toshiba lcd av703 english

Post on 25-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English






  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English




    Safety Precautions ....................4Air Circulation ...................................... 4

    Heat Damage ...................................... 4

    Power Supply ...................................... 4Do ........................................................ 4

    Do not .................................................. 4

    Installation and importantinformation .................................5

    Where to install.................................... 5

    EXCLUSION CLAUSE ........................ 5

    The Remote Control ..................6Inserting batteries and ......................... 6

    effective range of the remote ............... 6

    Connecting ExternalEquipment ..................................7

    Connecting an HDMI or DVIdevice to the HDMI input...........9

    To connect an HDMI device ................ 9

    To connect a DVI device...................... 9

    Acceptable Video signals through HDMI

    terminals .............................................. 10

    Acceptable PC signals through

    HDMI-1/D-SUB terminals .................... 10

    Connecting a Computer ............11To connect a PC to the

    RGB/PC terminal ................................. 11

    To connect a PC to the

    HDMI terminal ..................................... 11

    Using the Controls ....................12Switching On ....................................... 13

    Using the Remote Control ................... 13

    Using the Controls ............................... 13

    Startup Application ...................14

    Quick Setup ......................................... 14

    Auto Tuning ......................................... 14

    Manual Tuning ..................................... 15

    Watching TV Programmes .................. 16

    Changing the Position ......................... 17

    Displaying the On-screen

    Information .......................................... 17

    General Controls .......................18Selecting Channels ............................. 18

    The Time Display analogue only ...... 18

    Stereo and Bilingual Transmissions .... 18

    Subtitles............................................... 18

    Using the Quick Access (Except PC) .. 18

    Using the Quick Access (PC Only) ...... 18

    Sound Controls..........................19Volume controls and mute sound ........ 19

    Dual ..................................................... 19

    Bass, Treble and Balance ................... 19

    Stable Sound..................................... 19

    Surround.............................................. 19

    Bass Boost .......................................... 19

    Widescreen viewing ..................20Available Picture Size and

    Position Control ................................... 21

    Picture Controls.........................22Picture Position ................................... 22

    Picture Mode (Except PC) ................... 22

    Picture Preferences ............................. 22

    Reset ................................................... 223D Colour Management ...................... 22

    Base Colour Adjustment ...................... 23

    Colour Temperature ............................. 23

    Active Backlight Control ...................... 23

    Black/White Level ................................ 23

    Digital Noise Reduction ....................... 24

    MPEG NR Noise Reduction ............. 24

    Cinema Mode ...................................... 24

    Reset Picture Settings ......................... 24

    Auto Format (Widescreen) .................. 24

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    4:3 Stretch ........................................... 24

    Blue Screen ......................................... 24

    Side Panel ........................................... 24

    Picture still ........................................... 24

    Enjoying Photo throughUSB Port .....................................25

    Photo Viewer specications................ 25

    Opening Photo Viewer ........................ 25

    Viewing Photo Files ............................. 25

    Enjoying Music throughUSB Port .....................................26

    Music Player specications................. 26

    Opening Music Player ......................... 26

    Playing Music Files.............................. 26

    Media USB Port................................... 26

    Other features ............................27Panel Lock........................................... 27

    Sleep Timer ......................................... 27

    On Timer.............................................. 27

    On Timer Position ................................ 27

    Text Services andText Information .........................28

    Selecting modes .................................. 28

    Navigating Pages using Auto .............. 28

    Navigating Pages using LIST .............. 28

    Control Buttons.................................... 28

    PC Settings ................................29Horizontal and Vertical Position........... 29

    Sampling Clock ................................... 29

    Clock Phase ........................................ 29

    Reset ................................................... 29

    Input Selection and

    AV Connections .........................30Input Selection..................................... 30

    Input Signal Selection.......................... 30

    HDMI 1 Audio ...................................... 30

    Frequently Asked Questions ....31

    Specifcations and

    Accessories ...............................33

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English



    Safety Precautions

    This equipment has been designed and manufactured to meet international safety standards but, likeany electrical equipment, care must be taken to obtain the best results and for safety to be assured.Please read the points below for your own safety. They are of a general nature, intended to help with allelectronic consumer products and some points may not apply to the goods you have just purchased.

    The Class I apparatus shall be connected to a mains socket outlet with a protective earthingconnection.

    Air CirculationLeave more than 10cm clearance around thetelevision to allow adequate ventilation. Thiswill prevent overheating and possible damageto the television. Dusty places should also beavoided.

    Heat DamageDamage may occur if the television is left in

    direct sunlight or near a heater. Avoid placessubject to extremely high temperatures orhumidity. Place in a location where the tem-perature remains between 5C (41F) min. and35C (94F) max.

    Power SupplyThe mains supply required for this equipmentis 220-240v AC 50/60Hz. Never connect to aDC supply or any other power source. DO en-sure that the television is not standing on themains lead. Use only the supplied lead.

    DO NOT cut off the mains plug from thisequipment, this incorporates a special RadioInterference Filter, the removal of which willimpair its performance. In the UK, the fusetted in this plug is approved by ASTA or BSIto BS1362.

    It should only be replaced by a correctly rated

    and approved type and the fuse cover must be



    DoDOread the operating instructions before youattempt to use the equipment.

    DOensure that all electrical connections(including the mains plug, extension leads andinter-connections between pieces of equip-ment) are properly made and in accordancewith the manufacturers instructions. Switch offand withdraw the mains plug before making or

    changing connections.

    DOconsult your dealer if you are ever in doubtabout the installation, operation or safety ofyour equipment.

    DObe careful with glass panels on equipment.


    Do not

    DO NOTobstruct the ventilation openings ofthe equipment with items such as newspapers,tablecloths, curtains, etc. Overheating will causedamage and shorten the life of the equipment.

    DO NOTallow electrical equipment to beexposed to dripping or splashing or objects lledwith liquids, such as vases, to be placed on theequipment.

    DO NOTplace hot objects or naked amesources, such as lighted candles or nightlightson, or close to equipment. High temperaturescan melt plastic and lead to res.

    DO NOTuse makeshift stands and NEVERx legs with wood screws. To ensure completesafety, always t the manufacturers approvedstand, bracket or legs with the xings providedaccording to the instructions.

    DO NOTleave equipment switched on whenit is unattended, unless it is specically statedthat it is designed for unattended operation orhas a standby mode. Switch off by withdrawingthe plug, make sure your family know how todo this. Special arrangements may need to be

    made for people with disabilities.DO NOTcontinue to operate the equipment ifyou are in any doubt about it working normally,or it is damaged in any way switch off, with-draw the mains plug and consult your dealer.

    WARNING excessive sound pressure from ear-phones or headphones can cause hearing loss.

    ABOVE ALL NEVER let anyone, especially chil-dren, push or hit the screen, push anything intoholes, slots or any other openings in the case.

    NEVER guess or take chances with electricalequipment of any kind it is better to be safethan sorry.

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English




    Installation and important information

    Where to install

    Locate the television away from direct sunlight or other strong lights. Soft, indirect lighting is recom-mended for comfortable viewing. Use curtains or blinds to prevent direct sunlight falling on the screen.Place the TV set on a stable, level surface that can support the weight of the TV. In order to maintain stabil-ity and prevent it from falling over, secure the TV to the level surface using the strap located under the table

    top stand, or to a wall using a sturdy tie to the clip on the back of the table top stand.

    The LCD display panels are manufactured usingan extremely high level of precision technology,however sometimes some parts of the screenmay be missing picture elements or have lumi-nous spots. This is not a sign of a malfunction.Make sure the television is located in a positionwhere it cannot be pushed or hit by objects, aspressure will break or damage the screen, andthat small items cannot be inserted into slots oropenings in the case.

    Please take noteEXCLUSION CLAUSE

    Toshiba shall under no circumstances be liable for loss and/or damage to the product caused by:

    i) re;

    ii) earthquake;

    iii) accidental damage;

    iv) intentional misuse of the product;

    v) use of the product in improper conditions;

    vi) loss and/or damage caused to the product while in the possession of a third party;

    vii)any damage or loss caused as a result of the owners failure and/or neglect to follow the in-structions set out in the owners manual;

    viii)any loss or damage caused directly as a result of misuse or malfunction of the product whenused simultaneously with associated equipment;

    Furthermore, under no circumstances shall Toshiba be liable for any consequential loss and/ordamage including but not limited to the following, loss of prot, interruption of business, the loss ofrecorded data whether caused during normal operation or misuse of the product.

    If stationary images generated by 4:3 broadcasts, text services, channel identication logos, computerdisplays, video games, on-screen menus, etc. are left on the television-screen for any length of time theycould become conspicuous, it is always advisable to reduce both the brightness and contrast settings.

    Very long, continuous use of the 4:3 picture on a 16:9 screen may result in some retention of theimage at the 4:3 outlines, this is not a defect of the LCD TV and is not covered under the manu-facturers warranty. Regular use of other size modes (e.g.: Superlive) and varying the side panel

    brightness (if available on the model) will prevent permanent retention.


    DANGEROUS VOLTAGE:The lightening ash with arrowhead symbol within anequilateral t riangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of un-insulatedDANGEROUS VOLTAGE within the products enclosure that may be of sufcientmagnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.

    INSTRUCTIONS:The exclamation point within on equilateral triangle to alert theuser to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructionin the literature accompanying the appliance.

    WARNING:To prevent the spread of re, keep candles or other open ames awayfrom this product at all times.

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    12 In TV mode: Display on-screen information In Text mode: Access the index page13 Mute the sound14 Display the quick access menu

    15 Exit the menu system16 No Function17 Go to the previous level of the menu18 Display the on-screen menu19 Menu navigation: , , , : In Text mode: Change the page OK: Conrm the selection20 Colour button: Text control buttons Reveal concealed text Hold a wanted page Enlarge text display size

    Select a page while viewing anormal picture

    1 Toggle between TV ON or Standby2 Toggle between external input sources3 Still Picture4 To display the teletext screen5 TEXT subtitle pages if available6 Stereo/Bilingual transmissions7 Number buttons8 No Function

    9 No Function10 Change the volume11 Change the channel

    The Remote Control

    Simple at-a-glance reference of your remotecontrol.

    Inserting batteries and

    effective range of the remote

    Do not combine a used, old battery with a newone or mix battery types. Remove dead batteriesimmediately to prevent acid from leaking intothe battery compartment. Dispose of them inaccordance with instructions on page 34 of thismanual.Warning: batteries must not be exposedto excessive heat such as sunlight or re.

    The performance of the remote control willdeteriorate beyond a distance of ve metres oroutside an angle of 30 degrees from the centreof the television. If the operating range becomesreduced the batteries may need replacing.

    Remove the backcover to reveal thebattery compartmentand make sure thebatteries are insertedthe right way round.Suitable batterytypes for this remoteare AAA, 1.5V.

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    Connecting External Equipment

    Before connecting any external equipment, turn off all main power switches. If there is no switchremove the mains plug from the wall socket.Connect the power cord into the AC IN socket found at the back of the TV.

    For 19/22AV70**



    HDMI 2



    Note: SCART can support Canal+ decoder.

    For 26/32AV70**





    Note: SCART1 and SCART 2 can support Canal+ decoder.

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English



    Aerial cables:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Connect the aerial to the ANT socket on the rearof the television.

    If you use a decoder and/or media recorder, con-nect through the decoder and/or media recorderto the television.

    SCART cables: - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Connect the video recorder IN/OUTor decoder

    TVsocket to the television. Connect the mediaplayer SATsocket to the decoder MEDIA REC.socket.

    Before running Auto Tuningput your decoderand media recorder to Standby.

    The phono sockets alongside the COMPONENTVIDEO INPUT sockets will accept L and R audiosignals.

    The phono sockets alongside the VIDEO INPUT

    socket will accept L and R audio signals. Thesesockets are located on the side of the TV. (Seethe next page.)

    HDMI(High-Denition Multimedia Interface)is for use with a DVD, decoder or electricalequipment with digital audio and video output. Itis designed for best performance with 1080i high-denition video signals but will also accept anddisplay 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p and 1080p.HDMI1 also support VGA, SVGA, XGA, WXGAand SXGA.

    NOTE:Although this television is able to con-nect to HDMI equipment it is possible that some

    equipment may not operate correctly.A wide variety of external equipment canbe connected to the back of the television,therefore the relevant owners manuals for alladditional equipment must be referred to.

    If the television automatically switches over tomonitor external equipment, return to normaltelevision by pressing the desired programmeposition button. To recall external equipment,press to select.

    HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Denition Multimedia Interface

    are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC

    in the United States and other countries.

    For 32/40LV70**





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    Connecting an HDMI or DVI device to the HDMI input

    The HDMI input on your television receives digital audio and uncompressed digital video from anHDMI source device or uncompressed digital video from a DVI (Digital Visual Interface) source device.This input is designed to accept HDCP (High-Bandwidth Digital-Content Protection) programme mate-rial in digital form from EIA/CEA-861-Dcompliant [1] consumer electronic devices (such as a set-topbox or DVD player with HDMI or DVI output). For acceptable video signal formats.

    Note: Some early HDMI equipment may not work properly with your latest HDMI TV, due to the adoption of

    a new standard.Please unplug your HDMI cable rst and then try setting the following options (Lip Sync) to Off.Your early HDMI source should operate properly with your television.

    Supported Audio format: Linear PCM, sampling rate 32/44.1/48kHz.

    To connect an HDMI device

    Connect an HDMI cable (type A connector) tothe HDMI terminal.

    For proper operation, it is recommended thatyou use an HDMI cable with the HDMI Logo( ). If your HDMI connection is capable of 1080p

    and/or your television is capable of refreshrates greater than 50Hz, you will need a Cat-egory 2 cable. Conventional HDMI/DVI cablemay not work properly with this mode.

    HDMI cable transfers both video and audio.Separate analogue audio cables are notrequired (see illustration).

    The HDMI 3 terminal is located on the side of

    the television.


    L R




    HDMI cable

    HDMI device

    For instruction

    purposes only

    To view the HDMI device video, press thebutton to select HDMI 1, HDMI 2 or HDMI 3mode.

    To connect a DVI device

    Connect an HDMI-to-DVI adapter cable (HDMItype A connector) to the HDMI 1 terminal and

    audio cables to the PC/HDMI1 (AUDIO) socket(see illustration). The recommended HDMI-to-DVI adapter

    cable length is 6.6ft (2m). An HDMI-to-DVI adapter cable transfers

    video only. Separate analogue audio cablesare required.

    For instruction

    purposes only

    the back of your television


    Audio cable for PC totelevision connection(not supplied)

    HDMI-to-DVIadapter cable

    Note:To ensure that the HDMI or DVI device is resetproperly, it is recommended that you followthese procedures: When turning on your electronic components,

    turn on the television rst, and then the HDMIor DVI device.

    When turning off your electronic components,turn off the HDMI or DVI device rst, and thenthe television.

    [1] EIA/CEA-861-D compliance covers the transmission of uncompressed digital video with high-bandwidth digital content protection,which is being standardized for reception of high-denition video signals. Because this is an evolving technology, it is possible thatsome devices may not operate properly with the television.HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Denition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in theUnited States and other countries.

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    Format Resolution V. Frequency H. Frequency Pixel Clock Frequency

    480i 720 x 480i 60Hz 15.734KHz 27MHz

    480p 720 x 480p 60Hz 31.5KHz 27MHz / 27.027MHz

    576i 720 x 576i 50Hz 15.625KHz 27MHz

    576p 720 x 576p 50Hz 31.25KHz 54MHz

    720p 1280 x 720p 50Hz 37.5KHz 74.25MHz

    720p 1280 x 720p 59.94Hz / 60Hz 44.9KHz / 45KHz 74.17MHz / 74.25MHz

    1080i 1920 x 1080i 50Hz 28.125KHz 74.25MHz

    1080i 1920 x 1080i 59.94Hz / 60Hz 33.72KHz / 33.75KHz 74.17MHz / 74.25MHz

    1080p 1920 x 1080p 50Hz 56.25KHz 148.5MHz

    1080p 1920 x 1080p 59.94Hz / 60Hz 67.432KHz / 67.5KHz 148.35MHz / 148.5MHz

    1080p 1920 x 1080p 24Hz / 25Hz 27KHz / 28.125KHz 74.25MHz / 74.25MHz

    1080p 1920 x 1080p 30Hz 33.75KHz 74.25MHz

    Acceptable Video signals through HDMI terminals

    Format Resolution V. Frequency H. Frequency Pixel Clock Frequency

    VGA 640 x 480 59.9Hz 31.469KHz 25.175MHz

    VGA 640 x 480 72.8Hz 37.861KHz 31.5MHz

    VGA 640 x 480 75Hz 37.5KHz 31.5MHz

    VGA 720 x 400 70Hz 31.469KHz 28.322MHz

    SVGA 800 x 600 56.2Hz 35.156KHz 36MHz

    SVGA 800 x 600 60.3Hz 37.879KHz 40MHz

    SVGA 800 x 600 72.1Hz 48.077KHz 50MHz

    SVGA 800 x 600 75Hz 46.875KHz 49.5MHz

    XGA 1024 x 768 60Hz 48.363KHz 65MHz

    XGA 1024 x 768 70Hz 56.476KHz 75MHz

    XGA 1024 x 768 75Hz 60.023KHz 78.75MHz

    WXGA 1280 x 720 59.8Hz 44.772KHz 74.25MHz

    WXGA 1280 x 768 59.8Hz 44.776KHz 79.5MHz

    WXGA 1360 x 768 60Hz 47.712KHz 85.5MHz

    SXGA 1280x1024 60Hz 63.981KHz 108MHz

    SXGA 1280x1024 75Hz 79.976KHz 135MHz

    Acceptable PC signals through HDMI-1/D-SUB terminals

    HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Denition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the

    United States and other countries.

    Note 1 : HDMI 1 terminal supports PC signal input; HDMI 2 and 3 do not support PC signal.

    Note 2 : For PC input, for only supported PC signal can show the correct resolution on TV display.

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    Connecting a Computer

    With either an RGB/PC or an HDMI connection, you can watch your computers display on the televi-sion and hear the sound from the televisions speakers.

    To connect a PC to

    the RGB/PC terminalWhen connecting a PC to the RGB/PC termi-nal on the television, use an analogue RGB(15-pin) computer cable anda PC audio cable for the PC/HDMI1 (AUDIO)socket. Select PCfrom the PC/HDMI 1 Audiooptions in the AV Connectionmenu located inthe SETUPmenu.

    For instruction

    purposes only

    the back of your televisionComputer

    Audio cable for PC totelevision connection(not supplied)

    Conversionadaptor if required(not supplied)

    Mini D-sub15pin connector

    RGB PC cable(not supplied)

    To use a PC, set the monitor output resolution

    on the PC before connecting it to the televi-sion. For acceptable PC signal formats, seepage 10.To display the optimum picture, use the PCsetting feature (see page 29).Note: The PC audio input terminal on the television

    is shared with the HDMI 1 analogue audioinput terminal.

    Some PC models cannot be connected tothis television.

    An adapter is not needed for computers witha compatible mini D-sub 15-pin terminal.

    Depending on the DVDs title and thespecications of the PC on which you areplaying the DVD-Video, some scenes maybe skipped or you may not be able to pauseduring multiangle scenes.

    A band may appear at the edges of thescreen or parts of the picture may be ob-scured. This is due to scaling of the pictureby the set, it is not a malfunction.

    When PC input mode is selected, some of

    the televisions features will be unavailablee.g. Manual Settingsin the SETUPmenu,Colour, Tint, Sharpnessand Black/WhiteLevelin the PICTUREmenu.

    If connecting a certain PC model with aunique PC signal, the PC signal may not bedetected correctly.

    To connect a PC to the

    HDMI terminal

    When connecting a PC to the HDMI terminal

    on the television, use an HDMI-to-DVI adaptercable and an analogue audio cable.If connecting a PC with an HDMI terminal, usean HDMI cable (type A connector). A separateanalogue cable is not necessary (see page 9).

    For instruction

    purposes only

    the back of your televisionComputer

    Audio cable for PC totelevision connection(not supplied)

    Conversionadaptor if required(not supplied)

    Mini D-sub15pin connector

    RGB PC cable(not supplied)

    For acceptable PC and video signal formats,see page 10.

    Note: The edges of the images may be hidden.

    If connecting a certain PC model with aunique PC signal, the PC signal may not bedetected correctly.

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English



    Using the Controls

    While all the necessary adjustments and controls for the television are made using the remote control,the buttons on the television may be used for some functions.

    For 19/22AV70**

    For 26/32AV70**

    Note: 19/22/26/32AV70** series does not have HDMI 3 Input.

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English




    Switching On

    If the RED LED is unlit check that the plug isconnected to the power supply. If the picturedoes not appear press on the remote con-trol, it may take a few moments.

    To put the television into Standby press onthe remote control. To view the television press

    again. The picture may take a few secondsto appear.

    Using the Remote Control

    To set up the television you will now need touse the on screen menus. Press MENUon theremote control to see the menus.

    The on-screenmenu appears as a list of vetopics. As each symbol is selected by pressing or on the navigation ring on the remotecontrol, its respective options will appearbelow.

    To usethe options, press or on the navi-gation ring to move up and down through them

    and use OK, or to select the requiredchoice. Follow the on-screen instructions. Thefunctions of each menu are described in detailthroughout the manual.

    For 32/40LV70**

    Using the Controls

    To change the volume press - .

    To change the channel press P .

    Press MENUand or , or to controlthe sound and picture options.

    Press EXITtonish.

    To select an external input, press and thenuse or to move through the list untilthe appropriate input source is selected.

    Please always refer to the owners manual ofthe equipment to be connected for full details.

    Please note: Inserting the headphone plug willmute the sound from all speakers.

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    Before switching on the television put your decoder and media recorder to Standbyif they are connected.To set up the television use the buttons on the remote control as detailed on page 6.

    Startup Application

    Quick Setup

    For 1st use, plug in the television andpress the button. The Quick Setupscreen will appear.

    Press or select your language, andthen press OK, the Locationscreen willappear.

    Press or select Homeor Store.For normal home use, select Home.

    4Press or to select your country and

    press OK.

    To start Auto tuning press OK.

    The search will begin for all available stations.The slide bar will move along the line as thesearch progresses.

    You must allow the television to completethe search.When the search is complete the television willautomatically select programme position 1. Thismay not be a clear picture or the signal may beweak, so the station order can be changed us-

    ing Manual tuning in SET UPmenu. See page

    Auto Tuning

    Note:As new services are broadcast, it will benecessary to re-tune the television in order toview them.

    Auto Tuningwill completely re-tune the televi-sion and can be used to up date the channellist. It is recommended that Auto Tuningis run periodically to ensure that all newservices are added. All current channels andsettings, e.g. locked channels, will be lost.

    From the SET UPmenu, pressporqtoselect Auto tuning.

    SET UP


    CountryAuto tuning

    Manual tuningAV connection

    Quick SetupPicture position

    Automatic Power DownLocation

    Reset TV






    Watch TVEnterOK EXIT

    Press to display the Auto tuningmenu.

    Auto tuning

    Previoous settings will be lost!

    Press EXIT for no change.

    Press OK key to start Auto tune.


    Press to start the automatic search.

    The search will begin for all availablestations.


    When the automatic search is completed,the TV will automatically appear the SETUPmenu.

    Closing the Auto tuningmenu, press EXIT.


    When you preset the channel which soundof broadcast transmission system adopts Msystem, the sound system may not be tunedcorrectly if the radio waves transmit badly. Atthat time, preset the channel by Manual tuning.

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    Manual Tuning

    From the SET UPmenu, pressporqtoselect Manual tuning.

    Press to display the Manual tuningmenu. Press uthan pressporqto

    select the programme position you want toarrange and press again.

    Pressporqto move through the list to

    your preferred position. As you do so theother stations will move to make room.

    Press tto store programme position.


    Press to display the breakdown menu.Press tor uto select an item, then pressporqto select the item as shown below.


    Manual tunning

    1 B / G A C69 0

    A B C DE F G H

    A Programme:The number to be pressed on the remotecontrol.

    B System:Specic to certain areas.

    C Colour system:Factory set to Auto, should only bechanged if problems are experienced, i.e.

    NTSC input from external source.

    D Programme skip:Means nothing has been stored or the

    facility to skip the channel is ON.

    E Channel:The channel number on which a station isbeing broadcast.

    F Search:Search up and down for a signal.

    G Manual fne tuning:Turn on to execute ne tune function. Turnoff to execute manual ne tune funftion.

    H Station:Station identication. Use theporqand or buttons to enter up to sevencharacters.

    Useporqto highlight the desired position.We suggest Pos. 0for a media recorder.


    Manual tunning

    1 B / G A C69 0

    Note:Different Channel numbers may bedisplayed.

    Press to select. If the channel chosenfor the media recorder is set to skip, Skipshould be removed before storing.

    Press to select Systemand useporqtochange if required.


    Manual tunning

    B / G A C69 01

    Then press to select Search.

    Pressporqto begin the search. The searchsymbol will ash.


    Manual tunning

    B / G A C69 01

    Each signal will be shown on the television, ifit is not your media recorder, pressporqagain to restart the search.

    When your media recorder signal is found,press to move along to Station. Withp,q, and put in the required characters,

    e.g. VCR.


    Manual tunning

    B / G A V C RC69 01

    Press to save.

    Repeat for each position you want to tune or,press MENUto return to the list of channelsand select the next number to tune.

    Press EXITwhen you have nished.

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English



    From the SET UPmenu, pressporqto select Manual tuningmenu, and thenpress .

    Press to display the Manual tuningmenu. Press uthan pressporqtoselect the programme position you want to


    Pressqto select the new position 2,then press t.

    4Presspto select the channel MNOP, thenpress u.

    Presspto select the new position 1then press t.

    Conrm new Manual tuningmenu.

    Watching TV Programmes

    Selecting the menu languageChoose from 22 different languages (English,French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch,Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian,Finnish, Polish, Turkish, Hungarian, Slovak,Czech, Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian,Greek, Croatian) for the On-Screen Display.

    Press MENU, then press tor uto displaythe SET UPmenu.

    SET UP


    CountryAV connection

    PC SettingAuto Adjust

    Automatic Power DownLocation





    Edit RETURN Back

    Pressporqto select Language.

    Presstor uto select the desired language.

    SkipTo prevent certain channels from being viewed,positions can be skipped.

    From the SET UPmenu, pressporqtoselect Manual tuning.

    Useporqto highlight the position to beskipped and press to select.

    Press to select Programme skipand useporqto turn Skipon, and then press .

    Programme skip

    Manual tunning

    B / G A C69 01


    Press RETURNand repeat from Step 2 orpress EXIT.Each position has to be individually selected.To turn Skipoff, repeat the procedure for eachposition.

    Skipped positions cannotbe selected byPand P . or by the controls on the televi-

    sion, but canstill be accessed by the numberbuttons on the remote control.

    Sorting positionsThe TV is capable of receiving a number of dif-ferent channels depending upon where you live.Sorting programme position is an easy way ofstoring each channel on the programme posi-tion of your choice.

    Ex.: To swap channel ABCD (Prog. 1) for chan-nel MNOP (Prog. 2).

    From the SET UPmenu, pressporqto select Manual tuningmenu, and thenpress .

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English




    Changing the Position

    Enter the desired position number usingthe Number buttons on the remote control.For positions below 10, use 0 and therequires number e.g., for position 1.


    You can also change the position by usingP or P .The position will be displayed on the screenwith the Mono/Stereo/Dual audio status.


    Changing positions between different formatchannels will takes several seconds.

    Displaying the On-screen


    Press to display the following on-screen information.


    The information will disappear in about 5seconds.

    Position or external input modeselected

    Position skip on/off information

    Label (if set)

    Mono/Stereo/Dual audio status

    To erase the display instantly, press EXIT.

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English



    General Controls

    The General Controls will allow you to select channels and information, use the sound controls, per-sonalise the picture style, and select external equipment.

    Selecting Channels

    To select a channel use the numbered buttonson the remote control.Channels can also be selected using P andP .

    To display on-screen information such as posi-

    tion, input mode or stereo/mono signal, press

    . Press again to cancel.

    The Time Display analogue only

    The time display facility allows the current(text service) time to be seen on the televisionscreen.

    Press whilst watching a normal televi-sion broadcast to see the time display from thebroadcaster. It will remain on screen for about15 seconds.


    This display may not be available in somecases.

    Stereo and BilingualTransmissions

    If stereo or dual language broadcasts are trans-mitted the word Stereo or Dual will appear onthe screen each time channels are changed, dis-appearing after a few seconds. If the broadcastis not in stereo the word Mono will appear.

    Stereo: Press to select Stereoor Mono.

    Bilingual: If a bilingual programme is offered,the word Dualwill display on screen. To changebetween languages, press to switch be-tween Dual 1, Dual 2or Mono.


    If Subtitles are available for your current pro-gramme, pressing the SUBTITLEbutton willtoggle Subtitles on or off.

    Using the Quick Access(Except PC)

    The quick access menu helps you access someoptions quickly such as Picture Mode, PictureSize, and Sleep Timer. Press the QUICKbuttonto display the Quick accessmenu and use or to select the option you would like tochange.

    Source Quick access item Description

    Except PC

    Picture Mode See age 22

    Picture Size See age 20

    Sleep Timer See age 27

    Source Quick access item Description

    Except PC

    Picture Size See age 20

    Sleep Timer See age 27

    Using the Quick Access (PC Only)

    Quick accesshelps you access some options

    quickly, such as Picture Sizeand Sleep Timer.

    Press QUICKto display the Quick accessanduse or to select the option.

    Quick access

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  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English




    Widescreen viewing

    Depending on the type of broadcast being transmitted, programmes can be viewed in anumber of formats.


    When using a PC connected via HDMI thissetting will show the picture without over

    scan, i.e. WYSIWYG.This option is only available when

    watching video signal source via HDMI.


    Use this setting when watching awidescreen DVD, widescreen video tape

    or a 16:9 broadcast (when available). Dueto the range of widescreen formats (16:9,14:9, 20:9 etc.) black bars may be visible

    on the top and bottom of the screen.

    4:3 Use this setting to view a true 4:3broadcast.

    Super Live

    This setting will enlarge a 4:3 image tot the screen by stretching the image

    horizontally and vertically, holding betterproportions at the centre of the image.

    Some distortion may occur.


    When watching letterbox format lms/

    video tapes, this setting will eliminate orreduce the black bars at the top and bottomof the screen by zooming in and selecting

    the image without distortion.


    When subtitles are included on a letterboxformat broadcast, this setting will raisethe picture to ensure that all the text is


    14:9Use this setting when watching a 14:9


    Press QUICKto display the QUICKaccessmenu. Use or to highlight the Picture Size,and press or to select the option.


    WidePicture Size

    Sleep Timer Off

    Quick access

    You can choose the picture size from Native, Wide, 4:3, Super Live, Cinema, Subtitle or 14:9.

    Using the special functions to change the size of the displayed image (i.e. changing the

    height/width ratio) for the purposes of public display or commercial gain may infringe on

    copyright laws.

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English




    Screen Mode Size RF ATV/ Video/S-video /

    Compornent /HDMI/PAL/


    RF ATV/ Video/S-video /








    Native(*only availablefor HDMI input)



    WideH Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


    4:3 H Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


    Super Live(Panoramic


    H Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    V Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    CinemaH Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    V Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    SubtitleH Yes Yes Yes Yes

    V Yes Yes Yes Yes

    14:9H Yes Yes Yes Yes

    V Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Available Picture Size and Position Control

    Pic size PC/HDMI PC format

    Wide(*Not available when receive

    WXGA:1360x768@60Hz source. )





    Note:Above mark means No function.

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    Picture Controls

    Most of the picture controls and functions are available in both digitaland analoguemodes.Note:features not available will be greyed out.

    Picture Position

    Press MENUand or to display theSET UPmenu.

    Press or to select Picture position.

    SET UP


    Auto tuningManual tuning

    AV connectionQuick Setup

    Picture positionAutomatic Power Down

    LocationReset TV







    Watch TVEnterOK EXIT

    Press to view the options available forthe picture format that has been selected.

    Press or to select an option, then or to adjust the settings.

    The options differ depending on the cur-rently selected widescreen format and theinput signal.

    Picture Position

    Horizontal positionVertical position





    To return to the original factory settingsselect Resetin the Picture Positionmenu and press .

    Picture Mode (Except PC)

    This TV offers the choice of personalising thepicture style.

    User, Dynamic, Standard, Mild, Movie,and Gameare preset options and affect mayfeatures/settings within the TV.

    Press QUICKon the remote and or toselect Picture Mode.

    Press or to select the picture mode

    you prefer and press EXIT.

    Note:The picture mode you select affects thecurrent input.

    Picture Preferences

    You can customise current picture mode settingswhile selecting User.

    From the PICTUREmenu select Picturesettingsand press .

    Press or to select either Backlight,Contrast, Brightness, Colour, Tint,Sharpness, Black/White Level, Cinemamode, or Colour Temperature.

    Press or to adjust the settings.


    This feature resets all picture settings to thefactory settings.

    Note: If any picture settings have not beenchanged, Resetis not available.

    In the PICTURE menu press b to selectResetand press .

    3D Colour Management

    When 3D Colour managementis set to Onitallows the Base colour adjustment feature tobecome available.You can adjust the picture colour quality byselecting from 6 base colour adjustments :Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magentaor Cyan.

    From the PICTUREmenu select Picturesettingsand press .

    From the Picture Settingsmenu, press or to select Cinema mode.

    Press or to select Onor Off.


    When a DVD movie with subtitle is playing back,this mode may not work correctly.

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    Base Colour Adjustment

    The Base Colour adjustmentfeature allowsthe adjustment of individual colours to suit per-sonal preference. This can be useful when usingan external source. It only can be adjusted when3D Colour Managementis set to On.

    From the PICTUREmenu select BaseColour adjustmentand press .

    Press , then press or to select anitem you want to adjust.


    Hue Saturation Brightness

    Base colour adjustment


























    OK Enter RETURN Back

    Press , and then press or to selectHue, Saturationor Brightness.

    4Press or to adjust the settings asrequired.


    In the PC Input mode, this function is not


    Colour Temperature

    Colour Temperature increases the warmth orcoolness of a picture by increasing the red orblue tint.

    In the PICTUREmenu press to selectPicture Settingsand press .

    The Picture Settingsmenu displays.

    EXIT Watch TVOK Enter

    Picture Settings

    Active Backlight Control

    3D Colour management

    Base colour adjust










    Press or to selectColor Temperatureand then press or .

    The Color Temperaturemenu displays.

    Edit RETURN Back

    Picture settingsPicture ModeBacklightContrastBrightnessColourTintSharpnessBlack/White LevelCinema modeColour TemperatureReset


    Press or to select theColor Temperaturesetting (Medium,Warm, Cool).

    Colour Temerature

    Colour Temperature

    Red Level

    Green Level

    Blue Level






    Press or to select the option you wantto adjust, and then press or to adjustthe settings.

    Press RETURENto return to the previousmenu.

    To return the Colour Temperatureset-tings to the factory defaults, select Reset

    and press .

    Active Backlight Control

    When Active backlight control is activated it willautomatically optimise the backlighting levelsfor dark scenes.

    In the PICTUREmenu press to selectActive Backlight Control.

    Press or to select Onor Off.

    Black/White Level

    This function increases the strength of darkareas of the picture, which improves picturedenition.

    In the PICTUREmenu press to selectPicture Settingsand press .

    The Picture Settingsmenu displays.

    Press or to select Black/WhiteLeveland then press or .

    Press or to adjust the level. The effectdepends on the broadcast and is mostnoticeable on dark colours.

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English



    Digital Noise Reduction

    DNR (Digital Noise Reduction)enables youto soften the screen representation of a weaksignal to reduce the noise effect.

    From the PICTUREmenu, press or

    to select DNR.Press or to select Auto, Off, Low,Middleor High.


    This function is not available for PC input.

    MPEG NR Noise Reduction

    When watching a DVD, the compression maycause some words or picture elements tobecome distorted or pixelated.

    Using the MPEG NRfeature reduces this effectby smoothing out the edges.

    In the PICTUREmenu press to selectMPEG NRand press .

    Press or to select Off, Low, Middleor High.

    Cinema Mode

    A movie lms picture runs at 24 frames a second,

    whereas movie software such as DVD, etc., thatyou enjoy watching on television at home runsat 30 (NTSC) or 25 (PAL) frames a second. Toconvert this signal to reproduce a smooth motionand picture quality, select the Cinema mode.

    From the PICTUREmenu select Picturesettingsand press .

    Press or to select Cinema mode

    Press or to select Onor Off.

    Reset Picture Settings

    This feature allows you to reset the currentPicture Settingsto the default values.

    In the PICTUREmenu press to selectPicture Settingsand press .

    Press or to select Reset.

    Press .

    Auto Format (Widescreen)

    When this television receives a true Widescreenpicture and Auto format is On, it will automaticallybe displayed in Widescreen format, irrespectiveof the televisions previous setting.

    Press MENU, and then press or todisplay the FUNCTIONmenu.

    Press or to select Auto format and or to select Onor Off.

    4:3 StretchWhen 4:3 stretchis activated, this functionwill switch 4:3 format programmes into a fullscreen picture.

    From the FUNCTIONmenu, press orto select 4:3 stretch.

    Press or to select Onor Off.


    In HDMI signal format, this function is available.

    Blue Screen

    When Blue screenis selected the screen willturn blue and the sound will be muted when nosignal is received.

    From the FUNCTIONmenu, press orto select Blue screen.

    Press or to select Onor Off.


    In the PC input mode, teletext mode, thisfunction is not available.

    Side Panel

    The Side panelfeature lightens or darkens theband each side of the screen when in 4:3 or14:9 format. This helps prevent image reten-tion of the band and can also make viewing inbright or dark conditions more comfortable.

    From the FUNCTIONmenu, press or

    to select Side panel.Press or to adjust the settings asrequired.

    Picture still

    Press to freeze the picture.

    Even if an image is frozen on the TV screen,the pictures are running on the input source.

    Audio continues to be output as well.To return to a moving picture, press again.

    Note:If you use this function except for the purposeof your private viewing and listening, itmay infringe the copyright protected by thecopyright laws.

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    Enjoying Photo through USB Port

    The Photo Viewer allows you to playback JPEG les from a USB storage device.

    Photo Viewer specifcations

    Data type: JPEG Exif ver2.2File format: DCF ver1.1Maximum number of les: 2048 lesMaximum photo resolution: 8196 x 8196 pixels


    Gently insert the USB device into the port and do notremove while viewing Media Player.

    USB device: USB Mass Storage Class device (MSC)

    Connectivity is not guaranteed for all devices.

    Connect the USB device to the TV directly.

    Do not use a USB hub. You must obtain any required permission fromcopyright owners to use copyright content. Toshibacannot and does not grant such permission.

    To set Interval time and Repeatsettings for Slideshow

    Press QUICKto open the Quick access

    when viewing a photo.

    Press or to select either IntervalTimeor Repeat.

    Press or to adjust the setting andpress OK.

    Note:If Repeat is On, Slideshow starts photo

    viewing from the rst photo in the folder afterreaching the nal photo.

    Opening Photo Viewer

    To open Photo Viewer:

    Press to MEDIA.

    Gently insert a supported USB storagedevice to the USB port on the side of theTV. The Photo Viewer will open.Note:If inserting and removing the USBconnector frequently, the Photo Viewermay not appear.

    Press or to select the le name ofthe photo you want to view.

    When you select a folder name, pressOKto move to the next hierarchy.To move back to the previous hierarchy,press or key to highlight the folderand press OK.

    Press OKto view the selected photo.

    To view the previous or next photo, press or .

    To rotate the photo, press or .

    Press to display le status information(content number, photo title, shooting date and

    time, resolution etc.). The information will be

    removed by time-out (about 15 sec) or press-

    ing again.


    This view allows you to watch the slide showof the photos. In this view mode, the onlycontents it locates on the same directory shallbe played.

    To start Slideshow, press OKwhen viewing aphoto. Slideshow stops at the last photo in thedirectory.

    Press to display le status information.The information will be removed by time-out

    (about 15 sec) or pressing again.

    Viewing Photo Files

    To View Photos

    Press or to select to viewphotos.

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    Enjoying Music through USB Port

    The MP3 Player allows you to playback MP3 les from a USB storage device.

    Music Player specifcations

    File format: MP3Sampling frequency: 32kHz ~ 48kHz (MPEGLayer1/2); 8kHz ~ 48kHz (MPEG Layer3)Bit rate: 32kbps ~ 448kbps (MPEG Layer1/2);8kbps ~ 320kbps (MPEG Layer3)

    Opening Music Player

    To open Music Player:

    Press to MEDIA.

    Gently insert a supported USB storagedevice to the USB port on the side of theTV. The Music Player will open.Note:If inserting and removing the USBconnector frequently, the Music Playermay not appear.

    To select the previous or next MP3, press or .

    Press or to: : go to the previous MP3

    / : play or pause the selected MP3

    : stop play

    : go to the next MP3

    : rewind the selected MP3

    : fast forward the selected MP3

    : select the desired repeat interval:

    - No Repeat

    - Repeat 1: repeat the selected MP3 once

    - Repeat Dir: repeat all MP3 les in theselected folder

    : select the desired equalizer setting:

    - Normal

    - Class

    - Rock

    - Pop

    - Jazz

    and press OKto conrm the setting.Playing Music Files

    To Play Music

    Press or to select to playmusic.

    Press or to select the le name ofthe MP3 you want to play.When you select a folder name, pressOKto move to the next hierarchy.To move back to the previous hierarchy,press or key to highlight the folderand press OK.

    Press OKto play the selected MP3.

    Media USB PortThe USB Photo Viewer allows you to viewmedia les from a USB storage device (not alldevices supported).Open les automatically or manually and viewthem directly on the screen.Supported le formats include: JPEG (Max.8192 x 8192 pixels, Min. 96 x 96 pixels, YUVData); MP3.Maximum number of les: 2048Music Player specifcations

    File format:MP3Sampling frequency: 32kHz ~ 48kHz (MPEGLayer1/2); 8kHz ~ 48kHz (MPEG Layer3)Bit rate: 32kbps ~ 448kbps (MPEG Layer1/2);8kbps ~ 320kbps (MPEG Layer3)Does not support TV out when input at Media.

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    Other features

    Panel Lock

    Panel lock disables the buttons on the television.All buttons on the remote control can still be used.

    From the FUNCTIONmenu, press orto select Panel lock.

    Press or to select Onor Off.

    When Panel lockis On, a reminder will appearwhen the buttons on the television are pressed. Ifthe standby button is pressed the televisionwill switch off and can only be brought out ofstandby by using the remote control.

    Sleep TimerThe television can be set to turn itself Offaftera certain length of time.

    Press MENU, and then press or todisplay the TIMERmenu.



    Sleep timer

    On timer

    On timer Position




    RETURN Back

    Press or to select Sleep Timer(Turn off the TV).

    The timer display will set by off, 15, 30,45, 60, 90, or 120 minutes.

    On Timer

    This feature allows you to set the television toturn on automatically to a preset channel at acertain time of day or after a certain length oftime. When On timeris set to On, the green OnTimer indicator on the front of the television is lit.

    Press MENU, and then press or todisplay the TIMERmenu.

    Press or to select Sleep timer(Turnoff the TV).

    Press or to modify the time the TVshould turn on, or use the number keys toenter the time.


    The TV will automatically turn itself off afterapproximately 15 min if tuner is no signal.

    On Timer Position

    Use the On timer positionif you want the TV toturn itself on in a selected channel.

    Press MENU, and then press or todisplay the TIMERmenu.

    Press or to select On timer position.

    Press or to select the channel theTV should turn on in.

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    Text Services and Text Information

    This television has a multi-page text memory, which takes a few moments to load. It offers two Modesof viewing text Auto will display Fastext, if available. LIST will store your four favourite pages.

    Control Buttons

    Below is a guide to the functions of the remotecontrol text buttons.

    Displays the index/initial page:Press to access the index/initial page. Thepage displayed is dependant on the broad-caster.

    Reveals concealed text:To discover the solutions on quiz and jokepages press the button.

    Holds a wanted page:At times it is convenient to hold a page of text.

    Press and will appear in the top left of thescreen. The page will be held on-screen untilthe button is pressed again.

    Enlarges the text display size:Press once to enlarge the top half of thepage, press again to enlarge the bottom half ofthe page. Press again to revert to normal size.

    Selects a page while viewing a normalpicture:Enter the page number then press , a nor-mal picture will be displayed. The television will

    indicate when the page is present by display-ing the page number at the top of the screen.

    To displaynews ashes:Select the news ash page for the chosentext service (see the index page of your textservice).By pressing , news ashes will be dis-played as and when they are broadcast. Press

    again to cancel the display.

    How to change the page:Press or to change the page.

    Press or to change the sub page when asub page is available.The news ash page must be cancelled beforechanging channels.

    Selecting modes

    The text character set will be automaticallychosen based on the language setting in theSET UPmenu.

    Select Teletextfrom the FUNCTIONmenu.

    Using or to choose from Auto, or

    LISTthen press EXIT.

    Navigating Pages using Auto

    If Fastext is available, four coloured titles will

    appear at the base of the screen.To access one of the four given subjects, pressthe relevant coloured button on the remote control.

    For further information on your particular textsystem(s), see the broadcast text index pageor, consult your local Toshiba dealer.

    Navigating Pages using LIST

    If Fastext is available, four coloured titles withnumbers 100, 200, 300 and 400 have beenprogrammed into the televisions memory.

    To view these pages press the relevant col-oured buttons.

    To change these stored pages press the relevantcoloured button and enter a new 3 digit number.This number will change in the top left of thescreen and in the coloured highlight. Press OKto store. The bars at the bottom of the screenwill ash white. Whenever OKis pressed all fourpage numbers showing at the bottom will bestored and the previous ones will be lost.

    If OKis not pressed the selection will be for-

    gotten when text is cancelled.Other pages may be viewed by entering the 3digit page number but DO NOT press OKorthese pages will be stored.

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    PC Settings

    Most of the picture controls and functions are available. However features not available will begreyed out.

    In the PC input mode, the Manual Settingis not displayed.

    First press until the video input mode list appears on the screen, then press or and in order

    to select the PC input mode.

    This function may not be available for some signal or if no signal is received.

    The optimum points of the clock phase and sampling clock adjustments may be incomprehensibleaccording to the input signals.

    Horizontal and Vertical Position

    Connect the PC (as shown in the Connectinga Computer section) and ensure that a pictureis showing on the television screen. The pictureposition may now be adjusted to suit personal


    Press MENUthen press or todisplay the SET UPmenu.

    SET UP


    AV connectionPC Setting

    Auto AdjustAutomatic Power Down






    RETURN BackEnterOK

    Press or to select PC Setting, andthen press to display the PC Settingmenu.

    Press or to select an option youwant to adjust. Press or to adjust thesettings as required.

    Horizontal position

    Vertical positionSampling clock

    Clock phaseReset






    Sampling Clock

    Adjusting the Sampling clockalters thenumber of pulses per scan, this will clear verti-cal lines on the screen.

    From the PC Settingmenu, press orto select Sampling clock.

    Press or to optimize the picture.

    Clock Phase

    The Clock phasematches the PC signal with theLCD display.

    Adjusting this can clear horizontal stripes and

    picture blur.From the PC setting menu, press or to select Clock phase.

    Press or to obtain a clear picture.


    From the PC setting menu, press or to select Reset.

    Press .


    When a PC is connected using HDMI none ofthese functions will be available.

    The screen is disrupted momentarily when adjust-ing PC settings. This is not a sign of malfunction.

    The default settings and adjustment ranges mayvary depending on the input signal format.

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    Input Selection and AV Connections

    Use the Input Selection feature if the television does not switch over automatically when using anexternal device.

    Input Selection

    Use the Input Selection window if the televisiondoes not switch over automatically.

    Pressing , a list will appear on-screenshowing all external equipment. Use or to highlight and OKto select.

    Model 19/22AV70**

    Model 26/32AV70**

    Model 32/40LV70**


    19/22/26/32AV70** series does not have HDMI3 Input.

    HDMIdisplays equipment connected to

    Input HDMI on the back or side of the televi-sion. It is designed for best performance with1080i (1080P for 32/40LV70**) high denitionsignals.

    Input Signal Selection

    You can select source of AVor S-VIDEOfromthis function.

    From the Ext1 (Ext2) Inputmenu, press orto select AVor S-VIDEO.

    AV connection

    HDMI1 audio


    EXT1 input





    Source display will change to 1Swhen select

    S-VIDEO. Ext2 Input for Model Model 26AV70**/


    HDMI 1 Audio

    If the connected HDMI source does not supportdigital audio, plug the audio cable into PC/HDMI 1(AUDIO)on the back of the television (as shownin the Connecting an HDMI or DVI device to theHDMI input section), then use the HDMI 1 Audio

    setting.Press MENUthen press or to dis-play the SET UPmenu.

    SET UP


    AV connectionPC Setting

    Auto AdjustAutomatic Power Down





    RETURN BackEnterOK

    Press or

    to select AV connection, and thenPRess to display the AV connectionmenu.

    Press or to select Auto, DigitalorAnalogue.

    AV connection

    HDMI1 audio


    EXT1 input





    The Lip Sync function is only available in HDMImode.

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English




    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q Why is there no sound or picture?

    A Check that the television is on and thatall connections are made properly.

    Q There is a picture, but why is there littleor no colour?

    AWhen using an externalsource, if thereis little or no colour, improvements maysometimes be achieved.The colour is factory set to Autoto auto-

    matically display the best colour system.

    To manually change the colour system:

    With the external source playing, selectManual setting from the SET UPmenu.

    Using or to choose from Auto,NTSC 3.58, NTSC 4.43, SECAMorPAL.

    Q Why doesnt the video/DVD beingplayed show on-screen?

    AMake sure the VCR or DVD player isconnected to the television, then selectthe correct input by pressing .

    Q Why is there a good picture but nosound?

    ACheck all cable connections and thatthe volume has not been turned down orthat the sound has not been muted.

    Q What else can cause a poor picture?

    AInterference or a weak signal. Try adifferent television station. Manual netuning may help:

    Select the Manual tuningin the SETUPmenu.Highlight the station and press OK, thenpress or to select Manual fnetuning.

    Using or to adjust to get the best pic-

    ture and sound. Press OKand then EXIT.

    Q Why doesnt the remote control work?

    A Check that the batteries arent dead orinserted incorrectly.

    Q Why are there problems with text?


    Good performance of text depends ona strong broadcast signal. If the text is

    unreadable or garbled, check the aerial,satellite or cable connection. Go to themain index page of the text service andlook for the User Guide. This will explainthe basic operation of text in somedetail.

    Q Why are the four coloured text numbersvisible but no text?


    Text has been selected while viewingan external source. No text will appearon-screen or a box may appear statingno information is available. Select abroadcasting channel and press toaccess.

    Q Why are the colours wrong when anNTSC source is played?

    AConnect the source via a SCART cableand play. Select Manual settingfromthe SET UPmenu and set the ColourSystem to Auto.

    Below are the answers to some of the most common queries.For more information go to

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English



    Q Why dont the devices connected viaHDMI operate properly?


    Make sure to use cables with the HDMIlogo ( ). Some early HDMIequipment may not work properly withthe latest HDMI TV products, due toadoption of new standards.

    Q Why is the VCR/DVD picture in blackand white?

    A Check the correct input has been cho-sen: S-VIDEO or AV.

    Q Why did TV turn off by itself?

    AAfter roughly 15 minutes without anyinput video signal at TV mode or 4 hourswithout pressing any keys, the TV willturn off to save power.

    QWhy is the soundtrack in English whena different audio language has beenselected?

    A The programme is currently being broad-cast with an English soundtrack only.

    Q Why is a page number visible at the topof the screen but no text?

    AText has been selected but Teletextinformation is currently unavailable onthe current source.

    LED indicationCondition

    LED-2 LED-1



    Power ONOn Timer is set


    Power ONOn Timer is NOT set


    (Solid)Power OFF (Standby)On Timer is NOT set



    Power OFF (Standby)On Timer is set

    Q Why are the LEDs on the front of thetelevision indicate?

    ACheck the following table.



  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English




    Specifcations and Accessories

    Broadcast Systems/Channels

    PAL-I UHF UK21-UK69

    PAL-B/G UHF E21-E69

    VHF E2-E12, S1-S41

    SECAM-L UHF F21-F69

    VHF F1-F10, B-Q

    SECAM-D/K UHF R21-R69

    VHF R1-R12

    Video Input PAL, SECAM, NTSC


    External connections

    MODELS 19/22

    EXT1 Input/Output 21-pin



    A/V, S-video

    EXT2 Input Jacks

    Phono Jacks

    Y, PB/CB,


    Audio L + R

    EXT3 Input Jack

    Phono jacks


    Audio L + R

    HDMI 1/2 Input HDMI

    PC/HDMI 1


    Input Phono Jacks Audio L + R

    PC Input D-sub RGB

    MODELS 26/32/40

    EXT1 Input 21-pin

    SCART 1

    A/V, RGB

    EXT2 Input/Output 21-pin

    SCART 2

    A/V, S-video

    EXT3 Input Phono Jacks

    Phono Jacks

    Y, PB/CB,


    Audio L + R

    EXT4 Input Phono Jacks

    Phono Jacks


    Audio L + R

    PC Input D-Sub RGB

    HDMI 1/2/3 Input HDMI

    PC/HDMI 1 Audio 3.5 Mini Jack Audio L + R

    Display 16:9

    Sound Output

    (At 10% Distortion)

    Model 19 3W + 3W

    22 3W + 3W

    26 5W + 5W

    32 10W + 10W40 10W + 10W

    Power Consumption

    As specifed in

    EN60107-1: 1997

    Model 19 40W

    22 55W

    26 80W

    32AV70** 100W

    32AV70**1 135W

    32LV70** 115W

    32LV70**1 135W

    40LV70** 150W

    40LV70**1 200W


    (approx.)Model 19 0.9W

    22 0.9W

    26 0.9W

    32 0.9W

    40 0.9W


    (approx.)Model 19 35.8cm(H)x48.0cm(W)x18.8cm(D)

    22 40.0cm(H)x55.5cm(W)x19.5cm(D)

    26 47.0cm(H)x66.5cm(W)x19.2cm(D)

    32 56.4cm(H)x79.8cm(W)x23.3cm(D)

    40 70.6cm(H)x98.9cm(W)x27.6cm(D)


    (approx.)Model 19 5.5kg

    22 6.5kg

    26 9.0kg

    32AV70** 12.5kg

    32AV70**1 10.0kg

    32LV70** 12.5kg

    32LV70**1 10.0kg

    40LV70** 19.0kg

    40LV70**1 17.0kg

    Headphone Socket 3.5mm Stereo

    Operating Conditions Temperature: 5oC - 35oC

    (41oF - 94oF)

    Humidity: 20% - 80%


    Accessories Remote Control

    2 Batteries (AAA 1.5V)

    Power Cord

    User Manual

    Note: 19/22/26/32AV70** series does not have HDMI 3 Input.

    Stereo Nicam

    2 Carrier System

    Visible Screen



    Model 19 47cm

    22 55cm

    26 66cm

    32 80cm

    40 102cm

  • 7/25/2019 Toshiba LCD AV703 English


    Cleaning the screen and cabinet

    Turn off the power, clean the screen and cabinet with a soft, dry cloth. We recommend that you do

    not use any proprietary polishes or solvents on the screen or cabinet as this may cause damage.


    The following information is only for EU-member states:

    Disposal of products The crossed out wheeled dust bin symbol indicates that productsmust be collected and disposed of separately from household waste. Integratedbatteries and accumulators can be disposed of with the product. They will beseparated at the recycling centres.

    The black bar indicates that the product was placed on the market afterAugust 13, 2005. By participating in separate collection of products and batteries, you will help toassure the proper disposal of products and batteries and thus help to prevent potential negativeconsequences for the environment and human health.

    For more detailed information about the collection and recycling programmes available in yourcountry, please contact your local city ofce or the shop where you purchased the product.

    Disposal of batteries and/or accumulators.The crossed out wheeled dust bin symbol indicates that batteries and/or accumulators

    must be collected and disposed of separately from household waste.

    If the battery or accumulator contains more than the specied values of lead (Pb),

    mercury (Hg), and/or cadmium (Cd) dened in the Battery Directive (2006/66/EC),

    then the chemical symbols for lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and/or cadmium (Cd) will

    appear below the crossed out wheeled dust bin symbol.By participating in separate

    collection of batteries, you will help to assure the proper disposal of products and batteries and

    thus help to prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health.

    For more detailed information about the collection and recycling programmes available in your

    country, please contact your local city ofce or the shop where you purchased the product.

    HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Denition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.

    Printed on recycled paper. 100% Chlorine free.

    TOSHIBA Television Central Europe Sp. z o.o.All rights reserved.

    Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited.

    TOSHIBA Television Central Europe Sp z o o

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