflex 6mth+ Fast Flow Silicone Teats x2Avent Magic Cup With Soft Spout 200mlAvent Soother Freeflow 6-18mth x2Mam Christmas Soothers 2pkTommee Tippee 4 Food Pots and LidsTommee Tippee Feeding Spoons x8Tommee Tippee First CupTommee Tippee Roll N Go BibTommee Tippee Weaning Spoons x6

Toddler Feeding AccessoriesAmadeus Healthy Eating Cow CupAnyway Up Trainer BeakerTommee Tippee Decorated Bowls 12mth+ x2Tommee Tippee Easiflow Insulated BeakerTommee Tippee Tip It Up Flip Top CupTommee Tippee Tip It Up Trainer BeakerTommee Tippee Tip It Up Trainer CupAll About Body Hydrating bodywash 300mlAll About Body NourishingVelvet 200mlAveeno Soothing Relief Wash 400mline Silk 200ml

Dove go Fresh Energise Shower Gel 250mlDove Luscious Velvel 200mlImperial Leather Alive & Kicking Shower Gel 250mlImperial Leather Energising Shower Gel 250mlImperial Leather Japanese Spa Shower Gel 250mlImperial Leather Nourishing Shower Cream 250mlImperial Leather Refreshing Shower Gel 250mlImperial Leather Relaxing Shower cream 250mlImperial Leather Shower & Shave Foamburst 200mlJohnson & Johnson 24hr Moist Wash

Johnsons Pure Energy Shower Gel 250mlJohnsons Pure Harmony Shower 400mNivea Crème Soft Shower Crème 250mlNivea Shower cashmere Moments 250mlOlay Body Wash Complete Ultra Moisture 400mlOriginal Source Dragon Fruit & Capsicum 250mlOriginal Source Lemon & tea Tree Shower Gel 250mlOriginal Source Lime Shower Gel 250mlOriginal Source Limited Edition Shower Gel 250mlPalmolive Aroma Therapy Shower Gel Antistress250mlPalmolive Aroma Therapy Shower Gel Sensual 250mlPalmolive Nat Moisting Olive Shower Gel 250mlPalmolive Shower & Crème Almond Milk 250mlPalmolive Shower & Crème Milk/Honey 250mlPalmolive Shower Cashmere Hydrat Cream 200mlPalmolive Shower Thermal Spa Hydrating 250mlRadox Elements Cleansing Shower Cream 250mlRadox Shower Cream Moisturise 500mlRadox Shower Cream Soften 250mlRadox Shower Gel Relax 250mlRadox Showerfresh Nourish 250mlRadox Showerfresh Stimulate 250mlRadox Shower Gel/Shampoo Active 250mlRadox Shower Gel/Shampoo For Men 500mlRadox Shower Gel/Shampoo Refresh 250mlRadox Shower Ge200mlRaxox Shoer Gell/Shampoo Refresh 500mlRadox Smoothie Energy Therapy Shower Radox Smoothie Natural Balance Shower 200mlRadox Smoothie Sour Soother Shower 200mlSanex Dermo-Protector Body wash 500mlSanex Dermo-Sensitive Body wash 500mlSanex For Men Active Shower 500mlSanex Skin Energy Shower Gel 250mlSimple Nourishing Body wash 250mlSimple refreshing Shower Gel 250ml

Shower GelDove Pro Age Shower 250mlDove shower Cherry 500mlDove Shower Cream Indulging 250mlDove Shower cream Oil 250ml

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BODYWASHESShower GelDove Shower Cream Silk 250mlDove Shower Firming Cream 250mlE45 Shower Cream 200mlNivea Happy Time Shower Cream 250mlNivea Vitality Fresh Shower Gel 250mlNivea Vitamin Shower Crème 250mlPalmolive Thermal Spa Steam Shower 250mlPalmolive Shower Vitality 250mlSeavite Exfoliating Shower Gel 150ml

Bath Foams & OilsBadedas Essence 750mlImperial Leather Japanese Spa Bath 500mlImperial Leather Take It Easy Relaxing 500mlIrish Breeze Just for You Kids Bath MittOriginal Source Wht Tea & Grapefruit Bath Tea 50mlRadox Bath Salts Vapour Therapy 400gRadox Daily Elements bath Hydra Care 500mlRadox Daily Restorative Bath 500mlRadox Herbal Bath Nourish 500mlRadox Herbal bath Muscle Soak 500mlRadox Herbal Bath Relax 500mlRadox Herbal Bath Stress Relieve 500mlRadox Herbal bath Time Out 500mlRiverlea Aroma Relax Foam Bath 750mlSanex Dermo Protector Cream Bath 750mlSimple Moisturising Bath Cream 400ml

Childrens Bath ProductsE45 Junior Bath 500mlMatey Bubble Bath Mer-Matey 500mlShimmer Sisters Butterfly Bath Fizzers 2x60g

Adidas for Men Action 3 Apd Fresh 250mlDove Deodorant Invisible Dry 150mlDove Deodorant Original 150mlDove Deodorant Original 250mlDove Deodorant Pro Age Apd 150mlDove Deodorant Silk Dry 150mlDove Go Fresh Cue & Green Tea Apd 150mlDove Go Fresh Grapefruit & Lemongrass Apd 150mlDove Go Fresh Grapefruit & Lemongrass Apd 250mlDove Hair/Min Nature Fresh Apd 150mlDove Hair/Min Wild Rose Apd 150mlDove Invisible Apd 250mlImpulse Goddess Bodyspray 75mlImpulse London Bodyspray 75mlImpulse Paris Bodyspray 75mlImpulse Romatic Spark Bodyspray 75mlImpulse Tease Bodyspray 75ml

Impulse Temptation Bodyspray 75mlImpulse True Love Bodyspray 75mlMitchum for Men Ice Fresh Apd 200mlMitchum Powder Fresh Apd 200mlNivea Double Effect Apd 150mlNivea Double Effect Apd 250mlNivea For Men Aqua Cool/Kick Apd 250mlNivea For Men Dry/Dry Impact Apd 250mlNivea For Men Fresh Apd 250mlNivea For Women Dry Apd 150mlNivea For Women Fresh Apd 150mlRadox Daily Elements Pure Clear Mini 35mlRight Guard Clean Apd 250mlRight Guard Cool Apd 250mlRight Guard For Women Unscented Apd 250mlRight Guard Fresh Apd 150mlRight Guard Fresh Apd 250mlRight Guard Invisible Apd 150mlRight Guard Original Apd 150mlRight Guard Original Apd 250mlRight Guard Sport Apd 150mlRight Guard Zero/Invisible Apd 250mlSanex Dermo Extra Dry Apd 150mlSanex Dermo Invisible Apd 150mlSanex Dermo Sensitive Apd 150mlSanex Dermo Sensitive Apd 250mlSanex For Men Dermo Active Apd 250mlSanex Natur Protect Normal Apd 150mlSoft & Gentle Aromatherapy Sensual 150mlSoft & Gentle Cool Breeze Apd 150mlSoft & Gentle Cool Silk Apd 150mlSoft & Gentle Eden Passion Flower Apd 150mlSoft & Gentle Eden Tiger Lily Apd 150mlSoft & Gentle Shower Fresh Apd 250ml


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DEODORANTS-BODY SPRAYSSoft & Gentle Jasmine Apd 150mlSure 24hr Int Cool Blue Apd 150mlSure Apd Activ Response Aloe Vera 150mlSure Apd Activ Response Aloe Vera 250mlSure Apd Activ Response Cool Blue 250mlSure Apd Activ Response Cottonfresh 150mlSure Apd Activ Response Cottonfresh 250mlSure Apd Bio Rhythm 150mlSure Apd Crystal Clear Aqua 150mlSure Apd Crystal Clear Aqua 250mlSure Apd Crystal Clear Pure 150mlSure Apd Crystal Clear Pure 250mlSure Calming Apd 150mlSure For Men Active Apd 250mlSure For Men Extreme Apd 150mlSure For Men Extreme Apd 250mlSure For Men Invisible Ice Apd 150mlSure For Men Original Apd 150mlSure For Men Original Apd 250mlSure For Men Power Apa 250mlSure For Men Quantum Apd 250mlSure For Men Sensitive Apa 150mlSure For Men Sensitive Apd 250mlSure for Men Sensitive Apd 250mlSure Girl Dance Energy Apd 100mlSure Hair Minimising Apd 150mlSure Nutritive Apd 150mlSure Sport For Men Instinct Apd 250mlVaseline Apa Fresh Balance 150mlVaseline Apd Intensive Care Aloe Fresh 150mlVaseline Apd Intensive Care Atv Fresh 150mlVaseline Apd Intensive Care For Men 150ml

Roll - OnsAll About Body Sensitive Roll On 50mlAll About Men 24 Hour Roll On 50mlBionsen Deod Aluminium Free Roll On 50mlDove Go Fresh Cucumber Roll On 50mlDove Go Fresh Grapefruit Roll On 50mlDove Hair/Min Nature Fresh Roll On 50mlDove Hair/Min Wild Rose Roll On 50mlDove Invisible Dry Roll On 50mlDove Original Roll On 50mlDove Proage Roll On 50mlDove Silk Dry Roll On 50mlMitchum For Men Ice Fresh Roll On 100mlMitchum Powderfresh Roll On 100mlNivea Deodorant Pure Roll On 50mlNivea For Men Original Roll On 50mlNivea for Women Pearl & Beauty Roll On 50mlRight Guard Roll On Fresh 50mlSanex Dermo Invisible Roll On 50mlSanex Dermo Sensitive Roll On 50mlSanex for Men Active Roll On 50ml

Soft & Gentle Soft Jasmine Roll On 50mlSure Clear Aqua Roll On 50mlSure For Men Extreme Roll On 50mlSure For Men Invisible Ice Roll On 50mlSure For Men Original Roll On 50mlSure For Men Quantum Roll On 50mlSure For Men Sensitive Roll On 50mlTriple Dry Apd Roll On 50mlVic Roll On Aloe Fresh 50ml

Stick Cream & WipeDove M/Prot Original Cream 45mlSure Apd Stick Crystal Clear Aqua 40mlSure For Men Sensitive Apd Stick 50mlSure M/Prot Clean Fresh Cream 45mlSure For Men M/Prot Fresh Scent Cream 45ml

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HAIRCAREIntensive ConditionersAussie Miracle 04lour Insurance Conditioner 250mlElvive Ceramide Anti breakage Masque 200mlElvive Re-Nutrition Masque Pot 200mlElvive Uv Filter Colour Protect Masque 200mlPantene Pro V Breakage Defence Lotion 150ml

Daisy Antibac Washing Up Liquid 500mlDaisy Lemon Washing Up Liquid 1 ltrDaisy Original Washing Up Liquid 500mlEasy Aloe Vera Wul 500mlEasy Camomile & Honey Wul 500mlEasy Grapefruit & Green Tea Wul 500mlFairy Clean & Care Almond Wash Up Liquid 450mlFairy Clean & Care Cucumber & Aloe Wash Up450ml\Fairy Clean & Care Manderin & Peafch 450mlFairy Clean & Care Silk & Orchid Wash Up 450mlFairy Pure Clean Lime Antibac Wash Up 450mlFairy Wash Up Liquid Lemon 450mlFairy Wash Up Liquid Apple 650mlFairy Wash Up Liquid Lemon 650mlFairy Wash Up Liquid Original 650mlFrend Wash Up Liquid Lemon 500mlFrend Wash Up Liquid Orange 500ml

DishwasherDaisy Dishwasher Powder 3kgDaisy Dishwasher Tabletes 40sDaisy Rinse Aid 1 litreFairy Active Dishwash Tabs Lemon 15sFairy Active Dishwash Tabs Lemon 28sDishwasherFairy Active Original Dishwash Tabs 28sFairy Platinum Dishwash Tabs Lemon 33pk 555gFairy Platinum Dishwash Tabs Original 22pk 370gFairy Platinum Dishwash Tabs Original 33pk 555gFinish All In 1 Dishwash Tablets Lemon 30Finish All In 1 Dishwash tablets Regular 30Finish All In 1 Tablets Lemon 15s

Finish Crystal Rinse Agent Lemon 500mlFinish Dishwasher Cleaner Reg 250mlFinish Dishwasher Powder Lemon 1kgFinish Dishwasher Salt 2kg Finish Lemon Liquid Gel 1 litreFinish Max In 1 Dishwash Tablets Lemon 14 pkFinish Max In 1 Dishwash tablets Lemon 28 pk

DishwasherFinish Max In 1 Dishwash Tablets Original 28 pkFinish Max In 1 Dishwash Tablets Original 42 pkFinish Max In 1 Dishwash Tablets Lemon 42 pkFinish Odourstop FreshenerFinish Powerball Classic Lemon 30/32pkFinish Powerball Classic Regular 32/30-kFinish Quantum Dishwash Tabs Regular 20sdFinish Quantum Lemon 20 pkSun 4 In 1 Plus Tabs Lemon 16s/352gSun All In 1 Tabs Green 24s+100% 48s

Scouring Pads & ClothsBoyne Valley Kitchen Mate Non Stick Pads 2pkBoyne Valley Kitchen Mate Scourers 2pkBrillo Soap Pads Pack of 10Dish MaticDismatic Replacement HeadsJ Cloth Mixed 20 pkKilleen Anti Bacterial Cloths 10pkKilleen Bathroom CleanerKilleen Dual ClothKilleen Dusters 3pkKilleen Household Sponges 5pkKilleen Micro Fibre Cloths 2pkKilleen Mop Ups 6pkKilleen Polishing Sponge 2pkKilleen Soft Act Abrasive Sponge ScourerKilleen Soft Act Abrasive Micro Fibre ClothKilleen Sponge Cloths 2pkKilleen Stokinette Cloth 3pkKilleen Super Sponge Scourer 2pkKilleen Wet N Dry 2pkScotch-Brite Kitchen Cloth pack 2Spontex Bathroom Sponge Scourer 1pk



HOUSEHOLDScouring Pads & ClothsSpontex Bathroom WonderSpontex Easy Sponge Scourers 2pkSpontex Kitchen Wonder Clip StripSpontex Non Scratch Scourer Pads 2pkSpontex Soft Knit Dishcloths 2pkSpontex Tough ScourersSpringforce All Purpose Cloth 20pk

Scouring Pads & ClothsVarian Wash and Clean Mat 40xx60cmVarian/Dosco Dustpan & Brush Set BlueVarian/Dosco Strip Mop Refill

BleachCillit Bang Stain + Drain Bleach 750mlDaisy Thick Original Bleach 2 litreDaisy Thick Original Bleach 750mlDomestos Bleach 2 litreDomestos Bleach Citrus 750mlDomestos Blue 750mlDomestos Mountain Fresh 750mlDomtex Extra Thick Bleach 2 litreEasy Ultra Thick Bleach Gel 750mlParozone Bleach Citrus 750mlParozone Bleach Lavender 750mlParozone Thick Bleach Original 750ml

Antiseptic & DisinfectantDettol Antiseptic 500mlDettol Antiseptic 750mlDettol Disinfectant Lavender 500mlDettol Disinfectant Lime & Lemongrass 500mlDettol Disinfectant Sea Minerals 500mlJeyes Fluid Original 300mlSavlon Antiseptic Liquid 500ml

Antiseptic & DisinfectantSavlon Antiseptic Liquid 750mlZoflora Concentrate Disinfectant Various 120ml

Toilet Cleaner & BlocksBloo & Bleach Single Block 50gBloo 3in1 Toilet Cln Block Rim Lav FieldsBloo Acticlean Cistern Block Citrus TwinpackBloo Acticlean Cistern Block Original TwinpackBloo Easiload Orange Blossom Twin 2x45gBloo Powercore In Cistern Blocks 2x40gDairy Floral Liquid Rim Complete + 2 Refills 3x50mlDairy Quad In Cistern Blocks 4x50gDomestos 5xxlonger Lasting Gel 750mlDomestos Toilet Limescale Remover 750mlDuck Active Fresh Liquid 750mlDuck Fresh Brush Starter KitDuck Fresh Gel Discs Lime Zest

Toilet Cleaner & BlocksDuck Fresh Gel Discs MarineDuck Liquid Rim Block Cool MistDuck Liquid Rim Block Purple WaveDuck Liquidrim Twin Pack Refill PurpleDuck Ocean Force Liquid 750mlDuck Power Anti-Limescale Liquid 750mlHarpic 2in1 Max Rimblock LavenderHarpic 3in1 Cistern Block LavenderHarpic 3in1 Power Rim Block CitrusHarpic Active Gel Fresh Power Pine 750mlHarpic Duraguard Fresh 750mlHarpic Hygienic Rimblock twinpack CitrusHarpic Hygienic Rimblock twinpack LavenderHarpit Itb Hygiene Aquamarinex2Harpit Power Plus T/Cleaner Citrus 750mlHarpic Power Plus Toilet Cleaner 750mlHarpic Super Active Block Pine 38gKleenoff In Bowl Tablets 16x25Parozone Bleach Block twinpackParozone Flushable Toilet Wipes 40s

Household CleanersCif Anti Back Spray 750mlCif Bathroom Spray 750mlCif Cream Lemon Fresh 500mlCif Cream White 500mlCif Multi Purpose Acti Fizz Ocean Spray 750ml

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HOUSEHOLDHousehold CleanersCif Power Cream Bathroom Spray 750mlCif Universal Cream Cleaner + Bleach 500mlCillit Bang Dilutable Grease Floor Fresh 1.5lCillit Bang Grease & Floor Citrus 1.5lCillit Bang Power Degreaser Spray 750mlCillit Bang Power Spray 750mlCillit Bang Stain & Mildew Trigger 750mlDaisy All Purpose Cleaner Lemon 1.5lDaisy Bathroom Trigger 500mlDaisy Kitchen Trigger 500mlDettol 4in1 Bathroom Trigger 500mlDettol 4in1 Multi Pink Grapefruit 500mlDettol 4in1 Multiaction Wipe Pink Grape 48pkDettol All Purpose Cleaner Green Apple 1ltrDettol All in @! Multi Action A/B Green Apple 500mlDettol Antibac Surface Cleaner Spray 500mlDettol Antibac Surface Wipes 28sDettol Canister Wipes Green Apple 35sDettol Direct Floor Cleaner Fresh 1 litreDettol Direct Floor Cleaner Green Apple 1 litreDettol Multi Action 4in1 Atlantic Fresh 500mlDettol Multi Action Wipes Green Apple 48pkDomestos Bleach Spray 750mlDr Beckmann Fridge CleanerDr Beckmann Rack CleanerEasy Apc Lemon 1 litEasy Apc Marine 1 ltrFlash Guard Antibac Wipes 60pkFlash Guard Apc Lemon 1 litFlash Guard Lavender & Camomile 1 ltrMr. Muscle Bathroom Cleaner Spray 500mlMr Muscle Lemon Kitchen Cleaner Spray 500mlVim Cream Lime 500mlWindolene 4 Action Spray 750ml

Specialist Cleaners1001 Troubleshooter Ultra 500mlBuster Kitchen Plughole & Sink Treatment 300gCif Stainless Steel Cleaning Spray 500mlDettol Mildew Remover Spray 750mlDomestos Grotbuster Bleach Gel 500ml

Easy Sink and Pipe Unblocker 1.5ltMr Muscle Foamer 500mlMr Muscle Shower Shine 500mlMr Muscle Sink & Plug Drain Gel 500mlMr Muscle Window Cleaner Spray 500mlMr Muscle Oven Cleaner 300mlOven Pride Cleaning System 500mlPunch Limescale Remover 250mlScale Away Descaler 75gVanish Oxiaction Carpet & Upholsty Stain Remover500mlVanish Power Foam For Carpets 600mlVigor Power bathroom Drain Cleaner 500mlVigor Power Kitchen Drain Cleaner 500gVigor Power Plug and Drain Freshener 500mlWindolene Glass Wipes 20s

Rubber GlovesKilleen Bathroom Long Glove LargeKilleen Bathroom Long Glove MediumKilleen Everyday Flexilight Gloves MediumKilleen Everyday Flexilight Gloves SmallKilleen Glamour Gloves 10pkKilleen Kitchen Super Strong Gloves LargeKilleen Kitchen Super Strong Gloves MediumKilleen Kitchen Super Strong Gloves SmallKilleen Outdoor Really Tough Gloves Ex LargeKilleen Protect Sensitive Gloves MediumKilleen Protect Sensitive Gloves LargeKilleen Scented Gloves Lemon LargeKilleen Supreme Smart Cuff Glove MediumKilleen Supreme Smart Cuff Gloves

Floor FurnitureMr Sheen Furniture Wipes Original 24sMr Sheen Furniture Wipes Spring Fresh 24sMr Sheen Oriental Blossom Polish 300mlMr Sheen Original Polish 300mlMr. Sheen Specialist Wipes Leather 24xsMr Sheen Spring Fresh Polish 300mlMr Sheen Wood Furniture Polish 300mlPledge Aloe/Lavender Polish 250mlPledge Dust & Go Citrus Fresh Refills 20pkPledge Fluffy Duster Refills 5s


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HOUSEHOLDFloor FurniturePledge Furniture Polish with Beeswax 250Pledge Multisurface Jasmine 250mlPledge Multisurface wipes 25pkPledge Soapy Wood Cleaner 500mlWheelers Furniture Cream 200ml

Metal PolishBrasso Duraglit Metal Polish Wadding 75gBrasso Metal Polish 150mlGoddards Silver Cloth

Clothes PegsKilleen Clothes Pegs 12pk

AIR FRESHENERSAirwick Symphonia Duo Refill FreesiaAirwick Symphonia Duo Refill LavenderAirwick Symphonia Lavender/White FlowersAirwick 4in1 Lavender Aerosol 300mlAirwick Aqua Essence Candle Morning MistAirwick Aqua Essence Freesia 300mlAirwick Aqua Essence Morning Mist 300mlAirwick Candle RelaxinAirwick Candle SeasonalAirwick Candle Sensual Midnight RoseAirwick Crystalair RelaxingAirwick Electric Refill Freesia & JasmineAirwick Electric Refill RelaxingAirwick Eletric Refill Wild Plum/Spring GardenAirwick Freshmatic Refill Citrus 250mlAirwick Freshmatic Refill Fressia 250mlAirwick 1-Motion Mini F/Matic Lavender & CamomileAirwick Mini Freshmatic Refill Freesia & JasmineAmbi Pur Puress Electric Diffuser Cotton/LotusDettol Neutra Air Aerosol Citrus 300mlDettol Neutraair Aerosol Pure AirDettol/I-Motion Freshmatic LavenderFebreze Aerosol Blossom & Breeze 300mlFebreze Aerosol Cotton Fresh 300mlFebreze Electric Refill Cotton FreshGlade Aerosol Clean Linen 300ml

Glade Aerosol Magnolia & Vanilla 300mlGlade Air Infusion Lily & Jasmin 300mlGlade Auto Sense & Spray Clean LinenGlade Auto Sense & Spray Cln Linen RefillGlade Auto Sense & Spray Lily’Valley RefillGlade Auto Sense & Spray Vanilla RefillGlade Candle Enchant Night/Island BreezeGlade Cnadle Piink BoudoirGlade Candle SeasonalGlade Candle with LoveGlade Electric Diffuser Clean LinenGlade Electric Perfume Refill S’petals/G’snowGlade Electric Refill Twinpack with LoveGlade Electric SeasonalGlade Scented Oils Refill Tuscany 3 packGlade Scented Oils Refill x3 Indian MassageGlade Shake N Vac Lily 400gGlade Solid Air Freshener Lily Of ValleyGlade Wisp Refill Enchanting NightHaze Stick Up Lavender 2in1Hyundai Plug In Vanilla 20mlKilleen Vacum Fresh Clip Strip 4pkKilleen Bin Fresh Clip Strip 2 packKilleen Wardrobe Fresh Clip Strap 3pkOust 3in1 Aerosol Garden Fresh 400mlOust Garden Fresh Aerosol 300mlOust Outdoor Fresh Aerosol 300mlTouch N Fresh Bathroom Refill Clean LinenTouch N Fresh Clean LinenTouch N Fresh Soft Petals

Home FragranceAirwick Candle Anti Tobacco

Whos Who 2010 177

LAUNDRYLiquid DetergentsAriel Bio Liquid 2.5ltAriel Gel Bio 1036mlAriel Excel Gel Bio 18 Wash/666mlAriel Excel Gel Colour 1036mlAriel Excel Gel Colour 18 wash/555mlAriel Excel Gel with Febreze 18 Wash/666mlBold Conc Power Lavender Camomile Liq 740mlFairy Excel Gel on Bio 667mlFairy Excel Gel Non Bio 862mlPersio Bio Small & Mighty 1.47lPersil Bio Small & Mighty 730mlPersio Non Bio Small & Mighty 1.47lSurf Lavender Small& Mighty 1.47lSurf Sunshine Small & Mighty 1.47lSurf Tropical Small 7 Mighty 1.47lSurf Tropical Small 7 Mighty 730mlWoolite All Fabrics 1.5lWoolite Colour 1.5lWoolite Dark 1.5l

Washing PowdersAriel Powder Bio 10 Wash/800gAriel Powder Bio 28 wash/2.24kgAriel Powder Colour 28 wash/2.24kgAriel Powder With Febreze 10 wash/800gBold Infusions Amethyst Rose with powder 2.47kgBold Infusions Ruby Jasmine with powder 1.92kgBold Infusions Ruby Jasmine with powder 800gBold Infusions White Diamond & Lotus Flower 800gBold Powder 42 wash 3.36kgBold Powder Lavender & Camomile 10 wash/800gBold Powder Lavender & Camomile 30 wash/2.85kgBold Powder Orange Blossom 28 wash 2.24kgBold Powder White Diamond 2.47kgDaisy Powder Bio 3o washDaisy Powder Colour 30 washDaz Powder 28 wash/1.904kgDaz Powder Regular 680gEasy Bio Powder Frangipani & Ylang 850g

Washing PowderEasy Lavender & Almond Bio Powder 850gFairy Powder Non Bio 10 wash 800gFairy Powder Non Bio 27 wash 2.16kgPersil Powder Bio 10 Wash 950gPersil Powder Bio 30 Wash 2.85kgPersil Powder Colour 10 Wash 950gPersil Powder Colour 30 Wash 2.85kgPersil Powder Non Bio 10 Wash 950gPersil Powder Non Bio 30 Wash 2.85kgSurf Powder Lavender 2.85kgSurf Powder Tropical+Oils 2.85kg

Laundry TabletsAriel + Febreze tablets 48pk 24 washAriel Bio Tablets 24 pack 12 wash 928gAriel Bio Tables 48 pack 24 wash 1.857kgAriel Colour Tablets 48 pack 24 wash 1.857kg

Laundry TabletsAriel Non Bio Tablets 48 pack 24 wash 1.857kgBold Lavender & Camomile 24 pack 12 washBold Orange Blossom 30 pack 15 wash 990gDaz tablets 24 pack 12 wash 936gDaz Tablets 48 pack 24 wash 1.872kgEasy Bio Laundry Tablets Lemon & Lily15sEasy Non Bio Laundry tablets Aloe & Orange 15Fairy Non Bio tablets 24 pack 12 wash 936gPersil Bio Gel tablets 48 packPersil Colour Gel tablets 48 packPersil Non Bio tablets 48 packSurf Tropical Tablets 48 pack

Liquid Laundry CapsulesAriel + Febreze Liquitabs 11 wash/385gAriel Colour Liquitabs 12 washAriel Colour Liquitabs 20 washAriel essential Liquitabs 10 washariel Essential Liquitabls 20 washBold Infusions Ruby Jasmine Liquitabs 18pkBold Infusions White Diamond Liquitabs 18pk


S H O P - A G U I D E T O W H A T S I N S T O R E

LAUNDRYLiquid Laundry CapsulesBold Liquitabs Lavender & Camomile 24 pack 840gFairy Liquitabs Non Bio 18 washFairy Liquitabs Non Bio 9 wash 405g

Delicates & Stain RemoversAce Gentle Bleach 1 ltrCalgon Expressball tabs 15 pack 225gColour Catcher 20 sheetsDr Beckman Washing Machine CleanerDri Pack Soda Crystals 1kgKilleen Color Grab Sheets 40sKilleen Color Run Remover 2pkKilleen Permanent Color GrabKilleen Stain Remover 5pkKilleen Super Whitener 5pkPersil Silk & Wool 750mlPunch 2in1 Colour catcher & Oxi 10sPunch Colour Catcher 36 sheetsPunch Colour Run Remover 2x75gPunch Colour Catcher Dark 20 sheetsPunch Curtain White 2x40gPunch Keep It White 20pkPunch Ultra Whitener 40gVanish Actionball Tabs 15pk 300gVanish Crystal White 500gVanish In Wash Liquid 1 ltrVanish Oxi Action 1kgVanish Oxi Action 500gVanish Oxi Action Crystal White 1kgVanish Oxi Action Multi 1.5kgVanish Oxi Action Pre Wash Spray 500mlVanish Oxi Action Magnets 10sVanish Pre Wash Stain Removal Spray 500mlVanish Stain Remover bar 75gWizz Oxi Ultra Stain Remover Powder 1kgWizz Oxi Ultra Stain Remover Spray 500mlWoolite Hand & Machine Wash 750ml

Fabric ConditionersComfort Conc Cond Lily/Jojoba & Orchid 1.5l

Comfort Conc Cond Passion + Ylang Ylang 1.5lComfort Conc Fabric Conditioner Blue 1.5lComfort Conc Fabric Cond Pure 1.5lComfort Conc Fabric Cond Pure 750mlComfort Conc Fabric Cond Sunfresh 1.5lComfort Conditioner Pure 3 litreComfort Fabric Conditioner Blue 2 ltrComfort Fabric Conditioner Pure 2 ltrComfort fabric Conditioner Pure 2 lrComfort Naturals Cond Olive Blossom 1.5lComfort Naturals Fab Cond Olive Blossom 750mlComfort Naturals Fab Cond750mlComfort Naturals Fab Cond Jojoba Oil 75mlComfort Tempting Nature Concentrate 1.5lDairy Conc Fabric Cond Bamboo 1ltrDaisy Conc Fabric Cond Lilac 1 lrDaisy Conc fabric Cond Peony1 ltrEasy Fab Conditioner Relax Sens 2ltrEasy Fab Cond Easy Iron Aloe Fresh 1 ltrFairy Conc Fabric Cond 2 ltrFairy Fab Conditioner 750mlFairy Fabric softener 1 ltrLenor Conc Black Diamond & Lotus Infusion 750mlLenor Conc Fab Cond Sleep Sensations 2 ltrLenor Fab Cond Spring 1 ltrLenor Infusions Amethyst Rose 750mlLenor Infusions Ruby Jasmine 750mlLenor Summer Breeze 2 ltrSure Fabric Cond 750ml

Fabric RefreshersComfort Vaporesse Blue 1 ltrDisy Spray Starch Ironing Aid 400mlRobin Spray Starch 400ml

Whos Who 2010 179

Kitchen TowelsKittensoft Thirst Pockets White 45s x 4Nicky Soft Jumbo Kitchen Towel 1 rollNouvelle Kitchen Towel 2 rollPlenty Kitchen Towel Fun Prints 4 rollPlenty Kitchen Towel White 2 rollPlenty Kitchen Towel White 8 RollRegina Xxl Kitchen Towel 2 pack

Oven FoilsBacofoil Classic Kitchen Foil 300mmx10mRaytex Kitchen Foil 445mmx30mShannon Foil 455mm15ml

Seasonal FoilsBacofoil Turkey Foil 600mmx3mBaco Turkey Roasting Bags x 2

Cling Film & Food BagsBco Cook-In Bags 8 packClingtite Caterng Cling Film 300mClingtite ClingFilm 15mClingtite Cling Film 30mGlad +25% Clingfilm 30mGlad Cood & Freeze 1ltGlad Food Bags 30pkGlad Freezer Bags 6l large 20pkGlad Ice maker Bags 20pkGlad Sandwich bags 50pkGlad Zip N Steam bags 10sGlad Ziploc Freezer Bags 15pkGlad Ziploc Sandwich bags 25pkGlad Zipper Bag Small 15sGlad Zipper Bags Medium 10sGlad Cook & Freeze 1.5lLotus Baking Cases FloralRaytex Baking Parchment 5m

Bin LinersJeyes Freshbin Disinfectant 680gKilleen Aware Bio Degradable Pedal LinersKilleen aware Bio Degradale Refuse Sacks 10

Killeen Aware Bio Degradable swing Liners 40Killeen Drawtight refuse sacks 10pkKilleen Drawtight Swing Bin Liners 15pkKilleen Handy Bags 50pkKilleen Pedal Bin Liners 20pkKilleen Recycled Refuse Sacks ExLrg 10pkKilleen Refuse Sacks 10pkKilleen Refuse Sacks 40pkKilleen Swing Bin Liners 40pkKilleen Draw String Sacks 10pkRainbow Draw String Sacks 10pkRainbow Drawstring Pedal Bin Liners 30pkRanbow Handy Andys Handy Carry Bags 20pkRainbow High Density Sack 10pkRainbow Kitchen sacks 15pk

Toilet TissueAndrex Longer Lasting Toilet Tissue 3rAndrex Longer Lasting Toilet Tissue 6rAndrex Moist Toilet Tissue RefillAndrex Moist Toilet Tissue Tub 42 sheetAndrex on The Go Coreless Toilet Tissue 55 sheetAndrex Toilet Tissue Aloe Vera 4 Roll 792 sheetAndrex Toilet Tissue Aloe Vera 9 Roll 1782 sheetAndres Toilet Tissue Embossed Puppies 4 roll 880sheetAndrex Toilet Tissue Embossed Puppies 9 Roll 1980sheetAndrex Toilet Tissue Natural 4 roll 964 sheetAndrex Toilet Tissue Natural 9 Roll 2169 sheetAndrex Toilet Tissue Quilts 9 rollAndrex Toilet Tissue She Butter 4 rollAndrex Toilet tissue Shea Butter 9 rollAndrex Toilet Tissue White 4 roll 964 sheetAndrex Toilet Tissue White 9 Roll 2169 sheetCharmin Toilet Tissue White 9 rollInversoft Eco King Toilet Roll 4Inversoft Eco King Toilet Roll 9Kittensoft Toilet Tissue 16 roll whiteKittensoft Toilet Tissue Scented 9 rollKittensoft Toilet Tissue whie 9 rollsKittensoft Toilet Tissue White 4pk




MENS TOILETRIESShower Gel-Body Spray-DeodorantL’oreal Mex Expert Hydra Moist Spf 15 50mlL’oreal Men Expert Pure Matte Scrub 150mlL’oreal Men Vita Lift Double Action Mst 30mlLynx Africa Roll On 50mlLynx Africa Shower Gel 250mlLynx Boost Shower Gel 250mlLynx Click Shower Gel 250mlLynx Dark Temptation Roll On 50mlLynx Dark Temptation Shower Gel 250mlLynx Deodorant Africa Bodyspray 150mlLynx Deodorant Click Bodyspray 150mlLynx Deodorant Dark Temptation Bodyspray 150mlLynx Deodorant Fever Bodyspray 150mlLynx Deodorant Phoenix Bodyspray 150mlLynx Deodorant Recover Bodyspray 150mlLynx Deodorant Vice Bodyspray 150mlLynx Dry Africa Apd 150mlLynx Dry Click Apd 150mlLynx Dry Dark Temptation Apd 150mlLynx Dry Instinct Apd 150mlLynx Dry Vice Apd 150mlLynx Fever Shower Gel 250mlLynx Focus Apd 150mlLynx Instinct Roll On 50mlLynx Recover Shower Gel 250mlLynx Shock Shower Gel 250mlLynx Shower Thai Massage 250mlLynx Skin Contact Hydrating Shower Gel 250mlLynx Vice Shower Gel 250mlNivea For Men Exfoliating Face Scrub 75mlNivea For Men Extra Soothing Sens Mst 75mlNivea For Men Extra Soothing Shave Balm 100mlNivea For Men Int Moisturising Face Cream 50mlNivea For Men Rehydrating gMoisturiser 75mlNivea For Men Revitalising Moist Q10 50mlNivea For Men Sensitive Face Wash 100mlNivea For Men Sensitive Shower Gel 250mlNivea For Men Sport Shower Gel 250mlNivea Lip Care For Men 4.8gOld Spice Aftershave Regular 150ml

Old Spice Body Spray 150mlRight Guard Xtreme Perfect Wave Bodyspray 150mlRight Guard Xtreme Speedster Bopdyspray 150mlSanex for Men Dermo Active Shower Gel 250mlSure For Men Apa V8 For Men 200mlJust For Men Hair Colourant Dark BrownJust For Men Hair Colourant Medium BrownJust For Men Hair Colourant Nat Light Brown

Cutex Nourishing Nail Polish Remover 200mlLa Tweez Illum Tweezers Clip StripSally Hansen Airbrush Light GSally Hansen Hand Natural 13mlSally Hansen Lip Inflation ClearSally Hansen Max Growth MulberrySally Hansen Maximum Growth 13.3m.Sally Hansen Maxium Growth Cuticle PenSally Hansen Nail Polish Remover Moisturising200mlSally Hansen Nail Growth Miracle 13mlSally Hansen Smile RadiantSally Hansen Teflon Tuff 13.3ml

ToothpasteAquafresh Extreeme Clean Toothpaste 100mlAquafresh Extreme Clean whitening 75mlAquafresh Fresh Minty Toothpaste 100mlAquafresh Fresh Whitening 75mlAquafresh Iso Active Fresh Mint 100mlAquafresh Iso Active Whitening toothpaste 100mlAquafresh Kids Big Teeth paste 50mlAquafresh Kids Little Teeth Paste 50mlAquafresh Kids Toothpaste Yellow 50mlAquafresh Kids Toothpaste Blue 50mlAquafresh Mild Minty Pump toothpaste 100mlAquafresh Mild Minty toothpaste 100mlAquafresh Tothpaste Mildmint 75mlAquafresh Whit e & Shine toothpaste 75mlAquafresh Whitening toothpaste 50ml

S H O P - A G U I D E T O W H A T S I N S T O R E



Whos Who 2010 181

ToothpasteBeverly Hills Sensitive Max toothpaste 125mlBrilliant tooth Whitening starter KitColgate Advanced White Toothpaste 500mlColgate Advanced Whitening pump 100mlColgate Great Regular pump 100mlColgate Great regular toothpaste 50mlColgate Max fresh Clean Mint toothpaste 100mlColgate Max Fresh Cool Mint Toothpaste 100mlColgate Max White pump 100mlColgate Pump Max fresh Clean mint Toothpaste100mlColgate Pump Max fresh Cool Mint Toothpaste100mlColgate Sens Enamel Protect 75mlColgate Sens Multi Protection Toothpaste 75mlColgate Sensation Whitening Pump 100mlColgate Sensation Whitening Toothpaste 100mlColgate Sensitive toothpaste 75mlColgate Sensitive Whitening Toothpaste 50mlColgate Sensitive Whitening Toothpaste 75mlColgate Smiles Toothpaste ages 2-6 50mlColgate Smiles Toothpaste age 6+ 50mlColgate Toothpaste Anti Tartar plus Whitening 100mlColgate Time Control Toothpaste 50mlColgate Total + Whitening Toothpaste 100mlColgate Total Adv Fresh Gel Pump 10mlColgate Total Advance Clean Pump 100mlColgate Total Fresh stripe Toothpaste 100mlColgate Total Prof Clean Toothpaste 20mlColgate Total Toothpaste Pump 100mlColgate Total Toothpaste 100mlColgate Total Toothpaste 50mlColgate Triple Cool Stripe 100mlColgate Triple Cool Stripe Pump 100mlColgate Ultra Brite Toothpaste 100mlEucryl Smokers Toothpaste Freshmint 50gEuthymol Original Toothpaste 75mlFiacla Total Adv Whitening Pump 100mlFiacla Total Triple Cool Stripe Tube 100mlFiacla Total Triple Fresh Str Tube 100mlPearl Drops daily Shine Tooth Polish 50mlPearl Drops Smokers Whitening Gel 50mlPolident Fixative Crème Flavourfree 40g

Rembrandt Complete Freshmint 50mlRembrandt Plus Fresh Mint Toothpaste 50mlSensodyne Complete Care 50mlSensodyne Complete Care 75mlSensodyne Extra Fresh Toothpaste 75mlSensodyne F Gel Toothpaste 50mlSensodyne F Toothpaste 50mlSensodyne Gentle Whitening 50mlSensodyne Gum Protection Toothpaste 75mlSensodyne Original 50mlSensodyne Pronamel children 6-12 50mlSensodyne Pronamel Mint Toothpaste 75ml

ToothbrushesAquafresh All Angles Triple packAquafresh Clean White medium toothbrushAquafresh Inter Dental Actiion Buzz toothbrushAquafresh Inter dental Action ToothbrushAquafresh Kids Big Teeth Toothbrush standardAquafresh Kids Little Teeth toothbrushColgate 360 Deep Clean toothbrush softColgate 360 Medium ToothbrushColgate 360 Sensitive toothbrushColgate 360 soft toothbrushColgate Massage toothbrushColgate toothbrush max fresh mediumColgate toothbrush Total Precsion softColgate Total Professional Toothbrush comp/medColgate Total Professiional Toothbrush stnd mediumColgate Whitening Toothbrush mediumOral B Cross Action Complete Medium 35Oral B Cross Action Complete Medium 40Oral B toothbrush Advantage Artica Cmpt 35Oral B toothbrush Advantage Plus Medium 35Oral B Toothbrush Advantage Plus Medium 40Oral B Toothbrush Cross Action Medium Head 35Oral B toothbrush Cross Action Med Head 40Oral B Toothbrush Cross Action Soft Head 35Oral B toothbrush Indicator medium 35Oral B toothbrush Advantage Sens Extra Soft 35Reach Access Plus Full Head med toothbrushReach Control Full Head med ToothbrushReach Toothbrush Clean & Whiten mediumReach Toothbrush Fresh Breath soft


ORAL CAREToothbrushesReach toothbrush Interdental Full Head firmReach Toothbrush Interdental Full Head MedReach Toothbrush Plaque Control FirmSensodyne Complete Care Toothbrush softSensodyn Pronamel Soft toothbrush

MouthwashAquafresh Fresh N Minty mouthwash 300mlAquafresh Kids Big Teeth Mouthwash 300mlBrookmoor Coolmint Mouthwash 500mlBrookmoor Freshmint Mouthwash 500mlColgate Plax Cool Mint Blue mouthwash 500mlColgate Plax Ice Mouthwash 500mlColgate Plax Mouthwash Overnight 500mlColgate Plax Mouthwash sensitive 500mlColgate Plax Original Red mouthwash 500mlColgate Plax Soft Mint Green mouthwash 500mlCorodysyl Mint mouthwash 300mlCorodysyl Aniseed Mouthwash 30mlDentyl Ph Icy-Fresh Mint mouthwash 500mlListerine Berry Smart Rinse mouthwash 250mlListerine Citrus 500mlListerine Col Citrus mouthwash 250mlListerine Coolmint mouthwash 250mlListerine Coolmint mouthwash 500mlListerine Freswhburst mouthwash 250mlListerine Freshburst mouthwash 500mlListerine Mint Smart Rinse mouthwash 250mlListerine original mouthwash 500mlListerine Softmint 500mlListerine Stay White 250mlListerine Stay White 500mlListerine Teeth & Gum mouthwash 250mlListerine Teeth & Gum mouthwash 500mlListerine Total Care 250mlListerine Total Care 500mlListermint Flouride 600mlOraldene Ice Mint 200mlSensodyne Gentle Mouthrinse 300ml

Denture CarePoligrip Ultra Mint 40g

Steradent Complete Care 3 Minute 30sSteradent Complet Care Ex Strength 30sSteradent Original tablets 30

Other Oral HygieneColgate Dental Floss 25mIrish Breeze Interdental brushes

Other Oral HygieneOral B Humming Bird Power FlosserOral B Satin FlossOral B Satin TapeReach Access RefillReach Access Starter Pack 1pkReach Dental Floss Waxed 50mSensodyne Expanding Gentle Floss 30ml

S H O P - A G U I D E T O W H A T S I N S T O R E

Whos Who 2010 183

SKIN CAREBody MoisturisersDove Summer Glow Body Lotion Fair/Norm 250mlDove Summer Glow Body Lotion Norm/Dark 250mlDove Summer Glow Shimmer Body Lotion Fair/Med250mlE45 Cream 125gE45 Cream 50gE45 Endless Moisture Body Creamm Frag 100mlE45 Moisturising Lotion 500mlGarnier Skin Nat Summer body Mst Ltn 250mlGarnier Skin Nat Summer Body Mst Ltn 400mlGarnier Skin Nat Hydralock Mst Body Milk 250mlGarnier Skin Nat Summer Body Msxt Ltn Deep250mlGarnier Skiin Nat Summer Body Mst Ltn Deep400mlJohnsons Dreamy Skin Body Ltn 250mlJohnsons Holiday Skin Light Glow 250mlJohnsons Holiday Skin Ltn Norm/Dark 250mlJohnsons Firming Holiday Skin Body Ltn 250mlL’oreal Body Nutrilift Mst Dry 250mlL’oreal Body Nutrilift Mst Norm 250mlNivea Body Dnage Zone Action 150mlNivea Body Good By Cellulite Gel Cream 200mlNivea Body My Silhouette Gel Cream 200mlNivea Body Rich Nourishing Mst 250mlNivea Crème 200mlNivea Creme 50mlNivea Happy Time Body Lotion Normal 250mlNivea Int Soft Moistng Crème 200mlNivea Lotion Dry Skin 250mlNivea Lotion Norm Skin 250mlNivea Soft Int Mst Crème 75mlOlay Everyday Sunshine Body Mist Deep Glow 200mlSt Ives S/F Skin Firming Body Lotion 400mlVaseline Int Care Aloe Fresh Lotion 200mlVaseline Int Care Aloe Fresh Lotion 400mlVaseline Int Care Dry Skin Lotion 200mlVaseline Int Care Dry Skin Lotion 400mlVaseline Int Rescue Moisture Body Lotion 400mlVaseline Int Rescue Moisture Lotion Unfrag 200ml

All About Body Skin Kind 4x100gDettol Antibac Soap 125gDove Soap 2x100gDove Soap 4x100gDove Soap Extra Sensitive 2x100gImperial Leather Condition Bar 4x100gPalmolive Naturals Soap Original 4x100gSimple Pure Soap 2x125gWrights Coal Tar Soap Original 125g

Liquid SoapCarex Handwash Splash 300mlCarex Handwash Aloe Vera and Euc 250mlCarex Handwash Collagen Boost 250mlCarex Handwash Moisture Plus 250mlCarex Handwash Original 250mlCarex Handwash Sensitive 250mlCarex Handwash Soothing 250mlDettol Antibac Nourish Handwash 250mlDettol Blue Handwash 250mlDettol Kitchen Handwash 250mlDettol Refreshing Hand Foam 250mlDove Liquid hand Wash Fresh Touch 250mlDove Silk Cream Wash 250mlIrish Breeze Liq Handsoap Sunflower and Lemon500mlIrish Breeze Milk & Honey handwash 500mlPalmolive Liquid Handsoap Antibac 300mlPalmolive Liquid Handwash Antibac +300mlPalmolive Liquid Handwash Aquarium300mlPalmolive Liquid Handwash Milk/Honey 300mlPalmolive Liquid Handwash Ultra Nour 300mlPalmolive Liquid Handwash Antibac 500mlPalmolive Liquid Handssoap Olive 300mlPalmolive Odour Neutralising Handwash 300mlRadox Clean & Protect Heandwash 300mlRadox Handwash Clean & Moisture Refill 500mlRadox Handwash Clean & Protect refill 500mlRadox Handwash Clean & Soften refill 500mlRadox Nourish handwash 300mlSanex Dermo Protector handwash 300mlSanex Revital Handwash 300ml

MEDICINESupplementsSeven Seas OAD Clo Capsules 120sSeven Seas OAD Cod Liver Oil and Epo 30sSeven Seas OAD Viamin B Complex 30’sSeven Seas OAD Pure C.L.O. Capsules 60sSeven Seas Odourless Garlic Pearles 60 capsSeven Seas Pulse Cardiomax Omega 3 30sSeven Seas Pulse Pure Fish Oil 120 capsulesSeven Seas Pure C.L.O. 170mlSeven Seas Trad Cod Liver Oil 450ml

Diet Atkiins Day Breakchocolate Chip Crisp 5pkBeeline Slimmers Litewate Capsules 60sComplan Completemeal 7/8 serving Original FlvrComplan Completemeal Chocolate 4 x 57 grmsDevon Healthline tea Biscuit 150gDextro Energy Tablets 47gSlimfast Chocolate Caramel Bar 26gSlimfast Raspberry Smoothie 325mlSlimfast Sour Cream Plus Chive Pretzils 23gSlimfast Strawberry 12 serving 438gComplan Complete Meal Strawberry 4 sachets x 57gSlimfast Chocolate Crunch bar 60gSlimfast Chocolate Drink bottle 325mlSlimfast Forest Fruits Smoothie 325mlSlimfast Peanut Snack BarSlimfast Snack Bar Almond & CranberrySlimfast Strawberry drink bottle 325ml

Family PlanningClearblue Digital 2 testsClearblue Digitial Ovulation 7sClearblue Pregnancy Test 2 TestDurex Elite 12pkDurex Extra Safe 12sDurex Extra safe 18sDurex Fetherlite 12sDurex Fetherlite 3sDurex Performa 12sDurex Play Feel 50mlDurex Play Lubricant Tingle 50mlDurex Pleasure maximum 12sDurex Pleasuremax Warming 12sDurex Pleasurepack 12sDurex Sensation 12sKy Jelly 82g

MatchesCricket FirepowerKtwo Kitchen Matches 3 packMaguire & Paterson Extra Long Matches

FirelightersBic Maxi Lighter 3pk Clip StripBord Na mona Eco Friendly Firelighters 24sBord n Mona Fire Log 1.30kgBord Na Mona Firepak SmokelessDragon Firelighters 36 packDragon Firelogs 1.1kgDrummer 80sZip Cracklelog 1.kgZip Fast & Clean 16 Individual wrappedZip Fast & Clean 28 Individual wrappedFashion Scuff Ko the Black 75mlFashion Scuff Ko Te Brown75ml

Kiwi Express BlackPunch 1 Size Cushion InsolePunch 1 Size Odr Destroy InsolePunch Ball of Foot Gel Cushion 2pkPunch Guardsman Shoe Polish 50mlPunch Instant ProtectorPunch Laces Round Black 50cm 2pkPunch Laces Round Brown 50cm 2pkPunch Laces Round Navy 50cm 2pkPunch Laces Round White 50cm 2pkPunch Leather White Plus 75mlPunch Max Shoe Shine BrownPunch Max Shoe Shine NeutralPunch Nubuck Cleaner 200ml200mlPunch Quick Shine SpongePunch Shoe Brush 2 packPunch Shoe Deodorant 200ml200mlPunch Shoe Polish Neutral 50mlPunch Shoe Polish Brown 50mlPunch Shoe Shine Black 75mlPunch Shoe Shine Brown 75mlPunch Shoe ValetPunch Suede & Nubuck Cleaning BlockPunch Suede Brush

S H O P - A G U I D E T O W H A T S I N S T O R E





Ballycurreen Industrial Park,Airport Road,CorkTel: 021 4320900Dublin Office:50 Dartmouth Square,Dublin 6Tel: 01 6671755/01 6600479

E E R , W I N E & S P I R I T S



CCoorroonnaa EExxttrraa JJaaggeerrmmeeiisstteerr

TTeeaacchheerrss BBoorruu VVooddkkaa SSttoolliicchhnnaayyaa MMccGGuuiiggaann

PPaauull MMaassoonn BBoosscchheennddaall HHaarrddyyss MMiicchhaaeell LLyynncchh

BWG Foods LtdGreenhils RoadWalkinstownDublin 12Tel:01 4090300

MMcc PPhheerrssoonn SSaavv BBllaanncc MMcc PPhheerrssoonn SShhiirraazz MMccPPhheerrssoonn RRoosséé


Cassidy Wine MerchantsMagna Drive,Citywest Business Campus,Dublin 24Tel: 01 4668900

MMaarrqquuééss ddee CCáácceerreess GGaalllloo EErrrraazzuurriizz

GGaattoo NNeeggrroo OOxxffoorrdd LLaannddiinngg

Diageo plc.,St James’s Gate,Dublin 8Tel: 01 6435438

GGuuiinnnneessss BBuuddwweeiisseerr HHaarrpp

CCaarrllssbbeerrgg SSmmiitthhwwiicckkss


BEE R , W I N E & S P I R I T S


B E E R , W I N E & S P I R I T S

Whos Who 2010 189

Diageo plc.,St James’s Gate,Dublin 8Tel: 01 6435438

GilbeysNangor House,Nangor Road,Dublin 1201 4194000

SSmmiirrnnooffff GGoorrddoonnss BBaaiilleeyyss

BBuusshhmmiillllss CCaappttaaiinn MMoorrggaannss JJoohhnnnniiee WWaallkkeerr

JJoossee CCuueerrvvoo RRoommaannaa SSaammbbuuccaa TTaannqquueerraayy

BBlloossssoomm HHiillll YYeellllooww TTaaiill BBllaacckk TToowweerr

FFaauussttiinnoo LLoouuiiss LLaattoouurr SSaannttaa RRiittaa

Edward Dillon & Co., LimitedEstuary House,Block P7Eastpoint Business Park,Fairview,Dublin 3Tel: 01 8193300Fax: 01 8193390

Gleeson Group16 Cherry Orchard Ind Est.,Ballyfermot,Dublin 10Tel: 01 6269787

BBaavvaarriiaa DDuuvveell WWaarrsstteeiinneerr

BBuuddeejjoonniicckkee CCoobbrraa EEssttrreellllaa DDaammnn

BEE R , W I N E & S P I R I T S




Whos Who 2010 191

B E E R , W I N E & S P I R I T SBE E R , W I N E & S P I R I T S

Heineken Ireland58 Leitrim Street,CorkTel: 021 4503371

HHeeiinneekkeenn AAmmsstteell MMuurrpphhyyss

CCoooorrss BBeeaammiisshh FFoosstteerrss

Trade contact1890 23 08 30 (ROI)

Gleeson Group16 Cherry Orchard Ind Est.,Ballyfermot,Dublin 10Tel: 01 6269787

MMeerrrryyss SScchhoottzz SSiieerrrraa TTeeqquuiillaa

BBeenncchhmmaarrkk JJaaccqquuaarrtt CChhaammppaaggnnee FFaallssee BBaayy

TTaarraaPPaaccaa CCaannttii



Irish DistillersSimmonscourt House,Simmonscourt Road,Ballsbridge,Dublin 4Tel: 01 2129000

AAbbssoolluutt HHuuzzzzaarr CCoorrkk DDrryy GGiinn

JJaammeessoonn WWhhiisskkeeyy PPaaddddyy PPoowweerrss wwiisskkeeyy

JJaaccoobbss CCrreeeekk MMoonnttaannaa MMuummmm CChhaammppaaggnnee

BEE R , W I N E & S P I R I T S

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It can help me reduce my carbon footprint

Londis – GB only; Mace – Northern Ireland only

It’s good to know there’s a great local store just around the cornerMusgrave supports more than 3,200 stores in Ireland, the UK and Spain.

Together with our retail partners we are Ireland’s second largest employer with more than 35,000 employees

It means great value on my doorstep

I can drop in on my way back from work

Supporting my local retailer supports local jobs

Local retailers understand local needs

Local retailers support local suppliers

It can help me reduce my carbon footprint

Londis – GB only; Mace – Northern Ireland only

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