top 10 living communicators who influence change by ronn torossian

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Top 10 living communicators who influence change by ronn torossianTop 10 living communicators who influence change by Ronn Torossian



Top 10 Living Communicators Who Influence Change

By Ronn Torossian

Chris Anderson

• Founder of the popular TED Talks, Anderson is a visionary who figured out a way to make speech giving sexy, widely popular, and powerful.  Getting an invitation to do a TED Talk is the gold standard when it comes to speaking engagements. Anderson’s ability to spread the message of famous and little known thinkers, scientists, writers, philosophers, and activists remains unprecedented.

• Take-away: Generosity with ideas can change people’s lives.

Mark Zuckerberg

• The story of Facebook is now legendary (not to mention a major motion picture, The Social Network). Zuckerberg co-founded the social-networking website from his Harvard dorm room. It proved so popular he ditched school in his sophomore year to focus on building the site, which now boasts more than 250 million users worldwide. Oh, and the risk has made the 28 year old a billionaire in the process.

• Take-away: Good ideas are worth taking a risk on.


• This media mogul is much, much more than a talk show host – she is an ultimate communicator who has reached millions of people through her television shows, movies productions, a network (which admittedly still needs work), magazine, and “Lifeclass” seminars and webcasts. Her enthusiasm can sell an obscure novel or a new shade of lipstick – Oprah’s endorsement of a product has literally build brands overnight.

• Take-away: Respect your constituents by practicing integrity, honesty and authenticity.


• Born Shawn Corey Carter in 1969, Jay-Z is the most financially and culturally successful hip-hop artist, rapper, songwriter, producer and entrepreneur in the world. According to Forbes, his net worth is about $450 million and he’s sold more than 50 million albums worldwide. He also has 14 Grammies under his belt, and there are surely more to come. He communicates through the fashion world too, with his successful Rocawear line that caters to both adults and children. A film company, upscale sports bars, and part owner of the New Jersey Nets rounds out his impressive portfolio.

• Take-away: See beyond the trend to the bigger picture, and capitalize on it.

Roger Ailes

• The man has changed the news business – say his name at a Manhattan cocktail party and you’ll get a range of reactions – from open disgust to whispered appreciation. Ailes is a polemic, combative figure to be sure, but he also changed the face of the news business when News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch brought Ailes to Fox in 1996 to start a news channel that could compete with CNN.

• Take-away: When you see a need, fill it.

Lady Gaga

• She communicates through music, fashion, and art. An Americanoriginal – no performance or outfit is ever the same; she’s the ultimate re-inventor. This diva’s communication skills don’t end with her ability to influence pop culture – she’s also proven herself to be a compassionate and intelligent speaker, starting with her powerful “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” speech in Maine.  

• Take-away: Don’t be afraid to be yourself, and express your originality.

Tony Robbins

• The intelligentsia might criticize this self-help master – but who cares? Robbins’ gifts as a motivational speaker, bestselling author, “firewalker,” and success coach is unparalleled in the personal development business. Starting out with little in the way of education or financial resources, he began by promoting Jim Rohn’s career seminars before embarking on his own work as a self-help coach. Now, he’s an international phenomenon with success that his colleagues dream about achieving.

• Take-away: Believe what you say and others will, too.

Richard Branson

• The mogul might be best known for his Virgin Group of more than 400 companies, including an ultra hip airline – and that’s saying a lot since most airlines suffer from dismal customer service and dreary on board accommodations. He’s also a consummate adventurer and world traveler, whose attempts to break world records and pull off PR stunts for his brand in air balloons and boats have captured the imagination of admirers the world over.

• Take-away: If you want to grow, don’t just work on your business; work on the business of your business.

Benjamin Netanyahu

• The Israeli Prime Minister is an iconic figure – the epitome of a strong, passionate leader with an unwavering commitment to the survival and strength of the Jewish state. His speech in front of AIPAC in Washington this past March is but one example of his incredible oratory skills, and his ability to argue a point gracefully even while pointing out the errors of those with whom he disagrees.

“For fifteen years, I’ve been warning that a nuclear-armed Iran is a grave danger to my country and to the peace and security of the entire world. For the last decade, the international community has tried diplomacy.

• Take-away: Have convictions, and stick to them.

Jack Welch


• He has been called the greatest CEO in America. In practical terms, he earned the name because of General Electric’s unparalleled record of earnings growth and over more than two decades while he was chairman and CEO (1981-2001). He has attributed his success to an ability to focus on solutions and execute them using the right people. In order to do that well, you have to know how to communicate a message and at that Welch is a genius.

• Take-away: Words are most valuable when backed up by deeds.

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