tpd 2015 tielve-final report-first period-kindergarten-checked (3)

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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I.F.D.C. Lenguas Vivas

Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Trabajo final de evaluación personal de la práctica docente

First Period – Kindergarten

Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain

Student: Myriam Tielve


The aim of this report is to assessing my own performance in my practicum with five-year

old students in Instituto Juana de Ibarbourou and giving me time to reflect upon

retrospectively about this pedagogical experience. It will also give me food for thought in

order to improve my own teaching performance in the following stages, primary and

secondary level. According to Albert Einstein (1905) “A person who never made a mistake,

never tried something new.”


Thinking Back

The original aim of this experience was to shareing and applying my knowledge about

approaches, methods, techniques and strategies with these really young students, by

using and giving them the possibility of learning in a more autonomous way by using

different technological resources. However, it was the first problem I had to solve as I was

only allowed to use my own laptop and speakers, having the possibility of using the

television of the institution only once during my lessons.

Therefore, I made use of other resources such as flashcards, drawings, posters, bag

puppets and recorded songs which proved to be effective aids to foster students´

comprehension. In my opinion these resources were really significant for the children as

they loved to interact with the puppets and showed surprise every time I presented them

with new flashcards.

Not everything was easy at first as some children had a disruptive attitude while

performing some of the activities and I used chants and conversations with them in L1

thinking that they did not understand me if I kept on using L2 and that was the reason of

their misbehavior. Nevertheless, guided by my tutor, I talked with the local tutor and

Comentario [R1]: Only?

shared with her what I have learned all these years and then I took the right path again.

This new attitude let me enjoyed my last lessons with these young students.

All my lessons of this period were planned by following the Natural Approach and the PPP

method. In order to encourage students to perform activities I had to perform them all the

time and make use of mime, gestures and even dancing and jumping with them. I regret

not having smiled more but I consider that the local tutor´s attitude, the misbehavior of

some children and the pressure of being in control of the group all the time didn´t let me

feel as comfortable as I usually feel with my own students.

All in all, it was a great experience for me. I had taught in kindergarten 20 years ago

without all the knowledge that I have now, the technology of that time was totally

different as well. I have learnt a lot fromof these young students. I have learnt to be on

the go all the lesson which is something teachers of secondary students usually forget and

I learnt to be more confident in myself and not to pay attention to external pressures if I

am sure this is the best way in which young students can learn a new language.

Thinking Forward

If I had the chance to be with this group again I would surely try not to be influenced by

local tutors and feel free toof applying all my knowledge with them. I would also enjoy my

lessons more because I am sure that students would enjoy more as well. Teachers’s

attitudes always influence on students´ behaviour.

I consider that this first experience will help me improve my plans and my way of

delivering my lessons in the following stages. It is true that primary and secondary

students belong to different worlds, worlds I feel more comfortable in. On the one hand,

because I have more experience in these two levels. On the other hand, these students do

not demand so much body effort and we can use different management strategies in

order to keep them working.

Thinking Inward

As this was the first period of my practicum experience it was a real challenge from the

very beginning. Handing in the first plans, getting ready the institutional report and the

group report was totally new for me as every tutor wants them in a different way.

However, tutors have been really encouraging in their feedback and so I could improve my

plans little by little.

I did not feel bad during this experience although I would like to have more support from

the local tutor. Instead of helping me, she seemed to be annoyed by my presence. In

Comentario [R2]: Glad t oread so, Myriam!!! What strategies helped you overcome this difficulty? How did you aid comprehension?

Comentario [R3]: I understand, Myriam.

Comentario [R4]: Indeed!! That’s one of the reasons why we teachers need well grounded decisions. We need to be ready to account for them any time.

Comentario [R5]: Good thinking!!!

consequence I had to be really patient and tried to agree with some of her ideas not to

contradict her and had a good relationship.

This first period encouraged me to be more creative and give way to my imagination in

order to write stories and build up different games which apply to the subject I had to

teach. It was hard at first because I was expected to follow a book the students used in

their English Lessons which in my opinion was not the best for this age.

All in all, I am satisfied with the way I developed this practice. The most rewarding is

meeting these little children from time to time when I pass through the playground to go

to the first floor and listening to their sweet voices calling me “teacher” and their hands

waving at me saying “hello” with a smile on their faces. This shows that they had a good

experience with me in only five lessons.

Thinking Outward

I think that my current view of how teaching L2 may have benefited in some way to these

young students. They experienced a new way of approaching a new language. Their

Spanish teacher experienced the difference of the use of L2 during the lesson. She told me

that she realized that they understood me although they answered to me in L1. Students

also experienced the importance of listening and watching songs or videos in English. They

could have contact with new materials and they also had the possibility of watching a

video in English at home with their parents.

We cannot change other teachers´ attitudes or way of delivering their lessons but we can

sow a seed which sooner or later will give fruit.


A new challenge is waiting for me. The same challenge I face every day when I come into a

classroom. It is Never is the same and nonever any group behaves in the same way. They

experience sadness, anger and happiness as well as teachers do in their personal lives.

However, every time I come into the room and close the door everything is left outside. It

is my time with my students and I try to do my best.

Comentario [R6]: Wise decision!

Comentario [R7]: Why not?

Comentario [R8]: The best reward ever!!!

Comentario [R9]: Yes!!!

Comentario [R10]: Dear Myriam This was a first step into your practicum, which proved you were able to put theory into practice, to reflect, to create, to adapt and to integrate… Hope you have benefitted from this little seed you sowed. Way to go!!! Cecilia

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