tom peters mini master

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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Tom Peters’ Tom Peters’


Mini-master/03 October 2008Mini-master/03 October 2008

NOTENOTE:: To appreciateTo appreciate this presentation this presentation [and ensure [and ensure

that it is not a that it is not a messmess],], you need you need Microsoft fonts:Microsoft fonts:

“Showcard Gothic,”“Showcard Gothic,” “Ravie,”“Ravie,” “Chiller”“Chiller”

andand “Verdana”“Verdana”

The The 100-Year100-Year Storm Storm

***Hubris***HubrisAxiom Axiom [upon which Nobel prizes were won][upon which Nobel prizes were won]: We can : We can eradicate risk eradicate risk [with the new math, the new instruments[with the new math, the new instruments].].We can refine the eradication process ad We can refine the eradication process ad infinitum infinitum [derivatives of derivatives of derivatives[derivatives of derivatives of derivatives].].A few tens of trillions of $$ of exposure—so A few tens of trillions of $$ of exposure—so what?what?We don’t want to be the first1st to bail—only We don’t want to be the first1st to bail—only wimps quit when they get their third wimps quit when they get their third consecutive $10M bonus at age 29.consecutive $10M bonus at age 29.I got this because I’m smart—this was not I got this because I’m smart—this was not repeat not luck; I deserved every damn penny.repeat not luck; I deserved every damn penny.[Counter text: [Counter text: Fooled By Randomness—Nassim Nicholas Fooled By Randomness—Nassim Nicholas Taleb]Taleb]


***Quant primacy***Quant primacyToo much faith in super-smart intellectuals Too much faith in super-smart intellectuals [Reminds me to the point of dotting of the “i”s and crossing [Reminds me to the point of dotting of the “i”s and crossing of the “t”s of David Halberstam’s of the “t”s of David Halberstam’s The Best & The Brightest—The Best & The Brightest—on the on the Vietnam quagmire]Vietnam quagmire]

If you’re not a 100% quant convert, you’re If you’re not a 100% quant convert, you’re “old school” and held up to ridicule—even if “old school” and held up to ridicule—even if you’re Warren’re Warren Buffett.

***Step shift in complexity***Step shift in complexityFact is, “it” became incomprehensible.Fact is, “it” became incomprehensible.Connectedness Connectedness [in general, global][in general, global] totally new totally new and, again, incomprehensible.and, again, incomprehensible.

***Perception Is Everything***Perception Is EverythingFinancial markets are, by design, a house of Financial markets are, by design, a house of cards—e.g., basic idea is to take a dollar of cards—e.g., basic idea is to take a dollar of deposits and lend 10 based thereupon, deposits and lend 10 based thereupon, depending on the depositors not to withdraw depending on the depositors not to withdraw all at once.all at once.Emotions rule as much on Wall Street as at Emotions rule as much on Wall Street as at the football stadium!!!!!!the football stadium!!!!!!

ExExppectations are ectations are evereveryythinthing!!!!!g!!!!!Madness of crowds is just that—madness!!!!!Madness of crowds is just that—madness!!!!!It is axiomatic that house prices will rise and It is axiomatic that house prices will rise and rise and rise—and then rise some more.rise and rise—and then rise some more.

***Basics Rotten***Basics Rotten

MarMaryy and Joe couldn’t have and Joe couldn’t have ppaid the loan back if hell aid the loan back if hell had frozen over—thehad frozen over—theyy were were not, simnot, simppllyy, creditworth, creditworthy.y.The incentives were nutty—lend to anyone The incentives were nutty—lend to anyone and everyone and collect the full commission and everyone and collect the full commission when you book the loan and get fired if you when you book the loan and get fired if you don’t don’t book it.

[Message from [Message from In Search of Excellence, in another context, In Search of Excellence, in another context, It’s the basics, stupid—Japan is killing us, circa 1980, because It’s the basics, stupid—Japan is killing us, circa 1980, because (1) their cars work and (2) they ask their workers how to (1) their cars work and (2) they ask their workers how to make them even better.]make them even better.]

***Good Ideology Run Amok***Good Ideology Run AmokDe-regulation = Holy.De-regulation = Holy.If de-regulation is good, then more is If de-regulation is good, then more is better.better.

***History Repeats Repeats Repeats Itself***History Repeats Repeats Repeats ItselfSouth Sea BubbleSouth Sea Bubble


S & LS & LJunk bondsJunk bondsDot-comDot-com


***Thank God for Paulson—It’d Be Worse ***Thank God for Paulson—It’d Be Worse Without Him.Without Him.

***No One ***No One Knows the Knows the

Ending to This Ending to This StoryStory

***Black Swans***Black SwansBelieve it: s%^& happens. Believe it: s%^& happens. [See Taleb once again—[See Taleb once again—The Black Swan.]The Black Swan.]

NB: NB: Your resYour respponse to one or two black swans onse to one or two black swans is is yyour life leour life leggacacy—it’s easy to be a genius y—it’s easy to be a genius when the market is rising rising rising.when the market is rising rising rising.

Slides at …Slides at …


Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics”Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics”

1. A Bias for 1. A Bias for ActionAction2. Close to the 2. Close to the CustomerCustomer3. 3. AutonomAutonomyy and and EntreEntreppreneurshireneurshipp4. Productivity Through 4. Productivity Through PeoPeopplele5. 5. Hands OnHands On, , Value-DrivenValue-Driven6. 6. Stick toStick to the Knitting the Knitting7. 7. SimSimpplele Form, Form, LeanLean Staff Staff8. Simultaneous 8. Simultaneous Loose-TightLoose-Tight Properties” Properties”

““Breakthrough” 82*Breakthrough” 82*

People! People! CustomersCustomers

! ! Action! Action! Values! Values!

**In Search of ExcellenceIn Search of Excellence

Hard Is SoftHard Is SoftSoft Is HardSoft Is Hard

Hard Is Hard Is SoftSoft (Plans, (Plans, ##ss))

Soft Is Soft Is HardHard (people, (people, customers, values, customers, values,


““You must You must bebe the change you the change you

wish to see in the wish to see in the world.”world.”


““It’s It’s alwaalwayyss showtime.”showtime.”

—David D’Alessandro, Career Warfare

Why in Why in the the World did World did youyou go to go to SiberiaSiberia??

EnterpriseEnterprise* ** (*at its best):* ** (*at its best): An An emotionalemotional, , vitalvital, , innovativeinnovative, , jojoyyfulful, , creativecreative, , entreentreppreneurialreneurial endeavor endeavor that elicits maximum that elicits maximum

concerted humanconcerted human potential in the potential in the wholeheartedwholehearted serviceservice of others of others.****Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners**Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners

… … no less than no less than CathedralsCathedrals in which the full and in which the full and

awesome power of the awesome power of the Imagination and Spirit and Imagination and Spirit and native Entrepreneurial flairnative Entrepreneurial flair

of diverse individualsof diverse individuals is is unleashed in passionate unleashed in passionate pursuit of … Excellence.pursuit of … Excellence.

““The role of the Director is to The role of the Director is to create a space where the actors create a space where the actors

and actresses canand actresses can become become more than they’ve ever more than they’ve ever been before, more than been before, more than

they’ve dreamed of they’ve dreamed of beingbeing.”.” —Robert Altman, Oscar acceptance speech—Robert Altman, Oscar acceptance speech

““Leaders Leaders

‘‘SERVESERVE’’ people. people.

Period.”Period.” —inspired by Robert Greenleaf

““We Have Met the Enemy …We Have Met the Enemy …

ThankThank you, you,

Howard Howard (& Walt) and (& Walt) and Lou & Ken … Lou & Ken …

InternalInternal organizational organizational

excellenceexcellence* *** ** = = Deepest “Blue Deepest “Blue


**A “Blue ocean” is by A “Blue ocean” is by definition very profitable … definition very profitable … and will be and will be quicklyquickly copiedcopied. .

““sustainablesustainable blueblue” (Internal ” (Internal organizational excellence) is organizational excellence) is

farfar more more difficultdifficult to copy. to copy.

****Internal Internal organizational organizational excellence = excellence =

““BrandBrand insideinside””

B(I) > B(O)B(I) > B(O)

“… “… it is it is the the


“If I could have chosen not to tackle the IBM culture head-on, I probably wouldn’t have. My bias coming in was toward strategy, analysis and measurement. In comparison, changing the attitude and behaviors of

hundreds of thousands of people is very, very hard. [Yet] I came to see in my time at IBM that culture

isn’t just one aspect of the

game ——it is the it is the gamegame.”.” —Lou Gerstner,

Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance



Ken Kizer/VA 1997: Ken Kizer/VA 1997: “culture of cover-up “culture of cover-up that pervades healthcare” that pervades healthcare”

“Patient Safety Event Registry”“Patient Safety Event Registry”

… “looking for systemic solutions, … “looking for systemic solutions, not not seeking to fix blameseeking to fix blame on individuals on individuals

except in the most egregious cases. The good news except in the most egregious cases. The good news

was awas a thirtthirtyy-fold -fold increaseincrease in the number of medical in the number of medical

mistakes and adverse events that got reported.” mistakes and adverse events that got reported.” “ “National Center for Patient Safety Ann Arbor”National Center for Patient Safety Ann Arbor”

““New technology, by itself, has little economic New technology, by itself, has little economic benefit. … The economic benefits arise not from benefit. … The economic benefits arise not from

innovation itself, but from the entrepreneurs who innovation itself, but from the entrepreneurs who eventually discover ways to put innovation to eventually discover ways to put innovation to

practical use— practical use— and, most critically, and, most critically, from the organizational from the organizational changes through which changes through which

businesses reshape businesses reshape themselves to take themselves to take advantage of new advantage of new

technology.”technology.” —Marc Levinson, The Box: —Marc Levinson, The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and

the World Economy Biggerthe World Economy Bigger

When The “Enemy” When The “Enemy” ReallyReally Wins Wins

““Lose Your Nemesis”:Lose Your Nemesis”: ““ObsessinObsessingg about about yyour comour comppetitors, etitors, trtryyiningg to match or best their offerin to match or best their offeringgs, ss, sppendinendingg time time each daeach dayy wantin wantingg to know what the to know what theyy are doin are doingg, and/or , and/or

measurinmeasuringg yyour comour comppananyy a aggainst them—these ainst them—these activities have no activities have no ggreat or winninreat or winningg outcome outcome.. Instead you Instead you are simply prohibiting your company from finding its own way to be are simply prohibiting your company from finding its own way to be truly meaningful to its clients, staff and prospects. You block your truly meaningful to its clients, staff and prospects. You block your

company from finding its own identity and engaging with the people company from finding its own identity and engaging with the people who pay the bills. … Your competitors have never paid your bills and who pay the bills. … Your competitors have never paid your bills and they never will.” they never will.” —Howard Mann, —Howard Mann, Your Business Brickyard: Getting Back to the Basics Your Business Brickyard: Getting Back to the Basics

to Make Your Business More Fun to Run*to Make Your Business More Fun to Run*

**Mr Mann also quotes Mike McCue, former VP/Technology at Netscape:Mr Mann also quotes Mike McCue, former VP/Technology at Netscape: “At Netscape “At Netscape the competition with Microsoft was so severe, we’d wake up in the the competition with Microsoft was so severe, we’d wake up in the

morning thinking about how we were going to deal with them instead morning thinking about how we were going to deal with them instead

of how we would build something great for our customers.of how we would build something great for our customers. What I What I realize now is that realize now is that yyou can never, ever take ou can never, ever take yyour eour eyye e

off the customer. Even in the face of massive off the customer. Even in the face of massive comcomppetition, don’t think about the cometition, don’t think about the comppetition. etition.

LiterallLiterallyy don’t think about them don’t think about them.”.”

Thank you Thank you Horst …Horst …

““I [will] not accept the I [will] not accept the explanation of a recession explanation of a recession negatively affecting the negatively affecting the

[new] business. There are [new] business. There are still people traveling. We just still people traveling. We just have to get them to stay in have to get them to stay in our hotel.”our hotel.” —Horst Schulze, on his new chain, —Horst Schulze, on his new chain, Capella, from Prestige (06.08) Capella, from Prestige (06.08) The Return of History and The Return of History and

the End of Dreamsthe End of Dreams

ThankThank you , you ,

Herb …Herb …

““You have to You have to treat your treat your

employees like employees like customers.”customers.” —Herb Kelleher, —Herb Kelleher,

complete answer, upon being asked his “secrets to success”complete answer, upon being asked his “secrets to success”

Source: Joe Nocera, Source: Joe Nocera, NYTNYT, “Parting Words of an Airline Pioneer,” on the occasion , “Parting Words of an Airline Pioneer,” on the occasion of Herb Kelleher’s retirement after 37 years at Southwest Airlines (SWA’s pilots of Herb Kelleher’s retirement after 37 years at Southwest Airlines (SWA’s pilots

union took out a full-page ad in USA Today thanking HK for all he had done; union took out a full-page ad in USA Today thanking HK for all he had done; across theacross the

way in Dallas American Airlines’ pilots were picketing the Annual Meeting)way in Dallas American Airlines’ pilots were picketing the Annual Meeting)

Thank you Ben & Thank you Ben & Norm, Ike , Charlie, Norm, Ike , Charlie, George, Nelson, Ben George, Nelson, Ben

and Delaware … and Delaware …

GiveGive good good tea! tea!

““In the same bitter winter of 1776 that Gen. George Washington led his beleaguered troops In the same bitter winter of 1776 that Gen. George Washington led his beleaguered troops across the Delaware River to safety, Benjamin Franklin sailed across the Atlantic to Paris to across the Delaware River to safety, Benjamin Franklin sailed across the Atlantic to Paris to

engage in an equally crucial campaign, this one diplomatic. A lot depended on the bespectacled engage in an equally crucial campaign, this one diplomatic. A lot depended on the bespectacled and decidedly unfashionable 70-year-old as he entered the world’s fashion capitol sporting a and decidedly unfashionable 70-year-old as he entered the world’s fashion capitol sporting a

simple brown suit and a fur cap. … simple brown suit and a fur cap. … Franklin’s miracle was that armed Franklin’s miracle was that armed only with his canny personal charm and reputation as a only with his canny personal charm and reputation as a scientist and philosopher, he was able to cajole a wary scientist and philosopher, he was able to cajole a wary French government into lending the fledgling American French government into lending the fledgling American

nation an enormous fortune.nation an enormous fortune. … The enduring image of Franklin in Paris tends … The enduring image of Franklin in Paris tends to be that of a flirtatious old man, too busy visiting the city’s fashionable salons to pursue to be that of a flirtatious old man, too busy visiting the city’s fashionable salons to pursue

affairs of state as rigorously as John Adams. affairs of state as rigorously as John Adams. When Adams joined Franklin in When Adams joined Franklin in Paris in 1779, he was scandalized by the late hours and Paris in 1779, he was scandalized by the late hours and French lifestyle his colleague had adopted, says [Stacy French lifestyle his colleague had adopted, says [Stacy

Schiff, in A Great Improvisation] Adams was clueless that Schiff, in A Great Improvisation] Adams was clueless that it was through the dropped hints and seemingly offhand it was through the dropped hints and seemingly offhand

remarks at these salons that so much of French remarks at these salons that so much of French diplomacy was conducted.diplomacy was conducted. … Like the Beatles arriving in America, Franklin … Like the Beatles arriving in America, Franklin aroused a fervor—his face appeared on prints, teacups and chamber pots. The extraordinary aroused a fervor—his face appeared on prints, teacups and chamber pots. The extraordinary popularity served Franklin’s diplomatic purposes splendidly. Not even King Louis XVI could popularity served Franklin’s diplomatic purposes splendidly. Not even King Louis XVI could

ignore the enthusiasm that had won over both the nobility and the bourgeoisie. …”ignore the enthusiasm that had won over both the nobility and the bourgeoisie. …”

Source: “In Paris, Taking the Salons By Storm: How the Canny Ben Franklin TalkedSource: “In Paris, Taking the Salons By Storm: How the Canny Ben Franklin Talked the French into Forming a Crucial Alliance,” the French into Forming a Crucial Alliance,” U.S. News & World ReportU.S. News & World Report, 0707.08, 0707.08

The ragtag and victory-less Continental Army was retreating, George The ragtag and victory-less Continental Army was retreating, George Washington notwithstanding. For the Americans, finding an ally was a Washington notwithstanding. For the Americans, finding an ally was a life or death proposition. Short, fat old Benjamin Franklin was our life or death proposition. Short, fat old Benjamin Franklin was our man in Paris. Short, fat and old though he may have been, he was a man in Paris. Short, fat and old though he may have been, he was a Charmer. He won the hearts and devotion of the ladies of high society Charmer. He won the hearts and devotion of the ladies of high society with his mastery of Tea & Flattery. The Americans eked out a success with his mastery of Tea & Flattery. The Americans eked out a success at Saratoga which Franklin turned into an epic victory—and the at Saratoga which Franklin turned into an epic victory—and the besotted ladies convinced their mighty husbands to get behind the besotted ladies convinced their mighty husbands to get behind the Americans. The rest, as they say, is history.Americans. The rest, as they say, is history.

The launchpad for Gulf War I was Saudi Arabia. Despite the Saudis The launchpad for Gulf War I was Saudi Arabia. Despite the Saudis need to have Iraq’s Kuwaiti incursion reversed, the Kingdom was need to have Iraq’s Kuwaiti incursion reversed, the Kingdom was touchy about the massive American military presence on their Holy touchy about the massive American military presence on their Holy soil. Allied supreme commander Norm Schwarzkopf says, tongue only soil. Allied supreme commander Norm Schwarzkopf says, tongue only half in cheek, that his principal contribution to the war effort was half in cheek, that his principal contribution to the war effort was nightly marathon sessions sipping tea with the Crown Prince.nightly marathon sessions sipping tea with the Crown Prince.

The point: The point: No matter how weighty the cause, “giving good No matter how weighty the cause, “giving good tea”—an incredible and expensive (in terms of time) tea”—an incredible and expensive (in terms of time) investment in key relationships is typically invaluable and of investment in key relationships is typically invaluable and of decisive decisive strategicstrategic importance. Message: Master the Art of Tea importance. Message: Master the Art of Tea—metaphorically at least—and make it in to the history books. —metaphorically at least—and make it in to the history books.

““Allied commands depend Allied commands depend on mutual confidence on mutual confidence [and this confidence] [and this confidence] is gained, above all is gained, above all

through the through the develodeveloppmentment of friendshiof friendshippss.”.”

——General D.D. Eisenhower, General D.D. Eisenhower, Armchair General Armchair General * (05.08)* (05.08)

*“Perhaps his most outstanding ability [at West Point] was*“Perhaps his most outstanding ability [at West Point] was the ease with which he made friends and earned the trust the ease with which he made friends and earned the trust of fellow cadets who came from widely varied backgrounds;of fellow cadets who came from widely varied backgrounds; it was a quality that would pay great dividends during his it was a quality that would pay great dividends during his

future coalition command.”future coalition command.”

Do tea. Do tea. Make friends.Make friends.

Could it be that simple?Could it be that simple?At some level, the answer is yes.At some level, the answer is yes.

You need the troops. And you need the guns. But as D-You need the troops. And you need the guns. But as D-Day approached in 1944, you mostly needed to have a Day approached in 1944, you mostly needed to have a modicum of peace among Churchill, Montgomery, modicum of peace among Churchill, Montgomery, Patton, Bradley and Roosevelt. As Schwarzkopf kept the Patton, Bradley and Roosevelt. As Schwarzkopf kept the Saudis on board through tea, Ike’s affability, for which Saudis on board through tea, Ike’s affability, for which he was often criticized or dismissed or disdained, kept he was often criticized or dismissed or disdained, kept the British and Americans from killing each other long the British and Americans from killing each other long enough to kill the Germans.enough to kill the Germans.

George Crile (George Crile (Charlie Wilson’s WarCharlie Wilson’s War) on Charlie ) on Charlie Wilson:Wilson: “The way things normally work, if “The way things normally work, if you’re not Jewish you don’t get into the you’re not Jewish you don’t get into the

Jewish caucus, but Charlie did. And if you’re Jewish caucus, but Charlie did. And if you’re not black you don’t get into the black not black you don’t get into the black

caucus. But Charlie plays poker with the caucus. But Charlie plays poker with the black caucus; they had a game, and he’s black caucus; they had a game, and he’s

the only white guy in it. The House, like any the only white guy in it. The House, like any human institution, is moved by friendships, human institution, is moved by friendships,

and no matter what people might think and no matter what people might think about Wilson’s antics, they tend to like him about Wilson’s antics, they tend to like him

and enjoy his company.”and enjoy his company.”

The 95% FactorThe 95% Factor**:: “What I learned “What I learned from my years as a hostage from my years as a hostage negotiator is that we do not negotiator is that we do not have to feel powerless—and have to feel powerless—and

that that bondinbondingg is the is the antidote to the hostage antidote to the hostage

situation.”situation.” —George Kohlrieser, —George Kohlrieser, Hostage at the Hostage at the


*95% of Kohlrieser’s negotiations ended successfully*95% of Kohlrieser’s negotiations ended successfully

““I am a I am a dispenser of dispenser of


—Ben Zander

““eighty eighty percent of percent of success is success is

showing up.” showing up.” ——Woody AllenWoody Allen

Delaware was the smallest state in the Union in 1787 as Delaware was the smallest state in the Union in 1787 as the process of writing the Constitution got underway. For a the process of writing the Constitution got underway. For a number of reasons, some states, such as New Hampshire, number of reasons, some states, such as New Hampshire, were absent from the Convention, members of various were absent from the Convention, members of various delegations were away as much as present (e.g., Alexander delegations were away as much as present (e.g., Alexander Hamilton). In any event, about thirty Delegates were present Hamilton). In any event, about thirty Delegates were present and at work at any point in time.and at work at any point in time.

States could decide on the size of their delegations, and States could decide on the size of their delegations, and Delaware chose five—a very large number. Moreover, wee Delaware chose five—a very large number. Moreover, wee Delaware’s five never missed a day’s work and were in their Delaware’s five never missed a day’s work and were in their seats gavel to gavel.seats gavel to gavel.

Needless to say, wee Delaware had a wildly disproportionate Needless to say, wee Delaware had a wildly disproportionate impact on the Convention and the document itself.impact on the Convention and the document itself.

In a nutshell, Delaware’s secret: In a nutshell, Delaware’s secret: Show up!Show up!

(I like this example because it illustrates the impact of this (I like this example because it illustrates the impact of this “trivial” idea-tactic-strategy, available to all of us all of the “trivial” idea-tactic-strategy, available to all of us all of the time, in the most Monumental of affairs.) time, in the most Monumental of affairs.)

Do tea!Do tea!Make friends!Make friends!

Show up!Show up!

On the basis of such apparently humble “basics,” the On the basis of such apparently humble “basics,” the world turns—the American Revolution, Gulf War I, D-Day world turns—the American Revolution, Gulf War I, D-Day and the fate of the world, the U.S. Constitution.and the fate of the world, the U.S. Constitution.

Think about it!Think about it!

ThankThank you , you ,

David …David …


General David Petraeus’ “White lines along the General David Petraeus’ “White lines along the road”:road”:

““Secure and serve the population.Secure and serve the population. Live among the people.Live among the people. Promote reconciliation.Promote reconciliation. Move mounted, work dismounted;Move mounted, work dismounted; situational awareness can only besituational awareness can only be achieved by operating face-to-face,achieved by operating face-to-face, not separated by ballistic glass.not separated by ballistic glass.

WalkWalk..**”” ——David Petraeus, David Petraeus, Men’s JournalMen’s Journal (06.08) (06.08)

* * “I love that last one for its simplicity.”“I love that last one for its simplicity.” —DP —DP


5,000 miles 5,000 miles for a 5-minute for a 5-minute

face-toface-to-face meeting -face meeting

MBWA, Grameen Style!MBWA, Grameen Style!“Conventional banks ask their clients to come “Conventional banks ask their clients to come to their office. It’s a terrifying place for the poor to their office. It’s a terrifying place for the poor and illiterate. … and illiterate. … The entire Grameen Bank The entire Grameen Bank

system runs on the principle that people system runs on the principle that people should not come to the bank, the bank should not come to the bank, the bank

should go to the people.should go to the people. … … If any staff If any staff member is seen in the office, it should be taken member is seen in the office, it should be taken as a violation of the rules of the Grameen Bankas a violation of the rules of the Grameen Bank. .

… It is essential that [those setting up a new … It is essential that [those setting up a new village Branch] village Branch] have no office and no have no office and no pplace to lace to stastay. The reason is to make us as different as y. The reason is to make us as different as

possible from government officialspossible from government officials.” .” Source: Source: Muhammad Yunus, Banker to the Poor

ThankThank you , you ,

Doris …Doris …

Abe & IAbe & I

L(+21) = L(-L(+21) = L(-21)21)

Leadership(21A.D.) = Leadership(21A.D.) = Leadership(21B.C.)Leadership(21B.C.)

“… “… Time and Time and ssppace are ace are

annihilated bannihilated byy steamsteam.. … Oh, this constant locomotion, my … Oh, this constant locomotion, my

body & everything in motion. Steamboats, Cars, & hotels all body & everything in motion. Steamboats, Cars, & hotels all crammed & crowded full the whole population seems in motion crammed & crowded full the whole population seems in motion

& in fact as I pass along with Lightening speed & cast my eye on & in fact as I pass along with Lightening speed & cast my eye on the distant objects, they all seem in a whirl nothing appearing the distant objects, they all seem in a whirl nothing appearing permanent even the trees are waltzing, the mind too goes with permanent even the trees are waltzing, the mind too goes with

all this, it speculates, theorizes, & measures all things by all this, it speculates, theorizes, & measures all things by locomotive speed, locomotive speed, where will it endwhere will it end.”.” —Asa Whitney, first to formally propose —Asa Whitney, first to formally propose

transcontinental railroad to Congress, diary entry,transcontinental railroad to Congress, diary entry, 1844 1844, from David Hayward Bain, , from David Hayward Bain, Empire Express: Building the Empire Express: Building the First Transcontinental RailroadFirst Transcontinental Railroad

““For Real Globalization, Look at Ancient Rome”For Real Globalization, Look at Ancient Rome”

“There is nothing new about a global world. We were “There is nothing new about a global world. We were living in one 2,000 years ago. … The Roman in the street living in one 2,000 years ago. … The Roman in the street

ate bread baked with wheat grown in North Africa or ate bread baked with wheat grown in North Africa or Egypt, and fish that had been caught and dried near Egypt, and fish that had been caught and dried near

Gibraltar, He cooked with North African oil in pots and Gibraltar, He cooked with North African oil in pots and pans of cooper mined in Spain, ate off dishes fired in pans of cooper mined in Spain, ate off dishes fired in French kilns, drank wine from Spain or France. … The French kilns, drank wine from Spain or France. … The Roman of wealth dressed in garments of wool from Roman of wealth dressed in garments of wool from Miletus or linen from Egypt; his wife wore silks from Miletus or linen from Egypt; his wife wore silks from

China, adorned herself with diamonds and pearlsChina, adorned herself with diamonds and pearls from India, and made up with cosmetics from South from India, and made up with cosmetics from South

Arabia. … He lived in a house whose walls wereArabia. … He lived in a house whose walls were covered with colored marble veneer quarried in Asia covered with colored marble veneer quarried in Asia

Minor; his furniture was of Indian ebony or teakMinor; his furniture was of Indian ebony or teak inlaid with African ivory.” inlaid with African ivory.” —Peter Jones and Lionel Casson, —Peter Jones and Lionel Casson,

The SpectatorThe Spectator, 0524.08, 0524.08

ThankThank you , you ,Rich …Rich …

““Mapping your Mapping your competitive competitive position”*position”*

or …or …

*Rich D’Aveni/*Rich D’Aveni/HBRHBR

The “Have The “Have you …” you …”

50*50**See *See Appendix OneAppendix One

While waiting last week [early December 2007] in the Albany While waiting last week [early December 2007] in the Albany airport to board a Southwest Airlines flight to Reagan, I airport to board a Southwest Airlines flight to Reagan, I

happened across the latest happened across the latest Harvard Business ReviewHarvard Business Review, on the , on the cover of which was a yellow sticker. The sticker had on it the cover of which was a yellow sticker. The sticker had on it the words “Mapping your competitive position.” It referred to a words “Mapping your competitive position.” It referred to a

feature article by my friend Rich D’Aveni. His work is uniformly feature article by my friend Rich D’Aveni. His work is uniformly good—and I have said as much publicly on several occasions good—and I have said as much publicly on several occasions dating back 15 years. I’m sure this article is good, too—though dating back 15 years. I’m sure this article is good, too—though

I didn’t read it. In fact it triggered a furious negative “Tom I didn’t read it. In fact it triggered a furious negative “Tom reaction” as my wife calls it. Of course I believe you should reaction” as my wife calls it. Of course I believe you should

worry about your “competitive position.”worry about your “competitive position.” But instead of But instead of obsessing on competitive position and other obsessing on competitive position and other

abstractions, as the B-schools and abstractions, as the B-schools and consultants would always have us do, I consultants would always have us do, I

instead wondered about some “practical instead wondered about some “practical stuff” which I believe is more important to stuff” which I believe is more important to

the short- and long-term health of the the short- and long-term health of the enterprise, tiny or enormous.enterprise, tiny or enormous.

1. 1. Have you in the last 10 days … visited a Have you in the last 10 days … visited a customecustomer?r?2. 2. Have you called a customer … Have you called a customer … TODAYTODAY??

3. Have you in the last 60-90 days … had a seminar in which several folks from the 3. Have you in the last 60-90 days … had a seminar in which several folks from the customer’s operation (different levels, different functions, different divisions) interacted, customer’s operation (different levels, different functions, different divisions) interacted, via facilitator, with various of your folks?via facilitator, with various of your folks?

4. 4. Have you thanked a front-line employee for a Have you thanked a front-line employee for a small act of helpfulness … in the last three days?small act of helpfulness … in the last three days?5. Have you thanked a front-line employee for a small act of helpfulness … in the 5. Have you thanked a front-line employee for a small act of helpfulness … in the last three last three hourshours??6. Have you thanked a frontline employee for carrying around a great 6. Have you thanked a frontline employee for carrying around a great attitude attitude … today?… today?7. Have you in the last week recognized—publicly—one of your folks for a small act of 7. Have you in the last week recognized—publicly—one of your folks for a small act of cross-functional co-operationcross-functional co-operation??8. Have you in the last week recognized—publicly—one of “their” folks (another 8. Have you in the last week recognized—publicly—one of “their” folks (another function) for a small act of cross-functional co-operation?function) for a small act of cross-functional co-operation?9. Have you invited in the last month a leader of 9. Have you invited in the last month a leader of another functionanother function to your weekly team to your weekly team priorities meeting?priorities meeting?10. Have you personally in the last week-month called-visited an internal or external 10. Have you personally in the last week-month called-visited an internal or external customer to customer to sort out, inquire, or apologizesort out, inquire, or apologize for some little or big thing that went awry? for some little or big thing that went awry? (No reason for doing so? If true—in your mind—then you’re more out of touch than I (No reason for doing so? If true—in your mind—then you’re more out of touch than I dared imagine.)dared imagine.)

1. Have you in the1. Have you in the last last 1010 daysdays … … visitedvisited a a customer?customer?2. Have you called a 2. Have you called a customer … customer … TODAYTODAY?? * * * * * *

Want to “map” your “competitive position”? Want to “map” your “competitive position”? Start by Start by going to visit a customer … ASAP!going to visit a customer … ASAP! Or at least calling! Or at least calling! You’ll find the other 48 items on the “Have you … ?” list You’ll find the other 48 items on the “Have you … ?” list at #5.2.2. at #5.2.2.

11. Have you in the last two days had a chat with someone (a couple of levels down?) about specific deadlines 11. Have you in the last two days had a chat with someone (a couple of levels down?) about specific deadlines concerning a project’s next steps?concerning a project’s next steps?12. Have you in the last two days had a chat with someone (a couple of levels down?) about specific deadlines 12. Have you in the last two days had a chat with someone (a couple of levels down?) about specific deadlines concerning a project’s next steps … and what specifically concerning a project’s next steps … and what specifically you can do to remove a hurdleyou can do to remove a hurdle? (“Ninety percent of ? (“Ninety percent of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get things done.”—Peter “His eminence” what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get things done.”—Peter “His eminence” Drucker.)Drucker.)13. Have you celebrated in the last week a “small” (or large!) 13. Have you celebrated in the last week a “small” (or large!) milestone milestone reached? (I.e., are you a milestone reached? (I.e., are you a milestone fanatic?)fanatic?)14. Have you in the last week or month revised some estimate in the “wrong” direction and apologized for making 14. Have you in the last week or month revised some estimate in the “wrong” direction and apologized for making a lousy estimate? (Somehow you must publicly a lousy estimate? (Somehow you must publicly reward the telling of difficult truthsreward the telling of difficult truths.).)

15. 15. Have you installed in your tenure a very Have you installed in your tenure a very comprehensive customer satisfaction scheme for all comprehensive customer satisfaction scheme for all internalinternal customers? customers? (With major consequences for hitting or missing the mark.) (With major consequences for hitting or missing the mark.)

16. Have you in the last six months had a week-long, visible, very intensive 16. Have you in the last six months had a week-long, visible, very intensive visit-“tour”visit-“tour” of external customers? of external customers?17. Have you in the last 60 days called an abrupt halt to a meeting and “ordered” everyone to get out of the office, 17. Have you in the last 60 days called an abrupt halt to a meeting and “ordered” everyone to get out of the office, and “into the field” and in the and “into the field” and in the next eight hoursnext eight hours, after asking those involved, fixed (f-i-x-e-d!) a nagging “small” , after asking those involved, fixed (f-i-x-e-d!) a nagging “small” problem through practical action?problem through practical action?18. Have you in the last week had a rather thorough discussion of a “cool design thing” someone has come 18. Have you in the last week had a rather thorough discussion of a “cool design thing” someone has come across—away from your industry or function—at a Web site, in a product or its packaging? across—away from your industry or function—at a Web site, in a product or its packaging? 19. Have you in the last two weeks had an informal meeting—at least an hour long—with a frontline employee to 19. Have you in the last two weeks had an informal meeting—at least an hour long—with a frontline employee to discuss things we do right, things we do wrong, what it would take to meet your mid- to long-term aspirations?discuss things we do right, things we do wrong, what it would take to meet your mid- to long-term aspirations?20. Have you had in the last 60 days had a general meeting to discuss “things we do wrong” … that we can fix in 20. Have you had in the last 60 days had a general meeting to discuss “things we do wrong” … that we can fix in the next the next fourteen daysfourteen days??

UniCredit Group/UniCredit Group/ UniCredito Italiano* ** UniCredito Italiano* **

—3—3rdrd party measurement party measurement—Customer-initiated—Customer-initiated measurement measurement—Primary $$$$ incentives—Primary $$$$ incentives—“Factories”—“Factories”—Primary Corporate Initiative—Primary Corporate Initiative—Etc—Etc*#13*#13**TP/#1**TP/#1

The director of staff services The director of staff services at the giant financial services at the giant financial services

firm, UniCredit Group, firm, UniCredit Group, installed the most thorough installed the most thorough

internal customer satisfaction internal customer satisfaction measures scheme I have seenmeasures scheme I have seen—with exceptional rewards for —with exceptional rewards for

those who make the grade those who make the grade with their internal customers. with their internal customers.

The “XF-50”: 50 Ways to The “XF-50”: 50 Ways to Enhance Cross-Functional Enhance Cross-Functional Effectiveness and Deliver Effectiveness and Deliver

Speed, “Service Speed, “Service Excellence” and “Value-Excellence” and “Value-

added Customer added Customer ‘Solutions’”*‘Solutions’”*

*Entire “XF-50” List is an Appendix to the LONG version *Entire “XF-50” List is an Appendix to the LONG version of this presentation, posted at tompeters.comof this presentation, posted at


**ExcellenceExcellence = Cross-functional Excellence = Cross-functional Excellence

Never Never waste a waste a lunch!lunch!


% XF % XF lunches*lunches*


CIO Question:CIO Question:

% Doc % Doc lunches*lunches*

*Last 30 days*Last 30 days

ThankThank you , you ,

Richard & Richard & Marcus …Marcus …

““I used to have a rule for myself that at any point in I used to have a rule for myself that at any point in time I wanted to have in mind time I wanted to have in mind — as it so happens, — as it so happens, also in writing, on a little card I carried around with also in writing, on a little card I carried around with me — the three big things I was trying to get done. me — the three big things I was trying to get done.


Not two. Not two. Not four. Not four. Not five.Not five.Not ten.Not ten.Three.”Three.”

— Richard Haass, — Richard Haass, The Power to PersuadeThe Power to Persuade

““Dennis, you need a … Dennis, you need a …

‘To-don’t ’‘To-don’t ’

List !”List !”

““The The oneone thinthing you g you need to know about need to know about sustained individual sustained individual

success: Discover what success: Discover what you don’t like doing and you don’t like doing and

stopstop doing it.”doing it.”

—Marcus Buckingham, The One Thing You Need to Know

You = Your You = Your calendarcalendar***Calendars *Calendars nevernever lielie

ThankThank you you

Dr. Groopman …Dr. Groopman …


In In How Doctors ThinkHow Doctors Think, Harvard Med doc Jerome , Harvard Med doc Jerome Groopman tells us that the best way to get a fix on Groopman tells us that the best way to get a fix on what ails a patient is to get the patient talking openly what ails a patient is to get the patient talking openly about his-her problem.about his-her problem.


But the research shows that docs, on average, leap to a But the research shows that docs, on average, leap to a conclusion and interrupt their patients after … conclusion and interrupt their patients after … 18 18 seconds.seconds.

(Docs are hardly alone. This is a disease present in (Docs are hardly alone. This is a disease present in almost all specialists and professionals. “Listening” for almost all specialists and professionals. “Listening” for a professional invariably means … talking.)a professional invariably means … talking.)

ThankThank you , you ,

Roger …Roger …








Success …

Consult Consult everyoneeveryone on on everythingeverything

“Thank you” “Thank you” note note carpetcarpet

bombingbombingSource: Roger Rosenblatt, Source: Roger Rosenblatt, Rules for AgingRules for Aging

““The four most The four most important words in any important words in any


are …are … ‘What do ‘What do you think?’you think?’ ” ”

Source: courtesy Dave Wheeler,Source: courtesy Dave Wheeler, posted at, source ofposted at, source of

original unknown (0609.08) original unknown (0609.08)

““Buy in”- Buy in”- “Ownership”-“Ownership”-

Authorial bragging Authorial bragging rights-“Born again” rights-“Born again”

Champion = Champion = OneOne LineLine ofof CodeCode!!

““You can make more You can make more friends in two months friends in two months bbyy becominbecomingg interested in interested in

other other ppeoeopple thanle than you can you can in two years by trying to in two years by trying to

get other people get other people interested in you.”interested in you.” —Dale


TP:TP: People are People are always ready to always ready to tell their story!tell their story!

See also: “The story leaner’s edge” (Steve See also: “The story leaner’s edge” (Steve Farber)Farber)

“The dream manager” (Matthew Kelly) “The dream manager” (Matthew Kelly)

"Trust the "Trust the development development experts—all experts—all

seven billion of seven billion of them.”them.” —headline, —headline, Financial Times, Financial Times,

0529.08, to an article by development guru William Easterly, 0529.08, to an article by development guru William Easterly, commenting negatively on the World Bank Growth commenting negatively on the World Bank Growth

Commission’s recent report that concludes, in effect, Commission’s recent report that concludes, in effect, ““trust the World Bank experts”trust the World Bank experts”

ThankThank you , you ,

Walter …Walter …


“Success doesn’t depend on the number of “Success doesn’t depend on the number of people you know; it depends on the number people you know; it depends on the number

of people you know in of people you know in hihigghh places!”places!”


“Success doesn’t depend on the number of “Success doesn’t depend on the number of people you know; it depends on the number people you know; it depends on the number

of people you know in of people you know in lowlow places!” places!”

Loser:Loser: “He’s such a“He’s such a suck-up!” suck-up!”

Winner:Winner: “He’s such a“He’s such a suck-down.” suck-down.”

George Crile George Crile (Charlie Wilson’s War)(Charlie Wilson’s War) on Gust on Gust

Avrakotos’ strategy:Avrakotos’ strategy: “He had “He had become something of a become something of a

legend with these legend with these people who manned the people who manned the

underbelly of the underbelly of the Agency [CIA].”Agency [CIA].”

C(I) > C(I) > C(E)C(E)

Politics Politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politicspolitics politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politicspolitics politics politics politics politics politicspolitics politics politics politics politics politicspolitics politics politics politicspolitics politics politics


ThankThank you, you,

Henry …Henry …

““Courtesies of a small Courtesies of a small and trivial character are and trivial character are

the ones which strike the ones which strike deepest in the grateful deepest in the grateful

and appreciating heart.”and appreciating heart.”

—Henry Clay

The Manager’s The Manager’s Book of Book of DecenciesDecencies: :

How Small How Small /gestures Build /gestures Build

Great Companies.Great Companies. —Steve Harrison, Adecco

““It was much later that I realized It was much later that I realized Dad’s secret. He gained respect by Dad’s secret. He gained respect by giving it. He talked and listened to giving it. He talked and listened to

the fourth-grade kids in Spring Valley the fourth-grade kids in Spring Valley who shined shoes the same way he who shined shoes the same way he talked and listened to a bishop or a talked and listened to a bishop or a

college president. He was He was seriously interested in seriously interested in

who you were and what who you were and what you had to sayyou had to say.”.”Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Respect

ThankThank you, you, Team Team


KindnesKindness s

is freeis free

PlanetreePlanetree:: A Radical Model for A Radical Model for

New New Healthcare/Healing/Healthcare/Healing/Wellness Wellness ExcellenceExcellence

The 9 Planetree Practices

1.1. The Importance of Human InteractionThe Importance of Human Interaction2. Informing and Empowering Diverse Populations: Consumer Informing and Empowering Diverse Populations: Consumer Health Libraries and Patient Information Health Libraries and Patient Information3. Healing Partnerships: The importance of Including Healing Partnerships: The importance of Including Friends and Family Friends and Family4. Nutrition: The Nurturing Aspect of Food Nutrition: The Nurturing Aspect of Food5. Spirituality: Inner Resources for Healing Spirituality: Inner Resources for Healing6.6. Human Touch: The Essentials of Communicating Human Touch: The Essentials of Communicating Caring Through Massage Caring Through Massage7.7. Healing Arts: Nutrition for the Soul Healing Arts: Nutrition for the Soul8.8. Integrating Complementary and Alternative Practices Integrating Complementary and Alternative Practices into Conventional Care into Conventional Care9.9. Healing Environments: Architecture and Design Healing Environments: Architecture and Design Conducive to Health Conducive to Health

Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

1. The The Importance of Importance of

Human Human InteractionInteraction

Press Ganey Assoc: 139,380 former patients from 225 hospitals:

nonenone of THE top 15 factors of THE top 15 factors

determining determining PPatient atient SSatisfaction atisfaction referred to patient’s health referred to patient’s health outcomeoutcome

PSPS directldirectly related to y related to StaffStaff InteractionInteraction

PSPS directldirectly correlated with y correlated with Employee Employee SatisfactionSatisfaction

Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

“There is a misconception that supportive interactions require more staff or more time and are therefore more costly. Although

labor costs are a substantial part of any hospital budget, the interactions themselves add nothing to the budget.

Kindness is Kindness is freefree.. Listening to patients or answering their

questions costs nothing. It can be argued that negative interactions—alienating patients, being non-responsive to their needs or limiting their sense of control—can be very costly. …

Angry, frustrated or frightened patients may be combative, withdrawn and less cooperative—requiring far more time than it would have taken to interact with them initially in a

positive way.” —Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

2. Informing and Informing and Empowering Diverse Empowering Diverse

Populations: Populations: ConsumerConsumer Health Libraries and Health Libraries and

Patient InformationPatient Information

Planetree Health Resources Center/1981Planetree Health Resources Center/1981Planetree Classification SystemPlanetree Classification System

Consumer Health LibrariansConsumer Health LibrariansVolunteersVolunteers

Classes, lecturesClasses, lecturesHealth FairsHealth Fairs

Griffin’s Mobile Health Resource CenterGriffin’s Mobile Health Resource CenterOpen Chart PolicyOpen Chart Policy

Patient Progress NotesPatient Progress NotesCare Coordination ConferencesCare Coordination Conferences (Est (Est

goals, timetable, etc.)goals, timetable, etc.)

Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

3. Healing Healing Partnerships: Partnerships: The The

Importance of Importance of IncludingIncluding

Friends and Friends and FamilyFamily

The Patient-Family Experience

“Patients are stripped of Patients are stripped of control, their clothes are control, their clothes are

taken away, they have little taken away, they have little say over their schedule, and say over their schedule, and

they are deliberately they are deliberately separated from their family separated from their family

and friends. Healthcare and friends. Healthcare professionals control all of professionals control all of the information about their the information about their patients’ bodies and access patients’ bodies and access

to the people who can to the people who can answer questions and answer questions and

connect them with helpful connect them with helpful resources. Families are resources. Families are

treated more as intruders treated more as intruders than loved ones.”than loved ones.” —Putting Patients First,

Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

Care Partner ProgramsCare Partner Programs (IDs, discount meals, etc.)

Unrestricted visitsUnrestricted visits (“Most Planetree hospitals have eliminated visiting restrictions altogether.”) (ER at one

hospital “has a policy of never separating the patient from the family, and there is no limitation on how many family members

may be present.”)

Collaborative Care ConferencesCollaborative Care ConferencesClinical Guidelines DiscussionsClinical Guidelines Discussions

Family SpacesFamily SpacesPet VisitsPet Visits (POP: Patients’ Own Pets)

Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

4. Nutrition: Nutrition: The Nurturing The Nurturing Aspect of FoodAspect of Food


Beautiful cutlery,Beautiful cutlery, plates, etc plates, etc

Chef reputationChef reputation

Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

5. Spirituality: Spirituality: Inner Resources Inner Resources

for Healingfor Healing

Griffin: redesign chapelredesign chapel (waterfall, quiet music, open prayer book)

Other: music, flowers, portablemusic, flowers, portable labyrinth labyrinth

Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

6. Human Touch: Human Touch: The Essentials of The Essentials of CommunicatingCommunicating

Caring Through Caring Through MassageMassage

Mid-Columbia Medical Center/Center for Mind and Body

Massage for every patient scheduled for Massage for every patient scheduled for ambulatory surgery ambulatory surgery (“Go into surgery with(“Go into surgery witha good attitude”) a good attitude”) Infant massageInfant massageStaff Staff massage massage (“caring for the caregivers”)(“caring for the caregivers”)Healing environments: chemo!Healing environments: chemo!

Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

7.7. Healing Arts: Healing Arts: Nutrition forNutrition for

the Soul the Soul

GriffinGriffin:: Music in the parking Music in the parking lot; professional musicians in lot; professional musicians in

the lobby the lobby (7/week, 3-4hrs/day)(7/week, 3-4hrs/day) ; ;

5 5 pianospianos ; ;

volunteers volunteers (120-140 hrs arts & (120-140 hrs arts &

entertainment per month).entertainment per month).

Source: Source: Putting Patients FirstPutting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

8. Integrating Integrating Complementary and Complementary and

Alternative Practices Alternative Practices into Conventional into Conventional


Griffin IMC/Integrative Medicine Center


ChiropracticChiropracticNutritional supplementsNutritional supplements

Aroma therapyAroma therapy

Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

9.9. Healing Healing Environments: Environments:

Architecture andArchitecture and Design ConduciveDesign Conducive

to Healthto Health

“Planetree Look”

Woods and natural materialsWoods and natural materialsIndirect lightingIndirect lighting

Homelike settingsHomelike settings

Goals: Goals: Welcome patients, friends and Welcome patients, friends and family … Value humans over family … Value humans over

technology .. Enable patients to technology .. Enable patients to participate in their care … Provide participate in their care … Provide

flexibility to personalize the care of each flexibility to personalize the care of each patient … Encourage caregivers to be patient … Encourage caregivers to be

responsive to patients … Foster a responsive to patients … Foster a connection to nature and beautyconnection to nature and beauty

Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

Access to nurses station:

“Happen to”“Happen to”vs

“Happen with”“Happen with”Source: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

Conclusion: Conclusion: Caring/Growth Caring/Growth “Experience“Experience””

““It was the goal of It was the goal of PlanetreePlanetree to help to help

patients not only get patients not only get well faster but also well faster but also

to stay well longer.”to stay well longer.”

—Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

(Planetree Alliance/Griffin Hospital)




Understanding!/Growth! Understanding!/Growth!

De-stress!/heal! De-stress!/heal!

Whole patient & family Whole patient & family & friends! & friends!

be well!/stay well!be well!/stay well!

““Planetree is about Planetree is about human beings human beings caring for other caring for other

human beings.”human beings.”

——Putting Patients FirstPutting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin,, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel (“Ladies and gentlemen serving Patrick Charmel (“Ladies and gentlemen serving

ladies and gentlemen”—4S credo) ladies and gentlemen”—4S credo)

F.Y.I.: It F.Y.I.: It works!works!

Griffin HosGriffin Hosppital/Derbital/Derbyy CT (Planetree Alliance “HQ”) CT (Planetree Alliance “HQ”) ResultsResults::

Financially successful. Financially successful. Expanding programs-Expanding programs-

physically.physically. Growing market Growing market share. share. Only hospital in Only hospital in

“100 Best Cos to Work for”—“100 Best Cos to Work for”—7 consecutive years, 7 consecutive years,

currently #6.currently #6. —“Five-Star Hospitals,” Joe Flower, strategy+business (#42)

9 July 2008/HealthLeaders Media9 July 2008/HealthLeaders Media

2008 Top 2008 Top Leadership Team in Leadership Team in Healthcare: Griffin Healthcare: Griffin


ThankThank you , you ,

Singapore …Singapore …

2-cent 2-cent candycandy



““Experiences Experiences are as distinct are as distinct

from services as from services as services are from services are from goods.”goods.” —Joe Pine & Jim Gilmore, The

Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage

ThankThank you, you,

Heather (and Heather (and Bill) …Bill) …

““Forget Forget ChinaChina, , IndiaIndia and the and the

InternetInternet: Economic : Economic Growth Is Driven Growth Is Driven

by by WomenWomen.”.” —Headline,

Economist, April 15, 2006, Leader, page 14


RULERULE:: New Studies find

that female managers outshine their male counterparts in almost every measure”

TITLE/ Special Report/ TITLE/ Special Report/ BusinessWeekBusinessWeek


WomenWomen make [all] the financial decisions.WomenWomen control [all] the wealth.WomenWomen [substantially] outlive men.WomenWomen start most of the new businesses.Women’sWomen’s work force participation rates have soared worldwide.WomenWomen are closing in on “same pay for same job.”WomenWomen are penetrating senior ranks rapidly [even if the pace is slow for the corner office per se].Women’sWomen’s leadership strengths are exceptionally well aligned with new organizational effectiveness imperatives.WomenWomen are better salespersons than men.WomenWomen buy [almost] everything—commercial as well as consumer goods.

So what exactly is the point of So what exactly is the point of menmen??

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!““People turning 50 People turning 50

today have today have more more thanthan halfhalf of of their adult life their adult life

ahead of them.”ahead of them.” —Bill

Novelli, 50+: Igniting a Revolution to Reinvent America


ThankThank you, Sheik you, Sheik

Mohammad …Mohammad …



Single Single greatest act greatest act

of pure of pure imaginationimagination

Does Does youryour project portfolioproject portfolio

“ “havehave a dubai”?a dubai”?

ThankThank you Steve you Steve

““You You knowknow a a designdesign is is goodgood

whenwhen you you wantwant to to licklick it.” it.” —Steve Jobs—Steve Jobs

Source: Source: Design: Intelligence Made VisibleDesign: Intelligence Made Visible,, Stephen Bayley & Terence ConranStephen Bayley & Terence Conran

ThankThank you, Lou … you, Lou …

““M” = M” = $0$0

IBIBMM: : $55B*$55B*

*Also HP-EDS*Also HP-EDS

And the “M” Stands for … ?

Gerstner’s IBM: “Systems Integrator of choice.”/BW

(“Lou, help us turn ‘all this’ into that long-promised ‘revolution.’ ” )

IBM Global ServicesIBM Global Services* (*Integrated Systems

Services Corp.): $$55B55B


How How SchlumbergerSchlumberger Is Rewriting the Rules of the Is Rewriting the Rules of the

Energy Game.”:Energy Game.”: “IPM [Integrated “IPM [Integrated Project Management] strays from Project Management] strays from [Schlumberger’s] traditional role [Schlumberger’s] traditional role as a service provider and moves as a service provider and moves

deeper into areas once dominated deeper into areas once dominated by the majors.”by the majors.”

Source: Source: BusinessWeekBusinessWeek cover story, January 2008 cover story, January 2008

A January 2008 BusinessWeek cover story informed us that Schlumberger may well take over the world: “THE GIANT STALKING BIG OIL: How Schlumberger Is Rewriting the Rules of the Energy Game.” In short, Schlumberger knows how to create and run oilfields, anywhere, from drilling to fullscale production to distribution. And the nugget is hardcore, relatively small, technically accomplished, highly autonomous teams. As China and Russia, among others, make their move in energy, state run companies are eclipsing the major independents. (China’s state oil company just surpassed Exxon in market value.) At the center of it all, abetting these new players who are edging out the Exxons and BPs, the Kings of Large-scale, Long-term Project Management wear Schlumberger overalls. (The pictures in the article from Siberia alone are worth the cover price.) At the center of the center of the Schlumberger “empire” is a relatively newly configured outfit, reminiscent of IBM’s Global Services and UPS’ integrated logistics’ experts and even Best Buy’s now ubiquitous “Geek Squads.” The Schlumberger version is simply called IPM, for Integrated Project Management. It lives in a nondescript building near Gatwick Airport, and its chief says it will do “just about anything an oilfield owner would want, from drilling to production”—that is, as BusinessWeek put it, “[IPM] strays from [Schlumberger’s] traditional role as a service provider* and moves deeper into areas once dominated by the majors.” (*My old pal was solo on remote offshore platforms interpreting geophysical logs and the like.)

““Big Brown’s New Bag: UPS Big Brown’s New Bag: UPS Aims to Be the Traffic Aims to Be the Traffic

Manager for Corporate Manager for Corporate AmericaAmerica”” —Headline/—Headline/BWBW

““UPS wants to take over the UPS wants to take over the sweet spot in the endless sweet spot in the endless loop of goods, information loop of goods, information

and capital that all the and capital that all the packages packages [it moves][it moves] represent represent.”.” —— (E.g., (E.g., UPS LogisticsUPS Logistics manages the logistics of 4.5M Ford vehicles, manages the logistics of 4.5M Ford vehicles,

from 21 mfg. sites to 6,000 NA dealers) from 21 mfg. sites to 6,000 NA dealers)

MasterCard MasterCard AdvisorsAdvisors

I. LAN Installation Co. (3%)

II. Geek Squad. (30%.)

III. Acquired by Best Buy.

IV. Flagship of Best BuyFlagship of Best Buy Wholesale “Solutions” Wholesale “Solutions” Strategy Makeover. Strategy Makeover.

HuHuggee:: Customer

SatisfactionSatisfaction versus Customer


The Value-added Ladder/The Value-added Ladder/TRANSFORMATIONTRANSFORMATION

Customer Success/ Customer Success/ Gamechanging Gamechanging



Raw Materials Raw Materials

““The business of selling is not just about matching viable The business of selling is not just about matching viable

solutions to the customers that require them. solutions to the customers that require them. It’s It’s equally about managing the equally about managing the

change process the customer change process the customer will need to go through to will need to go through to

implement the solution and implement the solution and achieve the value promised achieve the value promised

by the solutionby the solution.. One of the key One of the key

differentiators of our position in the market is our attention to differentiators of our position in the market is our attention to managing change and making change stick in our customers’ managing change and making change stick in our customers’

organization.”organization.”* (*E.g.: CRM failure rate/Gartner: * (*E.g.: CRM failure rate/Gartner: 7070%)%) —Jeff Thull, —Jeff Thull, The Prime Solution: Close the Value Gap, The Prime Solution: Close the Value Gap,

Increase Margins, and Win the Complex SaleIncrease Margins, and Win the Complex Sale

The Value-added Ladder/The Value-added Ladder/TRANSFORMATIONTRANSFORMATION

Customer Success through Customer Success through ImImpplementedlemented

Gamechanging Solutions*Gamechanging Solutions*ServicesServicesGoodsGoods

Raw Materials Raw Materials

**Subject-matter Professionals andSubject-matter Professionals and Organization Effectiveness Experts (Degree: MBA, Organization Effectiveness Experts (Degree: MBA,

Organizational Psychology)Organizational Psychology)



Sarah: “ Mom, what do you do?”

Mom: “I’m ‘overhead.’‘overhead.’””

““support function” / support function” / “cost center”/ “cost center”/ “overhead”“overhead”

oror … …

Are you … ““Rock Rock Stars of the Stars of the

AAgge of Talente of Talent””

Department Head

to …

ManaginManaging g

PartnerPartner, , ISIS [HR, R&D, etc.] IncInc..



Are you the …

““PrinciPrincippal al EnEnggineine of of

Value Added”Value Added”*E.g.: Your R&D budget as robust as the New Products team?

HCare CIO: “Technology Executive” (workin’ in a hospital)

Or/to: Full-scale, Full-scale, AccountableAccountable (life or death)

Member-Partner of XYZ Member-Partner of XYZ Hospital’s Hospital’s Senior Senior HealinHealingg-Services -Services TeamTeam (who happens to be a techie)

“Purchasing Officer” Thrust #1: Cost (at All Costs*) Minimization

Professional? Or/to: FullFull Partner-Partner-Leader in Lifetime Leader in Lifetime

Value-added Value-added MaximizationMaximization?

(*Lopez: “Arguably ‘Villain #1’ in GM tragedy”/Anon VSE-Spain)

Ideal “finance staffer”:Ideal “finance staffer”: Full-scale Full-scale “business partner” “business partner” [CFO?] to the/each [CFO?] to the/each

department she department she serves.serves.

Ideal “finance staffer”: Ideal “finance staffer”:

**Full-scale “business partner”**Full-scale “business partner” [CFO?] to the/each department [CFO?] to the/each department she serves.she serves.**Not cop—obsessed instead with**Not cop—obsessed instead with value-addedvalue-added**Integration first, “stovepipe” **Integration first, “stovepipe” secondarysecondary**MBWA/bigtime**MBWA/bigtime**Networker to the rest of Finance**Networker to the rest of Finance

Photographer: Louise Roach

Photographer: Mike Brake




<$20<$20 per beaver pelt.

Source: WSJ

wdcp/“Wildlife wdcp/“Wildlife Damage-control Damage-control

Professional”:Professional”: $$150150 to “remove” “problem to “remove” “problem

beaver”; beaver”; $$750750-$-$1,0001,000 for flood-control piping … for flood-control piping … so that beavers can that beavers can stay.

Source: Source: WSJWSJ

Trapper = Trapper = RedneckRedneck

WDCP = WDCP = PSF/ PSF/ Professional Professional

Services ProviderServices Provider

7X7X toto 40X40Xfor for

“Solution”“Solution” [rather than “service transaction”][rather than “service transaction”]

ThankThank you Larry and you Larry and

Jim (and Jim (and Germany ) …Germany ) …

Basement Basement Systems Inc.Systems Inc.

*Basement Systems Inc.*Basement Systems Inc.*Larry Janesky*Larry Janesky**Dry Basement ScienceDry Basement Science (115,000!)(115,000!)

*1990: $0; 2003: $13M; *1990: $0; 2003: $13M; 2007: 2007:


Jim’s Jim’s GroupGroup

Jim’s Mowing CanadaJim’s Mowing CanadaJim’s Mowing UKJim’s Mowing UKJim’s AntennasJim’s Antennas

Jim’s BookkeepingJim’s BookkeepingJim’s Building MaintenanceJim’s Building Maintenance

Jim’s Carpet CleaningJim’s Carpet CleaningJim’s Car CleaningJim’s Car Cleaning

Jim’s Computer ServicesJim’s Computer Services

Jim’s Dog WashJim’s Dog WashJim’s Driving SchoolJim’s Driving School

Jim’s FencingJim’s FencingJim’s FloorsJim’s Floors

Jim’s PaintingJim’s PaintingJim’s PavingJim’s Paving

Jim’s Pergolas [gazebos]Jim’s Pergolas [gazebos]Jim’s Pool CareJim’s Pool Care

Jim’s Pressure CleaningJim’s Pressure CleaningJim’s RoofingJim’s Roofing

Jim’s Security DoorsJim’s Security DoorsJim’s TreesJim’s Trees

Jim’s Window CleaningJim’s Window CleaningJim’s WindscreensJim’s Windscreens

Note: Download, free, Jim Penman’s book: What Will They Franchise Next? The Story of Jim’s Group

Jim’s GroupJim’s Group:: Jim Penman.* Jim Penman.*

1984: Jim’s Mowing. 2006: Jim’s Group. 1984: Jim’s Mowing. 2006: Jim’s Group.

2,600 franchisees2,600 franchisees (Australia, NZ, UK). (Australia, NZ, UK). Cleaning. Dog washing. Handyman. Cleaning. Dog washing. Handyman.

Fencing. Paving. Pool care. Etc.Fencing. Paving. Pool care. Etc.

“People first.” Private. Small staff. Franchisees “People first.” Private. Small staff. Franchisees can leave at will. 0-1 complaint per year is can leave at will. 0-1 complaint per year is

norm; cut bad ones quickly.norm; cut bad ones quickly.

*Ph.D. cross-cultural anthropology; mowing on the side

Source: MT/Management Today (Australia), Jan-Feb 2006


PRSX/Paragon PRSX/Paragon Railcar Railcar

Salvage*Salvage**Salvaged railcars into bridges, etc.*Salvaged railcars into bridges, etc.

The Red The Red Carpet Carpet StoreStore

Joel Resnick/Flemington NJ Joel Resnick/Flemington NJ (referenced in (referenced in Fame JunkiesFame Junkies))

#4 Japan#4 Japan#3 USA#3 USA

#2 China#2 China

#1 #1 GermanyGermany



Or …Or … Goldmann Goldmann ProduktionProduktion

ss(11/50%/$5M/”dip and coat,” expensive (11/50%/$5M/”dip and coat,” expensive

pigments vs “through coloring,” fades Bekro pigments vs “through coloring,” fades Bekro Chemie)Chemie)

Family BusinessesFamily Businesses

Two-thirds of total #sTwo-thirds of total #s of companies of companiesOne-half of biggest companiesOne-half of biggest companies>One-half GDP>One-half GDP>One-half employment>One-half employment6% more profitable6% more profitable7% better ROA7% better ROAHigher income growthHigher income growthHigher revenue growthHigher revenue growthSource: John Davis, HBSSource: John Davis, HBS

**Lived in same town all adult lifeLived in same town all adult life*First generation that’s wealthy/*First generation that’s wealthy/ no parental support no parental support*“Don’t look like millionaires, don’t dress*“Don’t look like millionaires, don’t dress like millionaires, don’t eat like like millionaires, don’t eat like millionaires, don’t act like millionaires” millionaires, don’t act like millionaires”*“Many of the types of businesses [they]*“Many of the types of businesses [they] are in could be classified as ‘dull- are in could be classified as ‘dull- normal.’ normal.’ [They] are welding contractors, [They] are welding contractors, auctioneers, scrap-metal dealers, lessors of auctioneers, scrap-metal dealers, lessors of portable toilets, dry cleaners, re-builders of portable toilets, dry cleaners, re-builders of diesel engines, paving contractors …” diesel engines, paving contractors …”

Source: Source: The Millionaire Next DoorThe Millionaire Next Door,, Thomas Stanley & William Danko Thomas Stanley & William Danko


““The growth and The growth and success of women-success of women-

owned businesses is owned businesses is one of the most one of the most

profound changes profound changes takingtaking place in the place in the

business worldbusiness world today.”today.” —Margaret Heffernan, How She Does It

9494%% of loans to of loans to


womenwomen****MMicrolending; “Banker to the poor”; Grameen Bank; icrolending; “Banker to the poor”; Grameen Bank;

Muhammad Yunus; 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winnerMuhammad Yunus; 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner

“I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs seeking escape from life within huge corporate structures, ‘How do I build a small firm for myself?’ The

answer seems obvious: Buy a Buy a very large one very large one and just waitand just wait.”.”

—Paul Ormerod, Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics

Dick Kovacevich: You don’t You don’t get better by get better by being bigger. being bigger.

You get You get worse.”worse.”

““Mr. Foster and his McKinsey Mr. Foster and his McKinsey colleagues collected detailed colleagues collected detailed

performance data stretching back performance data stretching back 4040 years for years for 1,0001,000 U.S. companies. U.S. companies. TheTheyy

found that found that none none of the of the

lonlongg-term survivors mana-term survivors managged to ed to outoutpperform the market. Worse, the erform the market. Worse, the lonlongger comer comppanies had been in the anies had been in the

database, the worse thedatabase, the worse theyy did did.” .” —Financial —Financial


““Data drawn from the real world Data drawn from the real world attest to a fact that is beyond attest to a fact that is beyond

our control:our control: Everything in existence tends to deteriorate.”

—Norberto Odebrecht, —Norberto Odebrecht, Education Through WorkEducation Through Work


+500,000+500,000 = =+7,700,000+7,700,000-7,200,000-7,200,000

Source: Source: Barron’sBarron’s 0922.07 0922.07

““Natural selection is death. ... Natural selection is death. ...

Without huge amounts Without huge amounts of death, organisms do of death, organisms do not change over time.not change over time. ... ...

Death is the mother of Death is the mother of structure. ... It took four structure. ... It took four

billion years of death ... to billion years of death ... to invent the human mind ...”invent the human mind ...” — —

The Cobra EventThe Cobra Event

The The lastlast word: word: There There is is nono “last “last


Built to Lastvs

Built Built to to ChangeChange//Rock Rock the the




*Where would you rather have worked for those 5 years, Netscape*Where would you rather have worked for those 5 years, Netscape or IBM-HP-Microsoft-Oracle? (Where, 25 years from now, would you or IBM-HP-Microsoft-Oracle? (Where, 25 years from now, would you

rather to be able to tell someone—e.g., grandchild—that you worked?) rather to be able to tell someone—e.g., grandchild—that you worked?)

Warren Bennis & Patricia Ward Biederman/ Warren Bennis & Patricia Ward Biederman/

Organizing GeniusOrganizing Genius:: “Great “Great Groups Groups

Don’t Last Don’t Last Very LongVery Long!”!”

The “Unlucky Thirteen” Guru Gaffes:The “Unlucky Thirteen” Guru Gaffes:

Big companies!Public companies! “Cool” industries!

Stability!Famous CEOs!“Hard” stuff!




The “Lucky Thirteen”:The “Lucky Thirteen”:

SMESMEss!!Private companies!Private companies! “Dull” industries! “Dull” industries!

Churn!Churn!laudable CEOs!laudable CEOs!

“Soft” stuff!“Soft” stuff!Excellence!Excellence!


Boomers-Geezers!Boomers-Geezers!Imagination Unbound!Imagination Unbound!

Accentuate the Positive!Accentuate the Positive!Individuality!Individuality!

ThankThank you, you,

Eleanor, Jay Eleanor, Jay and Kevin …and Kevin …

““Do one Do one thing every thing every

day that day that scares you.”scares you.”

—Eleanor Roosevelt

““I’m not comfortable I’m not comfortable unless I’m unless I’m

uncomfortable.”uncomfortable.”—Jay Chiat

Kevin Roberts’ CredoKevin Roberts’ Credo

11. Ready. Fire! Aim.. Ready. Fire! Aim.2. If it ain’t broke ... Break it!2. If it ain’t broke ... Break it!3. Hire crazies.3. Hire crazies.4. Ask dumb questions.4. Ask dumb questions.5. Pursue failure.5. Pursue failure.6. Lead, follow ... or get out of the way!6. Lead, follow ... or get out of the way!7. Spread confusion.7. Spread confusion.8. Ditch your office.8. Ditch your office.9. Read odd stuff.9. Read odd stuff.

10. Avoid moderationAvoid moderation!!

ThankThank you , NNT you , NNT


black black septembeseptembe


The The

black black swanswan

Career =Career = 11 or or 22 black black swansswans

Black Swan:Black Swan: This This is how you earn is how you earn

your payyour pay!* **!* **

*See: *See: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable Improbable, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Nassim Nicholas Taleb

**WSC: **WSC: “When the seas are calm all ships alike show “When the seas are calm all ships alike show

mastership in sailing.”mastership in sailing.”

ThankThank you, you,

John … John …

“This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is amazing how few oil people really

understand that you only you only find oil if you find oil if you drill wellsdrill wells.. You may

think you’re finding it when you’re drawing maps and

studying logs, but you have to drill.”

Source: The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian O & G wildcatter


What makes What makes God laugh?God laugh?

PeoplePeople makingmaking plans!plans!

try it. Try it. Try it. try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it.Try it. Try it. Try it.

Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Screw it Screw it up.up. Try it. Try it. Try Try it. Try it. Try

it. Try it. Try it. Try it. it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Screw it up.Screw it up. it. it.

Try it. Try it. try it. Try it. Try it. try it. Try it.Try it. Screw it up.Screw it up. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it.

Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics”

1. 1. A Bias for ActionA Bias for Action2. Close to the Customer2. Close to the Customer3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship4. Productivity Through People4. Productivity Through People5. Hands On, Value-Driven5. Hands On, Value-Driven6. Stick to the Knitting6. Stick to the Knitting7. Simple Form, Lean Staff7. Simple Form, Lean Staff8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties” 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties”

““We have a We have a ‘strategic plan.’ ‘strategic plan.’ It’s called It’s called doing doing thingsthings.”.” — Herb Kelleher

““We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were omissions we didn’t think of when we initially wrote the omissions we didn’t think of when we initially wrote the software. software. We fixed them by doing it over and over, again We fixed them by doing it over and over, again and again.and again. We do the same today. While our competitors We do the same today. While our competitors are still sucking their thumbs trying to make the design are still sucking their thumbs trying to make the design

perfect, we’re already on prototype versionperfect, we’re already on prototype version ##55..

By the time our rivals areBy the time our rivals are ready with wires and screws, we are on versionready with wires and screws, we are on version

##1010.. It gets back to It gets back to planning versus actingplanning versus acting: : We act We act from day onefrom day one; ; others plan how others plan how toto planplan——for monthsfor months.”.” —Bloomberg by —Bloomberg by


Culture of PrototypingCulture of Prototyping

“Effective prototyping may “Effective prototyping may

be be thethe most most valuablevaluable core core competencecompetence an an

innovative organization can innovative organization can hope to have.”hope to have.” —Michael Schrage

““ExperimenExperiment t

fearlessly”fearlessly”Source: BW0821.06, Type A Organization Strategies/

“How to Hit a Moving Target”—Tactic #1Tactic #1

““You miss You miss


of the shots of the shots you never you never

take.”take.” —Wayne—Wayne GretzkyGretzky

““RewardReward excellent failures.

PunishPunish mediocre

successes.”Phil Daniels, Sydney exec

““Fail .Fail . Forward. Forward.

Fast.”Fast.”High Tech CEO, Pennsylvania


—Samuel Beckett

“The secret of fast progress is

inefficiency, fast and furious and

numerous failures.”

—Kevin Kelly

ThankThank you , Fred … you , Fred …




66:15A.M. :15A.M.

““Execution Execution isis strategy.”strategy.”

—Fred Malek—Fred Malek

ThankThank you , you ,

Conrad …Conrad …

Conrad Hilton, at a gala Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his life,celebrating his life,

was asked, “What was the was asked, “What was the most important lesson most important lesson

you’ve learned in you long you’ve learned in you long and distinguished career?” and distinguished career?”

His immediate answer …His immediate answer …

Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his life,Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his life, was asked, “What was the most important lesson you’ve learned was asked, “What was the most important lesson you’ve learned

in you long and distinguished career?” in you long and distinguished career?”

His immediate answer: His immediate answer: ““remember remember to tuck the to tuck the

shower curtain shower curtain inside the inside the bathtubbathtub””

ThankThank you , you ,

Peter …Peter …


K.I.S.S.K.I.S.S.*Keep It Simple, Stupid*Keep It Simple, Stupid

90K in U.S.A. 90K in U.S.A. ICUsICUs on any on any given day; given day; 178178 steps/day steps/day

in ICU. in ICU.

50%50% stays result stays result

in “serious complication”in “serious complication”

Source: Atul Gawande, “The Checklist” (Source: Atul Gawande, “The Checklist” (New YorkerNew Yorker, 1210.07), 1210.07)

****Peter PronovostPeter Pronovost, Johns Hopkins, , Johns Hopkins, 20012001**Checklist, line infections**Checklist, line infections**1/3**1/3rdrd at least one error when he started at least one error when he started**Nurses/permission to stop procedure **Nurses/permission to stop procedure if doc, other not following checklistif doc, other not following checklist**In 1 year, 10-day line-infection rate:**In 1 year, 10-day line-infection rate:

11% to … 11% to … 0%0%

Source: Atul Gawande, “The Checklist” (Source: Atul Gawande, “The Checklist” (New YorkerNew Yorker, 1210.07), 1210.07)

**Docs, nurses make own **Docs, nurses make own checklists on whateverchecklists on whatever process-procedure they choose process-procedure they choose**Within **Within weeksweeks, average stay in , average stay in

ICUICU down down 50%50%Source: Atul Gawande, “The Checklist” (New Yorker, 1210.07)Source: Atul Gawande, “The Checklist” (New Yorker, 1210.07)

““Everything matters”Everything matters”

-80%-80%Source:Source: Nudge,Nudge, Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, etching of Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, etching of fly in the urinal reduces “spillage” by 80%, Schiphol Airportfly in the urinal reduces “spillage” by 80%, Schiphol Airport

Thank you , Thank you , Anthelme Anthelme

Brillat-Savarin Brillat-Savarin and Ludwig and Ludwig

FeuerbachFeuerbach ……***”You are what you eat”*”You are what you eat”

We We areare the the companycompany we keepwe keep

Measure “Strangeness”/Portfolio QualityMeasure “Strangeness”/Portfolio Quality


VendorsVendorsOut-sourcing Partners Out-sourcing Partners (#, Quality)(#, Quality)

Innovation Alliance PartnersInnovation Alliance PartnersCustomersCustomers

Competitors Competitors (who we “benchmark” against)(who we “benchmark” against)

Strategic Initiatives Strategic Initiatives Product Portfolio Product Portfolio (LineEx v. Leap)(LineEx v. Leap)

IS/IT ProjectsIS/IT ProjectsHQ LocationHQ LocationLunch MatesLunch Mates


The “Hang Out Axiom”:The “Hang Out Axiom”: At its core, At its core, evereveryy (!!!) (!!!)

relationship-partnership relationship-partnership decision (employee, decision (employee,

vendor, customer, etc)vendor, customer, etc) is a is a stratestrateggicic decision decision

about: about:

“Innovate,“Innovate, ‘Yes’ or ‘Yes’ or ‘No’‘No’ ” ”

““Normal” Normal”

= = “o “o forfor 800”800”

ThankThank you , 7-11… you , 7-11…

TP: TP: “How to flush

$500,000 down

the toilet in one easy


< CAPEX< CAPEX> People!> People!

#1#1 cause of cause ofDis-satisfaction?Dis-satisfaction?

2/year 2/year = =


53 = 53 = 5353

““Diverse groups of problem solvers—Diverse groups of problem solvers—groups of people with diverse tools—groups of people with diverse tools—

consistently outperformed groups of the consistently outperformed groups of the best and the brightest. If I formed two best and the brightest. If I formed two

groups, one random (and therefore groups, one random (and therefore diverse) and one consisting of the best diverse) and one consisting of the best individual performers, the first group individual performers, the first group

almost always did better. … almost always did better. …

DiversityDiversity trumped trumped abilityability.”.” —Scott Page, —Scott Page, The Difference: How The Difference: How

the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups,the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies Diversity Firms, Schools, and Societies Diversity

““Leaders Leaders

‘‘dodo’’ people. people.

Period.”Period.” —Anon.

““The leaders of Great The leaders of Great

Groups Groups lovelove talent talent and know where to find and know where to find

it. They it. They revel revel in the in the talent of others.”talent of others.”

—Warren Bennis & Patricia Ward Biederman, —Warren Bennis & Patricia Ward Biederman, Organizing Organizing GeniusGenius

Brand Brand = =


Our Mission

To develop and manage To develop and manage talent;talent;

to apply that talent,to apply that talent,throughout the world, throughout the world,

for the benefit of clients;for the benefit of clients;to do so in partnership; to do so in partnership;

to do so with do so with profit.



““Best Companies toBest Companies to

Work for” Work for”//20052005


The Dream ManagerThe Dream Manager —Matthew —Matthew


“An organization can only become the-best-version-of-“An organization can only become the-best-version-of-itself to the extent that the people who drive that itself to the extent that the people who drive that

organization are striving to become better-versions-of-organization are striving to become better-versions-of-themselves.” “A company’s purpose is to become the-themselves.” “A company’s purpose is to become the-

best-version-of-itself. The question is: What is an best-version-of-itself. The question is: What is an employee’s purpose? Most would say, ‘to help the employee’s purpose? Most would say, ‘to help the

company achieve its purpose’—but they would be wrong. company achieve its purpose’—but they would be wrong. That is certainly part of the employee’s role, but an That is certainly part of the employee’s role, but an employee’s primary purpose is to become the-best-employee’s primary purpose is to become the-best-version-of-himself or –herself. … When a company version-of-himself or –herself. … When a company

forgets that it exists to serve customers, it quickly goes forgets that it exists to serve customers, it quickly goes

out of business.out of business. Our employees are our Our employees are our first customers, and our most first customers, and our most

important customers.”important customers.”

ThankThank you , Tom, you , Tom,

Clyde, Michael Clyde, Michael et al. …et al. …

Globalization1.0: Globalization1.0: Countries Countries globalizing globalizing (1492-1800)(1492-1800)

Globalization2.0: Globalization2.0: Companies Companies globalizing globalizing (1800-(1800-2000)2000)

Globalization3.0 Globalization3.0 (2000+)(2000+): : IndividualsIndividuals collaboratingcollaborating & competing globally & competing globally

Source: Tom Friedman/Source: Tom Friedman/The World Is FlatThe World Is Flat

““One of the defining One of the defining characteristics [of the characteristics [of the

change] is that it will be change] is that it will be lessless driven by countries or driven by countries or corporations and corporations and moremore

driven by real people.driven by real people. It will It will unleash unprecedented creativity, unleash unprecedented creativity,

advancement of knowledge, and economic advancement of knowledge, and economic development. But at the same time, it will development. But at the same time, it will tend to undermine safety net systems and tend to undermine safety net systems and

penalize the unskilled.”penalize the unskilled.” —Clyde Prestowitz, —Clyde Prestowitz, Three Three

Billion New CapitalistsBillion New Capitalists

““If there is nothing If there is nothing very special about very special about your work,your work, no matter no matter how hard you apply yourself how hard you apply yourself you won’t get noticed, and you won’t get noticed, and

that increasingly means you that increasingly means you

won’t get paid much either.”won’t get paid much either.” —Michael Goldhaber, Wired



DistinctDistinct … or


Muhammad Yunus:Muhammad Yunus: ““All human All human beings are entrepreneursbeings are entrepreneurs..

When we were in the caves we were When we were in the caves we were all self-employed . . . finding our food, all self-employed . . . finding our food,

feeding ourselves. That’s where feeding ourselves. That’s where human history began . . . As human history began . . . As

civilization came we suppressed it. We civilization came we suppressed it. We became labor because they stamped became labor because they stamped us, ‘You are labor.’ We forgot that we us, ‘You are labor.’ We forgot that we

are entrepreneurs.”are entrepreneurs.”

Source: Muhammad Yunus/The News Hour—PBS/1122.2006

““You are the You are the storyteller of your storyteller of your own life, and you own life, and you

can create your own can create your own

legend or not.”legend or not.” —Isabel


““Nobody Nobody gives you gives you power. power.

You just You just take it.”take it.” ——RoseanneRoseanne

New Work SurvivalKit.2008New Work SurvivalKit.2008

1. 1. MASTERY!MASTERY! (Best/Absurdly Good at (Best/Absurdly Good at Something!Something!))

2. 2. “Manage” to Legacy“Manage” to Legacy (All Work = “Memorable”/“Braggable” (All Work = “Memorable”/“Braggable” WOW WOW Projects!Projects!))3. 3. A “USP”/UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITIONA “USP”/UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION 4. 4. Rolodex Rolodex ObsessionObsession (From vertical/hierarchy/“suck up” loyalty to(From vertical/hierarchy/“suck up” loyalty to horizontal/“colleague”/“mate” loyalty)horizontal/“colleague”/“mate” loyalty)5. 5. ENTREPRENEURIAL INSTINCTENTREPRENEURIAL INSTINCT (A sleepless … Eye for Opportunity! (A sleepless … Eye for Opportunity! 6.6.CEO/LEADER/BUSINESSPERSON/CLOSERCEO/LEADER/BUSINESSPERSON/CLOSER (CEO, Me Inc. 24/7!)(CEO, Me Inc. 24/7!)

7. 7. Master of ImprovMaster of Improv (Play a dozen parts simultaneously, from(Play a dozen parts simultaneously, from Chief Strategist to Chief Toilet Scrubber)Chief Strategist to Chief Toilet Scrubber)8. 8. Sense of HumorSense of Humor (A willingness to Screw Up & Move On)(A willingness to Screw Up & Move On)

9. 9. Comfortable with Your SkinComfortable with Your Skin (Bring “interesting you” to work!)(Bring “interesting you” to work!)

10. 10. Intense Appetite for TechnologyIntense Appetite for Technology (E.g.: How Cool-Active is your(E.g.: How Cool-Active is your Web site? Do you Blog?)Web site? Do you Blog?)11. 11. EMBRACE “MARKETING”EMBRACE “MARKETING” (Your own CSO/Chief Storytelling Officer)(Your own CSO/Chief Storytelling Officer)

12. 12. PASSION FOR RENEWALPASSION FOR RENEWAL (Your own CLO/Chief Learning Officer) (Your own CLO/Chief Learning Officer)

13. 13. EXECUTION EXCELLENCE!EXECUTION EXCELLENCE! (Show up on time! Leave last!)(Show up on time! Leave last!)

Thriving in 24/7Thriving in 24/7 (Sally Helgesen) (Sally Helgesen)

*START AT THE CORE.*START AT THE CORE. Nimbleness only Nimbleness only possible if we “locate our inner voice,” take regular possible if we “locate our inner voice,” take regular inventory of where we are.inventory of where we are.

*LEARN TO ZIGZAG.*LEARN TO ZIGZAG. Think “gigs.” Think Think “gigs.” Think lifelong learning. Forget “old loyalty.” Work on optimism.lifelong learning. Forget “old loyalty.” Work on optimism.

*CREATE OUR OWN WORK.*CREATE OUR OWN WORK. Articulate your value. Integrate your passions. I.D. your Articulate your value. Integrate your passions. I.D. your market. Run your own Run your own business.

*WEAVE A STRONG WEB OF *WEAVE A STRONG WEB OF INCLUSION.INCLUSION. Build your own support network. Build your own support network. Master the art of “looking people up.”Master the art of “looking people up.”

Personal Personal “Brand Equity” Evaluation“Brand Equity” Evaluation

– My current Project is challenging me …My current Project is challenging me …– New things I’ve learned in the last 90 days include …New things I’ve learned in the last 90 days include …– I am known for [2 to 3 things]; next year at this time I’ll I am known for [2 to 3 things]; next year at this time I’ll

also be known for [1 more thing].also be known for [1 more thing].– My public “recognition program” My public “recognition program”

consists of …consists of …– Additions to my Rolodex in the last 90 days include …Additions to my Rolodex in the last 90 days include …

– My resume is My resume is discerniblydiscernibly differentdifferent from last year’sfrom last year’s

at this time …at this time …


Rate: 15%?, 25%?Rate: 15%?, 25%?

Therefore:Therefore: Formal “Investment Formal “Investment

Strategy”/Strategy”/R.I.PR.I.P.*.**Renewal Investment Plan*Renewal Investment Plan

““The only thing you The only thing you have power over is have power over is to get good at what to get good at what

you do. That’s all you do. That’s all there is; there ain’t there is; there ain’t

no more!”no more!” —Sally Field—Sally Field

“When was the last When was the last time you asked, time you asked,

‘‘What do I want What do I want to beto be?’ ”?’ ” —Sara Ann Friedman, —Sara Ann Friedman, Work MattersWork Matters

““This is the true joy of Life, This is the true joy of Life, the being used for a purpose the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a recognized by yourself as a mighty one … the being a mighty one … the being a

force of Nature instead of a force of Nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of feverish, selfish little clod of

ailments and grievances ailments and grievances complaining that the world complaining that the world

will not devote itself to will not devote itself to making you happy.”making you happy.” —GB Shaw/

Man and Superman

““Tell me, what is Tell me, what is it you plan to do it you plan to do

with your one with your one wild and wild and

precious life?”precious life?”

—Mary Oliver—Mary Oliver

Joe J. Jones Joe J. Jones 1942 – 2008 1942 – 2008





ThankThank you , you ,

3H Club …3H Club …





Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his life,Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his life, was asked, “What was the most important lesson you’ve learned was asked, “What was the most important lesson you’ve learned

in you long and distinguished career?” in you long and distinguished career?”

His immediate answer: His immediate answer: ““remember remember to tuck the to tuck the

shower curtain shower curtain inside the inside the bathtubbathtub””

““You have to You have to treat your treat your

employees like employees like customers.”customers.” —Herb Kelleher, —Herb Kelleher,

upon being asked his “secret to success”upon being asked his “secret to success”

Source: Joe Nocera, Source: Joe Nocera, NYTNYT, “Parting Words of an Airline Pioneer,” , “Parting Words of an Airline Pioneer,” on the occasion of Herb Kelleher’s retirement after 37 years on the occasion of Herb Kelleher’s retirement after 37 years at Southwest Airlines (SWA’s pilots union took out a full-pageat Southwest Airlines (SWA’s pilots union took out a full-page ad in USA Today thanking HK for all he had done; across thead in USA Today thanking HK for all he had done; across the

way in Dallas American Airlines’ pilots were picketing theway in Dallas American Airlines’ pilots were picketing the Annual Meeting)Annual Meeting)

3H: Howard, Hilton, Herb3H: Howard, Hilton, Herb

****Stay in touch!Stay in touch!****Sweat theSweat the details! details!****It’s the people,It’s the people, stupid! stupid!



PEOPLEPEOPLE. . PotentPotent..


ThankThank you , Mike … you , Mike …

The greatest dangerThe greatest dangerfor most of usfor most of us

is not that our aim isis not that our aim istoo hightoo high

and we miss it,and we miss it,but that it isbut that it is

too lowtoo lowand we reach it.and we reach it.


““Excellence can be obtained if you:Excellence can be obtained if you:

... care more than others think... care more than others think is wise;is wise; ... risk more than others think ... risk more than others think is safe;is safe; ... dream more than others think ... dream more than others think is practical;is practical; ... expect more than others think ... expect more than others think is possible.”is possible.”

Source: Anon.Source: Anon. (Posted @ by (Posted @ by K.Sriram, November 27, 2006 1:17 AM)K.Sriram, November 27, 2006 1:17 AM)

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty

and well preserved piece, but to skid across the line

broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, leaking oil,

shouting ‘GERONIMO!’GERONIMO!’ ” —Bill McKenna, professional motorcycle racer

(Cycle magazine 02.1982)

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