towards an evaluation process around active learning based

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Towards an Evaluation Process around ActiveLearning based Methods

Camelia Serban and Andreea VescanFaculty of Mathematics and Computer ScienceBabes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca,Romania

{camelia, avescan}

Abstract—This Research to Practice Full Paper pro-poses a novel incremental approach in teaching aSoftware Engineering related course, underpinned byactive-learning methods. Teaching a Software Engi-neering related course for undergraduate students isa challenging task due to extremely frequent changesthat appeared in programming paradigms and in soft-ware process development methodologies. In this ever-changing domain, which presents us with opportunitiesand challenges every single day, it might be difficult andalmost impossible for teachers to predict what are thoseknowledge that will be of use to students, on the longterm, maybe even for five years from now. This rapidgrowth in the software development evolution has ledto a gap between how teachers do knowledge transferto students and how students acquire these knowledge.To bridge this gap there is a need to change how weteach these subjects. Thus, the new theory of educationsuggests that learner should be in the center of thelearning process and the instructors playing an advisingand facilitating role. A shift in education theory to amore student-centered approach using active learningis recommended because this approach has its own roleto make the students creative and competent in theirstudy. In this respect, active learning’s main drive isto put the responsibility of learning at the hands ofthe learners themselves and to delegate the role offacilitator to the teacher. In this paper we provide novelapproaches in teaching an undergraduate Software En-gineering related course at the Babes-Bolyai Univer-sity. Its contribution is threefold: firstly, we introducea new learning process design which selects activelearning methods intertwining in teaching this course;secondly, we aim to study the impact of applyingactive learning methods on students’ grades over thethree academic years. Thirdly, we investigate studentsperceptions, their feedback and learning experienceson the use of applying active learning methods. Also,the paper reviews challenges and constraints that wefaced while trying to teach this course. The analysisresults show the effectiveness of our approach. Also, ourstudents have expressed a high level of satisfaction, andin a survey, they indicated that the skills they learnedin the course are highly applicable to their careers,facilitating their interviews for the engagement withinIT companies.

Index Terms—Project-based learning, formative as-sessment, summative assessment, multiple choiceexam, student experience.

I. Introduction

Teaching a Software Engineering related course forundergraduate students is a challenging task due to ex-tremely frequent changes that appeared in programmingparadigms and in software process development method-ologies. These changes are caused by rapidly developmentof technology and software systems evolution. In this ever-changing domain, which presents us with opportunitiesand challenges every single day, it might be difficult andalmost impossible for teachers to predict what are thoseknowledge that will be of use to students, on the long term,maybe even for five years from now.

In the context mentioned above, the learning methodsapplied today, have to be linked to the development ofstudents’ certain skills that ensures their adaptation towhatever the next decade might bring. This becomespossible when the instructors are using the appropriateteaching and learning methodology and the learners areactive and empowered in the teaching-learning process.

Thus, the new theory of education suggests that learnershould be in the center of the learning process and the in-structors playing an advising and facilitating role. A shiftin education theory to a more student-centered approachusing active learning [1]–[3] is recommended because thisapproach has its own role to make the students creativeand competent in their study. In this respect, activelearning’s main drive is to put the responsibility of learningat the hands of the learners themselves and to delegate therole of facilitator to the teacher.

A student-centered approach encourages students to“discover” knowledge by themselves, working at their ownindividual speed or in groups in a minimally guided en-vironment, with the lab instructor offering support, en-couraging their imagination and creativity [2]. Also, theseactive learning methods should facilitate for the studentsto acquire knowledge and skills in communication, team-work, active listening, moderation techniques, interactivepresentations, oral and nonverbal communication, conflictmanagement and related issues in a holistic way.

The current paper proposes a novel incremental ap-proach in teaching a Software Engineering related course,underpinned by active-learning methods. This course is

taught at our faculty within the Computer Science Cur-riculum for undergraduate students. We investigate courseevolution over three academic years through the analysisof active learning methods used, students results and theirsurveys.

The contribution of this paper is threefold: firstly, weintroduce a novel learning process design based on activelearning methods that are intertwined in teaching thiscourse. Students are encouraged to design their assessmentthroughout the entire learning process, being activelyinvolved, and using a design thinking approach [4], [5].Secondly, an empirical investigation is conducted, pro-viding the course evolution over three academic years ofteaching Advance Programming Methods course, at theBabes-Bolyai University, in order to study the impact ofapplying active learning methods on students’ outcomes.Thirdly, we aim to investigate the students perceptions,their feedback and learning experiences about applyingactive learning methods.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section IIdescribes the analyzed course emphasising its contents andobjectives. Section III, presents the proposed active learn-ing process design and outlines the research questions.Section IV encompasses the quantitative and qualitativeanalysis of the investigation done. Section VI states the re-sults and outcome of our exploration regarding the impactof using active learning, outlining future developments.

II. Course DescriptionThe Advanced Programming Methods – APM course,

described in this paper, is the third course from a packageof five introductory courses linked to Software Engineer-ing domain, that are being taught at our faculty withinthe Computer Science Curriculum for all undergraduatestudents. Two out of these five courses, Fundamental ofProgramming–FP (semester 1) and Object Oriented Pro-gramming–OOP (semester 2) serve as prerequisite for theAPM course. Figure 1 presents the package of SoftwareEngineering courses, emphasising their timeline and theprogramming languages used.

A. Course ObjectivesThe main objective of the Advanced Programming Meth-

ods course, comprised in the course syllabus, states that“Students have to be able to develop small to mediumapplications using the main concepts and mechanismsdefined by object orientation programming paradigm -OOP, together with design strategies expressed in termsof principles, heuristics and rules, and use/build welldefined software architectures for these applications.” Thelanguages used are Java and C#.

Having in mind this objective, three important knowl-edge areas - FDA - have to be acquired by our studentsat APM course [6]:

1) The main Fundamental concepts, principles andmechanisms defined by OOP paradigm - F.

2) Design principles, heuristics and rules that act asstrategies implied in designing the system - D.

3) Software Architectures that aim to define the mainconstituent elements of the system architecture andto establish rules to wire them together - A.

These three types of knowledge areas are introducedeven from the FP course, then resume at OOP course, andthen again reinforce at APM course in a cyclic learningapproach. This means that, every concept from the FDAis introduced at FP course and it has to reach a maturitylevel at APM course, going through all the six levelsof learning from Bloom’s taxonomy [7], taxonomy laterrefined by [8]. A learner performing at a higher level oflearning from the Bloom’s taxonomy is expected to beable to perform also at the lower levels in the cognitivehierarchy.

We have applied this approach of cyclic learning definedby Bloom’ taxonomy at FP, OOP and APM courses asillustrates Figure 2.

Having all the above reasoning into account, the stu-dents’ competences comprised in the APM course syllabuscan be summarized as follows:

• Ability to use the concepts, mechanism and principlesof object oriented analysis and design.

• Good programming skills in Java and C# program-ming languages.

• Ability to apply design patterns in different contexts.• Ability to build software projects with clear separa-

tions on architectural layers and by following the mainphases in software applications development.

B. Course ContentThe course meets formally three times a week: 2 hours

are for lectures classes (9 lectures using Java programminglanguage and 5 lectures are in C#), 2 hours are forseminar classes and 2 hours are for laboratory classes. Thesemester has 14 weeks of classes. Seminars are for problemssolving from the course topics while laboratory classes arededicated to incremental development of a software.Thelaboratory project evolves at the same time with thecourse: new topics are learnt, new project requirements,both functional and non-functional (design, architecture,quality attributes) are identified for students to implementthem.

The main topics comprised in APM course syllabus arestated as follows:

• Introduction to Java platform: platform, language syntax,primitive data types, arrays, classes, interfaces, packages,enums, overriding, overloading, exceptions.

• Collections and Generic Types: anonymous classes, poly-morphism, casting.

• IO, NIO: binary and character oriented streams, files,channels and buffers.

• Functional programming: lambda expressions, streams.• GUI: Java FX components, event handling.• XML: schema, documents.• GUI (cont.):FXML, CSS. Metaprogramming.• Concurrency.

Fig. 1. Software Engineering Courses. Timeline.

Fig. 2. Cyclic learning methodology. Adapted from [9].

• Introduction in C# and .Net.• Collections in C#.• IO operations in C#.• GUI in C#.• LINQ.

C. AssessmentThe design of how the assessment is done considers a wide

range of activities comprising various perspectives and differentgranularity of the competences. The final grade at APM courseis an aggregated measure, begin composed of three ingredients,each having a different weight. These ingredients are: i) thestudents’ grades obtained at the project developed during thesemester (LabPrj); ii) a written test (Written) during theexamination period; ii) a practical test (Practic) during theexamination period. This metric (formula) is defined by thefollowing formula:

Average = w1 · LabP rj + w2 · P ractic + w3 · W ritten

III. Proposed Active Learning Process DesignWe recall here one of the goal of this paper. that of proposing

an active learning process design at APM course. This has tocomprises teaching activities that actively involves students inthe real learning process [10]. When learners are active in theclassroom, they are engaged in higher-order thinking (analysis,synthesis, evaluation) and in a variety of activities such asreading, discussing, writing, and problem solving [11]. Suchclassroom activities put the student at the center of the learningprocess enabling them to improve their critical thinking skills[12].

The proposed learning process design comprises student-centered learning methods that are defined through variousactivities during the lectures, seminars and laboratories classes.The assignments received by students at laboratories and semi-nars classes are needed to be accomplished during the semester,in-class or take home activities and they are assessed. Duringlectures classes small assignments are given to be solved onplace.

In what follows we present the active learning methodsembedded in the APM course design describing the way theyare intertwined at lectures, seminars and laboratory classes.

A. Project Based LearningProject-Based Learning–PBL is one of the main successful

student-centered educational methods broadly used in com-puter science, information systems and engineering courses [13],[14], [15]. The first assignment for APM course, as part ofthe learning process, is to develop a project written in Javalanguage and a smaller one in C#. The developed methodol-ogy is an iterative one [16], [17]. The project is individuallyimplemented by the students, due to the fact that the APMcourse preceedes the Software Engineering course (see Figure 1.Even if the APM course incorporates Software Engineering baseelements (ranging from: Software Life Cycle, Software SystemsAnalysis and Design, UML class diagrams, Iterative SoftwareDevelopment methodology, Software testing etc.), those re-quired for team working are missing. There were discussionsto evolve this task as being developed in teams, but the APMcourse syllabus includes also C# programming language and itwould be too much.

The proposed project is defined by course instructor. Choos-ing an application domain that is exciting for students andat the same time relevant for industry is not an easy task.Thus, every year students are invited to come with theirown ideas, but they are more comfortable to accept a givenproject. Because of project synchronization with lectures andseminars classes, the course coordinator plans the iterations ofthe project, during the semester, in order to assure that theknowledge needed by students to implement a given iterationare already acquired at the lectures and seminars classes onthat topic.

The students are assessed by lab coordinator for every itera-tion of the project, receiving also a valuable feedback. They areempowered to bring their own ideas for design and implemen-tation, being encouraged to ask questions and to have debatesessions with lab instructors regarding the design constraintsimposed, and also to discuss the solution they found to solvethese issues. These types of activities involves active learningmethods such as inquiry-based learning method, collaborativebased learning, peer learning and also aim to acquire soft skillsand to link curriculum with life.

Each iteration of the project is specified by two types ofrequirements : functional requirements and non-functional re-quirements (software design requirements and constraints). InFigure 3 we briefly presents the way of which project iterationsare specified:

B. Extended Project - Workshop Based LearningAnother component of the learning process design offers

the students the possibility to extend their project developedduring the semester with some extra functionalities that over-come the difficulty level required for the course or with sometopics (ex. authentication, paging repository, security, client-server) not covered in the course syllabus. It is a challengingtask, the students have to improve their project to be asmuch similar as a real one project in terms of some qualityattributes that are established by the course coordinator, likefor instance, usability, security, maintainability, reusability, etc.The students that aim to extend their project have the benefitto skip the practical exam. Every student has to prepare apublic presentation for the extended project that will be part ofthe organized workshop at the end of the semester. The event is

Fig. 3. Iteration 1 - Requirements Specification

public, every student enrolled at APM course can be registeredto this event if he/she wants.

The reasons that led to this extended project are basedon the differences noticed by course instructor regarding thestudents knowledge: every year there are students that arealready familiar with the course topics before they start, andthis percent of students is equals to approximately 20. For thesestudents, more difficult tasks are required to increase theirmotivation for the course. An important aspect here is that,not only these students accomplish the tasks from the extendedproject. This is also a challenge for every student enrolled atAPM course.

C. Quizzes dataset - Inquiry Based LearningInquiry-based learning supposes that the learner explores

a theme and chooses a topic for research, develops a plan ofresearch and comes to conclusions, although an instructor isusually available to provide help and guidance when needed[2]. The third part of the learning process empowered thestudents to build their own test for the written exam. This isa multiple choice written test sustained in the exam sessionperiod, as part of their summative assessment. During thesemester, each students has to come with at least one multiplechoice question, based on a given course topic, (in Java or C#)to build a database containing quizzes for the written exam.These quizzes emphasise on understanding the course conceptsand are discussed with the students at the seminar classes andthey represents 10% of the written exam. Only difficult quizzesreceive the maximum score assigned. For 3 points out of 10,the written exam contains identically some of the studentsquestions, and for the others 7 points the students quizzes aredecorated (modified) by course instructor.

D. Collaborative Based LearningCollaborative learning is one of active learning methods

which can facilitate learner’s critical thinking. Peer interactionsduring collaborative learning can be helpful for the learner’s de-velopment of critical thinking [2] [18]. A collaborative learningactivity is designed at the seminar classes in order to assessthe quizzes proposed by students as an assignment in order tobuild their written exam quizzes data set. The course instructorfacilitates collaboration between students in order to find outfor every quiz the following aspects:

• What are the concepts identified in the course supportslides that are covered by that quiz?

• How many stars can be granted for given quiz? Justify.• Are the concepts implied in the quiz used in a normal

scenario or there is a tricky question?

• What things have you learnt with this quiz or whatknowledge have you acquired?

• What could happen id the line of code “x” is replaced with...?

• Other similar questions to previous ones.Beside this activity of assessing students quizzes and havingdebate on this topic, the seminar classes follows a collaborativelearning approach for all the course topics presented at lecturesclasses. The teacher coordinator of seminar proposes a problem,the students have to come with their own solution, or thestudents can solve the problem on a team of 3 or 4 students.They come at the seminar classes with their laptops and theycan present the solution on the projector. Five minutes ofdiscussions and debates regarding a proposed solution takeplace.

This type of activity is also applied during the lectures,lasting 5-10 minutes, in order to capture students attention.Also a quiz based test on Socrative was applied at APMleactures classes.

E. Research QuestionsHaving discussed the proposed approach of active learning

process design at APM course, the next step is to validateit. In this respect, our goal is to assess what impact has theapplication of active learning methods on students’ outcomes.Three research questions are formulated in what follows.

RQ1: Does active learning methods applied in coursedesign significantly improve student outcomes?

RQ2: What is the students’ perception on the use ofcyclic-learning based approach?

RQ3: What is the students’ perception on the use ofactive learning methods at the APM course?

IV. Results analysisThe course changes have been implemented starting from

2017. The current academic year, 2019-2020, represents thefourth iteration of the APM course, and it is still in progress.We omit this semester from the analysis of students grades be-cause the exam session will follow in the next period. However,a self assessment test was applied for students from the currentsemester regarding their perception of the impact of applyingcyclic learning approach at this course. These results are worthto be analyzed. At the same time, a valuable feedback, based onquestionnaires, was received from the students in the currentcourse iteration regarding their opinion on the use of activelearning methods at a Software Engineering related course.These results are also analyzed.

A. The Impact of Active Learning Methods on Students’Grades at APM Course

An important goal throughout the course evolution by usingactive learning methods was to assure that the students’ successrate in the class improves. Figure 4 shows box plots of thestudents’ grades over three academic years. Analysing thisfigure it can be noticed that the students’ average gradesincreased. In what follows, we will detail this analysis and weuse the statistical methods to investigate if there are significantdifferences between students’ averages of these three academicyears.

Fig. 4. Students’ grades over the three academic years

A transversal and longitudinal analysis was made havinginto account different weights of the variables that define theingredients of the final grade at APM subject (see Equationfrom Section II-C). The variation of these weights throughoutthe three iterations of the course, is based on course coordinatorperception about the previous semester results, about thefeedback received by course coordinator from students, in theprevious iteration, and on lessons learnt by teaching this course.

1) Changes applied in Course Evolution: Over the threeiteration of the course, the ingredients weights of the students’average at APM subject are given in Table I.

Academic year LabPrj Practic Written2017 0.4 0.4 0.22018 0.3 0.4 0.32019 0.25 0.25 0.5

TABLE IFinal grade formula ingredients for APM course.

In the first iteration of the course (2017) the weight ofthe written test at the final grade was 20%. The reason inestablishing this value was based on the fact that the writtenexam contained some theoretical questions considered to assurestudents theoretical background acquisition. Turning back nowto figure 4, in the first course iteration (2017) it can be noticedthe disaster of Written test average value, less then three. Thestudents reasoning was that it would have been needed toomuch effort to learn the theoretical concepts from the coursesupport slides for a “reward” of 20% percents for the final grade.They argue that it is not important to learn all the theoreticalaspects but the most important is to know to apply them tosolve problems. The students were partially right, but checkingtheir written test, the course coordinator had noticed severeflaws regarding students knowledge of fundamental concepts.For instance, there were students that encounter difficultiesregarding the inheritance concept of object-oriented paradigmat APM course.

Thus, starting from the next year, 2018, the students hadto build quizzes and discuss them with their colleagues, andpresent the quizzes to the lab instructor in order to assure thefact that theoretical background was appropriated by students.And, at the same time, the percentage of the Written variablefrom the final grade was increased to 30% in the next iteration.

At the same time,the students had to obtained at least fivegrade at Written test in order to pass the exam.

Regarding the changes made from the second iteration ofthe course, changes that were applied started with the thirditeration, we can summarize: i) the quizzes made by studentsin order to reinforce their theoretical background were collectedby course coordinator and constituted a comprised quizzes poolthat was shared with students and it was part of their writtenexam; because of this the Written weight of the final gradeformula was 50% in the 2019 academic year; ii) the Practicaltest was sustained during the semester and together with theLabPrj project contributed to the final grade with another 50%,the Written test being the only one sustained in the SessionExam period in 2019; iii) started from the third iterationthe lectures have been interactively presented embedding lifecoding, gamification and short quizzes.

2) Descriptive statistics: T-tests and Pearson Correlationare used to determine the impact of active learning methodson students grades. Firstly, we aim to determine if there wasa difference between the APM course iterations over the threeacademic years regarding the grades obtained by students.

A T-test is applied in this respect. The results of the T-test,described in Table II, indicate that there is a highly significantdifference between the students’ averages of 2017 and 2018academic years (p = 0.001) and also between the students’averages of 2017 and 2019 academic year (p = 0.001). Thismeans that there is a relevant impact on students’ averages afterintroducing quizzes as students assignment during the semester,empowering the students to build their written exam and to learnthe theoretical concepts by doing.

Further analysis of the results obtained by students overthe three iteration of the APM course is done using PearsonCorrelation. In this respect, we aim to verify if the introducingof quizzes based assessment has positive influence on variablesthat accounted for the final grade: Practic exam and LabPrjproject. Thus, we compute, for every iteration of the course thePearson coefficient between these variables: LabPrj, Practic,Written, Average. Analyzing the Pearson’s correlation matricesdescribed in Figure 5 it can be noticed that in the 2017 aca-demic year the correlation coefficients between these variableare low whereas for the 2018 and 2019 these coefficients arecloser to value 1. This means that in the last two iterationof the course these values balanced meaning that there are avery small number of students that obtained a low grade at thewritten exam and a high score at the practical exam. This is avery important aspect due to the fact that students acquire asolid background knowledge for all the aspects implied in theassessment formula. They have good theoretical knowledge, thismeans a deep understanding of the course topics, and at thesame time they have the ability to apply all these concepts ina practical context and the development skills needed to solvea real life problem.

Response for RQ1: The analysis described above and thefindings presented reveals that there is a statistically significantimpact on students’ grades by applying active learning meth-ods.

T-test description Mean Difference t N p-values2017 - 2018 Grades -0.67 -4.005 200 0.0012017 - 2019 Grades -0.76 -4.73 200 0.0012018 - 2019 Grades -0.1 -0.62 200 0.26

TABLE IIT-test: students’ results over three academic years

Fig. 5. Pearson’s correlation between final grade ingredients variablesover the three academic years.

Fig. 6. Cyclic learning Self Assessment: Before and After APM course

B. Students’ feedbackAt the end of the last semester, two questionnaires were

applied to students in order to find out their perception onthe use of active learning at the APM course. One of them wasabout the cyclic learning approach and the other one madereference to students’ learning experience at APM course viaactive learning methods. In what follows we analyze the resultsof these questionnaires.

1) Cyclic learning self assessment: A study of students’self assessment regarding their perception of the efficiency ofusing cyclic-learning approach in teaching APM course wasinvestigated at the last semester of the fourth course iteration,the results being presented in Figure 6.

Response for RQ2: The results showed reveals that there isa significant difference of students’ levels of learning regardingthe Bloom’s Taxonomy between the beginning and the end ofthe semester, for all the concepts implied in the assessment.

2) Students’ Perception on the use of Active LearningMethods: This section aims to respond to the third researchquestion RQ3.

A questionnaire regarding the student’s perception on theuse of applying active learning methods at APM course wasprovided to the students. It contains several questions regardingthe learning experience the students had at APM course.

Due to space restriction, we present here only a summary ofthis questionnaire. Analysing students response of the question“What are the most effective active learning methods thatfacilitating your knowledge acquisition?”, Figure 7 reveals thatProject Based Learning and Quizzes Based Learning are themost effective methods and in previous section we have also

Fig. 7. The effectiveness of ALM on students’ perception

Fig. 8. Are traditional expository lectures sufficient for learning SE?

drawn the same conclusion that these two methods had thebiggest impact on students grades. At the same time, studentshad to evaluate the statement: “I believe traditional expositorylectures, with punctual evaluation methods (exams and specificassignments), are sufficient for learning SE”, and their resultsshown in Figure 8 reveals that almost all students doubtthat traditional methods could be enough to teach a SoftwareEngineering related course.

Response for RQ3: The above results reveal applyingactive learning methods are effective in facilitating knowledgeacquisition and that traditional methods could not be enoughto teach software engineering concepts.

V. Related workSeveral studies investigate how the active learning methods

applied in Software Engineering related courses provide oppor-tunities to learn about software development more efficiently. Inwhat follows we lay out several such studies, each with differentperspectives and tackled challenges.

The [19] study discusses issues and practices for improv-ing the team project from the perspective of an introduc-tory Software Engineering (SE) course. Rajlich [20] investigatechallenges and constraints that they faced while trying toteach skills needed by developers on software projects, teachingpractices of software change.

Other studies explore the evolution of courses related toSE, investigating the effects of changes on the students’ gradesand performed activities. For example, in paper [21] the au-thors present the evolution with the changes done over sixsemesters, at the end extracting a set of lessons regarding theclass evolution. The [22] study conducted research regarding

mistakes in UML diagrams by investigating student projects ina SE course. The authors introduced a catalogue of designingmistakes that increased the effectiveness of both teaching andlearning of UML diagrams.The paper [23] evaluated the stu-dents’ perception on the adoption of Project-Based Learningin SE education. There is a need of providing students withsufficient practical experiences for the development of com-petences expected for SE professional. The teaching-learningapproach in [24] consisted in four main elements (inverted orflipped classroom, studio-based learning, real-client projectsand deployment, large team and peer evaluation) applied toan undergraduate level course on SE.

In relation to existing teaching/learning strategies for Soft-ware engineering courses, our approach aims to achieve goalssimilar to [23] by also using Project-Based Learning. We alsoprovide an analysis of how the discipline was taught duringseveral years as in [21]. Our work is also similar to [24] onthe grounds that we also considered various active learningmethods.

VI. Conclusions and Future workThe new theory of education suggests that learner should be

in the center of the learning process and the instructors playingan advising and facilitating role. A shift in education theoryto a more student-centered approach using active learning isrecommended.

The paper presents our experience to apply active learningmethods at a Software Engineering related course, over threeiterations. Changes were applied in order to overcome thelimitations of the previous iterations. An empirical study wasconducted to investigate the impact of active learning methodon students’ grades. Also, the study investigated the studentsperception on their knowledge acquired by adopting an activelearning conduit. Statistical analysis was used to proof therelevance of changes appeared by applying an active learningapproach. It is worth mentioning that the improvements ofgrades in the course evolution could have been influenced byother factors. Some of them that we can think of are: the class of2018 might simply have been better than the class of 2017, theteachers may have learnt from the previous year, emphasisingmore strongly for students that lack of preparation lead tofailing the course, and the weighting changed from one yearto the next. Future work will also investigate these factors.

Our experience allowed us to distill a set of lessons learntand to use them to further improve our course in the future.In this respect, we aim to register the difficulties encounteredby students every year and use them in appropriate context assupport for the students in the next iteration. At the same timean e-learning platform that can support us in this process inorder to automate some trivial tasks, like for instance quizzesmanagement, is one of the main extends of this project in nearfuture.


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