today’s literacies lrc 320 bryn siegelman. new literacies definition: generally refers to new...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Today’s LiteraciesLRC 320

Bryn Siegelman

New LiteraciesDEFINITION:

Generally refers to new forms of literacy made possible by digital technology developments, although new literacies do not necessarily have to involve use of digital technologies to be recognized as such


Clickers, Educational Websites


New interactive technology that allows students to respond via handheld remote controls

Quick Q&A during classroom time

Allows class to respond in a timely manner, making quizzes and participation easier

Educational WebsitesD2L

- Allows teachers and students to communicate through an online forum in which grades and assignments are visible and up to date

- Requires students to turn in papers that are put through a plagiarism check, to verify the percentage of plagiarism within a paper.


- Free of charge, set up by the University and controlled by the teachers

- Free of charge, allows teachers to compare papers submitted from their students with any other papers on the same subject (from other universities or the internet)

PositivesNew forms of literacies create new ways

to learn

Websites like D2L allow students to keep track of grades and due dates for their courses ensures that each student provides an original paper, removing the threat of plagiarism

Clickers allow students to participate without feeling the pressure of answering correctly amongst their peers

NegativesLess interaction between the student and the


Many technical issues arise when relying on electronics

Websites such as can sometimes make mistakes, resulting in false accusations of plagiarism

Clickers can malfunction due to technical issues

ConclusionOverall, new literacies are creating a new way

for teachers to relay information, for students to learn, and for both parties to stay organized

Although some prefer traditional classroom methods, these new technological advances make learning easier and less intimidating

User friendly for students of our generation

Students enjoy the anonymity of resources such as the clicker

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