tony robbins 60 life and business lessons / credit: myla sumido (

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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Tony Robbins: 30 Life and Business Lessons

1. Me The Maker of my Own Destiny

- You have to make a choice to make the changes you want.

-Pursue your goals.- Do not limit your belief and fear.

2. Create Your Own Vision of Yourself

- Break out of your comfort zone- See yourself as worthy and

successful.- Your motivation levels depend on


Look at yourself and analyze what you really feel about yourself.

3. Body Take Care of Your Body

If you want to actually achieve, you must have the energy to do what it

takes to achieve your goals.

4. Responsibility Claim Responsibility for Your


- Admitting your actions.- Understanding that it's ok to make

mistakes. - Allows you to make better

decisions.- Being honest with yourself.

5. Win or Learn Look at Your Mistakes as


- You can't change mistake but you can choose how to respond to

them.- Learning process.

- Keep a positive attitude.

6. Act Like One  Mirror Success to Achieve


- If you wanted to be successful, act successfully.

7. Focus Focus on What You Want

- Most people experiment their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.

8. Mind Shift Focus on Solutions, Not


- Prevents Negative Thoughts- Uses your time efficiently

- Uses your energy constructively- Helps you to manage greater

problems- Taking Action

9. Passion Be Emotional. Most people feel to

less and think too much

- To be passionate about anything you have to care about it. Change how you

look at your job.- If you say you’ll do it, do it.

10. Problems Everybody Has Problems

- How you deal with those problems.

- You have to learn to turn your problems into challenges.

11. Be Yourself Be Who You are, All the Time

- Don't compare yourself to others- Stop caring about how people

perceive you.- Surround yourself with positive


12. Be Happy "There's nothing worse than a rich person who's chronically

angry or unhappy."

- Practice Smiling: Reduce Pain, Improve Mood, Think Better

- Developing a Happy Outlook- Observe Happiness in Others

13. Let Disappointment Drive You

"Disappointment can drive us, or it can destroy us."

- Represents an opportunity for progress

- Put yourself in a clearer mental state

14. Time Management Manage Your Time

- Keeping a to-do List- Setting Goals

- Prioritising- Avoiding Procrastination

- Take a break. Clear your mind and refresh yourself to refocus.

15. Greatness and Passion “Greatness is only for those who are

passionate to be great”

- You will put the time and effort into achieving what you want.

16. Direct Your Focus "Where focus goes, energy flows".

- Select your one task- Put all your attention to that one task

- Stay with this task if possible uninterrupted, until it is finished

When you focus all your energies at one point, you can

do a lot better.

17. Be Grateful "When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance


- Be grateful for what you have.- When you stop being afraid that you

don't have enough, you will see that you have plenty.

18. Massive Action "The path to success is to take massive, determined action."

- If you really want to succeed, you have to do it.

- Take a passionate approach to working on your goals.

19. Set High Goals "Most people fail in life because

they neglect major for minor things."

- Prioritize wisely and by prioritizing you can allocate most of your time and energies to achieve your major


20. Keep Growing "If you're not growing, you're

what? You're dying."

- The only stopping in life is death.- Don't allow yourself to stop

growing and improving.

21. Anticipate "Remember this: anticipation is

the ultimate power. Losers react; leaders anticipate"

- Leaders are prepared to deal with situations .

- Leaders know to expect the unexpected and be ready for it.

22.Money Reflects Power "How you deal with money reflects how you deal with

power. Is it an affliction or a blessing? A game or a burden?"

Money can be power, and power can be money. The question is how you will

deal with it.

23. The Art of Questioning "Successful people ask better questions

and as a result, they get better answers."

- If you want to get helpful advice or valuable answers, know what questions

to ask before you begin.

24. Lower Your Tolerance "Remember: we all get what we


25. Self-awareness “The world we currently live in actually is the world that we decide to live in,

whether we do it intentionally or unintentionally”.

- We see the world differently, so our worlds are not the same.

26. Be Prepared People call it luck when someone


- There is no such thing as luck, there is being prepared.

27. True Richness "You can be rich by having more than you need, or by

needing less than you have."

28. Self-Control "The secret to success is learning how

to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you."

- If you let yourself be controlled by these things, be it food or people or anything else, you are not in control.

29. Give Back Sharing your success is one of the best parts

of being successful.

30. Execution is Power "Knowledge is power, but execution

trumps knowledge, so it's what you will do from here that matters."

- Knowing how to do something is great, but doing it is even better.

- Knowing won't get you anywhere, you have to be able to execute that


Tony Robbins teaches that you have to take real action in order to achieve real change. He himself

has overcome an abusive childhood with an addicted mother, stood firm through lawsuits and accusations.

By practicing what he teaches, he has shown millions that they, too, can overcome

hardship and difficulty to achieve true wealth. With his attitude of charity and giving back,

he shows us all that true success lies in giving back to the world we live in, making it

a better place because we were here.

(c) Houston, Antonius. Tony Robbins: 30 Life and Business Lessons

Godbless, See you on next Friday Mastermind! :)

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