tom jenkins

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Tom Jenkins

Johnny Wilkinson.This photo is a capture the moment photo as the subject matter within the photo is happening right at that time. The photo hasn’t been posed at all. Although the lighting used is artificial as it is coming from the flood lighting in the stadium. By framing this photo there is more focus on Johnny, as all the hand sand eyes are on him as he makes his way back into the locker room. There could be some religious connotations within this picture as the positioning of Johnny’s arms are god like.

Here we have a shot of Ronaldo taking a shot at the goal in a Manchester United football game. Here the moment is different as we don’t know the outcome of the goal, did he save it or did the ball go in. by the looks on the crowds faces the goal was saved an no one is cheering hey are all still in their seats. There is a narrow depth of field in this shot with Rooney's face being slightly blurred out and so is the crowd but Tom has made sure hat the Manchester United banner is still in focus. By taking the photo from behind the goal he is able to frame Ronaldo's face within the goal net, making you look directly at him.Once again the lighting is artificial as the flood lighting is the main lighting used.

Straight away we can see this photo is different from the ones previously looked at, as this photo has been staged. Tom has positioned Oscar as if he is running to make it look like he is capturing the moment. The broad depth of field shows off the background which is quite clear that they are in the Olympic Stadium.

This is the first of the two photos I chose to analyse from the photography work of Tom Jenkins.The reason for choosing this photo is mainly the format and style in which the photo has been taken.There is a broad depth of field within this photo as it is all clearly visible. Once again Tom Jenkins has captured the moment as the cyclists travel around the arena. The lighting used isn't very clear but shadows are clearly visible on the track. By using the colours that are in the photo is gives it a whole different meaning. Finally by making the cyclists ghostly it adds a bit of mystery and movement to the whole photo.

This is the second photo I chose to analyse from the works of Tom Jenkins.The reason for choosing this picture was because of the format.By using the sun set as the lighting it creates shadows on the figures making them stand out against the orange back ground. Again Jenkins is capturing the moment as one of the golfers take a swing. There is a broad depth of field that has been used.Here we can see a low angle has been used giving the figures a sense of power within the photo.

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