top 5 tips that will help you cut calories without noticing it

Post on 20-Mar-2017






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Top 5 Tips That Will Help You Cut Calories Without Noticing It

The secret to a successful diet is to come up with something that’s not so horribly unpleasant to stick to that you become instantly disheartened or bored. The right diet then should almost be like a stealth attack – so subtle and well hidden that you hardly even notice

you’re on one!

There are actually lots of smart ways you can cut the amount of calories you’re consuming on a regular

basis and that you won’t likely even notice at the time. These tricks and strategies are the perfect example of

a stealth diet, so read on for some of the best ones you can start using today!

Get Rid of Fancy Coffees

If you enjoy a fancy coffee each day then you’re actually consuming a huge number of calories without realizing it.

Cappuccinos and lattés are the worst for this hitting anywhere between 200 – 400 calories in a single cup and if you are the type that goes in for the hot chocolate with all the trimmings then you are getting almost 700 calories in that one drink, that’s nearly half the recommended calorie intake for the

whole day! Instead, have an Americano or filter coffee, which is actually less than 5 calories. Think about it this way, you could drink a filter coffee once a day and it will take about 4 and a half months to consume the same calories as just one

hot chocolate!

Get Smaller Plates

Research has shown that using smaller plates can actually make you feel fuller on less calories. The brain registers that the

food is finished and therefore sends a signal to the body saying it is time to stop eating. In

addition, if you have smaller plates and bowls then you will naturally fill them less and as a result you will start eating fewer


And Smaller Cutlery

Do you ‘inhale’ your food? In other words, do you eat your food so fast that you

don’t even remember eating it? Eating more

slowly is a very good way to help yourself feel fuller

faster. The slower you eat, the more chance your

body has to acknowledge that you’ve eaten and to

catch up with your stomach. By eating slowly

you help with digestion, you help your body create

stomach acid to breakdown food and you feel full sooner thereby actually eating fewer

calories. Getting smaller cutlery is a great way to

encourage this!

Stop Drinking Soda Drinks

Fizzy drinks are actually a dieter’s worst enemy. Both diet sodas and standard ones. These are absolutely packed with sugar and they’re really high in calories but it doesn’t feel like it – meaning that you’ll keep drinking them without necessarily realizing how

much damage you’re doing to your body. Stop drinking fizzy drinks and you should find that you instantly cut your calories by a few

hundred a day! When you look at diet soda, they may not have any calories but the taste alone is enough to trigger your body into thinking that you are drinking a lot of calories and so it sets in

motion the same chemicals as if you have actually eaten the high sugar energy. This in turn can actually make your blood sugar drop

and make you MORE hungry which then makes you eat more food.

Drink COLD Water

Now this may sound a bit strange but hear me out. When you drink cold water, the body needs to heat it up within the body.

To create the heating process, the body needs to produce energy, to produce energy the body needs to use calories. Bottom line is, when you drink cold water, the body actually has to spend more calories which means potential weight

loss, plus water is the best thing you can drink for hydration and about a million other essential bodily functions so you

get a double whammy effect!

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