torrance herald july … · highlighted lor mrs. brooks by the acquisition of si: pots to add to of...

Post on 02-Aug-2020






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Miss Stephenson Becornes Bride of Navy Air Cadet

First Methodist Church of Gardena was the sotting last Wednesday evening for a can­ dlelight ceremony uniting MissMary Frank

Agnes Stephenson and Edward Kimberling in

an. heirlo Martin V;

marriage. Rev. F. M. Clark, re­ tired Methodist minister and grandfather of the bride offi­ ciated.

A white moire taffeta gown, fashioned with a slight train. I tlonal league baseball was chos-vn by the bride and * * *



Mr. and Mrs. Will Brooks, 1328 Portola, returned Sunday from Harmony, Pa., th birthplace of Mrs. Brooks' par­ ents, where they have been foi two weeks on a business pleasure trip. The visit was highlighted lor Mrs. Brooks by the acquisition of si: pots to add to

of thi Buren

family, and for Mr. Brooks by a thrilling afternoon at a na

her finger tip veil was draped from a coronet of orange blos­ soms. White orchids, gardenias


and bouvardia we. combinedin the shower bouquet.

Mrs. Margaret Croft of Gar­ dena was her sister's only at­ tendant. Her gown was ice blue velvet and she can-led coral dahlias.

Douglas Turpin, also a Navy Air cadet, was the bridegroom's best man and ushers were Frank Garst, Easdale James and Elmo Meister, all of Gar­ dena

The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Stephen- ( on of 2250 West 182nd street, North Torrance, while her hu.s- band, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sockfield, is a Navy Air cadet stationed at Corpus Christ!. Texas. Both are graduates of Gardena high school and at­ tended Compton Junior Col­ lege.

Mrs. Kimberling will continue to make her home with her parents until her husband re­ ceives his commission and is stationed.


Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carter of 1104 Portola ave., and Mr. and Mrs-. M. C. Miller of 1750 Arlington ave. shared honors as hosts recently when they en­ tertained Messrs. and Mmes. L. A. Soppenfield and L. J. Par­ ker and children Leslie and Judy, who arrived unexpectedly from thrir homes in Kansas City. During their visit here the

mony performededdlng c(

AlbnquM., Tuesda

Louis Selkirk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Selkirk, of 2203 West Carson street, ex­changed Pi

edding ,-ithHugh Bert Ixmg.

The bride attended Frcsno State College where she was af­ filiated with Chi Delta Chi Her husband serving in the glider division of the Army Air Forces. was a Student at California Polytechnic College at San Luis Obispo, where he was a mem­ ber of Zeta Mu fraternity.


Elaine, daughter of Mr. andMrs. brated party aftern

Denton Revclle, cele­ her third birthday at a t her home last Friday

on. Party refreshmentswere served following an after­ noon of games and many lovely gifts were presented. Those present were her grandmothers, Mmes. Inez Revclle of Torrance and Glennora Freear of Los An­

tes; Nelle McConville, her cat aunt; Rcnee Bartlett and n; Margaret Dnnielson and

children; Vcra Underwood and .laughter; Mm Meade anddaughter; -Peggy Sneltz anddaughter of Rolling Hills; Mrs. Hesslcr and daughter of Lomita and Evelyn Keller of Cornpton,


. . . is now enrolled in the unn „( M,.. and Mrs. William T. Naval Training school for ma- Dietlin, 2202 Arlington ave., left chinlbfs mates at the North Dakota Slat


School n of M

of Science. and Mrs.

sell M. Paxton. 707 Cota On completion of the 18-

[s 1 course he will be eligible a petty officer rating, ma­ st's mate, third class.

Wednesday morning enterNaval Rdserve at San Diego.

"Franny" attitnded Torrance high school and has worked in the printing industry for several years, but the urge to get into the "big rumble" was too great so he enlisteii in the Naval Re­ serve. A grtmp of friends and

,, i member." of the family gathered t Benjamin Har- at his home Tuesday night to

bid him bon voyage.

fiEORC.K A. MORTtraining at Fi ri.von, Ind., in the Fina placement Training Center. He will study army pay methods. Mort was inducted Aug. 5. He was formerly in Naval Ordnance Production Control, Consolidated Steel, at May wood.

LESLIE IHOliillCK . . . has- recently been promoted to Staff Sergeant. He is stationed in the Canal Zone and serving in the Coast Artillery, according to hisniothi Mr E. W. He-dric of1G11 215th street.

RICHARD 1C. BEECIIEK . . .vho is stationed at Ixis Alami- os Naval Reserve Ha.'-e, spent he weekend with his parents. Ur. and Mrs. W. A. Boechor lore. Accompanied by his

attended the ArmyatRedskins football game

he Coliseum Sunday.•bROBERT BKOWN . . .

iloyee of Columbia Steel C pany. leaves tomorrow for tr. ig in the Coast Guard.

ROBERT BAISK3ach at Torrance high school.

who signed up in the physical itness branch of service, writes rlends here that he is enjoy- ig his work and has material nr a number of teams in soe- er, football and other active

sports. Ban- is stationed inSouth Africa.

nOKM.AS I. CRAWFOKD...of the Army Air Corps at Santa Ana, spent a 24-hour leave at home over the weekend. With a party of fr|ends he went danc­ ing at the Palladium.

ILARRV A. YORK . . . private in the U. S. Army .stationed at the Presidio, San Francisco, spent the wee-It end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo York, and Miss Zelma Stegel meyer of Totrance.

SEC'ONO I.IKUT. JOHN \\ IU.WMAN . . . member of th 385th Infantry of the 90th Dlvi sion, has been promoted tp fir lieutenant. He Is stationed Camp Barkcley, Texas.

MALCOLM J.''lIL'nOLESTONU.S.N. . . . l-eturned last wi to his family in Long Be; following 18 months service in foreign duty. Mrs. Huddlcstoi is the former Pauline Hammal of this city. The Huddleston and thrtr son, Richard, are

Longat 1919 Constitute Beach.


CLIFTON CIIAKLKS . . .son of Rfcy C. Cullum, 2041 No. Oak St., ontifted in the Nav at the recruiting station in Compton last week.

TEXAS VISITORS. and Mrs. "Lawrence Could daughter Susan arrived

Monday evening froni mont, Texas, anu spent thi

relatives enjoyed a continuous .......»*.., ^,~....round of pleasure highlighted! mont, Texas, anby an enjoyable family dinner I ning at the Edw;party. home here. _,'

Beau- !> eve-

d Rhone


Gimme 4,200,000 Gallons Today 1"

I EP. By the first of the year, according to the aviation experts, Uncle Sam will be asking us oil men to supply him with 4,200,000 gallons of high octane aviation gasoline every 24 hours! He'll need that much to keep our fighting planes in the air. Naturally, the steps that Standard of California has taken are a military secret, but I can sure tell you that the men at the refineries haven't been sitting on their hands. Standard is already turning out vast quantities of aviation gasoline and even greater supplies will be produced soon.

Know The Easiest Way To Keep Your Car Shiny?

shed? Then try thi ay to keep it li

Doe pearance it's buen

bright. Buy one nf UIOHC upocially pr pared dunt cloths from your Standard Man. With it. you can shine up your cnr in a couplu of minutes. A few flicka every day, and your cur will stay bright for weeks.


Get In the Scrap - To Beat the Japlthing* with old ncr.ip iron, steel or oilier metal objucU. (a) Soil it to a Junk Denier. In fiivo it to B charity, (c) Take it yourself to tho nearest collodion point specified liy your local Salvage Committee.



. .1. Junior Fowler, 18, of 21205 South Main, Torrance. and Berthcl N. Archer, 19, of 2491!) Pennsylvania ave., Lomita.

William D. White, 21, of Lo- nita, and Marjiaretto A. Osow- iki, 20, of Lomita.

Clarence O. Eipper, Jr., 2.'i, oi 25338 Pennsylvania ave., Lomita,

Arlene J. Smith, 18, of Wilniington.

ustave P. Krorten. 1!), of 1230 257th St., Harbor Cily, and

L-ba A. Hollar, 21, of l(io'2G2nd , Lomita.

Kenneth L. Payne, 21, of 2013Arlington, Torrance, and Audrey

Stanley, 20, of 1902 Carson., Torrance.Ben D. Griffith, Jr., 20, of 1750

ilartina, Torrance, and June M. Reynolds, 20. of 15127 Mariposa

\, Gardena.lobert L. Ray, 21, of 23047

N'arbonne, Lomita, and Margaret <.. Willson, 18, of 2129 237th

b-t., Lomita.* # *

SUNDAY VISITORSSunday gui sts of the J. W.

tortnems were Mrs. Martinlolk and Mrs. II. Wolssbergind .son Harold of Long Beach.


Mrs. F. A. /.-


The second birthday of Georgi Harold Cook was the inceritivi for an enjoyable party Satur day at the home of his mother Mr.". Grace Cook Boscow, Hollydale near Downey. Hi? grandmother, Mrs. J. F. Cook accompanied by her son-ln-la and daughtdr, Mr. and Mrs Leo H. Side|)otham of Rollinj, Hills was pifsent.


Torrance Chapter, No. 380 Order of the Eastern Star, will observe Past Matrons and Pa-

Night this eveningMasonic Te ed pi fresh:

atell arrang-

and re/ed.


Mrs. Bert Lindberg and her niece. Miss Tena Johnson, were complimented at an enjoyable party Friday evening whenmembers of American RedCrot-s Sewing Group surprised them at their home on Portola ive. Games were enjoyed and

i-crc served f ol entation of group

!;|dies, who left yes- an extended visit In

east. Those present were Mmes. Maudf M. Lock, Edith Hudran, Daisy Smith, Mary Taylor, Haz(|l Zelenka. Doris.

refreshments lowing the pri c!ifts to thi terday

Lloyd White, I'-sts of the Ray Marv Peer.

Lydy, Mabel flaslam and Chrls- t«-na Fcrguson.

* ).*

FIRST to the

Verdi Dress Shop,then, BACK-TO-SCHOOL!

Poijulaiity (or School




<£$* A ^iM

Jumper Dresses(See lllu'.trat.on)

So smart, so pract their blouses, these aie fashion hits!

In Cotton-,, JI.V8.Rayon Minturc-., all wanted (

and plaids, $3.96 and $4.49. 9 to I/.

hHNDANBLOUSbS, $1.93Fine Rayons White and Colo

Verdi Dress Shop1312 Sarton


Honoring Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brlncy of 2030 Arlington ave., on the occasion of their 41st wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wrlght of 210-1 Ar- linptnn avenue, their son-in-law and daughter entertained at dinner Monday evening at their home. An arrangement of gar­ den flowers centered the dining table where covers were placed for Messrs, and Mmes. Lex Bri- ney and children Mike and Mar­ tha and the Max Brineys of South Gate. A handfome group gift was- presented and a social evening followed.


Mr and Mrs. Alex F. Bero and two children, formerly Flint, Mien., have rented a house from J. C. Smith of the Tor­ rance Investment Co., at 16S2 W. 216th st. Mr. Bero is em­ ployed by Dow Chemical Co. In the plant protection depart­ ment.


At the monthly meeting of the Mothers Educational Cen­ ter, held last Friday morning at Woman's Clubhouse 24 babies were examined Including ten new enrollees, Jerry Zlgler, Billy Graham, Phillip and Jerry Nick- ol, Sidney Croft, Marcel Dor- ouln, Lynne Hyde, Delores Der oiiin and Patrick and Michael Derouln.


On account of the Labor Day holiday, the National Business and Professional Women's club will meot_Dn Tuesday evening, Sept. 8 for a business session. The meeting will be held at the home of Miss Esther Z. Max­ well, 140-1 Cota ave., Instead of at the Nurses Home.


Tne $25.00 War Bond drawn at the regular meeting of Air Raid Warden Poi-1 No. 8 Sat­ urday evening was presented to Lcvan Garnick of 329 E. 118th Place, Los Angeles, according to the Port Secretary. The lucky green ticket was numbered

Miss Weber Weds Long Reach Man At Las Vegas

Mr. and Mrs. Gus D. Weber of 1903 Andreo nve., are an- 1 noimeing the marriage of their] daughter, Vcra Mae Weber, Carl Leonard HieLong Beach. The

of No dding t

pliiperformed Sunday morningLas Vegas, Nevada. Rev. Buner, of the Mormon church, oflclated.

The bride, beautifully attiiv In maroon velvet with navy a cossorles and wearing gardenia was attended by Mrs. Robert Relstab of th city. Ray Maruer of North Ix>n Beach was the bridegroon best man. Robert Relstab ai Mrs. Ray Maruer were al present. A wedding breakfas was followed by a trip to Bou der Dam. Mr. and Mrs. R! will make their home in To ranee.

The bride, a graduate of To ranee high school, class- of Sun mer '41, has been for the pa year on the office staff at To ranee I.-iundry, while her Im: band \ is employed at Northro Aircraft at Hawthorne.


The Woman's Society i Christian Service of the Mothi dist Church will meet Thur. day, Sept. 10, at 10:30 for their business meeting. Lun cheon will be served at noon Ij Circle No. 3 and a fine gram has been arrangethe afternoon with th< sup(intendent of the Frances DC Paw School for Mexican fill- in Los Angeles as- guest speal er-. All the ladley of the churc are invited to attend.


Members of the P. K. Cheer 1 Club will be entertained Frida; Sept. 4 at the home of Mr W. E. Rupple, president, at 93

ave. Mrs. Em m West Hollywood an

of this city will hostess. Luncheon wi at 12:30 and a bus

ssion will follow.

Arlington Green of formerly


The August meeting of Ixi mita-San Pedro Council of Pat­ ents and Teachers took plac< Friday in Torrance park, picnii luncheon following the business session, conducted by the pi dont, Mrs. J. J. Millard.

i the report of the Tenth rict board meeting, giv

by the president, she requested all association presidents to sei that the names and addresse:

ill executive board members together with money for mail ing expense of bulletins, be sent

the district office as tht presidents will not receiv bundles of bulletins as before Sept. 10 Is the deadline for th

The Council of Social Agcn- 3onferenoe will he I

Sept. 28 and 29. Speakersra Whitton luncheon :

Canada Hugh

Jackson of Washington, D. C.,'or the dinner, presidents are ii

All'ited to

Membership Driveconference for

iatior attend

b Imothers a n d war activities chairmen will be held at the public library from 10 a. m. un til 11:30 a. m. each Wednesday

six weeks, starting Oct. 14. . R. W. uresser~and Mrs.

V. E. Shcppard will conduct the conference.

The annual memhership drive 111 open Oct. 5 and continue

until Oct. 23. The fall school of instruction

be held at May Company

f mentary schools- from 10 a. n I until 12 noon and secondar presidents from 1 p. in. unt 3 p. m! Health chairmen wi meet Sept. 15 from 10 a. n until 12:30 p. m.; Parent-Teach er study group chairmen, Sepl It! from' 10 a. in. until 12 noon parliamentary law chairmen Sept. 17 from 10 a. m. until 1 noon; extension department, In eluding membership chairmen Sept. 18, for elementary school from 10 a. in. until 12 noon am for secondary schools from until 3 p. m.

Itapartinflnt Conference Organization department eon will take place Sept 21 from 10 a. m. until 12 nooi and from 1 until S p. m.; pub lie welfare conferences, Sept. 21. from 10 a. m. until 12:30 p. m finance and budget chairmen treasurers and ways and me chairmen, Sept. 24 from 10 a. m until 12 noon; hospitality am Founders' Day and life mom hoiship chairmen, Sept. 28 fron

m. until 12 noon, publicity conference wil

take place Sept. 30 from 10 m. until 12 noon; secretar- and hiMlorians will meet Oet roni 10 a. m. until 12 noon;

home service chairmen. Oct. C from 10 a. m. until' 12:30 p. m.; 'ducatlon chairmen, Oct. (I from 0 a. m. until 12 noon. All ol he above classes will be held n the May Company auditor­

ium.The next council meeting wl

e held Sepl. 21 from O.-.'IO a. n 12 noon at Cabrlllo avi


Nation's HEALTHha Nation's STRENGTH


At the regular meeting of Job's Daughters, Bethel No. no, held at Masonic Temple'Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected to fill vacancies: lieverly Whltney, senior prin- ccss; Enld Wcis, junior princess; Patricia Whltney, guide; Luellln Riigraff, marshal; Ruth Kerbor, recorder; Barbara Smith, chap­ lain; Myrna Lou Possum, first messenger. Shlrley Guttcnfeldrr, past honored queen of Torrance Bet IK I, was installing officer.

Following the installation rites and business session, refresh­ ments were served in the ban­ quet room.


Mrs. Gene (iarner was host­ ess when she entertained at a lovely stork shower last Wed­ nesday honoring Mrs. Margie Bonier. Shower games were played with Mrs.-. Prlscilla Thornherry as prize winner. Re­ freshments were served to Mmes. Renee Bartlett, Phyllis Wright, Helen Priest, Priscilla Thornherry and Mary Hrown of Torranre; Virginia Oray of Sim la Barbara and Mrs. J. L. Fleteher of rhino.


Hostesses for this evening's Catholic ladles card party an 1 Mrs. P. B. f'layton and her committee, Mines. D. A. Mc­ Donald, Young, Lewelli-n, Von- derahc, Thoma, Dietlin and Chi- noine. Everyone is cordially in­ vited. Tables of contract and met ion bridge, pinochle and 500 will be In play. The first door irize will be drawn promptly t 8:00 o'clock and card play I'ill follow immediately. Re- reshments will be served.



TOMI.IIT, SKIT, ,'tti:30 p. in. Rotary Club.

Woman's Clubhouse.7::tO p. m. 20-30 Club,

Daniels Cafe.- United Steelworkers meet-

Ing.7:15 p. m.- Knights of Py­

thias Lodge, Redondo Beach. 8:00 p. m.--O.B.S. Masonic

Temple.Modern Woodmen. Catholic Ladies' card par­


7:.'iO p. in. l.O.O.F. No. IKS, Kedondo Beach.

Tow n send Club, Men's Bible Class Hldg.

8:00 p. m.--Masonic meet­ ing.

SUNDAY, SEPT. fi Service.- in all churches.

MONDAY, SKIT. 7 I<abor Day, legal holiday.

TUESDAY, SKIT. M 7:30 p. m. NBPW club

meeting, 410-1 Cota ave.7:45 p. m. American Legion

Auxiliary, St. Andrew's Guild Hall.

- City Council. 8:01) p. in. Mi-N-Yore-Klin

Club, -1010 Sopuvcda blvd.Technocracy, 1524 Cravens


1:00 p. m. Women of the Moose.

1:30 p. in. V.F.W. Auxili- i-y. Men's Bible Class bldg. 7:30 p. in. V.F.W., Men's

Bible Class bldg.THURSDAY, SKIT. HI 0:M a. m. Methoditt Wo­

man's Day.

Legion Auxiliary lOnjoys Party at Guild Hall

American Legion Auxiliary will hold their regular business meeting at St. Andrew's Guild Hall Tuesday evening, Sept. 8 at 7:45 o'clock. Hostesses- for the occasion will be Mmes. Gladys McAfee, Rea Burchett and Hazel Zelenka.

Friday evening the group en- joved a gala party at Guild Hall with Keno-as the evening diversion. Prizes were won by Mmes. Maxine Smith, House and McAfee. At the close ol play refreshments were served by Mmes. Murphy, Dunhani and Lee. The next social evening will be held Tuesday evening. Sept. 22.

Representing the Torrance unit at the Iflth District lun­ cheon held-yesterday at North Long Beach were Mrs. Ollva Lee, president, and Mmes. W 11 k e s. McDermald, Ralston, Williams and Thompson.


The Misses Marilyn and Janet Lee returned last Friday from Baldwin Park where they have been vacationing at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee. That eve­ ning was the occasion 'for an enjoyable family dinner party all the Hillmnn R. 1f<> home on Post ave., marking the birth­ day anniversaries of Mmes. Fred Ix>e and Hillman R. Lee.





dozen 21 c

CANDY SPECIAL Butter-and-cream CHEWS.... Ib. box 39c


Sandwich Bre.d(white or whiat) lOcWiener or S.indwichBu "» doion I5ofjL'gJ" Cream .pint 29o

PHQNE: 1381

MOTHERS: Be sure your child is physically able to get good grades!

In checking over the needs for school, don't fo t (hem ihild'i

ination. lector's line of ilth of

,i, *.ui.i.Ki,ig vjvci me neeas tor school don most important thing of all GOOD VIGOROUS HEALTH_ to prevent Colds and other ailments that lessen your opportunity for advancement.

Consult your family physician for a thorou g h e»am He will ,idv,;e you of lacking vitamins. Then bring the C Prescription to the Beacon D,u 9 . We have a compl.te .ehable vitamin compounds so necessary to the he. growing children, as well as adults.

Beacon Drug Co.Uklio L. Prmco, Prop



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