total one word substitutes

Post on 13-Apr-2015






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all one word substitutes




OORUGONDA (villa), GEDEPPAD (post), ATMAKUR (mandal)


1. Absence of government : Anarchy

2. A person who is out to destroy all government and order : Anarchist

3. A person liable to be called to account for his actions : Autocracy

4. Government by the nobles : Aristocracy

5. A diplomatic minister of the highest order sent by one country to another : Ambassador

6. The whole mass of air surrounding the earth : Atmosphere

7. One who does not believe in the existence of God : Atheist

8. One who is not sure of the existence of God : Agnostic

9. A medicine which prevents in infection by killing germs : Antiseptic

10. One who starves the body for the good of the soul : Ascetic

11. To give up the throne or other office of dignity : Abdicate

12. To increase the speed of / to hasten the progress of : Accelerate

13. State of growth beween boyhood and youth : Adolescence

14. To absorb food completely or to understand something completely :Assimilate

15. To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a disease : Aggravate

16. To destroy completely : Annihilate

17. One who does something not professionally but for pleasure : Amateur

18. A life history of man written by himself : Autobiography

19. A man most inordinately desirous of money : Avaricious

20. Capable of being interpreted in two or more ways : Auditorium

21. To rise in value : Appreciate

22. One who makes official examination of accounts : Auditor

23. Great clapping and cheering : Applause

24. The original inhabitants of a place : Aborigines

25. A partner in crime : Accomplice

26. Able to use the left hand as well as the right : Ambidextrous

27. Living on land and in water :Amphibian/Amphibious

28. Yearly return of a particular date : Anniversary

29. Of unknown name or authorship undeclared : Anonymous

30. Capable of destroying bacteria : Antibiotic

31. Medicine given to counteract poison or disease : Antidote

32. Collector of ancient relics : Antiquary

33. Artificial pond or tank for keeping live fish, plants etc : Aquarium

34. Study of antiquities, especially of the historic period : Archaeology

35. Old word or expression no longer in common use : Archaism

36. One who prepares plans for buildings : Architect

37. Professional singer, dancer etc : Artiste

38. One who flies a space vehicle : Astronaut

39. Disbelief in the existence of God : Atheism

40. Assembly of listeners : Audience

41. One who rules with absolute power, not subject to any control : Autocrat

42. Place of keeping of birds : Aviary

43. Art or practice of flying an aircraft :Aviation

44. To talk impiously about sacred things : Blasphemy

45. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views : Bigot

46. One who is great lover of books : Bibliophile

47. A woman of fair complexion and light hair : Blonde

48. A woman with dark complexion and brown hair : Brunette

49. Influence exerted secretly : Backdoor

50. The science of vegetable life : Botany

51. The life history of man written by someone else : Biography

52. The science which treats of life : Biology

53. A member of the middle class : bourgeois

54. Hastily erected barrier across a street : Barricade

55. Shutting up of a place by enemy forces : Blockade

56. To shut out from all social or commercial relations : Boycott

57. Government dominated by officials : Bureaucracy

58. A person who easily believes whatever is told to him : Credulous

59. A person having little or no sympathy : Callous

60. People working together in the same office or department : Colleagues

61. One who is always is inclined to find faults : Censorious

62. One who can make himself a t home in all countries : Cosmopolitan

63. The state of remaining unmarried : Celibacy

64. A round about way of speaking : Circumlocution

65. The action of bringing into completion : Consummation

66. Men living in the same age : Contemporaries

67. Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth : Congenital

68. Vigilant or cautious observation if events or circumstances : Circumspection

69. To make a thing a sacred : Consecrate

70. One who attempts a task (such is the writing the book or starting the enterprise) Jointly with another

: Collaborator

71. Man who eats human flesh; animal that feeds on its own species : Cannibal

72. Dominance of private capitalists or people who invest huge Amounts in industry and business

: Capitalism

73. Feeding on flesh (used about animals) : Carnivorous

74. Usually humorous illustration, especially on politics, in a news paper : Cartoon

75. Broad outlook, free from prejudice : Catholicity

76. Living together, especially of nations with different social systems : Co-existence

77. A secret understanding or agreement between two parties in order to deceive or harm someone else.

: Collusion

78. A person belonging to one’s own country : Compatriot

79. Satisfied with one’s own character, achievement etc : Complacent

80. A settlement of disputes, differences, etc., by both parties making concessions :Compromise

81. Electronic calculating machine : Computer

82. One well – versed in any art and therefore a sensitive critic and judge of the art : Connoisseur

83. Agreement of opinion among different groups and parties : Consensus

84. Government by the people : Democracy

85. To give one’s authority to another : Delegate

86. A game or battle in which neither party wins : Draw

87. Situation that brings action or progress to a stand still : Deadlock

88. To wander away from the main point : Digress

89. The art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations : Diplomacy

90. Extreme dry weather without any rainfall : Drought

91. A person who is too much like a woman : Effeminate

92. That part of the government which preserves law and order and carries out the laws made by the

legislature : Executive

93. One who thinks only of oneself : Egoist

94. One who always talks of oneself : Egotist

95. Speech delivered without any previous preparation : Extempore

96. A man of unusual habits : Eccentric

97. A thing that is fit to be eaten : Edible

98. To explain something mysterious or difficult : Elucidate

99. A statement absolutely clear : Explicit

100. A wide spread disease affecting many people at the same time : Epidemic

101. To lay special stress on : Emphasize

102. To root out an evil, disease, etc : Eradicate

103. Words inscribed on the tomb of a person : Epitaph

104. A state of perfect balance : Equilibrium

105. To send out of one’s native country : Exile

106. Concluding part of a literary work : Epilogue

107. Qualified to be selected for any office or duty : Eligible

108. One who leaves one’s country to settle in another : Emigrant

109. A book giving information on all branches of knowledge : Encyclopedia

110. One who enjoys and appreciates good food, drink, or is fond of luxury : Epicure

111. One who is not easily pleased : Fastidious

112. Murder or murderer of the brother : Fratricide

113. One who thinks of the welfare of women : Feminist

114. One whose hopes have been dashed to the ground : Frustrated

115. A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion and hates : Fanatic

116. The animals for a particular region : Fauna

117. One who believes that fate controls human life : Fatalist

118. The plants that grow in a particular region : Flora

119. The science which treats of the earth : Geology

120. A medicine that kills germs : Germicide

121. One who eats too much : Glutton

122. A day of gaiety and festivity : Gala day

123. Large band of stars encircling the heavens : Galaxy

124. Account of a person’s descent from his ancestors : Genealogy

125. Attractive force by which bodies are pulled : Gravitation

126. Room with appliances for practice in physical exercise : Gymnasium

127. Work for which no salary is paid : Honorary

128. Murder or murderer of a man : Homicide

129. One who serves public interest and feels very sympathetic towards human beings : Humanitarian

130. Opinion contrary to accepted doctrines : Heresy

131. Seeing something which is not actually present : Hallucination

132. One who lives for pleasure : Hedonist

133. Descending from father to son : Hereditary

134. Art of garden cultivation : Horticulture

135. Vehicle that rides on a cushion of air : Hovercraft

136. Supposition made on basis for reasoning : Hypothesis

137. Immediate apprehension by the mid without reasoning : Intuition

138. Person disabled by illness : Invalid

139. That cannot be conquered : Invincible

140. Narrow neck of land connecting two bigger land masses control : Isthmus

141. The area over which an official has control : Jurisdiction

142. Art of editing or writing for newspapers and magazines : Journalism

143. Sound in judgment : Judicious

144. The equipment of a scholar, sailor, or traveler : Kit

145. Carry away a person by force : Kidnap

146. A school for very young children : Kindergarten

147. Science that deals with the motion of bodies and the Forces acting on them : Kinetic

148. Place where dogs are kept : Kennel

149. A compulsion to steal : Kleptomania

150. Non-interference by Government in trade commerce, Industry, etc : Laissez-Faire

151. The action of looking within or into one’s own mind : Introspection

152. Incapable of being moved : Immovable

153. One who cannot read or write : Illiterate

154. One who is unable to pay his debts : Insolvent

155. A scheme that cannot be put into practice : Impracticable

156. A trade that is prohibited by law : Illicit

157. A method that cannot be imitated : Inimitable

158. A desire that cannot be repressed : Irrepressible

159. Remarks which do not really apply to the subject under discussion : Irrelevant

160. A story that can hardly be believed : Incredible

161. A problem never likely to be solved : Insoluble

162. A comparison that is out of place : Inapt

163. A sound that cannot be heard : Inaudible

164. Liable to catch fire easily : Inflammable

165. That which cannot be hurt : Invulnerable

166. That which cannot be satisfied : Insatiable

167. That which cannot be altered or withdrawn : Irrevocable

168. That which is not likely to happen : Improbable

169. That which cannot be explained : Inexplicable

170. A loss or damage that cannot be compensated for : Irreparable

171. To urge to commit a crime : Instigate

172. A remedy which never fails : Infallible

173. A thing which cannot be seen with human eyes : Invisible

174. A statement which cannot be understood : Incomprehensible

175. One who is very easily made angry : Irritable

176. That which is incapable of being described adequately : Indescribable

177. Worship of images or idols : Idolatry

178. A peculiarity of temperament or constitution : Idiosyncrasy

179. A statement which cannot be contradicted : Irrefragable

180. Practice of forming and following after ideals : Idealism

181. Set of ideas at the basis of certain economic and political systems : Ideology

182. A thoroughly ignorant person : Ignoramus

183. Too old to be remembered : Immemorial

184. About to happen : Imminent

185. Being proof against infection etc : Immunity

186. In connection with an opening ceremony : Inaugural

187. Not of good ornen : Inauspicious

188. Incurably bad or deprived : Incorrigible

189. Disease liable to be transmitted by air or water : Infectious

190. That cannot be overcome : Insuperable

191. That cannot be touched / that cannot be grasped mentally : Intangible

192. The class of people who can think independently : Intelligent

193. That cannot be endured or tolerated : Intolerable

194. Examination of one’s own mental process : Introspection

195. Capable of being clearly read : Legible

196. Sufficient or designed to cause death : Lethal

197. Party to a law-suit : Litigant

198. Pertaining to moon : Lunar

199. Government by the moon or king : Monarchy

200. Marrying one husband or one wife : Monogamy

201. Hater of mankind : Misanthrope

202. Hater of women : Misogynist

203. Murder or murderer of mother : Matricide

204. A person for whom money or gains is the most important consideration : Materialistic

205. The first speech delivered by a person : Maiden

206. One who spends very little : Miser

207. One who is after money : Mercenary

208. A bird that comes an goes with season : Migratory

209. A person chosen by parties who have a controversy to settle their differences : Mediator

210. One who embraces voluntary death for the sake of one’s Country : Martyr

211. Change of form or character : Metamorphosis

212. Bill of fare, list of dishes available in a restaurant : Menu

213. One who hates marriages : Misogamist

214. Exclusive possession of the trade in some commodity : Monopoly

215. Doctrine that there is only one God : Monotheism

216. Building used for preserving dead bodies : Mortuary

217. Deliberate foolishness or nonsense for effect : Morology

218. One who is new in any business or profession : Novice

219. Retributive justice : Nemesis

220. A new word coined by an author : Neologism

221. Favor shown by a person in power to his relatives : Nepotism

222. A person who suffers from nervous disorder : Neurotic

223. Taking neither side in a dispute, but remaining impartial : Neutral

224. Central portion of an atom : Nucleus

225. Government by few : oligarchy

226. One who is presents everywhere : omnipresent

227. One who knows everything : omniscient

228. One who is all powerful : omnipotent

229. One who looks at the bright side of the things : optimist

230. Holding established opinions : orthodox

231. A word or law no longer in use : obsolete

232. Notice of death, especially in a news paper : obituary

233. One who shapes one’s conduct according to the circumstances of the moment : Opportunist

234. A building provided with telescope from where stars and planets may be watched : observatory

235. Curved path of a planet : orbit

236. Government by rich : plutocracy

237. Marrying more than one wife at a time : polygamy

238. Marrying more than one husband at a time : polyandry

239. A child born after the death of his father : posthumous

240. A book published after the death of the writer : posthumous

241. One who looks at the darker side of the things : pessimist

242. A writer who borrows words and ideas from another author : plagiarist

243. Lover of man kind : philanthropist

244. The science which treats of the body : physiology

245. The science which treats of the language : philology

246. Murder of the father : patricide

247. One who does not care for literature and art : philander

248. Property inherited from one’s father or ancestor’s : patrimony

249. One who amused oneself by love making : philander

250. Medical examination of a body held after death : post-mortem

251. A remedy for all diseases : panacea

252. One who walks on foot : pedestrian

253. One who lives on others : parasite

254. Who is liked by everybody : popular

255. An ordinary and common place remark : platitude

256. To preserve from extinction : perpetuate

257. A tendency to give an unfair judgment through a sympathy at one side : partiality

258. A fictitious name used by author : pseudonym

259. A who believes on total abolish the war and refuses to fight : pacifist

260. Unbroken view of surrounding region : panorama

261. A statement contradictory to the commonly accepted : paradox

262. A document permitting a person to go abroad : passport

263. Sole right to made sell some invention : patent

264. One who over rates or shows off book learning : pedant

265. Gain or profit over and above one’s salary or wages : perquisite

266. An un cultured person whose interests are purely material and common place : philistine

267. That can be easily carried about : portable

268. One who claims to be an expert without skill or knowledge : Quack

269. A dock in a harbor : Quay

270. Constantly complaining : Querulous

271. A place where amounts of coal or stone : Quarry

272. A question to check something his true or false : query

273. Four legged animal : quadruped

274. Soft and ground : quagmire

275. A strange happening : quirk

276. A drug treating malaria : quinine

277. Doing generous things to others while oneself running into danger : quixotic

278. Arguing on small or insignificant point : Quibble

279. The purest and most essential part of a thing : Quintessence

280. One who collaborates with and enemy inside or outside One’s country : Quisling

281. The action of looking back on past time : Retrospection

282. Murder or murderer of a king : Regicide

283. A sum paid to a man for a piece of work : Remuneration

284. People who take up arms against the government : Rebels

285. A person very reserved in speech : Reticent

286. Give and receive mutually : Reciprocate

287. A country, etc. Which is very distant : Remote

288. Apparatus for finding out the direction and range of aircraft, ships etc : Radar

289. Capable of giving forth spontaneously certain powerful, invisible rays : Radio-Active

290. Excessive use of official formalities which cause unnecessary delay : Red-Tapism

291. Method of Government in existing system of things : Regime

292. Strengthen by additional men or material : Reinforce

293. Restore to lost place, privileges, etc. : Reinstate

294. Band of persons in attendance on some body : Retinue

295. An office with high salary but no work : Sinecure

296. One who helps a stranger or a helpless person in difficulties : Samaritan

297. One who walks in sleep : Somnabulist

298. Happening at one and the same time : Simultaneous

299. Murder or murderer of oneself : Suicide

300. One who is different to pleasure or pain : Stoic

301. One who speaks for others : Spokesman

302. One who spends too much : Spendthrift

303. Speech made to oneself when one is alone : Soliloquy

304. Violation of what is sacred : Sacrilege

305. Movement or action so stealthy that none might observe : Surreptitious

306. A short stay at a place : sojourn

307. Speaking one’s thought’s aloud to oneself : Soliloquy

308. Wanton destruction, especially of plant, etc, by disaffected workers : Sabotage

309. Making a show of piety : Sanctimonious

310. Bitter or wounding remark, especially one ironically worded : Sarcasm

311. Person who is made to bear the blame due to others : Scapegoat

312. Person who doubts the truth of religious doctrines : Sceptic

313. Young member of a noble family : Scion

314. Carving figures in stone, wood, marble, etc, or crafting them in metal : Sculpture

315. A back shadow-like picture on white back-ground : Silhouette

316. A piece of music played or sung by one person : Solo

317. An unmarried woman : Spinster

318. A place where horses are kept : Stable

319. A sudden rush of a large number of frightened animals : Stampede

320. Lasting only for a very short while : Temporary

321. Capable of being seen through : Transparent

322. One who changes one’s principles and party : Turncoat

323. Perceptible by touch, definite, clear, and intelligible : Tangible

324. One who abstains from intoxicants. : Teetotaler

325. Silent and motionless group of persons arranged to represent a scene : Tableau

326. Belief that the soul passes into a new body after the death of a person : Transmigration

327. Child who stays away from school without leave : Truant

328. With one voice/ a decision, opinion on which all are agreed : Unanimous

329. Final proposal or warning given by one party or government to another : Ultimatum

330. A person who has suddenly risen from low rank to wealth and importance : Upstart

331. Perfect and ideal but imaginary and impossible : Utopian

332. One who posses several talents or gifts : Versatile

333. A style full of words : Verbose

334. To make up one’s mind and change it quickly : Vacillate

335. To establish the justice of a cause : Vindicate

336. A person with a long experience of any occupation : Veteran

337. A state of complete countenance on the part of a woman : Virginity

338. To waver in opinion or resolution : Vacillate

339. One who is too anxious about his own health : Valetudinarian

340. One who has great skill in an art, especially in music : Virtuoso

341. Acting of one’s own free will : Voluntary

342. An animal that cannot be tamed : Wild

343. A place where clothes are kept : Wardrobe

344. An unexpected piece of good fortune : Windfall

345. A clever and amusing saying : Witticism

346. The science which studies about animals : Zoology

347. Highest point in the sky, directly above the observer : Zenith

348. Garden where rare animals are kept for show : Zoo

349. Fear of animals : Zoophobia

350. Great enjoyment : Zest

351. Fondness for animals : Zoophobia

352. Person extremely enthusiastic about religion or politics : Zealot

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