top 10 food and drug interations

Post on 12-Apr-2017



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Top 10 Food & Drug Interactions

A list of the top 10 nutrient-medication interactions affecting

the older adult population

Warfarin & Vitamin KWarfarin helps to prevent blood clots

Eating Vitamin K can interact with Warfarin’s effectiveness

To ensure that Vitamin K does not interact with Warfarin, keep intake consistent

Foods High in Vitamin K

Leafy greens such as:

Brussels sprouts



Insulin, Oral Diabetic Agents, and Alcohol Agents

Alcohol can increase or lengthen the effect of insulin or other diabetic medications, which can lead to hypoglycemia

Symptoms of hypoglycemia include nervousness, sweating, trembling, intense hunger, weakness, palpitations, confusion, drowsiness, and ultimately a coma

Alcohol with diabetic pills can cause dizziness, flushing, and nausea

Digoxin, High-Fiber Diets, and Herbs

Digoxin is used to strengthen the contraction of the heart muscle, slow down heart rate, and promote fluid to escape from the tissues in the body

Dietary fiber, especially insoluble, can slow down the absorption of digoxin and make it less effective.

To ensure the effectiveness of digoxin, elders should take this medication at least an hour or two before consuming a meal.

Herbs also can also elevate or decrease the levels of digoxin in the blood.

Statins and Grapefruit

Statins are used to lower cholesterol

Grapefruit can raise the amount of statins in the blood

Side effects of statins include muscle soreness and blood tests that indicate liver problems

Calcium Channel Blockers and Grapefruit

Calcium channel blockers are prescribed to help with hypertension

Grapefruit contains an element that attached to an intestinal enzyme, affecting the breakdown of the calcium channel blocker

Erectile Dysfunction Drugs and Grapefruit

Evidence suggests that grapefruit may increase blood levels of erectile dysfunction medications

Side effects may include headaches symptomatic of fatal or near fatal circumstances, flushing, or low blood pressure

Acetaminophen and Alcohol

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) taken with alcohol can increase the liver toxicity

The function of the liver to eliminate drugs in the body decreases with age

Antibiotics and Dairy Products

Dairy products can delay or prevent the absorption of antibiotics.

Calcium in dairy interacts with the antibiotic and creates an insoluble compound.

Do not avoid dairy, but take medication an hour before or two hours after a meal to avoid problems

MAOIs and TyramineMonoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are a less frequently used antidepressant

The interaction between Tyramine and MAOIs can cause severe elevation in blood pressure.

Foods with Tyramine Include:

Red Wines

Malt Beer

Smoked Fish

Aged Cheeses

Dried Fruits

Antithyroid Drugs and Iodine-Rich Foods

Antithyroid drugs reduce the symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Iodine requires a higher dose of these drugs

The higher the dose of antithyroid drugs, the higher prevalence of side effects such as rashes, hives, and liver disease

Foods High in Iodine Include:

Seafood and Seaweed

Iodized Salt

Eggs, meat, and dairy products when consumed at a higher rate


Bareuthe, Carol M., RD. "Dangerous Food-Drug Interactions." Today's Geriatric Medicine. Aging Well, 2008. Web. 26 July 2016.

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