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8/24/2015 Devotions — Proverbs 31 Ministries Devotions 1/2

Holly Good February 26, 2008


“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

We call it “family time.” It’s my favorite night of the week. Several months ago, I felt the Lord convictingme, “Holly, I’m so glad you and your husband serve the youth in your church…you teach them, leadthem, and pray with them on a weekly basis. But what are you doing with the two beautiful youth withinyour own precious home?”

I could not believe what had been revealed to me that day. I was amazed as to how simple this truth was,yet for some reason so challenging. It caused me to ponder, Why don’t we have family devotions? Whydon’t we intentionally pray together? Why don’t we lift others needs up in prayer as a family – together?

Without hesitation, I talked to my husband and we determined a clear-cut plan for our family. We weregoing to have purposeful times with the Lord together. Just us – my husband, our 16-year-old daughter,our 12-year-old son, and me.

My friends often ask me what we do during family time. Here is our simple plan.

We read the Bible – We have our children look up key verses and we discuss them. Sometimes it will bea specific story, and sometimes it will just be a verse or two. We glean insight in both the Old and NewTestament. I love the discussions that result from the truth’s we read and discover – together.

We memorize scripture – We choose one of the verses we’ve read and work to memorize it for the nextweek – together.

We marvel at how God answers prayers – My husband or I will read aloud from an incredible bookcalled “100 Amazing Answers to Prayer,” by William Peterson and Randy Peterson. Each week we aretruly amazed as to how God works in miraculous ways. It is filled with mind-boggling stories oftestimonies to answered prayer. This is our favorite part of family time. We sit in awe of our God –together.

We Pray – We end our time in prayer. As we discuss prayer requests I marvel at the fact that it’s a greatway to get a glimpse into our kid’s lives. They’ll talk about their friends, their teachers, their schoolworkand any concerns on their heart. It’s a time when they know that we’re completely focused on them. It’salso a time for my husband and me to share things as well. When my husband’s job was in jeopardy ofbeing eliminated several months ago, we prayed as a family – together.

During our family time we attempt to show, explain, and discuss how God’s love is all-consuming, and isalways available to us regardless of how our week has been. We certainly don’t come across as theperfect all-knowing parents – just parents who love our kids and love God, too.

Are our kids always running to family time with smiles, great attitudes, an eagerness to learn, and anopen heart for discussion? Not usually! But they always leave visibly refreshed and encouraged. And thatis why we do it – together.

Dear Lord, thank you for my family. Please show me how to love them and lead them according to yourwill. Give me the boldness to show them my love for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

8/24/2015 Devotions — Proverbs 31 Ministries Devotions 2/2

Related Resources: The Pocket Parent: A Guide to Raising Godly Kids

Mining for Gold in the Heart of Your Child, Character Chart and CD by Renee Swope

Building the Christian Family You Never Had, by Mary DeMuth

Click here to connect with Holly on Lysa’s blog, where she’ll be a guest writer today.

Application Steps: Get intentional about having a specific time for your family to pray together.

Encourage your children to talk to you about their faith and questions they may have.

Create a safe environment for your children to share what is on their hearts.

Reflections: What will you do today to show God’s love to your children?

What will you do today to get your children into God’s word?

Power Verses:Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when his is old he will not turn from it.” (NIV)

John 13:35, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (NIV)

John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear muchfruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Categories: God's Perspective

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