toeic test listeningandreadingpracticetest ak

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  • 7/30/2019 TOEIC TEST ListeningAndReadingPracticeTest AK



    6 D

    The man and woman are in a garage. Wedont know i they (B) work in an oce or(C) manage a car actory, although this isunlikely because they look like they workin the garage. (A) We dont know i they

    are married.

    7 C

    The woman is wearing a ace mask,goggles, gloves and a protective suit. (A)She is not using a magniying glass. She iswearing goggles, not glasses. (B) She maywork in a hospital, but she could also be inan industrial laboratory. (D) Her protectiveclothing is not suitable or winter weather.

    8 D

    There are people sitting at tables withdrinks and a woman appears to beexplaining something in a menu. (A) Thepeople seated at the table may or maynot be there or a meeting over a meal. (B)The woman who is standing appears tobe explaining something in a menu. She isnot removing anything rom the table. (C)There are no suit jackets in the picture.

    9 C

    The woman is on a ladder in the aisleo a store. (A) She is not walking or (D)working at a counter. (B) She may besearching or some merchandise, but shecould also be arranging the products.

    10 C

    The man is pushing a wheelbarrow at aconstruction site. (A) He may or may notbe building a house. (B) There are bricksin the picture, but he is not making them.(D) There is a car, but he is not driving it.

    1 C

    A young man is standing beside a stand oproduce. In this case the produce is ruit.We cannot be certain whether he is (B)buying or (D) selling the produce, nor (A)who owns the ruit stand.

    2 B

    The cashier is in the middle o ringing upthe purchases (= recording and calculatingthe cost o what the customer is buying).(A) The customer has not taken out moneyor a credit card or payment. The womenare neither (D) taking the produce out othe cart nor (C) putting it into a box.

    3 B

    The woman is looking at a computerscreen. (A) Her hand is on a book, not onthe computer. (C) Although there may bea mouse pad on the table, we cannot seeone. (D) She is holding a pen, not an eraser.

    4 C

    The group o children is paying attentionto the woman as she shows them theglobe. We dont know i she is (A) talking

    about her travels or (B) pointing to hercountry. (D) The children are not pointingat anything.

    5 A

    There is no inormation in the pictureabout what the man is doing in the eld.He might be (C) managing wind energyor (D) working or a armer, but we dontknow. (B) He is unlikely to be taking a walkin the country because he is wearing ahardhat and overalls.

    Listening and Reading Answer Key

    Section 1: Listening

    Part 1:Photographs

    Grammar and Vocabulary for the

    TOEICTestPractice Test

    The TOEIC test directions are reprinted by permission o Educational Testing Service, the copyright owner. However,the test questions and any other testing inormation are provided in the entirety by Cambridge University Press. Noendorsement o the publication by Educational Testing Service should be inerred.

  • 7/30/2019 TOEIC TEST ListeningAndReadingPracticeTest AK



    17 A

    The question asks or conrmation thata person did overtime (= extra work). (B)is about extra money, not extra work. (C)Overtiredsounds similar to overtime, butmeans very tired.

    18 C

    The question is a ormal way to introducea person. The key words are the womanstitle Ms and surname Daley. (A) Misssounds similar to Ms, but in this sentencemiss means to be absent rom. Thewordmeeting in this sentence is a nounmeaning an event where people cometogether, rather than a orm o the verb

    meet(= be introduced to). (B) Everydayhas the same meaning as the worddaily, which sounds the same as Daley.

    19 A

    The rst speaker makes a statementabout moving oces and the secondspeaker provides more inormation aboutthe situation. (B) is about oers, notoces, and (C) is about ocers (= peoplein ocial positions) and not oces(= places o work).

    20 B

    The rst speaker makes a request andthe second speaker agrees to it. (A)is an explanation o how to get to theourth foor. (C) Four(the ordinal number4) sounds similar to ourth (the cardinalnumber 4th).

    21 B

    The verb waitshows that the key

    question word,how long, is about alength o time. (A) Waiter(= a person whobrings ood to people in a restaurant)sounds similar to wait(= stay). (C) Threemeters answers the questionhow longwhen it reers to distance, not to time.

    Part 2:Question-Response

    11 B

    The rst speaker asks or directionswith the key word where, so the answer

    must be a location. (A) Although turn onsounds similar to turn, it means activatea switch, not change direction. (C)is an answer to the question when, notwhere.

    12 A

    The rst speaker asks about intentionso updating sotware and the secondspeaker answers when that will happen.(B) Wearsounds the same as the ware insotware, but means be dressed in. (C)Dates sounds similar to dating but meansparticular days.

    13 C

    The key question word is where. JacobsComputer Store is a location. (A) and (B)are both answers to the question when.

    14 B

    The key question word is when, so atime o day is the correct answer.The response indicates that the break-in(= illegal entry) included a robbery(= thet). (A) Broken is the past obreak,but means damaged. (C) The phraserecord-breaking means better thanprevious attempts or scores.

    15 C

    The rst speaker is seeking to conrmthat Mr. MacIntosh is a trustee (amember) o theboard(a group o

    managers). (A) Trustworthysoundssimilar to trustee but means reliableand (B)boredsounds the same asboardbut means uninterested.

    16 A

    The key question word is whos (= whois), so the answer should identiy aperson. (B) is an answer to whose and (C)gives the inormation about the fight.

  • 7/30/2019 TOEIC TEST ListeningAndReadingPracticeTest AK



    28 B

    The rst speaker is asking where anemployee or colleague is working now.(A) Mustardsounds similar tomoustache,but it is a type o sauce. (C) The verbrepresentedis related to the noun

    representative, but it doesnt reer to aperson.

    29 C

    This is a request or inormation aboutthe location o the companys letterheadpaper and the answer is in the cabinet.(A) A person in charge is the head (notletterhead) o a company (B) Lettersounds similar toletterheadbut it is awritten document, not a type o paper.

    30 A

    The rst speaker gives a choice o aplace and the decision is to go outside.(B) Take the table means to sit at atable, not to move it. (C) Teresa soundssimilar to terrace but is the name o aperson, not an outside area attached to abuilding.

    31 A

    By sayinghow ar along the rst speaker

    is asking how much more you need todo or how close you are to nishing thereport. The second speakers responsegives that inormation. (B) Five miles isa physical distance. (C)Airportsoundssimilar toreport.

    32 C

    The rst speaker is checking that a fighthas been conrmed and the secondspeaker oers to check this. (A) Firmsounds similar to conrm, but it is a noun

    that means a company, not a verb thatmeans to make certain. (B) Sight, thenoun orm o the verbsee, sounds similarto fight, the noun orm o the verb fy.

    33 B

    The main idea o the question is whatmore is needed and the response givesthat inormation. (A) is an answer to thequestion where. (B) is an answer to thequestion when.

    22 A

    The rst speaker gives inormation aboutan employee and the second speakerreacts to that inormation. (B) Someonewho issickisill, but the two people arediscussing a third person. (C) I Emma

    called in sick, she must not be at workand so it is unlikely that her colleaguewould be told to call a doctor or her.

    23 C

    The key question word ishow. (A) isan answer to when. (B) is an answer towhere.

    24 A

    The question is a suggestion and theresponse is an agreement. (B) Bicyclesounds similar torecycle. (C) is unrelatedto the topic o recycling, as it is about thelocation o paper that is ready to be used.

    25 B

    The rst speaker is asking orconrmation o a past situation andthe second speaker disagrees withthe statement. (A) The verbis usedtomeans is accustomed to and reersto the present. (C) The context o the

    conversation makes it clear that theshare reers to dividing a part o the oceand not to stocks in a company.

    26 C

    The rst speaker is asking i the otherperson has time to do something andthe second speaker conrms this andasks or more inormation. (A)A minutesounds similar to the minutes, which inthis response means a written report oa meeting. (B) In the questiona minute

    means an amount o time, and is notrelated to the time o day.

    27 A

    The main idea o the statement is thelocation o a presentation that will takeplace. The time, when, is not given,so the second speaker asks or thisinormation. (B) gives more inormationabout where and (C) is a question aboutinormation that is already given in thequestion.

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    38 A

    The rst speaker is asking orconrmation and the second speakerconrms the statement and gives areason. (B) Contract(with the stress onthe rst syllable) means a document o

    agreement and contract

    (with the stresson the second syllable) means to becomeinected with an illness. (C) In thisresponse.hardis a physical descriptiono the material concrete, but in thequestion, working hardmeans putting ina lot o eort.

    39 C

    The rst speaker asks or the inormationo a location (where) and the secondspeaker gives the location. (A) is about

    a change o location. (B) is a negativeresponse to a question about who is inthe head oce.

    40 A

    The question is a request and the requestis agreed to. (B) is about another person(he) and not the speaker. (C) Have a wordwith means to speak to, sohave in thequestion isnt reerring to possession.

    34 A

    The rst speaker asks or a reason whyand the second speaker gives the reason.(B) does not make sense since there areno cars in the parking lot. (C)A lotmeans a large amount in this context,

    not an area.

    35 A

    The question is a polite oer and thesecond speaker accepts the oer. (B)The answer to the question o Wouldyou like? would not be yes i thespeaker is already waiting or a coee.(C) Mr. Stephens is the person who isresponding.

    36 B

    The statement is a polite way to getconrmation about an action and theresponse gives that conrmation. (A) and(C) contain dierent meanings oplacerom the way it is used in the question.Place can be used as a verb to mean toput in a location or as a noun meaninglocation.

    37 B

    The question is when something started

    in the past and the response givesthat inormation. (A) is an answer towhen something starts in the uture.(C) indicates that something endedsometime in the past.

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    46 B

    The man says that it is 3 oclock. (A) Thewoman delivered the les 10 minutesago, or at 2:50. (C) There is no mention o3:10. (D) The train leaves at 3:20.

    47 A

    The woman is most likely checkingmembers cards at a club entrance.(B) The woman is using a computer, butthere is no indication that they are in acomputer store. (C) The woman may beat a check-out counter at the entranceo the club, but there is nothing in theconversation to show that. (D) Theclub could be in a hotel, but there is no

    mention o a hotel in the conversation.

    48 B

    The woman wants to see the mansmembership card. (A) The man is alreadya member o the club. (C) The womanasks or the mans name, not its spelling.(D) Members are encouraged to carrytheir membership card.

    49 A

    The man thinks he has let his card athome, so he has probably orgottento bring it. (B) Amembership cardisdiscussed, notmembership ees. (C) and(D) The woman is checking the computer.There is no mention o a computer courseor writing a check.

    50 A

    The rst speaker states that the ence(= a structure o wood or wire orminga wall around a piece o land) has

    been damaged. (B) A storm damagedthe ence. (C) and (D) The plans wereto remove the ence or the building(= the construction) o an annex (= anextension).

    51 D

    The storm damaged the ence. (A) Theconversation discusses a plan to startbuilding in the uture. (B) Vandals(= people who intentionally damagethings in public places) are not

    mentioned. (C) There was a plan toreplace the ence in the uture.

    Part 3:Conversations

    41 A

    According to the speakers, Mr. Johnsonhas made the decision to resign rom hisjob. (B) Im sorry to hear that meansthe speaker is sad about the news, notthat there is a hearing problem. (C) Mr.Johnson plans toresign (= to quit) romhis job because o his health, not go to aresort(= a place where people can go onvacation or relaxation or or an activity)or his health. (D) The second speakerwonders who will be the new SalesDirector, but this is not the main topic othe conversation.

    42 C

    One o the speakers asks who the newSales Director will be. This shows that Mr.Johnson is leaving the position o SalesDirector. (A) and (D) reer to positionsthat are in the eld o health, but theconversation only mentions health as areason Mr Johnson is retiring. (B) Designsounds similar toresign, but means todraw or plan something, not to quit.

    43 B

    When someone retires because o health

    problems, it is assumed the person isgoing to stop working. Although thepeople wonder who will replace Mr.Johnson, it does not mean he is (A)moving to a new place or (C) transerring.(D) Mr. Johnson is leaving the job o SalesDirector, not taking over the job.

    44 D

    The people are discussing businessdocuments and the woman asks whenthe man will be back at the oce. (A) Thewoman delivered the les, but this doesnot mean that she works in a post oce.(B) The man has to leave the oce tocatch the train. (C) The woman let theles with Jim Zengs personal assistant.

    45 B

    The woman says that she made thedelivery 10 minutes ago and the mansays that the time is 3 oclock. (A) Thedelivery was made 10 minutes ago, not

    10 days ago. (C) The conversation takesplace in the aternoon, but there is nomention o the day o the week. (D) Earlyis used in the conversation to indicatewhen the man hopes to be back.

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    58 A

    The woman would go to her companysnance department to nd out about herpaycheck. (B) The accountant is at lunch,but there is no mention o a caeteria.(C) and (D) The complaints desk or

    customer service are places where acustomer with a problem would go.

    59 C

    The woman is looking or a mouse padand the man takes her to the sectionwhere the computer accessories can beound. (A) A person who needs to buya new mouse pad would not go to anoce to buy one. (B) The context o theconversation shows that the people aretalking about a computer device and not

    an animal. (D) Although the woman has ahealth problem she is looking or a devicethat will be more comortable to use.

    60 A

    The woman wants to buy a specialkind o mouse pad that helps supporther wrist. (B) and (C) are items thesalesperson suggests that she might alsowant. (D) The woman says that she willbuy a new computer workstation later.

    61 D

    The woman says that she is saving or anew computer workstation. She wantsone with special eatures that will protecther muscles. (A) The woman is justbuying one item now. (B) The woman isnot asking or treatment or her pain, buta computer accessory to help preventit. (C) The woman is getting a mousepad that will support her wrist, not wristsupports.

    62 C

    The man says that he is driving tothe conerence. (A) A bus has beenchartered, but he is not on the list to takeit. (B) The woman asks i he is fying. (D)Ater the rst day, the man will walk.

    63 D

    The man says that his mother-in-law liveswithin walking distance, so he doesntneed to stay at a hotel. (A) He is not

    staying in a hotel. (B) The amily is stayingwith his wies mother. (C) His children willbe staying with their grandmother.

    52 C

    According to the second speaker, theannex will be built next spring. (A) Thereis no mention o a wall. (B) The speakersays the ence was going to be replaced,not theannex. (D) The speakers do not

    say anything about repairing the ence.

    53 C

    The people have looked or anadvertisement they placed in thenewspaper, but it wasnt there. (A) Theyhave seen the newspaper, but not theadvertisement. (B) The act that theadvertisement was not in the newspaperwas discouraging. (D) The woman lookedor the advertisement in both issues andit wasnt in either.

    54 B

    The man mentions the dierent wayspeople will nd out about the sale. (A)The woman will call the Daily News tond out the problem. (C) The man saysthat lots o people come to the mall onthe weekend. (D) The sale has beenbroadcast on the radio, not on TV.

    55 A

    The people are talking about theirsale taking place in the mall, so thatis probably where the people are.(B) The advertisement will be on theradio. (C) The woman says she will callthe newspaper oce. (D) The post oceis not mentioned.

    56 A

    The woman has a question about herpaycheck (= money she earned), so sheis an employee. (B) A customer might ask

    about a check, but not a paycheck.(C) The woman is told that she must seethe accountant. (D) There is no mentiono a waitress.

    57 B

    The woman says that she has a questionabout her paycheck. (A) She is told thatshe needs to talk to Evonne. (C) Thewoman has no problem with comingback. (D) Evonne has gone to lunch.

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    68 C

    The second woman is Ritva and shesays she is sending a ax. (A) The riendis waiting or Ritva. (B) Ritva is going tomake a photocopy. Nothing is said aboutwhether the machine is ree. (D) Ritva is

    going to copy a receipt ater she sendsthe ax.

    69 A

    The rst woman asks i Ritva is readyto go to lunch with her. (B) and (D) OnlyRitva is sending a ax now and then sheis going to make a photocopy. (C) Therst woman is going to wait in her ownoce until Ritva is ready.

    70 C

    The rst woman says Ill be in myoce, not (D) in Ritvas oce. (A) Theyare going to lunch together. (B) Ritva willmake a photocopy.

    64 B

    The man is going with his wie andchildren. (A) A bus has been charteredor the people going to the conerence.(C) and (D) His wie and children will begoing to see his wies mother, who is the

    childrens grandmother.

    65 B

    The woman is asking about a le olderthat she let by the photocopier machine.(A) A book was seen by the photocopier.(C) The man mentions Alice who worksin accounting. (D) The woman made aphotocopy.

    66 C

    The woman says that she let the leolder on a table by the photocopymachine. (A) and (B) Alice, rom theaccounting department, may have takenthe le. (D) The woman was on her wayto Jacks oce when she misplaced theolder.

    67 A

    Alice probably took it by mistake. (B) and(C) The woman did not take it to Jack.(D) It may have been takenbyAlice, not

    to her.

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    77 C

    The speaker starts by talking aboutour tour. The tour guide mentions (A)geology, (B) exhibits and (D) the treasureswe take rom the earth but these are notrelated to his job.

    78 D

    The speaker talks about exhibits inour museum. (A) The treasures soundssimilar to the treasury, but a treasury isthe government department responsibleor nancial matters such as spendingand taxes. (B) is an exhibit and (C) issomething that is experienced in one othe exhibits.

    79 C

    When the speaker says This is oneo our visitors avorite exhibits, he istalking about the earthquake room whereyou can eel the orce o an earthquake.(A), (B), and (D) reer to the dierentexhibits and activities in the museum.

    80 D

    The online banking services are services

    oered to the bank customers.(A) A banker is an owner or senioremployee o a bank. (B)Accounts soundssimilar toaccountant, but an accountantis a person who keeps business records.(C) The announcement discusses payingbills, not the person who comes to collectoverdue payments.

    81 D

    The speaker welcomes the user to theonline services, mentions using this

    site and gives the instructions to clickon the icon or instructions. This is allvocabulary related to the Internet andwebsites. (A), (B) and (C) do not givethe option to click on an icon to viewinstructions or banking online.

    82 A

    The services are listed and inormationon viewing instructions or using theservices is given. (B) An ATM card isnot mentioned. (C) One o the things

    the customers can do online is viewtheir payment history but thats not thepurpose o the announcement. (D) Thespeaker lists the services, but does notdemonstrate how to use them.

    Part 4: Talks

    71 A

    The speaker mentionspassengers, thedeparture lounge andgate 25. This isall vocabulary related to airports.(B) A fight school would not bedirectingpassengers. (C) Thegate inthe announcement is a departure gate,not agarden gate (D) Aboarding schoolprovides a room and meals. It is notrealated to boarding (getting onto) anairplane.

    72 C

    The passengers are being asked to go tothe departure gate. (A), (B) and (D) are allpeople who work in the airline industry.

    73 B

    The person making the announcementssays to New Delhi. (A) North Americansounds similar toAmerican Air, which isthe airline company. (C) The fight goesthrough Dubai. (D) Gate 25 is where thepassengers board the fight.

    74 A

    The speaker says your child, which

    shows that this announcement is orparents. (B) Teenagers sounds similar toTeeterin Teeter Tots, but teenagers arepeople aged 1319. (C) The club is orchildren under seven. (D) Children sevenyears old and above are not mentioned.

    75 D

    The announcement mentions a birthdaypack and a git certicate. (A) Parto the name o the center is LearningCenter which could indicate educational

    materials, but no educational materialsare mentioned. (B) and (C) There is nomention o meals or parties taking placeat the center.

    76 A

    The name o the business is Teeter Tots.(B) Waterside is the name o the mall. (C)The Birthday Bonanza is the name o theclub. (D) Moms and dads are the peoplewho will get a git certicate.

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    88 A

    The announcement says that peoplecan be helped with energy bills. (B) Therepair o a urnace is discussed, but notthereplacemento a urnace. (C) Theimprovements are on the insulation, not

    a repair o the complete house. (D) Theprogram is ree toapplicants but there isno mention o theapplications being ree.

    89 C

    People who are interested in becomingranchise owners are potentialranchisees. (A) The speaker is a directoro marketing. (B) The speaker talks aboutranchise owners, not mall owners.(D) The ranchise is a bakery, not arestaurant.

    90 C

    The business is a bakery ranchise. (A)The name o the ranchise sounds like itcould reer to the airlines, but the speakertalks about opening in shopping malls.(B) The speaker is director omarketing.(D) The speaker says there are 100ranchises in the western region.

    91 B

    Steve Edwards says that he is director omarketing. (A) Steves talk may sound likea salesmans speech, but he says that hisjob is in marketing. (C) Steve is talkingabout owning a ranchise, notmanaginga ranchise. (D) A personnel supervisor isnot mentioned.

    92 D

    The speaker says that she is a oundingmember o the company. (A) Mr. Chenintroduced the speaker. (B) The sta

    members are being addressed andpraised or their commitment. (C)Customers are not mentioned.

    93 B

    The companys name is HaphazardInsurance Company, so it providesinsurance. (A) and (C) The sta arethanked or their support and energy.(D) The speaker praises the stamembers or their hard work.

    83 A

    People who commute into Clarksvillewould be most interested in knowingabout the trac situation. (B) Thepolice may inspect the images but theyare not monitoring them all the time.

    (C) Routine maintenance (= regularlyservicing the equipment) is mentioned,but notmaintenance workers (= thepeople who take care o the equipment).(D) The trac cameras take images, butthere is no mention o photographers.

    84 C

    The instructions are to go to the traccams link at the Clarksville City website.(A) Clarksville is the city that has thetrac cams. (B) Junction 70 on Interstate

    25 is an example o a road you can view.(D) The Clarksville Highway Trac Controlis the organization that runs the service.

    85 A

    The images are updated every 5 minutes.(B) At times (= occasionally) the camerasmay be turned o, but not every 5minutes. (C) The words not availableare shown only i the image is 15 minutesout o date. (D) Suppliedsounds similartosupply, but the nounsupplymeans a

    stock o something.

    86 C

    The program is unded by the city and isree to people who are below a certainincome level. (A) Help with the repairo a urnace is only or those people ina low income household. (B) Even i ahousehold has high energy bills, theywill only ulll the requirements or theprogram i they have a low income.(D) One result o the program may bereduced energy use, but this does notanswerwho will benet.

    87 A

    The program is city unded. (B) Althoughcharities are institutions that help peoplein dicult situations, there is no mentiono a charity. (C) The city is going to helpprovide insulation as one o the ways tolower heating costs. (D) The amilies whocan aord electricity are not mentioned.

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    97 D

    The che went or training. (A) and (B)The ches training in Korean dishes tookplace at a top restaurant in a Korea. (C)The head che went to Korea to learnhow to makekimchi, not to buy it.

    98 C

    All items were returned except the GPSunit. (A) The clock was not reportedmissing. (B) Someone rang the doorbellwhen the stolen items were let on thedriveway. (D) The laptop was taken, butit was one o the returned items.

    99 C

    The police are searching the telephonerecords. (A) Jim Green is the personwho was robbed. (B) A stranger madethe phone call. (D) Reported(= therobbery details were given) is similar toreporter(= a journalist), but there is nomention o a reporter.

    100 B

    Someone let the items in Mr. Greensdriveway (= the car path leading up to ahouse). (A) The police are trying to ndthe caller. (C) The thie called (= phoned)

    Mr. Green. (D) The story was a newsitem on the radio.

    94 C

    The speaker thanks the sta or theircommitment to the company. (A) Thespeaker thanks the sta or their support.(B) The speaker thanks Mr Chen ortheintroduction. (D) According to the

    speaker, the success is due to the energyand inspiration o thesta.

    95 D

    The place is a restaurant and Ken saysIll be serving you. (A) Ken describesthe specialty created by the headche. (B) Theheadthat is mentioned isthe main che, not themanager. (C) Aspecialty(= a product that a person orplace is especially known or) soundssimilar to a specialist, buta specialistis

    a person who has a lot o experience,knowledge or skill in a particular subject.

    96 B

    Baked apple tart is the dessert special.(A) The speaker says barbecued bee,not chicken. (B) The speaker oers to getthe drinks menu. (D) The word customerssounds similar to custard. The speakersays the baked apple tart is a avourite oregular customers.

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    111 C

    Extensive is the adjective orm that candescribe research.

    112 B

    Ouris the possessive adjective, whichwe use in ront o a noun.

    113 A

    Something that is condentialis secret.The other options are usually used todescribe people.

    114 A

    The past tense is used or an actioncompleted in the past. Were relievedshows that the announcement wasmade in the past.

    115 B

    Interestis used with the prepositionin.

    116 C

    The missing word is the subject o the

    sentence, so it must be the noun orm,reaction.

    117 D

    Expectedis the only option that ts thecontext o the sentence. Applicants areexpected to has a similar meaningto Applicants are supposed to .

    118 D

    We use the -edorm o the verb

    because the proposals have beenselected by someone in the past.

    119 B

    The preposition to is used in the phrasein response to.

    120 C

    Abranch o a company is an oce,division, or store that orms part o alarger organization.

    Section 2: Reading

    Part 5:Incomplete Sentences

    101 D

    The past simple tense orm is used or acompleted time (in this case, last year).

    102 D

    To clear up is a phrasal verb meaningto remove doubts.

    103 C

    We use the adjective orm to describethe noun way.

    104 C

    Aninvestigation is a careulexamination. A reason or the complaintwas looked into or investigated.

    105 A

    Taken is the only option that makessense in the sentence, as it means thatsomeone got the gures rom the report.Also, taken is the only option that isusually ollowed by rom.

    106 B

    To come up with is a phrasal verbmeaning to suggest or think o an ideaor plan.

    107 D

    I you havegood manners, then you arepolite towards other people.

    108 D

    Metropolitan describes a large city or

    urban area.

    109 A

    We use the innitive orm with willtoreer to the simple uture.

    110 B

    Witha we need a noun orm and in thiscontext we need the noun that reers toa thing instead o a person.

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    131 D

    Remarkablyis an adverb orm thatwe can use to describe the adjectivesuccessul.

    132 C

    The verb to witness means to see orobserve, so it is the only option that tsin the context o the sentence.

    133 B

    The preposition with is used with theverbacquaint.

    134 C

    The answer is the subject o thesentence so it must be a noun orm.

    Diversity, and not diversion, means anumber o dierent types.

    135 C

    The adjectiveinnovative is the onlyoption that we can use to describe abusiness, as it describes something orsomeone that produces and acceptsnew ideas.

    136 D

    Severalmeans a ew but not verymany and explains that more optionsare being considered.

    137 D

    The verb to headmeans to be incharge o so it is the only option thatts in the context o the sentence.

    138 C

    The adjectiveproductive describes the


    139 C

    The noun opportunitymeans thechance or occasion or something goodto occur. An opportunistis a personand opportunism is a type o behavior.

    140 A

    Yetis used in the negative to mean notup to now.

    121 D

    Although is used to show a contrastbetween the actions in the two clauses.In this case, there is a contrast betweenthe action that has been taken and thehigh number o resignations.

    122 B

    The -ing orm o the verb is used as anadjective to describe the meeting.

    123 C

    The phraseas well as means inaddition to.

    124 A

    The noun circulation reers to the

    number o copies o a newspaper ormagazine that are sold. One o the mostcommon adjectives that we use withcirculation is wide.

    125 D

    The answer is the object o the sentence,so it must be a noun. The plural nouncharacteristics ts the context, as itmeans the qualities o the companies.

    126 BWhose is the relative pronoun that weuse to show ownership. The ocebelongs to the accountant.

    127 C

    Aordablyis the only option that wecan use to describe the verbpriced. Isomething is aordable, then it is notexpensive.

    128 D

    To orm the relative clause, the nounthe circumstances in the prepositionalphrasein the circumstances has beenreplaced with which. The prepositioninremains the same.

    129 D

    The -ing orm o the adjective is used todescribe the device.

    130 A

    Quicklyis the only option that is anadverb that can describe the speed withwhich something emerges.

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    148 B

    Aselection means a choice or rangeo dierent types, so in this case thewomen make a range o dierent bags.

    149 C

    The verb + prepositionassist in isollowed by theing orm o the verb.

    150 B

    The answer is the comparative orm(better) because the sentence iscomparing uture opportunities andprevious or current opportunities.

    151 BHere,howevermeans in whateverway, so this means In whatever wayyou manage your banking.

    152 D

    The adverb is used to describe the verbdo.

    Part 6:Text Completion

    141 A

    To orm the relative clause, the nounStanhope Universityin the prepositionalphrase rom Stanhope Universityhas been replaced with which. Thepreposition rom remains the same.

    142 C

    The writer o the letter uses the rstperson possessive (my) to reer tohimsel.

    143 D

    The noun orm consideration is used asthe second object o the preposition or.

    144 D

    The present simple tense is used or ageneral truth.

    145 A

    Hereso means to such a degree/amount, so the lawns have neverlooked as well tended as they do now.

    146 D

    Here, to refect on something/someonemeans to aect peoples opinion osomething/someone.

    147 B

    While means at the same time as. Theverb orm indicates a continuing activityand the prepositional phrase during thelast two years gives the period o timethat the activities have been happening.

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    161 A

    The main idea o the inormation is themeetings to discuss specialized topicso common interest, with details o howto sign up, when they are held, etc.

    162 C

    The Tuesday breakast session is aboutpersonnel issues in the global economy.Since personnel is the department o anorganization that deals with employees(recruitment, training, etc), this sessionis likely to deal with interviewing.

    163 B

    The Monday lunch session looks atrural-urban migration and housingconstruction which are both related topopulation increases.

    164 C

    In the response window she saysthat she is a nurse (= a person who isqualied in the eld o health care) andthat the site did not give her inormationabout how to upgrade her credentials inorder to work in your country, so she

    must be rom another country.

    165 B

    The questionnaire is asking what peoplend useul on the Northland Website.This suggests that they wish to improvethe website by adding inormation thatpeople need.

    166 C

    Betsy complains that there is no

    inormation about updating credentials.Certicates are oten used to prove apersons credentials or qualications.

    167 A

    The advertisement says that atechnician with experience in all typeso heavy equipment, trucks and cars isrequired.

    168 D

    The advertisement says the technicianis urgently required, so the companywants to employ someone as soon aspossible.

    Part 7: Reading Comprehension

    153 B

    The inormation is o general interestand very up-to-date. It is not likely toappear on a club notice board becausethe inormation is too general or ina brochure or fier because it is notadvertising anything.

    154 D

    The phrases gold prices peaked,remained near the high, the recentrevival, and expected the price to riseeven more indicate that the prices havegone up recently.

    155 A

    The analysts say that the revival is dueto several actors, but most signicantly,a reduction in the amount o gold theproducers are selling.

    156 D

    A spokesperson says the outlook isone o stability o prices, so they are notexpecting much change. This indicatesthat the prices will stay at this level.

    157 BThe article says that the companywill build a multipurpose port area. Isomething is multipurpose, it has manyunctions.

    158 C

    There will be three commercial berthsand one or government, so a total oour.

    159 CThe conerence is or the employees othe TriFab Construction Company.

    160 A

    According to the inormation peoplewho wish to discuss specialized areaso concern should register their namesat the sign-up desk in the Saari Lounge.

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    178 A

    The receipt shows amounts o moneyRalph has given to charity. The moneyyou give to charity can be called acontribution.

    179 DThe receipt lists his Total One-timeContributions as $450.

    180 C

    It says on the webpage that this is thereceipt and it can be printed rom thewebpage. It also says that an emailreceipt will be sent and a copy by postalmail can be requested. There is nomention o a axed receipt.

    181 A

    Eleanor works or a company calledBranberry Property Management and inthe letter she is organizing the paymento rent by a tenant to a landlord.

    182 B

    Albert is receiving rent rom the tenantand is responsible or paying or repairsto the property, so he must be the ownero the property that is discussed in theinvoice and letter.

    183 A

    In his letter Albert says that work wascompleted last year to end the problemwith dampness and stop him romhaving to renovate every year. But thestatement charges him or repairs andtreating mold, so the problem has notbeen solved.

    184 DAlbert says We paid $376 or this workto be carried out when talking aboutthe previous year.

    185 B

    On the statement to Albert Gutzo abouthis property, the tenant (or personliving at that address) is listed as TinaErickson.

    169 A

    Transportation department ocialswould be the most likely to be interestedin the trac fow around their citybecause they have to maintain roads,public transportation, etc.

    170 D

    In Bridgetown means within the citylimits and the percentage given orwithin the city limits is 64 percent.

    171 C

    Diving is a water sport, so water sportsenthusiasts are the most likley to beinterested.

    172 AIt says in the brochure that PADI diversmust have proo o their certication.

    173 C

    The other courses oered are orchildren or or more advanced divers.

    174 B

    To give permission is to allow somethingto happen or give your consent, so the

    consent options in this email are theinstructions about what inormation thecustomer allows the bank to share.

    175 D

    The email asks shareholders not torespond to emails requesting their ID,password or other sensitive inormation.

    176 A

    The titles o the columns say Best

    and Worst and the chart contains themonths o the year, so we can see thatthe chart shows which months werebest and worst or sales or the ourdierent companies.

    177 D

    January, Greens Outdoor Clothingsworst month, is the month immediatelyater December, its best month.

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    194 A

    Lee Banks asks what the requireddeposit would be, so it is clear thatKatelins Kitchen asked or a deposit.

    195 C

    Lee Banks called to talk about a cateredlunch or 50 guests.

    196 B

    In his email, Morris Malone says that theunds or redecorating the boardroomare available and that the work isscheduled to begin on Monday morningo next week.

    197 D

    Morris says in the email that the carpetsand curtains will be replaced and thatthere will be new chairs, but there is nomention o replacing the table.

    198 A

    Jim says that his oce cannotaccommodate (= is not big enough or)eight people.

    199 B

    Jim says that the boardroom is the onlyroom that is both comortable and bigenough or the supervisors meeting, sothats where he has to hold the meeting.

    200 B

    In his email, Morris says that the workwill be nished late on Wednesday othe ollowing week, so it will be readyor use the ollowing day Thursday.

    186 B

    The oer o employment states that theprobation period ends three monthsrom the date o commencement, whichis July.

    187 DThe changes to the contact allow 40days o hospitalization in addition to the14 days o sick leave mentioned in theoriginal contract. The total is thereore54 days.

    188 C

    Conducting market research means thesame asresearching the market.

    189 BThe oer o employment is dated June1. It states that the signed oer oemployment should be returned within10 days o that date or June 10.

    190 B

    A transportation allowance is notmentioned in either letter.

    191 C

    Lee mentions in her letter that she calledMs. Zungu on Thursday, March 25th.

    192 C

    Lee Banks thanks Ms. Zungu or theinormation about menu choices andtable setting in the rst sentence o herletter.

    193 B

    There is no mention o sh in the buet


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    6 (A) They are married.

    (B) They work in an oce.

    (C) They manage a car actory.

    (D) They are in a garage.

    7 (A) She is looking through a magniyingglass.

    (B) She is working in a hospital.

    (C) She has protective clothing on.

    (D) She is dressed or winter weather.

    8 (A) The people are at a meeting.

    (B) The woman is clearing the table.

    (C) The men are wearing suits.

    (D) The people are in a restaurant.

    9 (A) She is walking through a store.

    (B) She is searching or somemerchandise.

    (C) She is standing on a ladder.

    (D) She is working at the checkoutcounter.

    10 (A) He is building a house.

    (B) He is making bricks.

    (C) He is pushing a wheelbarrow.

    (D) He is driving a car.

    Example (A) A pie chart has been drawn onthe whiteboard.

    (B) They are chatting in the hotel

    conerence room.

    (C) The conerence presentation iswell attended.

    (D) They are discussing their nextpresentation.

    1 (A) He is working at his athers stand.

    (B) He is buying some ruit.

    (C) He is standing beside some produce.

    (D) He is selling apples.

    2 (A) The customer is paying the cashier. (B) The cashier is ringing up the


    (C) They are putting the goods into a box.

    (D) They are emptying the shopping cart.

    3 (A) Her hand is on the computer.

    (B) She is looking at the screen.

    (C) There is a mouse pad on the table.

    (D) She is holding an eraser.

    4 (A) She is telling them about her travels.

    (B) She is pointing to her country.

    (C) They are listening to the woman.

    (D) They are pointing at the globe.

    5 (A) He is looking at wind turbines.

    (B) He is taking a walk in the country.

    (C) He is managing wind energy.

    (D) He is working or a armer.

    Listening Test Recording Script

    Part 1

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    20 Could you take these documents toMr. Akbari on the ourth foor?

    (A) Just take the elevator.

    (B) Sure. Anything else?

    (C) Yes, our would be great.

    21 How long should we wait or Dominique?

    (A) The waiter is coming.

    (B) At least another 15 minutes.

    (C) About 3 meters is enough.

    22 Emma called in sick.

    (A) Thank you or letting me know.

    (B) You dont look ill.

    (C) Call a doctor.

    23 How will Mrs. Thompson arrive?

    (A) In the morning

    (B) At the airport

    (C) By train

    24 Why dont we set up a recycling programor our oces?

    (A) I suppose we could start somethingup.

    (B) It would be un to bicycle to work.

    (C) You can get paper rom the supplyroom.

    25 Mary used to share an oce with Liz,didnt she?

    (A) Yes, shes used to sharing that oce.

    (B) No, shes always been in a privateoce.

    (C) Yes, and she still has shares in thecompany.

    26 Have you got a minute?

    (A) Yes, I took the minutes.(B) Certainly, its 20 ater 10.

    (C) Sure, what do you need?

    27 Dr. Morrison will be presenting inRoom 101.

    (A) When is that?

    (B) On the ourth foor

    (C) Will he go?

    Part 2

    11 Where do I turn?

    (A) On the lamp

    (B) Ater the trac lights

    (C) In the aternoon

    12 Have you considered updating thesotware?

    (A) Yes, I plan on doing that next month.

    (B) Yes, what I wear is very up-to-date.

    (C) Yes, the dates have been considered.

    13 Where did you take your laptop to bexed?

    (A) In 60 minutes

    (B) On Tuesday aternoon

    (C) To Jacobs Computer Store in the mall

    14 When was the break-in?

    (A) Three windows were broken.

    (B) The robbery was last night.

    (C) Yes, it was record-breaking.

    15 Mr. MacIntosh is on the board o trustees,isnt he?

    (A) Yes, hes trustworthy.

    (B) Yes, hes bored.

    (C) Yes, hes on it.

    16 Whos going to the airport to pick upMr. Suzuki?

    (A) Lydias personal assistant.

    (B) It belongs to Nancy.

    (C) Flight NW 227.

    17 Didnt you do some overtime last week?

    (A) Yes, I did.

    (B) An extra 10 dollars.

    (C) No, Im not overtired.

    18 Have you met Ms. Daley?

    (A) We cant miss that meeting.

    (B) Ive worked on it everyday.

    (C) Oh hello, pleased to meet you.

    19 I dont want to change oces. Do you?

    (A) We dont have a choice.

    (B) No, we didnt like the oers.

    (C) The ocers are waiting outside.

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    35 Would you like a coee while you wait,Mr. Stephens?

    (A) Yes, please.

    (B) Yes, Im waiting or a coee.

    (C) Yes, Mr. Stephens is waiting or you.

    36 I was wondering whether you placed theorder.

    (A) Yes, I put it outside.

    (B) Yes, I axed it yesterday.

    (C) Yes, I ound a place.

    37 When did Mrs. Gertz start working here?

    (A) She starts next week.

    (B) About 20 years ago.

    (C) Yes, she worked a long time ago.

    38 The boss has been working hard ongetting that contract, hasnt she?

    (A) Yes, it is an important one.

    (B) Yes, she contracted a bad cold.

    (C) Yes, the concrete is getting hard.

    39 Where has the head oce been moved to?

    (A) Yes, the head oce is in a newlocation.

    (B) No, the person in the oce is stillthere.

    (C) Oh, just around the corner rom theold premises.

    40 Can I have a word with you?

    (A) Sure, is there a problem?

    (B) O course, he can see you.

    (C) Im sorry. I dont have any.

    28 What ever happened to the salesrepresentative with the moustache?

    (A) The mustard is in the sta roomrerigerator.

    (B) He now works in our Phoenix branch.

    (C) Everyone was represented at the

    annual meeting.

    29 Do you know where the letterhead paperis?

    (A) Yes, he is in charge.

    (B) The letter is in the inbox.

    (C) Theres some in the cabinet.

    30 Shall we take the table by the window orgo out onto the terrace?

    (A) Lets go outside.

    (B) The table is too heavy to move.

    (C) Yes, Teresa will join our table later.

    31 Exactly how ar along are you in thatreport?

    (A) Im almost nished.

    (B) Five miles at the most.

    (C) Oh, it is very close to the airport.

    32 My fight has been conrmed, hasnt it?

    (A) Yes, I have been with the rm orsome time.

    (B) Yes, your sight is excellent.

    (C) Let me check to make sure.

    33 What else do we need to complete theapplication?

    (A) The application is in the oce.

    (B) Only the orm with the signatures.

    (C) The deadline or completion is nextweek.

    34 Why arent there any cars in the parking

    lot?(A) They are repaving the lot today.

    (B) Its so dicult to get a place to park.

    (C) There are a lot o tickets on the cars,arent there?

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    Questions 53 through 55 reer to the ollowingconversation.

    Woman: Did you see our advertisement inTuesdays paper?

    Man: No, I looked or it, but didnt see it. I

    also looked in Wednesdays issue.Woman: Well, thats discouraging. It doesnt

    seem to have been put in. Ill call theDaily News and see what the problemis. Our weekend sale wont get muchattention i nobody knows that itshappening.

    Man: I wouldnt worry too much aboutthat. We have placed postersthroughout the mall and the salesbeen broadcast on the radio. Besides,lots o people come to the mall on the

    weekend anyway.

    Questions 56 through 58 reer to the ollowingconversation.

    Man: Can I help you?Woman: Yes. I have a question about my

    paycheck.Man: Youll want to see Evonne in

    accounting, but Im araid shes out tolunch right now. Can you come backater 1:00?

    Woman: No problem.

    Questions 59 through 61 reer to the ollowingconversation.

    Man: May I help you?Woman: Yes. Im looking or a new mouse pad,

    one that will give more support to mywrist. Its causing me a lot o pain.

    Man: OK. Our computer accessories areover here. We have several mousepads, but you might also want toconsider a dierent kind o mouse orkeyboard as well.

    Woman: Yes. I know that those may also behelpul, but I just want a mouse pador now. Im saving up or a speciallydesigned computer and workstationthat prevents people rom gettingmuscle pains.

    Part 3

    Questions 41 through 43 reer to the ollowingconversation.

    Woman: Mr. Johnsons resigning. Did youknow that?

    Man: No, I didnt. Did he get an oer rom

    another company?Woman: No, hes retiring because o health

    problems.Man: Im sorry to hear that. I wonder wholl

    be the new Sales Director.

    Questions 44 through 46 reer to the ollowingconversation.

    Man: Have you delivered those les to JimZeng?

    Woman: Yes. Just ten minutes ago. I let them

    with his secretary since he was in ameeting.Man: OK. Thanks. I have a train to catch so

    I better leave now.Woman: When will you be back at the oce?Man: I should be back early next week.

    Monday I hope. Oh, I really have torun now. Its 3 oclock and the trainleaves at 3:20.

    Questions 47 through 49 reer to the ollowingconversation.

    Woman: Do you have your club membershipcard?

    Man: My card? Oh no, not on me. It mustbe at home. Is it necessary?

    Woman: Well, we do encourage members tocarry it. Can you give me your nameso I can check the records on thecomputer?

    Man: Sure. It is Parke, spelled with an e atthe end.

    Questions 50 through 52 reer to the ollowing

    conversation.Man 1: The outside ence has been damaged.Man 2: Im not surprised. That was a terrible

    storm last night. And the ence wasntvery strong, was it?

    Man 1: No, we were already planning toreplace it, actually.

    Man 2: Is that part o the plan or when theystart building the new annex nextspring?

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    Questions 68 through 70 reer to the ollowingconversation.

    Woman 1: Are you ready to go to lunch, Ritva?Woman 2: Not quite. Im just sending this ax.

    Its almost nished.Woman 1: OK. Im not in a hurry. Ill be in my

    oce. Come and get me whenyoure ready to go.

    Woman 2: Since youre not in a hurry, Ill justmake a copy o this receipt, too.

    Questions 62 through 64 reer to the ollowingconversation.

    Woman: I noticed your name isnt on the list orthe chartered bus. Are you fying tothe conerence?

    Man: No, driving. My wies mother livesnear the convention center, so shesdropping me o on the rst dayand then taking the kids to see theirgrandma.

    Woman: Oh, thats convenient.Man: It is. In act, my mother-in-law lives

    within walking distance rom theconvention center, so I didnt evenneed to book a hotel.

    Questions 65 through 67 reer to the ollowingconversation.

    Woman: Has anyone seen the le older Ilet on the table by the photocopymachine?

    Man: Well, I did notice a book there.Woman: No, not a book. I was bringing the

    older to Jacks oce and I stoppedto make a copy o a contract.

    Man: Oh. I do remember seeing Alice romaccounting pick up a red older. Shemust have thought it was hers.

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    Questions 83 through 85 reer to the ollowingradio announcement.

    I you are driving into downtown Clarksville, youmight want to check the trac at Junction 70on Interstate 25 beore you start your journey.

    Just go to the trac cams link at the ClarksvilleCity website. There you can see imagessupplied courtesy o the Clarksville HighwayTrac Control. Images are updated every 5minutes. There may be times when camerasare not available. They may be ofine or policeinspection or routine maintenance. When theimage on the trac cams are 15 minutes out odate, the words not available fash across thescreen.

    Questions 86 through 88 reer to the ollowingrecording o a public service announcementon TV.

    High uel prices and low temperatures havemade many amilies worried about their abilityto pay their energy bills. I you live in a lowincome household, then we can help to reduceyour energy bills this winter. I you ulll therequirements, an energy check will be made onyour home and you can be helped with energybills, the repair o your urnace, and necessaryinsulation improvements. This city-undedprogram is ree to applicants below a certainincome level. Please call 5559880 or visit ouroce on Main Street or advice on how to applyor home energy assistance.

    Questions 89 through 91 reer to the ollowingtalk.

    Good aternoon. Im Steve Edwards, director omarketing or Pie in the Sky, one o the nationsmost successul ranchises in recent years. Inthe last two years we have opened 100 newbakeries in the western region alone. Now we

    are planning to expand nationwide. We aimto have a Pie in the Sky in over 100 shoppingmalls by the end o the decade giving shopperseverywhere the chance o tasting our deliciousselection o home-baked pies. Youre heretoday because you are interested in becominga ranchise owner o our rapidly-expandingbusiness. We are all here today because wewant to make money.

    Part 4

    Questions 71 through 73 reer to the ollowingannouncement.

    May I have your attention please? Passengersfying American Air fight 2236 to New Delhi viaDubai please proceed now to departure gate 25.

    Questions 74 through 76 reer to the ollowingadvertisement.

    Stop by the Teeter Tots Learning Center atWaterside Mall and register your child in ourBirthday Bonanza Club. The Birthday BonanzaClub is open to all children up to the age o 7.Every year on their birthday, children receivea birthday pack ull o un activities crayons,coloring books, stickers, party hats, balloons,and a stued toy. Mom and Dad will also get a

    git certicate to spend in any o the Teeter Totslocations.

    Questions 77 through 79 reer to the ollowingtalk.

    Our tour this aternoon will take you throughthe dierent geological periods o our planet.We will begin our journey through time bystarting at the center o the Earth where we willdiscover the natural orces that shape our Earthand see samples o the treasures we take romit. Included in this section is our earthquake

    room where you can eel the orce o anearthquake at its epicenter. This is one o ourvisitors avorite exhibits in the museum.

    Questions 80 through 82 reer to the ollowingannouncement.

    Welcome to HKLN online banking services.With HKLN banks bill paying service, you canpay your bills whenever you want and whereveryou are. You can set up your account to payregular monthly bills automatically and track

    your payment history to see who, when, andhow much you paid. You can also use this siteto update your payment instructions anytime.With HKLN online banking services you canalso receive your bills online. Click on the GreenBill icon to view instructions or both online billpaying and bill receiving.

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    Questions 98 through 100 reer to the ollowingradio news report.

    Here is a news item with a happy ending. AFlorida man reported a laptop computer, aGPS unit, and a digital camera stolen rom hishome only to have most o the items let inront o his house a ew days later, according toa police report. Jim Green reported the itemsstolen on November 3. Three days later, Greensaid he received a call rom a stranger who toldhim he had the stolen items. The caller alsosaid he had Greens antique clock. Green didntrealize the clock was also stolen but checkedand ound it was missing, too. Two hours later,the doorbell rang. In his driveway, Green oundmost o the items, except or the GPS unit.The police department is searching telephonerecords that could lead them to the caller.

    Questions 92 through 94 reer to the ollowingspeech.

    Thank you or the introduction, Mr Chen I amdelighted to be here with you this evening. Iwould like to make two points. One is to thankyou or your support, or the commitmentyou continue to show in your work here atHaphazard Insurance Company. My other pointis to praise you or being such a wonderulteam at your company. I say your companybecause you have made it the successulcompany that it is. I must admit that as aounding member, I have called HaphazardInsurance my company over the years, but theaccomplishments that I am so proud o comerom you, rom your energy and inspiration.

    Questions 95 through 97 reer to the ollowing

    talk.Hi, welcome to the Green Dragon Restaurant.My name is Ken and Ill be serving you thisevening. Here is the menu. But rst let me tellyou about our specials or today. We havea barbecued bee andkimchidish, whichis a specialty o our head che who has justreturned rom a six-month in-service trainingat a top restaurant in Korea. For our dessertspecial today we are serving baked apple tart:a avorite with our regular customers. Ill leaveyou to look over the menu. Would you like to

    have a look at the drinks menu while you makeyour selections?

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    Question 7

    Hello, I heard that you oer workshops thattrain people in businesses who want to useinternet video-conerencing eectively. I havesome questions Id like to ask i you dont mind.Umm

    What dierent kinds o workshops do you oer?

    Question 8Is there a maximum number o participants ora workshop at the premises?

    Question 9

    Could you tell me more about the onlinedelivery workshop?

    Question 10: Propose a solution

    Oh good aternoon. My name is Maria Lopez. I

    was in your store this morning and I think I mayhave let my glasses on the counter when I wasbuying some shoes. Or I may have put themdown somewhere when I was trying on shoes.They are in a brown leather case. I was thereat about 11 oclock and I just got home andrealized that I had orgotten them somewhere.I remember having them with me when I cameinto the store. Would you check i they are thereor i someone in the store handed them in?Please call me at 555 9528.

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