top 10 tips to crack 10th and 12th board exams

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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Top 10 Tips to Crack 10th and 12th Board Exams

• The pressure to perform well and excel in the 10th

and 12th board exams is forever lurking on the

student’s head.

• Every student aims for a bright career by scoring well

and entering their desired college.

• LJ Institute of Applied Management has prepared a

list of top 10 sure-shot tips for every student to crack

their 10th and 12th board exams.

#1. You know your strength and

weakness the best

• Plan your entire schedule around your

strong and weak points.

• Give more time to the topics you’re less

thorough with.

#2. Refer the past year papers

• In the board exams you’ll see a pattern of questions

asked repeatedly.

• Be thorough with those and prepare according to the

paper style.

#3. Practice & practice

• No matter how prepared you feel you are,

keep practicing.

• Take up a different sections from the

question paper each day, stop not until

you’re done with the 10th and 12th board


#4. Don’t leave aside a single topic from

the text book

• Study the chapters, solve every question

given at the end of the textbook.

• Don’t leave a single topic undone.

#5. Disciplined schedule

• Sleep on time, wake up on time.

• Follow a strict and disciplined schedule and stick

to it.

• Our body takes time to adjust to a new routine,

refrain from trying new timetables.

#6. Don’t overstress yourself

• Give yourself some creative time, work out or

pursue your hobby for an hour a day.

#7. Solve sample papers

• Solve sample papers from other schools

to practice more and get a hang of a

variety of questions asked.

#8. Prepare notes

• Jot down the important formulae in a

diary or keep sticky notes with reminder


• Add one tick more with every revision.

#9. Keep targets

• Your productivity increases when you

study with targets in mind.

• Prepare realistic and achievable


#10. Reduce the use of social media

• Spend as much time you can studying.

Social media tends to distract.

• Replace social media with exercise to

remain healthy.

We’d love to hear more about your methods of

studying for board exams.


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